Minutes - Sewer System - 2009-12-15• COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING DECEMBER 15, 2009 CALL TO ORDER Board members of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District met in Committee session on December 15, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. at 628 W. 19th Street, Costa Mesa. Director Ferryman called the meeting to order at 10:38 a.m. DIRECTORS PRESENT: Jim Ferryman, Bob Ooten, Art Perry STAFF PRESENT: Donald F. McIntyre, Interim District Manager, Thomas A. Fauth, Operations Manager; Joan Revak, Office Manager /Clerk of the District; Sherry Kallab, Administrative Manager; Rob Hamers, District Engineer; Karl Dulake, Maintenance Supervisor; Joe Limon, Inspector. OTHERS PRESENT: MONTHLY SSO STATISTICS Mr. Fauth reported no spills occurred since October 20, 2009. Mr. Fauth requested the Committee consider a change in spill reporting. Currently all spills public and private entering the public right of way are reported. Staff recommends not reporting private spills entering the public right of way but contained before entering the storm drain. There is no legal requirement to report private property spills. A significant amount of Staff time required to document and report the spill would be eliminated. Mr. Hamers noted it is each agency's discretion. If the Committee agrees with Staff a revision of the Sewer System Management Plan to reflect the new procedures will be prepared Mr. Hamers will follow up with District Legal Council, Alan Burns, for review and comments regarding the policy change. NO MORE WIPES IN THE SEWER SYSTEM -STATE ASSEMBLYMAN JARED HUFFMAN (MARIN COUNTY) Mr. Hamers discussed the effects of wipes on sewer system owners; in particular the effect of wipes on pumping stations. State requirements of manufacturers of the products are lacking due to limited factual data regarding the effect of the wipes on the sewer system. Staff created flyers to address two problems. One occurrence of the problem occuredd at California Pump Station when wipes ragged up the pump. The COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING Q±, +, DECEMBER 15, 2009, PAGE 2 pumps were replaced then the rags caused the impellers on the new pump to wear out within three years. Staff passed the flyer out to the neighborhood and the problem was eliminated. Flyers were also distributed to all residents upstream of the Bristol Street siphon. Staff is following up to determine the effectiveness in this area. Mr. Harriers shared the results from the flyer distribution with the WDR Steering Committee. Nick Arhontes sent the flyers to the Southern California Alliance of Publicly Owned Treatment Works (SCAP). The flyers are being sent to State Assemblyman Jared Huffman's office to be included in his effort to have the manufacturers of these products take another look at the issue. Ms. Revak reported she also addressed the issue in the Quarterly City of Costa Mesa Quarterly Recreation Review. CMSD POLICY ON PRIVATE SPILL REPORTING Covered under Monthly Spill Statistics OCSD OFFER OF AREA 7 SEWERS UPDATE & MAP Director Ferryman and Mr. McIntyre reported no new information is available. The City of Tustin is still in the due diligence process. BYPASS PUMP PURCHASE Staff requested Committee approval for purchase of a bypass pump with 800 hours use in the amount of $42,000. plus tax. Staff budgeted $75,000. for the purchase. A portion of the remaining budget will be used to acquire connectors and hoses. The pump is identical to the pump currently used by Staff. The vendor will offer a like -new warranty on the pump. Director Perry questioned if the pump was driven by gasoline or diesel and if diesel is available. Mr. Fauth advised diesel pumps will be on site at the District Yard is complete. The Committee agreed with the purchase and will recommend approval of the purchase at the December 17th Board meeting. CMSD INFLOW REDUCTION PROGRAM The Committee reviewed a proposal from District Engineer, Rob Harriers, for additional inspection services. Also provided for review was a letter dated October 15, 2009 from OCSD regarding assistance minimizing wet weather inflow issues and an e-mail from Director Ooten and Staff discussing various item related to inflow and infiltration. Mr. Harriers stated the cause for inflow is due to the City's flat streets and lack of storm drains. Mr. Hamers referred to the OCSD "Percent Rain Ingress" map which indicates areas allowing more water into the system than OCSD desires. CMSD is required to correct the inflow problems from a legal stand point, Waste Discharge Requirements and OCSD Ordinances. Mr. Dulake detailed the depth of water in the OC Fairground parking lot during the last rain. Mr. Dulake observed the District sewer being used as an overflow system when two feet of water accumulated inside a Fairground restroom. Mr. Dulake was told by an OC Fair employee the manhole cover was sometimes removed to assist in draining the rainwater from the parking lot. Staff sealed the manhole with • silicone and have been checking the seal periodically for tampering. Staff will provide results of their efforts at the March 2010 Committee meeting. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT mil'\ MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING yw kF DECEMBER 15, 2009, PAGE 3 CMSD MAP UPGRADES /GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) AGREEMENT - UPDATE Mr. Fauth reviewed the schedule for the EEC GIS project consisting of the primary phases plus training. The first phase of GIS development is ongoing and will provide Staff with line cleaning methodology and scheduling. The second phase is the computer maintenance system and is estimated to take around seven months to complete. The third phase is the hydraulic modeling, also estimated to take seven months to complete. Action items were identified at the kick off meeting held December 10, 2009. Mr. Fauth will be requesting GIS data from other government agencies at no additional costs. In a worst case scenario the District may have to pay $25,000. for the data if no other government agency can provide it. CMSD CLEANING PROGRAM - UPDATE Staff is continuing discussions to determine the best approach for timing of the line cleaning program in relationship to the GIS schedule for completion of phase one of the project. TRANSFER OF 6 SEWER LINES FROM OCSD TO CMSD Staff sent letters to parcel owners of the transferred lines notifying them of CMSD annual charges. Staff reported no calls have been received as a result of the letter. Once CMSD • receives the list of items, i.e. plans, GIS, historical items etc, design for the corrective work will begin. SARBS -CWEA COLLECTIONS TRAINING SEMINAR 1 -21 -10 Staff will be attending the training seminar, "Private Property Sewer Laterals" panel, January 21, 2010. Mr. Hamers will be part of the panel. CWEA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Mr. Fauth provided the Committee information regarding a collections seminar scheduled April 20 -23, 2010 in Sacramento. CMSD PROJECTS: PROJECT #175 — OCSD GRANT — TELEVISING CMSD SEWER LINES Staff confirmed receipt of $310,000 in grant funds from OCSD. PROJECT #186 - SEWER LATERAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM • Mr. Fauth referred to the spreadsheet provided in the Committee packet noting $57,000. has been spent with approximately 2/3 of the applications completed and 1/3 in progress. The budget for the project is $150,000. Director Perry questioned if the • • • r er r COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING y� k DECEMBER 15, 2009, PAGE 4 District needs to advertise the program more. Mr. Fauth advised the program has been advertised in newsletters and is on the website. Mr. Fauth plans to hold a seminar for local plumbers to explain the program. PROJECT #187 - DISTRICT YARD UPDATE Staff provided photographs and reported several down days due to the recent rain. Mr. Dulake reported the back wall and the east sidewall are ten feet tall. They are working on the front and west side today. OTHER Mr. McIntyre reported on a neighborhood meeting attended by Mr. Fauth and Mr. Dulake regarding a parking situation. Mr. McIntyre commended Mr. Fauth on his ability to reach an agreement with the group. The group agreed to the use of three specific parking spaces for the District service truck. Staff will research possible storage solutions for one vehicle to allow the District truck to be parked in the driveway and off the street. SSC MEETING SCHEDULE The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 17, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. ADJOURNMENT Director Ferryman adjourned the meeting at 11:48 p.rr SEC ETARY�.