Minutes - Board - 1946-11-07Minutes of Regular Meeting Board of Directors of Costa Mesa Sanitary District held at Community Hall, Costa Mesa,Calif.ornia, November 7th,1946. ------------- Present Directors:, TeWinkle, Nelson, Dodd, Lord, Norman, Attorney Anderson, Secretary Owen. Minutes last meeting read and approved. Bill of Collector Wallace for $350.00 month of October less x;50.00 retained per contract, ordered paid. Complaint of Raymond A.James of error in assessment and claim for reduction on motion by Lord, seconded by Nelson, allowed. Director.Nelson reported on inquiring regarding standing and qualifications of Engineers Bulot and Dondro. Attorney Anderson presented draft of pro- posed Contract with Bulot & Dondro' same was read aloud by Secretary and upon motion by Nelson, seconded by Lord, the following Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote: If IT IS RESOLVED that the firm of BULOT & DONDRO, be employed as the engineers for the Costa Mesa Sanitary District in accordance with the terms of the contract hereto attached, marred Exhibit nA❑� n 1946 - 194'7 Tax Bill on_ dump ground property was presented and ordered by President, referred to Attorney Anderson and delivered him to obtain cancellation and -redemption of property sold to State for 1945 -46 unpaid taxes. Meeting adjourned. Signed P esident. \\ Attest• Secretary Exhibit uau MX3 AMUMIS T ru drsi od entered int6 this 'sev nth day of flovember, 10469 by. a r4l bot `eqn .00Vvi IMSA ..13AN;ETAny DI.ITRIcT of Orc nge CotxntY,, .Tornia, horoinatter reQorred to as the of tho f1rot par. busineu ow DULOT ND 'D :O' 9538 B11,12ftton 'Jay evorly 111 11 , Loo , eles e'oun%rj S oPni al Party of *xe 0 ond art J I T N E Ls, E , z WH MEMS, it Is contomplated ana io the W- cention of the Board 6.1' the Costa Meea SanMry Dia riot to earrg throu& ` -J proceedings for tho construction 04 tt sanitary sewage., Oolleot on yst : for the istr et'$ iOeIW W dipahairm 0 raellitiva aa Othor appurtemancoao aid O At In, necozoary that rogisitered CIVII Engineers be appo ntod to perform.the engineering sorVioea rxecagoaM in the preparing 09 Wrveiyc 9 i9apa dravvingr o plausi proms �le ,. srA Ol fiea iAna and e .timates of posts of, improvopont's ana o thor OngIneering ery - 0013 for such v.or p . e ee i oe mjoea x1i 1, inciude in action Uio. deals of the 1) tri t eatjor eycitomv tho coordina- tion . of thlo a " em v t h 'fie con.-pre en eve planning nov In progrean Prof 30" n4er the 41redtien .aax; tort. of rho prOP x11 charo of the total east of '. treatment and effluent disposal which vial bad e,ied on as a 4oint a*otivlty uith other -. oontributing oommu iti.eo; a of .aborat on �vl,th tho' Countyl nnineers in ex hain ��� � a�raatio o oe'ning `fie to . problem vfulch vould hw ,ye a bearing on i a layaleal "rJ4 i:w4iAeecZSon o avver -va,. and he economy of e tr etic a o orating costa to tho Dietr :ot; a0d during the period of unSa ement por$'orm- or aselat In orming certain a roll— mass trative Pund legal vG3rk ao hereinafter set forth; of the firs� part doea hereby agree to hive t and th-6 paxty. of the sewn . part voles hereby %-vee to perfoxv. the fo llowli ng ongineerIM servioos 1. Ebcamine oll of the existin g data 9 plans,, appl oatl oh. for PeOral_ai i proceduroa,for the, formation of the qoata oa a Svx4-ta r' ' 1sVA6t + _ . i . d termno them' a doquaoy. ad. W- 10tivenedo for the as Usfae tort' method of'fi,nanoing UA9 Dietrio,V6 benatra otion pro . Prepare applications tions� for supplementary `odera . ­or State- -aid t6 . Chat th osto tff pl n proparatIgn and oonatraetion costs rhen such fie become available. 3 Condult with'. he engineers for the orange County -wide p am-. , In- program t' eter' ne their, obj tive� as h, Qv. may .t.Affect ASt b,� �,�viil ran, moO. g. lb D-10` riotl o Ors"i4 Syo 4s ana. outfa l connectionso Hake the n(:iqersary fie id s rvoys, for topography and the proper loca tion off" lateralp 'branch and. trunk .severs and aApur'te rianee to zerVe all the property In the District Ovary effort will be awe to e� l.minete they need -for sewage lift stations. »n the- ave re� met �. .L 'being t party of the z000nd part is to uso-tto best endeav6ra to oliminate the need Ter zewase lift 'in the suer et' t€ 6, Assiat the Attorney, for the District when requ ested in the preparation of regiolu-tions.0overing a bond issue and other Matters dealing with fin iai g In Which engineering ''`ice is ,required* a AOdn the hearlAss or lhie D10trict dealing Ath engineers oat tars pottaitine to the prof oct a 74 . ecomm rA a financial at oturo- to noludo budig et. oonstrue -. . t1oft cs st . estl tea the form and amount of aSond iaG' U V and art amortization s ahadull. to meet the bond debt s r ioe. G. Furnish engineering data t' aid the D istriet In tie prepara- tion of a0senament ana tax rolls,:' . k1repa.Ve oompleto detalled conatru tion is -00V Speelf eation and other vontrakt a octmbat rda dy rest the to . tin's of a construction contraet eu ffic ent to meet the requirements of the Vedora l Worlts Asency Bureau bf Cowunity Vagilities or Nay other Governmental Aaeney having juriodlotion bier the . same, it beins understooO that : he Federsil Worts enoy, 8 -2- Bureau or'. Comunity Paolllt ew requirea require the baalo ro k a n go, -basic design data,' contract dccumente ohall o4taln at lea8t the following: j r : tull7*4i,mohiLonod arA au to vhj will. Ole ly- a $ all party c tine 40'r W e COUGt acted or installed.' nst le . S4 Invitation or Bid b Instructions to Bidders d Agreement oj* Oontraot e, verforilnanoc San f4 Labor and Uaterial Ad �.. SPec1110eticine which Oloarl,' wwd . ll describe, define. Or Identify the Scope, of every branch the vork including, teri j ' prcdanct and dev.ccs 't . tarty of, aecolid yart to to furhioh at least t is 0 6eto of Plans s OpecihOati6hs w4 othft contract do Oments an and further number required by Fo4er� tl'nrko .� encY p�eau r of COEVAun,ity 'hailitied' ' i't Wing understood fan A Ad gency reg*rea that, , an original and two c p e O a rin . edtlwa,O of tho construction cost-OZ 'Ithe . propo�oo vim° be, submitted to. it accompanying. Erne; yet of ��p1,e- plans _ '10 11, Preparo 4etal ed 000t .010'timatei or the construot on . Aeeist . the District in tine tabulation and evaluation of bids End the letting of a construction con yet, as ae conver ation with F. R. ac of 3cvem"be . , 194S. 00cu►are -a sanitary eerier eto-M of the h.1 0160t, qU4LW at least con, , the i3` s tr t. t. 'arty of the second vt fuith all Woes that. tho I firm o a b Sennett � EnSineoro anal SVec a C e� _i` -a i 1 bo aflopoiated 4th the ;firj eg ul s Dondro, � go' t o Purp000 eeetn '..:"yen tho. b•ve rzeanticne pro, ect* but It le und e e b tart roc t ' � a� s� ed by Raub So Be= tt is to be performed urAer - the 4roctlon Of Rulat a • - n It is understood and agreed that the party 6f.'. f the First pare will pay and the party of the second part .shall receive for the performance of the above set forth engineering services, compensation in accordance with the following sohedul;e ;based. on the'a ctiaal coast of construction of ,the project 4 31.E per cent of the cost of construction if the cost is less than 500s000.602 and, 4-� per coat of the cost of construction If the c Est is more than .500 0 0©©.,Oo. total fee shall be paid in the. following wanner: Three payments of . 3dat7.00 'each' shall be made deria lly on, the completion and acceptance of the -work described. in items l to 8 inclusive. bl__� In the event that the Federal Government' daas. net ' advance more than Nine . h ©wand polla °aa:' ( ,000.00), being fifty per cent of its presOht allotment for plannl.ngn until. the completion and ae epta nca9 of the, basle working. drawings, ;,basic design data, and contract documents for,'the projea t,'. by the Yocfera1` V1orks Agency, Bureau of Community Facilities 2 * the payment of the balance of the fee shall be made from the 'fund:s* recseived from' the Fedej �', Works agency Bureau of ` Ccomhunity Facilities, Divisicn � ?, An:. tvo Installments as follows. (a) ; 86 per cent of the ,remaining unpaid, .fee on .completion and,acoeptcnce of the contract plans, specifications and contract documents by the party of the first-part and by . Pederal. works Agency.,Sureau of, Community Facilities Division. tto.7:, (b) 15 per cent o f the remaining' ee, adjusted to 'the actual cost of construetion shall be paid a on the compl6tion nd.. acceptia,nce of the . oonstruotion of the project' by pa rty of . trio . first dart In the • ovent. that the Pederal—,GoVernment.throug,li Federal Works agency Bureau of Community .Pa oilities, or any other Agency, advances more than the present aidvahOe `received by the party of the first part heretofore in the' atm; of nine thousand dollars for' pl.Anning, the payment of 86 'per cent referred to ; above. Mill. be adjusted . to provida' an interim. payment, the. amount mount of which will be determined aafnd. mutually,agrded upon by the parties hereto j b xt- it is distinctly '.under that party of the first part is not obligated by, this-'agreement to pay any monies to party` of the second part except from, monies received through, Federa Works AgencyiBurreau of Community Facilit es,. or some,'other Government Agency advancing money for the purposes of this agreement until. ,patty of first part receives the proceeds of bonds isrsued for the purpose of constructing the projeot above referred to.. It is further understood and agreed that party of the second part will perform resident aupeul -,. ion 4f'.,wconstruetion. of the above mentioned J .. �,. N -• , A 'project for three per cent of the cost of conotruction or on the -basis of actual out of :pocket 'expense plus twenty-five per aunt, for overheAd, whichever is less. Party of the first part may:, at its option, provide this service o* thb.-District' s pay. roll basis', . but . n any event party of tae. eeannd par's will be" reopons bit gox, supervision and F. H. RUlot acid Li.. ,A : �Jcandx°o Will v1sit .the site of the work whenevor. their, superviddon Is .required during the course. of the construetlan ., , it ls, und6rstnad ana weed "goat party of:. the second: p is to commence the ab.ove.'work immediately upon the �'ogeoution. �g agreement. yp dry. of this agreet�aentp IN 'tai Ess. wuk.O'; part' of the second pmt has executed this a opmont .'anc said. Costa, Mesh,. ga'nitary as party of the first part has hereuintc caused its name, to be subscribed by Ito President and Secretary thdroUnty, duly 6 ithorized bye Resol.utionl of 'its toari d of Direotdre, .tY is 7th day -of �ovember, 194, C06TA MESA, SAWITARi PISTRIOT' i3Y T 'Ell ` IL eorstary; Party of the, first part. BULOT DONDRC? , BY, 9� ✓_... ' ty of the second part.. -5-