Minutes - Sewer System - 2009-06-23ca 7 COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 23, 2009 CALL TO ORDER Board members of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District met in Committee session on June 23, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. at 628 W. 19th Street, Costa Mesa. Director Monahan called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. DIRECTORS PRESENT: James Ferryman; Gary Monahan; Art Perry DIRECTORS ABSENT: Bob Ooten STAFF PRESENT: Don McIntyre, Interim District Manager; Thomas A. Fauth, Assistant Manager; Robin Hamers, District Engineer; Joan Revak, Board Secretary/Program Manager /Clerk of the District; Sherry Kallab, Management Analyst; Teresa Gonzalez, Accountant; Debbie Bjornson, Permit Processing Specialist; Karl Dulake, Maintenance Supervisor; Paul Guzman, Inspector; Joe Limon, Inspector. OTHERS PRESENT: Joe Parker, Vice President, National Clay Pipe Institute. MONTHLY SSO STATISTICS Mr. Fauth reported no SSOs in this last period. The last spill was on April 21, 2009. Mr. Fauth complimented the Sewer Crew for keeping the system running smoothly. The Committee reviewed a document provided by EEC. regarding "FSE Inspection Enforcement Response ". Mr. Fauth referenced the first row of the chart showing CMSD does not have monetary enforcement o utilized. However, Washington, Santa Ai have monetary enforcement. Santa Ana for repeat non - compliance and $500.00 $1000.00 fee after two to three failures agencies back charge in addition to the fE the Committee regarding the issue. M :her than back charges for District resources is and Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) do charges $100.00 for non - compliance, $200.00 for continued non - compliance. IRWD has a to comply. Director Perry questioned if these yes. Mr. Fauth will follow up and report back to r. Hamers added Staff has notified District Counsel, Mr. Burns, the Board would like to consider fines and recommended the Board direct Mr. Burns if they wish to establish an ordinance regarding fines. Director Ferryman stated he would like to see an ordinance. Mr. McIntyre inquired if EEC could issue the citation and if they would have to be deputized to do so. Mr. Hamers stated they would have to have someone deputized but he does not think that will be an issue for EEC. Mr. Fauth discussed District enforcement costs in the chart on page two of the handout. The Committee voiced preference for Santa Ana's non - compliance strategy. The Committee will make a recommendation at the June 24, 2009 Board meeting for Mr. Burns to review and implement an ordinance similar to Santa Ana's. OCSD OFFER OF AREA 7 SEWERS Rob Hamers reported OCSD has approached CMSD regarding owning and operating Unincorporated Area 7 sewers located in Orange County. Discussion followed regarding LAFCO concerns; contract as opposed to ownership and the need for a cost/benefit analysis. Mr. McIntyre will follow up with Mr. Burns and OCSD Staff to gather additional information. Mr. McIntyre questioned why other agencies have declined the offer. NMUSD —SEWER EASEMENT NEAR VELASCO (SONORA SCHOOL) — RESIDENTS /OWNERS OUTREACH • Mr. Fauth referred to the agreement with NMUSD provided in the Committee packet. Mr. Burns signed the agreement and it is ready to go. Mr. Fauth reported there is one issue related to use of the District easement. One homeowner is threatening to sue NMUSD if they use horizontal boring for the installation. NMUSD is looking into other options including use of another easement. The agreement is prepared should NMUSD decide to move forward. CMSD LINE MAINTENANCE CLEANING -NPSI AGREEMENT Mr. Fauth referred to Addendum 1 of the NPSI agreement. The agreement covers the area cleaned during the timeframe of January 2006 through June 2006 now due to be cleaned to meet the industry standard of a 3 year cleaning cycle. The agreement went into effect May 29, 2009. Mr. Fauth provided Dennis Keene's feedback report at the meeting noting 120,000 linear feet have been cleaned from June 8, 2009 through June 19, 2009. The agreement covers 236,000 linear feet. Mr. Fauth anticipates the agreement to be completed. close to the agreement end date of June 30, 2009. The next step is to prepare Addendum 2 which picks up lines cleaned in the July 06 through June 07 timeframe to be cleaned in the 2009 -2010 fiscal year. Staff will meet at the end of this meeting to map out the area and put the agreement together. Director Perry asked if the cleaning per Addendum 2 was in the budget. Mr. Fauth acknowledged cleaning costs are in the budget except for some small costs such as EEC mapping of areas, about $5,000.00. Mr. Hamers reported there is $160,000.00 excess in the budget for line cleaning from the grant and those funds can be used. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT R� MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS,SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING iii-' -`:° � ►". � F JUNE 23 2009 � PAGE 2 Counsel, Mr. Burns, the Board would like to consider fines and recommended the Board direct Mr. Burns if they wish to establish an ordinance regarding fines. Director Ferryman stated he would like to see an ordinance. Mr. McIntyre inquired if EEC could issue the citation and if they would have to be deputized to do so. Mr. Hamers stated they would have to have someone deputized but he does not think that will be an issue for EEC. Mr. Fauth discussed District enforcement costs in the chart on page two of the handout. The Committee voiced preference for Santa Ana's non - compliance strategy. The Committee will make a recommendation at the June 24, 2009 Board meeting for Mr. Burns to review and implement an ordinance similar to Santa Ana's. OCSD OFFER OF AREA 7 SEWERS Rob Hamers reported OCSD has approached CMSD regarding owning and operating Unincorporated Area 7 sewers located in Orange County. Discussion followed regarding LAFCO concerns; contract as opposed to ownership and the need for a cost/benefit analysis. Mr. McIntyre will follow up with Mr. Burns and OCSD Staff to gather additional information. Mr. McIntyre questioned why other agencies have declined the offer. NMUSD —SEWER EASEMENT NEAR VELASCO (SONORA SCHOOL) — RESIDENTS /OWNERS OUTREACH • Mr. Fauth referred to the agreement with NMUSD provided in the Committee packet. Mr. Burns signed the agreement and it is ready to go. Mr. Fauth reported there is one issue related to use of the District easement. One homeowner is threatening to sue NMUSD if they use horizontal boring for the installation. NMUSD is looking into other options including use of another easement. The agreement is prepared should NMUSD decide to move forward. CMSD LINE MAINTENANCE CLEANING -NPSI AGREEMENT Mr. Fauth referred to Addendum 1 of the NPSI agreement. The agreement covers the area cleaned during the timeframe of January 2006 through June 2006 now due to be cleaned to meet the industry standard of a 3 year cleaning cycle. The agreement went into effect May 29, 2009. Mr. Fauth provided Dennis Keene's feedback report at the meeting noting 120,000 linear feet have been cleaned from June 8, 2009 through June 19, 2009. The agreement covers 236,000 linear feet. Mr. Fauth anticipates the agreement to be completed. close to the agreement end date of June 30, 2009. The next step is to prepare Addendum 2 which picks up lines cleaned in the July 06 through June 07 timeframe to be cleaned in the 2009 -2010 fiscal year. Staff will meet at the end of this meeting to map out the area and put the agreement together. Director Perry asked if the cleaning per Addendum 2 was in the budget. Mr. Fauth acknowledged cleaning costs are in the budget except for some small costs such as EEC mapping of areas, about $5,000.00. Mr. Hamers reported there is $160,000.00 excess in the budget for line cleaning from the grant and those funds can be used. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 23, 2009 a PAGE 3 32ND DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT, JULY 19 2009 Mr. Fauth reported the agreement is a standard agreement identical to the prior year's agreement. The operation code requires all agreements to be signed by the Board. Last year the Board authorized Mr. Hamers to sign the agreement. Mr. Fauth brought it to the Committee's attention he signed the agreement himself this year and stated if the Board desires the agreement could be ratified at the next Board. meeting. Director Ferryman questioned if the District would still provide line cleaning for the fairgrounds once the agreement ends. Mr. Fauth reported the District would continue to clean the lines in exchange for use of the site as a stand by storage area along with possible emergency use of their equipment and other joint use arrangements. Staff will prepare a memo to this affect leading to an eventual agreement after the CMSD Yard is completed. UNIFORM CONSTRUCTION COST ACCOUNTING ACT Mr. Hamers reported the District wants to convert to the uniform construction cost accounting method to allow more flexibility for projects under $125,000.00. The Act • raises the dollar thresholds of projects that may be completed without the requirement for public bid to $30,000 and projects completed by informal bidding and award to state licensed contractors to $125,000. Then under the Act, all projects over $125,000 are completed by formal public bidding. Mr. Hamers recommended the Committee bring this item up in at the June 23, 2009 Board meeting and direct to Mr. Burns to bring the item forward on the agenda for Board consideration. CLEARINGHOUSE FOR EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION Mr. Hamers reported the Santa Ana River Basin Section (SARBS) has almost finished creating the website to provide a local site for agencies to post their educational materials. The site should be up and running within the next thirty days. TRANSFER OF SEWER LINES FROM OCSD TO CMSD Mr. Hamers reported the transfer is still in process. OCSD agreed to the $1,000,000.00 in repairs and is requesting a five year implementation period due to cash flow. DISTRICT YARD - CONTRACTOR SELECTION PROCESS /SCHEDULE/COSTS Director Monahan reported the sub - committee is ready to award the contract at the June 23, 2009 Board meeting. Mr. Fauth noted the amended bid documents, decision point information (DPI) log and construction timeline are provided in the packet. Mr. Fauth brought to the Committee's attention an error on the DPI log stating Board approval ar COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS:SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING c 3;aY JUNE 23, 2009 PAGE 4 • instead of sub - committee approval. The dollar value of $2,099,006.00 on the second page is the amount the sub - committee agreed on at the June 10, 2009 meeting. Using the start date of June 24, 2009 the anticipated completion date is January 8, 2010 for certificate of occupancy. The contractor understands this is all contingent on Board approval at the June 23, 2009 Board meeting. Mr. Fauth will provide a Staff report documenting the contractor selection process for the Board meeting. Mr. Hamers added additional meetings to discuss "LEED" status will likely be scheduled after construction begins. The District is at the high end of "LEED" Gold status going into construction. Director Ferryman noted furniture and equipment are not included in the $2,099,006.00 and will be an additional cost of approximately $300,000.00. MANHOLE ADJUSTER - 23 MANHOLES Manhole Adjusters provided a bid proposal sheet to adjust twenty manholes. Staff requested a bid from an additional contractor who refused to bid the manholes located in areas difficult to access. They also quoted a higher unit price of $600.00 rather the $370.00 per unit for eleven manholes located in the street. Staff added three additional manholes to the list for a total of twenty three manholes. The City asphalting the streets in those areas required the work be done. The bid is within the $15,000.00 threshold and the Manager and Engineer signed off on the document. • WEST WILSON STREET SINKHOLE Mr. McIntyre met with Peter Naghavi and Ernesto Munoz from the City of Costa Mesa Public Services Department. There was discussion regarding co- operation between the City and the District. Mr. McIntyre reported he did not have the impression the West Wilson Street sinkhole was of 'great concern. City Staff viewed tree roots as a bigger issue. Mr. Hamers advised there is legal precedence regarding the sinkhole issue. Mr. McIntyre agreed Mr. Burns' letter makes the point from a legal perspective. Mr. Hamers questioned if the City level of contribution toward root problems was discussed. Mr. McIntyre reported they felt the issue had not been resolved by the CMSD Board of Directors and the City Council. PROJECT #129 BRISTOL STREET SEWER; UPDATE ON DESIGN PHASE Mr. Hamers advised the project is out to bid at the engineer's estimate of $1.1 million. The project involves construction on S. Bristol Street from Birch northerly to the edge of the Autoplex. Orange County Development Agency (OCDA) is paying the District to upsize the lines from 8" to 15" as part of the John Wayne Airport Land Use Plan. Staff will recommend authorization of the contract at the July 23, 2009 Board meeting. PROJECT #164 MISCELLANEOUS SEWER WORK COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT <ngt a MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 23, 2009 r PAGE 5 Mr. Dulake reported sensors and components have been installed in the last two stations. The crew implemented the maintenance schedule of turning pump station valves at regular intervals. NO CHANGE #168 IRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION - UPDATE ON CONSTRUCTION & DAMAGE TO ADJOINING PROPERTY Project is complete. The party's attorneys are addressing the parking lot damage resolution. NO CHANGE PROJECT #170 PREPARE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS for PUMPING STATIONS Mr. Hamers reported the emergency response plans are almost complete. The plans cover in detail what District operations will occur in the event of a major emergency such as an earthquake. When completed the plans will be placed in a book and will meet part of the Waste Discharge Requirements. Director Perry questioned if the plan would be discussed with the Committee. Mr. Hamers acknowledged the plan will be presented to the Committee. If the Committee has questions Staff will provide examples and discuss • the various options. Director Ferryman inquired if the plans will incorporate other agencies as well. Mr. Hamers explained the plan focuses on how the District would handle our own situation. At the same time the District has an agreement with Mesa Consolidated Water District and plans to talk to the City of Newport Beach and the Orange County Fairgrounds. PROJECT #171 IRVINE PUMP STATION FORCE MAIN REHABILITATION Mr. Guzman reported the design and timing are being reviewed for replacement of an additional 2000 ft section all the way to the Elden pump station, with 450 ft currently completed. NO CHANGE PROJECT #175 OCSD GRANT - TELEVISING CMSD SEWER LINES Mr. Hamers reported televising is complete. NO CHANGE PROJECT #182 - ANALYSIS OF CCTV RESULTS Mr. Hamers introduced Joe Parker, Vice President of National Clay Pipe Institute (NCPI). The Committee reviewed video of calcium build up in District pipe and discussed possible causes and solutions. NCPI offered to test a 15 foot section of District pipe. The 15 foot section will be separated into three five foot sections. One section will be used for porosity testing, the second section will be used for a cross sectional analysis of the pipe wall and the third section will be used for testing removal processes.. The project is scheduled for the week of the 8th through the 12th of June. NO CHANGE PROJECT #183 - SYSTEM WIDE SEWER REPAIR - NEW PROJECT ON BRISTOL Mr. Guzman reported 330 ft of main line from manhole to manhole is repaired with chain flinging and relining, including 270 feet of VCP and 63 feet of DIP. The project is complete. NO CHANGE PROJECT #186 - SEWER LATERAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Staff provided updated spreadsheets. Mr. Fauth referred to the bottom of page 3 showing $143,500.00 in reimbursement completed. Year to date 111 requests have been completed and 48 applications are in progress. Director Monahan noted the spreadsheet is now highlighted to show calcium present in lateral lines. Mr. Hamers updated the Committee on the test being conducted by National Clay Pipe Institute (NCPI) on 15 feet of sewer line on Santa Rosa Ave. NCPI is testing the pipe along with the soil to determine how the calcium gets there. They found soggy soil and a high water table but the final analysis in not complete. The District hopes to find a solution before • the calcium spreads to private lateral lines. Director Monahan asked if lining a private lateral would prevent the calcium build up. Mr. Hamers stated it would if the pipe is relined before calcium growth begins. Director Ferryman questioned what Staff is advising a resident to do about calcium growth in the lateral. Mr. Hamers noted the ability to remove the calcium is still in development but it will probably be some type of citric acid used to soften the calcium enough to allow removal. There is still time to find solutions before the calcium prevents a private lateral from working properly. Joe Limon provided pictures of a tree located on top of a resident's sewer lateral.. Power Pro lined the private lateral and provided. photographs of the roots in the sewer lateral. Mr. Limon reported there is still a big root running in line with the sewer lateral so in time it could create a problem with the lateral. Ms. Jackson called Dean Rodia and arranged a site visit. Mr. Rodia is the City's arborist and fields the tree removal complaints for the City. Joe added the tree has moved the curb out 11/2 inches. Mr. Hamers reported the lining costs the owner $5,000.00 of which the District will reimburse $1,800.00. PROJECT #187 - DISTRICT YARD UPDATE - LEED GOLD STANDARD The District is currently at 52 credits with 3 additional pending credits (minimum 52 credits earn a platinum rating) The CMSD Yard is definitely in the gold credit rating as a minimum. Mr. Fauth reported the District is currently renting the vacant lot to a Mesa Consolidated Water District (MCWD) contractor as a staging ground to store equipment while working on a MCWD project for the period February 3, 2009 through,June,30, 2009 at the rate of $20 /day. NO CHANGE • COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTjORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 23, 2009 PAGE 6 • the pipe wall and the third section will be used for testing removal processes.. The project is scheduled for the week of the 8th through the 12th of June. NO CHANGE PROJECT #183 - SYSTEM WIDE SEWER REPAIR - NEW PROJECT ON BRISTOL Mr. Guzman reported 330 ft of main line from manhole to manhole is repaired with chain flinging and relining, including 270 feet of VCP and 63 feet of DIP. The project is complete. NO CHANGE PROJECT #186 - SEWER LATERAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Staff provided updated spreadsheets. Mr. Fauth referred to the bottom of page 3 showing $143,500.00 in reimbursement completed. Year to date 111 requests have been completed and 48 applications are in progress. Director Monahan noted the spreadsheet is now highlighted to show calcium present in lateral lines. Mr. Hamers updated the Committee on the test being conducted by National Clay Pipe Institute (NCPI) on 15 feet of sewer line on Santa Rosa Ave. NCPI is testing the pipe along with the soil to determine how the calcium gets there. They found soggy soil and a high water table but the final analysis in not complete. The District hopes to find a solution before • the calcium spreads to private lateral lines. Director Monahan asked if lining a private lateral would prevent the calcium build up. Mr. Hamers stated it would if the pipe is relined before calcium growth begins. Director Ferryman questioned what Staff is advising a resident to do about calcium growth in the lateral. Mr. Hamers noted the ability to remove the calcium is still in development but it will probably be some type of citric acid used to soften the calcium enough to allow removal. There is still time to find solutions before the calcium prevents a private lateral from working properly. Joe Limon provided pictures of a tree located on top of a resident's sewer lateral.. Power Pro lined the private lateral and provided. photographs of the roots in the sewer lateral. Mr. Limon reported there is still a big root running in line with the sewer lateral so in time it could create a problem with the lateral. Ms. Jackson called Dean Rodia and arranged a site visit. Mr. Rodia is the City's arborist and fields the tree removal complaints for the City. Joe added the tree has moved the curb out 11/2 inches. Mr. Hamers reported the lining costs the owner $5,000.00 of which the District will reimburse $1,800.00. PROJECT #187 - DISTRICT YARD UPDATE - LEED GOLD STANDARD The District is currently at 52 credits with 3 additional pending credits (minimum 52 credits earn a platinum rating) The CMSD Yard is definitely in the gold credit rating as a minimum. Mr. Fauth reported the District is currently renting the vacant lot to a Mesa Consolidated Water District (MCWD) contractor as a staging ground to store equipment while working on a MCWD project for the period February 3, 2009 through,June,30, 2009 at the rate of $20 /day. NO CHANGE • r COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT {ari MINUTES OF BOARD'OF DIRECTORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 23, 2009 \.s f.. PAGE 7 OTHER Mr. Fauth brought forward three items: First Mr. Fauth addressed Addendum #2, a short term lease for the District Yard property with Mesa Consolidated Water District. Mesa's contractor has removed equipment but there are still some piles of debris left which the District wants removed. Mr. Fauth reported four staff members are signed up for the CWEA SARBS meeting July 23, 2009. Mr. Fauth reviewed the Engineer's report used to provide backup for District charges. The narrative portion reviews the tonnage trend over the years. The tonnage has been declining since the District implemented the "Additional Cost Pay As You Go Program ". The report provides historical data to generate the Engineer's report. Mr. Burns requested a basis for increase report. The basis for increase and for no increase, for the trash rate, have been updated and are available at the front counter if the public wishes to see it. Mr. McIntyre recommended adding a conclusion in terms of the rate to the Engineer's report. Mr. Hamers explained the numbers are the proportional justification • for the rates. SSC MEETING SCHEDULE Director Monahan asked if the meeting date of Tuesday prior to the Fourth Thursday of each month allows Staff enough time to prepare reports. Mr. Hamers reported the date was selected because it is the same week as the Board meeting and most Directors are available that week. This date also provides Staff enough time to prepare reports for the meeting. Mr. Fauth added this schedule allows the Board access to the latest information. The next meeting will be Tuesday, July 21, 2009. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. ADJOURNMENT Director Monahan adjourned the meeting at 11:37 a.m. r CRE RY PRESIDENT