Minutes - Board - 2001-06-09COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING HELD JUNE 1% 2001 CALL TO ORDER The Costa Mesa Sanitary District attended a Special Meeting at 12:00 p.m. at the Neighborhood Community Center, 1945 Park Street, Costa Mesa. President Schafer called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. Director Perry led the Pledge of Allegiance Vice President Woodside gave the invocation. ROLL CALL: Directors Present: Arlene Schafer, Greg Woodside, Art Perry, Jim Ferryman, Dan Worthington Staff Present: Robin Hamers, Manager /Engineer; Alan Burns, Legal Counsel; Tom Fauth, Assistant Manager; • Joan Revak, Clerk of the District; Marc Puckett, Finance Director; Dawn Schmeisser, Assessment Specialist CONSIDER PUBLIC OUTREACH PROGRAM DIRECTOR'S GUIDEBOOK Mr. Hamers presented a guidebook prepared by Staff that contained various outreach materials to assist the Board members when making public presentations, attending conferences, or visiting community groups. Included with the various written materials are copies of the District's video "Working For You" and the latest Newsletter. Director Worthington suggested the list of video recipients also include the Boy Scout and Girl Scout Headquarters. Director Schafer also recommended that copies be sent to the Orange County Board of Supervisors. CONSIDER STATUS OF ACTION ITEMS FROM STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSIONS Staff presented the Action Item list with a progress report of each item as of June 6, 2001. Staff reported that many items were already completed and that from an overall prospective, substantial progress has been made and everything is on track to complete • the items by the one -year target date. r�s�s�xu,,gro' N Costa Mesa Sanitary District "' c Minutes of Special Meeting ` June 19, 2001 '�ORPON \TEV��w Page 2 • III. CONSIDER OPINION LETTER FROM RAUCH COMMUNICATIONS DATED JUNE 6, 2001 Mr. Harriers reviewed Martin Rauch's opinion letter item by item. The comments by Mr. Rauch and corresponding Board comments on each item were as follows: • Outreach Effort -Above average. • Outreach Plan -Be sure the goals are clear. The Manager commented that the current goal is general public recognition and the effort was concentrated to this effect. • Logo - Consider a logo with less detail, might improve recall by public. The Board expressed satisfaction with the existing logo. • Newsletter - Latest newsletter is interesting, entertaining, and useful; suggested organizing articles into themes with more descriptive story titles. Staff will implement the recommendations into the next newsletter. • Media and Press Coverage - Cultivate press understanding of District and obtain regular positive coverage. Staff will work toward this goal. • Community Presentations - Increase public presentations. Staff prepared a Public Outreach Program Director's Notebook to facilitate this goal. The Board concurs with the goal and will concentrate on attending community gatherings. • Special Programs - The District has a significant number of special programs. • Overall Level of Service - Level of service is excellent. • Relationship with the City of Costa Mesa - This is an area of concern; the District has diminished public relations due to confusion of names and locations and has trouble with items such as office space allocation. The Board acknowledged this as an on -going concern and is monitoring the situation. • Summary - The District is well run, maintained, and managed. • ��s�sAxirRgro Costa Mesa Sanitary District ti� 0 oii °� N} Minutes of Special Meeting ` June 19, 2001 • '�RP04Ati��a Page 3 IV. PRESS CAMPAIGN EXPLAINING NO COST TO RESIDENTS FOR PURCHASING STANDARDIZED CONTAINERS The Board discussed the proposed Letter to the Editor from President Schafer and by motion from Director Worthington motioned to approve the Letter to the Editor with minor clarifications. Director Woodside seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Director Woodside left the meeting at 1:30 p.m. The Board discussed the proposed Press Release. Director Worthington motioned to approve the Press Release. Director Ferryman seconded. Motion carried 4 -0. V. CONSIDER PUBLICATION OF DISTRICT BUDGET Treasurer Marc Puckett presented opportunities to publish the District budget in various formats including Power Point, Local Cable, Video, and through the website. Mr. Puckett also presented possible enhancements and simplifications to the budget and the process for its approval. The Board requested Mr. Puckett return with an Action Plan including the proposed improvement and the date of implementation. The Board determined the date of Wednesday, July 25, at 10:00 a.m. for the Study Session to • discuss potential 2001 -2002 sewer and trash rates. VI. PUBLIC COMMENTS No public was present. The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. •