Reso 1944 - Formation & Boundary (Orange County)RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CA FEBRUARY 10, 1944 FORMATION OF COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT BOUNDARY i . 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 31 32 R �`,:30LUa`It7;1 Or~ 'a'I 1; WARD O L- uplalvXF.,o of? ©: �il;v1S C�Gtijt'iY, C1 ►S.,Y�'()llnA On mntlon of fruperviaar Gordon , duly s000nded and carried. y ~a followin; �ar.r�lurloaa �a�a uaont�rd9 under date of juaia 22, 1943 , th «re was filed with this Bomrd :a pwtition praayins, for the formation of OCOata V06aa. S4.nitcary Di striot1 under the provialnnm or Division 6, Fnx°t 1, of tho Health and -safety C0+10 of the State of Callforniu, II F1 amendfo4s find thn;. on caald date ,dr. JW A. � oollay, ox Civil L't- ginc orp ro riatered4 as such Lndor the lava of tho Mato of Caalli`orniaa, 'Wan a r-loInted pursuant to tho provicions of tho 9,tLtriay xnveoti{riAlon Aot of 193 3, an arraricledi and that under date of Auguot 24, 191►36 by ronolution of thlra tk mrd, tho proposod bout darleo of cold District Imare rnodifIod, rant! that unQwr clr2te of "4t7tembt9r e 23, 1943, by ncoolution of thie 21oard.1 tho raport of saaid Y- . 'j iginnor vaa net down fcr hearing for Tunoday, t�ovarober 23, 1943, and that on said Noeday, i•ovenber 23, 19438 by Resolution of thla Board, nald herring was vantinue(I .tn Deconber' 14$11, 1943, and tluat on Decambor lid, 191¢3► by oa^Hvr of this Borst zaa ld bearing was continuod Cn Do aom ar 21 , 1943, and ti>at . on anid 'last mentioned dato by 11noolu9Ion 0: thin 130a.rti tlWtiro was ordered called an oleatlon for tho formation or cuid d1otriot, a-uld election data being TunVday, the Etta dz. q or Fobruery, 1944, and that RICO on eaid Vacm,,ibur ?.1, 191E3, the proposed bounduriea of said Aiatriot wero furthor trodi,fied by an exoJualoh as well. no Anoluelon or torritory, and tlutt i 2 i made and adopted at a reAvia.r meeting of said Board of Guperviaors on I 3 4 �. Ithe 21st.day of December, 1943, calling and ordering acid ,lest on to Abe held to determine whether the said torritory hereinafter more pc+rti- 6 i. Ioularly t and for the described be formed into n sanitary distric , g 7 I organization of said district under the name. of "Costa Ifena Sanitary i. 1Distriot" of Orango County, California, and for the eleotion of five g Imombera or a sanitary Board to govern said District and for the election 9 i 10 of a Sanitary District Aaa©saor, and that 11 c;1TLRi;l, S, in pureuana0 of staid Resolution and order and of the Statuteo in auoh oases ma and provided, morepartioul6rly Divialon 60 12 Fart l of the Health and f.,nfoty Cod® .of the 3tnto of California, copies 13 rind Order were caused to be posted for f said Resolution our. sue,aeasiva 14 of 15 weeks prior to said election in threo public places to -wit: 1 - On building; at;u8 station located` on the southeast corner of 20th 18 Sti''ect £tnii Newport. Blvd:, Costa' Mesa,' Calif. corner of Bay Street and Harbor 2 - On tele[;rapyl _)o1e at the northeast; 1? Blvd., Costa.Mesa, Calif. 18 3 - On Parsons' Gas Station at the southwest corner of Bernard Street an; 19 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa,.Calif. B Costa Mesa Calif. 4 - On Lords' Barber shop, 1801 Newport lvd., ' S - On Fire Station, I21 Rochester Street', Costa.Mesa,' Calif. 20 6 - On ,tore building, 16 0 Newport 'Olvd., Coeta.Mesa, Calif. 21 22 within the propos ©d dintriot hereinafter more particularly described, 23 f and caused to be publinhed.for tour succosaivo woeks prior to the ` 24 Herald election in the Costa Mesa Globe /, a.newspapor of general olroulation ti 25 within said proposed district, printed and published theruin, Had that 26 WHEREAS, at least tifteon days before the day of said eleotion 27 the Beard oP'supervisora seleoted two polling places and thereupon 28 E: 30 31 32 2- , ONt 1 .divided said district into ttvo election precincts, and thereupon 2.!appointed a Hoard of Election Officers in each of said election pre 3 einote, consisting of one Inannotor rand,two Judgoa to hold, conduct 4 and rruilta rsturn© of oaid election, and that 6 r;Ii'r;l EAG, petitiona for nomination of oandidatoo for membership on 6 ! the Sanitary Board of wild district and for a Sanitary District Assessor j 7 I were filed with the Clerk, nominating five candidates for membership on 8 said sanitary Board and one candidate for Sanitary Diatriot Aaaessor, 9 and that �. 10 WHEREAS, the names of said persons.so nominated were printed on the 11 ballot as candidates for election to:said Board and no u.oraididate for 12 said Asse3coor, and that 13 %71i%IZF,ASj said eleotion via(3 fairly held and oonduotod as nearly as j 14 practicable in accordance With Chapter 5, Part 1 of Division 6_of the 15 HealtlZ Lind Safety Code of the -)'ate off' California, and that 16 «ii�:itr ^.1154 returns of said elootion have been made to the Board of.- 17 Supervisors and havo this day boen duly opened and canvaHaed, and it 18 appearing from tho canvacoln(; of said roturna that at ouid election 19 625 votes were a.ast,and the total number of votes cast on the proposition.. 20 whothor, the "Costa V1,ova runitary DIatriot "' be organized or not was 616, 21 and that the number. `ot yotoo .. cast in favor of the organizinc; of the 22 "Costa`Mesa Sanitary District" wan 471, and.that the total numb or of 23 votes oast aguinat the organizing of the "Coats .19eaa r>anitury - District" 24 was 145, Lind that a majority of all.theI votoo caat was in favor of the 25 organization of said "Coota ]loaa Sanitary Distriot "; that for election 2Q as a member of the Sanitary Diatri.ot Doard, Otto M. Dodd received 42.7 27 votes, William E. Lord received 432 votes, Claire H. Nolnon received 427 28 votes, H. Paul Norman received 428 votes, Charlee.W. Towinkle received 29 459 votes, and that 3 scattering votes were cant; that for the olectlon 3.0 of Sanitary Distriot Assessor, Martha B•. Hostetler r000lved 399 votes- 31 NOW, THF=FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the 32 County of Orange, as followss I That a nnooial olection wau hold on Tuesday, the 8th day of ;f 2 I February, 1944, at the two rolling .places in ouicl proposed Diotriot 3 desoribud In the Resolution of this Board of Deoornbor 271, 1943, said 4 cleotion having been conducted as nearly an practicable in accordanoe 5 with ahacrxtcauA Port 1 of Division 6 of the liealth and EafeLy Code of 6 ! the State cf California, and the returns of said election having been 7 duly canvassed, it aprears that a majority of the total number of votes 8 oast wao in favor of than organization of said "Conti), 10esu r3anitary 9 District", to -wit; 471 votoo, and it is as -Mound 10 (`) That a Sanitary District known as the "Cc otu Mesa. Sanitary � And ie hereby 11 District" has boon /formed, estati�lished and organized within the County 12 of orange, . State of California, as required, by law. 13 (3) That tho exterior boundarloo of said e1Costa 2'o au sanitary i 14. District" are a:a follows, to -wit: i 15 3ti inning; at the intornoction of the northwesterly line. of Nownort Avenue as rlhovin on a map of N(_ -,. port iIWlr*h ua 16 rccorclecl in 13oo1c ��, rya {'e� b o� P,.looullirne3oua 1.°�ijirz, ;�tjeorcis of (`1•.:.nc;t3 (.ourlty, Ct�liPorni:�, and they cent Ilia of "lot 17 "itroot na nhown on aaia .reap thunco In a aouti-a ia,—, wear.. direction _­nft al_on- - meld contor11ne of 21st rtroot to an 18 intorr.oction with tho oontorlino of ,,pinta ,111a a shown on sa.ld records; thence Oouthwooterly trlon? r3z-Al l 19 co31tr31-1 lno to tin inthrcootlon wltll thm northwo sterly nro-- lonrrcction of tlie� nouthr;c3r,torly line or Lot 195, Newport - � 20 vol htu, ;is shown, on said re�cordo; thence aouthom3torly, orlon* said nrnlons;atton and along said 11no to an Inter- - 21 sactlon':wlth the :'centerlino . of Raymond Avenue, as shown recorded in 96ok 17, ncc�Ye 30 0 M cell ,inecus of cald 22 raeor•ar, thonoe South,,'4o[3te3rly ulonc; said oentvrl ine3 and pro - 23 long,iitlon thereof to vin intergct ` lon with the contor ino of Coota Vona Strout as ohovin on a roap of Tract 49ry, recorded in Rook 17, pa7o 30, of said r000rdn; thonoo in i� southc3atsterly 24 diroction alonf; cald contorlino to an intorneotion with the northaaatorly nrol.onr;ntinn of tho nmathc3<<ntcjrly line oP. t }its 25 northwesterly 1fS.5 fe3tet oz i of 4, `' ract 499, urs sllcn;l on { said records; thonc o alon ;r said nrol.oncratlon tind'.alonf said 28 line to an intersection with tho aouthwo fstoriy 11nfi of the northoastorly 1/2 of Loto 1, 2, 3 and tho north;;oat'orly. 1S.5 2.7 foot of Lot 4, of. said Tract 499, thonco In unortr�i�.�o o "0 illy 28 direction along said rsrnrth,iomtc3r•1y lint: and prolonr; ition �. thoreof to the contor11no of Raymond rivonuo; thoneo. mouth- � wvnterly al=, nald ceuntorline to an intorsoction Nulth tho 29 rc6nterllno of 19th Stroo.t, an shown on said pulp of Nownort 30 `"i1eirch o, thence in a r;outhottatorly dirootlon � l.o.nP; ould � oontorl.ino to an inte3rcootion . with the ee3ntorline of ' Turstin. 31 Avenue; thence in a southwesterly direction along said centerline. . to an intersection with the southeasterly nrolong4tion of � 32 the line between ?pots 116 and 126 of . ©aid Newport Heights; � thence in a northwesterly direotlon along said.prolongation i i !2 1 4, 5 ,.7 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 20, 21 22 23 ti 24 25 26 27: i. 23 29 30': 31 32 and along; malt into to the moat norther y dornor of sdI4� 1,.o t 110; th4mdo! In 11 southwootorly direction along the , n()rthV.`OStO1•,1y l4ne of Staid Lotc 1.16 and 1,o to. 106 96► 86, 76, 66,1 56, :46v 369 26 anti l6 of said 11owport llolphta tend tho sou'thweeterly prolontration thoroof to the conter%6. 11no of 15th 5,;treot an(i the City Limits of the City of Vewport 13cachp California;. thonco In a no r thwOGtOrlY d1roction alonrq t3aid contorlino tend oi,14 City Limits to an Intercoctlon viltil the ct)l1torlino of Wastmingtor Ave- nue: thence In a soutjjjver;te-rly (11rootion along said contorllno of ".,"eutlmlnoter Avenuo'and oald ' centerline v)roduced to the centerline of Nowport Beach Boulevard; tjj()ncO , outilivebterly ion rC iald conterlino to o a point drawn at r1rht angles to the northivon.terly line of said Boulevard tit the moot' southerly cornor'of Lot 24, Block nok 9, ptifro 9, Tract No. 27, its recorded In 13 26,. of 11.1locell uncous Vai)b, of ould recordn; thence. at rl,tht anfr)lea to suld conterlinto In. a northwootorly direction to,tan Intor- coction with the northwostorly line. of thzit 40 foot County roadivay obown on said record of Tract No - :27; thunco northeaste r ly liong ould northwesterly line, north-. i westerly of Tract No. 27 t o> an Internoction with the north- - '; Iwo rterly line of Nowport. Boach. i3oulovard as eho�;n -on said . records; thence In a northonstorly direction, along said 1 northwesterly line to an IntOrGOCtIOn with the Gouthellgtf-irly nrolomration of the oenterllno of 16th 5ti oot: thence along GaId I'l-OlOnFratlon and along said centerlino In a north- 0 Starly di eo tion to a n Int o rooction with tho center' ins ft� of N(,woort Avonuo, as shown on inap of Howport I! Tract, od recorded In Book 5v parre 1, of Viscellanoous Mipc, of GaId. q i rocords; thonco in a northoat3terly direction a' one; said I cen-orlIne to tin Intercoction with the centorline of Ana- helm r, venue' as shown on cold records; thence In a northerly. direction along said centerline and prolomratlon thereof to an Intori-,ection with the ean-torly nrolon-ation of the ..south lino of Tract 801p au recorded In 13otbit' Pago to VIacollanoouo Mapa of said records; thenco Vvlo.Gterly along sald�.prolongatlon and alolm ould south lino of ract 801 and alonrz tho, south line of Lot 400, NeWport Vera Tract. as shown:on Bald records, to the wort llne, of talc! Lot ..�06; thenco north along the viuot 11no of Lot 406t; and T,ot 405 and tho northerly.prolo.ziration thereof to the centerline of 18th said centorlint-) to an inter C'tj'E-,ot; - thence oasturly alonf or- section with the centorlino, of fuinholm kvonuo; thence .north I aloriqr suld centerline to an Intorouction. with the oil Gterly prolonF,,ation of the bouth line of Lot 403, NT e-wport 1,'o sa Tract; thence Nveaterly along suld rolonmitlon and along f 41 said line to the what line o Lot 03; thonco. north along said west line to the north line of 1,ot 403, thence: oast alonr the north line and nrolongatlon thereof to tho conter- lino of Anaheim Avenue: thonco north along r3ald, centorline i to Lin Intercectionwith the canterlino of 19th Street; thence, t3itld oenteirolino of 19th !;,treet In at %vo a ctorly direction lonr; to tin Intorf3ection with the southorly prolon;r►tion of the the . west. centerline of that certain 20 foot al Joy alojir,- bound.ary of Lot 26 Fairviow Farmer p. ms shown on.a map re- corded In Book 8 Pw"e' 71', of �11 acellanooury }!apt;, of said records; thence. in'll"northerly direction along raid rrolong- ation and alon,r said centorl1no to an Intersection with the wocterly prolongation of the northorly:11ne of said T.A)t 26-P thence In an easterly direotion along said prolongation and along oald northerly line of nald Lot , 26 and the easterly prolongation thereof to an Interseotionwith the oenterline. `•A • thence in o of Anaheim Avenue, rir► nl'�nan on arcici ruaorda, northerly (11roction alone naid centorlinu and a northerly 2 prolonration thoreof to an intorsoction ►vit.h the contor- line. of J1F►mllton 5troct, as shown on a man of i'ract No. 9, . 3 recorded in nook 9, putto 9, of ;11 noellanoour L'apa, of said r000rcln: thenoo in tin oa�.r3torly ciirnction nloris sr id centar- line to. an intorsoatlon with the aoutiiQrly rir�olon` cation of f ma- the westerly 11no of Tract No. 34E ), ae aY�gwr► on r� mr3n re 5 worded in 'rook 14, pu�'a 35, of ,�inoollancoua mzpB, of said rr -)cards; thence in a northerly (ilrecztion alone aforenatd . 6 rrcZ.nn, aticn and a`on, r;rxid line and alone► a northerly rro. lone atl -n of skid 1tno to an lntc)rrection with the center- 7 line of victoria Strout, thunco oust along; nald eunterline to an intlernootion with the northwonterly lino of No•.713ort 8 Avenue ris r>hown on t3ail recorda; tlitrncc� ooutli►.c�t tvrly along said northweaturly ling to an interaeotion with the 9 cantarline of 21st Stroot and the point of beginning. 10 (4) That Otto AM. Dodd, Will.lura 1.. Lord, Cluire M. Nelson, H. Paul 11 Normari, and Charles "l. Towinkle oaoh has boon olooted and is no r. de- i 12 clared a member of the :sanitary Board of said "(;onto I,esa . Sanitary 13 District ", and the County Clerk of the County of orange, ox- offlolo 14 Clerk of this Bourd, is hereby dirooted and orderer! to :laud a cerrtifi- '15 ovate of ulootion to ouch or vaid perraona; 16 (5) That Martha B. iiostotler has boon elected and is now declared 17 the :"•anitury Diatriot Aaaaaaor of tho "Costa Mena ", anitary Districtp, 18 and the County Clerk of the County of.drange, ex- •offialo:Clerk of this 19 Board, be and ho In hereby direoted and orderod to isnue a certiflcate ! 20 of election to said Martha Hoatetlor as Aosoaaor. or eaid Dintriot; 21 (6) That this Resolution utid order be entered unon the minutes 22 of the Board of. Supervisors of the County of orange, and. that It be 23 conoluaive evidence of the Punt and legality or call prior proceedings 24 required by Division 6 of the health and Safety Code of the State of 25 California or by other law, and of the exlstonoe and validity of the 28 said "Costa Ifoua Sanitary District ". 27 AYES: 5UAF,1iVISORS IRVIN GEO.GORDON,FRED C.ROWLAND A".JD WILLIS H.WARIL, 28 ' 29 NOES: SUAI- VISORS NONE 30 ABSENT: SUPERVISORS JAMES A.BAKER AND WILLARD SMITIi 31 32 A w l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 7-7 'u