14 - Sewer Lateral Assistance Program (SLAP) - AnalysisProtecting our community's health and the environment by providing solid waste and sewer collection services. www.cmsdca.gov Costa Mesa Sanitary District ….an Independent Special District Memorandum T o: Board of Directors Via: Scott Carroll, General Manager From: Javier Ochiqui, Management Analyst Date: April 18, 2013 Subject: Sewer Lateral Assistance Program Analysis Summary On March 19, 2013, staff gave the Operations Committee a quarterly report regarding the status of this program. During the report, Chairman Scheafer asked staff to separate the total number of SLAP participants into the following 5 categories: Eastside, Mesa Verde, Westside, Mesa North, and College Park. Staff is providing the Operations Committee with the findings , and with a full cost analysis of the program which will highlight direct , and indirect cost s as well as fees waived. Since FY 07/08, CMSD has waived $640,238 in fees. Staff Recommendation That the Board of Directors approves two of the following recommendations: 1. Start collecting the at least 50% of the Permit Fee from SLAP participants in order to cover our indirect costs, and no longer allow CMSD staff to waive the plan check and tie-in fees; or 2. Continue to waive the Permit Fee from SLAP participants, and no longer allow CMSD staff to waive the plan check and tie-in fees. 3. Allocate $25,000 from the Liquid Waste Fund Balance to the SLAP Budget Analysis Since Fiscal Year 200 7-08 , a total of 945 CMSD residents have participated in the program and CMSD has paid $971,039 in assistance. ITEM NO. 14 Board of Directors April 18 , 201 3 Page 2 of 4 Below is a chart that illustrat es the total number of SLAP par tici pants by the following categories, Eastside, Mesa Verde, Westside, Mesa North, and College Park: Eastside Mesa Verde Westside Mesa North College Park %34.71%22.33%21.38%14.71%6.88% Total 328 211 202 139 65 328 211 202 139 65 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 SLAP Participants By Category As the chart illustrates, most of the SLAP participants (34.71%) live on the Eastside (Attachment A ). In addition, sinc e FY 07 -08, CMSD has also waived approximately $640,2 38 in fees . Below are the fees that have been waived via the SLAP program: Fees Fee Amounts Totals  Permit Fee $120.00 $113,400  Plan Check & Review Fee $545.00*1 $257,513  Tie -in t o Existing Lateral Fee $570.00*2 $269,325 $640,238 *1 Approximately 50% of SLAP participants needed a plan check & review. However, we have been waiving their fees via the SLAP program . *2 Approximately 50% of SLAP participants tied into an existing lat eral but we have been waiving their tie -in fee s via the SLAP program . Staff recommends that we no longer allow CMSD staff to waive the plan check and tie - in fees via the SLAP program. By doing this, CMSD will gain in revenue at least $42,918, and $44,887 per year respectively . Since program implementation, staff has come across some issues that needed further clarification. The General Manager has discretion over all decisions regarding SLAP and has made the following clarifications. If the Committee di sagrees with the decisions below, please advise staff. Board of Directors April 18 , 201 3 Page 3 of 4 1. When residents are reimbursed and don’t meet the maximum $1,800, can they reapply within five years to receive the remainder of funds? A. Yes. After a resident is reimbursed the maximum amount , he/she c annot reapply to the program for five years. 2. How does staff proceed when an application is submitted and approved, but the work is not completed? A. If work is not completed within six months, the application will be closed and the resident will not be reimb ursed. However, before the six month deadline, residents can request an extension for up to an additional six months. If the extension has been approved and the work is still not completed after a year, than the application will be closed and the residen t will not be reimbursed. 3. If a plumber is caught performing improvements without a permit, does staff penalize the resident and not allow him/her to participate in SLAP? A. No. However, the plumber will be charged the District’s permit fee and be required t o participate in the District’s SLAP seminar. 4. Can a resident still participate in the SLAP program after the improvements have been completed? A. Yes, if the work was performed within six months and the resident can demonstrate why the work was needed and an “after” video was submitted. In addition, staff is in the process of revising the application form to ensure applicants read and understand the program guidelines. Sometimes applicants will not follow the guidelines (e.g. obtaining a before video or i nstalling a cleanout) and after staff confronts the applicants often they argue that staff did not inform them of said guidelines. The revised application will require applicants to initial every page after they read the instructions and guidelines. CMSD continues to encourage residents to properly maintain their sewer laterals. Residents can obtain an application , and get more information by vis iting www.cmsdca.gov , c licking on “Sewer System ,” then “Sewer Lateral As sistance Program SLAP ,” or by call ing (949) 645 -8400 ext. 233. Strategic Plan Element & Goal This item adheres to Strategic Element 1 .0, Sewer Infrastructure , and Strategic Goal No. 1.9, Sewer Lateral Assistance Program. Legal Review Not applicable at this time . Board of Directors April 18 , 201 3 Page 4 of 4 Financial Review Attachment B is a cost analysis of the SLAP Program. As you can see in the analysis, the cost for this program is double the reimbursement amount. Staff believ es that if this continues, the program will be unsustainable. Option 1 - If the Operations Committee recommends o ption 1 , CMSD will begin collecting 50% of the Permit Fee , which will save $56 ,7 00 and will collect an extra $526,838 in plan check and tie -in fees in the next six years. A total saving s of $583,538. Option 2 - If the Operations Committee recommends o ption 2, CMSD will continue to waive the Permit Fee , but still collect $526,838 in plan check and tie -in fees in the next six years. Currently, this program has a balance of $1,190.74 . To date, the Dis trict has reimbursed $198,809.26 . Staff believes an additional $25,000 will enable this program to continue for the remainder of the fiscal year. If the additional funding is not approved, staff will not process applications until July 1, 2013. Committe e Recommendation On April 16, 2013 the Operations Committee discussed this item; however, this report was prepared before the meeting occurred. Staff will share with the Board the Committee’s recommendation at tonight’s meeting. Public Notice Process Cop ies of this report are on file and will be included with the complete agenda packet for the April 16 , 2013 Operations Committee meeting at District Headquarters and posted on the District’s website . Alternative Actions 1. Do not recommend the Board of Direc tors to adopt the proposed charges. 2. Do not approve allocating $25,000 to the SLAP program. Attachment A. MAP B. SLAP Cost Analysis Attachment A Attachment B Line FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 Categorical Totals Notes 1 Total Participants 945 2 3 Direct Costs Per Hour Ave. Time/hr. 4 No. of Participants 121 162 154 156 199 153 945 5 Inspector Fee 64.50 $ 1.00 7,805 $ 10,449 $ 9,933 $ 10,062 $ 12,836 $ 9,869 $ 60,953 $ 6 District Engineer 96.00 $ 1.00 24,800 $ 24,800 $ 24,800 $ 30,400 $ 19,200 $ 24,800 $ 148,800 $ 1 7 SLAP Payout 128,274 $ 168,101 $ 172,060 $ 169,959 $ 170,645 $ 162,000 $ $971,039 8 Total Direct Costs Per Year 160,879 $ 203,350 $ 206,793 $ 210,421 $ 202,681 $ 196,669 $ $1,180,792 9 10 Indirect Costs 11 Admin Assistant 27.50 $ 0.50 1,664 $ 2,228 $ 2,118 $ 2,145 $ 2,736 $ 2,104 $ 12,994 $ 12 Maintenance Supervisor 49.18 $ 0.75 4,462 $ 5,975 $ 5,680 $ 5,753 $ 7,339 $ 5,643 $ 34,852 $ 13 Accounting Specialist 44.83 $ 0.50 2,712 $ 3,631 $ 3,452 $ 3,497 $ 4,461 $ 3,429 $ 21,182 $ 14 Total Indirect Costs Per Year 8,838 $ 11,833 $ 11,249 $ 11,395 $ 14,536 $ 11,176 $ 69,028 $ 15 16 Fee Waived 17 Permit Fee 120.00 $ 14,520 $ 19,440 $ 18,480 $ 18,720 $ 23,880 $ 18,360 $ 113,400 $ 18 Plan Check & Review Fee (50%)545.00 $ 32,973 $ 44,145 $ 41,965 $ 42,510 $ 54,228 $ 41,693 $ 257,513 $ 2 19 Tie-in to Existing Lateral (50%)570.00 $ 34,485 $ 46,170 $ 43,890 $ 44,460 $ 56,715 $ 43,605 $ 269,325 $ 3 20 81,978 $ 109,755 $ 104,335 $ 105,690 $ 134,823 $ 103,658 $ 640,238 $ 21 22 Total SLAP Costs 251,695 $ 324,938 $ 322,377 $ 327,506 $ 352,039 $ 311,502 $ $1,890,057 1 District Engineer costs for FY 10/11 and 11/12 are actuals. FY 07/08,08/09, 09/10, and 12/13 are averages. 2 Approximately 50% of SLAP participants needed a plan check & review, but we have been waiving their fees. 3 Approximately 50% of SLAP participants tied into an existing lateral, but we have been waiving their tie-in fees. Costa Mesa Sanitary District Liquid Waste Fund SLAP Cost Analysis