Reso 1958- 82 (no date on reso)RESOLUTION 82 DELCARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SWERE IN ANNEXATION NO. 19 TO SIAD DISTRICT AND DELCARING THE WORK ON IMPROVEMENT TO BE OF MORE THAN ORDINARY OR LOCAL PUBLIC BENEFIT, DESCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED THEREBY AN TO PAY THE COSTS AND EXPENSES THEREOF, DETERMINE THAT BONDS SHALL BE ISSUED TO REPRESNET SAID COSTS AND EXPENSES, FIXING A TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING OBJECTIONS TO SAID WORK AND IMPROVEMENT OR TO THE EXTENT OF Sanitary Sewers Santa Ana Avenue Mesa Drive Acacia Street Birch Street Cypress Street Orchid Street Azure Avenue Spruce Avenue Zenith Avenue Bay View Avenue Orchard Drive Palisades Road b -stive of sail. betwocn Yess ?7rlre .• and in botweer. naLl 7t.Mw :.vsa;V) . - -.. the center line of Bair View Avemwo as shovL . Plans; And in tow between Santa Ana Arsnras and the Onvito 00=ty lloo Right of Mayo as shorn on Shoe% i of said planes an: between Acacia Street and Orchid Streoto ine, said plans E ruid In betwoon WevTort Boulevard &ad W feet $oathe+asterly of the cunt liar of Sprues Avena eo " shown on Sheets 11 and 9 of said Flans„ 'lHMi The removal of existing pwps and motors and tbo inst+�._.. :, ,.M+,,,# a%4 t,1, - •t *t za�we d onant verfr in the existingt ExtQro It? :HS M=M.4 Over PmR across a strip of .land 10,00 foot in width lying w Lots 101. 1CQ- and 103 of Tract Rio. 706 as shown on a map the, recorded in 1:. ok 21, r,.lap 2,5 of Mlecel laneotw Aap s. Records urange County. California. than oonterline of which is desar': as follows s Begin AAA, at A 1014% in tY.Ia OWLterlins of Huse Drive distant. thereon South 50011120" Nast- 373.00 feet from the eesstorl ins of Tastin Averuw4 �s trio A can a : °.ap of Traot X'o. 3C`(A r -- In Book 93. pace 11 of Misoe►llaneous P.apes Records of f Gountys thsexe sou'..h 80'17107 ` *r it 210''.27 fQ", -, thecae 7302684(1* Fast 231.00 feet; thence South 56 022100" Bast festl thence South 64'055133" Bast 486.27 fort j thence South 36025146" Nash 425970 loot to the oentorlime intorseetten of Mesa Drive and PO-eN Strest as shown on the Nap of that above sratiesed Tract Nee 7060 Aseepting those portions lying within Mesa Drivep as shown on Shoot 8 of said planes and Omer and ssrose a strip of land 10000 feet in width lying within Lot 102 of Tract :`to. 706 aa< shown on a aiap thereof r000rdod in Boots 219 rzZe 25 of Xleeellansous Maps. Records of Orange County. C..iifrrriz, fiX carterlins of whioh Is doner3b-t "'ok� • aeClantor, at r. -pint in thc- a*.xtnr11nm of 4ou" Drive ei„ v4:ut thereon forth b9o35150" Kest 327.96 foot from the oentorlira Snterneotiet, of Ac:c$r Strc ^t i7nd Fleur Drive: thecea JMtu 53e33118" test 102960 foot. Bseopt that r*rtion lying Within Mesa Drive. as shows on Shoot 8 of said plans• and Over and serves a strip of land 25900 . test in width lying within Lots 200 21 and 22 of Tract No. 456 oat shown to a cap thereof rosor &A in nook 179 pate 9 of 1Ksesllawus traps. 3ewr" of Orange County. CaliftmIse and lot 140 Block 5 of the Irvinol fnbdivisics as shown on a nap thereof recorded in Book 1. p.p 88 of Mlecollianartus Record ►tape. Reoords of Orange Covalky. Calitorata$ the eoatherly and Soatheasterly line of whisk is parallel to &ad dtetant therefrom 20000 feet steasared r- :24-11 or at right angles# free the following done bad lines Beginnlag at the gorthsasterly tondsws of that lisse deseribs. lwvisag a bearing of 3outh 1e.60710OW Kest auAd a length of 69.86 foot is an easeseent asnted to the onwo oossty hood Control District. recorded !b`mwrr 21. 1949 isa Beek 18014" pap 432 of Offioral Renog" of Orange County• thews ooatiasiat sloes sale Ilse loath 18"'07100" West 89.96 feet to the begianiug of . taapat same soarsw Worthwestarlye isving a radius of 3000900 frets tunes. Soo thms terly clan; said saws throah oontral ant%* of 8*03'401 a distasaes of 492eO8 lest to the 1� ing at a savant line; thensesouth 260100400 goat 360.8+0 toot to the Vogla " of a sangeat same, aonsere Bers westerig. WA haviy, a radius of 400.00 toots thenes southwesterly alum salt saws tbarosa a assetsral angle of 200171204. a distaro of 141:64 lost �W3- Ora► anad m v no a •"A of land 35.00 feet In rrW* Tying %twm Late 23, 24 and 25 of Tmt 456, as dmm on a mW tb avof In oak I% page 9 of tTL 1a, Reaorft of mm pe CoWW't California,, the Nrrrttxecrly ard itortfieertet�l y line of said strip beipg parn11F.1 to, and 25.00 feet dlatwnt Eros, mmwed radial], or at right angles, the following deAwribe€i lira DD81=dnp, at n I.n u in a 'Uno Isvc,x bvd am bavirg a h�ias an of sth 1100 1450 cast and a lereth of 3960oo f+aet in as at amt grated to the OrwqM caanttiy Plood G mtrol Astriat ars. V040 i~s ' trr ?14 100 1.+1 ?fir I ' I- )m of Swords of Orates Cow►t3r. said ;QiAt being dtst"t tha*M �o'r fmA from the aentsrlifs of Etta Am Aveaw and of the 11srW omaterI7 prolc+"tion of the Narthvestg ! lime of Lot 2S1 t elong said lies described is the sbore asftioasd eanesomto south 40ON 1 5" 1"t 61.25 foot to the boriming of a tappet curves oamouvo Rortherlyg bmmi" a rMitm cf 150.00 lost; themes sosth- eastsrV along sal8 ow" 1hromA a owtral *a& of 510'06e540 a 41916004 of 133.82 feet to the batinnizg of a trepat lisal these Mouth MO=62514 Usti 109.12 foot to the betinifs of a top-Pat ow "o concave 0oathsrly, baKnc a radius of 360.00 feet, Uwe" Nssterly aloud rid curve throUb a annual sale of 38OO14P a distome of a01.23> feet to tko Uatianiat of a taAsni Ilan; th -4mlo. 304th 53f'le504 ftst• 153,24 frft to t` boalwinc of a teat surre• **mom Nertberly halving a sfdim of 200 00 feat tha.vo Dssterly &Soft said swis the -e. a "Atral. ;;;;; of 3P48'10 a disUMM of 124.47 foot t. botiaAialt of a CuAgent li,ws thense, dos fasts 17.0+1 loss to v UgieeiK of a tafseat owl saeea*a lout/ w xyt bawl" a r+ u", of 2,' 0.00 lostt theme ltistarly cut Southeastesiy 41Mt said ftm throuO a seatral Amu of 42"'0 0s. a dlstoo& 1t. frets as shown as $beet 10 of said plsrut ate! l AMP tr f, RWAOV !R �l' iii► iiCiiiai •�lili�fii'�bi a`.r.:rtr i�'1ii lei• lil%b ittiiiii+�ia 160.00 feet of Let 300 � t Was she" oa a =p tbsroof reeolded is took 170 rags *' .., 4 -R T. � _. ?'• r r r, itTxr *�..�. �„- r � �,. ermro, 00MI►t V. ear i fe+rnia: &* 4i064" Vii. qu4!6Vfb Od va +r44 Over &M moreos a strip of land 20900 too is width• Irim wMir Los 1409 hock 3 of Irrrims's smulvisloa so show on a mov awroot jwOo~ if Desk is pep as of lbsosllafoo*o aaosrt Kaps loosrds of tk'dfad"a Aew*ys 041fttaift %M 0 ttroisos� ills of Wmeh. is paxallel to sat 50,00 tso •dlatw O moorw ld at Kos afros• from the fellosdoO dooWMA hart >@Ln+aW tt the Xorthse s teri r tsseiume of a line doeoplU* as having a Uoariut of 0exti WIS120 Most sal a lseeth of 90-80 toot In aA taeorent gtautsd to the OW AP dam-tIq PIMA Ooasrot Dlstrlot recorded lbWmwq 21. 19i is 330rk 1804 pap 432 of Otrio L�. Reoorda if Orar a 0*=tyl thoodoe &left said lift 0016h 40818120" Msot. 926.90 Post to tks osatorlifs of $auto Afa Avenue. lisept tgaat portiOA IrIAg within Uata Lea durenfoo as shown oa Meet 10 of said ins t am Over ajA across a iitri;: of load 25.00 root in width IYUW with Lod 1"9 Block 5 and Lot 14as Reek 6 of Irvine's Mister as sluwa ox a rm p thereof reeorded is meat 1, pap 88 of Ili000ll&xoors aoserd Vapaq isMrds of QrmV Qotf. 041fwndat the vostmd7 lime of vhioh is parallel to mild distoul 3406 ft mass" radially or at VW aa"# fm the W lifts Deal mtiat at the Ne r"oftt ly unamis of am% it" dwsri so haviat a I Ass of so" koftew Awt cal a logth at .g: 906.80 feet is as saseoeat gnaw to t." orard,. aeoaq► no" Coattral Distriet rososded lbbroazy 219 109 is Book IM49 psdr 432 of Official Roeorda 9 raaerds of OZAW Cora ly o said term"" Ume also the bodianiad of a lancet aunt. sea"" 76sterlye having a radius of 130*00 foott thoaos• ttortboviy aload se$A owme th:nao a oeatra2 aaAs of S3ei'rms a distotoo of 1 .+j0 feat to Us, beginning of a taa�t lmW j "Owe anti �e W Drum to the ias'tmmtorly Ibis of Palisades lord as tle0404 t• Ibbe Cawnty of O reav aid reaordod it► 2399 " 3" of "now b000s+to of emp 00=#W, X~ that pe>rtiem 2YU* within palisades Read* as shown ca 2beet 10 of said plmss aid Over and aoroes a $tap of lead boiinM" at aw UASeWtV, of ter 2oathro0lotrlp sISM- or-ow lhr -of ftlisotM M04 ao aftated is QW Ooauty of omega in a do" reoesded in seek I 2• pap 3" of OM44 Pc000fte of ssyr Oftaq• "d ttr 2orthwstorly liaa of that aasom me tsaatad to orange cmAjW no" Control Distrlst9 recorded !a Seek 23360 pads 638 of ©fficia: '�rda if Or�e ��iil tlwoe• al* ft said YWUWoi+- •rl easement line. damtth L10381504 Woot9 V431 foot] then" North 42043127" `; s s t 12.10 foot panll a to wed 20.fl0 fist dletant, mrasnred &t rust aat'les9 from the Southwest siAt -uf-WW WAS of ftlig&dAW hoed 1 tb*0069 North i23; 30" Ust 24991 fort parallel to and 14.00 toot &lotsmt* measured at ri&t aadies• from the Northwesterly lime atm montioaed ©,liar Oeti► Flood dentrol Distuiot oaoomA t W anse9 &Iwo Up SwAtMeostorly rlght-of-407 Um of falieadso need seem 4431t9e last. 22.10 test to W o p" of betimit e as opera ea Scots to and u of said plain.. mat "0 seftttmotloi opt !ltxilti •W fdt== : . soot Ina pipe fart W siphon• mad ameralommmom so* *r"Wom."Pt , ftrllorft public eosesisate• to Witt oar aid serous a Strip of lass 1004 1.4 a "ua ; WUMA Lot 1189 !leak S• of Ir rimele ftbolvieioa ae r' a nap hereof resorted is book 19 pap 68 of ftsoeuk- Rsoord IMap*$ D"W"s of Oran" 00anigr9 Califoraias the oewte lime of vhieh to doearibad so follow 1 lteginnillt at a poiat is the o"lias of lausedsa Rene, as said eoatorllne to dosotribed is that sort*A doer to td`s i qV- of Ooa w seomdrt in loop 2849 fan m of WWI" Abeam" of Orange Ovanty9 dietaaRt thereon Sftth S0el2I0r lyt l.VWla toot fM the set111wtrliae of ImMa AM AVO M t thaaor No" 42'0030400 root 331.94 toot* mn *jr 1Na9 to Wo ISM of tie emseaftt gftMod to iho Oro& GoSsim, " Ro m ►+ MoMatit "osr" fns Ut IWO is bast; 2W 0"soial ftMldo of 0"Up 000itt►9 lssopt that peetiea 3rUt W1 - M okra M shot 9 •t said plans t .sr�: