Warrant Reso 2016-04 COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Warrant Resolution No. CMSD 2016-4 A RESOLUTION OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT RATIFYING THE PAYMENT OF CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS, AND SPECIFYING THE FUNDS OUT OF WHICH THE SAME WERE PAID. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT DOES HEREBY ORDER AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the attached claims and demands totaling $792,681.10 have been audited as required by law and that the same were paid out of respective funds as hereinafter set forth. Section 2. That the Clerk of the District shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall retain a certified copy thereof in his own records. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of October 2015. ATTEST: (1-0-ei1 J . Lt. Secretary / Presid nt STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ) I, Noelani Middenway, District Clerk of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District, hereby certify that the foregoing Warrant Resolution No. CMSD 2016-4 was duly adopted by the Costa Mesa Sanitary District at a regular meeting held on the 22nd day of October 2015. AYES: Scheafer, Perry, Ooten, Schafer, Ferryman NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District on this 22n°day of October 2015. Dis rict e Cos a Mes anitary District Accounts Payable Checks for Approval COSTA WE-SA SANITAR,7OISTR/Cer -an lndepeadent Special(District User ktran Printed- 707/2015- 7:29 AM Cheek Number Check Date Fund Name Account Same Vendor Fame Void Amount O 09/022015 Liquid Waste Fund State Withholding Taxes Employment Development Depanment 2,017.15 Check dotal 2.017 15 0 09/162015 Liquid Waste Fund PERS-Employer Cal Pea Employee Ret 53 stem 17 10 O 09/162015 Solid Waste Fund PERS-Employer Cal Pers Employee Ret 53 stein 190 0 09/16/2015 Solid Waste Fund PERS-Employer Cal Pas Employee Rt 5csmm 8d 911 O 09/162015 I.iquid Waste Fund PERS-Employer Cal Pets Employee Ret 53stem 764.10 Check Total 808 00 0 09/022015 Liquid Waste Fund State Withholding Taxes Employment Development Department 101.03 Check Total 10103 0 09/02/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Medicare-Employee Internal Revenue Sen lee 9100 0 09/02/2015 Liquid Waste Fund FICA-Employee Internal Revenue Service 3'97.05 0 09/02/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Federal Withhold ing Taxes Internal Revenue Set,ice 433.10 0 09/102/2015 Liquid Waste lend Medicare-Implovee Internal Revenue Sett,ice 9300 0 09/02/2/]9 I.iqu id Waste Fund FICA-Employee Internal Revenue Service 39765 Check Total I AI]40 0 09/08/2015 Solid Waste I and Benefits Admin Costs Cal PERS 4 34 0 09/08/20 IS Liquid Waste Fund PERS Medical Cal PERS 10298 82 0 09/08t20 IS Liquid Waste Fund Benefits Admin Costs Cal PERS 201.30 0 003082015 Liquid Waste Fund Benefits Admin Costs Cal PERS 39 02 0 09/08/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Benefit Admin Cal PERS 67 Kt Check Total. 10.610.58 0 09232015 Liquid Waste Fund State Withholding Taxes Employment Ondopmeni Department 10265 Check Total 10205 0 09/23/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Medicare-Iin ployee Internal Revenue Service 10268 0 09/23/2015 liquid Waste Fond FICA-Employee Internal Revenue Service 43902 0 0923/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Medicare-Employee Internal Revenue Service 10268 AP-Checks for Approval(10/72015- 7 29 AM1 Page I Check Number Check Date Fund Name Account Name Vendor Name Void Amount 0 0923/20/5 Liquid Waste Fund Federal Withholding Taxes Internal Revenue Service 473.54 0 09/2312M5 Liquid Waste Fund FICA-Employee Internal Revenue Service 43902 Check'total 1,556 94 0 09102/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Medicare-Employee Internal Revenue Service 69464 0 09102/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Medicare-Employee Internal Revenue Service 69464 0 09/02/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Federal Withholding Taxes Internal Revenue Service 620192 Check Total. 7,59030 09/02/2015 Liquid Waste Fund PERS Retirement Cal Pers Employee Ret System 64.17 1 09/022015 Liquid Waste Fund PERS Survivor Benefit Cal Pers Employee Ret System 1581 09/02206 Liquid Waste Fund PERS Retirement Cal Pers Employee Ret System 3,731 00 09/02/2015 Liquid Waste Fund PERS Retirement Cal Pers Employee Ret Sy stein 2,533 32 1 09/02/2015 Liquid Waste Fund PERS Retirement Cal Pers Employee Ret System 68605 t 09/022015 Liquid Waste Fund PERS Retirement Cal Pers Employee Ret System 4802 Check'total 7,078 37 O 09/162015 Liquid Waste Fund Medicare-Employee Internal Revenue Sen ice 78161 O 09/16'2015 Liquid Waste Fund Medicare-Employee Internal Revenue Service 78161 O 09/1662015 Liquid Waste Fund Federal Withholding'faxes Internal Revenue Service 5932.2_3 Check'Total. 7,49515 O (19/162015 Liquid Waste Fund State Withholding Taxes Employment Development Department 189960 Cheek Total 1,899 66 O 09/16/2015 Liquid Waste Fund PERS Retirement Cal Pers Employee Ret System 3730.26 O 09/1620/5 Liquid Waste Fund PERS-Employer Cu]Pins Employee Ret System 002 O 09/1620/5 Liquid Waste Fund PERS Retirement Cal Pers Employee Ret System 2,538 40 O 09/16/2015 Liquid Waste Fund 1'S1tS Retirement Cal Pets Employee Ret System 48 02 O 09/16/2015 Liquid Waste Fund PERS Retirement Cal Pers Employee Ret System 68605 O 09/162015 I.iquid Waste Fund PERS Retirement Cal Pets Employee Ret System 64 17 O 09/16,2015 liquid Waste Fund PERS Survivor Benefit Cal Pets Employee Ret System 1581 Check Total 7.088 73 O 09/15/2015 Solid Waste Fund Investment Earnings Bank of America 47665 Check Total 476 65 O 1)9,0/201S Solid Waste Fund Investment Earnings Bank of America 115 42 Check WILL 115 42 O 09/30/2015 Liquid Waste Fund State Withholding Taxes Employ meet Development Department 200655 AP-Checks tor Approval(10/7201,5- 720 AM) Paget Check Number Check Date Fund Nanie Account Name Vendor Name Void Amount Check Tota( 2.006 55 0 09/30/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Federal Withholding Taxes Internal Revenue Service 0,13909 O 09902015 Liquid Waste Fund Medicare-Employe Internal Revenue Service 750.89 O 09/90/2015 I.iquid Waste Fund Medicare-Employee Internal Revenue Service 75089 Check Total 7.64087 O 0990/2015 Liquid Waste Fund PERS Retirement Cal Pers fntpleyee Ret System 4802 O 09/30/2015 Liquid Wage Fund PERS Retirement Cal Pers Employee Ret System 2.531 38 O 09/30/2015 I.igmd Waste Fund PERS Retirement Cal Pers Employee Ret System 68605 O 119/302015 I.igmd Waste Fund PERS Retirement Cal Pers Employee Ret System 64.17 O 093012015 L[quid Waste Fund PERS-Employer Cal Pers Employee Ret System -0 O 09/302015 Llgmd Waste Fund PERS Survivor Benefit Cal Pers Employee Ret System IS SI U 09/302015 Liquid Waste Fund PERS Retirement Cal Pas Employee Ret Sy seem 3,72901 Check Total 7,074 43 14194 09/6402015 Solid Waste Fund Professional Services Willdan Engineering 104.56 14194 09/04/2015 I squid Waste Fund Professional Services Willdan Enemeering 9.37408 Cheek Total 10,415 64 14195 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Postye FedEx 2838 14195 09/04/2115 Liquid Waste Fund Postage FedEx 6983 Check Taal 98 21 14190 119/042015 liquid Waste Fund Employee Insurance AFLAC 107936 Check Total. 1079 36 14197 09/042015 I.iquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Annual Sewer Maim Alpha Traffic Services 3.11000 Check Total. A310 00 14198 090412015 Solid Waste Fund Building Maintenance Hay Alum Company 22__ 14198 0964/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Building Maintenance Bay Alaim Company 20002 Check'Total 222 24 14199 09/0412015 Ltgmd Waste Fund Sewer Mtant-Swr Lateral Pmg H lessingmn Lune Condo Assoc 49730 Check Total 497 50 1421111 0964/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Mamt-Hwr lateral Pmg Lola Irene Bridgewaters 1_100.00 Check'Total. 1,100 00 14201 0964/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Prof Memhersh[p'Dues Cali fernia AssamOon Mr Local Economic Develop 60300 AP-Checks for Approval(10/7/2015- 7 29 AM) Page 3 Check Namber Check Date Fund Nance Account Name Vendor Name Void Amount 14201 09/14213/5 Solid Waste Fund Prof Membership/Dues California Association for local Economic Desclout 6700 Check Total: 670.00 14202 09/042015 Liquid Waste Fund Retention's Payable California Hui Id tog Evaluation&Construction.Inc -210 31 14202 09/0412015 Liquid Waste Fund Generator at Yard 4203 California Building Evaluation&Construction,Inc 42(1600 Check'lima 3.995 69 14203 09/04320/5 Liquid Waste Fund Stall Development California State University_Fresno Foundation 630 00 14203 09/0420/5 Solid Waste Fund Staff Development California State University.Fresno Foundation 70.00 Check Total 700.00 14204 09104/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Water Pumps City of Newport Beach 3454 Check Total. 3454 4205 00/04206 Liquid Waste Fund Medical/Employment Services CMSD Petty Cash 900 4205 00/04/2015 Solid Waste Fund Medical/Employment Services CMSD Petty Cash 100 4205 09/04/2015 Solid Waste Fund Medical/Employment Services CMSD Petty Cash 1.00 4205 139/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund .Medical/Employment Services CMSD Petty Cash 3000 4205 130/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Murat-Stall Development CMSD Petty Cash 724 4205 09104/2015 liquid Waste Fund Medical/Employment Services CMSD Petty Cash 9.00 4205 09/042015 Solid Waste Fund Board Development CMSD Petty Cash I 72 4205 09414/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Board Development CMSD Potts Cash 1544 4205 09/04/2015 Solid Waste Fund Building Maintenance CMSD Petty Cash 313 4205 09/04'2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Klan-it-Bids-Maint CMSD Petty Cash 2159 4205 09/1142015 1 iquid Waste Fund Building Maintenance CMSD Petty Cash 28.12 4205 09/042015 Liquid Waste Fund Medical/Employment Services CMSD Petty Cash 50.00 4215 09'042015 Liquid Waste Fund Medical/Employment Services CMSD Petty Cash 5900 4205 09/04/3015 Solid Waste Fund Staff Development CMSD Petty Cash 1.75 4205 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Smffoevelopment CMSD Petty Cash 1575 4205 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Staff Development CMSD Petty Cash 1260 4205 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Staff Development 'MSD Petty Cash 140 4205 09/0420/5 Solid Waste Fund Staff Development 'MSO Petty Cash 5.211 4205 09/042015 Liquid Waste Fund Staff Development 'MSD Petty Cash 46.80 4205 09/042015 Solid Waste Fund MultiMed/HlueprinUCopies/Suh MSD Petty Cash 150 4205 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund MultiMed/blueprints/Copies/Sub 'MSD Petty Cash 1350 4205 09/042015 Liquid Waste Fund Mu10Med/Hlueprints/Copies/Suh MSD Petty Cash 4 05 4205 09/0420/5 Solid Waste Fund MnitiMed/Blueprint/Copies/Sub 'MSD Petty Cash 045 4205 09/04206 Solid Waste Fund Building Maintenance CMSD Petty Cash (125 4205 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Building Maintenance CMSD Petty Cash 2.24 4205 09/04206 Solid Waste Fund Staff Development CMSD Petty Cash 692 4205 00/042015 Liquid Waste Fund Staff Development CMSD Petty Cash 6224 4205 09/042015 Solid Waste Fund Mul n Med/li lueprinOCopies/Sub CMSD Petty Cash IAB 4205 119/0420/5 Liquid Waste Fund MultiMed/Blueprints/Copies/Sub CMSD Petty Cash 16 20 .P-Cheeks IDr Approval(10/7/2015- 729 AM) Page 4 Check Number ('heck Date Pend Name Account Name Vendor Name Void Amount Cheek Total. 437 94 1421)6 09/04/20/5 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Pump Stn Maint Cordova&Son,Inc 1,461 00 Check Tocol 146100 14209 09104/2015 Solid Waste Fund Organics Disposal CR Transfer.Inc 10.16741 Check Total 10.16741 14208 09:42013 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-ProfMcmber/Docs CWLA-SAR13S 16400 Check lolal 164 00 14209 09/042015 liquid Waste Fund Sewer A1rant-Pump Sm_Maim Dam len Decker 480(10 Check'total. 481.00 14210 09/01/2015 Solid Waste Fund Small Tools/Equipment DLLL Marketing LP 2949 14210 09104120IS Liquid Waste Fund Small Toils/Equipment DELL,Marketing LP 26540 14210 09/04/2015 Solid Waste Fund Capital Outlay DELL Marketing LP 394 31 14210 09/04'2015 Liquid Waste land Capital Outlay DELL Marketing LP 3,553 38 Check Total 4.243 OA 14211 09/042015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Matnt-Swr lateral Prog Donald Duarte 246501 Check'Iota) 24650 14212 09/04/2015 Solid Waste Fund Computer Licenses&Mamt FLS Imaging,Inc. 634 90 14212 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Computer Licenses&Ma lot ITS Imaging,Inc 5,714 10 Check fetal 6-349.00 14213 09/04'2015 Solid Waste Fund Educational Programs Environmental Education Services and Programs 90000 Check Total 90000 14214 00,/04/1015 Liquid Waste Fund Road Dmelopment Jim I'em'man 569 14214 09/04/1015 Solid Waste Fund Board Development Jim I'errvman 063 Check Total 6 32 14115 09/0412015 Solid Waste Fund Equipment Maintenance GE Capital 3163 14215 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Equipment Maintenance GE Capital 28466 Check Total 316.29 14216 09/04/1015 Solid Waste Fund Legal Services I lamer&Burns IIP 641 24 14216 09//04/2015 Solid Waste Fund Legal Services I larper&Burns 1.1.1' 63040 14216 00//0412015 Liquid Waste Fund legal Services Harper&Burns a 128050 AP-Checks for Approval(1017/2015- 7 29 AM) Page 5 Check Number Check Date Fund Name Account Name Vendor Name Void Amount 14216 1191042015 Liquid Waste Fund Legal Services I larper&Burns LLP 1,190X6 14216 09'04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Legal Services Harper&Burns l.I.P 53190 Check Total. 4.274 90 14217 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-/Equipment Maim IPC Fuel Distribution 3A39 10 Check Total. 3A39 10 14215 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Swr Lateral Prog Lucy Kado 1.10000 Check Total. 1.100 00 14219 00/04/2015 Liquid Waste Lund Sewer Maint-Ser Lateral Prng lames Long 1.10000 Check Total 1,100 00 14220 09/04/20015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Sdaint-Ser lateral Prue Rob Milliken 1,100 00 Cheek Total. 1.10000 1422/ 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Mau-Sewer Lina Tele National Plant Sen ices.Inc 79554 14221 00/04//2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Seger Line Tele National Plant Sen ices.Inc 1.26904 Cheek Torok. 2.064./21 14222 09/042015 Solid Waste Fund Budding Maintenance Ortiz Landscaping&Maintenance 1350 14222 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Building Maintenance Ortiz Landscaping&Maintenance 121 511 14222 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Bldg Maim Ortiz Landscaping&Maintenance 7500 Cheek Total 210 00 14223 00/Ob20IS Sold Wrote Fund Postage Purchase Power 11 34 14223 09/042015 I.iqu id Waste Fund Postage Purchase Power 10202 Check Total 113 36 14224 09/0420/5 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maini-Swr Lateral Prug Michelle Rankin 1.25400 Check T oral. 1,25000 14225 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Swr Lateral Prot Bret Raus 61500 Check Total 67300 14226 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Fngineering/Archite wal Sery Rubin B.Haulers C Assoc_Inc 153000 14226 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Engineering/Archltumal Sery Robin B.IIamers&Assoc,Inc 231000 14226 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Plan Ck/Inspecuon-1 ns ide Robin B.Flamers A Assoc_Inc 26250 14226 09/042015 liquid Waste lend Plan Ck'Inspeetion-Inside Robin B.Harness&Assoc_Inc I522.50 14226 00/0420/5 Liquid Waste Fund Plan Cr:Inspection-Outside Robin R.Harness&Assoc.Inc 5.53000 14226 09/04/200 Liquid Waste lend Plan Ck/Inspection-Outside Robin B.Harriers&Assoc.Inc 136500 AI'-ChecA IA Approval(10/7/2015- 729 AM) Page 6 Check Number Check hate Fund Name Account Name Vendor Name Void Amount 4226 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Plan Ck/Inspection-Syr Lateral Robin 13.Ilamers&Assoc,Inc. 5250 4226 09/042015 Liquid Waste Fund Plan COI nspection-Ayr lateral Robin B flamers&Assoc,Inc. 2,27500 4220 09/0420/5 Liquid Waste Fund PS Coating&Manhole Rehb 4194 Robin H.Hamers&Assoc.Inc. 4.62000 4226 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund PS Coating&Manhole Rehb 4194 Robin B.I lamers&Assoc.Inc. 47250 4226 09/04/2015 Liquid Waxte Fund Pump Sin Emerg Egpt.4196 Robin H.Hainers&Assoc.Inc 144750 4226 09/04/2015 liquid Waste Fund Pump Stn Fmerg Eqpt 9196 Robin B.llamas&Assoc Inc. 78750 4225 09/042015 liquid Waste Fund Pump Sin Emerg Egpt.4196 Robin B.Flamers&Assoc..Inc 210 00 4226 09/142015 liquid Waste Fund Force Main Upgrades 4200 Robin B.Flamers&Assoc.Inc 2,50900 4226 09104/20]5 liquid Waste Fund Indus Relining Project 4310 Robin H.Humors&Assoc..Inc 3.150 00 4226 09/04/70]5 I iquid Waste Fund Indus Relining Project 4310 Robin B I Tamers&Assoc,Inc 280 00 Check Total 28,324 00 14227 09104/20/5 Solid Waste Fund Board Development Arlene Schafer 594 14227 09/0420]5 Liquid Wte Fund Board Development Arlene Schafer 5,345 Check Total 5239 14228 09/04/2015 Solid Waste Fund Board Development Michael Scheafcr 34.15 14228 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Board Development Michael Scheeler 3 80 Check Tomf 3795 14229 09/04/20]5 Solid Waste Fund Building Maintenance Securitas Security Service USA,Inc 2240 14229 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Budding Maintenance Securitas Security Sen ice USA,Inc. 20160 Check Total 22400 14230 09/0420]5 Solid Waste Fund Prof Membership/Dues Solid Waste Association of North America 28700 Check Total. 28700 4231 09104201n Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Ma rat-Il ectne Pumps Southern California Edison 240.10 4231 09/042015 Liquid Waste bund Sewer Mm nt-Iii ectric Pumps Southern Cal ifern la Edison 111(D 4231 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Mai t-Ll ectne Pumps Southern Cal ifign m Edison 3121 4231 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maim-FI cane Pumps Southern California Edison 23266 4231 091042015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maim-Electric Pumps Southern CalifCmm Edison 7560 4231 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maim-Electric Pumps Southern California Edison 120119 4231 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maim-Electric Pumps Southern California Edison 0124 4231 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maim-Electric Pumps Southern California Edison 19664 4231 119/04/2015 I.iqu id Waste Fund Sewer Maim-Fleclric Pumps Southern Cali forma Edison 45123 4231 09/042015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maui-Hectic Pumps Soul hem California Edison 8316 4231 1191042015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maim-Electric Pumps Southern California Edison 106 90 4231 09/042015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maimt-Heimic Pumps Soul hem California Edison 4823 4231 119/042015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maim-Electric Pumps Southern California Edison 9957 4231 00/042015 Liquid Wash:Fund Sewer Mamt-Electric Pumps Southern California Edison 58171 4231 09/042015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maim-Elect' c Pumps Southern Califomm Edison 32502 AP-Checks for Approsal 1101712015- 7 29 AM) Pagel Check Number Check Date Fund Name Account Name Vendor Name Ynid Amount 14231 09042015 I-squid Waste Fund Sewer Maim-Electric Pumps Southern California Ed u'utt 28395 14231 09/04206 Liquid Waste Fund Electric-Building Southern California Edison 61999 14231 09/042015 Solid Waste Fund Electric-Budding South&n Cali imla Edison 6859 Check'total 4.90832 14232 09/042015 Solid Waste Fund Gas-Building Southern California Gas Company 196 14232 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Gas-Building Southern California Gas Company 203 14232 09/0412015 Liquid Waste fund Sewer Maint-Gas Bldg Southern California Gas Company 2494 Check Total 44 53 14233 00/042015 I.Iquid Waste Fund Cafeteria Plan Spec Dist Risk Met Authority I 59 86 14233 00/04/2013 Liquid Waste Fund Swr Mainl-Cafeteria Plan Spec Dist Risk Mgt Authority 6910 14233 09/04/206 Liquid Waste Fund Vision Insurance Spec Dist Risk Mgt Authority 237 70 14233 09/04/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Swr Maint-Cafeteria Plan Spec Dist Risk Mgt Authority 176 69 14233 09/04/2015 Solid Waste Fund Benefits Admm Costs Spec Dist Risk Mgt Authorat 10.70 14233 09042015 I.Iquid Waste Fund Dental Insurance Spec Dist Risk Mgt Authority 1,10985 14233 09/042015 Liquid Waste Fund Cafeteria Plan Spec Dist Risk Mgt Authority 64 95 14233 00/042015 Liquid Waste Fund Benefits Adm in Costs Spec Dist Risk Met Authority 2494 14233 09/04/20IS Solid Waste Fund Cafeteria Plan Spec]list Risk Mgt Authority 5943 14233 09/042015 Solid Waste Fund Cafeteria Plan Spec ilia Risk Mgt Authority 168.89 Check total 2.112 11 14234 09/04/2013 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Material/Supplies United laboratories 302 26 Check Total 30226 14235 09/04/2015 Solid Waste Fund Professional Services Wdldan Engineering 11400 14235 09/04206 Liquid Waste Fund Professional Services Willdan Engineering 990 00 14235 09/042015 Solid Waste Fund Professional Services Willdan Engineering 7,82720 14235 09/04/2015 Solid Waste Fund Professional Services Willdan Engineering 809 69 Check Total. 9,796 89 14241 119/15/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Equipment Maint An Resources Hoard 570 00 Check Total. 570 00 4242 09/1820 IS liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Telephone AT&T 15894 4242 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund telephone AF&r 46700 4242 09/152015 Solid Waste Fund telephone AT&T 51 89 4242 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Dlephone Al&I 8140 4242 9/182015 Solid Waste Fund Telephone AT&T 9 04 4242 09/1820/5 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-lelephone Al&l 4558 Check Total. 813 85 AP-Checks Dr Approsal 110/72015- 729 AM) Page 8 Cheek Number Check Date Fund Name Account Name Vendor name Void Amount 14243 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Ma int-Fel ephone Arch Communications 432 49 14243 09/182013 Solid Waste Fund Telephone Birch Communications 45 38 14243 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Telephone Birch Communications 40839 Check'1'otal 88626 4244 09/1812015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maim-Pump Stn Main( Bank of America 2878 4244 09118/20 15 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maim-Material/Supplies Bank of America 19570 4244 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maim-Material/Supplies Bank of America 12659 4244 09/132015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer MambStalfDevelopment Bank of America 80.00 4244 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer MambMalmal/Supplics Bank of America 39248 4244 09/IS2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Mainl-Bide Main! Bank of America 4707 4244 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maim-Staff Development Bank of America 216.35 4244 09/IS2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Office Supplies Bank of America 2268 4244 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Mani-Small Tools'q Bank of America 3166 4244 09/]SC015 Liquid Waste Fund Computer Licenses&\lain! Bank of America 12960 4244 09/1820/5 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer MaintUPoce Supplies Bank of America 1347 4244 09/13/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Saver Maint-B:quipment Main! Rank of America 1619 4244 09/1820/5 Liquid Waste Fund Saver Mont-Small Tools/Eq Bank of America 2698 4244 09/182015 Solid Waste Fund Board Development Bank of America 7500 4244 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Board Development Bank ofAmerica 32935 4244 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Board Development Bank of-America 2 14 4244 09/18,2015 Liquid Waste Fund Board Development Bank o(America 396 0(1 4244 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Board Development Hank of America 1 30 4244 09118/20/5 Liquid Waste Fund Staff Development Bank of America 2250 4244 09/1320/5 Solid Waste Fund Bowd Development Bank of America 3659 4244 09/13/2015 Solid Waste Fund Board Development Bank ofAmerica 44 00 4244 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Self Development Bank of America 1553 4244 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Board Development Rank of America 1929 4244 09/18120/5 liquid Waste Fund Board Development Bank ofAmerica II 70 4244 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Staff Development Rank of America I 73 4244 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Staff Development Bank of America 250 4244 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Computer Licenses&Main Bank of America 11250 4244 09/18/'2015 Solid Waste Fund Staff Development Bank ofAmerica 492 4244 09/]8/2015 Solid Waste Pond Staff Development Bank of America 29.82 4244 09/]8/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Staff Development Rank of America 44.28 4244 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Office Supplies Bank ofAmerica 122 22 4144 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Staff Development Bank ofAmerica 250 4244 09/1812015 Liquid Waste Fund Staff Development Bank of America 1969 4244 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Staff Development Bank of America 219 4244 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Office Supplies Bank of America 10 15 4244 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Staff Development Bank of America 2230 4244 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Office Supplies Bank of America 54425 4244 09/18/20/5 Liquid Waste Fund Staff Development Bank of America 26838 AP-Checks tifApproval(10/7/2015- 7.29 AM) Page 9 Cheek Number Check Date Fund Name Account Name Vendor Name Void Amount 4244 09/18206 Solid Waste Fund Computer licenses&Main Bar_of America 1250 4244 09/182015 Solid Waste Fund Office Supplies Bank ofAmerica 6047 4244 09/182015 Liquid Waste fund Sewer Maint-Material/Supplies Bank of America 1095 4244 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Once Supplies Bank of America 9131 4244 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maut-Office Supplies Bank of America 10147 4244 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Office Supplies Bank of America 13.58 Check Total 3,739 86 14245 09/18/206 Liquid Waste bund Sewer Maint-Scar Lateral Pug Ke'in Carr 1,10000 Check Total 1.11)00(1 14246 09/1.8/2015 I.'quid Waste Fund Sewer MainiSwr I ateral Prog Jon Castrouiovann I 87500 Check Total. 875 00 14247 09/1820/5 Liquid Waste li and Sesser Maint-F:q uipnlent Maim City of Costa Mesa 45089 14247 09/I8/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Mai nt-Iā€¢guipment Maint City of Costa Mesa 38381 Check'rota! 834.70 14248 09/182015 Solid Waste Fund Organics Public Info/Ed/Comm City of Costa Mesa 250 00 Check Total 250 00 14249 09/I8/2015 Solid Waste Fund Computer)icenses&Maint CoreLogic Solutions.IIC 1500 14249 09/I82015 Liquid Waste Fund Computer Licenses&Maint CoreLogic Solutions,L LC 13500 Clack Total. 15000 14250 09/I 8;2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Mmnt-Pump Sin Matnt Cordova&Son.Inc I MO 00 Check'Iotal 1.440 00 14251 09/1821115 Solid Waste F and 1 I larder CIt&R Incorporated linvironmenul Services 214,18622 Check total 214 186 22 14252 09/18/2015 Sul id Waste F and I lows Bold Ilaaardous Waste CR&R Incorporated Fns momenta!Services 68600 Check Fetal. 6860(1 14253 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Pump Stn Mamt C&R Drains Inc. 100.00 Check latah 100 00 14254 00/182116 Solid Waste I Recycling/Disposal CR Transfer,Inc 69.16583 14254 119/18,/2015 Solid Waste Iand Recycling/Disposal CR Transfer,Inc 3.887.88 14254 00/I 821115 Solid Waste I'and Recvcling/I)isposal CR Transfer Inc 7222635 14254 09/1820/5 Solid Waste Ivnd Recycling/ITsposal CR Transfer,Inc 2 352 68 AP-Checks for Approval 110702015- 7 29 AM) Page 10 Check Num her Check Dale Fund Name Account Name Vendor Name Void Amount 14254 1593182015 Solid Wste Fund Organics Disposal CR Transfer.Mc 3015455 Check Total. 177.787 29 4255 0911820/5 Solid Waste bund Sharps Program WM Curbside,LLC II 500 4255 09/132015 Solid Waste Fund Sharps Program WM Curbside_11C 11500 4255 09/182015 Solid Waste Fund Pharmaceutical Program WM Curbside,LLC 9010 4255 09/182015 Solid Waste Fund Sharps Program WM Curbside LLC 11500 4255 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Pharmaceutical Program WM Curbside,LLC 16155 4255 09/I8/2015 Solid Waste Fund Pharmaceutical Pmgtant WM Curbs ide,1.1_C 9000 4255 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Pharmaceutical Program WM Curbside,LLC 9000 4255 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Pund Sharps Program WM Curbside.LLC 11500 4255 09/1820/5 Solid Waste Fund Sharps Program WM Curbside,LLC 11500 4255 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Pharmaceutical Program WM Curbside,LLC 9)65 4255 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Pharmaceutical Program WM Curbside.11C 9000 4255 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Pharmaceutical Program WM Curbside.'Jr 9000 4255 09//1812015 Solid Waste Fund Sharps Program WM Curbside.he 11500 4255 09/I8/2015 Solid Waste Fund Sharps Program WM Curbside_I I C 11500 4255 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Pharmaceutical Program WM Curbside.I.IC 18135 4255 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Pharmaceutical Program WM Curbside,LLC 70 65 4255 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Pharmaceutical Program WM Curbside_LLC 11205 Check Total 1.878 25 14256 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Mao-Pump Sm Maint Dyer Instruments Inc 61905 Check'Fatal 617 05 14257 09/1&2015 Solid Waste Fund Postai FedEx 848 14257 09//182015 Liquid Waste Fund Postage Fedlix 7634 14257 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Postage FedEx 3049 Check Total 11531 14258 09/18//2015 Solid Waste Fund Equipment Maintenance GE Capital 28.92 14258 09/18/2015 liquid Waste F and Equipment Maintenance GE Capital 26029 Check Total. 289 21 14259 09/1812015 I.igtid Waste Fund Sewer Mai nt-Sm lateral Pror Joni Hammer 1,10000 Check Total'. 1,10000 14260 09/182015 Liquid Waste Pond Sewer Mai rat-Eq uapment Maint HUB Auto Supply 24434 Check Total 24434 14261 (19/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Water Pumps Irvine Ranch Water District 12 fit 14261 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Water Pumps Irvine Ranch Water District 1064 AP-Checks for Approval(10/92015- 7 29 AMI Page 11 Cheek Number Check Date Fund Name Account Name \endue Same Void Amount Check Total' 23 25 14262 09/18206 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Mamt-MaterialiSuppli s Brandon Joseph 1511.00 Check IotaF 150 00 14263 09/18/2013 Liquid Waste Fund Professional Services Lan Wan Enterprise Inc 4.16250 14263 09/182015 Solid Waste Fund Professional Services Lan Wan Enterprise Inc 46250 Check Total 4.625 00 14264 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Swr Lateral Pmg Theodore Leanard 1.100 00 Check Total- 1.100.00 14265 09/182015 Solid Waste Fund Legal Services I.iebcn Cassidy Whitmore 975 14265 09/182015 I.iquid Waste Fund I egal Services I.leder Cassidy Whitmore 8775 Check Total: 91511 14266 09/182015 liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Equipment Maint I.decom Inc 72.51 14266 09/I5111115 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-pyuipmenl Maint LI@cont Inc 6500 Check Total. 13751 14267 09/18/21115 Liquid%Waste Fund Sewer Ma int-Swr lateral Prou Richard Mehren 1.10400 Check Total: 1.10400 14268 00/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Water Pumps Mesa Water District 2150 14268 09/I8/2015 1i aid Waste Fund Sewer Maim-Water Pumps Mesa Water District 2150 14268 09/1821115 I.iquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Water Pumps Mesa Water District 24.90 14268 (19/I5i20IS Solid Waste Fund Water-Building Mesa Water District 3561 14268 09/182015 Liquid Waste Pond Water-Building Mesa Water District 32049 14268 09/18,2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Main-Water Pumps Mesa Water District 11511 14268 09/182015 Liquid Waste lend Sewer Maim-Water Bldg Mesa Water District 62.50 14268 09/1820/5 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Main-Water Bldg Mesa Water District 6860 14268 09/1820/3 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Main-W^ater Bldg Mesa Water District 72.00 Cheek Total 649 60 14269 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maint-Annual Sewer Main( Municipal Underground Services.Inc 1,850 00 Check Total 185000 14270 09/1820/5 Liquid Waste Fund Pump Sm Emerg Eqpt.4196 National Electrical Contractors.Inc. 167.11995 Check Total. 167.11995 14271 09/1S/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Board Development Newport-Mesa Schools Foundation 57 60 AP-Checks for Apprtml(10/712015- 729 AM) Page 12 Check Number Check Date Fund Name Account Name Vendor Name Void Amount 14271 09/182015 Solid Waste Fund Board Development Newport-Mesa Schools Foundation 640 Check Tota: 64 00 14272 09/1820/5 Liquid Waste Fund Seater Mamt-FOG Prog Contract Orange County Sanitation Distr 3.013 87 Check Total. 3.013 87 14273 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund OCSD Fees-CMSD Share Orange County Sanitation Dmr -76095 14273 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Due to OCSD Orange County Sanitation Distr 1521700 14273 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund OCSD Fees-CMS!)Share Orange County San nation Distr 2011 Check Total. 14,458(15 14274 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Board Development Office Depot 53 12 14274 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Board Development Office Depot 5 90 14274 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund O01cc Supplies Office Depot 8 21 14274 119/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Office Supplies Office Depot 7390 14274 09/1812015 Liquid Waste Fund Office Supplies Office Depot 6 41 14274 09/18520/5 Solid Waste Fund Office Supplies Office Depot 071 Check Total. 148 25 14275 09/I$12015 Solid Waste Fund Staff Development 0.5 T S.Inc 43 00 14275 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Staff Development O.3 1 S Inc 387 00 Check Total: 430 00 14276 09/I8/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maui-Electric Pumps Southern California Edison 913 94 Check Total. 913 94 14277 09/1852015 Solid Waste Fund Board Development Arlene Schafer 230 14277 (1911852015 Liquid Waste Fund Board Development Arlene Schafer 2070 Check Total. 23 00 14278 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund Board Development Michael Scheafer 3 22 14278 09/I8/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Hoard Development Michael Scheafer 28 98 Check Total. 32 20 14279 00/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Building Maintenance Sccuritas Security Service USA,Inc 13680 14279 09/1820/5 Solid Waste Fund Building Maintenance Securitas Security Service USA,Inc 15 20 Check Total 15200 14280 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Professional Services Socrata.Inc. 4.455 00 14180 09/1812015 Solid Waste Fund Professional Services Saemuc Inc 49500 AP-Cheeks for Approval(I0/7120I5- 7 29 AMI Page 13 ( eck Number Check Date Fund Name Aceounl Name \kndor Name \oid Amount Check Total 4,950 00 14281 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund LOC Equipment S Supplies TelePaci lie Communications 274 54 14281 09/18/2015 Solid Waste Fund FOC Equipment d Supplies TelePacitic Communications 30.54 Check Total 305.38 14282 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Public lnflEdiCommunity Prom Tribune Publishing Company,l"LC 6260 14282 09/18/206 Solid Waste Fund Public lnfo/EI/Commmmry Prom Trihune Publishing Company.I LC 696 Check Total: 6955 14283 09/182015 Liquid Waste Fund Contract Services Underground Service Alert/SC 81 00 14283 09/18206 Liquid Waste Fund Contract Services Underground Service Alen/SC -4650 14283 09/18206 Liquid Waste Fund Cnnrract Services Underground Service Alert/SC 7950 Check Total: 114 00 14284 09/18206 Liquid Waste Fund Medical/Employment Services U.S.Ileallhworks Medical Group,PC 20000 Check Total: 200110 14285 09/182116 Liquid Waste Fund Deferred Compensation-457 VanagePoint Transfer Agents 500 14285 09/18206 Liquid Waste Fund Deferred Compensation-457 VantagePuint Transfer Agents 241542 14285 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Dekrred Compensation-457 VantagePoint Transfer Agents 2220.94 Check Total 4641 36 14256 09/1820/5 Liquid Waste Fund Deferred Medical-IBIS-Employee VamagePoint'1'ensfer Agents 95952 14286 119/182015 liquid Waste Fund Deferred Medical-RIIS-Employee VantaaePnint Transfer Agents 99104 Check Total 1850 56 14287 09/18206 Liquid Wasie Fund Sewer Maint-Swr Lateral Prog David Vaughan 1.100 00 Check Total 1,101100 14288 09/19/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer N1aint-Telephone Vernon Wireless 162619 Check Total 1,62619 14289 09/18/2015 Liquid Waste Fund Sewer Maim-Bldg Maim Vortex Industries,Inc. 19700 Check Total. 197 00 Report Total 792681 10 AP-Cheeks for Approval(1017/2015- 7:29 AM) Page 14 Bank of America Vendors Descriptions Amount 85 Degrees Bakery Refreshment General Manager's Monthly Meeting 21.43 Allianz Global Assistance Travel Insurance for Economic Development Certificate Program in Fresno,CA 21.88 American Airlines Air Travel Economic Development Certificate Program in Fresno,CA-General Manager 298.20 Big 5 Sporting Goods Coolers 126.59 Big Fish Work Shirts 392.48 Cinderella Cakes Refreshments Staff Meeting 25.00 Compliancesighs.com Sticker for Yard Generator 10.95 CWEA CWEA Prep Test 80.00 Dell Printer Toner GM & MAI 604.72 DOTGOV Website and email domain registration for.gov 125.00 First-Aid Product Two first aid kits for breakrooms HQ and DY 202.93 Habana Lunch Meeting General Manager and Placentia Library District GM 49.20 Home Depot PVC Cutter/Materials/Supplies District Yard 73.11 Industrial Networking In Control Subscript 129.60 Marriott Residence Inn Lodging CSDA Board Meeting Director Schafer 365.94 MarVac Electronic PS Fuses-Elden 28.78 McDonalds Gift card for employees for going beyond the call of duty 25.00 Municipal Water District ISDOC Elected Officials Emergency Response Training Director Scheafer 13.00 Office Max Labeling Tape 22.68 Office of Water Collection Class-New MWI 216.35 O'Reilly Auto Defrost Fluid 16.19 PayPal- Levitt Industrial Textile Velcro for securing computers and equipment during earthquake 135.80 Smart and Final Paper Product District Yard 47.07 Southwest Airlines Air Travel CSDA Conference Directors Perry and Ferryman 440.00 SWANA SWANA Workshop Registration Fee- Director Ooten 75.00 Target Employee Acknowledgment Jars 17.26 Unisafe Latex Gloves 195.70 CMSD Check No. 14244 3.759.86