Project 150 - Proposal - Hamers - 1997-02-26 ROBIN B HAMERS 294E 17TH ST SUITE 205 & ASSOCIATES INC. COSTA MESA, CA 92627 CIVIL ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS p14) 546-1192 FAX 1714) 548-6596 February 26, 1997 Board of Directors Costa Mesa Sanitary District P 0 Box 1200 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 RE. Project No. 150 Update Pumping Station Radio Alarm System Proposal to Begin Design Phase Dear Board of Directors: Enclosed is a proposal to begin the design phase of the project which consists of replacing the existing pumping station radio alarm system with a new system. Attached is an excerpt from the 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program thoroughly explaining the project along with Boyle Engineering Corporation s independent review of the project. Consultation and assistance from the City Communications Department will be necessary to insure the new system is compatible with the City's plans to upgrade its communications systems. Either the services of an electrical engineer or the City will be used in assisting in preparing the plans and specifications for bidding. Therefore, it is proposed to complete the design phase of the project at the following standard hourly rates, including the cost of consulting electrical engineering, not to exceed $18,500• Engineering @ $63.00 per hr Sincerely ,P)44.t..— Robin B Hamers ®Printed on Recycled Paper. 19G - 91 Ck1 riA1 Zr1PQLD V6HENT Ficti,Z PROJECT 1112100-150 UPDATE PUMPING STATION ALARM SYSTEM The radio alarm system was last updated in 1985 at which time a then state-of-the-art Motorola system known as INTRAC 2000, costing approximately $235 000 was installed The system consisted mainly of 21 radios and alarm systems, one to be placed at each station along with two controller units (a primitive version of a personal computer) , one at the Corporation Yard and one at Communications The radio system at each station consists of two parts, the radio itself and the alarm reporting system Motorola no longer provides spare parts or support for the alarm reporting system since they have developed a more advanced system known as MOSCAD Not only is the alarm system old and obsolete the District now has trouble obtaining spare parts The radios themselves are over 10 years old and reaching their life expectancy but Motorola still provides spare parts and support The frequency on which the alarm system operates and the base station at Communications are still sufficient As a precursor to the project, the District interviewed three companies who could provide and install a new system Only one of the the three Motorola can reuse the existing radios while providing a new alarm system The other two can easily provide new different radios with a new alarm system but cannot reuse the existing radios due to a difference in technology It is estimated that the existing radios have a life expectancy of three years and it is probably now the appropriate time to replace them with new radios The project will most likely be bid with the radios as an alternate item so as to achieve the lowest possible price A map is attached showing the locations of the 20 pumping stations (one was recently taken out of service) along with the two control centers at the Corporation Yard and Communications headquarters - 3 - An estimate of the project costs is as follows Design $ 18 , 500 Construction 185 000 Inspection 18 500 Reserve 28, 000 TOTAL $ 250, 000 - 4 - .- 7.11151.1r-- (/) %" ILI s ).... • CO I „j • '� � i u�1 i-- ,,F�'„ ! \<' (ii el IN poi ^y e +ti' ' \N\•� F" {'4.'4/ x'' _ �� ��. C Li C Wi ' ' - -• �^T/ `✓ Q �e ' 'b, �' •, a �y t • '� 'i01� a A } o- ' S„�S e N� I.1'tS ° E r aI/ 3. j .a^ . ' t 7© \ ` !\� - "°-r°l .-T i,.> ‘c-":".7c . .( fi� I � ! + : �; am .. ‘ I rt \ 4.__,.. 11. ..k>,1,,TXXl\$,,"%ic' .< ... I.' e*4\ 7 \ .1-.."'"Af'''S .,:, ,/, . ,i I 1,....--1 'Cli.,. ,_ , >i\-. r2 \\ tt \ f 4, t �f ��? (1,1;.kMS--i-/�' '•\A.t-J' tai I fr\ \ Y ��'\ Vii.„„>.-..:44--:: / \ c\y' .1 - � :I S 4 / ' ''- , 4 p. yyy._c-t, I -4',' i�1`•e \\ ' A".., \ (1 g' . C`''E) .; ® '�`_ '4 # 4tZT,1*.. ` ; lir?. \d' F(:/ � / ./ „ 7.J 2�; f N. vy Iti 't`� �' '� ° j' ■ 5 .. .a *^ Imo..; I • (bike>7 . i i 7, \ o de S7" Jb' n%y •7 I IiC ; 4 i ,_ , Art. ' • • < 'e n 9 ^t \ 9 - 5 - T. SUBMERSIBLE Mendoza Pumping Station # 1 Gisler Pumping Station # 2 Adams Pumping Station # 3 Harbor Pumping Station # 4 Canyon Pumping Station # 5 Aviemore Pumping Station # 6 Congress Pupping Station `,' 8 ABANDONED Victoria Pumping Station # 9 Elden Pumping Station #10 Tustin Pumping Station #11 Santa Ana Pumping Station #12 23rd Street Pumping Station #13 California Pumping Station #14 South Coast Plaza Pumping Station #15 19th Street Pumping Station #16 Iowa Pumping Station #17 Westbiuff Pumping Station #18 Sea Bluff Pumping Station #19 Corporation Yard Pumping Station #20 21st Street Pumping Station #21 WET WELL - DRY WELL President Pumping Station # 7 - 6 - eY C Soule Engineering Corporation cc•isukine 2noirteerS e Chit,' t^u1 Quad •Ge• 6- 00 P.O.So, .020 •,:x 774 ,2 Ni pan Bench CA 5S-41020 r,, ^6 s� :e�ca*., •....wave srsue,,: .snvs '.'. a'SSaaerr .. TRRfISPORTfTIOf SERVICES Mr Robin B Flamers. PE Manager/District Engineer August 12. 1996 COSTA MESA SANITARI' DISTRICT Post Office Box 1200 Costa Mesa. California 92628-1200 Capital Improvement Program Review I have completed my reviev, of the District s 1996-97 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) that you sent me on June 10 1996. I have enclosed my independent review report as You requested. As usual. I found the CIP report to be yery complete. containing adequate information for me to make my review The use of vicinity maps. lists, and recap sheets was beneficial. it made my revie\\ easier O"erail I found the CIP report to be very concise. well defined. and complete. I applaud you. the District and the cit.\ for undertaking the Sewer Lateral Stud\ The -id re.,ults Jiotld be recei\ed by the end users, the residents and businesses of Costa Mesa. I appreciate the opportunity to continue to work with you and serve the District. Best wishes to You. the Directors and the District staff. Boyle Engineering Corporation 1111 O Bruce D Matters. PE Assistant Managing Engineer Enclosure CIP Reviev Report oc-c I-100-0>/crosdlet. 2/DDV/a Independent Review Costa Mesa Sanitary District Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 1996-97 o Project 1112100-149/SINKING FUND This is the second year that funds have been set aside for future replacement or reconstruction of sewer lines as they reach life expectancy Setting aside funds for future use now will benefit from compounding over time. o Project 1112100-150/PUMP STATION ALARM SYSTEM UPDATE The Districts existing radio-alarm system is reaching its life expectancy Parts may be obtainable for the radios but the alarm reporting system appears to be unsalvageable. The District Engineer has recommended that bids include replacing the radios as an alternative, which I support. The use of a radio-alarm system has great value and benefit. The main saving has been in reduced response time. auto shut down of pumps when a problem has occurred. and a reduction in overflows when there has been a failure. The construction cost appears reasonable as does the design and inspection fees. o Project 1112100-151/SEWER LINE RECONSTRUCTION Various Locations This is the sixth allocation in a continuing program to provide funding for maintenance of sewer lines at various locations. This is a maintenance program and priorities are established from the data and analysis received from previous televising of the Districts sewer lines. Since repairs are small in length the average cost per foot will be higher when compared to major replacement projects. The engineers estimate appears reasonable The design and inspection fees of 8.3% and 9% respecti\eh appear to be within acceptable standards. The 13% contingenc\ estimate is reasonable. o Project 1112100-152/TELEVISING SEWER LINES This is part of an ongoing program to insure that the Districts facilities are functioning properly The District Engineer proposes to check lines that were televised approximately eight Years ago this will provide significant information in which to draw assumptions regarding other portions of the Districts facilities. The engineering fees are higher than normal projects but since this requires proper selection of locations to be televised coupled with reviewing the tapes and report preparation. the seem acceptable. The inclusion of the vicinity map was beneficial and appreciated. • Project 11121100-153/ROOT INTRUSION STUDY Sewer Laterals Thi_ is the first year for this program. It appears to be a joint effort between the District and the Cm' to provide a public service as well as helping to identify potential problems/conflicts. The District and the City should be complimented for undertaking this project. especially the District for funding this first phase. Hopeful!' the public will view this as a positive step and that the information can be used for preventative maintenance rather than finger pointin&. I whole hcanih support this program. \gain, the use of the vicinity map was beneficial.