S-79-2.1CV w ltemNT Descrlpt/on Quontit /. 48 "1.0. Standard Manhole 12 each 2. 12 " V. C. P. Sewer Main iY dr 3. Aggregate Beddin nS 4. Adequate sheeting, shorIng, and bracing 3256 /. f. f ' 30 "did. X W"thick wa /l Steel COSIng V• 6. Join exist. concrete structure ># 7. 48 "/. D. Drop Manhole / soch 8. 15" V.C.P. Sewer Main /630 /. E /0 V.C. P. Sewer Main 283 It /O. 6" V.C.P. sewer/. atera/ 35 It //. Modify Existing Monho% 4 3 Mpnhoks shat /be brick or precast concrete as manufacted by Associated Concrete Products, -- -00-13 M.H. men // i 1 for maintaining warn /n devices /i hts and f/a men /n accordance 6. Contractor sha berespans b e o g g g flog 161 ' Sturgeon Drive Iftwol of warning signs, fights, and a*vices foruse mperformance of war* upon Highways r issued by the State of Cal /forma, Department ofPab //c Works, !97/. 24Ng/° H �l e E 7 Contractor sha/ /obtain opermit from the Division of Industrial Safety of the State of California CV w ltemNT Descrlpt/on Quontit /. 48 "1.0. Standard Manhole 12 each 2. 12 " V. C. P. Sewer Main 14 42 /. f. 3. Aggregate Beddin 250 tons 4. Adequate sheeting, shorIng, and bracing 3256 /. f. 5. 30 "did. X W"thick wa /l Steel COSIng 88 /. f. 6. Join exist. concrete structure / each 7. 48 "/. D. Drop Manhole / soch 8. 15" V.C.P. Sewer Main /630 /. 9. /0 V.C. P. Sewer Main 283 It /O. 6" V.C.P. sewer/. atera/ 35 It //. Modify Existing Monho% 4 H. NOTES I 30 H 5 9.2 MAI LJ Bristol Street. City of Costa Mesa Datum -N- o /2l. 4 46g8� N =/3 r tru tin shall conform to the Standards of the CostoMesa Sanitary District and All sewer carRS c o y a _ Baker Street 2831 M.N. N Traverse Orive 6/evotion =38.46 ' a gt Nt // b C W 3 arch of the avoilab /e records To thebestofourknow/ed a there are no existingufi/ities by a se o 9 us 1179 neat port /and cement, mortar orgrout bepermitted 2. Stationing refers to the centerline of the proposed sewer. 5. A permit will be required from the City of Costa Mesa Street Dept. 54 rotect the utility dness/awn ondary other /inesnotofrecord ornotshown . If the contractor, while O. f2 0 /+ L 0 ti A T /ON MAP N 3 Mpnhoks shat /be brick or precast concrete as manufacted by Associated Concrete Products, -- -00-13 M.H. men // i 1 for maintaining warn /n devices /i hts and f/a men /n accordance 6. Contractor sha berespans b e o g g g flog 161 ' Sturgeon Drive Iftwol of warning signs, fights, and a*vices foruse mperformance of war* upon Highways b F d A 1270 issued by the State of Cal /forma, Department ofPab //c Works, !97/. 24Ng/° H �l e E 7 Contractor sha/ /obtain opermit from the Division of Industrial Safety of the State of California NOT /CE TO CONTRACTORS � &k�� Date: s5 � //- 7& prior to starting excavation. Approved: iL`/ n Donald E. Stevens, R.CE. 11066 OL/ ty Comavny Te %phone No.s Prerpornt Drive Southern Calif. Edison 714-835-3833 Southern Calif. Gas Co. 714- 634 -3106 C/ T Y OF COSTA MESA, ORANGE COUNTY, CAL /FORN /A Pacific Telephone Co. 714- 633 -0811 I All contractorsund subconiractorsperform/ng work shown on orre/ated tothese plans sha/ /conduct + Metropolitan Water Dist. 213- 626 -4282 2 /�40M.H Bristol - Par /anima Sewer I Morquette their operotionsso thota// employees areprovided asafeplace to work and the pub /rc s protected. A// .:,Sheet /of 5 Sheets n J U I LT 2l /�7 q N= s ✓. y_ isez -� a ai /6a e b contractors and subcontractors sha / /comply with the 'Occupation/ Safety and Health Regulation "of c ` Grand Haven she U.S. Department of Labor, and with the Svte of Cal /fom/aDeportment oflndustr a/. Re/at/ons' /7 *90 M.H. C f _ 'Conshuct/0nSafetyOrders•" NZ a J Fayette 7 eDist rictEngineersho l /notberesponsible in anyway f r- thecontractorsandsubcontractors a :6 t i•>6 �asr compliance with the 'Gccupotiona /Sofety ondMeaHh Regulations of the U.S. Department ofI-aboror H. NOTES I Pau/ar;nv av 5 - -- ,. GENERAL d 4 �—T— /. r tru tin shall conform to the Standards of the CostoMesa Sanitary District and All sewer carRS c o y a _ Baker Street N a shall be completed to the satisfaction of the District Engineer a gt o h b C W 3 arch of the avoilab /e records To thebestofourknow/ed a there are no existingufi/ities by a se o 9 us 1179 neat port /and cement, mortar orgrout bepermitted 2. Stationing refers to the centerline of the proposed sewer. 5. A permit will be required from the City of Costa Mesa Street Dept. 54 rotect the utility dness/awn ondary other /inesnotofrecord ornotshown . If the contractor, while O. f2 i t n ineer sha! /be mode 48hoursin Request formspect /on by the Sanitary Distr c E g /+ L 0 ti A T /ON MAP N 3 Mpnhoks shat /be brick or precast concrete as manufacted by Associated Concrete Products, -- -00-13 M.H. men // i 1 for maintaining warn /n devices /i hts and f/a men /n accordance 6. Contractor sha berespans b e o g g g flog SCa /e: ! - 400 :,N 4 / Iftwol of warning signs, fights, and a*vices foruse mperformance of war* upon Highways b F d A 1270 issued by the State of Cal /forma, Department ofPab //c Works, !97/. H. I 6 M.H. - -- ,. of C q d 4 �—T— 0 6 ed4� or approved equal. a _ Baker Street a l M.H. a gt D C �y b C W 3 arch of the avoilab /e records To thebestofourknow/ed a there are no existingufi/ities by a se o 9 us 1179 neat port /and cement, mortar orgrout bepermitted exceptos shown on these pions The contmclo'is required to take dueprecoutionarymeasures to 5. A permit will be required from the City of Costa Mesa Street Dept. rotect the utility dness/awn ondary other /inesnotofrecord ornotshown . If the contractor, while O. f2 i t n ineer sha! /be mode 48hoursin Request formspect /on by the Sanitary Distr c E g A venue W /tn 1Me .`17Ore or WIlrom /O L4f8par/menr Or /nOUSTr /O/ /7e /oT /a/s WnD /�u4nvir .wrary yuwo. Contractor further agrees that he sha/ /assume sole and comp lete responsibility forjob site conditions (% driiring the course ofconstruct/cn of thisproject, Inc /uding-safety ofo // persons and property; thottfiis 0 o�Q requirement shall apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours., and that the contractor shall defend indemnify and hold nYne Costa Mesa Sanitary Orstrictarnd the District Engineer harm/essfrononyondo / / /Labi /ity, reo /Oro /leged, inconnectionwiththeperformance ofworkonth[spmject, excepting for /iabi/ityarising>rom the solemol/gance of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District or theOstrict inc., or appro ved equal. Sewer manhole frame and cover slia!!be A /ham ra oun ry - - -- ,. Engineer, �—T— 0 6 ed4� or approved equal. _ Baker Street 4 Claypiaelbint coroou ndsha//be'CP/ -2 "or ✓C -60" Mechanica /compressionjoints sho / /be a gt The existence and location ofonyundergroundppes orstructures shown onthesep/ans are obtained rN ," /i - - d uo% n n case will Lntm material .WEDGE LOCK, SPEED SEAL MA /NL /NE or approve eq / 0 p g arch of the avoilab /e records To thebestofourknow/ed a there are no existingufi/ities by a se o 9 us 1179 neat port /and cement, mortar orgrout bepermitted exceptos shown on these pions The contmclo'is required to take dueprecoutionarymeasures to 5. A permit will be required from the City of Costa Mesa Street Dept. rotect the utility dness/awn ondary other /inesnotofrecord ornotshown . If the contractor, while O. i t n ineer sha! /be mode 48hoursin Request formspect /on by the Sanitary Distr c E g /+ L 0 ti A T /ON MAP performing the contract, discovers utility fac/litiesnot shown in the plans, he sha / /immediate /y advance of performing any work. Telephone: (714) 556 -5400. -- notify the District Engineer, in writing. men // i 1 for maintaining warn /n devices /i hts and f/a men /n accordance 6. Contractor sha berespans b e o g g g flog SCa /e: ! - 400 Iftwol of warning signs, fights, and a*vices foruse mperformance of war* upon Highways ' G /l9/il ee/�: Costa Mesa SanitoryDistiict issued by the State of Cal /forma, Department ofPab //c Works, !97/. 7 Contractor sha/ /obtain opermit from the Division of Industrial Safety of the State of California � &k�� Date: s5 � //- 7& prior to starting excavation. Approved: iL`/ n Donald E. Stevens, R.CE. 11066 OL/ ty Comavny Te %phone No.s Southern Calif. Edison 714-835-3833 Southern Calif. Gas Co. 714- 634 -3106 C/ T Y OF COSTA MESA, ORANGE COUNTY, CAL /FORN /A Pacific Telephone Co. 714- 633 -0811 Costa Mesa County Water Dist. 714- 556 -5210 Metropolitan Water Dist. 213- 626 -4282 Bristol - Par /anima Sewer Santa Ana Heights Water Co. 714- 545- -1060 .:,Sheet /of 5 Sheets n J U I LT 2l /�7 q ✓. y_ isez -� a ai /6a