Reso 1961-136RESOLUTION NO 136 ORDERING THE VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF A SEWER RIGHT OF WAY SEWER MAINS, CERTAIN PERSONAL PROPERTY 1 That the hOteinaft.er. describe d se *ex right of sever' ata,i as aid peirso nal property a •no ls�rtge r . ree�u� r�?e�fi fc>r the_* purposes. of they. Costa' Musa,.. Sanitary Distr• qt1'* ; ;.. 2'm It is h!�!rpby- ordered that. -the following .described sewer ri lt. of W W:j . s ewer.. mains and personal :propext ' b.e,' and.. : the same .;axe h reby ' vacated and abandc ed : ;• A. .Trunk - Sewers, and Ric .ts e�f wad Arad /air Basements, LeadxAg C3WE?6.. Sewer' trunk lines And ea.seitaents- within the Santa flea Arm" Air "Base. : i ra �rith�.r a onion of :Lots 8 9 :' .:. r y 9 p.., s 1.1,. and 12:, of Berry Rancho,, !age ,' of Miscellane�ou �$a�e ords of Los Angeles Courity,, ' • ..: CalifgrniA, , Lot 13, Block "All of berry ` ratt, . recorded it , ape k 9, Pa e 6 of. Miscellaneous, i�ee�e�rci�. eat Los ' Angeles County, more partict�'larly descrsbed ...as' .f9r'Y1lc,rs 1a, Parcel Nei• A a portion, o area l Nom b'= mss..shc7wr� in :they ° .'. 0 x13ent' Instruirze? t)", An easem ent 20'.00 feet:,: n width, the' cente r' lines of. said easement beiiig the'.18,-Inch" vitrif ied! cl;a' pipet sewer .as • cons'truc"tr.O a.nd . described 'as ge intro ' -a't a,. oire t so th• 59. .16' 00 .east f'ee't as measured Along, the: centerlines of Baker' Avenue} from.. the eYer�terl ne of Fairview -Road and no rtherly,' . 18.9 , feet, As. measured .at ri 'tit angled p ,..to the . � aid ce�ratQ rl3ne of Baker Avenue q t�?e�12ce sou't�� 0�' 34:i wps:t ,.. 701,:20 .f0et, - t ae? .'drum poiin`� , -o:t beginning; thence :. ...''South -`35 161 . 00" east 213•.65 feet to •Stdtion 4o g' 9 . .. ;. thencf3 south.:..along the 15 -inch .,vifrifi6e . c 1 15 p;tpe strove' " 5?to;0�3 :'fe►e$ thence south 18" 38° i 58tr w,t 211. feet ;- t cO - south '516...00 -foe-t �. -thence continuin scsuth along the 10-inch: Vi trifi0d' clay pip: e +.sewer ..a ' . con at tucted .1159. 00 f eet., ,. Pa�'oe 1. ' No. B ..$.$ Oo rt�,.t�sin of Parcel No. ' . / .. o,0. � 4������ Instrument) An, easement 20.00 , feet' in width­ the ce?n tell ine, • of said easement being the 15 -inch v2•trified clay: pipe .:; ' :•$ewer as constructed area describeel '•as follows .. .. .- - ._ .. .. Berginnang. at Station IIEI! of Parcel .No.. A' °, : thence east 362.5 feet.; - thence south 284 00 fOe?t .tip , a manhole in said, 15 -inch sewer; the nce..continuio south 3., 3 • fee't, , . • thence east_ along 'a -lines parallel 'to ar'd 3. lEe" Qf" the. 10' inch cast iron pipe str�r.,�r as constructed te'd . _. � .. vS�outh . :..29y P5. 'feet to Station fIF";, thence cbnti.nuing a Ass clang the c4nferline • of 20a'00 foot easement . 9: O. feed; t s xnce _2