Minutes - Board - 2012-06-28COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 28, 2012 I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION IV. ROLL CALL The Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District met in regular session on April 16, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. at 628 W. 19th Street, Costa Mesa. President Ooten led the Pledge of Allegiance. Director Scheafer led the Invocation. DIRECTORS PRESENT: Robert Ooten, James Ferryman, Jim Fitzpatrick, Art Perry, Mike Scheafer DIRECTORS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Scott Carroll, General Manager; Anna Sanchez, Administrative Service Manager; Robin B. Hamers, District Engineer; Alan Burns, District Counsel; Marc Davis, District Treasurer; Teresa Gonzalez, Accounting Manager; Javier Ochiqui, Management Analyst OTHERS PRESENT: Dean Ruffridge, CR &R; Lawrence Jones, CR &R; Maria Shafer, CCMS; Debbie Morris, HF &H /Resident; Thy Vo, Orange County Register V. CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENTATIONS Environmental Excellence Awards: Jose Hernandez, Mika Community Development Corporation President Ooten and Members of the Board presented the Environmental Excellence Award to Jose Hernandez, who, in collaboration of the Mika Community Development COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 2 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 28, 2012 Corporation developed a community garden which is being used by twenty (20) families. In addition, the Board offered him a compost bin for use in the garden. VI. ANNOUNCEMENT OF LATE COMMUNICATIONS Director Scheafer submitted an expense sheet to be placed into record, after the agenda was posted and noted the need to take action at this time. Director Ferryman moved to add the document to the Consent Calendar agenda. President Ooten seconded the motion, which carried, unanimously. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR REPORTS A. MINUTE APPROVAL 1. Operations Committee — May 15, The minutes of the May 15, 2012 2012 Operations Committee were approved as presented. 2 Special Board Meeting — Closed Session to Discuss Existing Litigation — May 16, 2012 Special Board Meeting — Customer Satisfaction Survey Results — May 21, 2012 The minutes of the Special Board Meeting of May 16, 2012, were approved as presented. The minutes of the Special Board Meeting of May 21, 2012, were approved as presented. 4. Regular Board of Directors Meeting — This item was pulled from the Consent May 24, 2012 Calendar for separate vote. B. FINANCIAL REPORTS 5. Occupancy Report and payment to Costa Mesa Disposal — June 2012 6. Contract Payment to CR Transfer for Recycling Services & Disposal for May 2012 The Occupancy Report and payment to Costa Mesa Disposal for June 2012, was approved as submitted. The Contract Payment to CR Transfer for Recycling Services & Disposal for May 2012 was ratified. 7. Adoption of Warrant Resolution No. This item was pulled by Director Fitzpatrick COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 3 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 28, 2012 CMSD 2012 -12 Ratifying Payment for for separate consideration. the Month of May 2012 in the amount of $799,180.49 8. Directors' Compensation and Directors' Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Reimbursement of Expenses for the Month Month of May 2012 of May 2012, as listed in the Agenda Report dated June 28, 2012, were approved and ratified. 9. Investment Report as of May 31, The Investment Report as of May 31, 2012 2012 was approved. 10. Third Amendment to Agreement - The Third Amendment to Agreement— EEC EEC was approved: 11. Budget Transfer for Electrical System The Budget Transfer for Electrical System Survey of CMSD HQ Building Survey of CMSD HQ Building was approved. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR Director Fitzpatrick moved for approval of the Consent Calendar except for items pulled for a separate vote (VII. A.4 and B.7.). Director Scheafer seconded the motion. The motion carried 5 -0. Regarding the minutes from the Regular Board meeting of May 24, 2012, Director Scheafer noted a slight typographical correction. Director Fitzpatrick requested expansion of the justification for consideration of Adoption of Ordinance 94 under the minutes of May 24, 2012. Director Fitzpatrick moved that the minutes from the May 24, 2012, Regular Board Meeting reflect justification for consideration of Adoption of Ordinance 94 and that the minutes be brought back for consideration of approval at the next meeting of the Board. Director Scheafer seconded the motion, which carried 5 -0. Regarding Warrant Resolution No. CMSD 2012 -12, Director Fitzpatrick referenced the Waste Management Curbside charge and program. General Manager Carroll reported that staff is working on the matter and that analysis regarding expansion of the program will be brought before the Operations Committee. Director Fitzpatrick requested expansion of the Household Hazards program using Solid Waste Funds. He questioned the CR &R container collection. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 4 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 28, 2012 Accounting Manager Teresa Gonzalez responded that amount reflects a 14% share for additional containers. Director Fitzpatrick commented on Myers -Nave charges noting they do not contain any level of detail. General Manager Carroll reported that details are shown in invoices but not in the warrant. Director Fitzpatrick indicated the need for details in order to understand what is being paid. Accounting Manager Gonzalez reported that must likely, Myers -Nave invoices will be paid in June. Director Fitzpatrick inquired regarding bills for quo Warranto actions. Mr. Carroll reported that those items were presented as part of his weekly update and that he will provide the information to Director Fitzpatrick. Director. Fitzpatrick commented on the increase in sewer lateral requests. Mr. Carroll noted this has been the busiest year in that regard than previous years. Director Scheafer inquired regarding Slater Builders charges. Mr. Carroll reported that he will provide an update at the Board's meeting in July. Director Fitzpatrick moved to approve Consent Calendar Item B.7. Director Scheafer seconded the motion, which carried 5 -0. VIII. PUBLIC HEARING President Ooten opened the Public Hearing. There being no one interested in addressing the Board, President Ooten closed the Public Hearing. A. Adoption of Solid and Liquid Waste Rates 1. CMSD Resolution No. 2012 -814 Adopting Annual Charges for Solid Waste Director Perry moved to adopt Resolution No. 2012 -814, adopting annual charges for Solid Waste. Director Scheafer seconded the motion, which carried 5 -0. 2. CMSD Resolution No. 2012 -815 Adopting Annual Charges for Liquid Waste COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 5 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 28, 2012 Director Scheafer moved to adopt Resolution No. 2012 -815, adopting annual charges for Liquid Waste. Director Ferryman seconded the motion, which carried 5 -0. IX. PUBLIC COMMENTS President Ooten opened the Public Comments section of the meeting and invited those interested in addressing the Board to do so at this time. There was no response and President Ooten closed the Public Comments section of the meeting. X. GENERAL MANAGERS REPORTS A. Adopt a Budget for Fiscal Year 2012 -2013: CMSD Resolution No. 2012 -816 General Manager Carroll presented details of the report addressing background and noted that previous comments from the Board have been incorporated into the main budget and that changes have been identified in the report. He addressed reductions in trash tonnage, allocation of $25K to conduct a Sewer Survey and $20K for the Sewer System Manage Plan audit and new office furniture for the reception area lobby. In addition, new positions were incorporated into the budget as well as the Tuition Reimbursement Program, Reward Ideas Program, long -term disability and life insurance, the Zero -Waste Plan and the sewer vactor truck. Mr. Carroll addressed rates for Solid Waste and reserves and noted that because of the rate reduction being offered, there will be a loss in the Solid Waste Fund but it will be funded by the Solid Waste Reserves. He added that rates will be reviewed every year. He reported on the contract for a proposal with Inside- the - Outdoors and noted the costs are not yet included in the budget. He recommended adding the approved amount into the budget. Director Perry addressed monthly savings from Solid Waste rate changes. Mr. Carroll thanked staff for their work on the budget and especially, Accounting Manager Gonzalez. He reported receipt of an award on the budget from the Government Finance Office Association and that staff will be submitting it for consideration of another award. Discussion followed regarding the due date for bids on the vactor truck and the possibility of designating the loss of $83K as something other than a loss. Regarding the later, Ms. Gonzalez stated that it must be designated as a loss on financial statements because there is insufficient revenue to cover the expenses. Mr. Carroll noted that it is a planned loss, but that the budget is balanced. Director Fitzpatrick requested proper justification regarding rates, addressed the goal of the trash contract and felt there is no plan. He pointed out that the contractor was asked to participate in the rate. reduction but that they refused. He asked for more COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 6 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 28, 2012 thoughtful consideration, moving forward, to critical milestones and didn't feel the District is doing sufficient documentation to the public nor are the mechanisms in place to get to that documentation. He inquired regarding Solid Waste rate reduction and the process for increasing rates next year. General Manager Carroll reported that the Board gave direction to staff to review rates every year. He affirmed the need for a Proposition 218 hearing when increases in rates are proposed. District Counsel Burns indicated that a Proposition 218 hearing is required when increasing rates or when there is a change in the formula for calculating rates. Discussion followed regarding the rate reductions being a temporary decrease and it was noted that rates will eventually be increased. Director Fitzpatrick felt that there is no process in place for notification. Discussion followed regarding the possibility of having a separate session to explore rates in detail. Director Fitzpatrick felt that rate increases from the hauler have not been considered. Mr. Carroll reiterated that rates will be considered on a yearly basis. Director Fitzpatrick requested timeliness for Special Board meetings to consider Solid and Liquid Waste strategic planning and asked that staff provide Members with a calendar of upcoming meetings and their respective agendas. District Counsel Burns indicated that the budget presentation was needed in order to consider Items VIII. A. 1. and 2. Director Ferryman commended staff on the budget. District Counsel Burns suggested the Board adopt Items VIII. A. 1. and 2. first, before adopting the budget. Director Scheafer moved to adopt the budget for Fiscal Year 2012 -2013: CMSD Resolution No. 2012 -816. Director Perry seconded the motion, adding the amount budgeted for the Inside - the - Outdoor program. Director Fitzpatrick noted that he was in support of adopting the budget but would like to consider ways to increase Code Enforcement, specifically in relation to scavenger trucks. Mr. Carroll reported that he will return with options for the Board to consider at a future COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 7 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 28, 2012 meeting. Director Scheafer agreed to the addition to the motion. The motion carried 5 -0 B. Refund of Sanitary Assessment Overpayment Administrative Service Manager Anna Sanchez presented details of the report noting that a refund of Sanitary Assessment Overpayment was requested by the property owner of two -unit property that was erroneously assessed as a four -unit property. She noted that the property owner has requested additional refunds for the last fifteen (15) years at an annual interest rate of 6% totaling $6,300. She recommended continuing with the current policy for providing a refund for a single fiscal year only. She added that anything over that would be considered a gift of public funds. Director Ferryman reported that the refund used provided for up to three years. District Counsel Burns reported that would be a gift of public funds, addressed the related code and noted the issue comes up frequently but there is a reason to have a statue of limitations and that the law has changed making it a complicated issue. Director Scheafer asked regarding not being able to return funds that were incorrectly acquired. Mr. Burns stated that the property owner did not assert their claim in a timely manner. It was noted that CMSD never went back more than three (3) years and that the law has changed. Mr. Burns reported that the Board is bound by its ordinance to only go back one year. District Engineer Hamers noted that CMSD refunds the current year by correcting County records and that the County will reduce what they owe to CMSD. Mr. Burns added that the ordinance provides different tests under the law. Director Ferryman moved to approve a one -year refund. Director Perry seconded the motion, which carried 5 -0. C. Adopt Ordinance No. 90 pertaining to procedures for placing an item on the agenda General Manager Carroll presented the report including background and Board direction to allow or deny placement of an item on an agenda by approval of the President and Vice President. He added that District Counsel Burns stated the option may violate the Brown Act and suggested having the Operations Committee make a decision as to COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 8 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 28, 2012 adding an item on a Board agenda if the item is not brought up during a Board meeting. If the item is denied by the Operations Committee, the requestor has the option to appeal the decision to the entire Board. If an item is requested for a future agenda during a regular Board meeting, the Board may either approve or deny the item. Director Perry moved to adopt Ordinance No. 90 pertaining to procedures for placing an item on the agenda. Director Ferryman seconded the motion. Director Fitzpatrick felt that the item was placed for consideration in order to prevent him from placing consideration of the trash contract on the agenda. Director Fitzpatrick made a substitute motion to receive and file the report and maintain the current process. President Ooten seconded the substitute motion, which failed, 2 -3, with Directors Scheafer, Perry and Ferryman, opposed. Director Perry called for the question on the original motion. The motion carried 3 -2, with President Ooten and Director Fitzpatrick, opposed. D. Contract with Inside the Outdoors General Manager Carroll presented the report addressing previous consideration and recommendations by the Operations Committee, providing waste -free lunches to encourage zero -waste behavior, providing the project to all classrooms in Costa Mesa public schools, other programs offered the by the organization and the possibility of coordinating with Newport Mesa. Brief discussion followed regarding making sure that the contract has an "out clause" and that it reflects the Board's desire to pay -as- you -go. Director Fitzpatrick moved to approve the contract with Inside the Outdoors. Director Perry seconded the motion, which carried, 5 -0. Brief discussion followed regarding having the contract reviewed by Legal Counsel. E. Adopt Ordinance No. 91 to Expand the General Manager Scope of Work and Employee Handbook Administrative Service Manager Anna Sanchez presented details of the report including the last updates, subsequent changes to State and Federal statues, combining existing rules as well as administrative regulations and impacts to personnel costs or benefits. She stated that the changes are outlined in detail in the report. Discussion followed regarding stand -by policies, tiers of pay, review of the handbook with a consultant. President Ooten suggested an annual review of the handbook by a consultant. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 9 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 28, 2012 Ms. Sanchez reported the handbook was reviewed by staff and employees and addressed changes to the General Manager Scope of Work. Director Ferryman asked if employees will be affirming receipt and agreement. Director Scheafer inquired regarding placing a requirement that all employees must be CPR trained. Mr. Carroll noted that the entire staff has been CPR trained and that the District will be obtaining an AED. Director Fitzpatrick suggested considering annual review of the handbook with major updates performed very three (3) years. Brief discussion followed regarding the travel per diem rate. Ms. Sanchez noted they are comparable to those of surrounding cities. Director Ferryman moved to adopt Ordinance No. 91 to expand the General Manager Scope of Work and Employee Handbook. Director Perry seconded the motion, which carried 5 -0. F. Paperless Agenda Policy The savings realized by the paperless agenda policy was noted. Director Perry inquired regarding the cost related to his obtaining a hard copy of the agenda packet. Director Fitzpatrick addressed investments made by CMSD on technology to avoid printing agenda packets as well as the related savings. Director Fitzpatrick moved to direct staff to no longer print agenda packets. The motion failed for lack of a second. It was noted that at least one paper agenda must be printed for public review and that the costs of printing an additional copy are insignificant. Discussion followed regarding the possible policy violation if one Board Member uses a paper agenda. It was noted that the policy allows for the printing of agenda packets Director Fitzpatrick indicated the practice is disingenuous and falls in the face of the spirit and intent of the policy. President Ooten directed staff to review if there are additional costs not reflected in the current staff statements. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 10 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 28, 2012 Director Fitzpatrick moved to direct staff to perform an evaluation of costs involved. President Ooten seconded the motion which failed, 2 -3, with Directors Scheafer, Perry and Ferryman, opposed. Director Scheafer moved to receive and file the report. Director Perry seconded the motion, which carried, 4 -1 with Director Fitzpatrick, opposed. G. Review New Marketing Video of CMSD — Oral Report General Manager Carroll stated that new marketing videos of CMSD are ready to share with the Board. Director Fitzpatrick felt that they should be reviewed by the Operations Committee. Director Scheafer pointed out that he and Director Fitzpatrick were invited to view the videos but that Director Fitzpatrick chose not to attend. Director Fitzpatrick felt it is inappropriate to use Board time to review the item. Director Fitzpatrick moved to present the item to the Operations Committee. President Ooten seconded the motion, which carried 4 -1 with Director Ferryman, opposed. XI. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE A. Tuesday, June 19, 2012, 9:30 a.m. (Director Ferryman and Director Perry) Director Ferryman reported on the June 19, 2012, Operations Committee noting there were no standing reports. The Committee addressed trash cans in alleys and related hazards regarding access by the Fire Department and traffic problems. The Committee decided to place the item on a future Board agenda for discussion. Director Perry reported comments from a member of the public expressing concerns about the issue. General Manager Carroll reported that the intent of the policy was to place trash containers at curbsides, not in alleys. He added that staff is working with the City and will present options for the Board to consider, adding that alleys are considered right -of- ways. Director Fitzpatrick reported speaking with the Fire Department and that trash cans in alleys are considered a fire hazard. He felt that CMSD has not addressed the issue. District Counsel reported it would be appropriate to review the CMSD ordinance, City ordinance and State law. He stated the need to understand what the different ordinances are. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 11 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 28, 2012 Mr. Carroll stated he will try to present the issue to the Operations Committee in July for review by the Board at its August meeting. Director Ferryman continued reporting addressing an update by District Engineer Hamers and he expressed appreciation to Directors who attended the meeting. He addressed sewer system action items. Director Fitzpatrick inquired regarding the 1/1 program and requested an update on what OCSD is willing to do. Mr. Carroll responded that OCSD will agree to provide CMSD with supplies and sealants but will not grant funding. President Ooten addressed benefits to CMSD and noted that CMSD will remain committed because it meets the requirements of State regulations. Director Fitzpatrick requested a detail of benefits to CMSD, addressed technology and discussions regarding grade 5's, addressed budget review of comparable years and suggested monitoring the pace. District Engineer Harriers reported that staff has created a four -year program and addressed the projects completed. Regarding Project 129, Director Ferryman addressed a no -dig pipe- bursting technique and the resulting savings. Discussion followed regarding the life expectancy of a slip line. Director Ferryman presented an update of the various projects. Discussion followed regarding the expected front lobby sign -off, the Fairview trunk and the OCSD process. Director Fitzpatrick commented on the challenges of not being able to comment during the Operation Committee meetings. He suggested bringing the issue to a future Board meeting to make the Committee meetings full Board meetings. He commented on lost momentum by combining the Sewer and Recycling Committees into the Operations Committee. President Ooten noted that he would like to see discussions on the recycling part of the agenda. Discussion followed regarding reconsidering having two Committee meetings or the possibility of two Board meetings in order to get the recycling program back to what it COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 12 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 28, 2012 was. General Manager Carroll will present the issue at a future Board meeting. Discussion followed regarding the process by Mid -way Cities. President Ooten agreed for the need to expand participation at the Operations Committee meetings including the Recycling part of the agenda as well as the possibility of considering a second Board meeting per month for general discussion. Director Fitzpatrick suggested sending notices through government mail. XII. ENGINEERS REPORTS A. Prooect Status Report District Engineer Hamers referenced the report and related actions by the Operations Committee. He offered to respond to questions from the Board. B. Pro"ect #171 Irvine Force Main Rehabilitation Mr. Hamers referenced a picture of the force main and noted that it was saved in the nick of time. He addressed plans for additional state -of- the -art testing of force mains and noted that additional Board discussion would be good. He noted that a fourteen (14) inch main was too long and that now it is more efficient. Discussion followed regarding the time needed to review pumping and the possibility of notifying Newport Beach. Mr. Carroll stated he will issue a Press Release. Mr. Hamers addressed the installation of back -up pumping and the SCADA System. Director Perry moved to accept improvements, file notice of completion and exonerate bonds. Director Scheafer seconded the motion, which carried 5 -0. C. Mesa Consolidated Water District Groundwater Well Automation and Treatment Updates Mr. Hamers presented recommendations. Discussion followed regarding the amount waived and Director Fitzpatrick indicated he would be in favor of not waiving fees, at all. Mr. Hamers suggested a review of the existing MOUs and noted reciprocal /mutual aid COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 13 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 28, 2012 agreements. Director Fitzpatrick retracted his comments based on the MOU. He reported attending a Mesa study group and commented on colored water treatment and the possibility of evaluating the practice with Mesa. Mr. Hamers indicated he would like to review the issue and noted that it is at their treatment plant where they probably have a discharge through OCSD. Director Scheafer moved to support Mesa's project and waive a portion of the fees. Director Fitzpatrick seconded the motion, which carried 5 -0. RECESS /RECONVENE President Ooten called for a brief recess at 7:50 p.m. The assembly reconvened at 7:58 p.m. with all Members, present. XIII. TREASURER'S REPORTS District Treasurer Davis reported no Treasurer's Report at this time. XIV. ATTORNEY'S REPORT District Counsel Burns reported no Attorney's Report at this time. XV. LOCAL MEETINGS A. Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) Director Ferryman reported on the OCSD new chairman and that they held a contest for high schools for a PSA regarding, "Don't flush bad stuff down the toilet" and awards. The PSA will be shown on local TV and cable. Director Fitzpatrick suggested contacting TV24 for show the PSA. Staff will check regarding copyright issues. Director Ferryman reported that Intercheck was placed on formal notice but staff wants to negotiate to continue their research. Staff will return with the issue at an upcoming meeting. In addition, he stated their two -year budget was passed. In addition, a contract award was recommended for Tully Ranch for sludge but another company presented information so the item will be considered next month. B. Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency (SARFPA) Director Perry reported attending SARFPA but there were not enough members present COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 14 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 28, 2012 to approve the budget. They elected their Executive Committee and Director Perry presented the status of the Santa Ana river main stream and surrey (CHECK SPELLING) line. He noted that a field trip for the surrey line will occur next month and that they presented a micro - tunneling video. C. Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) President Ooten reported on an ISDOC meeting noting they have begun their plan responses for the Grand Jury. D. California Special Districts Association (CSDA) Director Scheafer reported on a CSDA meeting noting there was discussion regarding a conference in San Diego and future sites, legislative days and dates to save for 2013. He addressed a General Manager Leadership Summit, awards and a grant locator company (eCIVIS) presentation. It was suggested that they present to the CMSD Operations Committee and addressed a special district mapping system. E. California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) None F. Other Meetings Qualifying for Reimbursement under CMSD Ordinance No. 55, Operations Code Section 3.01.030 Director Fitzpatrick reported attending a California Research Recovery Association noting they are set up for multi- containers but could retool to accommodate CMSD as well as new technology. He addressed Terra Verde for organic waste as well as feedback from OCSD regarding anaerobic digesters. XVI. OLD BUSINESS None XVII. NEW BUSINESS A. CSDA Region 6 Elections — Select a candidate of choice and direct President Ooten to vote on CMSD's behalf Ensuing discussion pertained to selection of candidates for President Ooten to vote at an upcoming CSDA Region 6 election. By a majority vote (3 -2), President Ooten was directed to vote on CMSD's behalf for Jo MacKenzie and Cheryl Brothers. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 15 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 28, 2012 XVIII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AND DIRECTOR COMMENTS Director Scheafer reported a neighbor spoke to him regarding large item pickups; noting that she put a mattress out for pickup but got fined by the City. President Ooten indicated the item should be brought before the liaison committee. Director Scheafer asked if the August Board meeting date could be changed. Discussion followed regarding the possibility of setting the Board meeting date to August 20, 2012. Director Perry moved to consider the following item at this time, noting it was submitted after publication of the agenda and the need for action at this time. Director Fitzpatrick seconded the motion, which carried 5 -0. Director Scheafer requested the opportunity to attend an upcoming CSDA seminar on the Board's role in Human Resources and General Manager Evaluations. Director Perry moved to allow Director Scheafer to attend the CSDA seminar. Director Fitzpatrick seconded the motion, which carried 5 -0. Director Fitzpatrick requested an update of meeting schedules including COC and other local meetings. XIX. ADJOURNMENT President Ooten adjourned the meeting at 8:28 p.m. 44/-,�-� Secretary Rresi &nt :� r -;rte'• yl .,' - ..