Contract - ORCO - 1958-09-05 A2€NltFP TO AGREEMENT THIS A t"t' 'NT TO AGREEME T, made and entered into this=5th day of September, 1958, by and between the COSTA MESA SANITA1Y DISTRICT of Orange County, California, hereinafter sometimes referred to as "DISTRICT," and SANTA AHA. COMWRCIAL cm#14, INC , a Corporation, hereinafter sometimes referred to as "CONTRACTOR," W,ITlESSETJiI WHEREAS, DISTRICT-and CONTEACTCR did heretofore on the 22nd day of July, 1958 enter into an Agreement wherein' CONTRACTOR agreed to furtish .all the labor, .material, and equip-dant for the collection of all garbage and rubbish Within the boundaries of the COSTA IAA SANITARY DISTRICT of Orange County,-Cali- fornia, for a term of three. (3) years, cbnmencifg. Octpber 1, 1958; and WH&tEAS, said Agreement p'rov'ided; in Paragraph 3 thereof, .that. trail- er parks shall be treated.as;one (1) occupancy, tegardless of the.number of units, except in those cases where more than one (1) garbage or rubbish stop is ) required; and WRkR.RAS, it ,is the desire of the parties hereto to amend said Paragraph 3 of said Agreement. so as to p -oxide that major trailer parks consist- ing of thirty-five T35) or more trailer spaces shall be counted as fifteen (15) occupancy units. N(W, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and agree- ments herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION.1. Paragraph 3 of the Agreement dated.July 22, 1958, be- tween the COSTA } SSA SANITARY DISTRICT of Orange County and SANTA ANA GelmaAL 'COMPANY, INC s is hereby amended tb read as follows: "3. PAYMENT TO'CONTRACTOR BY DISTRICT: As compensation for the perEormanee byCONTRACTCE of the work described in this,.Agreement, DISTRICT shall pay to CONTRACTOR, each calendar month, an amount equal to Sixty Three Cents- ($.63) Multiplied by the'total num- ber of occupancies, as hereinafter defined. The first payment eha)l be for the month of October, 1958; and shall - 1 - 4:1,7 a - -7 be paid bp; or.before the fifteenth day of Nolte:Mbar, 1958. each Subecepient. menthe 514, lyPayMMit shall:be mado-oebr before the fifteenth day of the monthAmmediaty following'the. menth,forphichsaid pgyient 11 due. "Occupancy" is hereby defined as follows* la) Mach singleresidentialtnit 2.c,tvally Occupied'. ,;• (b) .Schcunit duple* or triplex. A (e): Nbitiple tesidential.Unitsi sures bearding houses, apartment houses, motels and traileAerkS, o.Uumthanmajer trailer-parka as-hereinafter defined, with more than three (3) occupancies; shall be counted as one (l), coca- percnregardlead of the number of units. Majertrailer parka shall he counted as-fifteen (15) occupancies. (+Major trailer park" is herehtdefined to Pan. all trailer • Parks.haying'thirty-fite (35) Or.More trailer spaces in. said. trailer-parkl It is hex' -agreed beteeen -ITStIotand dot that the occu- pancies as of October 1, 1958, shall be the number-efieccipancies established on the books of 4ISTRICT fOraaid'date. There Spell be added to the hriginal. occupency‘ count nevi occupancies "T. 4% 21 , each-month as the 'Same ató=40targined, either *lactual*Wor .by-dawer permits granted .by the CITY- 4F COSTAASSa and .the =maw gauge. Thera ehailbe deduCted.frOM he nUMbersef Ocenpantieaell dwellings 4 , and other;structuresphieh.haVaceased,to bp. occupied. chMing the-preCeeding month. All docuPanoies. added to the original occnpancy-connt ,pach month shall,entitle-CONTRACTCR: toAd additional compensation for the next month. In the event of„apy dispute between /aSTRICT2end'CCNTRACOR regard- ing the number of occupancies, as herein defined, ITSTRICTand CONTRACTO h7,11 take en actual occupancy count, and thaceunt so detematiadahall'bethp new-basis for payment. The Cost of ouch house count shall be pliad'gy-thaparty'requesting the same the hereto have hereunto affiied their hand- andseal the dakand date first above %mitten. .i'COSTa'S;c044TITARY 41STRICT, Saga Ci/nIALCOMPANY,,pr.,,,, a Corporation ;34121aC AV • tit By • • --%4X-' k cE4. 174.•Th " - 1 4p 41 `,:Assistant Secr,tdry I BY •• -r-^#A-j •-•910" Secretary '4/STRICT