Minutes - Board - 1989-07-13MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING
.• July 13, 1989
CALL TO ORDER President Wahner called the meeting to order at
7:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL Present: Directors - Wahner, Crank,
Hanson, Ferryman.
Excused Absence: Director Green.
Officials present: Robert Brock, Interim Manager
Roy June, Attorney
Bob Oman, Finance Director
Robin Hamers, Engineer
Florine Reichle, Clerk of the
Guests: Messrs. Raul and Ray Rangel, Orco
Disposal; Mr. Mike Silva, CRT Transfer.
On motion by Director Hanson, seconded by Director
JUNE 8, 1989
Ferryman, and carried 4 -0, the minutes of the
regular meeting of June 8, 1989 were approved as
distributed and posted.
Mr. Silva gave some background information on his
company, CRT Transfer. He said there are two
basic options available for removing recyclables
from the waste stream, source separation (curbside
-program) or processing of all waste at a proces-
sing facility. He said that source separation is
capital intensive and has a low recovery rate
whereas with his proposed system, the residents
would not be asked to separate their recyclables
and there would be no high cost for containers or
special compartmentalized trucks. Trash would be
collected in the usual manner. The hauler would
take all residential trash to the processing
facility for sorting and removal of all recy-
clables. Using state -of -the -art equipment for
separating paper, cardboard, aluminum, glass,
metals and some plastics, he guarantees 25 percent
would be removed from our waste stream by mid
1990. The residual waste would be disposed of at
the landfill. The reduced tonnage over a period
of time would be a major contribution to the life
of the landfill.
Director Hanson made a motion, seconded by Direc-
tor Ferryman, to direct staff to proceed to set up
an agreement with CRT Transfer which would be the
basis to negotiate a contract. Motion carried by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Directors - Wahner, Crank, Hanson, •
NOES: Directors - None.
ORCO DISPOSAL Mr. Raul Rangel spoke on what effect the closing
Contract Amendment of Coyote Canyon landfill would have on the turn-
around -time for his trucks to leave the facility
in Costa Mesa to go a greater distance to dispose
of the solid waste. He said it would take three
hours for either place, Bee Canyon landfill or the
Stanton facility. He also said it would require
the purchase of three new trucks to complete the
longer haul. Therefore, he desires an additional
payment per unit of pickup in the amount of $1.27,
to cover the costs. Of this amount, $.21 would be
allocated to the truck purchase.
Mr. Oman asked to have the amortization of the
three trucks pulled out of the CPI adjustment.
The adjustment would not apply to the trucks but
to all expenses connected to the trucks. Mr. Raul
Rangel agreed providing the contract addendum
would show that at the end of seven years when
necessary to replace the trucks to continue to
serve the District, he has the right to negotiate
for an increase. •
MOTION: Director Hanson made a motion, seconded by Direc-
tor Ferryman, to have Mr. June prepare an addendum
to the contract to include the rate increase and
the right to negotiate for such increase as is
necessary at the time that replacement of trucks
is needed. Motion carried by the following roll
call vote:
AYES: Directors - Wahner, Crank, Hanson,
NOES: Directors - None.
OCCUPANCY Mr. Brock read the Occupancy Report showing
REPORT neither increase nor decrease in the trash and
garbage collection count; therefore the total as
of July 1, 1989 is 19,717.5 units.
MOTION: On motion by Director Hanson, seconded by Director
Ferryman, the Occupancy Report was approved by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Directors - Wahner, Crank, Hanson,
NOES: Directors - None.
FINANCIAL On motion by Director Hanson, seconded by Director •
REPORT Crank and carried 4 -0, the Financial Report was
approved as submitted by Mr. Oman.
®PROJECT STATUS Mr. Hamers reported there were no additions to the
REPORT Project Status Report.
MOTION: On motion by Director Crank, seconded by Director
Hanson, and carried 4 -0, the Project Status Report
was received and filed.
STUDY SESSION Mr. Brock reported that a Study Session had'been
REPORT held on June 15, 1989 to discuss Waste Management
Systems. Directors attending were Jim Wahner, Bob
Hanson and Jim Ferryman; staff members in attend-
ance were Roy June, Rob Hamers, Ed Miller and
Florine Reichle.
Mr. Hamers reiterated the benefits of abandoning
seven pumping stations on the west side of Costa
Mesa as shown in the report.
Project No. 101
Delhi Channel. He stated the County is construc-
Director Hanson made a motion, seconded by Direc-
Proposal for
tor Crank to approve the West Side Pumping Station
Inspection Services
Abandonment Study, Project No. 101, and directed
staff to obtain input from Orange County Sani-
tation Districts and the City of Newport Beach
since both agencies would be effected by the
abandonments and combined flows; also to provide
the Finance Department with the necessary infor-
mation to prepare a study on the economic feasi-
bility of the project, and finally to coordinate
the reports and compile a final recommendation to
the Board. Motion carried by the following roll
call vote:
AYES: Directors - Wahner, Crank, Hanson,
NOES: Directors - None
Mr. Hamers presented a proposal to provide the
necessary engineering services during the con -
struction phase of Project No. 102. Santa Ana -
Project No. 102
Delhi Channel. He stated the County is construc-
ting the sewer as part of the channel improvement.
Proposal for
The project is being done in two phases. His
Inspection Services
proposal is a maximum figure, covering both phases
of the project and is not to exceed $11,385.
Engineering 32 hours @ $50 /hour
Drafting 4 hours @ $40 /hour
Inspection 275 hours @ $35 /hour
Director Hanson made a motion, seconded by Direc-
tor Ferryman, to approve the proposal, not to
exceed $11,385, with billing only for actual time
worked. Motion carried by the following roll
call vote:
AYES: Directors - Wahner, Crank, Hanson,
NOES: Directors - None.
SPECIAL DISTRICTS Mr. Brock presented an invoice from Special
INSURANCE Districts Insurance Authority for general liabil-
RENEWAL ity insurance for the period of August 1, 1989 to
July 31, 1990 in the amount of $42,962, and Errors
and Omissions Insurance in the amount of $2,500.
He pointed out that the contribution is lower this
year and credits were applied in the amount of
$1,690 through the Credit Incentive Program. He
said that he and Ms Reichle had attended a SDIA
workshop on July 10 which will earn additional
credit toward the total contribution. This will
be sent to the District in the form of a refund.
MOTION: On motion by Director Hanson, seconded by Director
Crank, the payment of $45,462 to SDIA was approved
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Directors -
NOES: Directors -
Wahner, Crank, Hanson,
Mr. Hamers
reported that during the
Mesa Verde Drive Improvement
the City's
contractor found four manhole
rings and
covers that
had deteriorated and needed
replace -
ment. They
were replaced by the subcontractor and
payment is
pending approval.
MOTION: Director Hanson made a motion, seconded by Direc-
tor Crank to authorize payment of $1,148.62 to
Manhole Adjusting Contractors, Inc. Motion
carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Directors -
NOES: Directors -
Date Set for
Wahner, Crank, Hanson,
date for the public hearings on assessments
trash collection and liquid waste collection
set for Wednesday, August 2, 1989 at 7:30 p.m.
the Fifth Floor Conference Room. The trash rate
1989 -90 will be set at that time. Ms Reichle
instructed to begin the official notification.
CLAIM Mr. Brock presented a claim for damages to.the
Linda Stout vehicle of Linda Stout, 8541 Doremere, Huntington
Beach, CA 92646. An incident occurred on May 31,
1989 on Adams Avenue near Royal Palm Drive where
Ms Stout's vehicle ran over a partially opened
manhole causing damages in the amount of $158.61.
MOTION: Director Crank made a motion, seconded by Director
is Ferryman to approve payment of the claim in the
amount of $158.61. Motion carried by the fol-
lowing roll call vote:
AYES: Directors - Wahner, Crank, Hanson,
NOES: Directors - None.
President Wahner reappointed Director Hanson to
continue to serve as the Board representative to
the Independent Special Districts Association.
Mr. Hamers reported that during the recent Project
No. 106, Televising of Sewer Lines, staff review
indicated that the cost of televising within the
boundaries of Annexations 13, 15 and 17, could be
reimbursed from the Sewer Construction Fund which
was established from the bond indebtedness fund
and set aside for specific improvements within the
annexed areas. Since the project has been com-
pleted and the contractor paid, it is recommended
$25,117.63, the amount of the cost to televise in
this area, be transferred from the Sewer Construc-
tion Fund to the General Fund.
• MOTION: Director Hanson made a motion, seconded by Direc-
tor Crank, to transfer $25,117.63 from the Sewer
Construction Fund to the General Fund and to
transfer $171,000 from the No. 7 Trunk Sewer Fund
to the General Fund. Motion carried by the fol-
lowing roll call vote:
AYES: Directors - Wahner, Crank, Hanson,
NOES: Directors - None.
CONSULTANT Mr. Brock reported that staff has had the need to
SERVICES contact the previous District Manager, Mr. Bruce
Mattern, to consult with him on several occasions
on issues relating to establishment of numbers for
the sewer and trash assessment procedures.
Because of the complexity of the procedures and
the amount of time involved, it was felt that he
should be compensated as a consultant to staff.
MOTION: Director Ferryman made a motion, seconded by
Director Hanson, to approve a proposal to contract
with Mr. Bruce Mattern for consultant services on
an as- needed -basis at the rate of $80 /hour, not to
exceed ten hours. Motion carried by the fol-
. lowing roll call vote:
AYES: Directors - Wahner, Crank, Hanson,
Ferryman. is
NOES: Directors - None.
WARRANT REPORT Director Crank made a motion, seconded by Director
NO. 89 -14 Ferryman, authorizing the President and Secretary
to sign Report No. 89 -14 instructing the City of
Costa Mesa to draw a warrant from the Costa Mesa
Sanitary District General Fund in the amount of
$294,206.17. Motion carried by the following roll
call vote:
AYES: Directors - Wahner, Crank, Hanson,
NOES: Directors - None.
DIRECTOR GREEN President Wahner asked that the records show that
Absences excused Director Green's absences on May 11 and June 8,
1989 were excused because of illness.
ADJOURNMENT President Wahner declared the meeting adjourned at
8:50 p.m.
President S cretary