Minutes - Board - 1947-01-02Minutes of Regular Meeting Board of
Directors of Costa Mesa Sanitary
District held at Community Hall,
Costa Mesa, California, January 2nd,
Present: Directors TeWinkle, Dodd, Norman, Nelson and Lord.
Secretary Owen, Collector Wallace.
Minutes previous meeting read and approved.
Subject of Air Base sewer line and application to
War Assets discussed.
ReEplations and extended collection service for
business section discussed.
Moved by Nelson, seconded by Norman that contract
as prepared by Attorney Anderson be entered into with
Giles E. Wallace and President and Secretary be
directed to execute same. Carried.
Application for installation of telephone in name
of district to be located at place designated by
Board authorized and Secretary instructed to complete
such application.
Meeting adjourned.
THIS. ..AGREVENT made an6 ento-r ed"Into'by' and'betrieen
s party.of.the-first part A
SANITARY DISTRICT of:Orange Ciounty: ar,* panty .of the second part,
V1 I T N E 5 S E T H:
That-cald party of the,.fi. Pt part does hereby contract
with said party of. the second part.to -collecto haul, remove and.
properly diopoze of. all tin cans and bottles and kitchen garbaSe,*
Including tin cans. and bottles at service stations and business
houses,. in that portion of the town of Costa llilesa located 1within
the Costa Mesa Sanitary District, for the term of one (1) year,
_46 commencinC on the first day of January, 1947, on the Tollowing
stated terms and-conditions:
.(a) All tin cans and bottles plac*ed In containers
In condition for 1 oading in accesalble places shall be-c'ollected
and removed at least ty,ilce, a month or oftener as agreed upon
between the parties hereto,'
(b) All kitchen garbage placed: in proper receptacles
and In accessible places shall be collected .and removed at least
twice each week on such dAys as are agreed upon . betijeen the
parties hereto.
(c), The collection and r . eziiioval of said tin cans and
bottles and kitchen garbage shall .be done and attended to in ,a
prover and sanitary method.
The, party of thafirst part shall furnish all
necessary truckv, and othe.- vehicles for collectine-,, haulinF, and
removing said tin. cans, bottles and kitchen garbage.
(e') The party of the first part at his own expense,
shall provide for State compensation End public liability Insurance
.so as to fully protoct t.ho preirty of the second part.
P- t 41,- -
(f )
The party of the first part will comply with all
governmental rules and regulaitions concerning*the; matters contained
In this ap.;reement.
(g) As a dump site. for the tin cans, bottles and trash,
the partY Of tile first Part 19,to use the dump, site now being
furnished by the County of. Orange at or near the Santa Ana Ari.V
Air �aoe, but It for any reason said County Dump Site b
ecomes i-w
available and no other site is furnished by Orange County, party
of the s000nd part Is to fuirnish a dumpsite for the dumping of
tin cans, bottles and trash.
(h) The party of the first part shall be .entitled to any
remuneration he may be able to obtain by oalp—oV said tin cans
,,,-,nd bottles --,.Y1d/or Xitciien garbagej and shall find and provide
proper and suitable places or place for the disposal ' of the
kitchen garbat,.�,,e,
(I) The party' of the first part shall be paid by the
party of the second part the sum of Seventy-eight Hundred Dollars
per year, payable ln:installments of Six Hundred Fifty
Dollars (t}P650.00) per. month each month during the' te'rm -of this
agreement as full compensation to the party of the first part
for the collection., klaul-111F
and removal of said tin. cans and
bottlee, and, kitchen garbage.
in order to .insure the faithfiil porformance'of 'this
contract - the sum of ,0600.00 novi due' party of the. first part from
party of the second part as hold -badk money under t . he contract
which party of the fir-L;t part ;gad. with party of the pecond part
for the year lW16, shall be held by party of the second part until
the first day of Febimary, 1947, and thereupon paid to party of.
the first ;dart: if the terms of this contract have been fulfilled
up to that date, and thereafter, during the life of this contract
the surd of $650.00 due the peaty of the first part for the preceding
month under the terms' of this contract shall be held to the end
of the follow-Ing month, in other .words ,.'the compensation duo party
- n-
of the firot part for the month of January 1947, shall be paid 'to
him, on or of ter ,r the first dlay of March, 1947, 4nd so on-durine the
life of the contract, but in case Party of the first part falls in
his perforfilance off' any of the.'provialons of this contract to be
porf ormed on his part, party of the second part ohall r e't a*l n 'all
or.sufficient of :the retained -money :to reiriiburse:--pairty of the
second part for the damalges caused party of the second part by the
non—performance' -,,on the p4rt of**. the f Irst Party o f tic terms off'* this
agreeffient and If,* at the termination of the term of this contract,
party of the first part has faithfully performed and has complied
with the provisions and terms hereof, _then all of the said retained
money shall be paid to the; party of the-first part.
W The party of the' first part enters into this aggreement
as a.1contractor and shall not be deemed in any sense an employee
of the party of.the second part, andahall not be entitled to any
-compensation or remuneration from the party of the second part on
account of any Injuiy or loss he may sustain while performing any
work under the terms of this agreement.
(1) if the party of the first part shall fall,, neglect or
refuse to comply wjt, any of the terms or requirements hereof,
thereupoa. the party ,of'the second. part may cause to be done ijhatevur
the party of the 'fir st.past so falls and refuses to do,and the coot
and *expenne 'thereof shall be a pro p er charge a,, ins ins the party of
the first part, thlich he shall pair to the party of the secon1c.-J, part
or at its option the party of the second part may declare this
contract forfeited and terminated. Time is declared to be the essence
of this a&-reoment.
(m) t 1 gre0d:nd understood that -party.of the first
I6 ap, a
part shall .collect; .bottleo, tin cans and kitchen' Sa'
rbage on the
ddysI de' signated" mss_ horeinbef6re provided betwebn t hae hour'. s of 8 a.m.
anc-1 6 .p.m.
IN ;UxTNESS VA -lE A$OF the caid PTrtles have execute. ��a a
agreement this second day of January, 194 - .
Farty—oT the fire'G 7a 't.
^ d +1. V old V e
acre ary.
Party of the second ;cart.