Minutes - Board - 1971-09-01MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT • HELD AT 77 FAIR DRIVE September 1, 1971 ROLL CALL PRESENT: Directors - Glockner, Rima, Warren, and Porter ABSENT: Directors - Briggs Officials Present: Manager Madsen, Finance Director Oman, Attorney June, and Assistant Secretary Angel The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Porter. Minutes of Upon motion by Director Warren, seconded by Director Rima, August 4, 11, and unanimously carried, the minutes of August 4, 11, and 18, and 18, 1971 1971, were approved as posted and distributed. Request from The Assistant Secretary submitted to the Board a letter from Motorola for Motorola showing the breakdown of all taxes on the Sewer Correction in Alarm Reporting System. After discussion, Director Warren Contract made a motion that Attorney June be instructed to prepare an amended Contract to include the following: "The total consideration for the installation • as provided for herein shall be $20,133.50, F.O.B. site, exclusive of any applicable federal, state, or local taxes." This motion was seconded by Director Rima and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Directors - Glockner, Rima, Warren, and Porter NOES: Directors - None ABSENT: Directors - Briggs Service Contract Attorney June informed the Board that he had received the between Newport Agreement from the City of Newport Beach, regarding service Beach and the for the Harbor Christian Church, and that the Agreement had Costa Mesa been signed by the Mayor and City Clerk of Newport Beach, Sanitary District After discussion, Director Rima made a motion, seconded by Director Glockner, that the Agreement between the City of Newport Beach and the District be approved. This motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Directors - Glockner, Rima, Warren, and Porter NOES: Directors - None ABSENT: Directors - Briggs A dments to Mr. John Lindley of Orco Disposal Service, Inc. was present �# Disposal to discuss proposed amendments to his Contract. A letter S rvice, Inc. was read to the Board by Mr. Lindley regarding the proposed Contract change in the method of making the house count. After dis- cussion, the Board referred the letter to the staff for study and a report at a later meeting, - 2 - F.se Count A communication was read by Manager Madsen requesting an addition of 88 units to the House Count. It was moved by Director Warren, seconded by Director Rima, and unanimously carried, that 88 units be added to the House Count, making a total of 27,019 as of September 1, 1971. Public Employment Manager Madsen read a communication from Mr. R. E. Thomas, Program County Administrative Officer, regarding participation in the Public Employment Program. Upon motion by Director Warren, seconded by Director Rima, and unanimously carried, the letter was ordered received and filed, and the Manager was instructed to write to Mr. Thomas stating the District does not wish to participate in this program. Financial State- Upon motion by Director Warren, seconded by Director Rima, ment and unanimously carried, the Financial Report for the month of August, 1971, was approved as submitted. Manager Madsen Manager Madsen reminded the Board that this would be his Resignation last meeting as he would be resigning his position with Resolution No. the City effective September 3, 1971. 71 -243 Fl Commending Director Warren made a motion, seconded by Director Rima, that Resolution No. 71 -243, being "A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT, COMMENDING • GEORGE MADSEN FOR HIS LONG YEARS OF CONTINUOUS AND LOYAL SERVICE AS.MANAGER OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT, WISHING HIM WELL ON FUTURE ENDEAVORS," be adopted. This motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Directors - Glockner, Warren, Rima, and Porter NOES: Directors - None ABSENT: Directors - Briggs Director of Director Warren made a motion authorizing the President and Finance Report Secretory to sign Report No. 71 -2 instructing the County No. 71 -2 Auditor to draw a warrant from the General Running Expense Fund in the amount of $44,390.19. This motion was seconded by Director Rima and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Directors - Glockner, Warren, Rima,.and Porter NOES: Directors - None ABSENT: Directors - Briggs Adjournment Upon motion by ector Warren, seconded by Director Rima, and unanimousl arried, the meeting was adjourned at 45 p.m. I� �61 PRESIDENT SE RETARY