Minutes - Board - 1992-12-10a MINUTES OF THE COSTA MESA 3A TAR 9ISTR %CT. B �P PTRE ���tS., REGULAR MEETING =IIikLD DEC.. , ER 10, 19 2 CALL TO ORDER The Board;; ofrectorso the Cos mesa Sanita n of J a December".10, 1992,. °,;°7.,30- p.im V-- ,at tp?e ;civic'_ Center, 77 Fair 'Drivp, Ct sta .Mesa Directors Present James aYiner, Nate Reade, J am . S �erryman, Art: Perry`. Directors Absent: Hary Green .(excused) Staff Present: Roy. June.; Attorney., .Robin Hamer,,;; Managerjng�:rieer; Florine Reichle, sa:stant Manag,erjC:lerk ' o the' Dist,rict,;. °Donna Th�riault; Accountant Director Wahner called the meeting.to order` ;at 7:30 P.M. Director Perry led the Pledge of Allegiance:,- Director Reade gave the Invocation. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 12, 1992, AND. DECEMBER.'4,- 1992: It was moved by Director Ferryman,..' seconded by Director Reade, that the Minutes of November 12, 1992, and "December 4,19921' be approved as corrected. Motion carried 4--0:` Mr. Hamers called attention .to: the minutes.- of`October 8, 1992 The Warrant Report on page #5 was corrected to read $419,322.31, WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: There was nothing new to report. MANAGER'S REPORTS: Mr. Hamers welcomed aro'd co�ig�e a "wed '� �xect n- rlrtiTvt ar�d i C Ferryman to the board on., behS + the staff :' assistance to Director',Verrry, As I" 0,W' member. of the 40�rd, with any information or ongoin 4�verr s ;garding the `D' it�3 ct President Wahner and the ` ti' s board ";members: also 'offered. their assistance to Director r�sr should an enterericy'' aris'2 and he is unable to contact OCCUPANCY REPORT: There has been a decrease of 36 units.in the occupancy report. for solid waste collection as of December If 1992, therefore the total for December is 22,498 units. Minutes of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Board of Directors Regular Meeting held December 10, 1992 -- Page 2 4. Motion was made by Director Reade, and seconded by Director -,.Ferryman, to accept the Occupancy Report for December in the amount of 22,498 units. Motion carried 4 -0. REFUNDS: Wylie Aitken, 600 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92701 `J Mr. Hamers presented a request for refund on 2617 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa, Assessor's Parcel No. 439 - 221 -44. Owner is using a private trash service. Requested amount of refund is $2,522.21. Mr. Hamers informed the Board that staff is recommending approval of the refund in the amount of $996.73 which represents the current fiscal year only and not the previous two fiscal years in accordance with District policy. Motion was made by Director Reade, seconded by Director Ferryman that refund for $996.73 be approved. Motion carried 4 -0. Crain O. Evan 406 —A E. lst St., #1407 Long Beach, CA 90802 Mr. Hamers presented a request for refund on 858 Center Street, Assessor's Parcel No. 424- 191 -21. Owner did not file exemption form until 1992 -93. Refund request was for 1991 -92 and 1990 -91. Mr. Hamers informed the Board that staff is recommending no refund in accordance with District policy. Motion was made by Director Reade, seconded by Director Ferryman that refund be denied. Motion carried 4 -0. Chien Da Lee, c/o Valcom Computers, 17518 Von Karman, Irvine, CA 92714 Mr. Hamers presented a request for refund on 2078 Thurin Street, Assessor's Parcel No. 419- 021 -02. Owner is using a private trash service. Requested amount of refund is $711.95 for 1992 -93 tax year. Mr. Hamers informed the Board that staff is recommending approval of the refund of $711.95 in accordance with District policy. Motion was made by Director Ferryman, seconded by Director Reade that refund for $711.95 be approved. Motion carried 4 -0. Chien Da Lee, c/o Valcom Computers, 17518 Von Karman, Irvine, CA 92714 Mr. Hamers presented a request for refund also on 2078 Thurin Street, Assessor's.Parcel No. 419 - 021 -03. Owner is using a private trash service. Requested amount of refund is $711.95 for 1992 -93 tax year. Mr. Hamers informed the Board that staff is recommending approval of refund in the amount of $711.95 in accordance with District policy. Motion was made by Director Reade, seconded by Director Perry that refund for $711.95 be approved. Motion carried 4 -0. 4- ' Minutes of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Board of Directors Regular Meeting held December 10, 1992 -- Page 3 SOURCE REDIICTION AND RECYCLING ELEMENT CA — INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN: Mr. Hamers reported that the City is directing their ~-Staff to prepare a licensing and permitting ordinance that Wii_1­allow any and every hauler who qualifies within the parameters outlined in the ordinance to pick up trash in the City. The District has informed the City as well as the County on numerous occasions that the District's trash hauling and recycling program has met the recycling requirements fom 1995. District staff is monitoring the preparation of this or3inan--e in order to maintain the District's program in place; = Waste Diversion Report for November 1992: Total tonnage: 2,633.43 Percent recycled: TREASURER'S REPORT: 33% Ms. Theriault presented the November 30, 1992 Financial Report. Ms. Theriault explained Schedule B, on page 3, YTD Trash Assessments. The ($2,129.69) figure will become a positive number as soon as the District receives their first large trash assessment from the property tax payment. Motion was made by Director Ferryman, seconded by Director Reade to accept the financial report as presented. Motion carried 4 -0. ENGINEER'S REPORT: PROJECT STATUS REPORT: Mr. Hamers reported that there were no additions to the project status report. The report was received and filed. DEVELOPMENT UPDATE: There was nothing new to report. REVIEW OF SEWER PLANS: There was nothing new to report. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: �. r7- RESOLUTION NO. 92 -219A — ANNEXATION 244 FINAL ACCEPTANCE Director Reade made a motion, seconded by Director Ferryman that Resolution No. 92 -219A, being "A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT, COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS ANNEXATION NO. 244 ANNEXED TO THE COSTA -MESA SANITARY DISTRICT" be adopted. Motion carried 4 -0. p 6 Minutes of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Board of Directors Regular Meeting held December 10, 1992 -- Page 4 Potlatch Claim - SDRM Contribution: W Attorney June presented a letter to the board that SDRM insurance authority has contributed $20,000 to the settlement of the Potlatch case. Orange County Sanitation Districts will receive $5,000 from SDRM for each of the following districts: Midway City, Garden Grove, Los Alamitos and Costa Mesa Sanitary Districts. OLD BUSINESS: Status Report - Pending Items: Mr. Hamers gave a brief review of the following: Revision of Ordinances and Policies (5- 14 -92) Staff is in the process of reviewing and updating policies and ordinances. Staff is planning to update the policy manual at that time. District Name Change (1- 10 -91) /Tax Bill Lanauaae (4 -11 -91 Mr. Hamers is reminding the Board of the District name change. This item will be brought up for discussion at the January 1993 meeting. 4th Annual Telephone Book Recycling Program: so Staff has decided to extend the program to December 18, because some areas of Costa Mesa have only recently received their new directories. The program is receiving good participation from the community. Up to the present time 50 tons have been collected. Christmas Tree Recycling Program: Ms. Reichle explained that The Christmas Tree Recycling Program will be conducted slightly different this year. The trees will be collected, dampened and stored at the TeWinkle Yard. Grinding of the trees will start on January 11. Free mulch will be available after January 15 at the TeWinkle Yard. NEW BUSINESS: Resolution No. 92 -529 - Adopting Police on Appointment/ Election of Officers and OSCD Representatives: Motion was made by Director Ferryman, seconded by Director Reade that Resolution No. 92 -529, being "A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT REVISING AND ADOPTING A LONG - STANDING POLICY OF THE BOARD RELATING TO APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS OF THE BOARD AND REPRESENTATIVES AND ALTERNATES TO THE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT BOARDS ", be adopted. Motion carried 4 -0. �_ Minutes of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Board of Directors Regular Meeting held December 10, 1992 -- Page 5 Election of Officers: The Board proceeded to nominate the officers of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Board of Directors: Motion was made by Director Reade, seconded by D_rector Ferryman to nominate James Wahner as president of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Board of Directors for a two year term. Motion carried 3 -1, Director Wahner abstained. Motion was made by Director Reade, seconded by Director Perry to nominate Director Ferryman as Vice President of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Board of Directors. Motion carried 3 -1, Director Ferryman abstained. Motion was made by Director Ferryman, seconded by Director Perry to nominate Director Reade as Secretary of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Board of Directors. Motion carried 3 -1. Director Reade abstained. President Wahner appointed Florine Reichle as Assistant Secretary to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Board of Directors with the same signing powers as the secretary. Appointment of OCSD Representatives: Motion was made by Director Reade, seconded by Director Perry approving the appointment of Director Ferryman as representative of the Sanitation District #1 and Director Wahner as representative of Sanitation Districts #6 and V. President Wahner appointed Director Perry as an alternate to the Sanitation District #6; Director Reade as an alternate to the Sanitation District #1; and alternate #7 has been left open for the new director when appointed. Motion was made by Director Ferryman, seconded by Director Reade to ratify appointments of alternates. Motion carried 4 -0. Board Vacancy: Mr. Hamers reported that a letter has been received from Director Green resigning from the Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. Motion was made by Director Reade, seconded by Director Ferryman to regretfully accept the letter of resignation from Director Green. Motion carried 4 -0. Director Ferryman suggested that a resolution be prepared for the January meeting to honor Director, Green for his efforts and many years of service on Board. Minutes of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District Board of Directors ; Regular Meeting held December 10, 1992 -- Page 6 WARRANT REPORT: Director Reade made a motion, seconded by Director Ferryman authorizing the President and Secretary to sign Report No. 93 -06, instructing the City of Costa Mesa to draw a warrant from the Costa Mesa Sanitary District General Fund in the amount of $400,193.32. Motion carried 4 -0. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Director Reade expressed his appreciation in working with the Board and welcomed Director Perry to the Board. Ms. Theriault wanted to personally thank the Board and Ms. Reichle for the plant and get well wishes during her illness. ADJOURNMENT: President Wapner adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Secr6tary • •