Minutes - Board - 1992-09-17 (2)MINUTES OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 17, 1992 CALL TO ORDER The Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District met in regular session on September 17, 1992, 7:30 p.m., at the Civic Center, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. Directors Present: James Wahner, Nate Reade, James Ferryman, Dick Sherrick Directors Absent: Harry Green (excused) Staff Present: Roy June, Attorney Robin Hamers, Manager/ Engineer, Susan Temple, Treasurer, Florine Reichle, Assistant Manager /Clerk of the District. Director Wahner called the meeting to order at 7 :30 p.m. Director Sherrick led the Pledge of Allegiance. Director Reade gave the Invocation. MINUTES OF AUGUST 20, 1992, AUGUST 27, 1992, AND SEPTEMBER 10, 1992: • Director Sherrick called attention to page #3, third paragraph of the minutes of August 20, 1992. He asked if it should read $2,000 instead of $4,000 in the meals account. Ms. Temple said she would check on this item. Director Sherrick also pointed out that on page #5 of the minutes of August 20, 1992, the Rate Adjustment should read $0.2381. Director Sherrick questioned President Wahner's abstaining from - voting under New Business on page #7, of the August 20, 1992 minutes. Mr. Hamers explained that Boyle Engineering is a consultant to Orange County Sanitation District, therefore, Director Wahner, as an officer on OCSD's Boards, abstained from voting. It was moved by Director Ferryman, seconded by Director Reade, and carried that the Minutes of August 20, 1992 be approved as corrected, and Minutes of August 27 and September 10, 1992, be approved as submitted. Motion carried 4 -0. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Hamers submitted and passed for review a note of appreciation from Susan Temple thanking the directors and staff for the baby gift; also, a thank you note from Carmen Azua thanking the directors and staff for the luncheon • invitation on August 27, 1992. Minutes of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Regular Meeting on September 17, 1992 -- Page 2 • He also circulated a copy of an article printed in the L.A. Times dated September 15, 1992, regarding the trash haulers in Newport Beach stating the trash haulers have to improve their recycling efforts or the City will move toward an exclusive franchise for solid waste collection. MANAGER'S REPORTS: OCCUPANCY REPORT: Mr. Hamers reported that following reconciliation of the trash assessment roll there was a decrease in solid waste collection by 100 units as of September 1, 1992, thereby making the Occupancy Report now at 22,711 units. Motion was made by Director Ferryman, seconded by Director Reade to accept the occupancy count report as presented. Motion carried 4 -0. A second motion was made by Director Ferryman, seconded by Director Reade to direct staff to prepare a warrant to Costa Mesa Disposal on October 1, 1992, for payment for September trash collection based on this occupancy report so long as contractor fulfills obligations of agreement. Said payment in • the amount of $151,807.14 to be ratified on October warrant list. Motion carried 3 -1, Director Sherrick voting no. REFUNDS: Terry Mayle, 501 Avenida Lucia, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Mr. Hamers presented a request dated June 29, 1992, from Mr. Mayle for a refund of trash assessment fees for the 1991 -92 year in the amount of $560.64. Mr Mayle has been using private trash service. Staff noted that the request was properly filed in the 1991 -92 fiscal year. Motion was made by Director Reade, seconded by Director Ferryman to approve the refund in the amount of $560.64. Motion carried 4 -0. SOURCE REDUCTION & RECYCLING ELEMENT /CA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN - Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) - Study Session Report Mr. Hamers referred to a letter he had received from William Morris, Director of Public Services, of the City of Costa Mesa, captioned "Follow -up to City Council Study Session of September 14, 199211, on AB 939. Mr. Morris requests a response to his letter by September 24, 1992, in order to incorporate this information into the Staff Report for the City Council meeting on October 5, 1992. The Board has • directed Mr. Hamers to draft a letter notifying the City Council, Public Works Director and Manager of the withdrawal Minutes of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Regular Meeting on September 17, 1992 -- Page 3 Y • of the Board's offer in taking over the responsibilities pertaining to AB 939 for industrial and commercial trash. Motion was made by Director Reade, seconded by Director Ferryman, and carried 4 -0. WASTE DIVERSION REPORT - AUGUST August: Total tonnage: 2,666.80 Percent Recycled: 24.59% Mr. Hamers reported that it was still under the 25 %, however, it is noted that some of the categories are very low. Director Sherrick inquired if anyone had visited the CR Transfer facility. Ms. Reichle responded that Mike Silva is willing to schedule a special tour for the Board, Staff and guests at the Board's convenience. Report received and filed. TREASURER'S REPORT: Ms. Temple presented the Financial Report for August 1992. After discussion and review, Director Ferryman made a motion, ® seconded by Director Reade that the Financial Report for August 1992, be approved as presented. STATE BUDGET UPDATE: The District eliminated all property tax revenue from the liquid waste Budget for the 1992 -93 fiscal year, resulting in $160,000 loss in revenue to the District. However, the District only lost 35% of special district's property tax revenue rather than the 100 %, realizing a gain of $100,000. Staff recommends that this revenue be held in a general account and, if needed, be appropriated to fund a portion of the $150,000 budget reduction to the Elden Pump Station Force Main Project for the 1992 -93 fiscal year. DISTRICT IMPACT - PRESS RELEASE: In an effort to keep the tax payers informed of the effects of the final State budget on the District, the Board directed staff to coordinate a press release campaign with the Orange County Sanitation District. Any press releases are to contain the names of the Directors. This item to be placed on the Status Pending List. The Board also directed staff to write a letter to Senator Marion Bergeson stating their displeasure with losing revenues • from the State. Minutes of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Regular Meeting on September 17, 1992 -- Page 4 • ENGINEER'S REPORTS: Project Status Report: Mr. Hamers reported that there were no additions to the project status report. Development Update: There was nothing new to report. Review of Sewer Plans: There was nothing new to report. Project No. 130 - Reconstruction of Elden Pumping Station - (Phase 1); Proposal to Design Project A letter from Mr. Hamers with attachments explained the project in detail. Authorization requested is to complete the design phase of subject project including preparing complete construction plans for the entire project plus specifications for bidding the first phase, not to exceed $19,500. Director Ferryman made a motion, seconded by Director Reade, to proceed with the design, not to exceed $19,500. Motion carried 4 -0. • Grant Deed to the City of Costa Mesa - Mendoza Pumping Station Mr. Hamers is requesting that the land where Mendoza Pumping Station is located be granted to the City of Costa Mesa reserving therefrom to the easement for the sewer facilities. Recommendation is made for the execution of the Grant Deed. Director Ferryman made a motion, seconded by Director Reade, to execute the Deed as presented. Motion carried 4 -0. WYSARD CLAIM REPORT: Mr. Hamers reported that on Jeffrey Wysard's small claims action, the judgement was in favor of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District and Mr. Wysard had no recourse. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: ANNEXATION NO. 244 - MAKING APPLICATION- RESOLUTION NO.92 -524: Mr. June presented a request to annex property owned by the California Air National Guard. Director Reade made a motion, seconded by Director Ferryman that Resolution No. 92- 524 -B, being "A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BY THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT REQUESTING THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TO • TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY, BEING ANNEXATION NO. 244 be adopted. Motion carried 4 -0. • Minutes of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Regular Meeting on September 17, 1992 -- Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. 92 -525: Director Ferryman made a motion, seconded by Director Reade that Resolution No. 92 -525, being A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT, ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, CONSENTING TO ZERO TAX EXCHANGE ON CERTAIN ANNEXATIONS TO THE DISTRICT; ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS OF WAIVER AND STATING REASONS THEREFOR, be adopted. Motion carried 4 -0. POTLATCH CLAIM - REPORT: Mr. June reported on the settlement of the Potlatch Claim. It is being finalized, however, the Costa Mesa Sanitary District portion is settled at no cost to the District. OLD BUSINESS: STATUS REPORT - PENDING ITEMS: Nothing new to report. Adding to this report will be the press release regarding the increase of sewer fees. ANNUAL LARGE ITEM PICKUP: • Report received from Ms. Reichle regarding the success of the program. This program spanned an eleven week period from June 29 through September 12 and collected 319.81 tons at a cost of $32,375 plus $546 for landfill fees for the last five days of the program. The total cost of the program was $32,924. The program was budgeted for $36,000. Motion was made by Director Reade, seconded by Director Ferryman, to reimburse Costa Mesa Disposal for the additional landfill fees of $546.00. Motion carried 4 -0. NEW BUSINESS: Nothing to report. WARRANT REPORT: Director Wahner requested that the Warrant Report be reviewed and accepted if there were no corrections or questions. Motion was made by Director Ferryman to accept the Warrant Report as presented, seconded by Director Reade, motion carried 3 -1. Director Sherrick voted no on check #1086 and #1087 but voted yes on the remainder of the warrant report. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: • Director Sherrick requested that a special meeting of Board and staff be scheduled on the subject of Solid Waste so that Minutes of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Regular Meeting on September 17, 1992 -- Page 6 the Board could be updated on the information obtained by staff for implementation of AB 939. Director Reade brought information from the California Special Districts Association conference he attended in San Diego including information on the Brown Act. This information was left with the Board for their review. ADJOURNMENT: Director Wahner adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. PRESIDENT ASSISTANT SECRETARY • • •