Reso 1947-02Resolution Newport Heights Irrigaion district exempt from tax levy 1947 - 48 Assessment Roll U, 0 i /2441 , AJ 0. Z - Tw' s�-01'TLT I RESOMM by the -716ard of Directors of COSTA YESA S&FITA-?X DIOTRICT that the following described proporty of the Hev,-)ort lieltrhta Irrieation DI strict as listed on 194J.-"- Accessment Rolle, P,-,,re 15'5 ,, be exempt from tax jovy for District purposes for the tax year of l9k7-48: I Lot 17 Block. "A"; NMY 171 51 Ill ft MILY 87.5 SIM% 9S•5 ft. ZELY Ac. Lot 43; PI-ILY 1480 fact Lot 44. On motion by Dodd, ceconded by Nelsont Recolution v,aa a0opte( by unanimous votc, of tho 13oar& In roE,,ular meeting Aupat 6vul, 1947. 2