Project 129 - Addendum - 2009-07-08 fr P SA `i re o V I ycORPORAnv
Contract Documents
and Construction Plans
Bristol Street Sewer Replacement—
From Autoplex to Birch Street
Date: July 8, 2009
This Addendum is hereby made a part of the contract documents and construction drawings. Receipt of the
Addendum shall be noted on the Bid Form. The following changes, additions, clarifications or modifications shall
be made to the contract documents and construction drawings, all other conditions remain the same.
Based on questions and discussions with contractors bidding on the job. the District has provided the following
Q1 Is the intent on the manholes at STA 10+00 and STA 31+06 to re-channel the existing manhole base after
coring the side of the wall and inserting the new 15' sewer lines
A l Yes that is the intent. It is not necessary to pour a new manhole base and channel,just re-channel the existing
base to match proposed sewer grades.
Q2: The manhole at STA 12+11 87 has a note stating to line the manhole with Ameron T-Lock Liner System and
another note stating to line it with Sancon 200 or equal. Can we choose which liner system we want to use at
this manhole?
A2: No. CMSD desires this manhole be installed with Ameron T-Lock Liner System.
Q3 On the manholes where it calls out for T-Lock Liner System, is the entire manhole, walls. base and channel to
be lined?
A3 Yes per plan.
Q4 Where can you find details for installation of the T-Lock for the manholes?
A4 Ameron website: has details for installation.
If there are any questions. please call (949 t 631 1791 Thank you.
Joseph P Smacon II. PE
Project Engineer
cc. Robin B. Hamers.CMSD District Engineer
CMSDI29 Bristol Street Sc Replacement I of 1