Minutes - Board - 2004-03-29COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 29, 2004 The Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District attended a duly noticed Special Meeting on March 29, 2004 at 6:00 p.m., in Conference Room 1A at the Civic Center, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. Directors Present: Arlene Schafer, Greg Woodside, Arthur Perry, Dan Worthington Staff Present: Robin B. Harriers, Manager /District Engineer; Thomas A. Fauth, Assistant Manager; Joan Revak, Clerk of the District; Alan Burns, Legal Counsel; Marc Puckett, District Treasurer; Debbie Bjornson and Denise Gilbert, Permit Processing Specialists Others Present: David Ronnenberg and Dan Otting, Representing Costa Mesa • Disposal and CR &R, 11282 Western Avenue, Stanton, California I. Presentation by Costa Mesa Disposal (CMD) and CR &R for Improvements to Trash Collection Program Including Request for Implementing Fully Automated Service. CR &R purchased 100 % of CMD stock and a straight stock sale leaves the Costa Mesa Disposal Corporation intact. The purchase does not change the contractual relationship between the District and CMD. David Ronnenberg of CR &R and CMD gave a power point presentation showing the history, staffing and services being provided by the companies. The following items were covered: • CMD will be painting the trucks blue to match CR &R trucks and the phone number of CMD will be added below the CMD name. • CMD will offer recommendations for revising the green regulations card • including deletion of the CMSD phone number in order to have all resident calls fielded by CMD administrative staff in Stanton. (Protecting our community's (teafth Gy provufi'n9 sorid waste a ndsewercoffection services. costamesasa nita rydist rict. org Costa Mesa Sanitary District Minutes of Special Meeting Held March 29, 2004 Page 2 • CR &R is performing a waste characterization study of all its clients including the CMSD and the results will be available by the end of the Vt quarter 2004. CMD will utilize the CR &R computer operations personnel to convert the CMD database that is based on property addresses to a system based on assessor's parcel numbers in order to coincide with the District's database. The end result will be a simplification of the database resulting in a more effective occupancy count and ability to analyze and manage the data. • CMD supports implementation of a variable rate structure and upon upgrading the CMD database, options will be presented to the Board. CR &R currently processes 100% of the District's trash through the Materials Recovery Facility. Batteries are being removed by magnetic separation and are being recycled. CR &R supports the District's consideration of a school battery- recycling program to educate students. • CMD is prepared to request approval to provide fully automated service at no cost to the District. CMD can retrofit the CMD trucks with new arms. CMD recognizes the worker's compensation and insurance costs will be greatly reduced with a fully automated system plus CR &R provides fully automated . service to 100 % of the agencies they serve. Details of a fully automated program, including how to handle excess trash outside the containers, were discussed and will be submitted as part of the written request to provide fully automated service. • CMD is prepared to permanently take over the container management program including keeping a container inventory, handling resident requests, and changing out containers as necessary.. CMD recognizes the District's desire for the use of environmentally safer fuels and understands the South Coast AQMD's regulations and the California Air Resources Board's (CARB) regulations in this regard. New CR &R trucks use AQMD and CARB approved fuels. CR &R desires consistency between CR &R trucks and CMD trucks so trucks identical to CR &R trucks would most likely be used inside the District. Mr. Ronnenberg acknowledged that a written request to the Board is required to implement the above changes. The Board of Directors complimented Mr. Ronnenberg and Mr. Otting on their presentation and added the Board looks forward to moving ahead with the proposed improvements. (Protecting our community's health 6y providing soudwaste andsewercollection services. costa mesasanitarydut rict. org Costa Mesa Sanitary District Page 3 Minutes of Special Meeting Held March 29, 2004 • 11. Public Comments • There were no public comments made. President Schafer adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Secretary Protecting our community's health 6y providing solid waste andsewer collection services. costamesasanitarydtstrict. org