2017_10_10_study10/6/2017 BoardDocs® Pro https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#1/1 Tuesday, October 10, 2017 Board of Directors Study Session 290 Paularino Avenue, Costa Mesa 9:30AM A. OPENING ITEMS 1. Roll Call 2. Public Comments B. ITEMS OF STUDY 1. September 2017 Code Enforcement Officer report 2. Tri-State Seminar for Water and Wastewater Professionals - Oral Report 3. Organics Tonnage Report 4. Solid Waste Diversion Report 5. Quarterly Legislative Update 6. Solar Roof at Headquarters - Update 7. 2017 Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) Wastecon - Oral Report 8. Update on Inflow & Infiltration (I/I) of Storm Water into the Sewer System - Oral Report C. CLOSING ITEMS 1. Oral Communications & Director Comments 2. Adjournment 10/6/2017 BoardDocs® Pro https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#1/14 Tuesday, October 10, 2017 Board of Directors Study Session 290 Paularino Avenue, Costa Mesa 9:30AM A. OPENING ITEMS (If absences occur, consider whether to deem those absences excused based on facts presented for the absence – such determination shall be the permission required by law.) Subject 1. Roll Call Meeting Oct 10, 2017 - Board of Directors Study Session Access Public Type Procedural 10/6/2017 BoardDocs® Pro https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#2/14 A. OPENING ITEMS This time has been set aside for persons in the audience to make comments on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District that are not listed on this agenda. Members of the public will have the opportunity to address the Board of Directors about all other items on this agenda at the time those items are considered. Under the provisions of the Brown Act, the Board of Directors is prohibited from taking action on oral requests but may refer the matter to staff or to a subsequent meeting. The Board of Directors will respond after public comment has been received. Please state your name. Each speaker will be limited to four (4) continuous minutes. Subject 2. Public Comments Meeting Oct 10, 2017 - Board of Directors Study Session Access Public Type Procedural 10/6/2017 BoardDocs® Pro https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#3/14 B. ITEMS OF STUDY File Attachments September 2017 CEO report.pdf (525 KB) Administrative File Attachments September 2017 CEO report.doc (1,444 KB) Subject 1. September 2017 Code Enforcement Officer report Meeting Oct 10, 2017 - Board of Directors Study Session Access Public Type Receive and File 10/6/2017 BoardDocs® Pro https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#4/14 B. ITEMS OF STUDY File Attachments Tristate.pptx (1,447 KB) Subject 2. Tri-State Seminar for Water and Wastewater Professionals - Oral Report Meeting Oct 10, 2017 - Board of Directors Study Session Access Public Type Receive and File Goals 3.00 Partnerships 3.4 Participate in the activities of professional associations 10/6/2017 BoardDocs® Pro https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#5/14 B. ITEMS OF STUDY Summary A total of 840.86 tons of organic waste were collected and recycled in September 2017. Analysis Below is a graph depicting the total tonnage of organic waste collected during each month of FY 2015-16, FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18. Subject 3. Organics Tonnage Report Meeting Oct 10, 2017 - Board of Directors Study Session Access Public Type Receive and File 10/6/2017 BoardDocs® Pro https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#6/14 Legal Review Not applicable. Environmental Review Consideration of the Organics Tonnage Report is an administrative matter and not a disturbance of the environment similar to grading or construction and not a project under CEQA or the District’s CEQA Guidelines. Financial Review Not applicable. Public Notice Process Copies of this report are on file and will be included with the complete agenda packet for the October 10, 2017 Board of Directors Study Session meeting at District Headquarters and posted on the District’s website. 10/6/2017 BoardDocs® Pro https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#7/14 Executive File Attachments Organics 9-17.png (19 KB) total tonnage 9-17.png (24 KB) 10/6/2017 BoardDocs® Pro https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#8/14 B. ITEMS OF STUDY Summary A total of 2,094.83 tons of solid waste were collected and recycled in September 2017. Analysis Using data from CR&R's Recycling Report and OCC's Recycling Center Recycling Report, staff has calculated the diversion rate for the last three months at 60.63%. A total of 11,317.30 tons of solid waste materials have been collected, of which 6,861.25 tons have been diverted away from landfills. In addition to curbside collection from CR&R, CMSD offers a variety of other waste diversion programs including large item pickup, where white goods are collected. The total tonnage of white goods for the month of September was not available in time to include in this report. Additionally, OCC's diversion data was not available in time to include it in this report. However, these numbers will be included in the November report. Attachment A is the fiscal year 2017-18 diversion rate support. Legal Review Not applicable. Environmental Review Consideration of the Solid Waste Diversion Report is an administrative matter and not a disturbance of the environment similar to grading or construction and not a project under CEQA or the District’s CEQA Guidelines. Financial Review Not applicable. Public Notice Process Copies of this report are on file and will be included with the complete agenda packet for the October 10, 2017 Board of Directors Study Session meeting at District Headquarters and posted on the District’s website. File Attachments Attachment A - CRR-OCC Diversion.pdf (66 KB) Subject 4. Solid Waste Diversion Report Meeting Oct 10, 2017 - Board of Directors Study Session Access Public Type Receive and File Goals 2.4 Develop Strategies for 75% Waste Diversion 2.00 Solid Waste 10/6/2017 BoardDocs® Pro https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#9/14 B. ITEMS OF STUDY File Attachments Legislative Analysis Quarterly Report (August-Oct).pdf (104 KB) Subject 5. Quarterly Legislative Update Meeting Oct 10, 2017 - Board of Directors Study Session Access Public Type Receive and File Goals 5.3 Stay informed on applicable federal, state and regional regulations 10/6/2017 BoardDocs® Pro https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#10/14 B. ITEMS OF STUDY Summary On February 14, 2017, staff presented ideas for installing solar panels on the Headquarters rooftop and the Board directed staff to proceed with obtaining three bids. Funding for this project was approved in the FY 2017-18 Budget for $180,000. This report is an update on the progress made by staff to complete this project. Recommendation That the Board of Directors receive and file this report. Analysis During our research for solar, staff obtained conflicting information from different solar companies about the size and quantity of solar panels needed for the rooftop. Staff needed expertise guidance in this endeavor and decided to hire Utility Cost Management (UCM) to help with reviewing utility billing data and determining the optimal solar system size for HQ. In addition, UCM will draft the scope work, assist in evaluating vendor proposals and then review utility data for one year after project installation to determine whether the solar system is performing in conformance with vendor forecasts. UCM are experts in applying and understanding complex utility rates and regulations and their goal is identifying and implementing the best solution, not selling a particular product. They have experience working with solar companies and know the best electricity rate structure for renewable sources. The contract with UCM is costing $12,800. The scope of work UCM is preparing will require vendors to design and install a roof-mounted solar photovoltaic system with battery storage capability. The goal will be to reduce CMSD’s electricity costs and carbon emissions, while simultaneously providing the district with backup power during Southern California Edison (SCE) outages or other emergencies. The battery-supplied power will allow CMSD to continue critical operations at its headquarters for 2-4 hours, giving CMSD time to bring its generator online to fulfill longer-term power needs. Our objective is to employ three main strategies to improve the project’s Return on Investment (ROI): 1. Utilize “Option R” of SCE’s Tariffs – “Option R” is available to customers that generate electricity from renewable sources, and often results in lower costs than regular SCE rates. Fortunately, it is not necessary to install a large solar system in order to benefit from Option R -- CMSD can take advantage of this rate as long as solar generation comprises 15% or more of total electricity usage at HQ. As a result, CMSD can improve the project ROI with a smaller system that still qualifies for the rate reduction. 2. Regularly Discharge Battery to Reduce Peak Demand, While Still Maintaining Adequate Charge to Serve Emergency Needs – Battery storage systems become more cost-effective when it is possible to discharge the batteries during periods of peak demand in order to reduce SCE charges. The key question will be whether CMSD can obtain a large enough battery capacity with available funds, so that adequate emergency capacity will be available even when the battery has been partially discharged to reduce demand. 3. Take Advantage of Available Incentives to Defray Initial Cost – It appears that CMSD may be eligible for substantial incentives on this project, particularly the portion that relates to battery storage. UCM is still investigating these opportunities Subject 6. Solar Roof at Headquarters - Update Meeting Oct 10, 2017 - Board of Directors Study Session Access Public Type Discussion, Receive and File 10/6/2017 BoardDocs® Pro https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#11/14 B. ITEMS OF STUDY Subject 7. 2017 Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) Wastecon - Oral Report Meeting Oct 10, 2017 - Board of Directors Study Session Access Public Type Receive and File Goals 6.7 Promote high employee satisfaction 6.0 Personnel/Organizational Management 3.4 Participate in the activities of professional associations 2.5 Monitor advancements and technology in the solid waste industry 10/6/2017 BoardDocs® Pro https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#12/14 B. ITEMS OF STUDY Subject 8. Update on Inflow & Infiltration (I/I) of Storm Water into the Sewer System - Oral Report Meeting Oct 10, 2017 - Board of Directors Study Session Access Public Type Receive and File Goals 1.2 Inflow Reduction Program 1.0 Sewer Infrastructure 10/6/2017 BoardDocs® Pro https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#13/14 C. CLOSING ITEMS Subject 1. Oral Communications & Director Comments Meeting Oct 10, 2017 - Board of Directors Study Session Access Public Type Procedural 10/6/2017 BoardDocs® Pro https://www.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#14/14 C. CLOSING ITEMS THE NEXT STUDY SESSION OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2017 AT 9:30 A.M. IN THE DISTRICT'S BOARD ROOM, 290 PAULARINO AVENUE, COSTA MESA. Subject 2. Adjournment Meeting Oct 10, 2017 - Board of Directors Study Session Access Public Type Procedural