Minutes - Board - 1997-01-09rI COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING HELD JANUARY 9, 1997 CALL TO ORDER: The Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District met in regular session on January 9, 1997, 6:00 p.m., conference room 1 -A at the Civic Center, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. Director Ferryman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Director Worthington led the Pledge of Allegiance. Director Reade gave the invocation. ROLL CALL: Directors Present: Staff Present: Others Present: PROCLAMATION James Ferryman, Arthur Perry, Nate Reade, Arlene Schafer, Dan Worthington Robin Hamers, Manager /Engineer; Alan Burns, General Counsel; Florine Reichle, Assistant Manager Consultant; Joan Revak, Clerk of the District; Susan Temple, Treasurer; Reba Coulter, Finance; Dawn Guastella, Permit Specialist. None. Mr. Hamers introduced a Proclamation honoring Ms. Florine Reichle for her many years of devoted service to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District, serving from October 1, 1965 to December 31, 1996. By motion of Director Reade, seconded by Director Worthington, and carried unanimously, the Proclamation honoring Ms. Florine Reichle was approved. CONSENT CALENDAR On motion by Director Reade, seconded by Director Perry, and carried 5 -0, the Consent Calendar was approved as recommended. MINUTES Approved Minutes of The minutes for the regular meeting of December 12, Regular Meeting, 1996, were approved as distributed. December 12, 1996 COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 2 MINUTES - BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING HELD JANUARY 9, 1997 • REPORTS MANAGER'S REPORTS Approved Occupancy The Trash Occupancy Count reflected a decrease of Report and payment of four units in the occupancy report for solid waste $160,861.43 to Costa collection as of January 1, 1997. Therefore, the total Mesa Disposal for trash for January is 21,902. Board directed Staff to prepare collection services for a warrant for $160,861.43 to Costa Mesa Disposal on January 1997 February 1, 1997, for payment for January Trash collection based on the January count of 21,902. REFUNDS Approved payment of In accordance with Resolution No. 96 -584, adopted by $1,301.68 to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District on April 17, 1996, a Mr. Glen Vauthrin trash refund request from Mr. Glen Vauthrin was approved in the amount of $1,301.68 for property located at 1540 Coriander, a four -unit parcel, Assessor's Parcel No. 139- 502 -01, for fiscal years 1995 -1996 and 1996 -1997. Mr. Vauthrin has provided evidence of outside trash service and a signed statement as required by the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. RECYCLING REPORTS Waste Diversion Report The Waste Diversion Report for December 1996 December 1996 was showing a 33.73% diversion rate was received and received and filed filed. Approved Contract The Board approved contract payment to CR Transfer Payment to CR Transfer for recycling services and disposal for the month of for $113,047.94 December 1996 in the amount of $113,047.94. SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING DECEMBER 17, 1996 TREASURER'S REPORTS Financial Report as of December 31, 1996, was received and filed The minutes for the safety committee meeting of December 17, 1996, were approved as distributed. The Financial Report as of December 31, 1996, was accepted as submitted. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 3 MINUTES - BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING HELD JANUARY 9, 1997 • Report of Monies on The Report of Monies on Deposit as of December 31, Deposit as of December 1996, was accepted as submitted 31, 1996, was received and filed Approved Warrant 97 -07 Warrant Resolution #CMSD 97 -07 was approved, for January 1997, in the authorizing the President and Secretary to sign the amount of $382,007.72 warrant and instructing the Finance Department to draw a warrant from the Costa Mesa Sanitary District General Fund in the amount of $ 382,007.72. ENGINEER'S REPORTS Project Status Report The Project Status Report for January 1, 1997, was was received and filed. accepted as submitted. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Hamers introduced an article covering construction of a sewage treatment plant for the Capistrano Beach Water District appearing in the Los Angeles Times, January 9, 1997. MANAGER'S REPORTS SOURCE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ELEMENT AB939 UPDATE ON ACTIVITIES ANTI - SCAVENGING ENFORCEMENT REPORT Ms. Guastella introduced an interoffice memorandum from Ms. Sandra M. Benson, Senior Code Enforcement Officer of the City of Costa Mesa, dated January 2, 1997. The memorandum contains a comprehensive summary of enforcement activity occurring from December 10, 1996 to December 31, 1996, with dates, times and actions taken. From December 10 to December 31, one citation was issued on Robin Hood Place. The individual receiving the citation had been given two prior citations. Ms. Guastella reports she has not received information from the Court concerning disposition of the citations issued to date. • Director Schafer expressed dissatisfaction and concern over the Code Enforcement officer's inability to locate scavengers as she observes them regularly in her tract. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 4 MINUTES - BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING HELD JANUARY 9, 1997 • Mr. Hamers requested anyone observing a scavenger notify Ms. Guastella of the time, date and location so she can coordinate the information with the Code Enforcement officer. Mr. Hamers introduced a letter from Ms. Holly Carver of the Costa Mesa Police Department, dated January 2, 1997. Ms. Carter's memo showed the number of calls for service for scavenging for December 1996 as follows: LOCATION CALLS FOR SERVICE CITE /ARREST AREA I 4 1 AREA II 1 1 AREA III 6 1 AREA IV 0 0 TOTAL 11 3 Director Schafer requested a comprehensive description of what street boundaries comprise each area. Ms. Guastella reported Mr. Morris will provide a detailed map to clarify the composition of each area depicted in the report. SCREENING OF TRASH CONTAINERS is Ms. Reichle introduced the flyer to be included with the March /April water billing for Mesa Consolidated Water District. Mr. Hamers reported Staff is working with the City of Costa Mesa regarding distribution of the flyer by the Code Enforcement officer. HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE GRANT Ms. Reichle reported there is no additional information at this time regarding the limited household hazardous waste drop -off event scheduled in April. TELEPHONE DIRECTORY RECYCLING PROGRAM Ms. Reichle reported the program ended December 13 with a total of 51 tons, or 23,714 directories recovered for recycling. Ms. Reichle reported the figure is 36 tons less than the 1995 program which she believed was due to the gap created between the distribution of the yellow and white page directories. Ms. Reichle suggested the Board award Killybrooke School a runner -up prize of an additional $150.00 due to the exemplary effort the 500 students displayed by collecting 1,066 telephone directories. Director Worthington motioned to award Killybrooke School an additional $150.00 for their exemplary effort in the telephone directory recycling program. Director Perry seconded. Motion carried 5 -0. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE S MINUTES - BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING HELD JANUARY 9, 1997 • Director Worthington suggested structuring the 1997 telephone directory program with a minimum award for a set number of telephone books, and an additional amount awarded, for each additional plateau reached beyond the, required minimum. Director Worthington further recommended a thermometer - type display to provide the students with a visual demonstration of their school's current participation level. • Ms. Temple recommended utilizing the Internet to keep students apprised of the rising total of telephone books as they are collected or fax the information to the schools to post on their thermometer. Directors will attend the ceremonies at the various schools to distribute prize award monies. Director Reade recommended the formation of a recycling committee to examine the various programs. President Ferryman requested Staff place the recycling committee item on February's agenda for further discussion of the committee's mission. Distribution of awards to schools are as follows: School Telephone Directories Collected Amount of Award Grand Prize Award Total Award Estancia High School 1,994 $500.00 $250.00 $750.00 TeWinkle Middle School 1,516 $500.00 $250.00 $750.00 Kaiser Primary Center 1,640 $250.00 $200.00 $450.00 Killybrooke School 1,066 $250.00 $150.00 $400.00 Costa Mesa Jr. High 855 $500.00 $500.00 Paularino 698 $250.00 $250.00 Adams 581 $250.00 $250.00 Whittier 521 $250.00 $250„00 Pomona 373 $250.00 $250.00 TOTAL 9,244 $3,000.00 $850.00 $3,850.00 • CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLING PROGRAM Ms. Reichle reported the Seventh Annual Christmas Tree Recycling Program is well underway and will continue through January 10, 1997. Ms. Reichle COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES - BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING FIELD JANUARY 9. 1997 PAGE 6 reported approximately 4,087 trees have been collected and mulched in the first week of the program. Ms. Reichle advised the contractor is doing an outstanding job keeping the Orange County Fairgrounds debris free. ENGINEER'S REPORTS PROJECT NO. 129, BRISTOL STREET PUMPING STATION MINOR MODIFICATIONS TO THREE -PARTY AGREEMENT Mr. Hamers reported the minor modifications to the three -party agreement are between the Orange County Development Agency and the City of Newport Beach, and do not affect the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. Director Schafer motioned to approve the three -party agreement modifications. Director Perry seconded. Motion carried unanimously. BOYLE INDEPENDENT REVIEW OF PROJECT Mr. Hamers reported the review has not yet been received, and recommended tabling the item to the February 13 meeting. . TREASURER'S REPORTS ORANGE COUNTY BANKRUPTCY UPDATE Mr. Burns reported there is an attorney, Mr. Fine, who has had success in undoing state legislation, who will be attempting to challenge. the Orange County Recovery Plan. LEGAL ACTION CONTESTING ORANGE COUNTY BANKRUPTCY FILING Ms. Temple reported the Costa Mesa Sanitary District is filing a response to the County's Twenty -Third Omnibus Objection to the Proofs of Claim Filed. The claim of $621,583.47 will be withdrawn at this time. ATTORNEY'S REPORTS CHARLES CHEN V. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Mr. Burns reported the judge ruled in favor of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. Mr. Burns stated the judge did not issue a written descriptive statement, but did decide in the District's favor according to the statute of limitations. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 7 MENVIES - BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING HELD JANUARY 9, 1997 • RICHARD SHIREY V. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Mr. Burns reported the judge did not rule in the District's favor on the matter of Richard Shirey versus the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. Mr. Hamers reported Special District Risk Management Authority (SDRMA) will pay the $5,000 awarded to Mr. Shirey. NEW LEGISLATION ON PIPELINE REPAIR Mr. Burns reported a legislation passed that exempts pipeline from CEQA review. LOCAL MEETINGS INDEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY Director Schafer reported on COG, Council of Governments, Local Agency Formation Commission and requested the item be placed on February's agenda for review and possible application. LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION ® Director Schafer presented the agenda as well as her notes from the LAFCO meeting she attended January 8, 1997, for the Board's perusal. Director Schafer reported the meeting was very informative. Director Schafer advised the Board Mr. Lee Reisner had tendered his resignation due to ill health. Director Schafer reported LAFCO will hold a strategic planning session at the Irvine Ranch Water District to formulate a one -year and three -year business plan for LAFCO. SPECIAL DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Director Schafer reported the Advisory Committee is not meeting in the month of January. ORANGE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS REGULAR MEETING President Ferryman reported plaques were presented to outgoing Directors. President Ferryman reported that Mr. Jim Silva advised he met with the Army Corps of Engineers in Washington, DC, requesting funding for the COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 8 MINUTES - BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING HELD JANUARY 9, 1997 • Prado Dam extension. Mr. Silva subsequently met with Mr. Chris Cox and Mr. Dana Rohrabacher who advised they were in support of the project. CITY OF COSTA MESA COUNCIL MEETING REPORT DECEMBER 16, 1996 Director Perry attended the Council meeting of December 16, 1996, and presented the agenda for the Board's perusal. Director Perry stated .there was nothing significant to report. ..JANUARY 6, 1997 Director Schafer attended the Council meeting of January 6, 1997, and reported the District's item, a resolution adjusting the rate of pay for the current City classification on the basic pay schedule for Clerk of the Sanitary District, was passed. OLD BUSINESS TRASH COLLECTION FIELD SURVEY 0 UPDATE Mr. Hamers requested the item be tabled to the February 13, 1997 meeting. DISTRICT OFFICE STAFFING UPDATE STATUS OF HIRING NEW MANAGEMENT ANALYST Mr. Hamers reported receipt of 41 applications for the position of Assistant Manager /Management Analyst for the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. Interviews will be held on January 21 and January 22, 1997. STATUS OF ORANGE COUNTY LANDFILLS Mr. Hamers presented an Interim Agreement between Integrated Waste Management and the Cities for consideration by the Cities to enter into an agreement within the 90 -day requirement for flow - control agreements. Directors Schafer and Worthington and Mr. Hamers will attend a meeting concerning the landfills on January 10, 1997, and will report back to the Board. President Ferryman scheduled a study session on January 22, 1997, at 12:00 noon to discuss the status of the Orange County landfills. / 11 u • COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 9 MINUTES - BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING HELD JANUARY 9. 1997 NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN FRANCHISING TRASH HAULING Mr. Hamers presented a letter dated December 12, 1996, from Mr. Michael Silva, President of CR Transfer, to Director Worthington summarizing the benefits of franchising the trash hauling in the City of Costa Mesa. Director Worthington presented his suggestions regarding the City of Costa Mesa franchising the trash hauling in the City of Costa Mesa. Director Worthington discussed the benefits obtainable, including saving wear and tear on City streets, reduction and uniformity of commercial rates, and garnering a franchise fee of approximately one million dollars per year. President Ferryman suggested further investigation into all aspects of franchising the City of Costa Mesa's trash hauling be discussed at the study. session scheduled for January 22, 1997, at 12:00 noon. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Reichle thanked the Board for the Proclamation and stated how much she has enjoyed working for the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr._ Hamers reminded everyone to sign up for Ms. Reichle's retirement party on January 30, 1997. Director Reade expressed his gratitude to Ms. Reichle for her devotion to the Sanitary District and said the District will miss her very much. ADJOURNMENT At 7:50 p.m. President Ferryman adjourned the meeting in honor of Mr. Mario Durante, longtime Board member of the Mesa Consolidated Water District., recently deceased. SECRETARY PRESIDE