12 - Revised Standby Policy Costa Mesa Sanitary District
…an Independent Special District
Protecting our community’s health and the environment by providing solid waste and sewer collection services.
To: Board of Directors
Via: Scott Carroll, General Manager
From: Anna Sanchez, Administrative Service Manager
Date: September 26, 2013
Subject: Revised Stand by Policy
Due to recent events, the District’s Standby Policy was reviewed and is being
recommended for revision.
Staff Recommendation
The Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to approve the revised Standby
Policy and appropriate the additional funding for the new schedule.
Currently, C&R Drains is the District’s first responder when called during non -regular
business hours for emergencies such as a pump station failure or sewer overflow. C&R
Drains has been under contract with the Costa Mesa Sanitary District to perform these
services since 2006. Because of their expertise and they are located locally, they have
always met the requirements of the contract.
After arriving to the scene of an emergency call, from time to time, C&R Drains will need to
rely on District staff’s expertise and knowledge with regards to the system so they contact
staff to seek advice or obtain direction. The standby schedule is currently set up where
the Maintenance Supervisor is C&R Drain s’ contact Monday through Thursday and on
Board of Directors
September 26 , 2013
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weekends and holidays, the District schedules all four non -exempt employees on a
rotating basis to assist C&R Drains . The District currently compensates employees on the
rotating standby schedule at a rate of $50.00 per day, Friday through Sunday, and on
Last fiscal year, the Maintenance Supervisor responded to 32 emergencies during the
weeknights. This averaged approximately 1 response every 1.6 weeks. Since July 1,
2013, the Maintenance Supervisor has responded to 10 emergencies during weeknights.
This averages to nearly 1 response per week, in addition to the Maintenance Supervisor’s
weekend standby duty rotation.
At this time, staff recommends changing the standby schedule rotation so there is a m ore
equitable distri b u tion of work a m ong the four field staff. Staff recommends changing the
standby schedule to reflect a 7 -day rotating schedule. Doing so would ensure standby
staff are properly restricted and are effective when serving as secondary re sponse to
emergency calls. Restrictions include the following , as outlined in the current Standby
Policy :
Standby personnel must not be under the influence of alcohol and/or be on
prescription and/or over the counter medication that would impair his/her a bility to
perform call out duties
Standby personnel shall wear a cellular phone for District communication purposes
during the entire standby period
While on standby duty, personnel shall immediately answer his/her cellular phone
and respond if necessary
Standby personnel must be located (while driving in a District or private vehicle)
within one -hour (1) travel time distance of District boundaries while on standby duty
According to Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), if employees are restricted and are
effec tively “engaged to wait” then compensation is required. However, the amount of
compensation is determined by the employer. In 2011, the Board approved compensating
employees on standby duty a flat fee of $50.00 per day while on standby status. Staff
rec ommends continuing the flat fee compensation with the new standby schedule.
With the exception of increasing the number of standby days from weekends and holidays
to seven (7) days per week, all other terms and conditions of the Standby Policy remain
the s ame.
Board of Directors
September 26 , 2013
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Strategic Plan Element & Goal
This item complies with Strategic Element 5.0, Administrative Management , which states:
“Objective: To create, maintain and implement policies and procedures to ensure
sound management of the District .”
“Strategy: We will conduct periodic reviews, refine and implement policies and
procedures, and assure the General Manager has the direction and tools necessary for
successful District operations.”
Legal Review
Not applicable.
Financial Review
The District budgeted $9,550 for Stan dby Pay for Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and holidays.
Increasing the Standby schedule from weekends and holidays to a seven -days -per -week
schedule increases Standby Pay costs by $8,700.00 per year. This funding was n ot
budgeted and therefore requires an appropriation by the Board .
Public Notice Process
Copies of this report are on file and will be included with the entire agenda packet for the
September 26 , 2013 Board of Directors Regular Board Meeting at District headquarters
and on District’s website.
Alternative Actions
1. Maintain the existing Standy Policy schedule .
2. Refer the matter back to staff for more information.
Attachment A: Revised Standby Policy
Reviewed by:
Stacey Cuevas
Finance Manager
Section 4.4. STANDBY POLICY .
The purpose of this policy is to establish administrative and procedural guidelines and
ensure compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) regulations regarding the
compensation of classified (non -exempt) employees who are required to perform duties
during non -scheduled, non -regular hours. This policy applies to all classified employees
who are required to be on standby and are called out to work in order to respond to
emergencies during non -re gular work hours.
The District will compensate employees who are required by the District to be on
standby or respond to a call for service, which is received after normal working hours
within a required response time.
1. FLS A Requirements – According to the FLSA, employees who
“…are not required to remain on their employer’s premises, but are merely
required to leave word at their home or with company officials where they may be
reached, are not working …” However, if employe es are restricted and are
effectively “engaged to wait” then compensation is required. Based on FLSA
regulations, “…the requirement that an employee not report to work while under
the influence of alcohol is a common requirement that does not trigger FLSA
2. Standby Duty – Classified employees who are responsible for
responding to emergency locations that occur after regular normal working hours
from Monday to Monday shall be considered on standby duty if memorialized in a
writing or e -mail sig ned by the General Manager.
1. Scheduling
a. Special assignment (as determined by the employee
supervisor or the General Manager) may be given to classified employees
in order to make them available for work during non -regularly schedule d
b. Standby personnel may trade scheduled standby time with
other employees only with prior approval of their supervisor or the General
2. Responsibilities
a. Standby personnel shall wear a cellular phone for District
communication purposes during the entire standby period.
b. While on standby duty, personnel shall immediately answer
his/her cellular phone and respond if necessary.
c. If standby personnel are required to respond to an incident
the employee shall notify his/her supe rvisor of their arrival at the location.
d. Standby personnel must not be under the influence of
alcohol and/or be on prescription and/or over the counter medication that
would impair his/her ability to perform call out duties. If the employee is
taking prescription medication(s), he/she will provide a doctor’s note to
his/her supervisor that releases the employee to work while taking the
prescription medication.
e. Standby personnel must be located (while driving in District
or private vehicle) within one -hour travel time distance of District
boundaries while on standby duty. Such one -hour response time shall
take into account the day of the week and time of day for gauging a one -
hour response time.
1. Standby Pay – For each day on s tandby duty, employee will be
paid a flat rate of $50.00 per day. If the employee is called for advice or called
out during the standby period, the employee receives “Phone Advice Pay or Call
Out Pay” in addition to Standby Pay.
2. Phone Advice Pay – Sta ndby personnel handling incidents by the
phone during a standby period will be paid at his/her regular hourly rate of pay for
a minimum of one hour for each hour he/she is required to be on the phone to
troubleshoot or otherwise provide phone advice. Pers onnel shall be entitled to
one full hour’s pay at straight time for any hour in which he is required to be on
the phone for such purposes. Said phone advice pay is in addition to standby
3. Call Out Pay
a. If standby personnel are “called out” during a standby period,
they will be compensated in accordance with overtime for the hours
worked during the “call out,” with the clock starting at the time of the call
out and terminating upon clock out.
b. Such call out pay is in addition to standby pa y and any
phone advice pay if personnel separately try to provide advice by phone to
fix the problem but are then required to respond in person.
4. Failure to Respond
If contact cannot be made with an employee who is on standby status or if
that employee fails to perform the work required, that employee is ineligible for
standby pay.