Minutes - Recycling - 2009-02-23U COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF RECYCLING COMMITTEE MEETING February 23, 2009 The Costa Mesa Sanitary District Recycling Committee met at 12:00 p.m. at 628 W. 19th Street, Costa Mesa. Directors Present: Robert Ooten, Arlene Schafer Staff Present: Rob Hamers, Tom Fauth, Joan Revak, Sherry Kallab, Denise Gilbert Director Ooten called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. I. Recycling Committee Goals for 2009 -2010 Staff reviewed the Recycling Committee Goals for 2009 -2010. Director Ooten • suggested dates for accomplishing the tasks be included in the Goals and Staff will incorporate dates into the document. II. 2008 School Telephone Book Recycling Program Ms. Revak provided a copy of the letter sent to the 17 schools that did not qualify for a monetary award in the 2008 Telephone Book Recycling Program. Dates for presentations of the awards to qualifying schools are being scheduled. Director Ooten requested he and Director Monahan be assigned to present the check to Kline School. III. Orange County Waste and Recycling Sub - Regional Meetings and Grant Program Mr. Fauth presented the OC Waste & Recycling Quarterly Grant Status Report, outlining the program goals and status. As the District has expended over $12,000 of the $20,000 grant from OC Waste & Recycling, Mr. Fauth will request funds from the $20,000 amount awarded to the City of Costa Mesa through the Grant. A letter from OC Waste & Recycling was presented, communicating steps in the process of negotiating new Waste Disposal Agreements (WDAs). The new WDAs • include a disposal rate of $29.95 per ton, adjusted annually by CPI for a 10 -year term beginning July 1, 2010. This represents the first change to the disposal rate since 1997. Protecting our community's health by providing soCul waste and sewer collection services. www.crosdca, i &g`r� Costa Mesa Sanitary District Minutes of Recycling Committee Meeting February 23, 2009 •+.. Page 2 IV. Disposal of Residential Grease in CMSD Trash Collection Program Discussion was held on the disposition of residential grease in the CMSD trash collection program. Mr. Fauth will work with Mike Carey of the OCC Recycling Center on details to enable the Center to collect grease from residents. V. Tours of CR &R and Frank L. Bowerman Landfill CMSD Staff will present a tour of CR &R and the Frank L. Bowerman Landfill to students of UCI on Thursday, March 5, 2009. The tour of CR &R and the Frank L. Bowerman Landfill for the General Manager and Directors of the Mesa Consolidated Water District is scheduled for Thursday, March 12, 2009. District Directors and Staff will participate in the tour as well as a few Costa Mesa residents. VI. Sewer Science Program at TeWinkle School Director Ooten reported on the week long program run by OCSD. Director Ooten will advise the Committee if additional dates are selected. • VII. Plastics Presentations at Charles TeWinkle Intermediate School CMSD Staff presented six "Plastics Presentations" to science classes at Charles TeWinkle Intermediate School on February 4, 2009. A total of 150 students attended the presentations. The District's "Working for You" video was presented and prizes were given to students who answered questions after the video. VIII. Report on Other CMSD Recycling Programs A "Waste Free Lunch Day" is scheduled during Earth Week at Christ Lutheran School and a "Recycling" presentation is scheduled for Paularino School on March 26, 2009. Mr. Fauth will contact Mike Carey at the OCC Recycling Center requesting the College update their web site to include collection of batteries at the Recycling Center. IX. Public Comments There was no public present at the meeting. Director Ooten adjourned the meeting at 12:40 p.m. n) -�S- -dretary President Protect q Pur coinmgu ity's health by providing soUd waste and sewer collection services. www.crosdcagov