4g - Smart Covers Costa Mesa Sanitary District …an Independent Special District Protecting our community’s health and the environment by providing solid waste and sewer collection services. www.cmsdca.gov Memorandum To: Board of Directors From : Scott Carroll, General Manager Date: October 15 , 2013 Subject: Smart Covers Summary CMSD is using smart cover devices that are sensor modules mounted directly underneath manhole covers and/or inside lift station wet wells to provide a second , and sometimes third, independent high water alarm system that will help prevent sewer spills. The Board would like to consider expanding th is program to other lift stations. Staff Recommendation That the Board of Directors give staff direction to expand the Smart Cover program. Analysis Speed is essential to preventing sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). The sooner staff is aware of wastewater rising in the system the faster staff can respond to remedy the situation and prevent an SSO. Smart Covers are an effective monitoring and alarm system that gives staff ample warnings when wastewater is reaching high levels. Smart Covers uses ultrasonic sensor monitors that are installed underneath manhole covers and/or lift station wet wells and then sends an alarm, via text message on cellular phones, to staff that wastewater has reached high levels. Staff can set high level parameters on Sm art Covers. The District has installed at all twenty lift stations a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) that provides an alarm system to staff for high water and power loss. Smart Covers serve as a second and sometimes third, independent hi gh water alarm Board of Directors October 15 , 2013 Page 2 of 3 system if there is a malfunction in the SCADA system and at times, Smart Covers will provide staff high water alarms before SCADA does . Currently, the District has Smart Covers installed at four critical lift stations, which are Elden, H arbor, 23 rd Street and Irvine. The cost to procure and install one Smart Cover is $4,121. To install Smart Covers to the remaining sixteen lift stations will cost $65,936. In addition, there is a yearly monitoring service of $364 per Smart Cover. The t otal annual cost to monitor the remaining sixteen lift station is estimated at $6,290 , which includes sales tax. The grand total cost will be $72,226 . Staff does not recommend installing Smart Covers at the remaining sixteen lift stations because some ar e scheduled for abandonment in less than five years while others have very low flows . Staff recommends the following lift stations receive Smart Cover devices because of the gallons per minute during peak flow and their close proximity to waterways. • Mendoza 875 GPM (gallons per minute) • Adams 500 GPM  Canyon 800 GPM  Victoria 785 GPM  Santa Ana 1,430 GPM  21 st 825 GPM Canyon Lift Station is planned for abandonment in less than five years. The Smart Cover at this station can be relocated to the South Coast Plaza Lift Station when abandonment is complete. Strategic Plan Element & Goal This item complies wit h objective and strategy of Strategic Element 1 .0., Sewer Infrastructure , which states: “Objective: To collect and transport wastewater to meet the needs of existing and future customers. Strategy: We will do this by the careful management of the collection infrastructure using prudent planning and maintenance, with financial strategies to maintain suffic ient capacity and respond to changing regulatory demands .” Legal Review Not applicable Board of Directors October 15 , 2013 Page 3 of 3 Environmental Review The installation of smart covers is categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et. seq.) under Section 15301 as a “Class 1” “minor alteration of existing public or private structures”, as further described in Section (b) as “Existing facilities of both investor and publicly -owned utilities used to provide …. sewerage …” Financ ial Review The estimated cost to procure and install Smart Covers to the recommended lifts station above is $24,726 . In addition, the annual monitoring cost is estimated at $2,259 for a total cost of $26,985 . This money is not budgeted in the FY 2013 -14 Budget and will need to be appropriated from undesignated reserves in the Liquid Waste Fund. Public Notice Process Copies of this report are on file and will be included with the entire agenda packet for the October 15 , 2013 Bo ard of Directors study session meeting at District headquarters and on District’s website. Alternative Actions 1. Direct staff to report back with more information Attachments A: Smart Cover Brochure Reviewed by: Stacey Cuevas