Minutes - Board - 1992-07-27 (2)• • MINUTES OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING HELD JULY 27, 1992 CALL TO ORDER The Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District met in special session on July 27, 1992, at 12:00 Noon in the Civic Center, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. The meeting was called to order by President Wahner for the purpose of approving the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) between the District and the City of Costa Mesa for the creation of a Joint Powers Authority for the purpose of exercising powers common to both agencies relating to solid waste produced within their jurisdictional boundaries. Directors present: James Wahner, James Ferryman, Nate Reade and Dick Sherrick. Directors absent: Harry Green, Excused. Staff present: Robin Hamers, Manager; Florine Reichle, Assistant Manager; Roy June, Attorney, Susan Temple, Treasurer. PLEDGE OF Director Ferryman led the Pledge of ALLEGIANCE Allegiance. INVOCATION Director Reade gave the Invocation. JOINT POWERS Mr. Hamers discussed the July 20 meeting AGREEMENT with Allan Roeder, Bill Morris, Ms Reichle' and himself. At that time, it was agreed that a staff report recommending approval of the Joint Powers Agreement would be presented to the City Council at their August 3 meeting, thus necessitating the need for a special meeting of the Board of Directors to approve the JPA in advance of Council presentation. NOTION Mr. Morris requested that Section IX, funding, include a change in wording to indicate costs would be for start -up only. After reviewing the document, a motion was made by Director Sherrick, seconded by Director Ferryman that the wording remain as written. Motion carried 4 -0. LEVEL OF The JPA was discussed in some detail with MANAGEMENT a point being made by Director Sherrick that • the manager of the JPA should be on the same level as the manager of the City and should Printed on Recycled Paper • • CKSD SPECIAL MEETING - JULY 27, 1992 deal with the City Manager on all issues relating to the JPA. MOTION On motion by Director Reade, seconded by Director Ferryman, the second draft of the Joint Powers Agreement for the creation of a Joint Powers Authority between the Costa Mesa Sanitary District and the City of Costa for the purpose of exercising powers common to both agencies relating to solid waste pro - duced within their jurisdictional boundaries was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Directors - Wahner, Ferryman, Reade, Sherrick. NOES: Directors - None ABSENT: Directors - Green (excused) ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:10 p.m. President Assistant Secretary Printed on Recycled Paper -2-