Minutes - Board - 2000-06-13COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting Held June 13, 2000 The Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District attended a meeting of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Recycling Committee at 9:00 a.m. in conference room 3A at the Civic Center, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. Directors Present: Dan Worthington, Arlene Schafer Staff Present: Rob Hamers, Joan Revak, Dawn Schmeisser, Ron Hayes Recycling Program Participation Update Sharps Ms. Revak reported a site visit by staff was made to each of the Sharps program participating pharmacies to ensure CMSD labels were placed on the containers. As reported by Director Worthington at the Board of Directors meeting of May 11, 2000, the containers at Steven's Pharmacy did not have CMSD labels attached. Labels have been provided to Steven's Pharmacy as well as Rite Aid and Rexall Ramsay. Additionally, Ms. Revak displayed a sample of new green binders with CMSD logo and "Sharps Log" imprinted in gold, which were delivered to each participating pharmacy. • The binders include new log sheets with CMSD logo and a District boundary map. Ms. Revak provided copies of Sharps agreements for White Front Pharmacy and College Pharmacy and Surgical Supply along with Stericycle Agreements. The Board approved the addition of these two new Sharps locations at the regular Board of Directors meeting on May 11, 2000. Application to the Orange County Health Care Agency was made and approved. Additionally, Ms. Revak reported at the onset of the Home Generated Sharps Disposal Program, letters were sent by staff to local hospitals /clinics advising them of the program. A list of hospitals /clinics notified was provided to the Committee. Staff has recently sent updated letters to Hoag Hospital, College Hospital and Mesa Verde Convalescent Hospital. City of Costa Mesa Public Safety Emergency Services Expo - May 21, 2000 Ms. Schmeisser reported that staff participated in the City of Costa Mesa Public Safety Emergency Services Expo on May 21, 2000. The District sponsored a recycling booth giving away CMSD pencils, chip clips, recycling information and held a "Count the Cans" contest. CR Transfer provided four bales of different recycled products and a representative was in attendance. The contest was very successful with over two • hundred contestants participating. Ms. Schmeisser informed the Committee there were COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT 2 Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting June 13, 2000 • six winners who received either a $50 or $75 savings bond purchased with prize money donated by Costa Mesa Disposal and CR Transfer. Survey of Orange County Trash Hauling Programs Ms. Revak provided an update of the Survey of Orange County Trash Hauling Programs, being conducted by Staff. Ms Revak apprised the Committee of the difficulty in obtaining information from a few cities. A final request to those cities will be made, providing them with a draft survey and encouraging inclusion of data from their city before countywide distribution. The survey should prove beneficial in evaluating the District's trash hauling services and in decision - making with regard to purchasing standardized containers. Staff will update the survey yearly to reflect current information. Public Outreach Program Tour of CR Transfer by Director Worthington and Media One Director Worthington informed the Committee that he and Media One would be going back to CR Transfer on June 15 to videotape, showing ways of recycling trash. They • plan to spend about an hour at CR Transfer and will also videotape trash trucks and method of semi - automatic collection. Additionally, they will go into typical neighborhood showing truck going out to curb collecting trash. Director Worthington advised the Committee he and Media One would visit the pharmacies that participate in the Sharps program and give an explanation of how to pick up containers and take to the pharmacies for recycling. Curbside. Inc. will be contacted to arrange a date to video an actual visit to a District residence collecting HHW products. The telephone book program and large item one -time pickup program will also be featured, and, according to Director Worthington the final video should be produced within sixty days. Standardized Container Program Implementation of the standardized container program will be discussed at the CMSD Study Session at 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 • COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT 3 Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting June 13, 2000 0 Large Item Collection Ms. Revak reported the Large Item Collection program would begin June 19 and run through the week of August 21, 2000. Director Worthington inquired as to the status of the City's large item collection program and Staff will obtain the information and give a report at the June 15, 2000 regular Board of Directors' meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 a.m. The Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District took no action. d-''y z s. /l. • President I