07 - DIRECTORS EXPENSE & REIMBURSEMENT REPORTz Z I m w m m t, A A G1 U'I m N tD N Costa Mesa Sanitary District Expense Reimbursement Form for Directors Name: MIKE SCHEAFER I. Attach all receipts, Item 07 DATE of EVEN7 PURPOSE OR OCCASION LOCATION T RAVE L• MEAL EXPENSE OTHER 12/11/12 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE CMSD 12J14112 WACO pi WOOC g 12/18/12 HHHW MEETING )MTH CM SENIOR EXEC. CM SENIOR CENTER 4 12/20/12 CMSD BOARD CMSD viii uc uzvu lul pilvA[C duty its vlvdll au 137(1, nmv ana air rare. H. Calculation 1._ miles at 55.5 cents per mile (Current Raie) 2. Total meals 3. days attendance at $ 221.00 per day (per Boerd policy) 4. Meeting 5. Other Conference/Event: Location: Per Ordinance No. 55, "Board members shall provide brief reports on meetings attended at public expense at the next regular Board meeting." (Operations Code, Section 3,01.035) �J RJ (rev. 7TUW) = $ _ +1- 2� Total = $ 21 Significant points learned of benefit to the District and its ratepayers: Director Signature; 7 D G) M CD N ti CS) N Costa Mesa Sanitary District Expense Reimbursement Form for Directors Name: Jim Ferryman I. Attach all receipts. DATE OF EVENT PURPOSE OR OCCASION LOCATION TRAVEL" MEAL EXPENSE OTHER 12/05/2012 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BREAKFAST 12/11/2012 CMSD OPERATIONS COMMITTEE CMSD HQ 12/14/2012 WACO MWDOC 12/20/2012 CMSD BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING CMSD HQ �-an Ue useU IUr prfVdte auto as Well as taxi, iin o ana air rare. II. Calculation 1. 2. miles at 55.5 per mile (Current Rate) Total meals 3. 4 days attendance at $ 221.00 per day (per Board policy) 4. Meeting 5. Other Conference /Event: Location: Per Ordinance No. 55, "Board members shall provide brief reports on meetings attended at public expense at the next regular Board meeting." (Operations Code, Section 3.01.035) Total= $ 884.00 Significant points learned of benefit to the District and its ratepayers: Director Signature j ID z I A I m W m m A A W m m r Costa Mesa Sanitary District Expense Reimbursement Form for Directors Name: MIKE SCHEAFER 1, Attach ait receipts. G1 (a'-;U Z'L5 DATE OF EVENT PURPOSE OR OCCASION LOCATION TRAVEL" MEAL EXPENSE OTHER 12141112 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE CM80 12114112 WACO MWDOC 9 12118112 HHHW MEETING WITH CM SENIOR EXEC. CM SENIOR CENTER 4 12/20/12 CMSD BOARD CMSD °can be used for private auto as well as taxi, limo and air tare. II. Calculation 1. 29 miles at 55.5 cents per mile (Current Rate) 2. Total meals 3. days attendance at $ 221.00 per day I 5oard pollcA 4. Meeting 5. Other Con ferencelEvent; Location: Per Ordinance No. 55, `Board members shall provide brief reports on meetings attended at public expanse at the next regular Board meeting." (Operations Code, Section 3.01.035) tre•. Ulna) 2R+ Total Significant points learned of benefit to the District and its ratepayers: Director Signature: CD IV 0 w CD cn cn m z w cn cn D M D ZJ i H z rn M �9 CD N Costa Mesa Sanitary District Expense Reimbursement Form for Directors Name: t Attach all receipts. DATE OF EVENT PURPOSE OR OCCASION LOCATION TRAVEL* MEAL EXPENSE OTHER iZ(311z c 5p A- �4 C-vL&s C> — 11114 w kco C>Lu-) 12 2 t3 e- "A -7V 1-111 Utz: UJCU 1U1 Nirvdte autU as wen as taxi, umo ana air rare. II. Calculation 1. miles at 55.5 per mile (Current Rate) 2. Total meals 3. days attendance at $ 221.00 per day (per Board policy) 4. Meeting 5. Other Conference /Event: Location: Per Ordinance No. 55, "Board members shall provide brief reports on meetings attended at public expense at the next regular Board meeting." (Operations Code, Section 3.01.035) Total = $ (e (C Significant points learned of benefit to the District and its ratepayers: Director Signature ' —Q,�j VS cad u� 4n. Costa Mesa Sanitary District n ra.� Expense Reimbursement Form for Directors Name: l�� ( LJ _ pzt I. Attach all receipts. RECEIVED DEC 2 6 2012 COSTA MESA SAN11MY 0183cr DATE OF EVENT PURPOSE OR OCCASION LOCATION TRAVEL* MEAL EXPENSE OTHER 4:2f�T((" -T ri 133' 0,4;-Q �Si r, -T-r 0 C . S,+v i )- 2 (1 c- kJA C j� c ,� � .ii j2 i✓ c �., *Can be used for private auto as well as taxi, limo and air fare. II. Calculation 1. 2 miles at 55.5 cents per mile (Current Rate) Total meals 3. days attendance at $ 221.00 per day ( er Board policy) 4. Meeting 5. Other Conference /Event: Location: Per Ordinance No. 55, "Board members shall provide brief reports on meetings attended at public expense at the next regular Board meeting." (Operations Code, Section 3.01.035) (rev. 111109) m: Total Significant points learned of benefit to the District and its ratepayers: Director Signature: COO Mesa Sanitary, District ' Expense ReAmbursement Form for- Directors Name: Jim Fitzpatrick December 9012' I. Attach.all; receipts. DAtE bF.EV.ENT PURPOSE OR OCCASION LOCATION TRAVEL' . MEAL EXPENSE' ..OTHER WACO OCWD l,T-U C6sta Mesa Sanitary Dlstrlct.'Board.Mdefino CMSD 12AI Operations Committee CMSD 127 Tierra Verde Inc (TVQ Two. Irvine. 11. Calculation 1. miles at - 65.5 cents permile, (Current Role) 2. T6tal'-Meals; 3. ,� d'a,ys attendance,.atA22!.0dPer,dqy 4'. Meeting 5, Other Conference/Event: Location: Per�Ordinarvce No 55,, i'Board members shallprovide brief reportS.r on meetings; attended ,aY 04iblic, ekpense4t the "heitt regular Board meeting." (Operations-Code, Section; 13.01,03 3:01.035) I Total = $.Qatb� Significant' points, learned of benefit to 'the District and its, raiegayem- Shared-at Board Meeting is