Project 168 - Specifications - 2007-05-01 COSTA MESA SANITARTY DISTRICT ' ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS FOR IRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION & REHABILITATION f Project No. 168 1. May 2007 Contract Time: 75 Working Days PREPARED BY Joseph P Sinacori II, Project Engineer Surfside Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1 QROFESS/p y�F��N B Hgfj�9c� w No.31720 RI x12/31/08 CIV1t �P qi Cr Cf0Cat SUPERVISED AND APPROVED BY Robin B Hamers Manager/ District Engineer Costa Mesa Sanitary District I BID SET NUMBER ' COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS ' IRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION & REHABILIATION Project No. 168 NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS (BIDS) ' BID PROPOSAL ' STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1 ATTACHMENTS A. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT STANDARDS ' 1 CMSD STD DWG NO S-100 2. CMSD STD DWG NO S-102 3 CMSD STD DWG. NO S-103 4 CMSD STD DWG. NO S-105 5 CMSD STD DWG. NO S-109 6. CMSD STD DWG. NO S-110 ' B. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT C COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT I I ' COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS (BIDS) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District invites and will receive sealed proposals (bids) for furnishing all labor materials, equipment, transportation, permits, and other items necessary for the construction of the following project: ' IRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION & REHABILIATION Project No. 168 Bids will be received by the Costa Mesa Sanitary District office at 628 West 19th Street, Costa Mesa, California until the hour of 11:00 a.m. on the 4th day of June 2007 at which time they will be opened publicly and read aloud in the council chambers. Sealed proposals shall bear ' the title of the project and the name of the bidder Any bid received after the scheduled bid opening time shown above will not be accepted and returned to the bidder unopened. It shall be the sole responsibility of the bidder to seal and deliver the bid proposal to the District office at ' or before the time specified in this notice provided. A set of the approved contract documents including plans and specifications may be obtained at ' the District office or requested by phone at (949) 645-8400 Extension 229 for a non-refundable payment of$25 00. An additional payment of$10.00 will be required to cover shipping costs. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the California Labor Code, the prevailing rate and scale of wages determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, State of California. Prevailing rates shall be paid to all workers employed in the performance ' of the contract. Such rates of wages are on file with Department of Industrial Relations and in the office of the District and are available to any interested party upon request. The contractor is responsible for all penalties prescribed for noncompliance to these provisions. ' Each bid shall be submitted on the Bid Proposal Form furnished as part of the contract documents, and shall be accompanied by a certified check, a cashier's check or a bidder's bond in an amount not less than 10-percent of the amount of the bid, made payable to the Costa ' Mesa Sanitary District. The check or bond shall be given as guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract with the District and furnish the required payment and performance bonds and certificates of insurance and endorsements if awarded the work. The check or bond will be declared forfeited if the successful bidder does not enter into the contract or furnish the required bonds and insurance forms under the time frame specified in the construction agreement. It is imperative that the bidders carefully review this notice and the District's standard construction agreement and insurance forms. The successful bidder will be required to comply with all requirements in the standard construction agreement and insurance forms. In the event of failure or inability to meet these requirements after the award of contract, the District shall ' have the right to reject the bid and/or declare a forfeiture of the bid bond. Pursuant to California Contract Code Section 22300 CONTRACTOR will be entitled to post approved securities with the District or an approved financial institution in order to have the District release funds retained by the District to insure performance of the contract. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Bid Proposal Form — 1 of 17 ' The Contractor shall complete all of the work outlined in the Plans and Specifications in 75 working days. Liquidated damages in the sum of $250 per day shall be imposed for each unexcused day beyond the contract completion date per Section 6-9 of the Specifications. 1 The Contractor shall complete and submit the Release and Acknowledgment Regarding Disclaimer for Soils and Boring Test Results included with the Bid Proposal Form. The Board of Directors of the District reserves the right to select the schedule(s) under which the bids are to be compared and contract(s) awarded, to reject any and all bids, and to waive ' any and all irregularity in any bid. Questions regarding the Plans and Specifications shall be directed to the following contacts: Joe Sinacori, Project Engineer Mobile (949) 315-5075 tRob Hamers, CMSD District Manager/Engineer Mobile. (714) 293-2727 Dated: MAY 2007 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OFDIRECTORS OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Bid Proposal Form — 2 of 17 COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA ' BID PROPOSAL FORM IRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION & REHABILIATION Project No. 168 Name of Bidder Address: i Phone No. TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ' COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Pursuant to and in compliance with the Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals (Bids) and the other ' documents relating thereto, the undersigned bidder has carefully examined and is completely familiar with the plans, specifications, and contract documents including the local conditions affecting the performance of the contract, the character quality quantities, and scope of the work, and the materials to be furnished as to the requirements of the specifications and the contract. If awarded the contract, the undersigned bidder hereby proposes and agrees to perform within ' the time stipulated in the contract, including all of its component parts and everything required to be performed, and to furnish any and all of the labor material, tools, equipment, transportation, services, permits, utilities, and all other items necessary to perform the contract and complete in ' a workmanlike manner all of the work required in connection with the construction of said work all in strict conformity with the plans and specifications and other contract documents, including addenda Nos. _, , , , and _, on file in the District office for the prices hereinafter set forth. The undersigned as bidder declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal ' as principals are those named herein; that this proposal is made without collusion with any person, firm, or corporation; and he proposes and agrees, if the proposal is accepted, that he will execute a contract with the Owner in the form set forth in the contract documents and that he will accept in full payment thereof the following prices, to wit: tCMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Bid Proposal Form — 3 of 17 I COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ' IRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION & REHABILIATION Project No. 168 BID APPROX. DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL ' ITEM QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 1 Lump Sum Bonds, Insurance and Permits: Work under this item includes any costs incurred for ' securing bonds, insurance permits and financing for construction work. Lump Sum $ 2 Lump Sum Mobilization, Demobilization and Cleanup: Work under this item shall include preparatory and cleanup operations including, but not limited to those necessary for the movement ' of personnel, equipment, materials, and incidentals to and from the project site, securing a temporary construction yard, ' securing all necessary permits from all agencies with jurisdiction, securing the work site during all work activities, and maintaining the project site in a safe and orderly manner during construction. District shall pay 50 % of this item for mobilization activities, and 50 % ' for demobilization activities at the end of the project. Lump Sum $ 3 Lump Sum Traffic Control: Furnish all labor materials, ' and equipment for the installation and removal of the required traffic control including, but not limited to changeable message boards, signs, delineators, traffic cones, barricades, flashing arrow signs, steel plates, and all other traffic control devises necessary to comply with ' encroachment permit of governing agency. Work under this item shall also include the preparation of traffic control plans signed and ' stamped by a licensed civil engineer or traffic engineer per encroachment permit requirements. Lump Sum $ ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Bid Proposal Form—4 of 17 COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ' IRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION & REHABILIATION Project No. 168 ' BID APPROX. DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL ITEM QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT ' 4 Lump Sum Geotechnical Evaluation During Construction: Work under this item shall include but not be limited to laboratory testing of trench backfill, ' aggregate base, asphalt, and concrete during construction. Work under this item shall also include the monitoring of batch time, ' temperature, mix designs, and placement time for all pavement replacement. Contractor shall provide a report (4 copies) of ' the geotechnical observation and testing upon project completion to the District. Lump Sum $ 5 Lump Sum Site Demolition: Furnish all labor materials, ' and equipment for site demolition including, but not limited to, the removal and disposal of existing concrete, masonry steel, metal, wood, and plastic structural, mechanical and electrical items, the removal and legal disposal of asbestos or other hazardous ' materials, and all other work necessary for site demolition. Lump Sum $ ' 6 Lump Sum Excavation and Shoring: Work under this item shall include, but not be limited to, the planning, design, engineering, installation, and ' removal of temporary sheeting, shoring, bracing or equivalent methods necessary for all excavations and the protection of the life and limb during construction. ' All excavation and shoring shall conform to applicable safety orders, regulatory permits, ' OSHA and the Construction Safety Orders of the State of California, pursuant to the provisions of Section 6707 of the California Labor Code. Lump Sum $ CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Bid Proposal Form — 5 of 17 COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ' IRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION & REHABILIATION Project No. 168 ' BID APPROX. DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL ITEM QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT ' 7 65 LF Furnish and Install New 8-inch VCP Extra Strength Sewer Main With Type 'G" Compression Joints Per Plans and ' Specifications. Work under this item shall include, but is not limited to trench excavation, control of ground water and ' surface water bedding, backfill, compaction, installation of pipe and fittings, manhole wall penetrations, removal or protection of ' interfering portions of existing utilities or improvements, temporary and permanent support of utilities, disposal of excess excavation materials, temporary paving and ' patching or trench plates, and all other work$ necessary to install the sewer main complete in place. LF $ ' 8 180 LF Furnish and Install New 21-inch VCP Extra Strength Sewer Main With Type 'G" ' Compression Joints Per Plans and Specifications. Work under this item shall include, but is not limited to trench excavation, control of ground water and surface water, ' bedding, backfill, compaction, installation of pipe and fittings, manhole wall penetrations, removal or protection of interfering portions of ' existing utilities or improvements, temporary and permanent support of utilities, disposal of excess excavation materials, temporary ' paving and patching or trench plates, and all $ other work necessary to install the sewer main complete in place. LF $ 1 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Bid Proposal Form—6 of 17 COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ' IRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION & REHABILIATION Project No 168 ' BID APPROX. DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL ITEM QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT ' 9 2 Each Construct 72-inch Diameter Precast Concrete Manhole Per CMSD STD DWG NO S-100. Work under this item shall include, but not be ' limited to, furnishing and installing all labor, material, and work necessary to construct new manhole complete in place. Incidental work ' items included herewith shall include, but not be limited to, trench excavation, control of ground water and surface water bedding, ' backfill, compaction, manhole wall penetrations, plastic and polyurethane liners, exterior protective coating (sealant), removal or protection of interfering portions of existing ' utilities or improvements, temporary and permanent support of utilities, disposal of$ excess excavation materials, temporary ' paving and patching or trench plates. Each $ 10 2 Each Pour New Manhole Base and Channel in ' Existing Sewer Manhole To Match Proposed Sewer Grades Per CMSD STD DWG. NO S- 100' Work under this item shall include furnishing and installing all labor material, and work necessary to pour new manhole base and channel complete in place. Incidental work items included herewith shall include, but ' not be limited to, sewer bypass, control of ground water and surface water bedding, $ backfill, compaction, and disposal of excess ' excavation materials. Each $ 11 1 Each Adjust Sewer Manhole Frame and Cover to Existing Street Grade Per CMSD STD DWG. NO S-105 Work under this item shall include all work necessary for the adjustment of sewer$ manhole frame and cover to existing street ' grade. Each $ ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Bid Proposal Form — 7 of 17 I COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ' IRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION & REHABILIATION Project No. 168 ' BID APPROX. DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL ITEM QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT ' 12 225 LF Furnish and Install New 12-inch PVC AWWA C900 (Class 200) Sewer Force Main Per Plans and Specifications. Work under this ' item shall include, but is not limited to trench excavation, control of ground water and surface water bedding, backfill, compaction, ' installation of pipe and fittings, couplings, thrust blocks, connection to existing force main, connection to valve vault piping, ' removal or protection of interfering portions of existing utilities or improvements, temporary and permanent support of utilities, disposal of excess excavation materials, temporary ' paving and patching or trench plates, and all$ other work necessary to install the sewer main complete in place. LF $ ' 13 Lump Sum Furnish and Install Valve Vault, Wetwell, and Emergency Storage Vault per size, depth, and ' location shown on Plans. Work under this item shall include, but not be limited to, excavation, bedding, control of ground and ' surface water backfill including slurry backfill, precast concrete vault bottom, section, and cover plastic and polyurethane liners, exterior protective coating (sealant), drain piping, access hatch, and all other work required for the installation of vault structures. ' Shop drawings shall be provided for the structural design and reinforcing of all precast concrete vaults under the direction of and ' sealed by a California Professional Engineer Lump Sum $ 14 Lump Sum Install Submersible Pumps Furnished By District. Work under this item shall include, ' but is not limited to, pump base, submersible sewage pump and motor assembly guide bar and hardware, lifting cable kit, bolts, ' embedments, supports, and any other work necessary to install the submersible pumps complete in place. Lump Sum $ CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Bid Proposal Form — 8 of 17 I COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT IRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION & REHABILIATION Project No. 168 ' BID APPROX. DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL ITEM QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT ' 15 Lump Sum Furnish and Install Pump Discharge Piping and Valves: Work under this item shall include, but is not limited to, stainless steel ' discharge piping, check valve plug valve, ductile iron pipe spools and fittings, couplings, bolts, flanges, gaskets, supports, brackets, ' wall penetrations and spools, thrust restraint, pipe coatings and linings and any appurtenant work as required to install pump discharge piping and valves complete in place. Lump Sum $ 16 Lump Sum Furnish and Install Air Release Valve Assembly including, but not limited to, service saddle, corporation stop, copper tubing, fittings, all valves, brass nipples, air release valve, steel cover and all other work ' necessary for an operable air release valve assembly complete in place. Lump Sum $ ' 17 Lump Sum Furnish and Install Electrical and Control Equipment required for the operations of the pump system including, but not limited to, concrete pad, control panel, stainless steel ' cabinet, instruments, pressure transducers, alarms, manual transfer switch, connections, conduit, wiring, grounding, tie-in with District SCADA system, and any other work necessary to install the electrical and control equipment. Lump Sum $ ' 18 Lump Sum Install Odor Control Equipment Furnished By District including, but not limited to stainless steel cabinet, relocation of existing hydrogen ' peroxide storage containers and meter pump, and any other work necessary to install odor control equipment. Lump Sum $ I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Bid Proposal Form — 9 of 17 COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ' IRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION & REHABILIATION Project No. 168 ' BID APPROX. DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL ITEM QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT ' 19 Lump Sum Furnish all labor materials, and equipment for the relocation of existing 1-Anode Cathodic Protection (CP) Test Station per City of ' Newport Beach requirements and standards. Work under this item shall include but not be limited to the relocation of a two-wire test station including, but not limited to, pavement and sidewalk removal and replacement, excavation backfill, slurry backfill, compaction, ' magnesium anode lead wires, split-bolt connectors, shunts, test leads, brass tags, PVC conduit, warning tape, concrete test box, and all other work necessary for an operable ' two-wire test station installation complete in place. Lump Sum $ ' 20 Lump Sum Furnish all labor materials, and equipment to relocate existing traffic signal box and wires damaged during construction to original ' condition per County of Orange requirements and standards. Contractor shall not interrupt electrical service of any facility during construction. If any damage occurs from the Contractor's activities, temporary emergency repairs including wiring shall be provided at the Contractor's expense. Lump Sum $ ' 21 Lump Sum Remove and Replace Existing Concrete Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk. Work under this item ' shall include but not limited to, bedding, compaction, formwork, steel reinforcement, concrete, anchors, curing, testing, finishing ' and all other work required for the installation of concrete curb gutter and sidewalk in accordance with the County of Orange requirements. Lump Sum $ 22 Lump Sum Provide start-up testing, troubleshooting, calibration, system demonstration, warranties, operations and maintenance manuals for pump and control system as required by the Plans and Specifications and described in manufacturers printed literature. Lump Sum $ CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Bid Proposal Form — 10 of 17 COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT tIRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION & REHABILIATION Project No. 168 ' BID APPROX. DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL ITEM QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT ' 23 11 750 SF Base Pavement Installation For Trench Restoration (T-Cut Section) as Specified in Detail 2 on Sheet C-8 of the Plans: Work$ under this item shall include all material and SF $ labor to restore trench and pavement. 24 Lump Sum Pavement Signing & Striping. Work under this ' item shall include all material and labor to replace all damaged signs, posts, pavement markings and stripings to original condition. Lump Sum $ 25 Lump Sum Provide Diversion Plan for Existing Sewage Flow During Construction: Work under this ' item shall include, but is not limited to, pumps, temporary hoses or piping, pumper trucks, plugs, and all other equipment necessary to provide diversion of existing sewage flow ' during construction complete in place. Lump Sum $ TOTAL AMOUNT OF ITEMS 1 THROUGH 25$ 1 (TOTAL IN WORDS) Note: In case of a discrepancy between the words and figures, the words shall prevail. ' The Contractor agrees that the District will not be held responsible if any of the approximate quantities shown in the foregoing proposal shall be found incorrect, and he shall not make any ' claim for damages or for loss of profits because of a difference between the quantities of the various classes of work as estimated and the work actually done. If any error omission or mis-statements shall be discovered in the estimated quantities, it shall not invalidate this contract or release the Contractor from the execution and completion of the whole or part of the work herein specified, in accordance with the specifications and the plans herein mentioned and the prices herein agreed upon and fixed therefor or excuse him from any of the ' obligations or liabilities hereunder or entitle him to any damages or compensation otherwise than as provided for in this contract. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Bid Proposal Form — 11 of 17 ' The Contractor agrees that the District shall have the right to increase or decrease the quantity of any bid item or portion of the work or to omit portions of the work as may be deemed necessary or expedient, and that the payment for incidental items of work, not separately provided in the proposal shall be considered included in the price bid for other various items of work. ' Accompanying this proposal is ($ ). NOTICE. Insert the words 'Cash' 'Certified Check' or 'Bidder s Bond' as the case may be in an amount equal to at least ten per cent of the total bid price payable to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. ' The undersigned deposits the above named security as a proposal guaranty and agrees that it shall be forfeited to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District as liquidated damages in case this proposal is accepted by the District and the undersigned shall fail to execute a contract for doing said work and to furnish good and sufficient bonds in the form set forth in the specifications and contract documents of the District with surety satisfactory to the District within 10 Days after the bidder has received written notice of the award of the contract; ' otherwise, said security shall be returned to the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, Contractor's Business Name Contractor Title Business Address: Street By Title City State Zip Contractor's License, Expiration Date & Classification ' Business Phone Number ' Name Title ' Residence Phone Number ' Bidder's Residence: Street ' City State Zip I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the forgoing is true and correct. Dated at this day of 200_ ' (Signed) ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Bid Proposal Form— 12 of 17 ' The full names and residences of all persons and parties interested in the foregoing proposal, as principals, are as follows: ' NOTICE. Give first and last names in full; in case of corporation, give names of President, Secretary Treasurer and Manager and affix corporate seal; in all cases of partnerships and joint ventures give names of all the individual members. 1 ' CONSTRUCTION PROJECT REFERENCES In order to more fully evaluate your background and experience for the project herein ' proposed, it is requested that you submit a list of Public Works and/or similar construction projects completed, or in progress, within the last 24 months. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. ' DATE PROJECT AGENCY'S CONTRACT AWARDED AWARDING AGENCY ADMINISTRATOR t 1 t ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Bid Proposal Form — 13 of 17 1 ' PROJECT ADDENDA Bidder shall signify receipt of all Addenda here, if any ' ADDENDUM NO DATE RECEIVED BIDDER'S SIGNATURE ' DESIGNATION OF SUBCONTRACTORS ' In compliance with the 'Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act' being Sections 4100-4113 of the Government Code of the State of California, and any amendments thereto, each bidder shall set forth below the name and location of the place of business of each ' Subcontractor who will perform work or labor or render service to the prime Contractor in or about the construction of the work or improvement in an amount in excess of 1/2 of 1% of the prime Contractor's total bid and shall further set forth the portion of the work which will be done by each such Subcontractor Only one Subcontractor for each such portion shall be tlisted. If the Contractor fails to specify a Subcontractor for any portion of the work to be performed ' under the contract, he shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such work himself, and he shall not be permitted to subcontract that portion of the work except under the conditions hereinafter set forth. ' Subletting or subcontracting of any portion of the work to which no Subcontractor was designated in the original bid, shall only be permitted in cases of public emergency or necessity and then only after a finding reduced to writing as a public record of the Legislative Body of the owner Portion State License Of Work Subcontractor's Name and Address Number Class I 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Bid Proposal Form — 14 of 17 BIDDER'S BOND TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL (Required if the bidder desires to submit bond instead of a certified or cashier's check). KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS. That we, as principals, and ' as surety are held and firmly bound unto the Costa Mesa Sanitary District, a special district, organized under the laws of the State of California and situated in Orange County in the sum of ' ($ ) to be paid to the District, its successors and assigns, for which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators, successors or assigns, joint and severally firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, ' That if the certain proposal of the above bounden is accepted by the ' Costa Mesa Sanitary District, and if the above bounden, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, shall duly enter into and execute a contract for such construction, and shall execute and deliver ' the LABOR AND MATERIAL and the FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BONDS described within 10 days (not including Sunday) from the date of the mailing of a notice of the above bounden, , by and from District, that said contract is ready for execution, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and ' virtue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF We hereunto set our hands and seals this day of , 200_ 1 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Bid Proposal Form — 15 of 17 I NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT The bidders, by its officers and agents or representatives present at the time of filing this ' bid, being duly sworn on their oaths say that neither they nor any of them have in any way directly or indirectly entered into any arrangement or agreement with any other bidder or with any public officer of Costa Mesa Sanitary District whereby such affiant or affiants or either ' of them has paid or is to pay to such bidder or public officer any sum of money or has given or is to give to such other bidder or public officer anything of value whatever or such affiant or affiants or either of them has not directly or indirectly entered into any arrangement or ' agreement with any other bidder or bidder which tends to or does lessen or destroy free competition in the letting of the contract sought for on the attached bids; that no bid has been accepted from any Subcontractor or supplier through any bid depository the By-Laws, Rules, or Regulation of which prohibit or prevent the Contractor from considering any bid from any ' Subcontractor or supplier which is not processed through said bid depository or which prevent any Subcontractor or supplier from bidding to any Contractor who does not use the facilities of or accept bids from or through such bid depository that no inducement of any form or character other than that which appears upon the face of the bid will be suggested, offered, paid or delivered to any person of the contract, nor has this bidder any agreement or understanding of any kind whatsoever with any person whomsoever to pay deliver to, or ' share with any other person in any way or manner any of the proceeds of the contracts sought by this bid. i Subscribed and sworn to before me by This day of 200_ ' My Commission expires: ' Notary Public CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Bid Proposal Form — 16 of 17 1 ' RELEASE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT REGARDING DISCLAIMER FOR SOILS AND BORING TEST RESULTS ' Bidder acknowledges that District has provided soils and boring results from the site. Bidder also acknowledges that the District's contract documents provide that the contractor is to conduct its own investigation of actual conditions on the site and that no plea of reliance on District's initial investigations or reports will be accepted as an excuse from performing or as a basis for extra compensation. The standard specifications also provide that soil and test hole data, water table elevations, and soil analyses provided by the District only apply to the test holes and to the depths indicated. Bidder further acknowledges that Public Contracts Code section 7104 provides that a contractor may be entitled to extra compensation if subsurface conditions are different from those ' 'indicated. Bidder hereby acknowledges that District, in providing soils and boring samples, is not making any representation of actual conditions on the site or substrata and is not indicating' what will be actually encountered on the site/substrata. t Bidder hereby RELEASES District from any claims for liability based on actual soils or water conditions on the site or in the substrata and will make its own investigations or assume those risks. Project ' Bidder Name Signature Title 1 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Bid Proposal Form — 17 of 17 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Except as hereinafter provided, the provisions of the latest edition of the 'Standard ' Specifications for Public Works Construction' (Greenbook) and all amendments thereto, adopted by the Joint Cooperative Committee of Southern California Chapter American Public Works Association; hereinafter referred to as Standard Specifications, are adopted as the 'Standard Specifications' of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District and shall be considered as a part of these ' specifications. Also a part of these specifications are the Costa Mesa Sanitary District's Standard Plans and Specifications for the Construction of Sanitary Sewers. ' The following additions are made to the 'Standard Specifications' If there is a conflict between the Standard Specifications and these additions, these additions shall have first precedence. 1 2 DEFINITIONS ' (a) AGENCY/OWNER The Costa Mesa Sanitary District, also hereinafter called 'District' (b) BOARD The Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. ' (c) CONTRACT Documents including but not limited to the Proposal, Standard Specifications, General Provisions, Special Provisions, Plans, Bonds, ' Insurance, Contract Agreement and all Addenda setting forth any modifications of the document. (d) ENGINEER District Engineer of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. (e) BIDDER Any individual, co-partnership, association or corporation submitting a proposal for the work contemplated acting directly or through a duly ' authorized representative. (f) LEGAL ADDRESS The legal address of the Contractor shall be the address of contractor given on the Contractor's bid and is hereby designated as the place to ' which all notices, letters or other communications to the Contractor shall be mailed or delivered. (g) LABORATORY An established laboratory approved and authorized by the Engineer for ' testing materials and work involved in the contract. (h) STATE Chapter 3, Part 5, Division 3, Title 2 of the CONTRACT Government ' Code The provisions of this ACT and other applicable laws, form and constitute a part of the provisions of this contract to the same extent as if set forth herein, in full. ' 2 1 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT Section 2 1 of the Greenbook is hereby replaced in its entirety with the following: ' The award of contract, if awarded, will be to the lowest responsible bidder whose proposal complies with all requirements of the notice inviting bids. The District, however ' reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informality in the bids received. The award, if made, will be made within 60 days after the opening of the bids. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Standard Specifications — 1 of 10 ' PROCEDURE FOR PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL Proposal shall be made and submitted on the Proposal Forms in accordance with the ' Notice Inviting Bids. In addition to the required signatures in the spaces provided in the proposal forms, each bidder shall initial each sheet of the proposal forms at the bottom right hand corner t No person, firm, or corporation, shall be allowed to make, file, or be interested in, more than one bid for the same work; unless alternate bids are called for A person, firm, or corporation, who has submitted a sub-proposal to a bidder or who has quoted prices on ' materials to a bidder is not hereby disqualified from submitting a sub-proposal or quoting prices to other bidders. If on the opening of bids, more than one bid appears in which the same person, firm, or corporation, is interested as a principal, all such bids shall be rejected. ' Proposals with interlineations, alterations, or erasures, shall be initialed by the bidder's authorized agent. Alternative proposals, special conditions, or other limitations or provisions affecting the bid, except as such called for by the contract documents, will render the bid informal ' and may cause its rejection. All proposals must give the prices bid for the various items of work and must be signed by the bidder who shall give his address. Each bid shall have thereon the affidavit of the bidder that such bid is genuine and not sham or collusive or made in the interest or behalf of any other person not therein named and that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a sham bid, or any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding and that the bidder has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure himself an advantage over any other bidder REQUEST FOR INTERPRETATION If any person contemplating submitting a bid is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the plans, specifications, or other proposed contract documents, or finds discrepancies in, or omissions from the drawings or specifications, he may request the Engineer in writing, for an interpretation or correction thereof. The person submitting such a request shall be responsible for ' its prompt delivery All such interpretations of the contract documents will be made only by Addenda duly issued and a copy of each such Addendum will be mailed or delivered to each person receiving a set of contract documents at his last address of record. The District will not be responsible for any other explanations or interpretations of the contract documents. RETURN OF BID SECURITY ' Any bidder may withdraw his bid, either personally or by telegraphic or written request, at any time prior to the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to see that any such telegraphic or written request is delivered to the District Clerk prior ' to said closing time. Bid security of such bidders will be returned promptly to the bidder The bid security of the three lowest bidders will be retained until the contract is awarded, entered into and executed with the bidder of accepted bid, after which those will be returned to the ' respective bidders with whose proposal they accompanied. The bid security of all other bidders will be returned after the canvass of bids. ' The bid security of the bidder of accepted bid will be held by the District until the contract has been entered into and the bonds accompanying the same are approved and filed, whereupon the said bid security will be returned to the bidder ' If the bidder fails or refuses to enter into contract to do the work, the bid security shall be forfeited to the District and shall be collected and paid to the General Fund of the District. ' LICENSE REQUIRED CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Standard Specifications —2 of 10 `1 Contractor shall have a Class A or C-42 license to perform this work. ' 'OR EQUAL PROVISION When otherwise specified, any product called for on these Specifications may be substituted using the process described in Public Contract Code Section 3400 EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 1 The contract shall be signed by the successful bidder and returned to the District, together with the contract bonds as specified in Section 2-4 of the Greenbook and as amended below and any changes or additions made thereto in these Specifications within 10 days after receipt of written notice of award of contract. The form of contract agreement to be executed by the Contractor will be supplied by the Counsel for the District. No proposal shall be considered binding upon the District until the execution of the contract by the District. 1 ASSIGNMENT OF CLAYTON ACT AND CARTWRIGHT ACT CLAIMS In entering into a public works contract or a subcontract to supply goods, services, or ' materials pursuant to a public works contract, the contractor or subcontractor offers and agrees to assign to the awarding body all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), ' arising from purchases of goods, services, or materials pursuant to the public works contract or the subcontract. This assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the awarding body tenders final payment to the contractor without further acknowledgement by the parties. ' MINED CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL CONTRACTOR warrants that it will not purchase mined construction material for PROJECT except from a mining operation that is currently identified in the list published pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 2717 of the Public Resources Code. ' 231 SUBCONTRACTS GENERAL The following shall be added to the second to the last paragraph in Section 2 3.1 of the ' Greenbook: The Engineer as duly authorized officer may consent to Subcontractor substitution requested by the Contractor subject to the limitations and notices prescribed in Section 4107 of ' the Public Contract Code. 2-4 CONTRACT BONDS The following shall be added to Section 2-4 of the Greenbook: ' The 'Faithful Performance Bond' and the 'Labor and Material Bond' shall both be one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price and shall be furnished on the District's standard forms. The Faithful Performance Bond shall be held for one year from the date the Notice of Completion is recorded. Sureties providing performance bonds for Contractors must be licensed or agree to employ a licensed Contractor with a Class A or other applicable specialty contractor's license from the ' State of California. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Standard Specifications — 3 of 10 1 2 5 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The following is hereby added to Section 2 5 of the Greenbook: ' Engineer will provide the Contractor free of charge, copies of plans and specifications that are reasonably necessary for the execution of work. ' Contractor shall, at his own expense, obtain copies of Standard Specifications and Standard Plans and Specifications of the State of California, for his general use. ' If after award of contract, should it appear that the work to be done, or any matter relative thereto, is not sufficiently detailed or explained in the specifications and plans, the Contractor shall apply to the Engineer for such further explanations as may be necessary and shall conform to ' such explanation or interpretation as part of the contract. All scaled dimensions are approximate. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor ' shall carefully check and verify all dimensions and quantities and shall immediately inform the Engineer or his representative of any discrepancies. ' 2-9 1 PERMANENT SURVEY MARKERS The following shall be added to Section 2-9 1 of the Greenbook: t Unless otherwise provided in the Special Provisions, the Contractor shall be responsible for protecting all existing horizontal and vertical survey controls, monument, ties and benchmarks located within the limits of the work. If any of the above require removal, relocating or resetting, ' the Contractor shall, prior to any construction work and under the supervision of a California- licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer establish sufficient temporary ties and benchmarks to enable the points to be reset after completion of construction. ' Any ties, monuments and benchmarks disturbed during construction shall be reset per local agency standards after construction and the tie notes submitted to the appropriate governing agency on 8-1/2' X 11 loose leaf paper The Contractor and his sureties shall be liable for at his own expense, any resurvey required due to his negligence in protecting existing ties, monuments, benchmarks or any such horizontal and vertical controls. Unless a separate bid item is provided full compensation for conforming to the t requirements of this sub-section shall be considered as included in the contract bid price paid for various other items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed. ' 211 INSPECTION The following section shall replace Section 2 11 of the Greenbook: ' The Contractor shall give at least 48 hours advance notice of time when he or his Subcontractor will start or resume the various units of operations of the work as per the contract, or resume the said units or operations when they have been suspended as per the contract. The above notice is to be given during working hours, exclusive of Saturday Sunday or holidays for the purpose of permitting the Engineer to make necessary assignments of his representative or inspector on the work. ' The work is subject to inspection and approval by the Engineer and by District personnel. Full and complete access shall be provided to the Engineer District personnel and all other ' agencies that have jurisdiction over this project, at all times. Contractor shall construct all of the improvements as part of this project in compliance with the Specifications, the Greenbook and all CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Standard Specifications —4 of 10 ' other applicable standards, and inspection of work does not relieve the Contractor of the obligation to fulfill all conditions and requirements of the Contract. ' Any work performed in conflict with said notice without the presence or approval of the inspector or work covered up without notice, approval or consent may be rejected or ordered to be uncovered for examination at Contractor's expense, and shall be removed at Contractor's ' expense, if so ordered by the Engineer or inspector on the work. Any unauthorized or defective work, defective material or workmanship or any unfaithful or imperfect work that may be discovered before the final payment or final acceptance of work or exoneration of bonds shall be corrected immediately without extra charge even though it may have been overlooked in previous ' inspections and estimates or may have been caused due to failure to inspect the work. All authorized alterations affecting the requirements and information given on the approved plans shall be in writing. No changes shall be made on any plan or drawing after the same has ' been approved by the Engineer except by direction of the Engineer in writing. Deviations from the approved plans, as may be required by the exigencies of constructions will be determined in all cases by the Engineer and authorized in writing. All instructions, rulings and decisions of the Engineer shall be in writing and shall be final and binding on all parties unless formal protest is made in writing, as provided in the following paragraph, and as provided in Section 1670 of the Civil Code. If the Contractor considers any work demanded of him to be outside the requirements of the contract, or if he considers any instruction, ruling or decision of the Inspector or Engineer to be ' unfair he shall within 10 days after any such demand is made, or instruction, ruling or decision is given, file a written protest with the Engineer stating clearly and in detail his objections and reasons therefore. Except for such protests and objections as are made of record, in the manner and within the time above stated, the Contractor shall be deemed to have waived and does ' hereby waive all claims for extra work, damages and extensions of time on account of demands, instructions, rulings and decisions of the Engineer Upon receipt of any such protest from the Contractor the Engineer shall review the demand, instruction, ruling or decision objected to and shall promptly advise the Contractor in writing, of his final decision, which shall be binding on all parties, unless with the 10 days thereafter the Contractor shall file with the Board of Directors a formal protest against said ' decision of the Engineer The Board of Directors shall consider and render a final decision on any such protest within 30 days of receipt of same. ' 3-1 1 CHANGES REQUESTED BY THE CONTRACTOR: GENERAL Engineer shall be the duly authorized officer to grant the changes prescribed in this section. ' 3-3.1 EXTRA WORK. GENERAL ' The following replaces Section 3-3.1 of the Greenbook: New and unforeseen work will be classified as extra work' when the Engineer determines ' that it is not covered by the Contract. The extra work as defined in this section of the Greenbook and any work done beyond the lines and grades shown on the plans shall only be performed when ordered in writing by the Engineer In absence of such written order any such work shall be considered unauthorized and will not be paid for Work so done may be ordered removed at the Contractor's expense. t ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Standard Specifications — 5 of 10 1 6-1 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND COMMENCEMENT OF WORK The following is hereby added to Section 6-1 of the Greenbook: Prior to the commencement of construction, arrangements will be made for a meeting between the Contractor and the Engineer The purpose of this meeting is to coordinate the ' activities of the Contractor within the limits of this contract, review scheduling, discuss construction methods and clarify inspection procedures. The Contractor will be required to submit for approval by the Engineer a complete schedule showing the number of working days required to complete the project. 6-2 PROSECUTION OF WORK The following is hereby added to Section 6-2 of the Greenbook: Schedule for Completion. Contractor must complete all work within 75 working days from the Notice to Proceed subject to liquidated damages per section 6-9 of these specifications. 6-6.2 EXTENSIONS OF TIME ' The following shall replace Section 6-6.2 of the Greenbook: In the event the work called for under the contract is not finished and completed in all parts and requirements within the time specified, the Board of Directors or it's designated representative ' shall have the right to increase the number of working days for completion or not, as may seem best to serve the interest of the District. ' Except for the delays beyond Contractor's control as described in Sections 5-5 and 6-6 1 the District shall have the right to charge the Contractor his heirs, assigns, or sureties and to deduct from the final payment for the work, all or any part, as it may deem proper of the actual cost of engineering, inspection, superintendent and other overhead expenses which are directly ' chargeable to the Contractor and which accrued during the period of such extensions except that the cost of the final services and preparation of the final estimates shall not be included in such charges. ' In addition to the above charges, Contractor shall pay to the District liquidated damages as specified in Section 6-9 for such delays. ' No extension of time for the completion of the work called for under the contract shall be allowed unless at least 20 days prior the the time fixed for the completion thereof, or the time fixed by the Board of Directors or its designee for such completion as extended, Contractor shall have ' filed application for extension thereof in writing, with the Engineer addressed to the Board of Directors or its designee. In this connection it is understood that the Engineer shall not transmit any such request to the Board or its designee if not filed within the time herein prescribed. 7 2 LABOR The following hereby replaces Section 7 2 of the Greenbook: The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Section 1770 to 1780, inclusive, of the California Labor Code, the prevailing rate and scale of wages determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, State of California, which are filed with the Assistant Secretary ' of said District, and shall forfeit penalties prescribed therefore for noncompliance of said Code. Travel and subsistence payments shall be paid in accordance with Labor Code 1773.8 as defined in applicable collective bargaining agreements. In order to verify the compliance of said code, Contractor may be required by the District, from time to time to furnish weekly for the duration of the contract period, copies of his payroll CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Standard Specifications—6 of 10 I ' statements showing wages paid each employee during the preceding week and the employee work classification to the Engineer for checking. Using Form DH-H-347 Payroll Statement of Compliance is an acceptable method of fulfilling the above requirement. ' APPRENTICES Attention is directed to the provisions in Section 1777.5 and 1777 6 of the Labor Code ' concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any Subcontractor under him. The Contractor and any Subcontractors under him shall comply with the requirements of said sections in the employment of apprentices. ' Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, Ex-Officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and ' its branch offices. 7 3 LIABILITY INSURANCE tThe following hereby replaces Section 7 3 of the Greenbook: The Contractor shall not commence work under his contract until he has obtained all insurance required under this heading in a company acceptable to the District, nor shall the Contractor allow any Subcontractor to commence work on his sub-contract until all insurance required of the Subcontractor has been obtained. The Contractor shall take out and maintain at all ' times during the life of the contract the following policies of insurance. a. Workman's compensation insurance to cover his employees as required by the Labor ' Code of the State of California, and the Contractor shall require all subcontractors similarly to provide such compensation insurance for all of the latter's employees. b. Public liability and property damage insurance on account of bodily injuries, including death resulting therefrom in the sum of $5,000,000 combined, single limit for any one accident which may arise from the operations of the Contractor in performing the work provided for herein. Each of the policies of insurance provided for shall contain a clause substantially in the following words: ' It is hereby understood and agreed that this policy may not be cancelled nor the amount of coverage thereof be reduced until ten days after receipt by the Engineer of a written notice of such cancellation or reduction in coverage, as evidenced by receipt of a registered letter ' The insurance required to be provided herein shall be provided by a domestic carrier authorized to, and doing business in, the State of California and rated A+ XI by Best Key Rating Guides--Property-Casualty and admitted for coverage in the State of California Insurance Guarantee Fund. The Contractor shall, at the time of the execution of the contract, present the original ' policies of insurance required herein, or present a certificate of insurance showing the issuance of such insurance. Contractor shall also provide an endorsement naming the District as an additional insured. I ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Standard Specifications — 7 of 10 7 5 PERMITS The following is hereby added in addition to the language provided in Section 7 5 of the ' Greenbook: Except as otherwise specified in the Special Provisions, the Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges, and fees, and give all notices necessary and incident to the due and lawful prosecution of the work. These permits and licenses shall be obtained in sufficient time to prevent delays to the work. ' In the event that the agency has obtained permits, licenses or other authorization, applicable to the work, the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of said permits, licenses and other authorizations. In the case the agency does procure any permits, it is understood that ' the agency is acting as an authorized agent for the Contractor and that the Contractor shall be solely responsible for all work performed under the permit, and responsible for all associated inspection fees. ' 7-6 THE CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE The following is hereby added in addition to the requirements outlined in Section 7-6 of the ' Greenbook: Contractor shall also file with the Engineer the addresses and telephone numbers where he or his designated representative may be reached during hours when the work is not in progress. Instructions and information given by the Engineer to the Contractor's authorized representative or at the address or telephone numbers filed in accordance with this section shall ' be considered as having been given to the Contractor 7-8.1 CLEANUP AND DUST CONTROL ' The following hereby replaces Section 7-8.1 of the Greenbook: ' All surplus materials shall be removed from the site of the work daily after completion of the work causing the surplus materials. Unless the construction dictates otherwise, and unless otherwise approved by the ' Engineer Contractor shall furnish and operate a self-loading motor sweeper with spray nozzles at least once each working day to keep paved areas acceptably clean whenever construction, including restoration, is incomplete. ' Failure of the Contractor to comply with the Engineer's dust control orders may result in an order to suspend work until the condition is corrected; and after filing notice to the Contractor, the Engineer may order this accomplished by others. All costs thus incurred shall be deducted from ' the amount to be paid to the Contractor No additional compensation will be allowed as a result of such suspension. No separate payment will be made for any work performed, of material used, to control dust ' resulting from the Contractor's performance on the work, or by public traffic, either inside or outside the right of way Full compensations for such dust control will be considered as included in the prices paid for the various items or work involved. t ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Standard Specifications—8 of 10 ' 7-8.5 TEMPORARY LIGHT POWER AND WATER The following is added in addition to the requirements outlined in Section 7-8.5 of the Greenbook: ' The Contractor shall provide for his employees and adequate supply of clean potable drinking water which shall be dispensed through approved sanitary facilities. ' 7 10 PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY The following is hereby added to Section 7 10 of the Greenbook: The Contractor shall abide by the following publications which are hereby made a part of these Specifications (not listed in order of precedence): ' a. Contractor Provided Signed/Stamped Traffic Control Plans Approved by the Governing Agency ' b. The Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH). ' c. The Manual of Warning Signs, Lights and Devices for Use in Performance of Work Upon Highways. d. State Labor Code Sections 6704 6706 and 6707 ' e. The Construction Safety Orders (CAL/OSHA). ' f The General Industry Safety Orders (CAL/OSHA). g. Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (The Green Book) 7 13 LAWS TO BE OBSERVED The following is hereby added to Section 7 13 of the Greenbook: ' The Contractor shall protect and indemnify the District, the Board of Directors, the Engineer and all of its or their officers, agents and servants against any claim or liability arising ' from or based on the violation of any existing or future State, Federal and Local laws, ordinances, regulations, orders or decrees, whether by himself or his employees. If any discrepancy or inconsistency is discovered in the plans, drawings, specifications or contract for the work in relation to any such law ordinance, regulation, order or decree, the Contractor shall forthwith report the same to the Engineer in writing. 9-31 PAYMENT GENERAL ' The following is hereby added to Section 9-3.1 of the Greenbook: Contractor is reminded that the unit and lump sum prices shown in the proposal shall be ' full compensation for the items of work described in the proposal including all incidental, appurtenant, or related work and materials, whether or not mentioned or specified, required to deliver the final product shown on the plans. Contractor shall have examined the contract documents and site and shall include in his bid furnishing all materials, labor equipment, tools, incidental, appurtenant, or related work to complete the job in order that no separate work or compensation is needed to complete the work. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Standard Specifications—9 of 10 ' A detailed listing of all associated work items for all lump sum items included in the Bid Schedule shall be provided by the Contractor for review by the District within 15 working days after the Contract Award per section 9-2 of the Greenbook. ' 9-3.2 PARTIAL AND FINAL PAYMENT ' The following hereby replaces Section 9-3.2 of the Greenbook: The lead time for processing invoices for the monthly progress payment approved by the Engineer for inclusion on the warrant list of the District is governed by the rules and regulations established by the Board of Directors. Invoices for monthly payments shall be submitted to the Engineer no later than the 25th of each month. No progress payment shall be processed until an updated schedule is provided and all other required documents per these specifications. No time extensions will be considered approved unless authorized per section 6-6 of the Greenbook and as amended by these specifications. After completion of the contract, the Board shall, upon recommendation of the Engineer accept the work as complete and authorize the final payment. The amount retained and deducted by the District shall be 5% of the progress estimates for all progress payments. The final payment of the retention amount to the Contractor shall be made 35 days from the date of the recording of the Notice of Completion of the work after it is accepted by the Board of Directors and shall be made on duly certified voucher therefore. ' It is mutually agreed among the parties to the contract that no certificate given or payment made under the contract, except the final certificate of final payment, shall be conclusive evidence of full or substantial performance of this contract; and no payment shall be construed to be an ' acceptance of any defective work or improper material. The acceptance of final payment by the Contractor shall release the District, the Board of Directors and the Engineer from any and all claims or liabilities on account of work performed by ' the Contractor under the Contract or any alterations thereof. As provided in Section 22300 of the California Public Contract Code, the Contractor may ' substitute securities for any monies withheld by the Agency to ensure performance under the Contract. 9-3.3 DELIVERED MATERIALS The following replaces Section 9-3.3 of the Greenbook: ' Materials delivered, but not in place, will not be classified as work done, except as otherwise provided in these Specifications. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Standard Specifications— 10 of 10 I ' COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA SPECIAL PROVISIONS ' IRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION & REHABILIATION Project No. 168 DIVISION I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 Summary of Work 01011 General Requirements 01014 Work Sequence 01039 Coordination and Meetings 01300 Submittal Procedure 01360 Operating and Maintenance Information 1 01410 Testing and Inspection 01505 Mobilization 01540 Security ' 01560 Temporary Environmental Controls 01620 Protection of Materials and Equipment 01660 Installation, Testing, and Commissioning ' 01700 01710 Project Closeout Final Cleanup 01720 Record Drawings 01760 Sparc Parts and Maintenance Materials DIVISION 2 SITEWORK 02050 Demolition and Salvage 02140 Dewatering ' 02200 02221 Earthwork Trenching, Backfilling& Compaction 02350 Sheeting, Shoring, Bracing and Safety ' 02831 Temporary Chain Link Fences and Gates DIVISION 3 CONCRETE ' 03480 Precast Concrete Specialties ' DIVISION 4—MASONRY Not Used CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Table of Contents 1 Project No. 168 1 of SECTION TITLE ' DIVISION 5—METALS 05220 Concrete Bolts DIVISION 6—WOOD AND PLASTICS 06640 Fiberglass Ladders ' DIVISION 7—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Not Used I DIVISION 8—DOORS AND WINDOWS 08300 Access Hatches DIVISION 9 FINISHES 09900 Coating Systems 09902 Petrolatum Wax Tape Coating DIVISION 10 SPECIALTIES Not Used DIVISION 11 EQUIPMENT 11001 General Requirements for Equipment ' 11050 11300 Equipment Mounting Submersible Sewage Pump 11400 Pump Control System ' DIVISION 12 FURNISHINGS Not Used ' DIVISION 13—SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION Not Used 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Table of Contents Project No. 168 2 of 3 1 SECTION TITLE DIVISION 14—CONVEYING SYSTEMS Not Used 1 DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL 15062 Ductile Iron Pipe 15064 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe 1 15111 Swing Check Valves I51 I5 Resilient Seated Eccentric Plug Valves DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL 16050 Electrical General Requirements 1 16110 Conduit Raceways and Fittings 16120 Low Voltage Wire and Cable 1 DIVISION 17—INSTRUMENTATION 1 Not Used END OF SECTION 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Table of Contents Project No. 168 3 of 3 ' SECTION 01010 SUMMAR% OF WORK I PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. The Work to be performed under this Contract shall consist of furnishing all plant, tools, equipment, materials, supplies, and manufactured articles and furnishing all labor, transportation and services, including, but not limited to, fuel, power, water and essential communications, and ' performing all work, or other operations required for the fulfillment of the Contract in strict accordance with the Contract Documents. The Work shall be complete, and all work, matenals, and services not expressly indicated or called for in the Contract Documents which may be necessary for the complete and proper construction of the work in good faith shall be provided by ' the Contractor as though originally so indicated, at no increase in cost to the Owner. B. The work under this contract shall conform with the Standard Specifications for Public Works ' Construction, 2006 Edition (Green Book), including all 2006 Supplement Amendments. C. The Work to be performed under this Contract shall not impact the existing Irvine Pumping ' Station operated by the Owner and all associated appurtenances. Special care shall be taken by the Contractor to protect all existing facilities until the new pump station is completed, tested and accepted by the Owner ' 1.02 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ' A. Work Description: Provide all labor material, equipment, and incidental work to construct the Irvine Pumping Station Relocation and Rehabilitation Project as indicated. Work includes demolition, excavation, trenching, construction of new structures, rehabilitation or modification of existing concrete structures, and improvements to mechanical and electrical systems. The ' major items of work are as follows, but are not limited to providing traffic control; excavation and shoring, dewatering: construction of new emergency storage structure; construction of new pump station wet well, construction of new valve vault; construction of new sewer force main; ' construction of new gravity sewer mains; construction of new sewer manholes; rehabilitation of existing sewer manholes; street improvements and pavement repairs; construction of new electrical and control facilities; protection of all existing pump station appurtenances; and start up ' and testing. The Contractor s attention is directed to the Bid Proposal, the Plans and the Specifications for a ' detailed description of the project components. The Contractor shall keep the Owner and the Resident Engineer fully advised as to his plans for ' carrying out the work and obtain their approval for all phases of his operations, as hereinafter specified. B. Sequence of Construction: Conform to the requirements of Section 01014 C. Outage Plan. Conform to the requirements of Section 01014 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Summary of Work No 168 01010 1 ' 1.03 WORK BY OTHERS A. Interference with Work on Utilities. The Contractor shall cooperate fully with all utility forces of ' the Owner or forces of other public or private agencies engaged in the relocation, altering, or otherwise rearranging of any facilities which interfere with the progress of the work, and shall schedule the work so as to minimize interference with said relocation, altering, or other rearranging of facilities. No additional compensation will be allowed. 1.04 NOT USED 1.05 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF THE PROJECT SITE ' A. The Contractor's use of the project site shall be limited to his construction operations. On-site storage of materials and on-site fabrication facilities will be limited to areas approved by Owner, subject to environmental, traffic, and community relations considerations. These areas (however limited in extent) will be identified by Owner subsequent to contract award. ' B. The Contractor's use of the project site and surrounding area is further limited by the restrictions of the permits required as part of this Contract. 1 C. The Contractor's use of the public right-of-way is restricted to the hours defined in Paragraph 1.09 (A) of Section 01560 or as may be modified by Contractors traffic control plans ' as approved by a local jurisdictional agency Parking of equipment and material in the right-of- way when allowed by approved traffic control plans shall be limited to 24 hours maximum and shall be limited only to areas designated for parked cars as all sidewalk, bicycle and lanes of ' traffic shall be opened for pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic during non-working hours. All excess excavated trench material shall be hauled from the work area each day and only bedding and backfill materials will be allowed to be hauled into the work area and at no time shall soil ' stockpiles be allowed to remain on the right-of-way during non-working hours. At the end of each workday the entire work area shall be swept free of all soil and construction debris for re opening of the work area to traffic, bicycles, and pedestrians. ' D The Contractor's attention is drawn to the allowable lengths of open trench as specified elsewhere in this contract. In addition to those requirements, the Contractor's temporary paving shall not exceed: TWO WEEKS IN PLACE. 1 The Contractor shall not utilize trench plates in any one location for more that 48 hours without prior authorization from the Owner representative. This provision does not apply if trench plate ' use is prevented elsewhere in these contract documents. The Contractor shall not use cold-mix asphalt repair in any area where vehicular traffic is allowed ' unless utilized in conjunction with trench plates. The Contractor must take all precautions to avoid temporary asphalt from becoming a nuisance or annoyance to the public. Any corrective action required to address any issue related to the use of temporary asphalt, in the sole discretion ' of the Owner representative, shall be shall be at the expense of the Contractor 1.07 OWNER'S USE OF THE PROJECT SITE tA. The Owner may utilize all or part of the existing site during the entire period of construction. The Contractor shall cooperate and coordinate with the Owner to facilitate the Owner's operations and to minimize interference with the Contractor's operations at the same time. In any event, the ' Owner shall be allowed access to the project site during the period of construction. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Summary of Work Project No. I 68 01010 2 I ' 1.08 PREVENTION OF SEWAGE SPILLS A. Contractor is solely responsible to develop construction methods and construction sequences as ' required to construct improvements per these contract documents while maintaining at all times the distribution of sewage in existing gravity lines, pumpage of sewage through the existing sewage pumping station and force main without causing a spill from the influent gravity sewer ' system. B. Should a sewage spill result from Contractor's work (e.g. a spill due to defective or ' improperly-maintained or improperly—operated Contractor-provided materials, equipment or workmanship; or improper construction phasing), Contractor shall be responsible to pay all costs associated with sewage spill cleanup and shall reimburse the Owner for any fines that regulatory ' agencies may assess it as a result of a spill. C. Contractor will not be held financially-responsible for spills caused by circumstances, events or conditions that are outside the scope of his contractual authority and obligations to Owner 1.09 DEFINITIONS APPLICABLE TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A. The following words have the meaning defined in the Technical Portions of the work. Indicated: Is a word used to direct the Contractor to information contained on the drawings or in the specifications. Terms such as 'shown, noted, 'scheduled, and 'specified' also may be used to assist in locating information but no limitation of location is implied or intended. 2. Furnish: Means to supply and deliver to the site, to unload and unpack ready for assembly installation, testing, and start-up. ' 3 Install: Defines operations at the site including assembly erection, placing, anchoring, applying, shaping to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, and cleaning, ready for the Owner's use. 4 Provide: Is defined as furnish and install,ready for the intended use. ' 5 Installer A person or firm engaged by the Contractor or any subcontractor for the perforniance of installation, erection, or application work at the site. Installers must be expert in the operations they are engaged to perform. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION t CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Summary of Work Project No. 168 01010 3 SECTION 01011 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. The Contractor's attention is directed to other portions of these Contract Documents which may contain other special requirements that are pertinent to this project. 1.02 GENERAL A. Protect Description: ' See Section 01010 of these Specifications and the Plans for a detailed project description. B. Protection of Existing Utilities: 1 The Contractor shall assume responsibility for protection of all existing utilities and facilities which are not intended for removal, and shall repair damaged or temporarily relocated utilities and facilities to equal or better condition than the utilities and facilities ' were in prior to damage or relocation. 2 Construction of the pump station and related improvements will involve excavations, trenching, shoring/bracing, and dewatcring activities. There may be existing water sewer, storm drains, electric, telephone or other utilities in the vicinity of those excavations, as indicated on the Plans. It is the Contractor's responsibility to implement ' this work in such a manner as to avoid damage to those existing facilities and to continuously maintain them in operation unless the contract documents explicitly permit their disturbance. Contractor shall dcwater the site, shore the excavation, or employ other remedial construction techniques as necessary throughout construction to control the excavation and avoid damage to existing facilities, at no additional cost to the Owner 3 Existing Sewage Pumping Station and Associated Facilities. The Contractor shall construct all work items in a manner as to keep all existing gravity sewer mains, sewage pumping station facilities, and sewer force main in full operation at all times during construction. Only after the new pumping station is brought on line, tested and accepted ' for its intended use, shall existing facilities identified on the plans for abandonment be abandoned. ' C. Scheduling: Prior to starting the construction, the Contractor shall submit a fully detailed schedule of work by which he will satisfy the contract construction schedule. D Dewatering Of Excavations. 1 The Contractor shall at all times during construction provide and maintain ample means ' and devices with which to promptly remove and properly dispose of all water entering the excavations or other parts of the work and shall keep said excavations dry until the pipelines or structures to be built therein are completed. Detailed requirements are provided in Section 02140. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station General Requirements Project No. 168 01011 I ' 2. The Contractor shall not cause a violation of any applicable water quality standards for receiving waters or discharge specifications adopted by the Regional Water Quality Control Board or the State Water Resources Control Board, or requirements by the Clean ' Water Act and regulations adopted hereunder. 3 The Contractor shall dispose of the dewatering discharge water so as not to cause injury ' to public or private property or to cause a nuisance or menace to the public. No water shall be drained into the work built or under construction. ' E. Storm-Water Management: 1 The Contractor shall set up, operate, and maintain storm-water management operations to: 1 a. Prevent water from entering excavations. ' b. Provide erosion control in conformance with Federal, State, and local regulations. ' 2 Water pumped out of excavations shall be disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. The Contractor shall obtain at his own expense, whatever permits are required for this work. F NOT USED G. Warranties: The term 'OWNER' as it pertains to warranties, shall refer to the Costa Mesa ' Sanitary District (CMSD). All equipment, materials, and workmanship warranties shall apply directly to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District(CMSD). 1.03 SITE CONDITIONS A. Site Investigation and Representation: 1 The Contractor acknowledges that he has satisfied himself as to the character, quality and quantity of surface and subsurface materials to be encountered from his inspection of ' the site and from reviewing any available records of exploratory work furnished by the Owner or included in these Documents. Failure by the Contractor to acquaint himself with the physical conditions of the site and all the available information will not relieve him from responsibility for properly estimating the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the work. 2. The Contractor warrants that as a result of his examination and investigation of all the ' aforesaid data that he can perform the work in a good and workmanlike manner and to the satisfaction of the Owner The Owner assumes no responsibility for any representations made by any of its officers or agents during or prior to the execution of this Contract, unless (1) such representations are expressly stated in the Contract, and (2) the Contract expressly provides that the responsibility therefore is assumed by the Owner ' B. Information on Site Conditions And Existing Facilities: Any information obtained by the Engineer regarding site conditions, subsurface information, ground-water elevations, existing construction of site facilities as applicable, and similar data will be available for inspection at Owner's office upon request. Such information is offered as supplementary information only and is not to be considered as part of the Contract Documents. Neither the Engineer nor the Owner CMSD Irvine Pumping Station General Requirements Project No. 168 01011 2 ' assumes any responsibility for the completeness or interpretation of such supplementary information. Sources of information concerning existing structure and equipment may contain errors, discrepancies, or omissions. It is the Contractor's responsibility to verify existing ' conditions as required. C. Geotechnical Investigation: A geotechnical investigation has been made by the Owner and ' provided as an attachment to this specification. D Contractor's Responsibility for Utility Properties and Service: 1 Under no circumstances expose any utility without first obtaining permission from the appropriate agency Once permission has been granted, locate, expose, and provide temporary support for all existing underground utilities. 2 The Contractor shall be solely and directly responsible to the Owner and operators of telephone, power, water, gas or sewer system for any damage, injury expense, loss, ' inconvenience, delay suits, actions, or claims of any character brought because of any injuries or damage which may result from the construction operations under this Contract. 3 Neither the Owner or its officers or agents shall be responsible to the Contractor for damages as a result of the Contractor's failure to protect utilities encountered in the work. ' 4 In the event of interruption to domestic water, sewer, storm drain, or other utility services as a result of accidental breakage due to construction operations, promptly notify the proper authority Cooperate with said authority in restoration of service as promptly as possible and bear all costs of repair In no case shall interruption of any water or utility service be allowed to exist outside working hours unless prior approval is granted. ' 5 The Contractor shall replace, at his own expense, any and all other existing utilities or structures removed or damaged during construction, unless otherwise provided for in these Contract Documents or ordered by the Engineer. ' 6 The Owner shall pay all costs charged by a public utility to modify their existing service facilities to service the pump station, as required for conformance to the requirements of the Contract Documents. E. Interfering Structures: ' 1 Contractor shall take necessary precautions to prevent damage to existing structures whether on the surface, aboveground, or underground. An attempt has been made to show major structures on the Drawings. While the information has been compiled from the best available sources, its completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed, and it is presented simply as a guide to avoid known possible difficulties. ' 2 Protect underground and aboveground existing structures from damage, whether or not they lie within the work limits and easements. Where such existing fences, gates, buildings, or any other structure must be removed in order to properly carry out the construction, or are damaged during construction, restore to their original condition to the satisfaction of the property owner involved at the Contractor's own expense. Notify the Engineer of any damaged underground structure, and make repairs or replacements before backfilling. ' CMSD Inine Pumping Station General Requirements Project No. 168 01011 3 ' 3 Without additional compensation, the Contractor may remove and replace in a condition as good as or better than original, such small miscellaneous structures as fences, mailboxes, and sign posts that interfere with the Contractor's operations. ' F NOT USED ' G. NOT USED 1.04 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION UTILITIES AND FACILITIES A. Construction Water Supply 1 Construction meters will be available to provide water for the construction of this project. ' It is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate with the City of Newport Beach for meter installation. Contractor shall pay deposit if required by City for installation of a construction water meter ' 2. Full compensation for all required construction water and associated work shall be considered to be included in the lump sum and unit prices of those bid items requiring water for construction, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. B. Temporary Electric Power: Electric power for the Contractor's construction use may or may not ' be available at or near the site. In either case, the Contractor shall determine the type and amount of electric power available and make arrangements for obtaining a separate electric power service and pay all costs for the electric power used during the Contract period, except as specifically provided for utilities used by the Owner on portions of the work designated in writing by the t Engineer as 'Substantially Complete' Electric power for performance and acceptance tests will be provided by the Contractor ' C. Safety Requirements for Temporary Electric Power. Temporary electric power installation shall meet construction safety requirements of OSHA, State, and other governing agencies. D Storage of Materials: Materials shall be so stored as to ensure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. When considered necessary they shall be placed on wooden platforms or other hard, clean surfaces, and not on the ground. Delicate instruments and materials subject to vandalism shall he placed under locked cover and, if necessary provided with temperature control as recommended by the manufacturer. Stored materials shall be located so as to facilitate prompt inspection. Private property shall not be used for storage purposes without the written ' permission of the Owner or lessee. The Contractor shall not be paid for materials stored on-site as 'Materials On-Hand' until they have been stored and protected in a satisfactory manner. E. Safe Access By Federal, State and Local Government Officials: Authorized representatives of the Owner and other government officials shall at all times have safe access to the work wherever it is in preparation or progress, and the Contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and inspection. F Traffic Maintenance and Safety ' 1 General Requirements: a. This special provision supplements Section 7 10 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, and as amended in these specifications. 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station General Requirements Project No. 168 01011 4 1 ' b. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to install and maintain all devices necessary so as to provide safe passage for the traveling public through and around work area at all times. c. Comply with traffic control plans prepared by Contractor and all rules and regulations of the City State, and County authorities regarding closing or ' restricting the use of public streets or highways. No public or private road shall be closed, except by express permission of the Owner Conduct the work so as to assure the least possible obstruction to traffic and normal commercial pursuits. ' Protect all obstructions within traveled roadways by installing approved signs, barricades, and lights where necessary for the safety of the public. The convenience of the general public and residents adjacent to the project, and the ' protection of persons and property are of prime importance and shall be provided for in an adequate and satisfactory manner. d. Where traffic will pass over trenches after they are backfilled and before they are ' paved, the top of the trench shall be maintained in a condition that will allow normal vehicular traffic to pass over Temporary access driveways must be provided where required. Cleanup operations shall follow immediately behind backfilling and the work site shall be kept in an orderly condition at all times. e. When flagmen and guards are required by regulation or when deemed necessary for safety they shall be furnished with approved orange wearing apparel and other regulation traffic-control devices. ' £ Contractor must comply to construction work hours per governing agency encroachment permit. 2. Detailed Requirements: a. The Contractor shall so conduct his operations as to cause the least possible obstructions and inconvenience to public traffic. Unless other existing streets are ' stipulated in the specifications to be used as detours, all traffic shall be permitted to pass through the work. ' b All safety orders, rules and recommendations of the Division of Industrial Safety of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California applicable to the work to be done under this contract, shall be obeyed and enforced by the ' Contractor. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable regulations of the owner c The provisions of this Section may be modified or altered if, in the opinion of the ' Engineer, public traffic will be better served and work expedited. Any proposed modification shall be approved in writing by the Engineer ' G. Protection of Property All materials which are subject to corrosion shall be protected by covering during wet weather periods. Even though materials will be sandblasted or otherwise cleaned prior to painting, do not allow such materials to become rusted by weathering exposure. ' H. Fire Prevention and Protection: The Contractor shall perform all work in a fire-safe manner He shall supply and maintain on the site adequate fire-fighting equipment capable of extinguishing incipient fires. The Contractor shall comply with applicable Federal, local, and State fire CMSD Irvine Pumping Station General Requirements Project No. 168 01011 5 ' prevention regulations. Where these regulations do not apply applicable parts of the National Fire Prevention Standard for Safeguarding Building Construction Operations (NFPA No. 241) shall be followed. Access for Police and Fire: ' 1 Notify the Fire Department and Police Department before closing any street or portion thereof. ' 2. No closing shall be made without the Owner's approval. Notify said departments when the streets are again passable for emergency vehicles. Conduct operations with the least interference to fire equipment access, and at no time prevent such access. ' 3. The Contractor shall leave his night emergency telephone number or numbers with the Police Department, so that contact may be made easily at all times in case of barricade and flare trouble or other emergencies. ' 1.05 PRESERVATION,RESTORATION AND CLEANUP ' A. Site Restoration and Cleanup: At all times during the work, keep the premises clean and orderly and upon completion of the work, repair all damage caused by equipment and leave the project free of rubbish of excess materials of any kind. 2. Upon completion of the work, all materials, equipment, and appurtenances not required ' as a part of or appurtenant to the completed structure or facility shall be completely removed from the Owner's property All damage caused by contractor activities shall be repaired per Section 7-9 of the Greenbook, and these specifications. ' B. Dust Prevention: Give all unpaved streets, roads, detours, or haul roads used in the construction area an approved dust-preventive treatment or periodically water to prevent dust. Applicable environmental regulations for dust prevention shall be strictly enforced. C. NOT USED 1.07 QUALITY CONTROL A. All dimensions and conditions shall be verified by the Contractor in the field and Contractor shall ' be responsible for any inaccuracies in the work. Any conditions which prevent proper completion of the work shall be reported in writing to the Engineer and Contractor shall assume responsibility for the removal, repair, or replacement at his own expense. 1.08 NOT USED ' 1.09 RIGHT OF REJECTION A. Materials or equipment, which in any respect fail to meet the requirements of these Specifications, regardless of whether the defects in such articles or materials are detected at the point of manufacture or after completion of the work at the site, shall be subject to rejection by the Owner at all times and places. If materials or equipment which are defective or not in accordance with the Specifications have been accepted due to an oversight or otherwise by Owner ' CMSD lrvme Pumping Station General Requirements Project No. 168 01011 6 I ' or the Owner's representative, they may no matter in what condition or stage of manufacture or erection, be rejected by the Owner. ' B. All rejected materials or equipment shall be removed from the construction site promptly and all costs of removal and replacement of said materials or equipment shall be borne by the Contractor ' 1.10 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OWNER A. The Owner shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of existing facilities ' throughout the period of construction. This responsibility extends to all existing equipment regardless of whether it is included within the scope of the Contractor's activities as part of this work. 1.11 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR A. All new equipment installed by the Contractor shall be provided with the manufacturer's t recommended oil and lubricants by the Contractor and shall be maintained and operated by the Contractor until final acceptance by the Owner, however, specific equipment designated in writing by the Engineer as meeting the requirements for Substantial Completion may at the Owner's discretion,be operated and maintained by the Owner. B. The Contractor shall not, at any time, take any action which would affect the Owner's operation t of the existing system, except as specifically required by the Drawings and Specifications and after approval is granted by the Owner. Request approval 5 working days in advance of the time that interruption of the existing system is required. ' C. The Contractor shall maintain safe access to these facilities as required to permit the Owner to fulfill its operation and maintenance responsibilities on a 24-hour basis. At night, the Contractor shall install approved signs, barricades, and lights as necessary for the safety of the Owner's operators. Temporary access across ditches or around other obstructions shall be provided as necessary to enable the Owner to gain safe access to these facilities during the day or at night. PART 2 PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 1 t ' CD1SD Irvine Pumping Station General Requirements Project No. 168 01011 7 SECTION 01014 WORK SEOUENCE PART GENERAL 1.01 CONTINUITY OF SYSTEM OPERATION ' A. General: The existing wastewater pump station, the associated force main and gravity mains in the area are currently and continuously conveying sewage, and those functions shall not be interrupted. The Contractor shall coordinate the work to avoid any stoppage of pumping at any time throughout the construction period. Subsequent to successful field testing of the new pump station and associated facilities and electrical / control system (to confirm their function, control and reliability), and with Owner s approval, the existing pump station shall be removed and disposed and/or salvage by the Contractor The Contractor shall keep the Owner representative and the Engineer fully advised as to his plans for carrying out the work and obtains the Resident Engineer's approval for all phases of his operations, as hereinafter specified. B. NOT USED ' C. NOT USED D Bypass Pumping and Prevention of Sewer Overflows: The Contractor shall bear the sole responsibility for any bypass pumping plan that may be utilized during the construction period. 2. Overflow of untreated sewage to surface waters or drainage courses is prohibited during construction. In the event accidental overflow is caused by the Contractor's operations, the ' Owner shall immediately be entitled to employ others, at Contractor s expense, to stop the overflow ' 3 Penalties imposed on the Owner as a result of any overflow caused by the actions of the Contractor, his employees, or subcontractors, shall be borne in full by the Contractor including legal fees and other expenses to the Owner resulting directly or indirectly from ' the bypass. In the event accidental overflow occurs, the Owner is liable for the penalties as imposed by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Colorado River Basin Region, under the terms of the Owner's current NPDES permit. 1.02 OUTAGE PLAN A. The Contractor shall submit a detailed outage plan and time schedule for operations which will ' make it necessary to remove;replace any pipeline, fittings, electrical circuit, equipment or structure from service. The schedule shall be coordinated with the construction schedule specified in Section 6-1 of the Standard Specifications and the Greenbook, and shall meet the restrictions and conditions specified in this section. The detailed plan shall describe the Contractor's method for preventing system overflows, the length of time required to complete said operation, and the necessary pumps and equipment which the Contractor shall provide to prevent system overflow CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Work Sequence Project No. 168 01014 1 B. The Contractor shall observe the following requirements: 1 Systems or individual equipment items shall be isolated, dewatercd, decommissioned, de energized, or depressurized in accordance with the approved detailed outage plan and schedule. The Owner representative and the Engineer shall be notified in writing at least one week or as specified below in advance of the planned operation. Whenever the construction work requires dewatering or bypassing portions of the facilities, the Contractor shall provide the necessary pumping and bypassing facilities to maintain the ' wastewater flow at no additional cost to the Owner 3 Whenever temporary relocation of existing facilities is required for execution of the work, the Contractor shall provide the necessary labor and temporary piping and wiring as required at no additional cost to the Owner. 4 Any temporary facilities and equipment not required after completion of the final work ' shall be promptly removed. If the Contractor does not remove the temporary facilities, the Owner will remove the facilities at the Contractor's expense. ' 5 The Contractor shall not begin an alteration until specific permission has been granted by the Resident Engineer in each case. The Resident Engineer will coordinate the Contractor's planned procedure with the operation of this pumping facility The making of ' connections to existing facilities or other operations that interfere with the operation of the existing equipment shall be completed as quickly as possible and with as little delay as possible. Any operational functions of the existing pump station that arc required to be done to facilitate the work of the Contractor will be performed by Owner personnel only as identified in approved planning documentation. ' 6. If it is necessary for proper operation or maintenance of the pump station, the Contractor shall reschedule construction operations so that the work will not conflict with necessary operations or maintenance of the pump station. This shall be at no additional cost to the Owner. PART 2 PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS A. Contractor shall prepare a Sequence of Work for Owner s review and approval, within 15 working days after the Award of a Contract. The approved Sequence of Work shall comply with the following requirements, except as may be otherwise approved in writing by Owner ' I Contractor shall maintain the gravity sewer lines. the existing force main, and the existing sewage pump station in good working condition up and until the point of completion of all of the planned work items. All facilities shown on the Demolition Plan shall only be abandoned ' after the new pump station and associated facilities are constructed, tested and approved by the Owner 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Work Sequence Project No. 168 01014 2 2. Contractor shall develop the Sequence of Work utilizing the information outlined in Section 3.02 below 3.02 CONSTRUCTION PHASING A. Construction shall comply with the following major construction phases: t1 The construction phasing for this project will generally be as follows, although it is the Contractor's responsibility to develop a Sequence of Work plan for review and approval by ' the Owner The suggested construction phasing is provided as a courtesy and it is the Contractor s responsibility to develop and implement a sequence of work that allow for construction of the improvements in the allowable number of working days. 1 a. Develop the traffic control plans for submittal to the Owner, along with all other necessary permits and paperwork. ' b. Mobilize equipment, materials, and labor force to project site. c. Install shoring and bracing for excavation and construction of the pump station ' structures, i.e. emergency storage vault, wet well, sewer manhole(s), and valve vault. d. Construct all pipelines including the new gravity sewer mains and the new force main. Do not connect them to the existing system until the new pump station is constructed and operation is approved by Owner ' e. Install pump discharge piping, valves, and appurtenances for the pump station. f. Install complete electrical and control system. Start up and testing of new pump station system including pumps, alarms, control functions, and failure modes using domestic (potable) water via temporary discharge line using loop system or existing force main. Pump station operation shall be approved by District prior to the introduction of sewer flows to the system. ' h. Connect the force main and gravity lines to the new pump station. Retest station. i. Demolish the existing pump station and all facilities called out for removal. Complete all street improvements and paving work. k. Final clean up and punch list. END OF SECTION t 1 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Work Sequence Project No 168 01014 3 SECTION 01039 COORDINATION AND MEETINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1 1.01 GENERAL A. In addition to coordination requirements, this section includes information on the preconstruction meeting, the site mobilization meeting and progress meetings. ' 1.02 COORDINATION A. Coordinate scheduling, submittals, and work of the various sections of the Specifications to tassure an efficient and orderly sequence of installation of interdependent construction elements. B. Verify utility requirements and characteristics of operating equipment are compatible with building utilities. Coordinate work of various sections having interdependent responsibilities for installing, connecting to, and placing in service, such equipment. C. Coordinate space requirements and installation of mechanical and electrical work which are ' indicated diagrammatically on drawings. Follow routing shown for pipes, ducts, and conduit, as closely as practicable; place runs parallel with line of building. Utilize spaces efficiently to maximize accessibility for other installations, for maintenance, and for repairs. ' D Coordinate completion and clean up of work of separate sections in preparation for Substantial Completion and for portions of work designated for Owner's partial utilization. E. After Owner occupancy of premises, coordinate access to site for correction of defective work and work not in accordance with Contract Documents, to minimize disruption of Owner's ' activities. F Coordinate with other contractors working onsite to avoid impacting their operations, and to insure that facility interfaces arc properly joined. ' 1.03 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING A. Prior to the commencement of work at the site, a preconstruction conference will be held at a mutually agreed time and place. The Contractor's Project Manager, its superintendent, and subcontractors as the Contractor deems appropriate shall attend the preconstruction conference. ' Other attendees will be: Construction Manager 2. Representative of the Owner ' 3 4 Governmental representatives as appropriate. Design Consultants 5 Others as requested by the Contractor, Owner, or Construction Manager B. Unless previously submitted to the Construction Manager the Contractor shall bring to the conference information requested with the notification of the time and place of the preconstruction conference. ! CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Coordination And Meetings Project No. 168 01039 1 I ' C. The purpose of the conference is to designate responsible personnel and establish a working relationship. Matters requiring coordination will be discussed and procedures for handling such matters established. The complete agenda will be furnished to the Contractor prior to the meeting I date. However,the Contractor should be prepared to discuss all of the items listed below 1 Status of Contractor's insurance and bonds. 2. Contractor's tentative schedules. I 3 4 Transmittal,review and distribution of Contractor's submittals. Processing applications for payment. S Maintaining record documents. I 6. 7 Critical work sequencing. Field decisions and Change Orders. 8. Use of project site, office and storage areas, security housekeeping, and Owner's needs. I 9 Major equipment deliveries and priorities. 10. Contractor's assignments for safety and first aid. D The Construction Manager will preside at the preconstruction conference and will arrange for recording and distributing the minutes in written form to all persons in attendance. 1.04 SITE MOBILIZATION MEETING IA. The Construction Manager will schedule a meeting at the Project site prior to Contractor occupancy ' B. Attendance Required: Owner, Construction Manager, Contractor, Superintendent, and major Subcontractors. IC. Agenda. 1 Use of premises by Owner and Contractor. I 2. Owner's requirements and partial occupancy if applicable. 3 Construction facilities and controls provided by Owner 4 Temporary utilities provided by Owner. s Survey and building layout. ' 6. Security and housekeeping procedures. 7 Schedules. 8. Procedures for testing. I 9 Procedures for maintaining record documents. 10. Requirements for start-up of equipment. 11 Inspection and acceptance of equipment put into service during construction period. ' D The Construction Manager will record minutes and distribute copies to all participants. I1.05 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. The Construction Manager shall schedule and hold regular on-site progress meetings at least I weekly and at other times as required by progress of the Work. The Contractor shall attend, and may also bring representatives of its suppliers, manufacturers, and subcontractors. B. The Construction Manager shall preside at the meetings and will arrange for keeping and Idistributing the minutes. The purpose of the meetings will be to review the progress of the Work, maintain coordination of efforts, discuss changes in scheduling, and resolve other problems which may develop. During each meeting, the Contractor is required to present any issues which may Iimpact his work, with a view to resolve these issues expeditiously ICMSD lrvme Pumping Station Coordination And Meetings Project No. 168 01039 2 ' PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) ' PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 1 1 I t ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Coordination And Meetings Project No. 168 01039 ' SECTION 01300 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL ' A. Contractor shall submit descriptive information which will enable the Engineer to advise the Owner whether the Contractor's proposed materials, equipment or methods of work are in general conformance with the design concept and are in compliance with the drawings and ' specifications. The information to be submitted shall consist of drawings, specifications, descriptive data, certificates, samples, test results and other such information, all as specifically required in the specifications. Contractor shall comply with SSPWC (Greenbook) Section 2 5.3 ' except as modified by the requirements described herein. B. Submittals shall be provided as indicated above in Paragraph 1.O1A whether or not submittal requirements are specifically addressed by a particular specification section. ' C. All submittals shall be provided, even if done so only at Owner s specific request, at no additional cost to Owner 1.02 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES ' A. The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in each submittal and shall assure that the materials, equipment or method of work shall be as described in the submittal. Submittals shall contain all required information, ' including satisfactory identification of items, units and assemblies in relation to the contract drawings and specifications. The Contractor shall verify that the material and equipment described in each submittal conforms to the requirements of the specifications and drawings. ' Unless otherwise approved by the Resident Engineer submittals shall be made only by the Contractor, who shall indicate by a signed stamp on the submittals that the Contractor has checked the submittals and that the work shown conforms to contract requirements and has been checked for dimensions and relationship with work of all other trades involved. If the ' information shows deviations from the specifications or drawings, the Contractor by statement in writing accompanying the information, shall identify the deviations and state the reason(s) therefore. The Contractor shall insure that there is no conflict with other submittals and shall t notify the Engineer in each case where the Contractor s submittal may affect the work of another contractor or the Owner The Contractor shall insure coordination of submittals among the related crafts and subcontractors. ' B. The Contractor may authorize a material or equipment supplier to deal directly with the Engineer or with the Owner with regard to a submittal. The Contractor however shall he ' responsible for the accuracy and completeness of information contained in all submittals. 1.03 TRANSMITTAL PROCEDURE ' A. General: Submittals regarding material and equipment shall be accompanied by a transmittal form from the Contractor in accordance with this section. A separate form shall be used for each specific item, class of material, equipment, and items specified in separate, discrete sections for which a submittal is required. However submittals for various items shall be made tCMSD Irvine Pumping Station Submittal Procedure Project No. 168 01300 1 1 with a single form only when the items taken together constitute a manufacturer's package or are so functionally related that expediency indicates checking or review of the group or package as a whole. ' Each set of submittals or samples shall be attached to the submittal transmittal form. The submittal number shall be made up of two parts: XXX-ZZ. The XXX shall be sequential number 001 for the first item submitted, 002 for the second, etc. The ZZ shall be the sequential number of a specific submittal or resubmittal (01 for the first submittal, 02 for the first resubmittal, etc.). All submittals shall show the contract title, shall indicate the name of the vendor, and shall indicate when the equipment and/or material will be required by the construction schedule. The submittal must be adequate to permit a comprehensive review without further reference to the Contractor. The documents submitted must be separately identifiable on the Contractor's submittal transmittal form. B Deviation from Contract: If the Contractor proposes to provide material or equipment which does not conform to the specifications and drawings, he shall indicate so under 'deviations' on the submittal transmittal form accompanying the submittal copies. C. Submittal Completeness: Submittals which do not have all the information required to be ' submitted, including deviations, shall be considered as not complying with the intent of the contract and are not acceptable and will be returned without review ' D Review of Second and Subsequent Resubmittals: Costs associated with the review of the second resubmittal and any subsequent resubmittals shall be borne by the Contractor The Contractor will be billed for these costs by the Owner Costs due may be deducted from progress payments ' due the Contractor by the City 1.04 REVIEW PROCEDURE ' A. When the contract requires a submittal, the Contractor shall submit the specified information to the Resident Engineer for review as follows: ' 1 Six(6) copies of all the submitted information. 2. Only three(3) sets of sample materials need to be submitted. B. Within 30 calendar days after receipt of the submittal by the Resident Engineer, the submittal ' shall be reviewed and returned. On complex drawings and equipment the Resident Engineer shall acknowledge receipt within 30 days and advise the Contractor when the submittal will be returned. The returned submittals shall indicate one of the following actions. ' 1 If the review indicates that the material, equipment or work method is in general conformance with the design concept and complies with the Drawings and Specifications, submittal copies will be marked 'NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN' In this event, the Contractor may begin to implement the work method or incorporate the material or equipment covered by the submittal. If the review indicates limited corrections arc required, copies will be marked 'MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED' The Contractor may begin implementing the work method or incorporating the material and equipment covered by the submittal in accordance with the noted corrections. Where submittal information will be incorporated in Operation and Maintenance Data, a corrected copy shall be provided. ' CMSD Irvine Pumpini, Station Submittal Procedure Project No. 168 01300 2 ' 3 If the review reveals that the submittal is insufficient or contains incorrect data, copies will be marked AMEND AND RESUBMIT' Except at his own risk, the Contractor shall not undertake work covered by this submittal until the submittal has been revised. resubmitted and returned marked either 'NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN' or 'MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED' ' 4 If the review indicates that the material, equipment or work method is not in general conformance with the design concept or in compliance with the Drawings and Specifications, copies of the submittal will be marked 'REJECTED SEE REMARKS' Submittals with deviations which have not been identified clearly may be rejected. Except at his own risk, the Contractor shall not undertake work covered by such submittal until a new submittal is made and returned marked either 'NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN' or 'MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED' C. Resubmittals shall include the entire submittal package. No changes shall be made by the Contractor on resubmittals other than those changes indicated on the reviewed submittal, unless such changes are clearly described in a letter accompanying the resubmittal. D All submittal review costs incurred by the Engineer for review of third and subsequent shop ' drawing submittals shall be borne by the Contractor 1.05 EFFECT OF REVIEW OF CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTAL ' A. Review of drawings, methods of work, or information regarding materials or equipment the Contractor proposes to provide, shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for errors ' therein and shall not be regarded as an assumption of risks or liability by the Resident Engineer the Engineer or the Owner, or by any officer, employee or subcontractor thereof, and the Contractor shall have no claim under the contract on account of the failure or partial failure, of ' the method of work, material, or equipment so reviewed. A mark of 'NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN' or 'MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED' shall mean that the Owner has no objection to the Contractor upon his own responsibility using the plan or method of work proposed, or providing the materials or equipment proposed. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 1 PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) i END OF SECTION CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Submittal Procedure Project No. 168 01300 3 ' SECTION 01360 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INFORMATION PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE ' A. The Contractor shall provide six (6) sets of operating and maintenance instructions for all equipment and devices furnished under this contract. The operating and maintenance material supplied shall be original printed copies of manufacturer's brochures and/or manuals. ' Photocopied material will not be acceptable. Operating and maintenance instructions for each item of equipment and each equipment assembly shall consist of: 1. Names and addresses of manufacturer, nearest representative of manufacturer, and nearest supplier of manufacturer's equipment and parts. 2. For equipment requiring lubrication, the manufacturer's recommended lubricants and lubrication schedule. 3 For equipment containing integral electrical controls, diagrams showing internal and ' connection wiring. 4 Specified operating and maintenance information. This information shall include,but not necessarily be limited to, the following items: a. Equipment data: Information listed on the three Equipment Maintenance ' Summary sheets shall be provided and information shall be typewritten. The Contractor shall provide a good quality photocopy of the three Equipment Maintenance Summary sheets for review and shall make corrections to the ' originals as noted in the submittal review comments. Sufficient copies of the blank forms will be furnished by the Owner ' b. Start-up procedures: These instructions shall include equipment manufacturer's recommendations regarding installation, adjustment, calibration and trouble shooting. c. Operating procedures: These instructions shall include the equipment manufacturer's recommended step-by-step procedures for starting, operating and stopping the equipment under all modes of operation. d. Preventive maintenance procedures: These instructions shall include the equipment manufacturer's recommendations regarding the steps and schedules to be followed in maintaining the equipment. c. Parts list: This list shall include generic title and identification number of each component part of the equipment. f. Exploded views: These shall be provided where appropriate. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Operating and Maintenance Information Project No. 168 01360 1 1 g. Spare parts list: This list shall include the manufacturer's recommendations of number of parts which should be stored by the Owner h. Overhaul instructions. These instructions shall consist of the manufacturer's directions for the disassembly repair and reassembly of the equipment. ' 1.02 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE A. Operating and maintenance (O&M) instructions shall be submitted to the Resident Engineer accompanied by the submittal transmittal form described in Section 01300. B. Six (6) copies of the specified operating and maintenance information shall be provided. For ease ' of identification, each manufacturer's brochure and manual shall be appropriately labeled with the equipment name, equipment number and specification number, as it appears in the contract documents. The information shall be organized in binders in numerical order by the specification section numbers assigned in the contract documents. The binders shall be provided with a table of contents and tab sheets to permit easy location of desired information. Each numerical section shall contain a complete itemized data list with equipment name and equipment number for the ' information contained in that section. Binders shall be of the three-post type with metal piano hinges, back and locking slide bar assembly and be capable of extending to a maximum of 6 inches but used as 4-inch binders. All binders shall be similar and be National 98-381, Wilson Jones catalog covers No. 564-64 LH, or equal. C. Contractor may submit operating and maintenance instructions by individual specification section or in final form according to the above instructions. ' D If the Contractor chooses to submit the O&M instructions by individual specification section, the following procedure shall be used: ' 1 Contractor shall submit one (1) copy of O&M instructions, along with a good quality photocopy of associated Equipment Maintenance Summary sheets, for each specification ' section for review 2. Submittals will be returned with a review sheet and comments. 3 Contractor shall resubmit, if requested by the Resident Engineer, and retain all copies of approved submittals until all sections have been approved. ' 4 When all sections have been approved, Contractor shall organize and bind the manuals for all the sections of the contract specifications according to the above instructions and submit one complete set of O&M instructions for final review Contractor shall submit ' separately and unbound the completed original Equipment Maintenance Summary sheets. 5 Final review will be for the organization and binding of a complete set of manuals as ' specified and will not include review of previously approved material. 6. When the complete set is approved, the Contractor shall submit six (6) complete sets to the Resident Engineer as approved and specified. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Operating and Maintenance Information Project No. 168 01360 2 E. If the Contractor chooses to submit the O&M instructions in final form, without previous approval of individual specification sections, the following procedure shall be used: ' 1 Contractor shall submit one (1) complete set of O&M instructions, along with a good quality photocopy of associated Equipment Maintenance Summary sheets, organized and bound according to the above instructions for review Equipment Maintenance Summary sheets shall be placed with their associated specification sections for review 2. The set will be returned with review sheets and comments pertaining to the manual organization and binding, as well as the contents. 3 Contractor shall continue to resubmit the one (1) complete set of O&M instructions, as ' requested by the Resident Engineer, until entirely approved. 4 When the complete set is approved, the Contractor shall submit six (6) complete sets to the Resident Engineer as approved and specified. Contractor shall submit separately and unbound, the completed original Equipment Maintenance Summary sheets. F If the manufacturer's standard brochures and manuals are used to describe O&M procedures, such brochures and manuals shall be modified to reflect only the model or series of equipment used on this project. Extraneous material shall be crossed out neatly or otherwise annotated or eliminated. ' 1.03 FIELD CHANGES A. Following the acceptable installation and operation of an equipment item, the item's O&M ' instructions shall be modified and supplemented by the Contractor to reflect any field changes or information required by field conditions. PART 2 MATERIALS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION I ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Operating and Maintenance Information Project No, 168 01360 3 ' SECTION 01410 TESTING AND INSPECTION PART I GENERAL ' 1.01 SCOPE ' A. This section addresses testing laboratory services and inspections required during the course of construction, as specified. ' 1.02 TESTING LABORATORY A. Selection of Laboratory' Testing and inspections will be performed by the Contractor using an ' independent testing laboratory subject to approval by the District. B. Testing Requirements: Testing and inspection services which are performed will be in accordance with requirements of the Uniform Building Code, and as specified herein. ' 1.03 PAYMENTS ' A. Tests Showing Compliance: Costs of initial testing and inspection,as specified,will be paid by the Contractor per the specific bid item,providing such testing and inspection indicates compliance with Contract Documents. Initial tests and inspections are defined as the first test and inspections as ' specified herein. B. Tests Showing Failure: In the event a test or inspection indicates failure of a material or procedure to meet requirements of Contract Documents,costs for retesting and re-inspection will be borne by the Contractor C. Additional Tests at Owner's Request: Additional tests and inspections not specified herein but requested by the Owner will be paid for by the Owner unless result of such tests and inspections are found to be not in compliance with Contract Documents,in which case the Owner will pay all costs for initial testing as well as retesting and re-inspection and backeharge the Contractor D Correction of Deficiencies: Costs for construction activities which are required to correct deficiencies shall be borne by the Contractor 1.04 AVAILABILITY OF SAMPLES ' A. Acquisition of Samples: Contractor shall make materials required for testing available and assist in acquiring these materials as directed by Engineer The samples shall be taken under the immediate direction and supervision of the Engineer ' B Uncovering Construction. If construction which is required to be tested or inspected is covered up without prior notice or approval, such construction may be uncovered at the discretion of the ' Engineer C. Advance Notice for Inspections. Unless otherwise specified,Contractor shall notify the Engineer a minimum of 10 working days in advance of required inspections. Extra construction activities ' resulting from a failure to notify the Laboratory shall be paid for by the Contractor iDASD Irvine Pumping Station Testing and Inspection Project No. 168 01410 1 ' D Cancellation of Tests or Inspection: Contractor shall give sufficient advance notice to the Engineer in the event of cancellation or time extension of a scheduled test or inspection. Charges due to insufficient advance notice of cancellations or time extension shall be paid for by the Contractor. 1.05 REMOVAL OF MATERIALS ' A. Unless otherwise directed,materials not conforming to the requirements of Contract Documents shall be promptly removed from the Project site. PART 2 PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 EXECUTION ' 3.01 EARTHWORK A. Engineer's Role: The Engineer will provide continuous inspection of fill and will field test fill and ' earth backfill as placed and compacted, and inspect excavations and subgrade before concrete is placed and provide periodic inspection of open excavations,embankments,and other cuts or vertical surfaces of earth. The Engineer will submit a report indicating that he has observed and tested fills and that in his opinion the fills were placed in accordance with the Project Specifications. B. Removal of Unsatisfactory Material: Contractor shall remove unsatisfactory material,reroll,adjust ' moisture, place new material, or in the case of excavations, provide proper protective measures, perform other operation necessary as directed by the Engineer whose decisions and directions will be considered final. C. Test and Inspection Procedure: ' 1 General: Allow sufficient time for testing and evaluation of results before material is needed. The Engineer will be sole and final judge of suitability of all materials. 2. Tests: Laboratory compaction tests to be used will be in accordance with ASTM D1557 ' 3 Field Density Tests. Field density tests will be made in accordance with ASTM D1556 or ASTM D2922. 4 Number Of Tests: The number of tests will be determined by Engineer. S Use of Tested Materials. Materials in question may not be used pending test results. 6. Excavation and Embankment Inspection Procedure. Excavation and embankment inspection ' procedure: Engineer will visually or otherwise examine such areas for bearing values. 3.02 TESTING OF CONCRETE ' A. General: Notify Engineer of brand and type of cement and sources of aggregates in time for review sampling and testing, if required. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Testing and Inspection Project No. 168 01410 2 1 B. Number of Tests: At least three cylinders for each 100 cubic yards or each separate mix design of concrete of required strength in excess of 2000 psi,or fraction thereof being placed each day will be taken. ' C. Sampling Procedures: Cylinders will be taken so as to represent as nearly as possible the batch of concrete from which they are taken. Sampling procedures shall conform to ASTM C 172. D Test Cylinders: Test cylinders shall be made and cured in compliance with ASTM C 31 except as modified herein. E. Test Procedures: Test cylinders from respective batches, one at age of 7 days, and one at age of 28 days. The third shall be tested as directed if concrete strength is under that specified. Cylinder ' testing procedures shall conform to ASTM C39 for strength. F Slump Tests: Slump tests shall be taken as required by Testing Laboratory to certify compliance with ' Contract Documents. Slump shall be tested in accordance with ASTM CI43 G. Compressive Strength: Minimum compressive strength of test cylinders,in pounds per square inch, shall not be less than the specified required design strength. H. Test Cores: If minimum strengths of test cylinders fall below those specified,Engineer may require test cores from hardened concrete to be taken and tested. Each core test, if taken, shall consist of 3 cores. Costs of such cores and tests shall be borne by the Contractor. Cores shall be taken in accordance with ASTM C42,from locations selected by Engineer Contractor shall repair core holes with dry-pack or a nonshrinking mortar. fI Test Core Strength. Concrete tested by coring shall be considered acceptable if the average strength of three cores is equal to at least 85 percent of the minimum specified 28 day ' strength and if no single core strength is less the 75 percent of the minimum 28 day strength. 3.03 CONCRETE INSPECTIONS A. An authorized inspector of the Owner will be present at all times during placing of structural, reinforced cast-in-place concrete. Before placing concrete he will inspect and approve Of satisfactory) accuracy of all formwork and quantity and placement of all reinforcing steel. ' Concrete construction activities shall not proceed until inspections are complete and the inspected construction is approved. ' 3.04 CONCRETE MIX DESIGNS A. General: Refer to requirements specified in Section 03300 B. Revised Mix Designs: In addition to original mix designs, provide new mix designs if change in brand or type of cement or change in source or gradation of aggregate is permitted, or if defective concrete occurs. C. Cost of Mix Designs: Contractor shall pay all costs for mix designs. 3.05 CONCRETE PLANT INSPECTION A. Certificates: The manufacturer of structural concrete shall deliver to the Inspector a certificate with ' each mixer truck in accordance with ASTM C94,Section 16.1 and all items of 16.2 with the addition ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Testing and Inspection Project No. 168 01410 3 1 of type and brand of cement and admixtures, source and identification of aggregates. Certificates shall be from a public weighfmaster Inspector will not accept concrete which is not accompanied by and identified by the above certificate. B. Periodic Inspection: Periodic inspection of quality of materials used may be made by Testing Laboratory as directed by Engineer ' 3.06 REINFORCING STEEL A. Certificates: Provide mill test certificates identifying chemical and physical analysis of each load of reinforcing steel delivered. ' 3.07 STRUCTURAL STEEL A. Certificates: Mill certificates or affidavits and manufacturers'certification shall be supplied to the Inspector for verification of steel materials. Engineer shall be notified at least two working days in advance of fabrication and supplied with the reports so that he can make a shop inspection of the steel. ' B. Tests of Steel Materials: Refer to Section 05500 for tests required for local stock or unidentified steel. Such testing shall be paid for by the Contractor ' C. General Inspection: Inspection at Fabricator's Plant: The Engineer will visit the fabricator's plant to verify that materials used check with the mill tests, affidavits of test reports, and that fabrication and welding procedures meet specifications. ' 2. Inspection at Job Site: The Engineer will visually check fabricated steel delivered to the Project against the working and reviewed shop drawings for compliance and he will make physical tests, measurements,as required to meet the Specifications. Shop fillet welds will be visually checked. ' 3 Inspection of Steel Welding. Inspection of steel welding shall be made to insure that seam welds and puddle welds are made in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications. ' Inspection shall insure that proper electrodes,current,travel and speed are used and that no cracks, serious undercutting, overlap, surface holes or slag inclusions occur. END OF SECTION 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Testing and Inspection Project No. 168 01410 4 ' SECTION 01505 MOBILIZATION I PART I GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. Mobilization shall include the acquisition of all permits; moving onto the site of all plant and equipment; furnishing and erecting plants, temporary buildings, and other construction facilities; and implementing security requirements; all as required for the proper performance and completion of the work. Mobilization shall include but not be limited to the following principal items, and shall not exceed S°rr of the total contract: Moving on to the site of all Contractor's plant and equipment required for construction ' operations. 2. Installing temporary construction power,wiring, and lighting facilities. 3 Establishing fire protection system. 4 Developing construction water supply as required. 5 Providing field office trailer for the Contractor(at Contractor's option). 6 Providing all on-site communication facilities, including telephones and radios for Contractor personnel. 1 7 Providing on-site sanitary facilities and potable water facilities for Contractor personnel. 8. Arranging for, and establishment of, Contractor's storage yard as required. (Contractor is solely responsible for obtaining property owner agreements to use private property for storage or laydown areas per the contract documents.) ' 9 Constructing and implementing security features and requirements in compliance with the Contract Documents. ' 10 Obtaining all required permits, including CalTrans Double Permit(if needed). 11 Having all OSHA required notices and establishment of safety programs. ' 12. Submitting initial submittals. 1.02 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES PLAN A. Prior to commencement of any field work, the Contractor shall submit a Construction Facilities Plan to Construction Manager for approval. Said plan shall show the layout, equipment, materials and procedures that Contractor proposes for construction of temporary electrical, telephone, lighting, heating, water, sanitation, field offices and sheds, and other similar site facilities. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Mobilization Project No. 16S 01505 l 1 ' B. The Contractor's site office and other construction facilities shall be of a temporary nature. The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the security of his site office and laydown area, and for all its plant, materials, equipment and tools at all times. 1 1.03 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. The contractor shall be compensated 50% of this item once mobilization activities are complete, and 50%at project completion and completion of demobilization activities. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) ' PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION t 1 1 1 I 1 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Mobilization Project No 168 01505 2 1 ' SECTION 01540 SECURITY PART I GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. The Contractor shall safely guard all work, materials, equipment and property from loss, theft, damage and vandalism. Contractors' duty to safely guard property from injury or loss in connection with the performance of the Work shall include the Owner s property and other ' private property B. The Contractor shall employ watchmen as needed to provide the required security and prevent unauthorized entry C. The Contractor may make no claim against the Owner for damage resulting from trespass. D The party responsible for security shall make good all damage to property of Owner and others arising from failure to provide adequate security ' E. If existing fencing or barriers are breached or removed for purposes of construction, the Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary security fencing equal to the existing in a manner satisfactory to the Resident Engineer. ' F Security measures taken by the Contractor shall be at least equal to those usually provided by the Owner to protect the existing facilities during normal operation. ' G. A security program shall be maintained throughout construction until final acceptance and occupancy precludes need for Contractors security program. ' PART 2 MATERIALS (NOT USED) ' PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Security Project Nu. 168 01540 I SECTION 01560 TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS 1 ' PART I GENERAL 1.01 EXPLOSIVES AND BLASTING A. The use of explosives on the work will not be permitted. 1.02 AIR QUALITY A. General: The Contractor shall not create significant direct air quality impacts during the performance of the work. The Contractor shall take corrective measures, as required by the Construction Manager, to prevent significant air quality impacts during the work period. B. Dust Control: The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, and means required and shall ' carry out effective measures wherever and as often as necessary to prevent its operation from producing dust in amounts damaging to property cultivated vegetation, or domestic animals, or causing a nuisance to persons living in or occupying buildings in the vicinity The Contractor ' shall be responsible for damage resulting from any dust originating from its operations. The Contractor shall provide adequate watering or other dust control measures to control dust on the work site. Dust control shall prevent fugitive dust from leaving the work area. Dust control or ground cover on graded areas left exposed for more than 90 days shall be provided by the Contractor. If necessary the Contractor shall wash or sweep the adjacent access roads on the construction site to keep adjoining public roads clean. ' C. Equipment Control: All motorized construction vehicles operating onsite for more than 90 days shall have a low NOx emission engine tune-up. Documented proof of tune-ups shall be made available to the Construction Manager when requested. D Management: The Contractor shall encourage ride sharing among Contractor personnel and shall develop a voluntary ride share program. ' 1.03 \%ATER POLLUTION CONTROL ' A. The Contractor shall abide by the conditions and requirements of the State Water Resources Control Board, Construction Activities Storm Water General Permit as well as regional board (RWQCB) requirements for discharge of non-stormwater into receiving waters. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for developing and implementing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in the event the construction project disturbs one (1) acre or more of ' soil. The SWPPP shall be prepared prior to commencement of construction activities. Contractors on projects that require the preparation of a SWPPP shall apply for a Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID) by filing a Notice of Intent (NOI) with accompanying fees, with the State Water Resources Control Board. If the Contractor wishes to utilize on-site ' detention for dewatering and/or stormwater storage, a registered civil engineer must provide the design specifications. ' CMSI) Irvine Pumping Station Temporary Environmental Controls Project No. 168 01i60 1 ' C. The Contractor shall prepare an amendment to the SWPPP when there is a change in construction activities or operations which may affect the discharge of pollutants to surface waters, ground waters, municipal storm drain systems, or when the Contractor's activities or operations violate a ' condition of the Permits, or when directed by the Engineer Amendments shall identify additional water pollution control practices or revised operations, including those areas or operations not identified in the initially approved SWPPP Amendments to the SWPPP shall be ' prepared and submitted for review and approval within a time approved by the Engineer, but in no case longer than the time specified for the initial submittal and review of the SWPPP At a minimum, the SWPPP shall be amended annually and submitted to the Engineer 25 days prior to ' the defined rainy season. D The Contractor shall keep one copy of the approved SWPPP and approved amendments at the project site. The SWPPP shall be made available upon request by a representative of the ' Regional Water Quality Control Board, State Water Resources Control Board, United States Environmental Protection Agency or the local storm water management agency Requests by the public shall be directed to the Engineer ' E. Dewatering shall not be allowed to percolate back into the ground or be discharged downstream without obtaining a permit from the Regional Water Quality Control Board at the Contractor's ' expense. Alternatively dcwatering water can be discharged into the sanitary sewer system in conjuction with required permits from the Costa Mesa Sanitary District (CMSD). All dewatering activities, with, the exception of groundwater extraction, are covered under the Construction ' Permit, and shall also comply with Specification Section 02140. F At the option of the Contractor dewatering discharges may be used for dust control and ' compaction. Dewatering discharges used for dust control and compaction may be stored until needed. Storage shall consist of tanks, or other methods approved by the Engineer, that prevents dewatering discharges from discharging downstream or percolating into the ground. ' 1.04 RUBBISH CONTROL A. During the progress of the work, the Contractor shall keep the site of the work and other areas ' used by it in a neat and clean condition, and free from any accumulation of rubbish. The Contractor shall provide sufficient dumpsters and trash containers for collection of rubbish. The Contractor shall dispose of all rubbish and waste materials of any nature occurring at the work ' site, and shall establish regular intervals, at least weekly for collection and disposal of such materials and waste. The Contractor shall also keep all roads fl-ce from dirt, rubbish, and unnecessary obstructions resulting from its operations. Disposal of all rubbish and surplus ' materials shall be off the site of construction in accordance with local codes and ordinances governing locations and methods of disposal, and in conformance with all applicable safety laws, and to the particular requirements of Part 1926 of the OSHA Safety and Health Standards for ' Construction. The Contractor shall not dispose of rubbish or debris into storm drains or stream channels. 1.05 SANITATION A. Toilet Facilities. Fixed or portable chemical toilets shall be provided wherever needed for the use of employees. Toilets at construction job sites shall conform to the requirements of Part 1926 of the OSHA Standards for Construction. B. Sanitary and Other Organic Wastes: The Contractor shall establish a regular daily collection of all sanitary and organic wastes. All wastes and refuse Cum sanitary facilities provided by the CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Temporary Environmental Controls Project No. 168 01560 2 ' Contractor or organic material wastes from any other source related to the Contractor's operations shall be disposed of away from the site in a manner satisfactory to the Construction Manager and in accordance with all laws and regulations pertaining thereto. 1.06 CHEMICALS A. All chemicals used during project construction or furnished for project operation, whether defoliant, soil sterilant, herbicide, pesticide, disinfectant, polymer, reactant or of other classification, shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The Contractor shall maintain copies of Material Safety Data Sheets for all chemicals used or furnished by the Contractor. Use of all such chemicals and disposal of residues shall be in strict accordance with the printed instructions of the manufacturer ' B. All chemicals used during the project construction or furnished for project operation, whether defoliant, soil sterilant, herbicide, pesticide, fertilizer, disinfectants, polymers, reactants, fuel, oil, hydraulic fluid, detergent, paint, solvent, glue, or any other classification, shall be stored within a ' containment area that minimizes contact of the chemicals and the storage containers with precipitation and surface water flows due to precipitation or flows from adjacent areas. If precipitation or surface water flows contact the chemicals or the storage containers, the ' Contractor shall immediately notify the Construction Manager to determine if the surface water has been contaminated or may be allowed to be discharged to the storm drains or stream channels. If the surface water flows have become contaminated due to contact with the chemicals or the storage containers, the Contractor shall provide for removal and/or treatment of the surface water flows at no additional costs to the Owner If spills occur in the containment area, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Construction Manager and shall contain and cleanup the spill to prevent spilled material from entering storm drains, stream channels, or groundwater or from ' being absorbed by the underlying pavement or soil. C. All chemicals shall be stored, handled, and used in compliance with the appropriate regulatory ' agency requirements. 1.07 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS A. The Contractor shall collect waste oil, used oil filters, other waste petroleum materials, and any other Contractor generated hazardous materials. Remove and legally dispose of all waste ' petroleum products and any other Contractor generated hazardous materials at suitable disposal facilities off of the job site at the Contractor's expense. ' B On site temporary fuel storage facilities shall be constructed to comply with cun'ent regulations. Such facilities shall be diked to contain any fuel spills. Fuel tanks shall be properly grounded. C. The Contractor shall park construction vehicles in locations designated by the Construction ' Manager The Contractor shall provide oil drip pans to contain any oil leakage from construction vehicles. D Contractor shall provide a suitable concrete washdown area to contain the residue of his concrete pouring operations. This area shall be lined and shall be designed with berms or other containment features to prevent this contaminated water from being discharged via surface flow ' to unprotected areas. 1 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Temporary Environmental Controls Project No. 168 01560 3 1.08 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ' A. The Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary erosion and sediment control measures throughout the construction period as required to minimize stormwater pollution from the Contractor's work area. Erosion and sediment control measures may include common Best ' Management Practices (BM?) such as straw bale dikes, straw wattles, sandbag dikes, silt fences, drainage swales, pipe drains, sediment traps, protective sheets,jute matting, hydro-seeding, and appropriate surface contouring. Contractor shall comply with BMP's for this type of construction. t B. The Contractor shall secure erosion control devices at the end of each work shift during the period from December l to March 31 or when rain is forecast prior to the next work day and after each rain event. ' C. Grading activities shall be prohibited during the period when rain is falling at a rate in excess of 0.1 inches per hour. The Contractor shall immediately secure the site for erosion control and storm water runoff. D The Contractor shall be responsible for inspecting and maintaining erosion and sediment control measures in the Contractor's work area before, during, and after storm events. The Contractor ' shall notify the Construction Manager if erosion and sediment control measures do not operate properly and shall take all necessary corrective action. ' 1.09 CULTURAL RESOURCES A. The Contractor's attention is directed to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 470) and 36 CFR 800 which provides for the preservation of potential historical architectural, archaeological, or cultural resources (hereinafter called 'cultural resources"). B. The Contractor shall conform to the applicable requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as it relates to the preservation of cultural resources. C. In the event potential cultural resources are discovered during subsurface excavations at the site of construction, the following procedures shall be instituted: The Construction Manager will issue a Stop Work Order directing the Contractor to cease all construction operations at the location of such potential cultural resources find. 2. Such Stop Work Order shall be effective until such time as a qualified archaeologist can ' be called to assess the value of these potential cultural resources. 1.10 WORK HOURS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL A. Construction work hours and traffic control shall comply with governing agency encroachment permit, and Section 6-2 of the Greenbook. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Temporary Environmental Controls Project No. 168 01560 4 ' 1.1 l PROGRESS CLEANING A. The Contractor shall maintain areas free of waste materials, debris, and rubbish. The site shall be maintained in a clean and orderly condition. Broom all concrete or other finished work areas when rain is forecast prior to the next working day and at least once per month, prior to each progress payment request. Where material or debris has washed or flowed into or has been placed in existing watercourses, ditches, shoreline areas or elsewhere, remove such material or debris and legally dispose of it during the progress of the work. B. Remove debris and rubbish from channels, wet wells, structures, pipe chases, plenums, attics, crawl spaces, and other closed or remote spaces, prior to enclosing the space. C. Broom and vacuum clean interior areas prior to start of surface finishing, and continue cleaning to eliminate dust. 1 12 SITE MAINTENANCE fA. The Contractor is responsible for site maintenance in the Contractor's work area, laydown area, and in all areas impacted by the Contractor's work activities. Such site maintenance activities ' include but arc not limited to dust control, rubbish control, fence repair maintenance of construction access roads and parking lots, and maintenance of erosion and sediment conhol facilities. B. The Construction Manager may direct the Contractor to perform site maintenance activities in other areas of the project site. The cost of such site maintenance activities in areas other than those identified in Paragraph 1 I I A will be reimbursed to the Contractor in accordance with the contract documents. PART 2 PRODUCTS (Not Used) ' PART 3 EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Temporary Environmental Controls Project No. 168 01560 5 I ' SECTION 01620 PROTECTION OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT PART I GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. Materials and equipment shall be shipped, handled, stored, and installed by methods which will ' prevent damage to the items. Damaged items will not be permitted as part of the work except in cases of minor damage that have been satisfactorily repaired and are acceptable to the Resident Engineer. 1.02 PIPE A. Pipe and appurtenances shall be handled, stored, and installed as recommended by the manufacturer. Pipes with soft coatings, such as coal tar enamel or the like, or pipes of materials which are subject to deterioration by sunlight or heat, such as PVC pipe, shall be stored to protect ' the coating or pipe from physical damage or other deterioration and shall only be handled with padded, wide slings. Pipes shipped with interior bracing shall have the bracing removed only when recommended by the pipe manufacturer 1.03 EQUIPMENT A. Definition: For the purpose of this section, equipment means any mechanical, electrical, or ' instrumentation devices, or other items with one or more moving parts requiring an electrical, pneumatic, electronic or hydraulic connection. B. Packing and Marking: All equipment shall be adequately and effectively protected against damage from moisture, dust, handling, or other cause during transport from manufacturer's premises to site. Each item or package shall be clearly marked with the number unique to the ' specification reference covering the item. Each separate portion of pump station shall receive, as far as practicable, a fitting or distinguishing mark which shall be shown on the packing lists. ' The bearings of motors shall be relieved of load during transport by means of jacks or some other method to prevent Brinclling. ' Stiffeners shall be used where necessary to maintain shapes and to give rigidity Pacts of equipment shall be delivered in assembled or sub-assembled units where possible. C. Identification of Equipment: All equipment items and valves with an assigned equipment number shall have affixed to them, in a prominent location, a label or tag displaying the assigned equipment number Equipment item and valves lacking a number shall have a similar tag providing a unique description of the item. Markers shall be of stainless steel or aluminum, affixed to the item in question with stainless steel fasteners or as otherwise approved by the Resident Engineer Plastic tape labels will not be acceptable. ' D Storage of Equipment: During the interval between delivery and installation, all equipment to be incorporated into the project shall be stored to prevent damage or deterioration. Environmental controls such as heaters or protective encapsulation shall be provided to ensure against condensation and moisture damage. In the event prolonged (more than 90 days) storage is CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Protection of Materials and Equipment Project No. 168 01620 1 I required for any item of equipment, the Contractor shall institute a preventive maintenance program which shall include all procedures recommended by the manufacturer The Contractor shall maintain adequate records to demonstrate full compliance with these requirements. All equipment shall be available for inspection by the Resident Engineer To insure adequate protection of all electrical and instrumentation equipment and panels and electric motors, all such equipment shall be stored in a suitable enclosure designed to protect the equipment from dust and moisture. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the storage facilities and equipment stored therein and shall make provision for all utilities required. Continuous access shall be provided to the Resident Engineer for all equipment so stored. E. Protection of Equipment After Installation: After installation, all equipment shall be protected from damage, including but not limited to, dust, abrasive particles, debris and dirt generated by the placement, chipping, sandblasting, cutting, finishing and grinding of new or existing concrete, terrazzo and metal; and the fumes, particulate matter and splatter from welding, brazing, and painting of new or existing piping and equipment. The Contractor is advised that as a minimum, vacuum cleaning, blowers with filters, protective shielding, and other dust suppression methods will be required at all times to adequately protect all equipment. During concreting, including finishing, all equipment that may be affected by cement dust must be completely covered. During painting operations, all grease fittings and similar openings shall be covered to prevent the entry of paint. Electrical switchgear, unit substation, and motor load centers shall not be installed until after all concrete work and sandblasting in those areas have been completed and accepted. 1.04 DELIVERY OF MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT A. The Owner's personnel or representatives of the Owner will not accept materials or equipment deliveries for the Contractor. PART 2 MATERIALS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) ENI) OF SECTION I I I I I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Protection of Materials and Equipment Project No. 168 01620 2 i ' SECTION 01660 INSTALLATION,TESTING AND COMMISSIONING PART I GENERAL ' 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This section provides specifications for the installation and testing of all mechanical and electrical ' systems. All commissioning work for the equipment installed under this contract shall be performed by the Contractor 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installation: All mechanical and electrical equipment furnished under this contract shall be installed in conformity with the details shown and specified and with the manufacturer's requirements. Should a manufacturer's installation recommendations conflict with specific requirements of the contract documents, the Contractor shall bring the matter to the attention of ' the Resident Engineer Any additional costs incurred arising out of changes authorized by the Resident Engineer to accommodate manufacturer's installation recommendations will not be considered extra work. Any costs, or time, incurred by the Contractor through failure to timely notify the Resident Engineer of a difference between contract documents and manufacturer's installation requirements shall be borne by the Contractor B. Testing: I General Requirements: All materials, equipment, and work included in this contract shall be tested and inspected to prove compliance with the contract requirements. Unless otherwise specified, all costs of testing, including temporary facilities and connections, shall be borne by the Contractor Installed tests for pumps shall be as specified in Division 11 Installed tests for 1-I VAC systems shall be as specified in Division 15 Installed tests for electrical and instrumentation devices and systems shall be in accordance with Divisions 16 and 17 Installed tests for other equipment shall be as specified in related specification sections. No tests specified herein shall be applied until the item to be tested has been inspected and approval has been given for the application of such tests- ' Tests and inspection shall include: a. The delivery acceptance tests and inspections. b. The installed tests and inspections of items as installed. Tests and inspections, unless otherwise specified or accepted, shall be in accordance with the recognized standards of the industry The form of evidence of satisfactory fulfillment of delivery acceptance test and of installed test and inspection requirements shall be, at the discretion of the Resident Engineer, either by tests ' and inspections carried out in his or his representative's presence or by certificates or reports of tests and inspections carried out by approved persons or organizations. The Contractor shall provide and use forms which include all test information, including specified operational parameters, and which shall be acceptable in content to the Resident Engineer ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Installation,Testing and Commissioning 01660 I 2. Delivery Acceptance Tests and Inspections: The delivery acceptance tests and inspections shall be at the Contractor's expense for any materials or equipment specified herein and shall include the following: a. Test of items at the place of manufacture during and/or on completion of manufacture, comprising material tests, hydraulic pressure tests, electric and instrumentation subsystem tests, performance and operating tests and inspections ' in accordance with the relevant standards of the industry and more particularly as detailed in individual clauses of these specifications to satisfy the Resident Engineer that the items tested and inspected comply with the requirements of this ' contract. b. All items delivered at the site or to any authorized place of storage may be inspected to satisfy the Resident Engineer that such items are of the specified quality and workmanship and are in good order and condition at the time of delivery not withstanding the requirements of Section 01620. To that end, the ' Contractor shall be prepared to remove all coverings, containers or crates to permit the Resident Engineer to conduct his inspection. Should the Resident Engineer find, in his opinion, indication of damage or deficient quality of workmanship, the Contractor shall provide the necessary documentation or conduct such tests deemed necessary by the Resident Engineer to demonstrate compliance. 3 Installed Tests and Inspection: a. General: All equipment shall be tested by the Contractor and the equipment ' manufacturers representatives to the satisfaction of the Resident Engineer before any facility is put into operation. Tests shall be as specified herein and shall be made to determine whether the equipment has been properly assembled, aligned, ' adjusted and connected. Any changes, adjustments or replacements required to make the equipment operate as specified shall be carried out by the Contractor as part of the work. ' b. Procedures: (1) Submittal: Prior to receipt of any progress payments in excess of 60 ' percent of the Contractor's lump sum bid for the work, the Contractor shall submit to the Resident Engineer, in quintuplicate, details of the procedures he proposes to adopt for testing and start-up of all equipment ' to be operated singly and together excepting when such procedures have been covered in the specifications. The procedures shall be divided into three distinct stages; pre-operation checkout, initial operation, and plant operational tests. Testing procedures shall he designed to duplicate, as nearly as possible, all ' conditions of operation and shall be carefully selected to ensure that the equipment is not damaged. Once the testing procedures have been reviewed by the Resident Engineer the Contractor shall produce checkout, alignment, adjustment and calibration sign off forms for each ' item of equipment. The forms will be used in the field by the Contractor and the Resident Engineer jointly to ensure that each item of electrical and mechanical equipment has been properly installed and tested. The CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Installation,Testing and Commissioning No. 168 01660 2 ' Contractor is advised that failure to observe these procedures may place the acceptability of the subject equipment in question. (2) Pre-operational Checkout: The procedures shall incorporate all requirements of these specifications and shall proceed in a logical, step- wise sequence to ensure that all equipment has been properly serviced, aligned, connected, calibrated, and adjusted prior to operation. Pre operation checkout procedures shall include, but not necessarily be limited to: ' (a) Electrical system testing as specified in Division 16 and 17 (b) Piping system pressure testing and cleaning as specified in Division 15 (c) Alignment of equipment. ' (d) Pre-operation lubrication. ' (e) Certification by the manufacturer that the equipment has been installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, requirements and recommendations; that the equipment is ready ' for operation and that the Owner's staff is suitably instructed in operation and maintenance of the equipment. (3) Initial Operation: Once all affected equipment has been subjected to the ' required pre-operational checkout procedures and the Resident Engineer has witnessed and has not found deficiencies in that portion of the work, individual systems may be started and operated under simulated operating conditions to determine as nearly as possible whether the equipment and systems meet the requirements of these specifications. Water shall be employed for the testing of all liquid systems except ' gaseous, oil or chemical systems. Test media for these systems shall be either the intended fluid or compatible substitute. The equipment shall be operated for a sufficient period of time to determine machine ' operating characteristics, including temperatures and vibration, to observe performance characteristics, and to permit initial adjustment of operating controls. When testing requires the availability of auxiliary ' systems such as power, flushing or cooling water or control air which have not yet been placed in service, the Contractor shall provide acceptable substitute sources capable of meeting the requirements of the machine, device or system, at no additional cost to the Owner Disposal ' methods for test media shall be subject to review by the Resident Engineer ' If, under test, any portion of the work should fail to fulfill the contract requirements and is adjusted, altered, renewed or replaced, tests on that portion when so adjusted, altered, removed or replaced, together with all ' other portions of the work as are affected thereby shall, if so required by the Resident Engineer, be repeated within reasonable time and in accordance with the specified conditions. The Contractor shall pay to the I ' C\QSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Installation,Testing and Commissioning 01660 3 ' Owner all reasonable expenses incurred by the Owner as a result of repeating such tests. Once initial operation has been completed, all machines shall be rechecked for proper alignment, realigned, if necessary and doweled in place. All equipment shall be checked for loose connections, unusual movement or other indications of improper operating characteristics. ' Any deficiencies shall be corrected to the satisfaction of the Resident Engineer All machines or devices which exhibit unusual or unacceptable operating characteristics shall be disassembled and ' inspected. They shall then be repaired or removed from the site and replaced at no cost to the Owner ' Test results shall be within the tolerances set forth in the detailed specification sections of the contract documents. If no tolerances have been specified, test results shall conform to tolerances established by ' recognized industry practice. Where, in the case of an otherwise satisfactory installed test, any doubt, dispute, or difference should arise between the Resident Engineer and the Contractor regarding the test ' results or the methods or equipment used in the performance of such test, and then the Resident Engineer may order the test to be repeated. If the repeat test, using such modified methods or equipment as the Resident Engineer may require, substantially confirms the previous test, then all ' costs in connection with the repeat test will be paid by the Owner otherwise the costs shall be borne by the Contractor Where the results of any installed test fail to comply with the contract requirements for ' such test, then such repeat tests as may be necessary to achieve the contract requirements shall be made by the Contractor at his expense. t Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall provide at no expense to the Owner all power, fuel, water, utilities, supplies, testing media, labor and all other necessary items and work required to complete all tests and ' inspection specified in this section. The Contractor shall provide at no expense to the Owner temporary heating, ventilating and air conditioning for any areas requiring it in the case where permanent facilities are not ' complete and operable at the time of installed tests. Temporary facilities shall be maintained until permanent systems are in service. (4) Operational Testing. After completion of all installed testing and ' certification by the Resident Engineer that all equipment complies with the requirements of the specifications, the Contractor shall fill liquid process systems, except those employing oil or chemicals, with water ' All oil and chemical systems shall be filled with the specified fluid. Upon completion of the filling operations, the Contractor shall circulate water through the completed facility for a period of not less than that specified in paragraph 01660-3 01 during which all systems shall be operated as a complete facility at various loading conditions, as directed ' by the Resident Engineer Should the operational testing period be halted for any reason related to the facilities constructed or the equipment furnished under this contract, or the Contractor's temporary testing systems, the operational testing program shall he repeated until CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Installation, Testing and Commissioning No I68 01660 4 ' the specified continuous period has been accomplished without interruption. All process units shall be brought to full operating conditions, including temperature, pressure, and flow ' All costs for fuel, power, and chemicals required during this plant operational test shall be borne by the Contractor ' C. Manufacturer s Certification. The Contractor shall submit certification letters for all equipment provided in the Contract. Each letter shall be submitted on the manufacturer's letterhead and shall include the following: ' I That the manufacturer certifies that the equipment is approved for operation. ' 2. That the equipment has been installed in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements, is properly aligned and is ready for operation. ' 3. That the equipment has been serviced, lubricated and properly prepared to perform in accordance with the intent of the Contract Documents. ' 4 That the manufacturer s warranty will commence, and be in full force until a minimum of one year elapses after final acceptance of the project or applicable portion of the project. Provide longer warranties for specific equipment whenever explicitly stated in other portions of these contract documents. 5 That the signer has visited the site, inspected the equipment and installation and certifies that the equipment is ready for operation. PART 2 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 1 2.01 MATERIALS ' A. Installation. Materials employed in the installation shall conform to the requirements of contract documents and the recommendations of the equipment manufacturers. Where conflict exists between contract document specifications and the manufacturer's recommendations, the ' Contractor shall bring the matter to the attention of the Resident Engineer and request a resolution of the conflict. Any additional costs incurred by the Contractor as the result of the Resident Engineer's direction in the resolution of the conflict will be reimbursed as extra work. Any costs incurred by the Contractor through failure to timely notify the Resident Engineer of a conflict, shall be borne by the Contractor B. Testing: 1 Gauges, Meters, Recorders and Monitors: Gauges, meters, recorders and monitors shall be provided by the Contractor as required to supplement or augment the instrumentation ' system provided under this contract to properly demonstrate that all equipment fully satisfies the requirements of the contract documents. All devices employed for the purpose of measuring the performance of the facility's equipment and systems shall be ' specifically selected to provide a level of accuracy consistent with the variables to be monitored. All instruments shall be recently calibrated, and the Contractor shall be prepared at all times to demonstrate, through re-calibration, the accuracy of all instruments employed for testing proposes. Calibration procedures shall in accordance CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Installation,Testing and Commissioning Project No I6X 01660 5 ' with applicable standards of ASTM, ISA and IEEE. The adequacy of all gauges, meters, recorders and monitors shall be subject to review of the Resident Engineer ' 2. Records: The Contractor shall provide signoff forms for all installed and operational testing to be accomplished under this contract. The signoff forms shall be produced on pressure sensitive paper Sign off forms shall be provided for each item of mechanical, ' electrical and instrumentation equipment provided or installed under this contract and shall contain provisions for recording relevant performance data for original testing and not less than three re-tests. Separate sections shall be provided to record values for the pre-operation checkout, initials of representatives of the equipment manufacturers, the Contractor and the Resident Engineer The Contractor shall maintain a master file of all equipment sign off sheets, which shall ' be available for inspection by the Resident Engineer Upon completion of testing, the Contractor shall furnish the Resident Engineer with the original and two copies of the sign off sheet for each equipment item. ' 2.02 METHODS ' A. Installation: All materials and equipment shall be installed by specialists properly skilled in the trades and professions required to assure first-class workmanship. Where required by detailed specifications, the Contractor shall cause the installation of specific equipment items to be ' accomplished under the supervision of factory-trained installation specialists furnished by the equipment manufacturers. The Contractor shall be prepared to document the skills and training of all workmen engaged in the installation of all equipment furnished either by the Contractor or ' the Owner. B. Testing. Testing shall proceed on a step-by-step basis in accordance with the Contractor's written testing procedures. The Contractor's testing work shall be accomplished by a skilled team of ' specialists under the direction of a coordinator whose sole responsibility shall be the orderly systematic testing of all equipment, systems, structures and the complete facility as a unit. Each individual step in the procedures shall be witnessed by a representative of the Resident Engineer ' During the operational testing period, all equipment and systems shall be operated, to the greatest extent practicable, at conditions which represent the full range of operating parameters as defined by the Plans and Specifications. ' PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SYSTEM OPERATIONAL TESTING 1 A. General: The duration of the system operational test shall be seven (7) days and shall include the complete and connected Work. Each day the complete facility shall be operated for eight ' continuous hours. During that period, the Contractor shall demonstrate the operation of all equipment and all systems installed under each phase of the work ' END OF SECTION ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Installation, Testing and Commissioning Project No. 168 01660 6 SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT PARTI GENERAL ' 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Contract closeout is the process that commences as the Work nears Substantial Completion. It continues through Substantial Completion, and Final Acceptance of the Work. B. This specification section defines the overall change over process from construction (by the Contractor) to plant operations (by the Owner). The section defines the terms in this process,and outlines the responsibilities of the Contractor, the Construction Manager and the Owner t1.02 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT SEQUENCE OF EVENTS A. The sequence of events and their description listed below represent the suggested order of activities as the Contract proceeds from construction, through checkout, testing, Substantial Completion, and the Notice of Completion. Not all work will proceed in this exact order Adjustments may be made, after approval by the Construction Manager for the mutual benefit of the Contractor and the Owner if the situation so warrants. Any adjustments made in the sequence of events, to accommodate the Contractor, shall be at no additional cost to the Owner. ' B. Closeout Sequence of Events and Description. Contract Closeout Deliverables: The Contractor shall provide the following: a. Final Record Drawings, in accordance with Section 01720. b. Written guarantees, where required. tc. Certificates of inspection and acceptance by local governing agencies having jurisdiction. 2. Pre-Final Inspection And Discrepancy List: The Construction Manager will conduct a pre-final inspection of the Work prior to substantial completion. The Construction ' Manager will prepare a discrepancy list (punchlist). The discrepancy list includes items of work which do not conform to the Contract Documents, plus any additional items found to be missing, incomplete, damaged, incorrect, or constructed in an ' un-workmanlike manner The Contractor shall correct all items on the discrepancy list. 3 Substantial Completion: Following correction of items on the discrepancy list, and successful completion of the operation demonstration, the Contractor shall notify the Construction Manager that the Work is substantially complete. Refer to the contract documents for other requirements for Substantial Completion. 4 Final Inspection. Following written notice from the Contractor that the entire Work is complete, the Construction Manager the Owner the Contractor and the Design Consultant will conduct a final inspection to verify that the Work is complete. The Construction Manager will prepare a final punchlist of all outstanding items. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project Closeout Project No. 168 01700 I ' 5 Final Payment: After the Contractor has completed all final punchlist items, and completed all other requirements, the Contractor shall submit a final application for payment to the Construction Manager The final payment application will include all ' necessary documentation, in addition to waivers or releases of all liens filed in connection with the Work. The Contractor shall specifically release the Owner from any claims not specifically renewed on the final application for payment. After acceptance by the ' Construction Manager and the Owner, the Owner will make final payment to the Contractor after deducting all amounts to be retained under the provisions of the Contract Documents. 6. Notice of Completion: The Owner will file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder to begin the 30-day stop notice filing period. ' 7 Release of Retention. Not more than 35 days after filing the Notice of Completion, the Owner will release to the Contractor all retamage, less any deductions to cover pending third party claims against the Owner 1.03 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. Substantial Completion includes compliance with the following requirements: The Contractor has substantially completed the construction and erection of the Work in ' conformance with the Contract Documents. 2. The Contractor has installed, adjusted, and successfully tested products, equipment, and systems. The facilities are constructed as indicated by the erection, installation, and ' operations and maintenance instruction of the suppliers. 3 The Contractor has provided and completed the following items as approved by the ' Construction Manager a. Contract Closeout Deliverables. b. Special Manufacturer s or Supplier's Warranties. ' 1.04 PRE-FINAL AND FINAL INSPECTIONS ' A. Pre-final and final inspections are surveys of the Contractor's work by the Construction Manager, the Owner, and the Design Consultant in order to create the list of incomplete or unsatisfactory items of work. B. Prior to the pre-final and final inspections, the Contractor must complete the following: Clean equipment and fixtures by removing temporary labels, stains, dirt, and other ' foreign substances. 2. Clean debris from galleries, pipes, roofs, gutters, basins, pump wet wells, down spouts, tanks, drainage systems, and HVAC ducting. 3 Clean site; sweep paved areas, rake clean unpaved surfaces. 4 Remove waste and surplus materials, rubbish, fencing, equipment, temporary utilities, and construction facilities from the site. t ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project Closeout Project No. 168 01700 2 ' C. The discrepancy list(s) and punchlist will include all items of work found to be unsatisfactory missing, incomplete, damaged, incorrect, or improperly installed or constructed. Prior to Final Acceptance the Contractor shall correct the punchlist items by re-work, modification, or ' replacement, at the option of the Construction Manager and at no additional cost to the Owner The Construction Manager will re-inspect punchlist items upon notice by the Contractor that they are complete. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION ' 3.01 CLEANUP A. The Contractor shall promptly remove from the vicinity of the completed work, all rubbish, ' unused materials, concrete forms, construction equipment, and temporary structures and facilities used during construction. Final acceptance of the Work by the Owner will be withheld until the Contractor has satisfactorily complied with the forgoing requirements for final cleanup of the ' project site. 3.02 MAINTENANCE AND GUARANTEE ' A. The Contractor shall comply with the maintenance and guarantee requirements contained in the contract documents. ' B. Replacement of earth fill or backfill, where it has settled below the required finish elevations, shall be considered as a part of such required repair work, and any repair or resurfacing which becomes necessary by reason of such settlement shall likewise be considered as a part of such required repair work unless the Contractor shall have obtained a statement in writing from the affected private owner or public agency releasing the Owner from further responsibility in connection with such repair of resurfacing. ' C. The Contractor shall make all repairs and replacements promptly upon receipt of written order from the Owner If the Contractor fails to make such repairs or replacements promptly the Owner resents the right to do the work and the Contractor and his surety shall be liable to the Owner for the cost thereof. t3.04 BOND A. The Contractor shall provide a bond to guarantee performance of the provisions contained in Paragraph 'Maintenance and Guarantee' above, and in the Contract Documents. END OF SECTION CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project Closeout Project No. 168 01700 3 SECTION 01710 FINAL CLEANUP PART I GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS A. As a condition precedent to final acceptance or release of a structure, space or process unit for use ' by the Owner, the Contractor shall thoroughly clean all floors and walls to leave same in first- class condition. ' B. All pits and sumps shall be cleared of silt, sand, debris and construction materials. Ductwork, air intakes and exhaust grilles shall be inspected and cleared of extraneous material, and all grounds shall be cleared of all debris. ' C. At the completion of the project,the Contractor shall perform the following: 1 Remove and dispose of all excess or waste materials, debris, rubbish, and temporary facilities from the site, structures and all facilities. 2. Repair pavement, roads, sod, and all other areas affected by construction operations and restore them to original condition or to minimum condition specified. 3 Remove spatter grease, stains, fingerprints, dust, labels, tags,packing materials and other ' foreign items or substances from interior and exterior surfaces, equipment, signs and lettering. ' 4 Repair, patch and touch up chipped, scratched, dented or otherwise marred surfaces to match specified finish. ' 5 Remove paint, clean and restore all equipment and material nameplates, labels and other identification markings. ' 6. Wash and shine glazing and polished surfaces. 7 Clean all floors, slabs, pavements, and ground surfaces. ' 8. Maintain cleaning until acceptance and occupation by the Owner PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) ' PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Final Cleanup Project No. 168 01710 1 SECTION 01720 RECORD DRAWINGS PART I GENERAL ' 1.01 REQUIREMENTS A. The Contractor shall provide the Resident Engineer neatly and legibly marked contract drawings showing the final location of piping, equipment, electrical conduits, outlet boxes and cables, and other components of the work. Marking of the drawings shall be kept current and shall be done at the time the material and equipment are installed. These drawings shall be available to the Resident Engineer Final payment shall not be made until the marked up record drawings are delivered to and approved by the Resident Engineer ' 1.02 MAINTENANCE OF DOCUMENTS A. A set of Mylar sepias of the Contract Drawings will be furnished to the Contractor by the Owner These sepias shall be updated with record information and a blucline copy of the updated record drawings shall be submitted to the Resident Engineer every month. The blue line copy shall be up-to-date and its completeness shall be a pre-condition of the next month s partial payment ' request approval. B. The following shall be maintained in the Contractor's field office in clean, dry legible condition: Contract Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, approved Shop Drawings, Samples, photographs, ' Change Orders, other Modifications of Contract, test records, survey data, Field Orders, and all other documents pertinent to Contractor's Work. C. Documents shall be available at all times for inspection by the Resident Engineer and the Owner D Record documents shall not be used for any other purpose and shall not be removed from the ' office without Resident Engineer s approval. E. The Contractor may submit additional 24 x 36 sheets detailing record work as approved by the ' Resident Engineer F The Contractor shall not conceal any work until the required record drawing information has been ' recorded. The Resident Engineer may direct the Contractor to expose concealed work if work was not recorded on the Record Drawings. ' PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) ' PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION I ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Record Drawings I'ioject No. 168 01720 1 SECTION 01760 SPARE PARTS AND MAINTENANCE MATERIALS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS A. The Contractor shall furnish spare parts and maintenance materials as specified in the individual specification sections. ' B. Parts and materials shall be furnished in manufacturers unopened cartons, boxes, crates or other protective covering suitable for preventing corrosion or deterioration for the maximum length of storage which may be normally anticipated. They shall be clearly marked and identified. C. During construction, parts shall be stored in buildings or trailers with floor, roof and closed sides and in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations. They shall be protected from weather, ' condensation and humidity D Parts and materials shall be delivered to the Resident Engineer upon completion of the Work. t Contractor shall then place them in permanent storage rooms or areas approved by the Resident Engineer ' E. A letter of transmittal shall accompany the spare parts and shall include the following. Date of letter and transfer of parts and material. 2. Contract title and number 3 Contractor's name and address. ' 4 A complete inventory of the pans and material, listing the applicable Specification Section lbr each. 5 A place for the Resident Engineer to sign and signify receipt of the parts and materials. ' F Contractor shall be fully responsible for loss or damage to parts and material until they are transmitted to the Resident Engineer PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) ' PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION CM SD Irvine Pumping Station Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials No. 168 01760 1 I SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION AND SALVAGE PART I GENERAL ' 1.01 WORK OF THIS SECTION A. The Contractor shall furnish all materials, equipment and labor necessary to perform complete ' demolition and salvage operations as shown on the contract drawings and as specified by this section. Materials to be demolished or salvaged are indicated on Demolition Plan. B. The Contractor shall cut back flush and remove exposed piping, conduits, fixtures, junction boxes, light fixtures, water fixtures, and supports per demolition plan and/or as interfering with new construction. Concealed or buried piping or conduits shall be removed or capped and abandoned as necessary to facilitate new construction. 1.02 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS ' A. The work of this Section shall comply with the current edition of the Uniform Building Code. B. Except as otherwise indicated in this Section, the Contractor shall comply with the latest adopted ' edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, 2006 Edition, (SSPWC). 1.03 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS ' A. The Contractor shall submit a demolition schedule in compliance with Section 01300 Submittals. The demolition schedule shall provide a complete coordination schedule for demolition work including shut-off and continuation of utility operations before the start of the demolition. The schedule shall indicate proposed methods and operations of facility demolition, and provide a detailed sequence of demolition, salvage, and removal work. B. Before completion of the Work, the Contractor shall submit an Affidavit of Legal Disposal attesting to the lawful disposal of all demolished materials. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Structures shall be demolished and removed in compliance with SSPWC subsection 306-5 as well as with the requirements and exceptions indicated herein. 3.02 POLLUTION CONTROL ' A. Water sprinkling, temporary enclosures, chutes, and other suitable methods shall be used for dust suppression in compliance with SSPWC Section 7 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Demolition and Salvage Project No. 168 02050-1 ' B. 'Water shall not be used when it creates hazardous or objectionable conditions such as flooding, erosion, sedimentation, or pollution. 3.03 PROTECTION A. Safe passage of persons around the area of demolition shall be provided. Operations shall be ' conducted to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent buildings, structures, and other facilities in compliance with SSPWC Section 7 B. Interior and exterior shoring, bracing, or supports shall be provided to prevent movement, ' settlement or collapse of structures to be demolished. C. Existing landscaping materials, structures, and appurtenances which are not to be demolished shall be protected and maintained as necessary and in accordance with SSPWC Section 7 D Unless otherwise indicated, the Contractor shall protect and maintain all utilities in the proximity t of the facilities to be removed. Shut off or disconnect utilities affecting demolition work. Schedule shutdowns with the Owner; notify the Owner seven days in advance of any shutdowns that are required to perform the work. The Owner will open/close valves on piping, slide and ' sluice gates in channels, and electrical disconnects required for the shutdowns. E. The Contractor shall protect nearby existing equipment from dust caused by demolition activities by covering, drop-curtains and other similar methods. ' 3.04 REMOVAL AND ABANDONMENT ' A. Any existing buried valve to be removed shall be removed entirely together with the valve box and cover. Any buried valve to be abandoned shall be abandoned in place by removing the box cover filling the valve box with sand, and patching the pavement. ' B. Any existing fire hydrant which is served by a main to be abandoned shall also be abandoned, together with its services, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. Fire hydrant services to be ' abandoned shall be cut and plugged at least 12 inches below finished grade or below the top of curb, whichever is lower. ' C. In general, existing water mains shall be removed if the alignment of the existing main is within the trench excavation of the new water main or is not more than 1 foot outside of the trench for the new main. Where portions of the old water main and/or services are abandoned and left in place, the exposed ends of the abandoned main and services shall be tightly plugged with a 3 foot ' concrete plug. D All salvaged material from abandoned water mains and appurtenances, except fire hydrant bodies, shall become the property of the Contractor upon removal from the trench unless otherwise shown on the drawings. Such material shall not be allowed to accumulate along the line of Work, but shall be removed from the area at the earliest practical time. Fire hydrant bodies shall be left at the job site and will be picked up by the Owner E. Payment for removing and/or abandonment of existing water or sewer facilities shall be included in the Bid amount and no separate payment will be allowed. I ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Demolition and Salvage Project No. 168 02050.2 3.05 REMOVAL OR RELOCATION OF ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ' A. Unless otherwise noted, remove existing electrical materials and equipment from areas indicated for demolition or where equipment is relocated. Remove materials no longer used, such as studs, straps, and conduits. Remove or cut off concealed or embedded conduit, boxes, or other t materials and equipment to a point at least 3/4-inch below the final finished surface. Remove existing unused wires. 3.06 TRANSFORMERS AND OTHER ELECTRICAL APPARATUS A. The pad-mounted electrical transformer at the existing pump station is owned by San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). SDG&E is responsible to remove and dispose of their transformers should ' that be required. If their transformer(s) is/are discovered to have caused PCB contamination, SDG&E will be responsible to plan, execute and pay for a remediation program. B. Owner is unaware of any electrical apparatus at the existing pump station that contains PCB's. If Contractor discovers PCB-containing electrical equipment that he is to salvage or demolish per this contract are present, he shall so inform the Construction Manager so that appropriate action ' can be taken for handling, disposal and remediation in conformance with local, State and Federal regulations. Costs that Contractor incurs as a result of encountering and dealing with PCB- containing electrical equipment shall be subject to reimbursement per Change Order procedures. ' 3.07 DISPOSAL OF NON-FRIABLE ASBESTOS A. If non-friable asbestos cement pipe (ACP) is identified, the Contractor shall employ adequate care ' to maintain the pipe in a non-friable condition. Removal of ACP shall be in whole sections where possible. Cutting or breaking of ACP to facilitate removal shall be in compliance with California Regulations, Title 8, Section 5208. At a minimum, the Contractor shall follow the following requirements for ACP that is to be cut or broken: 1 The Contractor shall evacuate the area of unauthorized and untrained personnel, post ' warning signs, and provide a demarcation zone and adequate barriers to keep unauthorized personnel out of the area. ' 2. The Contractor shall provide personal protective equipment consisting at least of a respirator and disposable clothing to asbestos accredited workers performing the cutting or breaking of ACP Respiratory protection shall be in accordance with requirements of California Regulations, Title 8, Section 5414 ' 3 The area to be cut or broken shall be adequately wetted to reduce fiber emission. The method employed by the Contractor shall minimize fiber release. Power saw cutting will not be allowed. All related debris from the cutting or breaking of ACP shall be considered friable. The Contractor shall dispose of friable material in accordance with California Regulations, Title 22. 4 All waste generated and ACP shall be wrapped in 6 mil polyethylene sheeting or bags and shall be properly transported and disposed of. ' B. The Contractor is responsible for all ACP removal and associated contamination. For disposal of non-friable ACP the Contractor shall comply with the City of San Diego Miramar Landfill ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Demolition and Salvage Project No. 1 G8 02050-3 I Acceptance Criteria for the Disposal of Non-Friable Asbestos Waste' requirements. A copy of the requirements can be obtained by calling(858) 573-1415 C. Payment for disposal of non-friable asbestos-containing materials shall be subject to reimbursement per Change Order procedures. ' 3.08 DISPOSAL OF FRIABLE ASBESTOS A. Friable asbestos containing material is defined as material that can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. All friable asbestos-containing materials shall be ' considered as hazardous waste and shall be transported by a licensed hazardous waste hauler Procedures for handling friable asbestos-containing material shall conform to the requirements of Section 01120 Hazardous Waste Management and Disposal. Friable asbestos containing ' materials shall be disposed of at an approved hazardous waste landfill. B. Upon discovery of friable asbestos, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Construction Manager. C. Payment for the disposal of friable asbestos-containing materials shall be in accordance with the SSPWC Subsection 3-2.2.3 3.09 DEMOLITION A. Existing buildings, structures, boxes, pipes, pavements, curbs, and other items are to be removed, altered, salvaged, and disposed of as specified herein or indicated on the drawings. Remove and dispose of all portions of these items which interfere with project construction. B. Small structures may be removed intact when approved by the utility or authorities having jurisdiction. ' C. Remove and dispose offsite, facilities to be demolished in their entirety including all below ground footings, foundations, and other associated appurtenances, as shown on the drawings or as ' specified herein. Backfill and compact all site areas disturbed by demolition work with earth backfill material in accordance with Section 02200. ' D Perform the work in a manner that will not damage parts of the structure not intended to be removed or to be salvaged for the Owner. If, in the opinion of the Owner's Representative, the method of demolition used may endanger or damage parts of the structure or affect the satisfactory operation of the facilities, promptly change the method when so notified by the ' Owner's Representative. No blasting will be permitted. E. Concrete and masonry shall be demolished into small sections. The Contractor shall use bracing ' and shoring to prevent collapse of structures. F Demolition equipment shall be dispersed throughout the structure and demolished materials shall ' be removed to prevent excessive loads on supporting walls, floors or framing. G. All equipment, material, and piping, except as specified to be salvaged for the Owner or removed ' by others, within the limits of the demolition, excavations, and backlit Is, will become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the project site. The salvage value of this equipment, materials, and piping shall be reflected in the contract price of the demolition work. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Demolition and Salvage Project No. 168 02050-4 H. Below-grade areas and voids resulting from demolition of structures shall be completely filled to a minimum compaction of 95%. All fill and compaction shall be in accordance with Section 02200 Site Preparation and Earthwork. ' J After fill and compaction, surfaces shall be graded to meet adjacent contours and to provide flow to surface drainage structures, or as indicated. 3.10 REMOVAL OF ABANDONED PIPELINES AND RELATED STRUCTURES ' A. Remove designated abandoned pipelines that interfere with new construction, as indicated on the drawings. B. Plug cut ends with concrete a minimum of 2 feet beyond the cut ends. C. Remove and dispose of temporary desilting basins or other temporary inlet structures including all associated piping and associated concrete structures. ' 3.11 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS A. Demolition and removal of debris shall be conducted to ensure minimum interference with roads, ' streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities which shall not be closed or obstructed without permission from the Owner Alternate routes shall be provided around closed or obstructed traffic ways. ' B. Site debris, rubbish, and other materials resulting from demolition operations shall be removed and disposed of in compliance with all laws and regulations. Burning of removed materials from demolished structures will not be permitted. ' 3.12 PATCHING AND REPAIRING ' A. The Contractor shall provide patching, repaving, and refinishing of damaged areas involved in demolition as necessary to match the existing adjacent surfaces and in compliance with Section 02600 Asphalt Paving. B. The Contractor shall repair all damages caused to adjacent facilities by demolition at no additional cost to the Owner C. After patching and repairing has been completed, the Contractor shall carefully remove splatterings of mortar from adjoining work (plumbing fixtures, trim, tile, and finished metal surfaces) and repair any damage caused by such cleaning operations. 3.13 CLEANING ' A. During and upon completion of Work, the Contractor shall promptly remove unused tools and equipment, surplus materials, rubbish, debris, and dust and shall leave areas affected by the Work in a clean condition in accordance with Section 01710 Final Cleanup. tB. The Contractor shall clean adjacent structures and their facilities of dust, dirt, and debris caused by demolition and return adjacent areas to condition existing prior to start of Work. CMSD Irvine Pumping Sta0on Demolition and Salvage Project No. 168 02050-5 1 C. The Contractor shall clean and sweep the affected portions of roads, streets, sidewalks and passageways daily ' 3.14 DELIVERY OF SALVAGED MATERIALS A. All salvaged materials shall be delivered by Contractor to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District (CMSD) yard, which is currently located at the Orange County Fairgrounds. ' END OF SECTION I t t ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Demolition and Salvage Project No. 168 02050-6 1 ' SECTION 02140 DE\VATERING PART I GENERAL t1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Scope: The work of this Section includes pump station site dewatcring necessary to lower and control groundwater levels and hydrostatic pressures to permit excavation and construction to be performed properly under dry conditions. B. Contractor s Responsibility Dewatering operations shall be adequate to assure the integrity of the finished project. The responsibility for conducting the dcwatering operation in a manner which will protect adjacent structures and facilities rests solely with the Contractor The cost of repairing any damage to adjacent structures and restoration of facilities shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. ' 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. The work of the following sections applies to the work of this section. Other sections, not referenced below shall also apply to the extent required for proper performance of this work. ' Section 02200 Earthwork ' 1.03 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS A. Except as otherwise indicated in this Section, the Contractor shall comply with the Standard ' Specifications for Public Works Construction, 2006 Edition, (SSPWC). 1.04 PERMITS AND AGENCY APPROVALS A. Contractor shall comply with California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) General Waste Discharge Requirements for Ground Water Remediation and Dewatering Waste Discharges, Order Numbers 2000-90 and 2001 96 Copies of the Waste Discharge Requirements may be obtained from the CRWQCB. t B. A State General Permit will be required for construction activities (including dcwatering) for the project. The application fee is required to be submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board. A Notice of Intent must be submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board to apply for a permit. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (that includes a discussion of construction dewatering, BMP's and containment) and a Site Map will also be required as part of the permit application. The original signed NOT Site Map and application fee must be sent to: ' 1 (via regular mail) State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality Attention: Storm Water Section, P O Box 1977 Sacramento, CA 95812 1977 2. (via FedEx or overnight mail) State Water Resources Control Board, Attention: Storm Water Section, 1001 1 Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Dewatering Project No 168 02140 1 ' 1.05 SUBMITTALS The following shall be submitted in compliance with Section 01300 ' A. Prior to commencement of excavation, a detailed plan and schedule, with description, for dewatering of excavations. B Demonstration of proposed system and verification that adequate personnel, materials and equipment arc readily available. ' C. Shop Drawings shall, at a minimum, indicate the proposed type of dewatering system; the arrangement, location and depths of system components; a complete description of equipment and instrumentation to be used, with installation, operation and maintenance procedures; and ' disposal methods for pumped water D Well installation and destruction permits. t1.06 CONTROL AND OBSERVATION A. Adequate control shall be maintained to ensure that the stability of excavated and constructed ' slopes are not adversely affected by water that erosion is controlled and that flooding of excavation or damage to structures do not occur ' B. Where critical structures or facilities exist immediately adjacent to areas of proposed dewatcring, Contractor shall install reference points and monitor them at frequent intervals to detect any settlement which may develop, at no additional cost to Owner ' C. A daily report shall be maintained by the Contractor The following shall be recorded: ' 1 Elevation of ground water and piezometric water levels in observation wells (if any). 2. Change in elevation of reference points established by Contractor and approved by ' District, to monitor subsidence at other locations within the project area (per Paragraph 'B' above). t1.07 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. The Contractor shall provide and maintain ample means and devices and shall promptly remove and properly dispose of all water from any source entering the excavation or other parts of the ' work. Methods of dewatering may include sump pumping, single or multiple stage well point systems, eductor and ejector type systems, deep wells, piezometers, suitable rock or gravel placed below the required bedding for drainage and pumping purposes, temporary pipelines, and ' other means that will not be detrimental to the proposed construction. B. Locate dewatering facilities where they shall not interfere with utilities and construction work to ' be performed by others. C. Modify dewatering procedures which cause, or threaten to cause, damage to new or existing ' facilities, so as to prevent further damage. Install settlement gauges, as necessary to monitor settlement of critical structures or facilities adjacent to areas of dewatering. Control the rate of dewatering to avoid all objectionable settlement and subsidence. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Dewatering Project No. 168 02140 2 ' D Comply with State Water Resources Control Board requirements as defined in paragraph 1 04 above. Obtain authorization, as required, prior to discharge of groundwater, and comply with the sampling, testing, monitoring and reporting requirements specified therein. The Contractor is ' responsible for obtaining all water discharge permits that are required. E. Contractor shall be responsible to furnish the labor, materials and operating costs if regulatory agencies require pretreatment of groundwater prior to discharge for disposal. PART 2 PRODUCTS ' 2.01 EQUIPMENT ' A. Furnish and maintain all materials, tools, equipment, facilities and services as required for providing the necessary dewatering work and facilities. ' B. Provide piezometers for monitoring groundwater levels and other instruments and measuring devices as required. C. Dewatering shall include well points, sump pumps, temporary pipelines for water disposal, rock ' or gravel placement, and other means including standby pumping equipment maintained on the job site continuously PART 3 EXECUTION ' 3.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Contractor shall obtain a permit per the requirements of the Regional Water Quality Control ' Board, before beginning Dewatering Operations. B. Perform dewatering in accordance with approved Shop Drawings. Keep the Engineer advised of any changes made to accommodate field conditions and, on completion of the dewatering system installation, revise and resubmit Shop Drawings as necessary to indicate the installed configuration. No water shall be drained into work built or under construction without prior consent of the Engineer ' C. Organize dewatering operations to lower the groundwater level in excavations as required for prosecution of the work, and to provide a stable, dry subgrade for the prosecution of construction ' operations. Dewatering shall not effect groundwater levels in areas through which microttumeling is to occur D Maintain water level at lower elevations, so that no danger to structures can occur because of buildup of excessive hydrostatic pressure, and provide for maintaining the water level a minimum of 5 feet below the subgrade, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer E. Maintain groundwater level a minimum of 5 feet below the prevailing level of backfill being placed. ' F Dispose of water in such a manner as to cause no injury or nuisance to public or private property or be a menace to the public health. Dispose of the water in accordance with applicable 1 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Dewatering No. 168 02140 3 ' regulatory agency requirements. Do not drain trench water through the pipeline under construction. G. The dcwatering operation will be continuous, so that the excavated areas shall be kept free from water during construction, while concrete is setting and achieves full strength, and until backfill has been placed to a sufficient height to anchor the work against possible flotation. ' H. Prevent disposal of sediments from the soils to adjacent lands or waterways by employing necessary methods, including settling basins, locate settling basins away from watercourses to prevent silt-bearing water from reaching the watercourse during surface flow runoff conditions. ' Settling basins shall be provided in accordance with regulatory agency requirements. 1. Where excavations may obstruct the natural flow of a watercourse, implement measures to ' control and dispose of the surface water that will not adversely affect water quality or beneficial uses of the watercourse. Divert watercourse flows around excavation areas by constructing barriers, temporary culverts, new channels or other appropriate means. J. Do not allow water containing mud, silt or other pollutants from aggregate washing or other construction activities to enter a watercourse or be placed in locations that may be subjected to ' high storm flows. 3.02 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS ' A. Dewatering shall be performed in compliance with Subsection 306-3.3 of SSPWC and as specified herein. ' B. An adequate system shall be maintained to lower and control the groundwater to pennit excavation, construction of structures, placement of piping, and placement of fill materials to be performed under dry conditions. ' C. Sufficient dewatering equipment shall be installed to predrain the water-bearing strata below the bottom of foundations, drains, sewers, pipelines and other excavations. ' D The hydrostatic head in water-bearing strata below foundations, drains, sewers, pipelines and other excavations shall be reduced to ensure that the water level and piezometric water levels are ' below the excavation surface at all times. The piezometric water level shall be maintained a minimum of 3-feet below the excavation surface. tL The system shall be placed into operation prior to excavation below ground water level to lower the ground water level and shall be operated continuously 24 hours a day 7 days a week until ' drains, sewers, pipelines and structures have been constructed and leak tested and fill materials have been placed and dewatering is no longer required. F Surface runoff shall be diverted from excavations. Water entering the excavation from surface runoff shall be collected in shallow ditches around the perimeter of the excavation, drained to sumps, and be pumped or drained by gravity away from the excavation. ' G. Dewatering shall at all times be conducted in such a manner as to preserve the undisturbed bearing capacity of the subgrade soils at proposed bottom of excavation. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Dewatering Project No. 168 02140 4 ' H. If foundation soils are disturbed or loosened by the upward seepage of water or an uncontrolled flow of water, the affected areas shall be excavated and replaced with drain rock at no additional cost to the Owner I. Flotation of structures and facilities shall be prevented by maintaining a positive and continuous removal of water ' J. If well points or wells are used, they shall be adequately spaced to provide the necessary dewatering. ' K. Water and debris shall be disposed of in a suitable manner in compliance with Subsection 306-3.3 of SSPWC and without damage to adjacent property No water shall be drained into work built or under construction. Water shall be filtered to remove sand and fine-sized soil particles and ' further treated if required by regulatory agencies before disposal into any drainage system. Necessary permits from regulatory agencies, if applicable, shall be obtained by the Contractor for disposal of water ' L. The release of groundwater to its original level shall be performed in such manner to prevent disturbance of natural foundation soils, prevent disturbance of compacted backfill and prevent flotation or movement of structures, pipelines, and sewers. ' M. Contractor is responsible to obtain an NPDES permit including payment of the application fee. No discharge fees will be charged. 3.03 RECORDS ' A. Provide a daily record of the average dewatering flow rate. Provide water quality testing as required by the State Water Resources Control Board. ' B. Observe and record the elevation of the groundwater during the period that the dewatering system is in operation. END OF SECTION 1 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Dewanering Project No. 168 02140 5 ' SECTION 02200 EARTHWORK PART 1 GENERAL ' 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This section specifies earthwork which consists of excavation, filling, grading, and excess ' material control for earthwork applicable for structures. Earthwork required for pipelines is specified in Section 02221 ' 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Compaction: The degree of compaction is specified as percent compaction. Maximum or relative densities refer to dry soil densities obtainable at optimum moisture content. B. Excavation Slope: Excavation slope shall be defined as an inclined surface formed by removing ' material from below existing grade. C. Embankment Slope: Embankment slope shall be defined as an inclined surface formed by placement of material above existing grade. ' 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. References: This section references the following documents. They are a part of this section insofar as specified and modified herein. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed documents, the requirements of this section shall prevail. ' Reference Title AASHTO T176 Plastic Fines in Graded Aggregates and Soils by use of the San ' Equivalent Test ASTM C136 Method of Test for Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates ' ASTM D420 Standard Recommended Practice for Investigating and Sampling Soil and Rock for Engineering Purposes ' ASTM D1557 Method of Test for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils, Using 10 lb (4.5 kg) Hammer and 18 in. (457 mm) Drop ASTM D2049 Standard Test Method for Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils ASTM D2419 Standard Test Method for Sand Equivalent Value of Soils and Fine Aggregate ASTM D3017 Method of Test for Moisture Content of Soil and Soil Aggregates In Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) ' B. Tests. The Approved Testing Laboratory will take samples and perform moisture content, gradation, compaction, and density tests during placement of backfill materials to check compliance with these specifications as directed by the Resident Engineer The Contractor shall remove surface material at locations designated by the Resident Engineer and provide such CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Earthwork Project No. 168 02200 I 1 ' assistance to the Testing Laboratory as necessary for sampling and testing. The Resident Engineer may direct the Contractor to construct inspection trenches in compacted or consolidated backfill to determine that the Contractor has complied with these specifications. The Contractor shall bear the costs for sampling and testing specified in this paragraph including costs associated with retesting due to the Contractor's failure to comply with the specifications. C. Submittals: Samples of fill materials to be used shall be submitted 60 days in advance of use. ' Samples shall consist of 0.5 cubic foot of each type of material proposed. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.01 FILL MATERIALS A. Other than for structures: native material excavated from site to be used for backfill. B. For structures: per gcotechnical recommendations. ' PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Overexcavation: At the Direction of the Resident Engineer Where the undisturbed condition of natural soils is inadequate for support of planned construction, the Resident Engineer will direct the Contractor to ovcrexcavate to adequate supporting soils. The excavated space shall be backfilled and compacted to the specified elevation in accordance with Part 2. 2. When ovcrexcavation and backfill is directed by the Resident Engineer because of inadequate soil support, the overexcavation and the placement of backfill or concrete material will be considered as a changed condition and additional compensation will be awarded to the Contractor. t Due to Contractor s Operations: Should the excavation be carried below the lines and grades specified on the drawings or should the bottom of the excavation be disturbed because of the Contractor's operations and require overexcavation and backfill, the ' Contractor shall refill such excavated space with compacted backfill in accordance with Section 3.02, or as otherwise directed by the Resident Engineer Backfill and compaction shall be at Contractors expense. B. Removal of Obstructions: The Contractor shall remove all brush, roots, heavy sods, heavy growth of grass, all decayed vegetable matter, fences and all structures where the proper construction and completion of the work require their removal. The Contractor shall also remove all rocks, stones, broken concrete and pavement, debris and all obstructions of whatsoever tkind or character, whether natural or artificial, encountered in the work. 2. Material that is removed as hcrcinbefore specified, and is not to be incorporated in the work, shall be properly disposed of off the site. ' CMS') Irvine Pumping Station Earthwork Project No. 168 02200 2 I IC. Surplus Material: 1 Unless otherwise specified, surplus excavated material shall be disposed of in accordance Iwith applicable ordinances and environmental requirements. 2. The Contractor shall satisfy himself that there is sufficient material available for the I completion of the required earthwork before disposing of any material inside or outside the site. Shortage of material, caused by premature disposal of any material by the Contractor shall be replaced by the Contractor I3 Material shall not be stockpiled to a depth greater than 5 feet above finished grade within 25 feet of any excavation or structure. The Contractor shall maintain stability of the soil Iadjacent to any excavation. D Hauling: When hauling is done over highways or city streets, the loads shall be trimmed and the I vehicle shelf areas shall be cleaned after each loading. The loads shall be watered after trimming to eliminate dust. E. Haul Roads: The Contractor shall construct haul roads required to transport materials on site. IAlignment of haul roads shall be selected to avoid interference with operation of the City facility Haul roads shall be removed after completion of embankment construction. ' F Finish Grading: 1 Finish surfaces shall be smooth, compacted and free from irregularities. The degree of Ifinish shall be that normally obtainable with a blade-grader 2. Finished grade shall be as specified by the contours, plus or minus 0.10 foot, except I where a local change in elevation is required to match sidewalks, curbs, and manholes, or to ensure proper drainage. I 3 When the work is at an intermediate stage of completion, the lines and grades shall be as specified plus or minus 0.5 foot to provide adequate drainage. G. Control of Erosion: The Contractor shall maintain earthwork surface true and smooth and I protected from erosion. Where erosion occurs, the Contractor shall provide fill or shall excavate as necessary to return earthwork surfaces to the grade and finish specified. I3.02 FILL A. Fill material shall be placed in horizontal layers and compacted with power operated tampers, I rollers, idlers, or vibratory equipment to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent unless otherwise indicated or specified. I3.03 EARTHWORK FOR STRUCTURES A. Structure Excavation. I1 Ground shall not be dug by machinery nearer than 3 inches from any finished subgradc. The last 3 inches shall be removed without disturbing the subgrade. I I CMS') Irvine Pumping Station Earthwork Project No. I 68 02200 3 ' 2. The bottom shall not be more than 0.15 foot above or below the lines and grades specified. If the elevation or structure excavation is not specified, the excavation shall be not more than 0.15 foot above or below the elevation specified for fill material below the structure. Slopes shall vary no more than 0 5 foot from specified grade unless the excavation is in rock where the maximum variation shall be 2 feet. 3 Overexcavation below structures shall be as specified by the soils report. Should the ' excavation be carried below the lines and grades specified on the drawings or should the bottom of the excavation be disturbed because of the Contractor's operations and require overexcavation and backfill, the Contractor shall refill such excavated space to the proper elevation in accordance with Section 3.01-A. 4 Unless otherwise specified, excavations shall extend a sufficient distance from walls and ' footings to allow for placing and removal of forms, installation of services, and for inspection, except where concrete is specified to be placed directly against excavated surfaces. Where crushed rock is shown to be installed below structures, the excavation and recompaction zone shall extend 3 feet beyond the perimeter lines. B. Foundation Treatment: ' l The foundation of new structures shall be excavated, backfilled and compacted as specified herein. The Contractor shall make the necessary provisions to protect the foundations of existing structures adjacent to the new structures against disturbance during the foundation treatment work. 2. At the completion of the excavation, the bottom of the excavation shall be inspected by ' the Resident Engineer No further earthwork shall be performed prior to this inspection. Where unsuitable material is found, the Contractor shall overexcavate as directed by the Resident Engineer in accordance with Paragraph 3.01-A. 3 Upon the Resident Engineer's approval, the bottom of the excavation shall be scarified to a depth of 8 inches, moisture conditioned to within two percentage points of optimum moisture content, and shall be recompacted to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum density The excavation shall then be backfilled and compacted as specified in Paragraph 3 02. ' 4. For foundations shown with a layer of crushed rock below the foundation, the layer of gravel shall extend three feet beyond footing perimeter lines. C. Structure Backfill. 1 Unless otherwise specified or shown, structure backfill shall be Class B or C material [Ref. SSPWC Table 200-1.2(A)], as approved by Engineer Provide either material at no additional cost to Owner 2. After completion of construction below the elevation of the final grade, and prior to backfilling, forms shall be removed and the excavation shall he cleaned of debris. 3 Structure backfill shall not be placed until the subgrade portions of the structure have been inspected. No backfill material shall be deposited against concrete structures until the concrete has been in place for 28 days. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Earthwork Project No. 168 02200 4 ' 4 Backfill material shall be placed in uniform layers with uncompacted thickness of not more than 8 inches and shall be brought up uniformly on all sides of the structure. Each layer of backfill shall be compacted to a relative compaction of not less than 90 percent. ' The top 12 inches shall be compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction. Where the backfill is under roadway or trafficked area, the material within I foot below the surface shall be compacted to a relative compaction of not less than 95 percent. Compaction by means of jetting or ponding shall not be permitted. 3.04 SUBGRADE FOR PAVEMENT ' A. The prepared subgrade shall be scarified to a depth of at least 12 inches and recompacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum density ' END OF SECTION t t t 1 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Earthwork Project No 168 02200 5 I ' SECTION 02221 TRENCHING, BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION PART I GENERAL ' 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. The work of this Section includes all labor, machinery construction equipment. and appliances to ' perform in a good workmanlike manner all trench excavation and backfill work shown on the Drawings and herein specified. 1.02 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Requirements of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, 2006 Edition (SSPWC) apply to this Section. 1.03 SAFETY A. The Contractor shall familiarize himself with, and shall at all times conform to, all applicable regulations of the 'General Construction Safety Orders and 'Trench Construction Safety Orders' of the State of California, Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Health and ' Safety 1.04 INSPECTION AND CONTROL A. A representative will be engaged by the Owner who shall act as the direct representative of the Owner in soils work, to perform inspection of the removal and replacement of unsuitable materials, and the placement and compaction of all fills and backfills within the limits of earthwork on this project. All work shall be done in accordance with these Specifications and as directed and approved by the Resident Engineer Costs of all such inspections will be paid by the Owner t However all such testing shall be conducted by the Contractor-retained Approved Testing Laboratory as directed by the Resident Engineer The cost of all such tests shall he paid for by the Contractor, including initial and any retesting required due to failed tests. 1.05 REQUIREMENTS A. General: The work performed under this Specification shall he constructed to the lines, grades, elevations, slopes and cross sections indicated on the Drawings, specified herein, and/or directed by the Resident Engineer in writing. Slopes, graded surfaces, and drainage features shall present a neat, uniform appearance upon completion of the Work. 2. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility (I) to maintain adequate safety measures and working conditions, and (2) to take all measures necessary during the performance of the Work to protect the entire project area and adjacent properties which would be affected by ' this work from storm damage, flood hazard, caving of trenches and embankments, and sloughing of material, until final acceptance by the Owner. It shall be the Contractors responsibility to maintain completed areas until the entire project area is in satisfactory compliance with the Contract Documents. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Trenching,Backfilling and Compaction 02221 1 I I 3 Contractor shall be responsible for the excavation and disposition of unsuitable or surplus material by approved means of conveyance away from the working area. Conform with applicable requirements for disposition as specified in the SSPWC. B. Utility Protection: Utility lines and structures indicated on the Drawings which are to remain in service shall be protected by the Contractor from any damage as a result of his operations. Where utility lines or structures not shown on the Drawings are encountered, the Contractor shall report I them to the Resident Engineer before proceeding with the Work. The Contractor shall bear the cost of repair or replacement of any utility lines or structures which are broken or damaged by his operations. I PART 2 PRODUCTS I2.01 MATERIALS A. Backfill Soils in the Pipe Backfill Zone shown on the Drawings, shall be in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction Section 306-1.3 1, except as herein noted. Backfill shall not contain rocks greater than 4-inches in maximum dimension. In streets, rocks I greater than 2 1/2 inches in maximum dimension shall not be allowed within 12-inches of pavement subgrade. B. Rock Backfill for Bedding: As determined by the Resident Engineer, in areas where subgrade is Iunsuitable for placement of pipe due to loose, soft, or deleterious materials exposed at pipeline invert elevation during excavation, those materials shall be removed by the Contractor to their full depth, or to two feet below the pipe invert, whichever is less. The overexcavation shall be filled I with rock having the gradation listed below which meets requirements for Size No. 57 listed in AASHTO Specification M43 (ASTM D448). Crushed rock, 3/4 inch maximum size, or a gradation and quality approved by the Resident Engineer may be allowed as an alternate. Costs of any rock I that is rejected by the Resident Engineer for noncompliance with this Section and removal from the site shall be borne by the Contractor. The rock shall be enveloped in a filter fabric of a non-woven geotextile: Mirafi 180N, or approved equal. The filter fabric edges shall be overlapped for a Iminimum of 2 feet. Percent Percent I Sieve Size Passing Minimum Passing Maximum I inch 100 100 3/4 inch 90 100 inch 30 60 I3/8 inch 0 20 #4 0 5 #8 0 0 IASTM C 131 Test Grading B B ' C. Material in Pipe Bedding Zone: For bedding in the Pipe Bedding Zone as shown on the Drawings, the Contractor shall use 3/4 crushed aggregate base, or other material approved by the Resident Engineer in advance of import or placement. Cost of any sand equivalent tests will be borne by the Contractor and will be conducted by the Approved Testing Laboratory Cost for retesting due to Ithe noncompliance with this Section shall be borne by the Contractor I I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Trenching.Back-filling and Compaction Project No. 168 02221 2 I IPART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 TRENCH EXCAVATION A. Excavation for Trenches shall include the removal of all material of any nature for the installation of the pipe or facility and shall include the construction of trench shoring and stabilization measures, timbering and all necessary installations for dewatering. IB. Width of Trench: The minimum width of the pipe zone shall not he less than 12-inches greater than the exterior diameter of the pipe, exclusive of bells and shall not be greater than 16-inches I greater than the exterior diameter of the pipe, exclusive of bells, special structures, or connections. The minimum width shall be exclusive of all trench supports. The maximum width shall be inclusive of all trench support. If the maximum trench width is exceeded, the Contractor shall I provide additional bedding, another type of bedding, or a higher strength of pipe, as approved by the Resident Engineer, at no additional cost to the Owner C. Maximum Length of Open Trench: Except by special permission by the Resident Engineer, only that amount of pipe construction will be permitted, including excavation, construction of pipeline, and backfill in any one location, which can be completed in one day however, maximum length of I open trench shall never exceed 500 feet. This length includes open excavation, pipe laying and appurtenant construction, and backfill which has not been temporarily resurfaced. D Trench Side Slopes: ' 1 Temporary trench excavations shall at all times conform to the safety requirements hereinbefore specified in Paragraph 1 03 entitled 'Safety' I2. Loose cobbles or boulders shall be removed from the sides of the trenches before allowing workmen into the excavation, or the trench slopes must be protected with screening or I other methods. Trench side slopes shall be kept moist during construction to prevent local sloughing and raveling. I 3 The Contractor shall submit, in accordance with Section 01300, copies of a Shoring Plan prepared and signed by a Civil Engineer duly registered in the State of California before commencing excavation. IE. Excess Trench Excavation. If any trench, through the neglect of the Contractor, be excavated below the bottom grade required, it shall be refilled to the bottom grade. at the Contractor's expense for all labor and material, with specified crushed rock compacted to a firm stable foundation. I3.02 BRACING TRENCHES I A. The sides of the trenches shall be supported with plank sheeting and bracing in such a manner as to prevent caving of the sides of the trench. Space left by withdrawal of sheeting or shoring shall be filled completely with dry granular material blown or rammed in place. All trenches deeper than I 5-feet shall be shored in accordance with the approved Shoring Plan, unless cut to the angle of repose of the excavated soils. I B. Shoring shall be designed to resist active earth pressure with the affects of surcharge loads superimposed. I I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Trenching, 13ackfilling and Compaction Project No. 168 02221 3 3.03 PIPE BEDDING A. The Contractor shall excavate below the bells or couplings, as shown on the Drawings for the full width of the trench and shall place sand bedding upon which the pipe is to be laid. If trench ' material is suitable for use, as determined by the Resident Engineer the trench may be excavated above the pipe invert and hand shaped so that the pipe is firmly supported on undisturbed material. Approved pipe bedding material shall be placed and compacted throughout the Pipe Bedding Zone ' as shown on the Drawings. B. At pipe subgrade, if foundation soil in trench is soft, wet, spongy unstable or does not afford solid ' foundation for pipe, the Contractor shall excavate as directed by Resident Engineer, to a minimum of 6 inches, and provide a stable rock backfill for bedding for placement of pipe bedding as specified herein in Paragraph 2.01 B Such unsuitable material shall be disposed of at the Contractor's expense. C. Should rock be encountered in the trench, the Contractor shall excavate to a minimum of 6 inches ' below pipe bells or as directed by the Resident Engineer, and shall construct a base by placing 6 inches of rock backfill for bedding upon which a subgrade can be prepared. All bedding shall be wrapped in filter fabric; Mirafi 180N or approved equal. D. Before any pipe is lowered in place, the trench bottom shall be prepared so that each pipe will have a firm and uniform bearing over the entire length of the barrel and a width equal to one-half the outside diameter of the pipe. All adjustments in line and grade shall be made by scraping away or tfilling and tamping in under the barrel of the pipe. Wedging or blocking are not permitted. 3.04 BACKFILLING PIPE TRENCHES ' A. Pipe Backfill and Bedding Zones: Selected backfill material for the pipe zone shall consist of hereinbefore specified material. Place material in the trench simultaneously on each side of the ' pipe for the full width of the trench and over the Pipe Backfill Zone, as shown on the Drawings, in layers not greater than 8-inches in loose depth. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping. Jetting or ponding for compaction is not allowed. In all cases, backfilling of the pipe ' zone must be done by hand. Bedding shall be brought up uniformly on both sides of the pipe. Particular attention shall be given to underside of the pipe and fittings to provide a firm support ' along the full length of the pipe. The Pipe Zone shall he considered to extend to I2-inches above the top of the pipe, and shall be compacted in the trench such that there will be obtained a relative compaction of not less than 90 percent of maximum dry density at within 2 percent of optimum moisture content as hereinafter specified. 1 Use of Materials other than those specified shall be approved by Engineer prior to use. The Contractor shall bear all cost of removal of rejected material, its hauling to an authorized disposal site, and cost of providing required material to complete the bedding and backfilling. B Backfilling Pipe Trench: After the pipe has been laid in the trench and has been inspected and ' approved, and backfilling in the pipe zone is complete and compacted, the remainder of the trench may be backfilled. The backfill material shall be suitable material and shall be class B or C material. Whenever imported borrow for backfill is required, the Contractor shall furnish this borrow material and dispose of the excess trench excavation and shall include the expense of this work in his bid. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Trenching,Baal-Ming and Compaction Project No. 168 02221 4 I ' C. Compaction Testin : The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of each soil type used in the controlled compacted fill will be determined by ASTM Dl557-96 compaction method, and field density tests will be performed in accordance with ASTM D3017 The Resident Engineer will determine the number and frequency of tasks to be performed. D Placement and Compaction of Trench Backfill. The placement and compaction of all trench I backfill shall conform to the following method subject to the qualifications specified therein. Water densification of backfill is not allowed. I With approval of the Resident Engineer, backfill shall be mechanically compacted by means of tamping rollers, sheepsfoot rollers, pneumatic tire rollers, vibrating rollers, or other mechanical tampers to 90 percent relative compaction except that the upper 1 foot below all pavement I subgrade shall be compacted to 95% relative compaction. All such equipment shall be of size and type approved by the Engineer Impact-type pavement breakers (stompers) will not be permitted over any pipe. Permission to use specific compaction equipment shall not be construed as I guaranteeing or implying that the use of such equipment will not result in damage to adjacent ground, existing improvements, or improvements installed under the Contract. The Contractor shall make his own determination in this regard. Mechanically compacted backfill shall be placed ' in horizontal layers not exceeding eight inches in thickness. Each laver shall be evenly spread, the moisture content brought to within two percentage points of optimum moisture content, and then tamped or rolled until the specific relative compaction has been attained. IE. Filter Fabric: Bedding material shall be wrapped in filter fabric; Mirafi 180N or approved equal. 3.05 GENERAL PIPELINE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS IA. Depth of Pipe: Pipelines shall be installed at the depths (elevations) shown on the Drawings. If elevations are not shown, piping shall be only installed with cover adequate to resist construction Iloads,but in no instance shall cover be less than thirty(36) inches. B. Changes in Line and Grade: In the event obstructions not shown on the Drawings are encountered I during the progress of the Work which will require alterations to the Drawings, the Resident Engineer shall have the authority to change the Drawings and order the necessary deviation from the line or grade. The Contractor shall not make any deviation from the specified line and grade I without approval by the Resident Engineer Should any deviations in line and grade be permitted by the Resident Engineer in order to reduce the amount of rock excavation or for other similar convenience to the Contractor any additional costs for thrust blocks, valves, extra pipe footage, concrete, or other additional costs shall be per unit prices listed in the Owner approved cost-loaded Ischedule. C Installing Pipe: After excavating the trench and preparing the proper bedding for the pipe, I Contractor shall furnish all necessary facilities for properly lowering and placing sections of the pipe in the trench without damage and shall properly install the pipe. The sections of pipe shall he fitted together correctly and shall be laid true to line and grade in accordance with field stakes per I Section 01050. The full length of the barrel of the pipe shall have a uniform bearing upon the bedding material, but if the pipe has a projecting bell, suitable excavation shall be made to receive the bell which shall not bear on the subgrade. The requirement for closely fitting the bottom of the Ipipe to the bedding material for the width stated in this section will be strictly enforced. 1 Pipe shall be laid up grade. Any pipe which is not in true alignment, both vertical and ' horizontal, or shows an undue settlement after laying shall be replaced when so ordered I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Trenching,Backfilhng and Compaction 02221 S I ' by the Resident Engineer No pipe shall be laid which is damaged, cracked, checked or spalled or has any other defect deemed by the Resident Engineer to make it unacceptable, and all such sections shall be permanently removed from the Work. 2. At all times when the work of installing pipe is not in progress, all openings into the ends of the pipelines shall be kept tightly closed with suitable plywood or sheet metal bulkheads to prevent the entrance of animals and foreign materials and to prevent water from entering the pipe. 3. Keep the pipe trench free from water at all times and take all necessary precautions to prevent the pipe from floating due to water entering the trench from any source. Any damage is the Contractor's full responsibility Restore and replace the pipe to its specified condition and grade if it is displaced due to floating. 4 All pipeline adjoining concrete structures shall have a joint (flexible) within 18-inches from the face of such concrete structures. 3.06 CLEANUP A. Immediately upon completion of work of this Section, all rubbish and debris shall be removed from the job site. All construction equipment and implements of service shall be removed and the entire area involved shall be left in a neat, clean and acceptable condition. END OF SECTION 1 I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Trenching, Backfilling and Compaction Project No. 168 02221 6 ' SECTION 02350 SHEETING, SHORING BRACING AND SAFETY PART 1 GENERAL ' 1.01 SCOPE A. This section provides specifications for sheeting, shoring, bracing, or other excavation supports. 1.02 REFERENCES ' A. This section references the following documents. They are part of this section as specified and modified. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and those of the listed documents, the most stringent requirement shall prevail. Reference Title ' OSHA Occupation Safety and Health Act, US Department of Health CAL OSHA State of California Construction Safety Orders California State Labor Code t1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Design Requirements: 1 Protection and Trench Safety' Pursuant to Section 6705 of the State Labor Code, all open excavations greater than 5 feet in depth shall be constructed with bracing, sheeting, shoring, or other equivalent method designed for the protection of life and limb. The trench excavation and support system shall comply in all respects with the requirements of Article 6, of the Construction Safety Orders of the Division of Industrial Safety The ' Contractor's attention is directed to the provisions of Subarticle 1540 (4), Article 6 of the California Construction Safety Orders for alternative shoring and sloping system. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to provide the additional strength required to support the sides of the excavation against loads which may exceed those employed to derive the criteria set forth in the Industrial Safety Orders. The Contractor shall submit to the Resident Engineer a detailed plan showing the design of shoring, bracing, sloping, or other provisions to he made for worker protection from the hazard of caving ground during the excavation of such trench or trenches. If such plan varies from the shoring system standards, the plan shall be prepared by a registered civil or structural engineer. It shall be understood that the above stipulated requirements are to be considered to be the minimum to be provided. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for any and all liabilities which may arise from his failure to provide adequate shoring, bracing or sheeting as necessary to support the excavation under any or all of the conditions of loading which may exist, or which may arise during the construction of the project. ' 2. Excavation for Structures: All excavations shall be properly shored, sheeted and braced or cut back to the proper slope to furnish safe working conditions, to prevent shifting of material, to prevent damage to structures or other work, and to avoid delay to the work, all in accordance with applicable safety and health regulations. Before starting CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Sheeting, Shoring, Bracing and Safety Project No. I 68 02350 I ' excavation for structures, the Contractor shall submit for record purposes complete design calculations and working drawings of proposed sheeting and bracing arrangements which have been prepared, signed and sealed by a registered civil or structural engineer. Bracing shall be arranged so as not to place any strain on portions of completed work until the general construction has proceeded far enough to provide ample strength. If the Resident Engineer is of the opinion that, at any point, the sheeting or supports are inadequate or unsuited for the purpose, he may order the Contractor to resubmit design ' calculations and working drawings for that point, taking into consideration the observed field conditions. If the new calculations show the need for additional sheeting and bracing, the Contractor shall immediately install it. The sole responsibility for the ' design, methods of installation, and adequacy of the sheeting and supports shall be and shall remain that of the Contractor. The working drawings for shoring, sheeting and bracing will not be checked by the Resident Engineer ' 3 Sequencing: The Contractor shall not start excavation until the trench support drawing has been returned to the Contractor. When the construction sequence of structures ' requires the transfer of bracing to the completed portions of any structure, the Contractor shall secure the written acceptance of the Engineer prior to the installation of such bracing. B. Submittals: Trench Support Drawings: In accordance with the requirements of Section 6705 of the ' Labor Code of the State of California, the Contractor shall submit detailed drawings to the Resident Engineer before excavation, showing the design of shoring, bracing, sloping or other provisions to be made for worker protection from the hazard of caving ground ' during the excavation of any trench or trenches 5 feet or more in depth. The design shall be signed by a registered engineer. The drawings will not be checked by the Resident Engineer ' 2. Certification. The minimum required protection will be that described in the Construction Safety Orders of the Division of Industrial Safety If the Contractor ' presents excavation plans which vary from the shoring system standards established by the Construction Safety Orders, the Plans shall be prepared and signed by a registered civil engineer PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. The design, planning, installation and removal of all lagging sheeting, shoring, sheet piling, and ' bracing shall be accomplished in such a manner as to maintain the undisturbed state of the soils adjacent to the trench and at and below the excavation bottom. B. The use of horizontal strutting below the barrel of a pipe or the use of a pipe as a support will not be permitted. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Sheeting, Shoring,Bracing and Safety Project No. 168 02350 2 1 ' C. Sheet piling and timbers in trench excavations shall be withdrawn in a manner so as to prevent subsequent settlement of the pipe or additional backfill loading which might overload the pipe. Trench sheeting below the top of the pipe shall be left in place. ' END OF SECTION 1 1 t t I 1 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Sheeting, Shoring,Bracing and Safety 02350 3 SECTION 02831 TEMPORARY CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES PART I GENERAL ' 1.01 WORK OF THIS SECTION A. The Contractor shall provide temporary chain link fencing, gates and appurtenances, complete and operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents. Temporary fencing required for site security and public safety which is not shown on the Plans, shall be provided at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Temporary fencing must completely enclose and restrict entry to the area of work at the pump station. Fence lines shall be as indicated on the plan or as otherwise specified by the Owner s ' representative. The Contractor shall establish and stake the exact line of these fences. The Contractor shall provide offset stakes as required for his use during construction. ' C. Shop and installation drawings for the fences and gates shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01300 Submittal Procedures. D All ferrous materials shall be galvanized as hereinafter specified. Defective galvanized material ' or material upon which abrasion of the galvanizing has occurred shall not be used. E. The Contractor shall furnish padlocks for the gates, per Owner s requirements for standardized lock manufacturer and keying. F All earth, trees, brush, and other obstructions which interfere with the proper construction of ' fences shall be removed and disposed of, unless the Owner s Representative orders certain trees and brush to remain in place. ' 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. The Work of the following Section applies to the Work of this Section. Other Sections, not ' referenced below shall also apply to the extent required for proper performance of this Work. Section 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete ' 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. The Work of this Section shall comply with the current edition of the Uniform Building Code as ' adopted by the Owner B. Except as otherwise indicated in this Section, the Contractor shall comply with the latest adopted edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC) together with the latest adopted editions of the Regional and applicable Supplemental Amendments. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Temporary Chain Link Fences and Gates 02831 I C. Except as otherwise Indicated, the current editions of the following apply to the Work of this Section. ASTM A 90 Test Method for Weight of Coating on Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Iron or Steel Articles ASTM A 392 Specification for Zinc-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric 1.04 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. The following shall be submitted in compliance with Section 01300 Submittal Procedure before fabrication and construction. ' l Manufacturer's product information including catalog cuts indicating materials. 2. The layout of the chain link fence and gates indicating fence height, post sizes, bracing configurations, corner construction, and accessories. ' PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL ' A. General: Materials for chain link fencing, gates and appurtenances shall conform to the requirements of SSPWC Subsection 206-6 and as indicated herein. ' 2.02 POSTS,RAILS AND BRACES A. Materials for posts, rails and braces shall be Class 1A complying with SSPWC ' Subsection 206-6.2. 2.03 WIRE FABRIC ' A. Chain link fabric shall be galvanized fabric conforming to SSPWC Subsection 206-6 3 1 Fabric wire shall be 9 gauge. ' 2.04 VINYL SLATS A. Vinyl slats shall be installed in the wire fabric of fencing and gates. The slat material shall be suitable for the desert environment and outdoor exposure, as approved by Owner Slat color shall be selected by Owner during the submittal review process. ' 2.05 FOOTINGS A. Concrete for post footings shall conform to SSPWC Subsection 201 1 Class 520-C 2500 concrete. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Temporary Chain Link Fences and< ates 0283I 2 ' PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION OF FENCING A. Installation of chain link fencing shall conform with SSPWC Subsection 304-3, and as indicated below ' 1 All earth, brush, or other obstructions which interfere with the proper alignment of construction of fences shall be removed. 2. Line posts shall be spaced at not more than 10-foot intervals, measured from center to center of the posts and generally parallel to the ground slope. Posts shall be set plumb and shall be centered in concrete foundation. ' 3 Gate post shall be provided with concrete foundation. ' 4 Changes in the fence lines, where the horizontal angle is 15 degrees or more, shall be considered as corners and corner posts shall be installed. ' 5 Corner, end, and gate posts shall be braced to the nearest line post. Corner and end posts shall be diagonally braced. Bracing for gate posts shall be horizontal braces with truss rods. Line posts shall be braced horizontally and trussed in both directions with truss rods at 1000 feet maximum intervals. 6. Top rails shall be provided and fitted with couplings for connecting lengths into continuous runs. Couplings shall be not less than 6 inches long and allow for expansion and contraction of the rail. 7 Chain link fabric shall be taut and shall be attached to posts, stretcher bars, and wires ' with galvanized fabric bands or tic wires at a maximum spacing of 12 inches on posts and 18 inches on the tension wires. Tension wires shall be provided in accordance with SSPWC subsection 206-6.4 The tension wires shall be stretched tight with turnbuckles ' at the end and corner posts. The bottom tension wire shall be installed on a straight grade between posts. ' 8. The fabric shall be fastened to the end, corner, and gate posts with stretcher bars and stretcher bar bands spaced at approximately 12 inches. 3.02 GATES A. Installation of gates shall conform with SSPWC Subsection 304-3.3 and other requirements specified herein. ' B. Gale frames shall be fabricated with welded joints or rigid connectors. C. The fabric shall be the same as that used for the fence and shall be rigidly attached to the frames. D Frames shall be suitably braced and trussed. fE. Gates shall be equipped with suitable offset hinges to permit a 180 degree swing and a drop bar locking device with provision for padlocking. A stop to hold the gate open and a center rest with catch shall be provided. ' DASD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Temporary Chain Link Fences and Gates 02831 3 1 3.03 CONCRETE FOOTINGS A. Encasement concrete for footings shall be placed in accordance with Greenbook Table 201 1 1.2 or Class 500-C 2500 Concrete. Concrete for footings may be placed without forms, providing the ground is firm enough to permit excavation to neat line dimensions. Before placing the concrete, the earth around the hole shall be thoroughly moistened. The concrete shall completely fill the hole and top surfaces of the concrete encasement shall be sloped outward to shed water ' and shall have a neat appearance. Fence fabric shall not be fastened to the post until a minimum period of 7 days has elapsed after the placement of concrete footing. END OF SECTION t 1 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 1 C,8 Temporary Chain Link Fences and Gates 02831 4 SECTION 03480 PRECAST CONCRETE SPECIALTIES PART I —GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The section covers the work necessary to furnish and install precast concrete items, complete and operable, as shown on the drawings and specified herein. 1.02 SUPPLIERS /MANUFACTURER'S SERVICES ' A. A supplier s and/or manufacturer s representative for the products specified herein shall be present at the jobsite as required for installation assistance, inspection, and certification of the installation. ' 1.03 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION ' A. General: Submittals during construction shall be made in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. Detailed Requirements: Shop drawings shall be provided showing the design, dimensions, layout, and installation of each precast concrete structure. In addition, the submittals made per this specification section shall address the access hatch, manhole, or other entry feature that is to be cast into the top slab of precast concrete structures per the contract documents. C. Design Calculations: Design calculations for the precast concrete structures shall be submitted and signed and scaled by a civil or structural engineer registered in the state of California. ' D Buoyancy In addition to structural calculations to determine reinforcement requirements for specified structural loading conditions, Contractor shall also be responsible to evaluate buoyancy to ' determine the total weight of the empty precast concrete vault (including top slab and base slab), exclusive of soil weight on the bottom slab (if it exends beyond the vault walls) or soil friction against the vault walls, versus the buoyancy force (assume ground water to he as high as Elevation ' 12 feet). The vault wall thickness and base slab thickness shall be sized to achieve required structural strength for design loads, as well as provide a total weight that is 1.25 times the buoyant force. The cost of increased wall or base slab thickness to achieve these design goals shall be ' borne by Contractor without additional compensation by Owner 1.04 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ' A. The use of a manufacturer's name and model or catalog number is for the purpose of establishing the standard of quality and general configuration desired only Products of other manufacturers will be considered in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Upon delivery to the jobsitc, the Contractor shall carefully inspect each precast concrete section to ensure that it complies in all respects to these specifications and is free of defects such as cracks, spalls, malformed surfaces, incorrect dimensions, etc. Defective precast units shall be rejected and immediately removed from the jobsite. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 163 Precast Concrete Specialties 03430-1 1.06 REQUIREMENTS COVERED IN OTHER SPECIFICATION SECTIONS Section 08300 Access Hatches ' 1.07 DESIGN REQUIREMENT ' A. Watertightness of Manholes and Vaults: Manholes, vaults and appurtenances shall be watertight and free from infiltration. All joints shall be sealed per this specification section. Joint locations include (but are not limited to) the following: adjacent precast concrete sections/risers and grade rings; at the joint between the bottom manhole/vault riser with the manhole/vault base; and at each pipe/wall connection. ' PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.01 PRECAST CONCRETE QUALITY AND APPROVED MANUFACTURER A. Unless otherwise noted in subsequent paragraphs: (1) the materials and mixture proportioning for precast concrete structures shall conform to that required of watertight, chemical resistant concrete ' as specified in ACI 350R-89• and (2) the minimum compressive strength at 28 days shall be 3500 psi. B. Precast concrete products shall be as manufactured by B&W Precast, Utility Vault Company San Diego Precast Concrete, Olson Precast Company or approved equal. ' 2.02 CONCRETE VAULTS AND MANHOLES A. Concrete Sections: Furnish and install manholes as indicated and referenced. Pre-cast concrete ' sections shall conform to ASTM C478 and shall have a minimum strength of 4,500 PSI. The assembled manholes shall be capable of withstanding a continuous 1-1-20 traffic load. Submit shop drawings and signed calculations indicating structural sizes, rebar cement and load capabilities. Unless otherwise noted on the drawings or specified herein, manhole interiors will be lined and coated. B. Manhole Frames and Covers. Castings for frames and covers shall conform to ASTM A48, Class ' 35B, and to the requirements of SSPW (2006), Section 206-3 'Gray Iron Castings Frames and covers shall be designed for 1120 loading. Before leaving the foundry all castings shall be thoroughly cleaned and subjected to a hammer inspection, after which they shall be factory coated ' for corrosion protection. Manhole frames and covers shall be machined and gasketed, and shall be held in place by security bolts. Frames and covers shall be match-marked in sets before shipping to the site. Covers shall have the word `SEWER cast thereon. Provide concentric manhole covers ' for diameters 36 inches and larger C. Exterior Coatings. I The exterior surfaces of MANHOLES shall be coated for waterproofing (applied via paint roller) with W.R. Meadows Mel-Rol-LM or approved equal. Protection board shall be used for protection of coating during backfill of trench. Exterior joint seals shall be provided per Paragraph 2.03 below ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Precast Concrete Specialties 03480-2 1 2. The exterior surfaces of VAULTS shall be coated for waterproofing (using self-adhering membranes or sheets) with W.R. Meadows Mel-Rol or approved equal. Protection board shall be used for protection of coating during backfill of trench. ' D Interior Linings: 1 Plastic Lining: The interior of concrete vaults (except valve vault), manhole walls and ' roof, concrete grade rings and access hatch shafts shall be PVC lined per Greenbook Section 500-2.3 and Section 03130 ' 2. Polyurethane Linings: The interior of concrete manhole bases, manhole channels, and vault floors (except valve vault) shall be coated with a primer and 100% solids, high build polyurethane, Sancon 200 or approved equal. The primer and coating system shall ' conform to SSPWC (2000), Section 500-2.4.6, 'Primer and Lining Materials' 500-2.4.7 'Lining Application 500-2.4 S 'Spark Test' S00-2.4.9 'Repair Methods' and 500-2.4 10 Applicable Standards' ' a. The polyurethane lining shall overlap and be tenaciously tied-in to the PVC lining on the manhole walls. ' b. The polyurethane lining shall be furnished with sand as required to obtain a non-slip surface where walking is feasible. Sand shall be broadcast onto ' the surface of this coating before it has set. The type and quantity of sand shall be as recommended by the coating manufacturer to be compatible with the coating product and to obtain the desired result. 3 All interior surfaces shall be completely covered and protected from the wastewater environment using plastic and/or polyurethane linings as described above. ' E. Manhole Channel: Provide a formed (concrete) channel between inlet and outlet piping to match proposed grades shown on Plans. ' 2.04 JOINT SEALANT ' A. General. If a precast concrete structure is constructed of multiple sections, each joint shall be sealed with a combination of Type 1 and Type 2 joint sealants. ' B. Type 1 Joint Sealant: Type I joint sealant shall be a butyl compound complying with Federal Specification SS2I OA (Type I Rope Form) and AASHTO M 198-751 (Type B). ' Type I joint sealant shall be Ram-Nek as manufactured by K.T Snyder Company Inc. (Houston, Texas), ConSeal as manufactured by Concrete Sealants, Inc. (New Carlisle, Ohio), EZ Stik as manufactured by Press-Seal Gasket Corporation (Fort Wayne, Indiana), or approved equal. ' C. Type 2 Joint Sealant: Type 2 joint sealant shall be an external sealing band composed of rubber, mastic and protective film elements per the requirements of ASTM C877 When properly installed, the sealing band shall prevent leakage for external hydrostatic pressures up to 13 psi (30 feet). ' Type 2 joint sealant shall be Conseal CS212 as manufactured by Conseal Sealants (New Carlisle, Ohio) or approved equal. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Precast Concrete Specialties Project No. I68 03480-3 1 PART 3— EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION OF PRECAST CONCRETE SECTIONS A. Precast concrete sections shall be stacked so that they are plumb, and shall be installed in conformance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 3.02 SEALING JOINTS A. General. As used herein, `scaling is defined as making a joint or wall penetration watertight so that there is no leakage, assuming the groundwater table is at ground level. B. Sealing the Joints between Precast Concrete Sections: Contractor shall seal all joints between adjacent precast concrete sections using a combination of Type 1 and Type 2 joint sealants. C. Sealing the Joint between the Bottom Precast Concrete Section and the Base Slab: Contractor shall seal the joint between the bottom precast concrete section and the base slab using Typc I joint sealant. 3.03 SEALING WALL PENETRATIONS A. Contractor shall use wall penetration seals as indicated on the drawings to seal all penetrations of piping or electrical conduits through precast concrete structures, unless otherwise shown. 3.04 VACUUM TESTING A. All manholes shall be vacuum tested. Perform tests as listed below ' 1 Manhole Negative Air Pressure Test (Vacuum Test). Vacuum testing shall be done in accordance with ASTM C1244, latest edition. Each manhole shall be tested immediately after assembly and prior to backfilling to pull all manhole pre-cast concrete segments ' together and to facilitate repair of vacuum leaks. Each manhole shall be tested a second time for final acceptance after backfill in order to assure that the backfill operation did not damage the integrity of the vacuum seal. Any manholes damaged or moved during final grading or paving shall be retested, excavated if failed, repaired if necessary and retested ' until passing. 2. All lift holes shall he plugged with an approved non-shrink grout. No grout will be placed ' in the horizontal joints before testing. All pipes entering the manhole shall be plugged, taking care to securely brace the plugs from being drawn into the manhole. ' 3 If a manhole fails the initial test, necessary repairs shall be made with a non-shrink grout while the vacuum is still being drawn. Cracks longer than two-inches shall be cause for rejection of the casting and no patching shall he allowed. The Contractor shall retest until a satisfactory test is obtained. END OF SECTION 1 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Precast Concrete Specialties 03480-4 ' SECTION 05220 CONCRETE BOLTS PART 1 GENERAL ' 1.01 WORK OF THIS SECTION A. The Contractor shall provide concrete anchor bolts, inserts, complete, in accordance with the ' Contract Documents. Principal items are anchor bolts placed in concrete, adhesive anchors, expansion bolts, and drilled anchors. ' 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. The work of the following Sections apply to the work of this Section. Other Sections,not referenced ' below shall also apply to the extent required for proper performance of this work. 1 Steel supports hangers,brackets and other miscellaneous items accessory to mechanical and ' electrical installations indicated or detailed on the Contract Drawings, and in Divisions 15 and 16. 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS ' A. Except as otherwise indicated in this Section of the Specifications, the Contractor shall comply with the latest adopted edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC), ttogether with the latest adopted editions of the Regional Amendments. B. The current edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC) of International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO). C. Federal Specifications: ' 1 MIL-A 907E Antiseize Thread Compound, High Temperature ' D Commercial Standards (Current Edition): 1 American Welding Society AWS AS Series 2. ANSI/AWS B3.0 Welding Procedure and Performance Qualifications 3 ANSI/AWS DI I Specification for Welding Code Steel 1 4 ANSI/AWS Dl.3 Specification for Welding Sheet Steel in Structure ' 5 AISC American Institute of Steel Construction B Manual of Steel Construction ' E. ASTM Standards in Building Codes (Current Edition): ASTM A 36 Specification for Structural Steel 1 ' CMSD Irvin. Pumping Station Concrete Bolts Project No. 168 05220 1 I 2 ASTM A 123 Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel IProducts 3 ASTM A 153 Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware I4 ASTM A 193 Specifications for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High Temperature Service I5 ASTM A 194 Specifications for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure and High Temperature Service I6. ASTM A 307 Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile I 7 ASTM A 320 Specification for Alloy Steel Bolting Materials for Low Temperature Service I8. ASTM A 563 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts 1.04 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS IA. Shop Drawings: Shop drawings of all concrete bolts shall be submitted to the Construction Manager for review in accordance with Section 01300 Submittals. I B. An International Conference of Building Officials(ICBO)report listing the ultimate load capacity in tension and shear for each size and type of adhesive and expansion concrete anchor used shall be submitted for review The Contractor shall submit manufacturer's recommended installation I instructions and procedures for all adhesive and expansion anchors for review and approval. The Contractor shall follow approved procedures during installation of concrete anchors. I C. No substitution for the indicated adhesive anchors will be considered unless accompanied with ICBO report verifying strength and material equivalency including temperature at which load capacity is reduced to 90 percent of that determined at 75 degrees F ' PART 2 PRODUCTS I2.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Anchor Bolts: Anchor bolts shall be fabricated of materials complying with SSPWC I Subsections 206-I 4A and 209-2.2, and as follows: 1 Steel bolts ASTM A307 grade A 2. Fabricated steel bolts ASTM A36 I3 Stainless steel bolts, nuts, washers ASTM A320, Type 316 B. All Bolts(Buried or Not Buried): Except where otherwise indicated,all bolts,anchor bolts,and nuts Ishall be Stainless Steel, ASTM A320, Type 316 as indicated herein. C. Bolt Requirements: II The bolt and nut material shall be lice-cutting steel. I I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Concrete Bolts Project No. 168 05220 2 I ' 2. The nuts shall be capable of developing the full strength of the bolts. Threads shall be Coarse Thread Series conforming to the requirements of the American Standard for Screw Threads. All bolts and cap screws shall have hexagon heads, and nuts shall be Heavy Hexagon Series. I3 The length of all bolts shall be such that after joints are made up, each bolt shall extend through the entire nut, but in no case, more than 2-inch beyond the nut. ID Adhesive Anchors: Unless otherwise indicated, all drilled, concrete or masonry anchors shall he adhesive anchors. No substitutions will be considered unless accompanied with ICBO report ' verifying strength and material equivalency 1 Epoxy adhesive anchors are required for drilled anchors where exposed to weather in I submerged, wet, splash, overhead, and corrosive conditions, and for anchoring handrails, pumps,mechanical equipment,and reinforcing bars. Epoxy anchor grout shall comply with Section 03315 Grout. Threaded rod shall be stainless steel Type 316. 2. Unless otherwise indicated,glass capsule,polyester resin adhesive anchors will be permitted in locations not indicated above, and shall be Hilti HVA, or equal. Threaded rod shall be galvanized steel. I E. Expanding-Type Anchors: Expanding-type anchors shall not be permitted. I F Powder-Driven Pins: Powder-driven pins for installation in concrete shall be heat-treated steel alloy If the pins are not inherently sufficiently corrosion-resistant for the conditions to which they are to be exposed, they shall be protected in an acceptable manner. Pins shall have capped or threaded Iheads capable of transmitting the loads the shanks are required to support. I G. Impact Anchor Impact anchors shall be an expansion-type anchor in which a nail-type pin is driven to produce the expansive force. It shall have a zinc sleeve with a mushroom-style head and stainless steel nail pin. Anchors shall be Metal Hit Anchors,manufactured by Hilti,Inc. Rawl Zamac Nailin, Imanufactured by the Rawlplug Company or equal. 2.02 GALVANIZING ' A. Iron and Steel. ASTM A123 with average weight per square foot of 2.0 ounces,and not less than 1.8 ounces per square foot. I B. Ferrous Metal Hardware Items. ASTM A153 with average coating weight of 1 3 ounces per square foot. I C. Touch-up Material for Galvanized Coatings. Repair galvanized coatings marred or damaged during erection or fabrication by use of DRYGALV as manufactured by the American Solder and Flux Company Galvalloy Galvion,Rust-Oleum 7085 Cold Galvanizing Compound,or equal,applied in Iaccordance with the manufacturers instructions. 2.03 WELDING ELECTRODES IA. Steel Electrodes. Use welding electrodes conforming with AWS Dl 1 except E7024 rods or electrodes are not to be used. I I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Concrete Bolts Project No. 168 05220 1 I I B. Aluminum Electrodes. Contingent upon alloys being welded, use only inert gas-shielded arc or resistant-welding process with filler alloys conforming to UBC Standard No. 28,Table 28-1-C.Use no process requiring a welding flux. IC. Stainless Steel Electrodes. Perform welding of stainless steel with electrodes and techniques as contained in pertinent AWS A5 series specification, and as recommended in Welded Austenitic chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Techniques and Properties as published by the International Nickel ICompany Inc. New York, New York. IPART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Fabrication and Installation: Except as otherwise indicated,the fabrication and installation of anchor bolts shall conform to the requirements of the American Institute of Steel Construction 'Manual of ISteel Construction. B. Install adhesive expansion and drilled anchor bolts in accordance with method specified in ICBO for manufacturer product. I C. Powder-Driven Pins: Powder-driven pins shall be installed by a craftsman who is certified by the manufacturer as being qualified to install the manufacturer's pins. Pins shall be driven in one initial I movement by an instantaneous force that has been carefully selected to attain the required penetration. Driven pins shall conform to the following requirements where 'D' = Pin's shank diameter I Pin s Shank Minimum Space Material Material's Penetration in From Pin s CL to Minimum Penetrated Minimum Supporting Edge of Penetrated Pin I by Pin Thickness Material Material 14D Spacing Concrete 16D 6D minimum 20D ' 3.02 WELDING A. Perform all welding in accordance with the 'Structural Welding Code Steel' AWS D1 1 and current Irevisions. Use only welders qualified by tests in accordance with AWS B3.0 3.03 GALVANIZING IA. Bolts, anchor bolts, nuts and similar threaded fasteners, after being properly cleaned, shall be galvanized in accordance with the requirements of ASTM A 153 Field repairs to galvanizing shall be made using 'Galvinox, 'Galvo-Weld, or equal. I3.04 INSPECTION I A. The Owner reserves the right to inspect all materials and workmanship covered in this Section. Such inspections will not relieve the Contractor of its responsibility to furnish materials and workmanship in accordance with the Specifications. If inspections indicate that materials or workmanship are I defective, the Contractor shall remove and replace the defective work at no additional cost to the Owner IEND OF SECTION I CMSD In in- Pumping Station Concrete Bolts Project No. 168 05220 4 ' SECTION 06640 FIBERGLASS LADDERS PART GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. Fixed ladders shall comply with OSHA PP 1910.27 when installed to the supplier's specifications. B. Ladders shall be all fiberglass with the exception of Stainless Steel (Type 316) fasteners to secure support brackets and splices. C. Rungs shall be 1 diameter solid rod with a black safety grit surface. Side rails shall be 2"x'/4 ' tubes. D Ladders shall be supported at 4 ft. intervals with stand-off clips and brackets. E. This specification pertains to the new ladder to be installed in the valve vault. ' PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Material shall be pultruded structural fiberglass shapes colored throughout. Shapes shall include ultraviolet inhibitors and meet ASTM-E 84 Class 1 flame spread rate. B Material shall be yellow for iso-polyester or vinyl ester resin systems. ' C. Fiberglass pultruded structural shapes shall meet or exceed the following physical properties: Ultimate Tensile 30,000 PSI ' Ultimate Compressive 30,000 PSI Modulus of Elasticity 2.8 x 106 Barcol Hardness 50 2.02 APPROVED MANUFACTURER ' A. Ladder shall be CorLight as manufactured by 1KG Fiberglass Systems or approved equal. ' 2.03 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS A. Pop-Up Extensions: Ladders that do not have an exterior handhold shall be equipped with a pop- up extension. Pop-up extension device shall be manufactured of the same material and finish as the ladder with telescoping tubular section that locks automatically when fully extended. Upward and downward improvement shall be controlled by stainless steel spring balancing mechanisms. Units shall be completely assembled with fasteners for securing to the ladder rungs in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. ' CMSD Irveine Pumping Station Project No 168 Fiberglass Ladders 06640 1 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL ' A. Shop drawings (optional) shall be submitted for customer approval prior to fabrication. B. Ladders shall be supplied assembled and ready for erection. C. Ladders shall be installed per manufacturer's recommendations. D The access ladder shall he located beneath the access hatch as required to avoid conflict with the ' access hatch leaf and any portion of its operating mechanism. Contractor shall confirm ladder placement complies with this criterion prior to installation of the hatch and ladder ' END OF SECTION I t t ' CMSD lrveine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Fiberglass Ladders 06640 2 I SECTION 08300 ACCESS HATCHES PART 1 GENERAL ' 1.01 SCOPE A. This section covers the work necessary to furnish and install access hatches, complete and operable, as shown on the drawings and specified herein. 1.02 STANDARDIZATION A. Like items of equipment specified herein shall be the end products of one manufacturer in order to achieve standardization for operation, maintenance, spare parts, and manufacturer's service. 1.03 SUPPLIERS/MANUFACTURER'S SERVICES A. A supplier's and/or manufacturer's representative for the equipment specified herein shall be present at the jobsite for a minimum of 1 man-day travel time excluded, for installation assistance, inspection, and certification of the installation. ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. General: Submittals during construction shall be made in accordance with Section 01300 B. Detailed: Submit manufacturer's technical product data, rough-in diagrams, details, installation instructions and general product reconunendations. 1.06 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION t A. The use of a manufacturer's name and model or catalog number is for the purpose of establishing the standard of quality and general configuration desired only Products of other manufacturers will be considered in accordance with the Contract Documents. t1.07 REQUIREMENTS COVERED IN OTHER SPECIFICATION SECTIONS Section 03480 Precast Concrete Specialties Section 11001 General Requirements for Equipment 1.08 DEFINITION OF GAS-TIGHT A. Hatches installed over the valve vault, wetwell, sewer manhole, and emergency storage vault are designated to be gas tight' The design intent is that the hatches will be manufactured with ' elastomeric seals as recommended by the hatch manufacturer, which will preclude sewage gases from leaking through the hatch frame and doors when they are securely and properly closed. I ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Access Hatches Project No. 168 08300 I PART 2 PRODUCTS ' 2.01 HATCH SIZE, DESIGN LOADING CONDITION AND HINGE LOCATION A. Hatch size and location: See Plans for hatch size, type and location. B Hatch Loading Condition: All hatches shown on Plans shall be AASHTO H-20 loading for direct traffic applications. C. Hinge Location: See Plans for hinge location and direction of hatch opening. The orientation of access hatch shall be field verified and approved by Owner prior to installation. 2.02 DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS A. Door leaf shall be 1/4 aluminum diamond pattern plate with sufficient reinforcement to ' withstand the specified loading condition. Door shall be equipped with heavy duty stainless steel hinges, stainless steel pins, compression- or torsion-spring operators for easy operation, and an automatic hold-open arm with release handle. All hardware shall be Type 316 stainless steel. Factory finish shall be mill-finish with bituminous coating applied to the exterior of the frame. B. A recessed padlockable hasp shall be provided. Contractor shall furnish a heavy duty padlock for each hatch; keyed alike and in conformance with Owner's requirements. ' C. All indicated hatch opening dimensions are intended to refer to the clear opening space that is available without obstruction by any part of the leafs or frame when the access hatches are fully- opened. Neither the reinforcement ribs that are welded to the underside of each leaf in order to obtain the specified loading condition nor any other component of the leaf(s) or frame shall extend into the required clear opening dimensions when the hatch doors are fully opened. The ' only exceptions to this clear opening requirement pertain to the compression spring or torsion spring operators. If compression spring operators are provided, it is intended that they will occupy a small area in each corner within the specified clear area when the hatch doors are fully ' opened. If torsion-spring operators are provided, it is intended that they not extend into the open area of the vault. If the manufacturer's standard access hatch design does not provide such clear openings, then their standard design shall be modified as required to provide the indicated clear opening dimensions, at no additional cost to Owner 2.03 REQUIREMENTS FOR HATCHES THAT ARE DESIGNATED TO BE GAS TIGHT A. The entire perimeter of each leaf in a designated gas-tight access hatch shall be sealed to preclude the escape of odorous gases from the space below A resilient elastomeric seal as recommended by the hatch manufacturer shall be attached to the access hatch frame and doors. When each door ' is closed, the elastomeric seal (at all locations) shall be compressed to create a low pressure gas- tight seal. The seal and its retainer shall be an integral part of the access hatch frame and doors. Provide three-point latch, as required to achieve desired gas tight performance as described ' herein. B The hatch frame shall also be gas tight. Hatch components shall be made gas tight by welding the joint along its entire length to eliminate paths for the escape of sewage odors. I ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Access Hatches Project No 168 08300 2 ' C. Hatches meeting the gas tight requirements specified herein may not be a standard product by certain manufacturers. If that is the case, manufacturer shall modify their standard product as required to meet these specifications. 2.04 MANUFACTURER A. Hatches shall be as manufactured by U.S.F Fabrication (Hialeah, Florida) or approved equal. B. Gas-tight hatches shall be: I U.S.F Fabrication Model WAPS (for single leaf pedestrian-load design) or Model WAFTS (for single leaf H20-load design); or approved equal. 2. U.S.F Fabrication Model WAPD (for double leaf pedestrian-load design) or Model WARD (for double leaf H2O-Load design); or approved equal. ' 2.05 PRODUCT WARRANTY A. Manufacturer shall guarantee hatches against defects in material or workmanship for a period of ' five years. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Install all equipment in conformance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as shown or specified by these contract documents. 3.02 HATCHES A. Hatches shall be accurately and substantially positioned prior to placing concrete, such that the ' covers arc flush with the slab surface. The hatches shall be protected from damage resulting from concrete placement. Exposed surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of all concrete spillage such that a clean, uniform appearance is achieved. B. Prior to setting frame and pouring concrete, Contractor shall confirm that the hatch and its operating mechanism do not conflict with removal of indicated equipment below and does not impede use of the associated access ladder (should one be indicated). Should a conflict be ' discovered, Owner may authorize a change in hatch orientation or size to prevent such conflict. 3.03 PAINTING A. All interior ferrous hatch surfaces (including all frame surfaces) shall be painted per Section 09900 in conformance with the requirements for 'Ferrous Metals, Buried, Exterior. Exterior hatch surfaces shall have the manufacturer's standard finish. END OF SECTION CMSD Irvine Pumping Station 4ccess Flitches Project No. 168 08300 ' SECTION 09900 COATING SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Scope: The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to ' provide painting specified. 2. The extent of painting work is shown on the Drawings and schedules, and as herein specified. 3 The work includes the painting and finishing of all interior and exterior items and surfaces throughout the Project except as otherwise shown or specified. Surface preparation, priming ' and coats of paint specified are in addition to shop priming and surface treatment specified under other sections of the work. ' 4 The term 'paint' as used herein means all coating systems materials, which includes pretreatments, primers, emulsions, enamels, sealers and fillers, and other applied materials whether used as prime, intermediate or finish coats. ' 5 The Contractor shall paint all exposed surfaces whether or not colors are designated in any schedule. The term exposed' as used herein means all items not covered with concrete, ' plaster, fireproofing or similar material. Ducts, conduits and other materials with corrosion resistant surfaces which are in chases, above finished ceiling, or other inaccessible areas shall not require field painting unless specified to receive painting because of location in corrosive areas. Where items or surfaces are not specifically mentioned, the Contractor shall ' paint these the same as adjacent similar materials or areas. 6. Structural and miscellaneous metals covered with concrete, plaster, or similar material shall ' only receive a primer compatible with the covering material. 7 Shop drawings and samples shall be submitted for review within 90 days from the Notice to Proceed. B Coordination. ' l The C ontractor shall review installation procedures under other Sections and coordinate the installation of items that must be field painted in this Section The Contractor shall coordinate the painting of areas to be painted that will be inaccessible once equipment has been installed. ' 3 The Contractor shall provide finish coats which are compatible with the prime paints used. He shall review other Sections of these Specifications in which prime paints are to be provided to ensure compatibility of the total coating systems for the various substrates. Contractor shall be responsible for the compatibility of all shop primed and field painted CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Coating Systems Project No. 168 09900 1 ' items in this Contract. He shall furnish information on the characteristics of the proposed finish materials to ensure that compatible primc coats arc used. Barrier coats shall be provided over incompatible primers, or primers shall be removed and reprimed as required. ' The Resident Engineer shall be notified in writing of anticipated problems using the coating systems as specified with substrates primed by others. Such notification shall be included with the equipment submittals. C. Painting Not Included: The following categories of work are not included as part of the field-applied finish work, or are included in other Sections of these Specifications. ' 1 Shop Priming: Unless otherwise specified, shop priming of structural metal, miscellaneous metal fabrications, oilier metal items and such fabricated components as shop-fabricated or factory-built heating and ventilating, and electrical equipment or accessories shall conform to applicable requirements of Section 09900 but is included under the appropriate Sections of this Specification. 2. Pre-Finished Items: Unless otherwise shown or specified, painting shall not be included when factory finishing such as baked-on enamel, porcelain, polyvinylidene fluoride or other similar finish is specified for such items as, but not limited to, acoustic materials, finished mechanical and electrical equipment such as light fixtures and distribution cabinets. ' Contractor shall be required to touch up factory finished items with paint supplied by the item manufacturer. Contractor shall field paint damaged prefinishcd items as directed by the Resident Engineer Where a factory finished coating is applied to an item which is not ' specified to receive a factory finish coat, acceptance of the factory finish coat shall be at the discretion of the Resident Engineer. The color shall be noted with the equipment submittals. ' 3 Concealed Surfaces: a. Unless otherwise shown or specified, painting is not required on nonmetallic wall or ceiling surfaces in concealed from view areas and generally inaccessible areas, such as furred areas, pipe spaces, and duct shafts. ' b. All piping, equipment, and other such items within these area, that do not have a galvanized or other corrosion resistant finish as specified shall be painted. 4 Concrete surfaces more than 12 inches below finish floor elevation, unless otherwise shown or specified. 5 Concrete floors covered with tile or similar products and exposed concrete floors and ' exterior walkways/slabs. 6. Finished Metal Surfaces: Metal surfaces of anodized aluminum, stainless steel, chromium plate, and similar finished materials will not require finish painting, unless otherwise shown or specified. ' 7 Operating Parts And Labels: a. Moving parts of operating units, mechanical and electrical parts, such as valve operators, linkages, sensing devices, motor and fan shafts do not require finish painting unless otherwise specified. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Coating Systems Project No 165 09900 2 I I b. The Contractor shall not paint over any code-required labels, such as UL and Factory Mutual, or any equipment identification, performance rating, name., or nomenclature plates. ' c. All paint, coating or splatter inadvertently placed on these surfaces shall be removed. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Specified products are those manufactured by Tnemec Company Inc. North Kansas City Missouri I and are specified as the standard of quality Local contact Denis Amyot (858) 538-9502 or (110) 637 2363 I B. Equivalent materials of other manufacturers may be substituted on approval of the Owner's Representative. Request for substitution shall include manufacturer's literature for each product giving name, generic type, descriptive information, performance and test data, and evidence of I satisfactory past performance. No request for substitution shall be considered that would decrease film thickness and/or number of coats or offer a change in the generic type of coating specified. C. No substitution will be considered unless request for approval has been submitted by the bidder and I has been received by the Engineer at least ten days prior to the date of bids. The burden of proof of the merit of the proposed substitute is upon the proposer. The Owners Representative's decision of approval or disapproval of the proposed substitution shall be final. ID Applicator Qualifications. I 1 The name and experience record of the painting applicator shall be supplied. A list of utility or industrial installations painted, responsible officials, architects, or engineers concerned with the project and the approximate contract price shall be included. I2. Painting applicators whose submissions indicate that they have not had the experience required to perform the Work will not be approved. I E. Job Mockup: On actual wall surfaces and other exterior and interior building components as selected by the Resident Engineer the Contractor shall duplicate painted finishes of the selected samples. On at least 20 square feet required sheen, color, and texture shall be obtained; finished lighting I conditions shall be simulated for review of in-place work. After finishes are accepted these surfaces and components will be used for comparison in evaluation of other painting and finishing of a similar nature. IF All paint products shall be supplied by the same manufacturer unless otherwise approved. I G. Reference Standards: Applicable provisions and recommendations of the following shall be complied with, except where otherwise shown or specified: 1 ANSI A13.1 Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems. 2. Great Lakes: Upper Mississippi River Board of State Sanitary Engineers (Ten States Standards), Recommended Standards for Waste Treatment Works Latest Edition, IRecommended Color Scheme for Piping. 3 OSHA 1910.144 Safety Color Code for Marking Physical Hazards. I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Coating Systems Project No. 168 09900 3 I I 4 SSPC \olume 2, Systems and Specification, Surface Preparation Guide and Paint Application Specifications. 5 AWWA C550, Protective Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants. I1.03 SUBMITTALS ' A. Samples. The following shall be submitted for approval: 1 Paint samples for the Resident Engineer's review of color and texture only Compliance with I all other requirements is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor A listing of the material and application for each coat of each finish sample shall be supplied. I a. On 12-inch by 12-inch hardboard, samples of each color and material shall be provided, with texture to simulate actual conditions. Each sample shall be resubmitted as requested until acceptable sheen, color, and texture is achieved. B. Shop Drawings: The following shall be submitted for approval: 1 Copies of manufacturer's technical information, including paint label analysis and Iapplication instructions for each material proposed for use. 2. Each material shall be listed and cross-referenced to the specific paint and finish system and I application, and shall be identified by manufacturer's catalog number and general classification. I3 Copies of manufacturer's complete color charts for each coating system. 4 Certifications from manufacturers shall be provided, verifying that the factory applied prime coats are compatible with specified finish coatings. I 5 Maintenance Manual. Upon completion of the Work, copies of a detailed maintenance manual including the following information shall be furnished: I a. b. Product name and number Name, address and telephone number of manufacturer and local distributor c. Detailed procedures for routine maintenance and cleaning. Id. Detailed procedures for light repairs such as dents, scratches and staining. 1.04 PRODUCT DELI VERY STORAGE AND HANDLING IA. Delivery of Materials: All materials shall be delivered to the job site in original. new and unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer's name and label, and the following information. 1 Name or title of material. 2. Manufacturer's stock number and date of manufacture. 1 Manufacturer s name. 4 Contents by volume, for major pigment and vehicle constituents. ' S Thinning instructions where recommended. 6 Application instuctions. 7 Color name and number I ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Coating Systems ' Project No. 168 09900 4 ' B. Storage of Materials: I Only acceptable project materials shall be stored on project site. The Contractor shall store in a suitable location approved by the Resident Engineer. This area shall be kept clean and accessible. ' 3 Storage shall be restricted to paint materials and related equipment. 4 Health and fire regulations shall be complied with, including the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS ' A. Existing Conditions. 1 Before painting is started in any area, it shall be broom cleaned and excessive dust shall be removed. 2. After painting operations begin in a given area, broom cleaning will not be allowed; cleaning ' shall then be done only with commercial vacuum cleaning equipment. B. Environmental Requirements: ' 1 Enamel paints shall be applied only when the temperature of the surfaces to be painted and the surrounding air temperatures are between 65 F and 95 F unless otherwise permitted by ' the paint manufacturer's printed instructions. 2. Paint shall not be applied in rain, fog, or mist; or when the relative humidity exceeds 85 ' percent; or to damp or wet surfaces. 3 Painting may be continued during inclement weather only if the areas and surfaces to be painted are enclosed and heated within the temperature limits specified by the paint manufacturer during application and drying periods, and there is no danger of condensation on the surfaces being painted. ' 4 Adequate illumination and ventilation shall he provided in all areas where painting operations are in progress. ' C Protection: Finished Work of other trades and surfaces not being painted concurrently or not to be painted shall be covered or otherwise protected. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIAL QUALITY ' A. The best grade of the various types of coating suitable for use in waste water treatment plants, water treatment plants, pumping stations and resource recovery plants as regularly manufactured by ' acceptable paint material manufacturers shall he provided. Material not displaying the manufacturer's identification as a standard, best-grade product will not be acceptable. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Coating Systems Project No 168 09900 5 I I B Primers produced by the same manufacturer as the finish coats shall be provided. Use only thinners recommended by the paint manufacturer, and use only to recommended limits. The Resident Engineer's approval shall be obtained prior to thinning any material. IC. Paints of durable and washable quality shall be provided. Materials which will withstand normal washing as required to remove grease, oil, chemicals, etc. without showing discoloration, loss of gloss, staining, or other damage shall be used. I2.02 SUBSTITUTIONS I A. No substitutions shall be considered that decrease the film thickness, the number of coats, the surface preparation or the generic type of coating specified. Approved manufacturers must furnish the same color selection as the manufacturers specified, including accent color in all coating systems. I2.03 COLORS AND FINISHES A. Surface treatments, and finishes are shown under 'Painting Systems' below All substrates scheduled under 'Painting Systems' shall be painted whether or not shown on the Drawings, or in Schedules, unless an item is specifically scheduled as not requiring the painting system scheduled below IB. Color Selection: 1 A maximum of 5 different colors shall be selected for the project, in addition to color coding of all piping and ducts. I 2. The Resident Engineer reserves the right to select non-standard colors for all paint systems specified within the ability of the manufacturer to produce such non-standard colors. Selection of non-standard colors shall not be cause for the Contractor rejecting Resident I Engineer's color selections and the Contractor shall supply such colors at no additional expense to the Owner. C. The Contractor shall submit to the Resident Engineer an itemized schedule of the surfaces to be I painted. After approval of submittals and prior to beginning work, Resident Engineer will note on the schedule the color to be furnished. Owner's selected colors shall be provided by Contractor at no additional cost to Owner, regardless of color or whether those colors are standard for the proposed Ipaint product. D Color Coding: In general, all color coding of piping, ducts and equipment shall comply with Iapplicable standards of ANSI A13 1 and OSHA 1910 144 E. Piping Color Code: To be selected by the Resident Engineer IF Representative color shall be used when preparing samples for Resident Engineer's review Final acceptance of colors will be from samples applied on the job IG. Color Pigments: Pure, non-fading, applicable types to suit the substrates and service indicated. 1 Lead: Lead content shall not exceed amount permitted by federal, state and local government Ilaws and regulations. 2. Paints specified for application on submerged concrete or metal in contact with potable Iwater shall be approved by the NSF (Ref NSF6I). CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Coating Systems ' Project No. 168 09900 6 I H. All painting systems specified are based on brush application unless otherwise indicated. Other mechanical techniques shall be submitted to the Resident Engineer for approval before these application techniques may be reflected in any paint schedules submitted by the Contractor. Submit ' proof of acceptability of technique proposed, by the paint manufacturer selected. 2.04 PAINTING SYSTEMS A. Definition of Exposure: 1 Interior exposure is intended to refer to materials or equipment located inside a structure ' which provides protection from sunlight and weather. 2. Exterior exposure is intended to refer to materials or equipment located outside a structure, ' subjecting those items to sunlight and weather. B. Ferrous Metals, Non-submerged and Non-buried. ' 1 Shop Surface Preparation: SSPC SP 6 Commercial Blast as specified in Section 3.02.B, or as otherwise recommended by the paint manufacturer If proper installation of the coating system requires a more stringent surface preparation than is specified above, comply with manufacturer's requirements at no additional cost to Owner 2. Field Surface Preparation: Sandblasting of field welds and other imperfections. Resident 1 Engineer may require all areas to be blasted at his discretion, SSPC SP 6, commercial blast as specified in Section 3.02.B. ' 3 Products And Manufacturer One of the following shall be provided: Tnemec: ' (1) Primer Series L69 Epoxoline II 1 coat, 3 0 S.0 dry mils per coat. (2) Intermediate: Series L69 Epoxoline it 1 coat, 4.0-6 0 dry mils. ' (3) Finish. Series 1080 Endura Shield WB- 1 coat, 2.0 3 0 dry mils. Or Equal. C. Ferrous Metals. Buried: Contractor shall comply with the requirements stated in Special Provisions 207-9.2.7 which requires one of the following types of coating systems: ] 24 mils of an approved liquid epoxy coating system conforming to AWWA C210. 3 A heat-shrink tape system conforming to AWWA C216. A cold-applied petrolatum wax tape system conforming to A\\'R A C217 ' All field cuts and damages to the coating shall be repaired with 24 mils (MDFT) of an approved coal tar epoxy All foreign matter shall be removed by wire brush or sandpaper prior to the epoxy application. t I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Coating Systems Project No. 168 09900 7 ' PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. The Contractor and his applicator shall examine the areas and conditions under which painting work is to be performed and notify the Resident Engineer in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the Work. The Contractor shall not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Resident Engineer. B. The Contractor shall not paint over dirt, rust, scale, grease, moisture, scuffed surfaces, or conditions otherwise detrimental to the formation of a durable paint film. 3.02 SURFACE PREPARATION A. General. 1 All preparation and cleaning procedures shall be performed as specified herein and in strict accordance with the paint manufacturer's instructions for each particular substrate and atmospheric condition. ' 2. All hardware, hardware accessories, machined surfaces, plates, lighting fixtures, and similar items in place and not to be finish painted shall be removed or provided surface applied protection prior to surface preparation and painting operations. The Contractor shall remove, if necessary for the complete painting of the items and adjacent surfaces. Following completion of painting of each space or area, the removed items shall be reinstalled by workmen skilled in the trades involved. ' 3 Surfaces to be painted shall be cleaned before applying paint or surface treatments. Oil and grease shall be removed with clean cloths and cleaning solvents prior to mechanical cleaning. The cleaning and painting shall be programmed so that dust and other contaminants from the cleaning process will not fall in wet, newly painted surfaces. 4 All surfaces which were not shop painted or which were improperly shop painted, and all abraded or rusted shop painted surfaces, which are to be painted, as determined by the Resident Engineer, shall be prepared as specified below 13 Ferrous Metals: Non-submerged ferrous surfaces, including structural steel and miscellaneous metal to be shop primed, shall be cleaned of all oil, grease, dirt, mill scale and other foreign matter by commercial blast cleaning complying with SSPC SP 6. 2 Submerged ferrous surfaces, including structural steel and miscellaneous metal to be shop primed, shall be cleaned of all oil, grease, dirt, mill scale and other foreign matter by near white blasting complying with SSPC SP 10 ' 3 Non-submerged, ferrous surfaces that have not been shop-coated shall be cleaned of all oil, grease, dirt, loose mill scale and other foreign substances by commercial blasting, complying with SSPC SP 6 ' 4 Submerged ferrous surfaces that have not been shop-coated or that, in the opinion of the Resident Engineer have been improperly shop-coated, shall be cleaned of all oil, grease, ' dirt, mill scale and other foreign matter by near white blasting complying with SSPC-SP 10. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Coating Systems Project No 168 09900 8 ' 5 Bare and blasted or pickled clean metal shall be treated with metal treatment wash coat,prior to priming only if recommended by the paint manufacturer ' 6. Shop applied prime coals which have been damaged or bare areas shall be touched-up with primer recommended by the coating manufacturer after commercial blasting complying with SSPC-SP 6. C. Non-Ferrous Metal Surfaces: Non-ferrous metal surfaces shall be cleaned in accordance with the coating system manufacturers instructions for the type of service, metal substrate, and application required. D Galvanized Surfaces. ' 1 The Contractor shall clean galvanized surfaces to be free of oil and surface contaminants with solvent or other methods recommended by the coating manufacturer, complying with SSPC-SP 1 2. Submerged or intermittently submerged galvanized ferrous metal, interior and exterior, shall be cleaned of all oil, grease, dirt, mill scale and other foreign matter by a brush-off blast ' cleaning complying with SSPC-SP 7 with one mil profile minimum. 3.03 MATERIALS PREPARATION A. General: Painting materials shall be mixed and prepared in strict accordance with the manufactur'er's directions. 2. Coating materials produced by different manufacturers shall not be mixed, unless otherwise Ipermitted by the manufacturer's instructions. 3 Materials not in actual use shall be stored in tightly covered containers. Containers used in ' storage, mixing, and application of paint shall be maintained in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. 4 All materials shall be stirred before application to produce a mixture of uniform density and as required during the application of the materials. Any film which may form on the surface shall not be stirred into the material. The film shall be removed and, if necessary the material shall be strained before using. ' B. Tinting. Each undercoat shall be tinted a lighter shade to facilitate identification of each coat where multiple coats of the same material are to be applied. Undercoats shall be tinted to match the color ' of the finish coat, but provide sufficient difference in shade of undercoats to distinguish each separate coat. A code number shall be provided to identify material tinted by the manufacturer ' C. Mixing: The Contractor shall mix only in mixing pails placed in a suitably sized non-ferrous or oxide resistant metal pan to protect concrete floor from splashes or spills which could stain exposed concrete or react with subsequent finish floor material. 2. Paint shall be mixed and applied only in containers bearing accurate product name of ' material being mixed or applied. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Coating Systems 1 Project No. 168 09900 9 I I3.04 APPLICATION A. General. I1 Paint shall be applied by brush or other mechanical application techniques such as roller, air spray or airless spray in accordance with the manufacturer's directions and recommendations of Paint Application Specifications No. 1 in SSPC Vol. 2, where I applicable, as approved by the Resident Engineer Brushes best suited for the type of material being applied shall be used. Where approved by the Resident Engineer, rollers of carpet, velvet back, or high pile sheep's wool shall be used, as recommended by the paint Imanufacturer for material and texture required. 2. The number of coats and paint film thickness required is the same regardless of the I application method. Succeeding coats shall not be applied until the previous coat has completely dried. I 3 Additional coats shall be applied when undercoats or other conditions show through the final coat of paint, until the paint film is of uniform finish, color and appearance. This is of particular importance regarding intense primary accent colors. The Contractor shall insure that all surfaces, including edges, corners, crevices, welds, and exposed fasteners receive a Ifilm thickness equivalent to that of flat surfaces. 4 Surfaces not exposed to view do not require color coding but require the same coating I systems specified for exposed surfaces. 'Exposed to view surfaces' is defined as those areas visible when permanent or built-in fixture, convector covers, covers for finned tube radiation, grilles, etc. are in place in areas scheduled to be painted. I5 The backs of access panels and removable or hinged covers shall be painted to match the exposed surfaces. I6. Exterior doors on tops, bottoms, and side edges shall be finished the same as the exterior faces. I 7 Aluminum parts in contact with dissimilar materials shall be painted as specified with appropriate finish. IB. Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Electrical Work: 1 Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning items to be painted include, but are not limited to, I the following. a. Piping, pipe hangers, and supports. b Ductwork and insulation. I c. d. Motors, mechanical equipment, and supports. Accessory items 2. Electrical items to be painted include, but are not limited to, the following. Ia. Conduit and fittings. Ib. Switchgcar, panels,junction boxes, motor control centers, motors and accessories. ' CIA-SD Irvine Pumping Station Coating Systems ' Project No. 168 09900 10 ' C. Minimum Coating Thickness: The Contractor shall apply each material at not less than the manufacturer's recommended spreading rate, and provide total dry film thickness as specified. Extra coats shall be applied if required to obtain specified total dry film thickness. D Scheduling Painting: The first-coat material shall be applied to surfaces that have been cleaned, pretreated or ' otherwise prepared for painting as soon as practicable after preparation and before subsequent surface deterioration. ' 2. Sufficient time between successive coating shall be allowed to permit proper drying. The Contractor shall not recoat until paint has dried to where it feels firm, does not deform or feel sticky under moderate thumb pressure, and the application of another coat of paint does ' not cause lifting of loss of adhesion of the undercoat. E. Prime Coats. Primed and sealed walls and ceilings shall be recoatcd where there is evidence of ' suction spots or unsealed areas in first coat, to assure a finish coat with no bum-through or other defects caused by insufficient sealing. F Pigmented (Opaque) Finished: The Contractor shall completely cover to provide an opaque, smooth ' surface of uniform finish, color, appearance, and coverage. G. Brush Application: ' 1 All brush coats shall be brushed-out and worked onto the surfaces in an even film. Cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness, or other surface ' imperfections will not be acceptable. All glass and color break lines shall be neatly drawn. 2. All primer or first coats shall be brush applied, unless otherwise permitted to use mechanical ' applicators. H. Mechanical Applicators: ' 1 Mechanical methods shall be used for paint application when permitted by governing ordinances, paint manufacturer and approved by Resident Engineer If permitted, it shall be limited to only those surfaces impracticable for brush applications. ' 2. Roller applications, if approved by the Resident Engineer, shall he limited to interior wall and ceiling finishes for second and third coats. Each roller coat shall be applied to provide ' the equivalent hiding as brush-applied coats. 3 Spray application shall be confined to metal framework, siding, and similar surfaces where ' hand brush work would be inferior and to other surfaces specifically recommended by paint manufacturer 4 Wherever spray application is used, each coat shall be applied to provide the equivalent ' hiding of brush-applied coats. Do not double back with spray equipment for the purpose of building up film thickness of 2 coats in one pass. Completed Work. The Contractor shall match approved samples for color texture and coverage. Work not in compliance with specified requirements shall be removed, refinished or repainted, as required by the Resident Engineer CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Coating Systems Project No 168 09900 I I 1 t3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. The right is reserved by the Resident Engineer to invoke the following material testing procedure at ' any time, and any number of times during the period of field painting. Engage the service of an independent testing laboratory to sample any of the paint being used. Samples of materials delivered to the project site will be taken, identified and sealed, ' and certified in the presence of the Contractor 2. The testing laboratory will perform appropriate tests for any or all of the following t characteristics: Abrasion resistance, apparent reflectivity flexibility washability absorption, accelerated weathering, dry opacity accelerated yellowness, recoating, skinning, color retention, alkali resistance and quantative material analysis. ' 3 If the test results show that the material being used does not comply with the specified requirements, the Contractor may be directed to stop the painting Work, and remove the ' non-complying paint; pay for testing; repaint surfaces coated with the rejected paint; remove rejected paint from previously painted surfaces if, upon repainting with the specified paint, the two coatings are non-compatible. ' B. Prior to initial coat and after completion of each successive coat of paint, the Contractor shall notify the Resident Engineer After inspection, checking of film thickness and approval by the Resident Engineer, proceed with the succeeding coat. Contractor shall supply the Resident Engineer for his ' use a Gardner dry-film thickness gauge. 3.06 PROTECTION A. Work of other trades shall be protected, whether to be painted or not, against damage by the painting and finishing work. All such work shall be left undamaged. All damage shall be corrected by cleaning, repairing or replacing, and repainting, as acceptable to the Resident Engineer B 'Wet Paint' signs shall be provided as required to protect newly painted finishes. All temporary protective wrapping provided for protection of this Contract shall be removed after completion of painting operations. 3.07 CLEAN-UP A. During the progress of the Work, all discarded paint materials, rubbish, cans and rags shall he removed from the site at the end of each work day B. Upon completion of painting work, all paint-spattered surfaces shall be cleaned. Spattered paint shall be removed by proper methods of washing and scraping, using care not to scratch or otherwise ' damage finished surfaces. C. At the completion of work of other trades, all damaged or defaced painted surfaces shall be touched- up and restored, as determined by the Resident Engineer END OF SECTION CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Coating Systems Project No. 168 09900 12 I ' SECTION 09902 PETROLATUM WAX TAPE COATING PART I GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. This section covers the work necessary to furnish and install petrolatum wax tape coating on ' certain buried features as specified herein. B. The following buried features shall be wax tape coated: ' 1 Ferrous items (other than buried ductile iron piping) that are not otherwise corrosion protected (exclusive of a minimal factory coating); e.g. buried valves. 2. The EBAA-Iron MegaLug thrust restraint devices for buried mechanical joint ductile iron pipe and fittings, ' 3 Buried ductile iron pipe flanges and bolting. 4. Buried steel pipe, steel flanges, bolting and appurtenances. 1.02 SUBMITTALS DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Submit manufacturer's technical product data, details, installation instructions and general product recommendations in accordance with the requirements of Section 01300 ' 1.03 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ' A. The use of a manufacturer's name and model or catalog number is for the purpose of establishing the standard of quality and general configuration desired only Products of other manufacturers will be considered in accordance with the Contract Documents. PART 2 MATERIALS ' 2.01 GENERAL A. Wrap all exposed surfaces of items designated in Paragraph 1 OIB above, with petrolatum wax ' tape. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Petrolatum\\ax Tape Coating Project No 168 09902 1 I I2.02 PRIMER A. Exposed surfaces shall be prime coated with a blend of petrolatum, plasticizer, and corrosion I inhibitor having a paste-like consistency The material shall have the following properties: Pour Point 400-100° F Flash Point 350° F minimum I Approximate Coverage 1 gaU100 square feet Color Brown IB. The primer shall be Trenton Wax Tapc Primer or equivalent. 2.03 WAX TAPE ' A. Two types of petrolatum wax tape shall be available from the manufacturer. one type for buried installations and another type for above-ground installations. 1 1 BURIED INSTALLATIONS. The covering material shall be a plastic-fiber felt tape, saturated with a blend of petrolatum, plasticizers, and corrosion inhibitors that is easily formable over irregular surfaces. The tape shall have the following properties. IColor Brown Saturant Pour Point 115° 125°F I Thickness 70-90 mils Dielectric Strength 170 volts/mil Tape Width 6 inches IWax tape shall be Wax Tape #1 as manufactured by The Trenton Corporation (Ann Arbor,Michigan), or approved equal. I2. ABOVE-GROUND INSTALLATIONS The covering material shall he a plastic-fiber felt tape, saturated with a blend of petrolatum, plasticizers, and corrosion inhibitors that is I easily formable over irregular surfaces. The tape shall have the following properties: #2 Wax Tape #2A Wax Tape Color Brown Aluminum ' Saturant Pour Point 125 135°F 125° 135°F Thickness 70-90 mils 70-90 mils Dielectric Strength 100 volts/mil 100 volts/mil ITape Width 6 inches 6 inches Wax tape shall be Wax Tape #2 as manufactured by The Trenton Corporation (Ann IArbor Michigan) or approved equal. I I I I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Petrolatum\\ax Tape Coating Project No 168 09902 2 1 ' 2.04 OUTER COVERING A. The primed and wax-tape wrapped surface shall be wrapped with a plastic tape covering ' consisting of three (3) layers of 50 gauge, clear, polyvinylidene chloride, high cling membranes wound together as a single sheet. The material shall have the following properties: Width 6 inches ' Thickness 1 5 mils Dielectric Strength 2000 volts/mil Water Absorption Negligible ' Color Clear B The outer covering shall be Trenton Poly-Ply or approved equal. ' 2.05 OTHER PETROLATUM WAX TAPE SYSTEM COMPONENTS ' A. Any components not listed above, but required for a complete petrolatum wax tape coating system as recommended for this application by the manufacturer shall be provided at no additional cost to Owner PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. The petrolatum wax tape system shall be installed in conformance with the manufacturer's ' recommendations and as shown or specified by these Contract Documents. END OF SECTION 1 I I ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Petrolatum\has Tape Coating Project No. 168 09902 7 SECTION 11001 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR EQUIPMENT PART I GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Scope: This section pertains to providing and testing the equipment specified or shown in the ' contract documents. B. Equipment Lists. Equipment lists presented in these specifications and shown on the drawings ' are included for the convenience of the Resident Engineer and Contractor and are not intended to represent a rigorous and precise listing of all equipment, devices and material to be provided under this contract. The Contractor agrees to rely upon his own material and equipment takeoff ' lists for this purpose. C. Manufacturer's Instructions: Install all equipment per the manufacturer's written instructions. ' 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Arrangement: The arrangement of equipment shown is based upon information available to the Owner at the time of design and is not intended to show exact dimensions peculiar to a specific manufacturer The drawings arc, in part, diagrammatic and some features of' the illustrated equipment installation may require revision to meet actual equipment installation requirements. Structural supports, foundations, connected piping and valves shown may have to be altered to accommodate the equipment provided. No additional payment will be made for such revisions and alterations. The Contractor shall submit substantiating calculations and drawings prior to beginning the work. B. Control Devices: Control devices, wiring, starters, and other electrical items provided with ' mechanical equipment shall, in general, conform to Joint Industry Council (JIC) Electrical Standards for Mass Production Equipment EMP 1 1967 and the requirements specified, including those in Division I 1 Division 16, Division 17 and the particular equipment sections. C. References: This section references the following documents. They are a part of this section as specified and modified. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and those of the listed documents, the requirements of this section shall prevail. 1 AFBMA, Methods of Evaluating Load Ratings of Ball and Roller Bearings 2. ANSI 131 1 Unified Inch Square Threads 3 ANSI 132.1 Pipe Threads (Except Dupcal) ' 4 ANSI 1316.1 Last Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 125 5 ANSI B18.2.1 Square and Hex Hcad Bolts and Screws, Including Askew Head Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Lag Screws ' 6. ANSI B 18.2.2, Square and Hex Nuts 1 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 General Requirements for Equipment 11001 1 I I1.03 SUBMITTALS A. General: The submittal for each individual equipment or groups of related equipment shall be in accordance with Section 01300 IB. Required Submittal Data: The following information shall be submitted for each item of equipment. Additional data, specific to individual equipment items, are listed under individual Ispecification sections. 1 The proposed equipment shall be identified by the call-outs listed in the specifications Iand on the drawings. 2. Manufacturer and manufacturer's type designation. I3 Any exceptions to these specifications along with justification for each exception. I 4 Manufacturer's catalog data confirming rated capacity horsepower efficiency and electrical requirements. S Shop drawings. ' 6. Predicted performance curves developed for the specific application. In the case of rotating equipment, performance curves shall show speed, capacity pressure, efficiency Iand power for all specified conditions. 7 Cross-sectional views of machines showing details of construction. I8. Data and calculations required to justify selection of size of components such as shafts, bearings and peripheral equipment necessary to conform to these specifications. I9 Parts lists, with materials of construction. I10. Installation requirements, showing clearances required for maintenance purposes. 11 Details of all appurtenances to be furnished with the specified item. I12. Contractor shall certify that all shop applied coatings are compatible with the approved field coating system specified in Section 09900. If a barrier coating is required, the Contractor shall so state. I13 Submit with the shop drawings complete calculations or test results, details of construction, and method of attachment for all manufactured products showing I compliance with current seismic requirements. The calculations and details shall be signed by a Professional Engineer who has demonstrated proficiency in Structural Engineering or Civil Engineering and is registered in the State of California. I1.04 PROTECTION DURING SHIPMENT I A. Each item of equipment shall be shipped to the site of the work with either the manufacturer's shop applied prime coating or a vinyl paint prime coating. The prime coating shall be applied over clean dry surfaces in accordance with the paint manufacturer's recommendations. The prime ' coating will serve as a base for field-applied finish coats. I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 108 General Requirements for Equipment 11001 2 I I B. Bearing housings shall be wrapped or otherwise sealed to prevent contamination by grit and dirt, and ventilation and other types of openings shall be taped closed. ' PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 FLANGES AND PIPE THREADS IA. Flanges on equipment and appurtenances provided under this section shall conform in dimensions and drilling to ANSI B16.1 Class 125 unless otherwise indicated or specified. Pipe threads shall Iconform in dimension and limits of size to ANSI B1 1 coarse thread series, Class 2 fit. B. Threaded flanges shall have a standard taper pipe thread conforming to ANSI B2.1 Unless Iotherwise specified, flanges shall be flat faced. C. Flange assembly bolts shall he heavy pattern, hexagonal head, Type 316 stainless steel machine I bolts with heavy pattern, hot pressed, hexagonal nuts conforming to ANSI B18.2.1 and B18.2.2. Threads shall be Unified Screw Threads, Standard Coarse Thread Series, Class 2A and 2B, ANSI B1.1 I2.02 BEARINGS I A. Unless otherwise specified, equipment bearings shall be oil or grease lubricated, ball or roller type, designed to withstand the stresses of the service specified. Each bearing shall be rated in accordance with the latest revisions of AFMBA Methods of Evaluating Load Ratings of Ball and Roller Bearings for one of the following classes of B-10 rating life: IClass Hours of Operation M l 8,000 I M2 M3 20.000 50,000 M4 100 000 IM5 200,000 B. Unless otherwise specified, equipment shall have bearings rated for Class M3 life. ' C Grease lubricated bearings, except those specified to be factory scaled and lubricated, shall he fitted with easily accessible grease supply flush, drain and relief fittings. Extension tubes shall be used when necessary Grease supply fittings shall be standard hydraulic alemite type. ID Oil lubricated bearings shall be equipped with either a pressure lubricating system or a separate oil reservoir type system. Each oil lubrication system shall be of sufficient size to safely absorb I the heat energy normally generated in the bearing under a maximum ambient temperature of 60 degrees C and shall be equipped with a tiller pipe and an external level indicator gauge. I2.03 V-BELT ASSEMBLIES A. \y-belt assemblies shall be Dodge Dyna-V belts with matching Dyna-V sheaves and Dodge I Taper-lock bushings, Wood's Super V-belts with matching Sure-Grip sheaves and Wood's Surc Grip bushings, or equal. I I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 162 General Requirements for Equipment 11001 ' B. Sheaves and bushings shall be statically balanced. Additionally sheaves and bushings which operate at a peripheral speed of more than 5500 feet per minute shall be dynamically balanced. Sheaves shall be separately mounted on their bushings by means of three pull-up grub or cap tightening screws. Bushings shall be key-seated to the drive shaft. C. Belts shall be selected for not less than 150 percent of rated driver horsepower and, where two ' sheaves sizes are specified, shall be capable of operating with either set of sheaves. Belts shall be of the antistatic type where explosion-proof equipment is specified. 2.04 SEALS A. Mechanical: Unless otherwise specified elsewhere, mechanical seals shall comply with the following: ' 1 Mechanical seals may be internal or external type, balanced or unbalanced type, and single or double seals except as herein specified. An internal type seal may be used where clean sealing liquid is provided, either from the pumped liquid or an external source. When the pumped liquid is corrosive, abrasive, toxic or flammable, an internal double seal shall be provided with adequate sealing liquid pressure to prevent entry of ' pumped liquid into the seal chamber or an external seal may be provided. The sealing liquid shall be within the temperature limits and at the flushing rate recommended by the equipment manufacturer 2. The seal may be balanced or not, as recommended by the equipment manufacturer To maintain the necessary minimum or maximum pressure across the seal faces, spring pressure shall be uniformly distributed to the sealing faces by a coil spring or multiple ' springs. The rotating seal element shall be clamped to the shaft and provided with 0-ring seal. The stationary seal element shall be sealed with 0-ring or gasket material. ' l Seal faces shall be tungsten carbide to tungsten carbide except on the double seal where the seal in contact with pumped liquid shall be carbon. The 0-ring gasket material shall be as recommended by the manufacturer for the liquid being pumped. Other parts shall ' he 316 stainless steel. B. Stuffing Box. Each stuffing box shall be cast separately bolted to the bearing frame, tapped to ' permit installation of a clean liquid seal, and shall be large and sufficiently deep to hold a minimum of five rows of packing and a bronze lantern water seal ring. If specified for use in a pump specification section, packing shall be die-molded rings of material suitable for the ' intended service and as recommended by the manufacturer Sealing liquid shall be the pumped liquid unless otherwise specified. Taps for external sealing and a lantern ring shall be provided. When used, lantern rings shall be of two-piece construction and shall be provided with tapped holes to facilitate removal. 2.05 COUPLINGS ' A. Unless otherwise specified in the particular equipment sections, equipment with a driver greater than 1/2 HP and where the input shaft of a driven unit is directly connected to the output shaft of the driver, shall have its two shafts connected by a flexible coupling which can accommodate ' angular misalignment, parallel misalignment and end float, and which cushions shock loads and dampens torsional vibrations. The flexible member shall consist of a tire with synthetic tension members bonded together in rubber The flexible member shall be attached to flanges by means of clamping rings and cap screws, and the flanges shall be attached to the stub shaft by means of ' CMSD Pumpint, Station Project No. 168 General Requirements for Equipment 11001 4 ' taperlock bushings which shall give the equivalent of a shrunk-on fit. There shall be no metal-to- metal contact between the driver and the driven unit. Each coupling shall be sized and provided as reconunended by the coupling manufacturer for the specific application, considering horsepower, speed of rotation, and type of service. B Where torque or horsepower capacities of couplings of the foregoing type is exceeded, Thomas- Rex, Falk Steel Flex, or equal, couplings will be acceptable provided they are sized in accordance with the equipment manufacturer's recommendations and sizing data are submitted. They shall be installed in conformance to the coupling manufacturer's instructions. 2.06 GUARDS A. Exposed moving parts shall be provided with guards which meet the requirements of ' CAL/OSHA. Guards shall be fabricated of solid 14-gage steel. Guards shall be galvanized after fabrication and shall be designed to be readily removable to facilitate maintenance of moving parts. Reinforced holes shall be provided. 2.07 CAUTION SIGNS ' A. Equipment with guarded moving parts which operates automatically or by remote control shall be identified by signs reading 'CAUTION -AUTOMATIC EQUIPMENT MAY START AT ANY TIME' Signs shall be installed near guarded moving parts. 1 2.08 PRESSURE TAPS,TEST PLUGS AND GAUGES A. Pressure taps shall be provided on the suction and discharge sides of pumps. Pressure test plugs and gauges shall be provided where specified. Test plugs and gauges shall be as specified in the contract documents. ' 2.09 NAMEPLATES A. Nameplates shall be provided on each item of equipment and shall contain the specified equipment name or abbreviation. Equipment nameplates shall he engraved or stamped on corrosion resistant material and fastened to the equipment in an accessible location with No. 4 or larger oval head stainless steel screws or drive pins. ' 2.10 LIFTING EYES ' A. Where specified or indicated, lifting eyes shall be provided over equipment. 2.11 LUBRICANTS ' A. The Contractor shall provide for each item of mechanical equipment a supply of the lubricant required for the commissioning period. Lubricants shall be of the type recommended by the equipment manufacturer and shall be products of the (Owners current lubricant supplier The ' Contractor shall limit the various types of lubricants by consolidating them, with the equipment manufacturer's approval, into the least number of different types. Not less than 90 days before the date shown in his construction schedule for starting, testing and adjusting equipment, the ' Contractor shall provide the Resident Engineer with three copies of a list showing the required lubricants, after consolidation, for each item of mechanical equipment. The list shall show estimated quantity of lubricant needed for a full year's operation. assuming the equipment will be operating continuously ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station General Requirements for Equipment Project No. 1 G8 11001 5 ' PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Each item of equipment provided shall be installed and tested within the tolerances recommended by the equipment manufacturer ' 3.02 TESTING A. Items of equipment specified in this division shall be tested as required in each section and in accordance with Part 1 3.03 TESTING OF PUMPS A. All pumps shall be operated to confirm that they will convey sewage (or water) at the specified volumes and heads. Pumps and control equipment shall be tested as a system to confirm compliance to these specifications. Pumps will only be accepted once these conditions have been met. Provide certified copies of the pump curves for each set of pumps. Also refer to requirements specified in Electrical Specifications herein. END OF SECTION I I ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station General Requirements for Equipment Project No. 168 11001 6 ' SECTION 11050 EQUIPMENT MOUNTING PART1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This section includes mounts, supports, and the anchorage for all equipment, piping and accessories. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Requirements Of Regulatory Agencies: All piping, equipment, supports and anchorages shall he designed by the Contractor in accordance with requirements of the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and Structural Engineering Association of California (SEAOC), latest edition, unless specified otherwise herein. All elements required to resist the calculated forces described herein shall be provided by the Contractor B. Calculations And Shop Drawings: Calculations and shop drawings shall be submitted for all of the work required above. All calculations must be made and signed by a civil or structural ' engineer currently registered in the State of California. Inasmuch as all anchorage of equipment is to be made to cast-in-place concrete elements, it is imperative that types of anchorage be coordinated with the concrete subcontractor so that anchorage may be installed at time of concrete placement. If calculations and anchorage details are not submitted prior to placing of concrete, the Contractor will become responsible for any strengthening of concrete elements because of superimposed seismic loading. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Equipment mountings shall be as shown. All equipment located on slabs shall be mounted on concrete pads. Where a steel base is shown or specified between the equipment and the concrete pedestal, it shall be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. 2.02 CAST IRON BASES A. Cast iron bases do not require galvanizing but must be painted in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 09900 All fasteners requiring connections to the base shall he terminated by nuts welded to the bottom side of the base and plugged with cork, plastic plugs or grease, or acorn nuts. In no case shall the fastener terminate only into the metal base. 2.03 CONCRETE PEDESTALS A. Concrete pedestals shall be 2 inches larger than the steel or cast base. All conduits, piping connections, drains, etc. shall be enclosed by the concrete base. No conduits, piping connections, drains, etc. will he accepted which rise directly from the floor. I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Equipment Mounting Project No. 168 11050 I 1 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Equipment: ' 1 Except where a higher lateral force is required by code, each piece of equipment installed shall be anchored to resist a minimum lateral seismic force of 60 percent of the operating weight of the equipment. This force shall be considered acting at the center of gravity of the piece under consideration. No equipment shall be anchored to vertical structural elements without written approval of the Resident Engineer 2. Nonvibrating equipment shall be anchored directly to the supporting floor system. In ' addition to the anchorage, all equipment shall be internally designed so that all static and moving parts are anchored to the supporting framework to resist the imposed seismic force. All forces must be transmitted to the base in order to be anchored as required. ' 3. Equipment, piping supports and anchorage located outside the buildings shall be designed to comply with the UBC latest edition. B. Piping. ' 1 All piping, accessories, and appurtenances, furnished with equipment shall be anchored to resist a lateral seismic force of 60 percent of its operating weight without excessive deflection. This force shall be considered acting at the center of gravity of the piece under consideration. 2. Piping with flexible connections and/or expansion joints shall be anchored such that the intended uses of these joints are maintained in the piping system. C. Ductwork: All ductwork for heating, ventilating and air conditioning, and for mechanical equipment, shall be anchored to the roof system to resist a lateral seismic force of 60 percent of the operating weight. END OF SECTION 1 1 1 .1 1 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Equipment Mounting Project No. 16$ 11050 2 I SECTION 11300 SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE PUMPS (FLYGT N3202) i PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE The general guide specifications is intended to cover the items applying to all ITT Flygt pumps for this project. Pump specifications follow the general section. Thus; Quality Technical Support, Testing, and Experience apply to all ITT Flygt pumps for this project. The specifications shall govern all work necessary to furnish, install and place into operation the electrical submersible pump(s)required to complete this project. This section includes electric submersible pump(s)to be supplied with motor, close coupled volute, cast iron discharge elbow guide bar brackets,power cable and accessories. The pumps to be supplied are for wet pit (NP), installations. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE The pump(s) shall be heavy duty electric submersible, centrifugal non-clog units designed for handling raw unscrecned sewage and wastewater and shall be fully guaranteed for this use. The pumps provided shall be capable of operating in an ambient liquid temperature of 104 DEGREES F Since the high temperature of 104 DEGREES F is specified by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and Factory Mutual (FM), motors with a maximum ambient temperature rating below 104 DEGREES F shall not be acceptable. The pump and motor unit shall be suitable for continuous operation at full nameplate load while the motor is completely submerged, partially submerged or totally non-submerged. The use of shower systems, secondary pumps or cooling fans to cool the motor shall not be acceptable. The pump, mechanical seals and motor units provided under this specification shall be from the same manufacturer in order to achieve standardization of operation, maintenance, spare parts, manufacturer's service and warranty 1.03 SUBMITTALS Submittal data shall be provided to show compliance with these specifications, plans or other specifications that will influence the proper operation of the pump(s). Standard submittal data for approval must consist of A. Pump Performance Curves. B. Pump Outline Drawing. C. Station Drawing for Accessories. D Electrical Motor Data. E. Control Drawing and Data. F Access Frame Drawing. G. Typical Installation Guides. H. Technical Manuals. I. Parts List. J Printed Warranty CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Submersible Sewage Pumps Project No. 168 11300 1 ' K. Manufacturers Equipment Storage Reconunendations. L. Manufacturer's Standard Recommended Start-Up Report Form. ' Lack of the above requested submittal data is cause for rejection. 1.04 TESTING ' Testing performed upon each pump shall include the following inspections: A. Impeller, motor rating and electrical connections shall be checked for compliance with this ' specification. B. Prior to submergence, each pump shall be run dry to establish correct rotation. ' C. Each pump shall be run submerged in water D Motor and cable insulation shall be tested for moisture content or insulation defects. ' Upon request, a written quality assurance record confirming the above testing/inspections shall be supplied with each pump at the time of shipment. Each pump (when specified)shall be tested in accordance with the latest test code of the Hydraulic Institute (H.I.)at the manufacturer to determine head vs. capacity and kilowatt draw required. Witness tests shall be ' available at the factory upon request. The pump(s) shall be rejected if the above requirements are not satisfied. ' 1.05 START-UP SERVICE The equipment manufacturer shall furnish the services of a qualified factory trained field service engineer for 8-hour working day(s) at the site to inspect the installation and instruct the owner's personnel on the operation and maintenance of the pumping units. After the pumps have been completely installed and wired, ' the contractor shall have the manufacturer do the following. A. Mcgger stator and power cables. ' B. Check seal lubrication. C. Check for proper rotation. D Check power supply voltage. E. Measure motor operating load and no load current. F Check level control operation and sequence During this initial inspection, the manufacturer's service representative shall review recommended operation ' and maintenance procedures with the owner's personnel. 1.06 FACTORY SERVICE ' Factory-Approved service facilities with qualified factory-trained mechanics shall be available for prompt emergency and routine service. I 1 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Submersible Sewage Pumps Project No. 168 11300 2 1.07 GUARANTEE See individual market sector Warranty policies as presented under General Information in this catalog. The warranty shall be in printed form and previously published as the manufacturer's standard warranty for all similar units manufactured. 1.08 EXPERIENCE The pump manufacturer shall have a minimum of 10,000 heavy-duty submersible wastewater pumps installed and operating for no less than 5 years in the United States. 1.09 MANUFACTURER ' a. The pump, mechanical seals and motor shall be from the same manufacturer b. The pump, mechanical seals and motor manufacturer shall be ITT Flygt, Model NP3202.0901-IT ' 460. 1.10 MODIFICATIONS EXPLOSION-PROOF PUMPS (X): The pump system including the pump, motor and power cable shall be approved for use in areas classified as hazardous locations in accordance with the NEC Class I, Div 1 Group C and D service as determined and approved by a U.S. nationally recognized testing laboratory(U.L. FM, CSA) at the time of the bidding of the project. As required by Factory Mutual (FM)the motor shall be capable of operating in pumped media up to 104 DEGREES F Motor thermal switches shall monitor and protect the motor from excessive ' temperature. An internal Float Switch shall be available, as an option, in the motor chamber Service of explosion-proof submersible units shall be performed by qualified FM experienced personnel. The pump manufacturer must provide an 8 hour training class to qualify personnel in the proper service and repair of explosion proof pumps. ' PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.01 REQUIREMENTS Each pump shall be equipped with an 60 HP submersible electric motor connected for operation on 460 volts, _phase, 60 hertz, 3 wire service, with sufficient length of submersible cable (SUBCAB) suitable for submersible pump applications and without splicing. The cable shall be sized taccording to NEC and 10EA standards and also meet with P-MSHA Approval. The cable shall be a composite type containing power and control conductors with a common jacket. ' 2.02 PUMP DESIGN CONFIGURATION (\Vet pit installation) The pump shall be supplied with a mating cast iron 8 inch discharge connection and be capable of ' delivering 1500 GPM at 77 FT TDB. The pumpls)shall he automatically and firmly connected to the discharge connection, guided by no less than two guide bars extending from the top of the station to the discharge connection. There shall be no need for personnel to enter the wet-well. Sealing of the pumping ' unit to the discharge connection shall he accomplished by a machined metal to metal watertight contact. Sealing of the discharge interface with a diaphragm,0-ring or profile gasket will not be acceptable. No portion of the pump shall bear directly on the sump floor Each pump shall be fitted with the Flygt Grip- ' ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Submersible Sewage Pumps Project No. 168 11300 3 1 ' Eye Lift System with 316 stainless steel chain slings. The working load of the lifting system shall be 50% greater than the pump unit weight. ' 2.03 PUMP CONSTRUCTION Major pump components shall be of grey cast iron, ASTM A-48, Class 35B, with smooth surfaces devoid of blow holes or other irregularities. All exposed nuts or bolts shall be of stainless steel construction. All metal surfaces coming into contact with the pumpage, other than stainless steel or brass, shall be protected by a factory applied spray coating of acrylic dispersion zinc phosphate primer with a polyester resin paint finish on the exterior of the pump. tSealing design shall incorporate metal-to-metal contact between machined surfaces. Critical mating surfaces where watertight sealing is required shall be machined and fitted with Nitrite rubber 0-rings. ' Fittings will be the result of controlled compression of rubber 0-rings in two planes and 0-ring contact of four sides without the requirement of a specific torque limit. ' Rectangular cross sectioned gaskets requiring specific torque limits to achieve compression shall not be considered as adequate or equal. No secondary sealing compounds, elliptical 0-rings, grease or other devices shall be used. ' 2.04 COOLING SYSTEM ' Each unit shall be provided with an integral motor cooling system. A motor cooling jacket shall encircle the stator housing, providing for dissipation of motor heat regardless of the type of pump installation. An impeller, integral to the cooling system and driven by the pump shaft, shall provide the necessary circulation of the cooling liquid through the jacket. The cooling liquid shall pass about the stator housing in the closed ' loop system in turbulent flow providing for superior heat transfer The cooling system shall have one fill port and one drain port integral to the cooling jacket. The cooling system shall provide for continuous pump operation in liquid or ambient temperatures of up to 104°F (40°C.). Operational restrictions at temperatures ' below 104°F are not acceptable. Fans, blowers or auxiliary cooling systems that are mounted external to the pump motor are not acceptable. t2.05 CABLE ENTRY SEAL The cable entry seal design shall preclude specific torque requirements to insure a watertight and submersible ' seal. The cable entry shall consist of dual cylindrical clastomer grommets, flanked by washers, all having a close tolerance fit against the cable outside diameter and the entry inside diameter The grommets shall be compressed by the cable entry unit,thus providing a strain relief function. The assembly shall provide ease of ' changing the cable when necessary using the same entry seal. The cable entry junction chamber and motor shall be sealed from each other, which shall isolate the stator housing from foreign material gaining access through the pump top. Epoxies, silicones, or other secondary sealing systems shall not be considered equal. ' 2.06 MOTOR The pump motor shall be a NEMA B design, induction type with a squirrel cage rotor shell type design, housed in an air filled, watertight chamber The stator windings shall be insulated with moisture resistant Class H insulation rated for 180°C (356°F). The stator shall be insulated by the trickle impregnation method using Class H monomer-free polyester resin resulting in a winding fill factor of at least 95%. The motor shall be inverter duty rated in accordance with NEMA MO1 Part 31 The stator shall be heat-shrink fitted into the cast iron stator housing. The use of multiple step dip and bake-type stator insulation process is not acceptable. The use of pins, bolts, screws or other fastening devices used to locate or hold the stator and that penetrate the stator housing are not acceptable. The motor shall be designed for continuous duty while CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Submersible Sewage Pumps Project No. 168 11300 4 1 ' handling pumped media of up to 104°F The motor shall be capable of withstanding at least 15 evenly spaced starts per hour The rotor bars and short circuit rings shall be made of aluminum. Three thermal switches shall be embedded in the stator end coils, one per phase winding, to monitor the stator temperature. These thermal switches shall be used in conjunction with and supplemental to external motor overload protection and shall be connected to the motor control panel. ' The junction chamber shall be sealed off from the stator housing and shall contain a terminal board for connection of power and pilot sensor cables using threaded compression type terminals. The use of wire nuts or crimp-type connectors is not acceptable. The motor and the pump shall be produced by the same manufacturer ' The motor service factor(combined effect of voltage, frequency and specific gravity) shall be 1 15 The motor shall have a voltage tolerance of+/- 10% The motor shall be designed for continuous operation in up ' to a 40°C. ambient and shall have a NEMA Class B maximum operating temperature rise of 80° C. A motor performance chart shall be provided upon request exhibiting curves for motor torque, current,power factor, input/output kW and efficiency The chart shall also include data on motor starting and no-load ' characteristics. Motor horsepower shall be sufficient so that the pump is non-overloading throughout its entire performance curve, from shut-off to run-out. The motor and cable shall be capable of continuous submergence underwater without loss of watertight integrity to a depth of 65 feet or greater. ' 2.07 BEARINGS The integral pump/motor shaft shall rotate on two bearings. The motor bearings shall be sealed and permanently grease lubricated with high temperature grease. The upper motor bearing shall ' be a two row angular contact ball bearing. The lower bearing shall be a two row angular contact ball bearing to handle the thrust and radial forces. The minimum L10 bearing life shall be 50,000 hours at any usable portion of the pump curve. ' 2.08 MECHANICAL SEALS Each pump shall be provided with a positively driven dual, tandem mechanical shaft seal system consisting of two seal sets, each having an independent spring. The lower primary seal, located between the pump and seal chamber shall contain one stationary and one positively driven rotating corrosion resistant tungsten- carbide ring. The upper secondary seal, located between the seal chamber and the seal inspection chamber, shall contain one stationary and one positively driven rotating corrosion resistant tungsten-carbide seal ring All seal rings shall be individual solid sintered rings. Each seal interface shall be held in place by its own ' spring system. The seals shall not depend upon direction of rotation for sealing. Mounting of the lower seal on the impeller hub is not acceptable. Shaft seals without positively driven rotating members or conventional double mechanical seals containing either a common single or double spring acting between the upper and ' lower seal faces are not acceptable. The seal springs shall be isolated from the pumped media to prevent materials from packing around them, limiting their performance. Each pump shall be provided with a lubricant chamber for the shaft sealing system. The lubricant chamber ' shall be designed to prevent overfilling and shall provide capacity for lubricant expansion. The seal lubricant chamber shall have one drain and one inspection plug that are accessible from the exterior of the motor unit. The seal system shall not rely upon the pumped media for lubrication. The area about the exterior of the lower mechanical seal in the cast iron housing shall have cast in an integral concentric spiral groove. This groove shall protect the seals by causing abrasive particulate entering the seal cavity to be forced out away from the seal due to centrifugal action. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Submersible Sewage Pumps Project No. 168 11300 5 A separate seal leakage chamber shall be provided so that any leakage that may occur past the upper secondary mechanical seal will be captured prior to entry into the motor stator housing. Such seal leakage shall not contaminate the motor lower bearing. The leakage chamber shall be equipped with a float type switch that will signal if the chamber should reach 50% capacity ' 2.09 PUMP SHAFT The pump and motor shaft shall be a single piece unit. The pump shaft is an extension of the motor shaft. Shafts using mechanical couplings shall not be acceptable. The shaft shall be stainless steel—ASTM A479 ' S43100-T Shaft sleeves will not be acceptable. 2.10 IMPELLER The impeller shall be of gray cast iron, ASTM A-48 Class 35B, dynamically balanced, semi-open, multi- vane, back swept, screw-shaped, non-clog design. The impeller leading edges shall be mechanically self- cleaned automatically upon each rotation as they pass across a spiral groove located on the volute suction. The screw-shaped leading edges of the impeller shall be hardened to Rc 45 and shall be capable of handling solids, fibrous materials, heavy sludge and other matter normally found in wastewater The screw shape of ' the impeller inlet shall provide an inducing effect for the handling of up to 5% sludge and rag-laden wastewater The impeller to volute clearance shall be readily adjustable by the means of a single trim screw The Impeller shall be locked to the shaft and held by an impeller bolt. 2.11 VOLUTE/SUCTION COVER The pump volute shall be a single piece gray cast iron,ASTM A-48, Class 35B, non-concentric design with ' smooth passages of sufficient size to pass any solids that may enter the impeller Minimum inlet and discharge size shall be as specified. The volute shall have integral spiral-shaped, sharp-edged groove(s)that is cast into the suction cover The spiral groove(s) shall provide the sharp edge(s)across which each impeller vane leading edge shall cross during rotation so to remain unobstructed. The internal volute bottom shall provide effective sealing between the multi-vane semi-open impeller and the volute. ' 2.12 PROTECTION Each pump motor stator shall incorporate three thermal switches, one per stator phase winding and be ' connected in series, to monitor the temperature of the motor Should the thermal switches open, the motor shall stop and activate an alarm. A float switch shall be installed in the seal leakage chamber and will activate if leakage into the chamber reaches 50% chamber capacity signaling the need to schedule an ' inspection. The thermal switches and float switch shall be connected to a Mini LAS control and status monitoring unit. The Mini LAS unit shall be designed to be mounted in the pump control panel. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.0 GENERAL A. Pumps shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers written recommendations. END OF SECTION ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Submersible Sewage Pumps Project No. 168 11300 6 SECTION 11400 PUMP CONTROL SYSTEM PART I GENERAL ' 1.01 SCOPE A. The control system shall be designed to operate Qty (2) 60 HP 460/3/60, 68 FLA pumps specified in the Pre-Purchased pump specs section and as shown on the drawings and plans. B. The control function shall provide for the operation of the pumps under normal conditions, and shall alternate the pumps on each pump down cycle to equalize the run time. In the event the incoming flow exceeds the pumping capacity of the lead pump,the lag pump shall automatically start to handle the increased flow As the flow decreases, the pumps shall cut off at the elevations as shown on the plans. PART 2 PRODUCTS ' 2.01 MECHANICAL. t A. OUTER ENCLOSURE. The outer enclosure shall be a NEMA 3R, 304 stainless steel enclosure. The enclosure shall be free standing type with a minimum depth of 14' sized to adequately house the power meter box and pump controls panel. A double door enclosure shall be provided. The door shall include a viewing window for reading the electric meter. The door gasket shall be ' rubber composition with a retainer to assure a positive weatherproof seal or be provided with foam in place gasket that does not create a memory in the material. The door shall open a minimum of 180 degrees. A generator receptacle with back box and angle adapter shall be mounted on the exterior of the outer enclosure as shown on the drawings and plans. B. CONTROLS ENCLOSURE The enclosure shall he a NEMA 4X, 304 stainless steel enclosure. The enclosure shall have a minimum depth of 101 sized to adequately house all the components. The single door enclosure shall be provided with 12' legs for mounting inside of the outer enclosure. The door gasket shall be rubber composition with a retainer to assure a positive ' weatherproof seal or be provided with foam in place gasket that does not create a memory in the material. The dead front door shall be mounted on a continuous aircraft type hinge and shall open a minimum of 120 degrees to allow access to equipment for maintenance. ' C. A dead front door shall be mounted on a continuous aircraft type hinge and shall contain cutouts for mounted equipment and provide protection of personnel from live electrical wiring. FMC ' 200 controller control switches, indicator pilot lights, elapsed time meters, duplex receptacle and other operational devices shall be mounted on the external surface of the dead front door. Cutouts for disconnect/transfer switch and breaker handles shall be provided to allow operation of breakers without entering the compartment. ' D The back plate shall be manufactured of 12-gauge sheet steel and he finished with a primer coat and two [2] coats of baked on white enamel. All hardware mounted to the subpanel shall be accomplished with machine thread tapped holes. Sheet metal screws are not acceptable. All devices shall be permanently identified using engraved nameplates. Use of DYMO type labels is not acceptable. 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Pump Control System Project No. 168 11400 1 i 2.02 ELECTRICAL. A. The panel power distribution shall include all necessary components and be completely wired ' with stranded copper conductors rated at 90 degrees c. All conductor terminations shall be as recommended by the device manufacturer. B. A SQUARE D type Walking Beam dual circuit breakers shall be provided as a Power / ' Disconnect Transfer Switch. It will serve as a combination disconnect and transfer switch for generator use. ' C All circuit breakers shall be heavy-duty thermal magnetic or motor circuit protectors similar and equal to SQUARE D type FAL. Each motor breaker shall be adequately sized to meet the pump motor operating characteristics and shall have a minimum of 10,000 amps interrupting capacity ' for 230 vac and 14,000 amps at 480 vac. Heavy-duty breaker shall individually control the control circuit. ' 1. Circuit breakers shall be indicating type, providing 'on-off-trip' positions of the operating handle. When the breaker is tripped automatically the handle shall assume a middle position indicating 'trip' 2. Thermal magnetic breakers shall be quick-make and quick-break on manual and automatic operation and have inverse time characteristic secured through the use of bimetallic tripping elements supplemented by a magnetic trip. ' 3 Breakers shall be designed so that an overload on one pole automatically trips and opens all legs. Field installed handle ties shall not be acceptable. D Motor starters shall be open frame, across the line NEMA rated with individual overload protection in each leg. Motor starter contact and coil shall be replaceable from the front of the starter without removing from its mounted position. Overload heaters shall be block type, shall have visual trip indication and have push to reset. Overload shall be sized for the full load amperage draw of the pumps. Definite purpose contactors, fractional size starters and ' horsepower rated contactors or relays shall not be acceptable. E. Control transformers and power supplies shall be provided for the 120 vac and/or 24 vdc as ' necessary for control circuits. Transformers shall be fused on the primary and secondary circuits. The secondary shall be grounded. F A lightning-transient protector shall he provided. The device shall be solid state with a response ' time of less then 5 nanoseconds with withstanding surge capacity of 6500 amperes. Unit shall be instant recovery long life and have no holdover currents. G. A line voltage rated, adjustable plug-in phase monitor shall be installed to sense low voltage, loss of power, reversed phasing and loss of a phase. Control circuit shall de-energize upon sensing any of the faults and shall automatically restore service upon return to normal power ' H. PUMP PROTECTION: The following shall be provided. ' 1 One plug in solid state Mini-Cas 120 unit shall be supplied for each pump to monitor the pump for over-temp and leakage. The unit shall have an l 1pin, round base to mate with a standard I 1 pin socket. The unit shall also be flanged in order to allow deadfront door ' mounting. CM SD Irvine Pumping Station Pump (_ontrol System Project No. 168 11400 2 ' 2. The unit shall be powered by 24VAC 24VDC. or 1206AC LED indication shall be provided for power on, over-temp, and leakage conditions. An over-temp reset push- button shall be provided to allow reset of the unit. ' 3 The sensor input circuitry is to contain both hardware and software filters to provide noise immunity as well as sensor input short circuit protection. The Mini-Cas 120 unit shall be model 14-407129 as supplied by Flygt Corporation. ' I. Remote terminals shall be supplied for all alarm signals to be remotely transmitted. ' 2.03 PRIMARY CONTROL SYSTEM. ' GENERAL. The pump(s) controller shall consist of all the components, hardware and software to provide a trouble-free pumping station. The system shall be designed and specifically produced for the t surveillance of the pump station. The system shall provide for interface to other RTU's and SCADA systems for remote control and data collection. The RTU shall control the pumps as a stand alone unit in the event of a communications loss. A UPS shall be supplied to back up the ' control voltage. The controller shall be a FMC as manufactured by ITT Flygt or approved equal. OPERATION ' A level sensor with continuous measurement of the wet well level shall be provided to interface with the controller and provide the necessary data to start and stop the pumps. The RTU/Controller shall be simple to handle with information provided in English. The parameters shall be pass-word protected, recognized and available on the display Communications shall be possible with a fixed line modem, a dialed modem, radio or GSM modem. The RTU shall be able to communicate with either AquaCom, Modbus or Comli protocol and send a SMS message to a mobile phone. ' The system shall develop historical data based on 130 minute time period. The following data shall be provided. ' a. Wet well levels. b. Motor currents. c. Calculated capacity of wet well. d. Inflow e. Pumped volume. f Overflow ' In addition to the available historical data, the following daily reports shall be transferred to the central system on request. a. Pump run times. b. Number of pump starts c. Average value of pump capacity ' d. Pumped volume. e. Number of overflow events. f. The length of time of overflow ' g. Overflow volume. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Pump Control System Project No. 168 11400 3 I ' h. The times and numbers of the station blocking from other RTUs. i. Energy consumption. ' All components and operation of the system shall meet the following specifications. I Digital inputs and outputs shall be optically isolated. ' 2. Input signals shall be 11 30 Volts or 4-20 mA. 3 Relay outputs with maximum load shall be 2A, 250V AC/DC. 4 Solid state outputs shall be 100mA,250V AC/DC. ' 5 Analog inputs shall be 4-20 with resolution of 12 bits and an inaccuracy of 0.1% 6. The RTU shall be expandable up to 400 digital and analog inputs. LED's on the front panel shall provide visual alarm and operation of the pumps. ' Cross section areas of the sump. Start-stop levels of the pumps. ' Alarm levels for high, low and overflow Nominal capacities of the pumps. Current flow and accumulated inflow ' Pumped volume for two days. Number of starts for the pumps. Running time for each pump. The last 1000 alarms. Amp draw for each pump. ' Pump Station Operation: Start and stop of the pumps and alarm acknowledgement of alarms shall be accomplished either locally or remote. A manually started pump shall shut down after a specified time delay The pumps shall alternate to equalize run time. The pump operation of multiple pumps shall be configured by the operator. An alarm shall be generated if the motor current is below the ' adjustable alarm level. In addition to controlling the pumps, the controller shall provide the following: 1. Flow Calculation: The RTU shall provide the calculation for the inflow and the pumped volume of the station. ' Levels and the cross sectional areas of the wet well shall be used to determine the inflow The RTU shall determine the pump capacities based on discharge time and the calculated inflow ' 2. Overflow Measurement: A reliable level switch shall be provided to calculate the over flow measurement. The over flow shall be calculated based on time, flow and the accumulated volume. ' 3. Pump Protection Alarms: The RTU shall monitor the pumps for leakage and temperature in the windings. Either noted condition shall shut the pumps down and activate and alarm. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Pump Control System 1 Project No. 168 11400 4 ' 4. Pump Cleaning Functions: The controller shall provide for the automatic cleaning operation as noted below a. The sump shall be cleaned by allowing the pump to `snore' When the amp draw of the pumps drops,the pump shall stop. Time delays shall be provided. b. If the pump is non operational for a specified time period, the pump shall automatically pump the station down to avoid stagnant water. c. A reverse cycle shall be instigated for a pump that has been running for a specified period. 5. Service Alarm: An alarm shall be generated if the run time for the pumps has been exceeded over an adjustable pump maintenance interval. 6. Precipitation Measurement: Pump controller shall be capable of measuring digital rain gauge inputs, measure the precipitation quantity and present it in the display status picture, periodical report and develop a historical trend and generate an alarm. 7 Energy Measurement: ' Energy consumption shall be calculated from the number of pulses from a digital input or calculated from the motor currents consumption. 8. Personnel Alarm: An adjustable personnel working period alarm, which can be activated if the working time has been exceeded. The alarm shall be sent to the central system if the alarm is not acknowledged locally When the system is returned to automatic operation the alarm shall be disabled. ' 9. Test Alarm: The RTU shall be configured to allow for alarm testing at least once a week. 2.04 ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT The controller shall incorporate DOA switches,run lights and pump failure lights. All lights, switches and other control devices shall be rated NEMA 4X. A 50 watt condensation heater with adjustable ' thermostat shall be included in the control system. 2.05 PRIMARY LEVEL SENSOR—SUBMERSIBLE PRESSURE TRANSDUCER The submersible transducer shall be a two wire device operating on 1 30VDC supply with a 4- 20mADC level signal. The transducer shall have a temperature range of 0 to 70 degrees C and have an accuracy of.25 0 of the total range. The transducer shall be cable suspended inside of a 3' PVC stilling well and not dependent upon position. The transducer shall be manufactured of Stainless Steel 2343 material. The sensor shall be LTU-501 by ITT Flygt or approved equal. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Pump Control System ' Project No. 168 11400 5 2.06 INTRINSIC REQUIREMENTS Level sensors will be operated at the voltage required for operation. Maximum of 24vac will be applied. An intrinsically safe barrier for the transducer shall be provided for connection of the level sensor to the control panel. The sensor shall be FM approved, providing explosion protection in Class I, 11, & Ill, Division I Groups A, B,C, D E, & F Installation of the barrier shall be in a Zone 2, Division 2 or safer environment. The barrier enclosure shall be Polyamide 6 GF shall operate in ambient temperatures of 20 to +60 degree C, and have a leakage current of less than or equal to 2uA. The barrier shall be manufactured by ITT Flygt, part number 84 30 55 or approved equal. 2.07 BACK UP LEVEL SENSOR Two float switches shall be provided for backup level control in event of transducer failure. The float switches shall consist of a mechanically activated SPDT microswitch encased in a polypropylene float. Mercury activated switches shall not be allowed. The interrupting capacity of the switch shall be 250VAC 10A resistive load, 250VAC 3A inductive load, or 30VDC 5A. The plastic components shall be screwed or welded together Plastic casings joined by adhesives shall not be allowed. The cable shall consist of 3 conductors in a PVC sheath. The float switch shall operate in media temperatures of 0 to +60 degrees C, and in media densities of 0.65 to 1.5 g/cm3 The float switch shall be ENM-10 by ITT Flygt or approved equal. 2.08 MODEM A TD-33 telephone modem shall be supplied that is suitable for industrial applications rated at 0—60 degrees C. The modem shall be capable of terminal data rates of up to 230.4 kbit/s supported using standard data compression and error correction algorithms. The maximum line modulation speed is 13.6 kbit/s connected to another TD-33 or standard modem. The modem shall have a RS-2321V.24 connection. The TD-33 shall be power by 12 36VDC and be din rail mounted.The unit is 2 wire dial up and transient protected. 2.09 MANUFACTURER: A. The pump control panel and system shall be as manufactured by ITT Flygt or approved equal. B. The manufacturer shall be listed as a certified National Recognized Testing Laboratory producing to UL 508 requirements for industrial control systems and shall provide evidence of such by attaching a serialized label on the cabinet door. C Miscellaneous requirements: 1 A final as built drawing shall be attached to the inside of the front door Schematics shall be done in ladder logic with wire numbers and line numbers. Real time cross referencing of relay contact to line numbers shall be given as well as written description of component function on each circuit of the drawings. From/ to wire and termination reports shall be shown on the as built drawings. Terminal strip layouts shall be provided for case of connecting external devices. Electrical drawings and Bill of materials shall be provided in Auto Cad format. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Pump Control System Project No. 168 11400 6 I ' 2. All component parts in the control panel shall be permanently identified with engraved legend plates as designated on the drawings. A list of all legends shall be available in Excel format and attached with the schematics on the panel door ' 3 All equipment shall be tested to the operational requirements. ' 4 All equipment shall be guaranteed for a period of three years from the date of installation. The guarantee is effective against all defects in workmanship and/or defective component. The warranty is limited to replacement of or repair of the defective equipment. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.0 GENERAL A. Pump control system shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's written recommendations. END OF SECTION 1 I CM SD Irvine Pumping Station Pump Control System Project No. 168 11400 7 I ISECTION 15062 DUCTILE IRON PIPE I PART1 GENERAL ' 1.01 DESCRIPTION ' A. Scope. This section specifies ductile iron pipe, ductile or gray iron fittings and gaskets. This section applies to all pipe of this type shown above grade or buried, and piping inside pump station or vaults. and as shown on the drawings. B. Pipe Joint Selection: Pipe joint selection shall be as indicated below 1 New buried ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be restrained mechanical joint unless otherwise I indicated to be connected to a flanged valve or flanged appurtenance. Use minimum standard pressure class for each pipe size. I2. New exposed ductile iron pipe and fittings shallbe flanged; minimum Wall Thickness Class 53 C. Thrust Restraint: Joint restraint for buried mechanical joint pipe shall be Ebaa-lron MegaLug or Iapproved equal. 1.02 REFERENCES ' A. This section references the following documents. They are a part of this section as specified and modified. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and those of the listed documents, the requirements of this section shall prevail. IANSI B2.1 Pipe Threads (Except Dryseal) I ANSI B16.1 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings ANSI B182.1 Square and Hex Bolts and Screws ANSI B31 1 Power Piping IASTM A716 Pipe Spec. for Ductile Iron Culvert AWWA 0110 Standard for Gray Iron and Ductile Iron I (ANSI A21 10) Fittings, 3 Inch Through 48 Inch, for Water and other Liquids AWWA 0111 Standard for Rubber Gasket Joints for (ANSI C2I I I) Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings IAWWA C105 Standard for Polyethylene Encasement for (ANSI A21.5) Ductile Iron Piping for W ater and Other Liquid I AWWA C 115 Standard for Ductile Iron Pipe with (ANSI A2I I5) Threaded Flanges AWWA C151 Standard for Ductile Iron Pipe, I (ANSI 21 51) Centrifugally Cast, in Metal Molds or Sand Lined Molds for Water or Other Liquids I I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Ductile Iron Pipe Project No. 16S 15062 1 ' 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals during construction shall be made in accordance with Section 01300 B. Submit manufacturer s catalog cuts showing class, end details and interior coating for pipe and fittings. ' PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL ' A. Pipe design, materials and manufacture shall comply with the following documents. ' Item Document Thickness design AWWA C150, Wall Thickness Class 53 minimum (for flanged spools); or minimum Standard Pressure Class for push-on or mechanical joint pipe Manufacturing requirements Water or other liquid AWWA C151 Gas ANSI 21.52 ' Rubber gasket AWWA C 1 11 Threaded flange AWWA C115 Fittings AWWA C153 ' Polyethylene encasement AWWA Cl05 2.02 GASKETS A. Gasket stock shall be a synthetic rubber compound in which the clastomer is neoprene. The compound shall contain not less than 50 percent by volume neoprene and shall be free from defects, reclaimed ' nubbcr and other deleterious substances. 2.03 FLANGE ASSEMBLIES A. Flange assemblies shall be provided as specified herein and as shown on the Drawings. All flanges shall be ductile iron; cast iron flanges for piping will not be accepted. ' B. Corrosion-resistant bolts and nuts for use with ductile iron joints are an acceptable substitute for alloyed bolts and nuts. Galvanized or cadmium steel bolts are not acceptable substitutes for stainless steel. ' Bolts used for buried applications shall be Type 316 stainless steel with coal tar epoxy applied after installation. ' 2.04 JOINTS A. Mechanical Joint and Mechanical Joints: The plain ends of push-on pipe and mechanical joint pipe shall be marked with paint to show the required depth of penetration for making the joint. Push-on and mechanical joints shall conform to applicable dimensions and weights of A\VWA C111 B. Flanged Joints: Bolts, nuts, and gaskets as recommended by appendix to AWWA Cl 15/A21 5 ' CMSD IrvinL Pumping Station Ductile Iron Pipe Project No. 168 15062 2 2.05 FITTINGS A. Ends shall be flanged, mechanical joint, or push-on to suit the conditions specified or shown. Ductile iron fittings conforming to the requirements of AW WA C 153 shall be used. 2.06 POLYETHYLENE TUBE A. Polyethylene encasement shall be used on all buried ductile iron pipe and fittings. Installation of polyethylene shall be as specified in ANSI A21 5, Section S-4.2.1 and these specifications. Pipe, ' fittings, valves and couplings shall be double-wrapped. B. The polyethylene tube seams and overlaps shall be wrapped and held in place by means of a 2-inch wide plastic backed adhesive tape. The tape shall be Polyken No. 900 (polyethylene), Scotchwrap No. 50 (polyvinyl), or equal. The tape shall be such that the adhesive shall bond securely to both metal surfaces and polyethylene film. 2.07 LINING A. Unless otherwise shown or specified, lining for pipe and fittings shall be Protect() 401 ceramic epoxy lining as manufactured by Induron [Birmingham, Alabama (205) 324-9524] with a nominal 40 mil dry film thickness, or approved equal. 2.08 COATING A. Exposed ductile iron piping shall be coated per Section 09900 However, temporary exposed piping ' that will be removed by Contractor as part of subsequent construction phases, does not require exterior painting. B. All buried thrust restraint devices (EBAA-Iron MegaLug, or approved equal) shall be wax-tape coated ' per Section 09902, in addition to being polyethylene wrapped per Paragraph 2.06 above. ' PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Piping runs shown on the drawings shall be followed as closely as possible. Proposed deviations shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01300. ' B. Pipe shall be installed in accordance with AWWA C600 3.02 INSULATING SECTIONS ' A. \Vhcre a metallic nonferrous pipe or appurtenance is connected to ferrous pipe or appurtenance, an insulating bushing or a section of rubber or plastic pipe shall be provided. Each insulating section shall ' have a length of 2 to 4 inches and shall have a pressure rating equal to or exceeding the connecting pipes. ' 3.03 PIPE SUPPORTS A. Install pipe supports as recommended by the support manufacturer 1 CnISD Irvine Pumping Station Ductile Iron Pipe Project No. 168 15062 3.04 ACCEPTANCE TESTING A. Hydrostatic pressure tests shall be conducted and acceptability determined in accordance with AWWA C600. ' END OF SECTION 1 I ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station DuctilL Iron Pipe Project No. 168 15062 4 1 SECTION 15064 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE PART GENERAL ' 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Scope: This section provides specifications for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pressure pipe, and PVC pipe accessories, including fittings, deflection couplings, and other miscellaneous accessories are included in this section. See Section 15062 for ductile iron fittings specifications. A. Type: PVC pressure pipe 4 diameter or larger shall comply fully with AWWA C900 or AWWA C905, and PVC' pressure pipe smaller than 4' diameter shall be Schedule 80 with solvent welded joints per ASTM D1785 AWWA C900 of C905 PVC pressure pipe shall have bell and spigot ends, unless pipe is thrust restrained joint as manufactured by Certain-Teed. B. Manufacturers: PVC pressure pipe shall be the product of one of the following manufacturers: ' 1 J-M Pipc 2. Vinyltech 3 Ipex ' 4 5 PW Pipe Certain-Teed (for thrust-restrained joint PVC pipe only) 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. PVC pressure pipe shall conform to the requirements of AW\VA 0900, AWWA C905 or ASTM ' D1785 as applicable. All requirements, tests and inspections called for therein shall apply together with additional requirements specified herein. The Resident Engineer reserves the right to witness all factory tests. ' 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section 01300. Submittals shall include, as a minimum, the following information: Pipe material indicating manufacturer, pressure rating and compliance with AWWA ' C900, AWWA C905, or ASTM D1785 2. Information on fittings, including dimensions, compliance with standards and pressure rating. 3 Information on pipe accessories, including but not limited to service clamps, locating ' material and deflection couplings. B. The PVC pressure pipe manufacturer shall furnish an affidavit of compliance that all delivered ' materials comply with the requirements of AWWA C900, AWWA C905, or ASTM D1785 and these specifications I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC) Pipe Project No. 168 15064 1 PART 2 MATERIALS 2.01 PVC PIPE 4 DIAMETER OR LARGER A. Pipe. Materials used to produce the PVC pressure pipe shall be made from Class 12454-A or B rigid polyvinyl chloride compounds in accordance with AWWA C900 or C905, Section 2.1 ' (Basic Materials), with an established Hydrostatic Design Basis equal to or greater than 4,000 psi for water at 73 4 degrees F Elastomerie gaskets shall comply with the requirements of AWWA C900 or C905 Sections 2.1 5 and 2.1 5 1 (Gaskets and Lubricants), and with the requirements of ASTM 477 Gaskets shall be suitable for the intended service (water or sewage) as indicated by the contract documents. ' Each pipe length shall be marked showing the nominal pipe size, outside diameter AWWA pressure class and AWWA specification designation, all in accordance with AWWA C900 or C905 ' Minimum pipe class shall be Class 200 for C900 pipe and DR18 (235 psi) for C905 pipe. All joints shall be either an integral bell manufactured on the pipe or a separate coupling. Both the bell and coupling shall employ a rubber ring joint. The bell shall be at least the thickness of the ' pipe barrel. The sealing rim groove shall be of the same design as the groove in cast iron fittings and valves available from local water works supply distributors. ' B. Fittings: Fittings for PVC pressure pipe shall be cast or ductile iron, conforming to the requirements of AWWA C110 or AWWA C153, with minimum working pressure of 250 psi. Buried fittings shall be coated per the requirements of Section 15062 2.08. Lining shall be ' nominal 40 mil dry film thickness, Protecto 401 as manufactured by Induron (Birmingham, Alabama 205.324.9584) ' Fittings shall have push-on, mechanical joint or flanged ends, as shown on the Drawings. Push- on joints may be substituted for mechanical joints at all locations where mechanical joints are shown. Push-on joints shall be the Tyton Joint, as manufactured by U.S. Pipe, or equivalent. Flanges shall conform to the requirements of AWWA C115 and shall be at least the pressure ' rating of the adjoining pipe. Joints installed within a casing shall be restrained to prevent separation. ( . Deflection Couplings: Deflection couplings shall be specially extruded from heavy wall PVC and furnished with gaskets at each end. Deflection couplings shall be rated for a minimum operating pressure of 200 psi and shall meet the requirements of AWWA C900. Gasket grooves ' and pipe end stops shall be precision machined to minimize shrinkage and out-of-roundness. Deflection couplings shall be `HD' Couplings, as manufactured by Certainteed, or equivalent. Maximum deflection at each joint of the deflection couplings shall be two degrees each side (four ' degrees total). D PVC Pressure Pipe Locating Material. PVC pressure pipe shall be provided with locating ' material. The material shall be metallic locating tape as specified in Section 1 5152. E. Polyethylene Encasement: Polyethylene encasement for ductile iron fittings and gate valves shall conform to AWWA C105 and Section 15062 2.06. 2.02 PVC PIPE SMALLER THAN 4 DIAMETER ' A. Pipe. PVC pipe smaller than 4 shall be Schedule 80 with solvent welded joints ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC) Pipe Project No 168 15064 2 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. PVC pressure pipe shall be shipped, stored and installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, as modified herein. PVC pressure pipe six inch-diameter and larger ' shall be deflected within the manufacturer's tolerance, and in no case greater than two degrees per joint. 3.02 SHIPPING AND STORAGE A. PVC pressure pipe shall he shipped and stored by supporting the pipe uniformly Surface scratches shall be avoided. Pipe shall not be stacked higher than four feet, nor stacked with the weight on the bells. Pipe shall be covered to protect it from sunlight, while permitting adequate air circulation above and around the pipe. Pipe that is scratched or gouged, forming a clear depression will be rejected by the Resident Engineer B. Pipe shall be stored in the unit packages provided by the manufacturer. Gaskets shall be stored in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight and in their original cartons. ' 3.03 INSTALLATION OF PVC PRESSURE PIPE ' A. PVC pipe and fittings shall be installed per AWWA Manual M23 (PVC Pipe Design and Installation), as modified herein. Proper care shall be used to prevent damage when laying the pipe. The pipe shall be hoisted with a fork lift or other handling equipment in a manner that prevents major damage. A cloth belt sling or continuous fiber rope shall be used to lift the pipe to prevent scratching. ' B. Pipe shall be lowered and not dropped from the truck. Dropped pipe will be rejected by the Resident Engineer C. Prior to laying PVC pipe, the bottom of the trench shall be graded and prepared to provide ' uniform bearing throughout the entire length of each joint of pipe. Bell holes of ample size shall be dug in the bottom of the trench at the locations of each joint to facilitate the joining. The trench shall have a flat or semi-circular bottom conforming to the grade to which the pipe is to be ' laid. D PVC pipe shall be accurately placed in the trench to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings. ' Fittings shall be supported independently of the pipe. E. Trenches shall be kept free of water until joints have been properly made. Open ends of the pipe ' shall be closed temporarily with wood blocks or bulkheads at the end of each day s work, at the noon hour and at all other times when work is not in progress. PVC pipe shall not be laid when trench or weather conditions are unsuitable. ' F Pipe shall be furnished in standard, 20 feet long sections. Short lengths with deflection couplings may be used to make the curves. PVC pipe shall be cut by means of saws, power driven abrasive wheels or pipe cutters, which shall produce a square cut. Wedge type roller cutters will not he ' permitted. After cutting the pipe, the cut ends shall be beveled with a beveling tool, portable type sander or abrasive disc. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC) Pipe Project No. 168 15064 3 1 3.04 INSTALLATION OF LOCATING TAPE A. Locating tape (see Paragraph 2.01D) shall be installed 8-inches above and along the centerline of buried PVC pressure pipe. 3.05 PRESSURE TESTING AND FLUSHING OF PVC PIPE A. General. All PVC pipe and appurtenances shall be pressure flushed and pressure tested. Flushing shall be accomplished with potable water. Flushing water shall be disposed of in a manner ' acceptable to the local Regional Water Quality Control Board and/or other appropriate regulatory agencies. B. Testing Medium: Potable water shall be utilized for pressure testing of pipelines. The Contractor shall coordinate with the local potable water agency to obtain water for pressure testing. The Contractor shall bear all costs for obtaining potable water for testing, including but not limited to meters and backflow prevention devices. C. Pressure And Duration of Test: Test pressure shall be applied with a positive displacement pump. A pressure snubber or dampener shall be provided between the pump and the pipeline. 1 The maximum rate of filling the pipe with the test fluid shall not cause water velocity in the pipe to exceed one foot per second. The test pressure shall be minimum 75 psi for force mains, or 20 ' psi along gravity mains. Potable water lines shall be tested to minimum 150 psi. Pipeline test pressure shall be maintained for two hours and restored to original test pressure ' whenever pressure drop exceeds 10 psi. A calibrated pressure recorder shall be used for the test, and a copy of pressure records shall be furnished to the Resident Engineer D. Allowable Leakage: Test fluid shall be drawn from containers in which the volume of water can ' be readily measured or through a positive displacement meter The method of measurement shall be subject to the approval of the Resident Engineer Leakage shall be considered as the total amount of water pumped into the pipeline during the final one hour period. Leakage shall not exceed the rate of 0 10 gallon per inch of nominal inside diameter per 1,000 feet of pipe per one hour ' E. Repetition of Test: If the actual leakage exceeds the allowable leakage, the Contractor shall locate the faulty work, repair it and repeat the test until the leakage is within allowable limits specified herein. No visible leakage will be allowed. END OF SECTION tCMSD Irvine Pumping Station Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC)Pipe Project No. 168 15064 4 SECTION 15111 SWING CHECK VALVES PART I GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION ' A. General: This section provides specifications for swing check valves for wastewater service. B Type: Valves furnished under tins section shall be of the clearway cushioned with an outside ' lever with weight and air cylinder type. Valves employing weighted levers with springs will be rejected. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1 A. General: Valves furnished under this specification shall be suitable for continuous duty service under the conditions outlined in the following paragraphs. B. Wastewater Services: Valves installed in wastewater or wastewater-related services shall be suitable for exposure to fluids containing grit, petroleum products, industrial solvents, organic solids and animal greases and fats. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit manufacturer's standard catalog cuts, indicating all components, dimensions and ends as described in Section 01300 1.04 RELATED SECTIONS A. The work of the following sections applies to the work of this section. Other sections of the ' specifications, not referenced below shall also apply to the extent required for proper performance of this work: Section 09900 Coating Systems ' PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS ' A. \-alvcs shall be designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C508. B. \alves shall be provided with flanges in accordance with ANSI B16.1 Class 125 C. \alve body and cover shall be constructed of ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 Ductile Iron. D \ alve disk shall he precision molded Buna-N (NBR), ASTM D2000-BG E.. Valve shall be furnished with the following optional accessories: screw-type backtlow actuator, mechanical disk position indicator CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Swing Check Valves Project No. 168 15111 1 F Valve Body shall be lined with 3M, Inc. Fusion Coated Epoxy #134 or approved equal, and shall be coated per manufacturer standard coating system. 2.02 DESIGN A. Valves shall be designed in accordance with the manufacturer s specifications. ' 2.03 MANUFACTURER A. Valves shall be manufactured by Val-Matic Valve and Manufacturing Corporation, Swing-Flex Check Valve Series 500 or approved equal. ' PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Valves shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's written recommendations. END OF SECTION I ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Swing Check Valves Project No. 168 15111 2 I SECTION 15115 RESILIENT SEATED ECCENTRIC PLUG -ALVES PART 1 GENERAL ' 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. General: This section provides specifications for plug valves for wastewater service. B. Type: Valves shall be of the non-lubricated eccentric type with resilient faced plugs and shall be furnished with end connections as shown on the plans. ' 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' A. General: Valves furnished under this specification shall be suitable for continuous duty service under the conditions outlined in the following paragraphs. ' B. Wastewater Service: Valves installed in wastewater or wastewater-related services shall he suitable for exposure to fluids containing grit, petroleum products, industrial solvents, organic solids and animal greases and fats. 1.03 SUBMITTALS ' A. Submit manufacturer's standard catalog cuts, indicating all components, dimensions and ends as described in Section 01300. 1.04 RELATED SECTIONS A. The work of the following sections applies to the work of this section. Other sections of the specifications, not referenced below shall also apply to the extent required for proper performance of this work: Section 0990 • Coating Systems PART 2 PRODUCTS ' 2.01 MATERIALS ' A. General: Flanged valves shall be faced and drilled to the ANSI 125/150 pound standard. Mechanical point ends shall comply with AWWA C111 grooved ends shall comply with AVON A C-606 Screwed ends shall be to the NPT Standard. B Materials of construction shall be as follows: Component Material ' 1 Bodies Plug Cast iron, ASTM A126, Class B 2. Cast iron, ASTM A126, Class B 3 Bolts Type 316 stainless steel 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Resilient Seated Eccentric Plug Valves Project No. 168 15115 1 ' C. Valves shall be rated for the following C.W.P non-shock working pressure: 175 psi for 0.5' to 12' valves; and 150 psi for 14' to 36' valves. D Valve Body shall be epoxy lined suitable for sewage immersion (Tnemec Potapox Series 20, or approved equal), and coated per manufacturer standard coating system. ' 2.02 DESIGN A. Bodies in 4 and larger valves shall be furnished with a 1/8' welded overlay seat of not less than 90% pure nickel. Seat area shall be raised, with raised surface completely covered with weld to insure that the plug face contacts only nickel. Screwed-in seats shall not be acceptable. B. The plug shall have a cylindrical seating surface eccentrically offset from the center of the plug shaft. The interference between the plug face and body seat, with the plug in the closed position, shall be externally adjustable in the field with the valve in the line under pressure. Plug shall be resilient faced with neoprene, suitable for use with sewage. ' C. Valves shall have sleeve type metal bearings and shall be of sintered, oil impregnated permanently lubricated type 316 ASTM A743 Grade CF-8M or AISI Type 317L stainless steel in ' 1/2' 36' sizes. In valves larger than 36 the upper and lower plug journals shall be fitted with ASTM A 240 type 316 stainless sleeves with bearings of ASTM B30, Alloy C95400 aluminum bronze. Non-metallic bearings shall not be acceptable. D Valve shaft seals shall be of the multiple V-ring type and shall be externally adjustable and repackable without removing the bonnet or actuator from the valve under pressure. Valves utilizing 0-rings seals or non-adjustable packing shall not be acceptable. ' E Each valve shall be given a hydrostatic and seat test with test results being certified. ' F Manual valves shall have lever or gear actuators and tee wrenches, extension stems, floorstands, etc. as indicated on the Plans. All valves 6' and larger shall be equipped with gear actuators. All gearing shall be enclosed in a semi-steel housing and be suitable for running in a lubricant with seals provided on all shafts to prevent entry of dirt and water into the actuator. The actuator shaft and the quadrant shall be supported on permanently lubricated bronze bearings. Actuators shall clearly indicate valve position and an adjustable stop shall be provided to set closing torque and to provide seat adjustment to compensate for change in pressure differential or flow direction change. ' G. The maximum anticipated steady-state working pressure for the plug valves to be installed on the pump suction and discharge piping located inside the pump station is 15 psi for suction piping and 75 psi for discharge piping. ' 1-I. Valves and gear actuators for buried or submerged service shall have seals on all shafts and gaskets on the valve and actuator covers to prevent the entry of water Actuator mounting brackets for buried or submerged service shall be totally enclosed and shall have gasket seals. ' I. Valves that are indicated or specified to be power actuated shall be furnished with either cylinder or electric motor actuators as specified herein or indicated on the Plans. ' J Cylinder actuators shall be rack and gear type and shall be enclosed in a semi-steel housing. Actuators shall he sealed and shall be suitable for running in a lubricant. The actuator shall clearly indicate valve position and an adjustable stop shall be provided to set closing torque. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Resilient Seated Eccentric Plug Valves Project No. 16S 15115 2 ' Cylinder controls shall include 4-way solenoid valve, speed control valves or pneumatic positioner mounted on the valve. K. Actuators shall be equipped with an operating nut to allow manual valve operation in case of power supply failure. 2.03 MANUFACTURER A. Plug valves and actuators shall be as manufactured by DeZurik Series 100, Figure 118 Eccentric Plug Valve with RS16 (for 0.5' to 6' valves) or RS17 (for 8' and larger valves) Plug Facing, and Type 6 packing, or approved equal. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.0 GENERAL A. Valves shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's written recommendations. END OF SECTION I I 1 r I t s I t CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Resilient Seated Eccentric Plug Valves Project No 168 151 1 5 3 1 SECTION 16050 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS PART 1 GENERAL 1 1.1 SUMMARY A. Includes grounding electrodes and conductors, bonding methods and materials; conduit and equipment supports, anchors and fasteners; and nameplates and wire markers. B. includes building wire and cable, conduit and tubing, surface raceway boxes, wiring 1 devices, wiring connectors, and connections. C Includes enclosed switches; enclosed contactors, panelboards; and fuses. 1 D Includes interior luminaires, lamps, ballasts, and accessories. 1.2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1 A. Grounding systems use metal underground pipe and driven ground rod as grounding electrodes. Grounding system connections use mechanical fasteners or exothermic ' welds. B. Select materials, sizes, and types of anchors, fasteners, and supports to carry loads of 1 equipment and raceway including weight of wire and cable in raceway Anchor and fasten electrical products to building elements and finishes as follows: 1 I Concrete Structural Elements: Expansion anchors. 2. Steel Structural Elements. Beam clamps. 3 Concrete Surfaces: Self-drilling anchors and expansion anchors. 4 Sheet Metal. Sheet metal screws. 1 5 Wood Elements. Wood screws. C. Identity Electrical components as follows: 1 1 Nameplate for each electrical distribution and control equipment enclosure. 2. Wire marker on both ends of each conductor at panelboard gutters, pull boxes, 1 and outlet and junction boxes. D Wiring Products: 1 1 Solid conductor for feeders and branch circuits 10 ANY( and smaller 2. Stranded conductors for control circuits. 1 3 Conductor not smaller than 12 AWG for power and lighting circuits 4 Conductor not smaller than 16 AWG for control circuits. 5 Ill AWG conductors for 20 ampere, 120 volt branch circuits longer than 75 feet 1 (25 1 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Electrical General Provisions Project No. 168 16050 1 I ' E. Wiring Methods: I 1 Interior and Exterior Locations. Building wire, Type THWN insulation, in raceway 2. Underground Locations: Service-entrance cable, Type REM or XHHW I3 Instrumentation Cable: 16 AWG twisted shielded pair Single pair, designed for noise rejection for process control, computer or data log applicatons meeting NEMA WC 5S requirements. Ia. Outer jacket: 45-mil nominal thickness. b. Individual Pair Shield: 1 5-mil, double-faced aluminum/synthetic polymer overlapped to provide 100 percent coverage. ' c. Dimension: 0 31-inch nominal outside diameter d. Conductors: I Bare soft annealed copper, Class B, seven-strand concentric, I 2. meeting requirements of ASTM B8. 20 AWG, seven-strand tinned copper drain wire. 3 Insulation: 15-mil nominal PVC. I 4 5 Jacket: 4-mil nominal nylon. Color Code: pair conductors, black and red. F Raceway and boxes are located as indicated on Drawings, and at other locations where required for splices, taps, wire pulling, equipment connections, and compliance with regulatory requirements. IG. Raceway Products. 1 Underground, more than 5 feet outside foundation: Use thickwall nonmetallic Iconduit. 2. Outdoor Locations, above grade. Use PVC coated rigid steel. Use cast metal Ioutlet, pull, and junction boxes. 3 Special Fittings. Conduit sealing, explosion proof, dust proof, and other I types of special fittings shall be provided as required by the drawings and these specifications and shall be consistent with the area and equipment with which they are associated. Fittings installed outdoors or in damp locations shall be sealed and gasketed. Outdoor fittings shall be of heavy cast construction. IHazardous area fittings and conduit sealing shall conform to NEC requirements for the area classification IH. Minimum Raceway Size: Minch unless otherwise specified. ' 1.3 SUBMITTALS I A. Product Data. Submit manufacturer s catalog data for grounding electrodes and connections; for fastening components, and nameplates, labels, and markers. ' B Product Data. Submit manufacturers catalog information for each wiring device. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Electrical General Provisions Project No. 168 16050 2 I ' C Product Data. Submit catalog data showing products with specified features. D Product Data: Submit dimensions, ratings, and performance data. I1.4 EXTRA MATERIALS ' A. Furnish two of each panelboard key B. Furnish three spare fuses of each class, size, and rating installed. I PART 2 PRODUCTS I2.1 NAMEPLATES I A. Product Description: Engraved three-layer laminated plastic nameplate, white letters on black background. B. Letter Size: I 1 1/8 inch letters for identifying individual equipment and loads. 2. 1/4 inch letters for identifying grouped equipment and loads. I2.2 ROD ELECTRODES I A. Product Description: Copper or copper-clad steel, % inch diameter rod electrode, 10 feet in length. I2.3 WIRE MARKERS A. Product Description: Cloth tape, split sleeve, or tubing type wire markers with circuit or Icontrol wire number permanently stamped or printed. 2.4 RECEPTACLES IA. GFCI Receptacle. 1 Hubbell Model 0F52621. I 2. Leviton Model 6599-1 3 Substitutions: Permitted. IB. Special Purpose Equipment Receptacle: Coordinate with equipment supplier C Color Brown. I2.5 WALL PLATES A. Weatherproof Cover Plate: Gasketed cast metal plate with hinged and gasketed device Icover. I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Electrical General Provisions IProject No. 168 16050 3 2.6 ENCLOSED NONFUSIBLE SWITCH ' A. Product Description: NEMA KS 1, Type HD with externally operable handle interlocked to prevent opening front cover with switch in ON position, enclosed load interrupter knife switch. Handle lockable in OFF position. ' B. Enclosure: NEMA KS 1 Type to meet conditions. ' 2.7 FUSES A. Dimensions and Performance: NEMA FU 1 Class RK5 ' B. Voltage: Rating suitable for circuit phase-to-phase voltage. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Drawings are diagrammatic only Routing of raceways shall be at the option of the ' contractor unless otherwise noted and shall be coordinated with other trades. Do not scale the electrical drawings for locations of any electrical, architectural, structural, civil, or mechanical items or features. ' B. Install rod electrodes at locations indicated. C. Locate and install anchors, fasteners, and supports in accordance with NECA 'Standard of Installation' D Fabricate supports from nonmetallic members whenever possible. If loads warrant steel ' support, corrosion resistant stainless steel members shall be used. E. Install nameplate parallel to equipment lines. Secure nameplate to equipment front using ' screws or rivets. F Install raceway boxes, wiring devices, wire, and cable in accordance with NECA 'Standard of Installation. G. Route raceway and cable to meet Project conditions. ' H. Install distribution equipment in accordance with NECA 'Standard of Installation. I. Install metering equipment per see standards.distribution equipment plumb and level. ' J Select and install overload heater elements in motor controllers to match installed motor characteristics. END OF SECTION t ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. I68 Electrical General Provisions 16050 4 SECTION 16110 CONDUIT RACEWAY'S AND FITTINGS tPART I GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Provisions: Applicable provisions of Section 16010 become a part of this Section as if repeated herein. B Work specified in other Divisions: 1 Division 2. Exeination and Backlit! of Trenches 2. Division 3 Concrete Emplacement ' 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS ' A. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Publications: 1 C80.1 Specification for Zinc Coated Rigid Steel Conduit 2. C80.3 Specifications for Zinc Coated Electrical Metallic Tubing t3 C80.5 Specifications for Rigid Aluminum Conduit B Federal Specifications (FS): ' 1 FS W-C 1094 W-C 1094A Conduit and Conduit Fittings, Plastic, Rigid 2. FS WW-C 540 WW-C 540A Conduit, Metal, Rigid, (Electrical, Aluminum) WW-C 540C Conduit, Metal, Rigid & Coupling, Elbow& ' Nipple, Electrical Conduit, Aluminum 3 FS WW-C 563 WW-C 563A Electrical Metallic Tubing 4 FS WW-C 566 WW-C 566C Flexible Metal Conduit 5 FS WW-C 581 WW-C 581E Intermediate Rigid Metal Conduit,Zinc Coated ' C. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Publications: I RN I Polyvinyl Chloride Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and ' 2. TC 6 Electrical Metallic Tubing PVC and ABS Plastic Utilities Duct for Underground Installation 3 TC 14 Filament-Wound Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit ' D Underwriters Laboratories(UL) Standards: 1 6 Rigid Metal Electrical Conduit ' 2. 360 3 651 Liquid-Tight Flexible Steel Electrical Conduit Electrical Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit 4 651A Type EB and A Rigid PVC Conduit and HDPE Conduit 5 797 Electrical Metallic Tubing 6. 1242 Intermediate Metal Conduit 1.03 SUBMITTALS ' A. Submit material or equipment data in accordance with the Product Information category of the General Conditions and the submittal requirements of Section 16050 1.04 LOCATIONS A. Refer to Section 16050 for definitions of types of locations. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Conduit Raceways and Fittings Project No. 168 16110 1 1 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CONDUIT RACEWAYS A. General. 1 Schedule 40 PVC steel conduit shall be used in all conduit systems, except where otherwise shown on the Drawings, where flexible conduit is required, or where these ' Specifications require, or allow the use of electrical metallic tubing (EMT), rigid steel conduit, intermediate metal conduit, or aluminum conduit. 2. The minimum size raceway shall be 3/4-inch unless indicated otherwise on the ' Drawings. B. Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit (GRS) shall be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication, ' conforming to ANSI C80 1 and UL 6. Couplings shall be threaded type. Where PVC coated rigid steel conduit is called for, it shall be hot-dip galvanized, conforming to NEMA RN 1, with factory-applied PVC coating 40 mils thick. C. Flexible Conduit: 1 Flexible metal conduit shall be liquid-tight, shall have a moisture and oil-proof PVC t jacket extruded over a galvanized, flexible steel conduit, and shall conform to UL 360. 2. Flexible conduit for hazardous locations shall be UL listed for the applicable Class, Division, and Group. D Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit. Rigid nonmetallic conduit shall be PVC Schedule 40 (PVC-40) conduit approved for underground use and for use with 90°C wires, and shall conform to UL 651 E. Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT) shall not be permitted. ' F Ducts. Ducts shall be PVC. Type EB, UL listed for concrete encased burial, conforming to NEMA Standard TC6 and UL 651A, and rated at 90°C. Base and intermediate spacers shall be interlocking plastic type made for the specific sizes of ducts used. Duct spacing shall be 7 1/2-inch center-to-center 2.02 CONDUIT SUPPORTS A. Supports for individual conduits shall be 316 stainless steel one-hole type with conduit back spacer ' B. Supports for multiple conduits shall be hot-dip galvanized Unistnit or Supersuut channels, or equal. All associated hardware shall be hot-dip galvanized. ' C. All channels, strut, threaded rods, nuts and clamps in corrosive areas shall be of epoxy resin reinforced fiberglass material. Provide Robroy Superstrut, or equal. 2.03 FITTINGS A. Fittings for use with rigid steel shall be hot dipped galvanized steel or galvanized cast ' ferrous metal; access fittings shall have gasketed cast covers and he Crouse-Hinds ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station conduit Raceways and Fittings Project No. 168 16110 2 Condulets, Appleton Unilets, or equal. Provide threaded-type couplings and connectors; set- screw type and compression-type are not acceptable. ' B. Fittings for use with either rigid nonmetallic conduit or duct shall be PVC and have solvent- weld-type conduit connections. If such are not available, then the Specification for PVC coated galvanized rigid steel fittings shall apply ' C. Fittings for flexible conduit shall be Appleton Type ST O-Z Gedney Series 4Q or equal. ' D Union couplings for conduits shall be the Erickson type and shall be Appleton Type EC, O-Z Gedney 3-piece Series 4, or equal. Threadless couplings shall not be used. ' F Bushings. I Bushings shall be the insulated type. 2. Bushings for rigid steel or IMC shall be hot dip galvanized insulated grounding type, 0-Z Gedney Type HBLG, Appleton Type GIB, or equal. ' F Conduit seals shall have zinc electroplate and shall be Crouse-Hinds Type EYS or EZS, Appleton Type EYS, ESU or EY series; or equal. G. Fittings for EMT shall be compression type. Connectors shall be insulated throat type. Drive-on, crimp, spring or set screw fittings are not acceptable. 2.04 CONDUIT SEALANTS A. Moisture Barrier Types: Sealant shall be a non-toxic, non-shrink, non-hardening, putty type hand applied material providing an effective barrier under submerged conditions. 2.05 WARNING TAPE A. Provide electrical warning tape in duct bank as shown on the Drawings. The tape shall be 6 inches wide, red with black lettering stating 'CAUTION BURIED ELECTRIC LINE. The tape shall be made of 6-mil polymer with 36,000 psi tensile strength. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 CONDUIT RACEWAY AND FITTING INSTALLATION A. From pull point to pull point, the sum of the angles of all of the bends and offsets shall not ' exceed 270 degrees. B For power control and signal circuits, provide conduit per Conduit Use Tables below unless specifically indicated otherwise on the Drawings: I Exception: For raceways leaving a building above grade and then going below grade, provide PVC-coated GRS from a point 3 feet above grade to a point 5 feet from the building wall. C. At all boxes and equipment, provide insulated type metallic grounding bushings for metallic conduits. Bond together all conduits to provide continuity of the equipment grounding system. Size bonding conductor per code. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Conduit Raceways and Fittings Project No. 168 16110 3 D Provide flexible conduit in lengths of not more than 18 inches unless otherwise noted at connections to motors,valves and any equipment subject to vibration or relative movement. E. Conduit Supports: Properly support all conduits as required by the NEC. Run all conduits exposed except where the Drawings indicate that they are to be embedded in the floor slab, walls, or ceiling, or to be installed underground. I Exposed Conduits: a. Support exposed conduits within I foot of any outlet and at intervals not exceeding NEC requirements; wherever possible, group conduits together and support on common supports. Support exposed conduits fastened to the surface of the concrete structure by one-hole clamps, or with channels. Use conduit spacers with one-hole clamps. Coordinate conduit locations with piping, equipment, fixtures, and with structural and architectural elements. Conduits attached to walls or columns shall be as unobtrusive as possible and shall avoid windows. Run all ' exposed conduits parallel to building lines. b. Group together exposed conduits in horizontal runs located away from walls and support on trapeze hangers. Arrange such conduits uniformly and neatly Trapeze hangers shall consist of Unistrut of adequate size, suspended by means of rods or other suitable means from the ceiling or from pipe hangers. Install such runs so as not to interfere with the operation of valves or any other equipment, and keep at ' least 6 inches clear of any pipe which may operate at more than 100°F Treat cut surfaces or damaged ends with corrosion-resistant coatings such as 'Devcon Z' prepared by Subox Coatings; 'Galvanox Type I' prepared by Pedley-Knowles; or ' equal. Application shall follow manufacturer's recommendation. 2. Conduits Embedded in Concrete: Provide concrete cover at least equal to that of the reinforcing steel, space at 3 conduit diameters apart except where they cross at angles greater than 45 degrees, and install so as not to reduce the structural integrity of the concrete clement. F When expansion joints are crossed, whether conduit is embedded or exposed, provide ' watertight expansion fittings and bonding jumpers. In hazardous locations, provide Crouse Hinds UNF/UNV Appleton, or equal. In unclassified locations, provide Crouse-Hinds XD Appleton, or equal. I G. Conduit Identification: In each manhole, handhole, pullbox, cabinet, motor control center or ' other equipment enclosure, identify each conduit using a conduit number by means of a stamped brass tag affixed with stainless steel wire; where affixing a tag is not feasible, identify conduits by stenciling. Stencil all exposed conduits for identification at least once in each room. 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Conduit Raceways and Fittings Project No. 168 16110 4 I I H. Conduit Seals: 1 Moisture Seals: Provide in accordance with NEC Paragraph 300-5(g). 2. Gas Seals: Provide in accordance with NEC Paragraph 501 5 II. Aluminum conduit shall not be permitted. J Conduit in finished areas shall be installed concealed. K. Flexible metallic conduit shall have a maximum length of 6 feet. Flexible metallic conduit I shall not be considered as a ground conductor. Flexible metallic conduit shall only be installed in exposed or accessible locations. L. Rigid PVC conduit shall be stored on a flat surface and shielded from the sun. ' CONDUIT USE TABLE 1 I = inspide Buildin s. ,g Conceal . e ' Ex osed- . - . . ed; 4E; ' yr - - ;. . . . • 'Above°Suspended In,„"Stud Embedded': .' Slab I Circuit;Type,.: Standard.' Corrosive,- ., Hazardous , - Ceilings- - . . , Walls ,...i Iti Concrete; Grade . Power & 120 PVC PVC-40* PVC Coated N/A N/A PVC-40* N/A Vac Control Coated RGS** RGS ISignal PVC PVC Coated PVC Coated N/A N/A PVC-40* N/A Coated RGS RGS** IRGS ' CONDUIT USE TABLE 2 .,. Outside Buildings Transition D ai... PowerT l e 120 Vac PVC Coated RGS BVG40* PVC Type cr Eg hcased ;ofBuddi Feet Circuit� yp .... . . - p Buned=Iir,Sbil .., Iii:Coiicretc„.„�`';:"'.,_ of Building` I * PVC Coated Control RGS I Signal PVC Coated RGS PVC Coated GRS GRS PVC Coated RGS * Provide ground wire sized per NEC requirements for all circuits. I ** PVC coated GRS in wet wells, etc. that are both hazardous and corrosive, otherwise, GRS. I Notes. 1 Generally the Conduit Use Tables apply 2. Signal circuits are those subject to RF interference or induced current. MST's, TSPs, I telephone cable, coaxial cable, and manufacturer's cables specially designed for low level signals are all presumed to he part of signal circuits. 3 Provide fiberglass conduit where indicated on the Drawings. I END OF SECTION I I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Conduit Raceways and Fittings Project No. 168 16110 5 SECTION 16120 LOW VOLTAGE WIRE AND CABLE ' PART 1 GENERAL ' 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Provisions: Applicable provisions of Section 16050 become a part of this Section as if ' repeated herein. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 1 B3-74 Specification for Soft or Annealed Copper Wire ' 2. B8-77 Specification for Concentric Lay Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or Soft 3 B173-71 Specification for Rope Lay Stranded Copper Conductors Having Concentric ' Stranded Members B. Insulated Cable Engineers Association(ICEA): ' 1 S-66-524 Cross-Linked Thermosetting Polyethylene Insulated Wirc and Cable C. International Electrical Testing Association (NETA); l ATSAcceptance Testing Specifications ' D Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Standards: 1 44 Rubber Insulated Wire and Cable 2. 62 Flexible Cords and Fixture Wire 3 83 Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires and Cables 4 510 Insulating Tape ' S 719 6. 1063 Non-Metallic Sheath Cable Stranded Conductors for Machine Tool Wire ' 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit material or equipment data in accordance with the Product Information category of ' the General Conditions and the submittal requirements of Section 16050. 1.04 LOCATIONS ' A. Refer to Section 16050 for definitions of types of locations. 1 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CONDUCTORS A. General. All conductors shall be copper Wire or cable not specifically shown on the Drawings or specified, but required, shall he of the type and size required for the application CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Low Voltage Wire and Cable Project No. 168 16120 1 ' and in conformance with the applicable code. All insulated conductors shall be identified with printing colored to contrast with the insulation color ' C. Power and Control Conductors, 600 Volts and Below 1 Solid copper wires shall be 600 volt Type THWN, sizes#12 and#10 AWG only 2. Stranded copper wire shall be 600 volt Type THWN, Class B stranding, sizes#14 AWG ' and larger 3 Fixture wire shall be 600 volt, silicone rubber insulated, 200 C, UL Type SF 2, with stranded copper conductors. 4 Cords shall be 600 volt, 2-conductor plus ground, Type SO hard service, of adequate length and with grounding type plug attached, rated in amperes as shown on the Drawings. ' S Control cable (CC) shall be 90°C, 600 volt, UL listed multiconductor tray cable, Type TC. Individual conductors shall be #14 AWG, unless otherwise noted. CC shall have 15 mils PVC insulation and 4 mils nylon over individual conductors: outer jacket shall be 45 mils thickness for up to 7 conductor cables and 60 mils for 9 through 19 ' conductor cables. Control cables shall be Dekoron Type IC99- Alpha Type TC, or equal. 2.02 SPLICES AND TERMINATIONS OF CONDUCTORS A. Splices: 1 Wire and Cable Splicing Materials and Applications: a. For Lighting Systems and Power Outlets: Wire nuts shall be twist-on type insulated connectors utilizing an outer insulating cover and a means for connecting ' and holding the conductors firmly They shall be UL listed and suitable for connecting two to four solid copper conductors of#14 or #12 AWG size or two or three#10 AWG solid copper conductors. ' b. All Equipment: Crimp type connectors shall be insulated type, suitable for the size and material of the wires and the number of wires to be spliced and for use with either solid or stranded conductors. The shall be UL listed. c. Division 16 Equipment and Power Conductors: Bolted pressure connectors shall ' be suitable for the size and material of the conductors to be spliced. They shall he UL listed and of the split holt or bolted split sleeve type in which the bolt or set screw does not bear directly on the conductor d. All Equipment: Epoxy splice kits shall include epoxy resin, hardener and mold, and shall be suitable for use in wet locations and hazardous locations. 2. Terminal Cabinets: Provide terminal cabinets per Section 17510 Termination system ' shall include insulated, crimp-type connectors. Coordinate the lug and boards for correct fit. All terminations shall include marker sleeves. ' B. Terminations: 1 Low Voltage Terminations: a. Crimp type terminals shall be UL listed, self-insulating sleeve type, with ring or ' rectangular type tongue, suitable for the size and material of the wire to he terminated, and for use with either solid or stranded conductors. b. Terminal lugs shall be UL listed and of the split bolt or bolted split sleeve type in which the bolt or set screw does not bear directly on the conductor Tongues shall ' have NEMA standard drilling. c. Crimp with manufacturer recommended ratchet-type tool with calibrated dies. I-land crimping tools are not acceptable. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Low Voltage Wire and Cable Project No. 168 16120 2 ' C Tape used for splices and terminations shall be compatible with the insulation and jacket of the cable and shall be of plastic material. Tape shall conform with UL 510. D Wire markers shall be heat shrink type (Raychem: T&B, or equal). Wire numbers shall be permanently imprinted on the markers. ' PART 3 EXECUTION ' 3.01 CONDUCTOR INSTALLATION A. Provide the following types and sizes of conductors for the uses indicated for 600 volts or less. I Solid Copper Sizes #12 and #10 AWG As shown on the Drawings for circuits for receptacles, switches and light fixtures with screw-type terminals. 2. Stranded Copper Size #14 AWG and Larger, Individual Conductors or CC. As shown ' on the Drawings for the control of motors or other equipment. Size #14 shall not be used for power supplies to any equipment. 3. Stranded Copper, Sizes #12 AWG and Larger As shown on the drawings for motors and other power circuits. 4 Stranded Copper, #6 AWG and Larger for power feeders. 5 Fixture Wire: For connections to all fixtures in which the temperature may exceed the ' rating of branch circuit conductors. B. Color Coding: Provide color coding for all circuit conductors. Insulation color shall be ' white for neutrals and green for grounding conductors. An isolated ground conductor shall be identified with an orange tracer in the green body Ungrounded conductor colors shall he as follows: 1 120/208 Volt, 3 Phase: Red,black and blue. 2. 277/480 Volt, 3 Phase: Yellow brown and orange. 3 120/240 Volt, 1 Phase• Red and black. ' C. Color coding shall be in the conductor insulation for all conductors #10 AWG and smaller for larger conductors, color shall be either in the insulation or in colored plastic tape applied at every location where the conductor is readily accessible (e.g. enclosures, pullboxcs, and junction boxes). D Exercise care in pulling wires and cables into conduit or wireways so as to avoid kinking, ' putting undue stress on the cables or otherwise abrading them. No grease will be permitted in pulling cables. Only soapstone, talc, or UL listed pulling compound will be permitted. The raceway construction shall be complete and protected from the weather before cable is ' pulled into it. Swab conduits before installing cables and exercise care in pulling, to avoid damage to conductors. E. Cable bending radius shall be per applicable code. Install feeder cables in one continuous length unless splices are favorably reviewed. ' F Provide an equipment grounding conductor, whether or not it is shown on the Drawings, in any flexible conduit or any raceway in which all or any portion of a run consists of non- metallic duct or conduit. For flexible conduit, an external bonding jumper is an acceptable ' alternative. CMSD lrvme Pumping Station Low Voltage Wire and Cable Project No. 168 16120 3 G. In panels, bundle incoming wire and cables, No. 6 AWG and smaller lace at intervals not greater than 6 inches, neatly spread into trees and connect to their respective terminals. ' Allow sufficient slack in cables for alterations in terminal connections. Perform lacing with plastic cable ties or linen lacing twine. Where plastic panel wiring duct is provided for cable runs, lacing is not necessary when the cable is properly installed in the duct. ' H For cables crossing hinges, utilize extra flexible stranded wire, make up into groups not exceeding 12, and arrange so that they will be protected from chafing and excess flexing ' when the hinged member is moved. 3.02 CONDUCTOR SPLICES AND TERMINATIONS ' A. Splices: Install all conductors without splices unless necessary for installation, as determined by the Engineer Splices, when permitted, and terminations shall be in ' accordance with the splice or termination kit manufacturer's instructions. Splice or terminate wire and cable as follows: 1 Watertight Splices: Splices in concrete pullboxes, for any type of cable or wire, shall ' be watertight. Make splices in low voltage cables using epoxy resin splicing kits rated for application up to 600 volts. ' B. Terminations: I Terminate stranded #14 wire using crimp type terminals where not terminated in a box lug type terminal. Terminals must be coordinated with type of terminal board where ' provided. 3.03 CONDUCTOR IDENTIFICATION ' A. Except for interior lighting and receptacle circuits, identify each wire or cable at each termination and in each pullbox,junction box, handhole, and manhole using numbered and lettered wire markers. All electrically common conductors shall have the same number ' Each electrically different conductor shall be uniquely numbered. Identify panelboard circuits using the panelboard identification and circuit number Identify motor control circuits using the equipment identification number assigned to the control unit by the motor t control center manufacturer and the motor control unit terminal number Identify other circuits as shown in the circuit schedule or as favorably reviewed by the Engineer C. Conductors between terminals of different numbers shall have both terminal numbers shown at each conductor end. The terminal number closest to the end of the wire shall be the same as the terminal number ' 3.04 FIELD TESTS A. Insulation Resistance Tests: For all circuits 150 volts to ground or more and for all motor circuits over 1/2 horsepower, test cables per NETA Paragraph 8.3 1 The insulation resistance shall be 20 megohms or more. Submit results for review See also Section 16050 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Low Voltage Wire and Cable Project No. 168 16120 4 ' B. Phase Rotation. The phase rotation of all circuits shall be clockwise in sequence. The Contractor shall verify that each three-phase service, feeder and branch circuits meet this ' requirement. A record shall be kept at each circuit tested and, on completion, given to the Engineer for review END OF SECTION t 1 I CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Low Voltage Wire and Cable Project No. 168 16120 S I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ' COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA 1 ATTACHMENTS IRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION & REHABILIATION 1 Project No. 168 ATTACHMENTS A. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT STANDARDS 1 CMSD STD DWG. NO S-100 ' 2. CMSD STD DWG. NO S-102 3. CMSD STD DWG. NO S-103 4 CMSD STD DWG. NO S-105 1 5 CMSD STD DWG NO S-109 6 CMSD STD DWG. NO S-110 7 B. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT C COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1i , A A frame e bra and Fdry cover per-1270 Std. 24" Ii Dwg Ne S-105 r 1 >i i2 .,.i a 11 a_°"E Grode rings —el lii Ii Eccentric cone 1....8 Ig 1 48 1 6' li — E I I __ a�a a rya .. +•n...10 allIMUMIllit 111 ` 011111a tal ', SECTION A-A SECTION B-B I z 2 JDlMFS AT BDTH OTES INLETS MID DUIIE75 FOR f0,- B V.L.P. £0115T. --ti I Manholes shall be precast concrete as manufactured I ® 'by Associated Concrete Products, Inc. or approved /�A equal ' A A 2. Concrete base and stub walls shall be poured in one t. I" In t operation to an elevation 2' above top of pipe. Slope slope J 3. Concrete shall be Class 560-C-9250 I4. Depth of the channel shall equal pipe diameter for all sizes of pipe. ' III 5. The floor of manholes shall be steel trotieled. 6 Steps shall be polypropylene w/o I/2 diameter steel core I I Asa.- B meeting ASTMA 82, ASTM C 478, ASTM type It grade 43758, IS' D.C. SECTION C-C 7 Manhole bases rust be poured against undisturbed ' soil 8. Steps for manhole shall be placed upstream. II9 Mortar for joints shall be per Costa Mesa Sanitary District Std &.g ho. 5-103. hr.vl° .) 1/e.i/°yD li COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Approved �Date GIB 82 I Standard 46" 1D. Manhole District Engineer -R.0 E. 31720 '® Drawing Ne S - 100 99 n ' y•. +F,M '[. -('4r Y•r" , :�!.�?.t' �F- i .rlT�v.Y,Yif A•'�, 1, .M,n Ii 2 2 EDITS AT BOTH I INLETS AND OUTLETS FOR V.L.P. GUST. 7 IN M=M )' Std. tee I Y�l� Cif) I A I rr A lid w. I - ` Immilbirs6" „„......nriii o ® —SAME SIZE AS INCOMING LOH III ;IT I1 Nam SECTION A-A 90°bend INOTES I Manhole construction shall conform to Costa Mesa Sanitary District Std. D.vg. No. 5-100. I o 2 Concrete encasement shall be Clasr 5GO L 9250 3. Encasement shall be poured against undisturbed soil or temporary forms to the dimensions shown above. 4. V C.P sewer pipe shall not protrude into manholes. 11 5. Steps for drop manholes shall be installed downstream. G. DROP MANHOLE TO BE U5ED MU 510(1 OF INCOMING MAIN EYLEEDS ION I I9 Io II COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Approved ,r mate GIB 82 District Engineer -R.C.E. 31720 11 Standard Drop Manhole Drawing Ne 5 -102 ' :xj'.' ,. . s Y.4{ rt?n?.:�u' a,, r1t lord F�..'^.`T;^.7r14.�Y.,rl?C I I 6" I Ifield mortar , 1:3 mix (plastic cement) ' or sealant N 6 I ': I: TYPICAL - JOINT DETAIL E I' Ir I all 4 IO to b 311 '' ��IUSIDE t9AUHOLE- -7 0. e N: 1 4" II field mortar, 1.3 mix / - /�^ • (plastic cement) / 4. I .44-.- -• • 'r-4-■•■•'• r manhole base e ' MORTAR SEAL AT MANHOLE BASE 'REVISED 10 23 85 Date a-18-82 I COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Approved A /5 °' District Engineer-R-C.E. 317n1 ' Joint Detail Drawing N° S - 103 ninr.ei nz F7.rnc rP,l.Y.i 'wn cr. R..:s;;{C-nertz..-a Xj v;: .-P.i:� -.sr. rb,,w--.. IL 1[ IF II 11. Concrete collar L A55 50 C 3Z50 COMM G A C paving Typ. 0 L3 oI .. 41a �,vPa•Ii' d , p0 0•E— 000 :,a D . ..�_� ,t_ 1,76,0•0.r,,. D o 0 Oa o b.�; �.L1 - - P-4: r7 0. o°o I1. pO -- 1� N N I[ II I[ NOTES I Sewer manhole frame and cover shall be Alhambra Foundry A-1270 or approved equal 2 COVER TIT BE WIPED ' SEWER 11 3 See Std. Dwg. 5-103 for grade ring joint detail II4. See Std. D'sg. S-I00 for manhole construction detail 11 II_ It - --(Date: G-E8.82 II COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Approved. ekfr , Manhole Cover Detail District Engineer-R.C.E. 31720 II Drawing N2 S - 105 -,:..,•n: --1:- ,t•.�R. n- 4r- .—>•-, ,V. F_ I CONCRETE(W/REBAR WHEN NOTED BELOW) I TRENCH LIMITS 7 i A I DISTANCE AS { New DISTANCE AS REQUIRED BY S.D. REQUIRED BY INSPECTOR _ INSPECTOR I CLEARANCE —'—. .:—r-- . - . 3/4" GRAVEL pa a . ° ° 41, 44° ° 1M O 'EXISTING SEWER LINE IIF CLEARANCE IS 8" TO 18' USE 4" CONCRETE SLAB OVER 4" OF 3/4" GRAVEL IF CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 8 USF CONCRETE SLAB W/ REBAR OVER 3/4 GRAVEL AS REQUIRED BY INSPECTOR I CASE I IREPLACE 6" OR 8" VCP W/DIP (SEE NOTE 4) I-JOIN EXISTING W/BAND SEAL REPAIR COUPLING ICONCRETE CRADLE WHEN EXISTING 6" OR 8" EXISTING CLEARANCE IS LESS n.VCP I6" OR 8" THAN 6 ' •!I-- SEWER 'UI IS l ' MIN CLEARANCE PM I1 ' MIN ,— > e 1 ' MIN or SEE INSPECTOR 2 New o. , USE THIS CONCRETE New , FOR SUPPORT I w S.D. CRADLE WHEN SEWER i 4 S.D. • REQUIREMENTS IS RESTING DIRECTLY, IF CLEARANCE tr ON STORM DRAIN �, IS CREATER I CLEARANCE 6" OR LESS THAN 6" CLEARANCE GREATER THAN 6' CASE II CASE III I Notes I 1 For use in conjunction with storm drain construction in the vicinity of sewer lilies to prevent damage to sewer during backfill operation 2 This standard does not meet the State Department of Health require- ments for sewer and water crossing I 3 Case III may be used with the construction of new water main o,ith prior approval. of District Engineer 4 10" VCP or larger to be protected in place per inspector require- I ments 5 Concrete shall be Class 420-C-2000 I Date . I COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Approved Lis '. SEWER-STORM DRAIN CROSSING D istrict naineer R. .E. 31720 I / Drawing No S- 109 2L ' NOTE ALL CONSTRUCTION TO MEET LATEST STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH REQUIREMENTS 111 .-CZ: ..„.....-: Zone A-, Zone P Zone 2i-*I water I ' Zone \ k\mam �' . -Zone- \ B- ' - 61- 3 , 31c-6�— I PARALLEL CONSTRUCTION ' If a main line sewer can not be located 10 or more feet from a Pressure Water Main and must I be located within any of above zones special construction will be required as called out below I NEW SEWER ' Zone SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS A NEEDS SPECIAL APPROVAL FROM DISTRICT ENGINEER IB EXTRA STRENGTH VCP W/ COMPRESSION JOINTS OR DIP W/ COMPRESSION JOINTS IP PROHIBITED ZONE NO SEWER LINE ALLOWED IN THIS AREA INotes 1 Parallel construction of Sewer Force Mains will I not be permited in any zone I COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Date. p�� / � Approved 9 ��/��''��""�� I PARALLEL SEWER CONSTRUCTION District Engineer R.C.E. 31720 I IN VICINITY OF WATER MAIN Drawing No S- I I 0-A 23 11 NOTE ALL CONSTRUCTION TO MEET LATEST STATE. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH REQUIRE- MENTS I # IF 1 ' OR GREATER NO REPLACEMENT IS REQUIRED I / ' 4 i Water 4 BAND SEAL Main I �� Mit BAND SEAL 'r-- SEWER LINE ' REPLACE SEWER LINE WITII CONTINUOUS SECTION OF D I P W/ HOT DIP BITUMINOUS '' COATING I CROSSING UNDER WATER LINE (SEE NOTE 2) REPLACE WITH D I P WITH HOT DIP ' BITUMINOUS COATING BAND SEAL MECHANICAL (BOLTED) JOINT ON DOWN STREAM SIDE REPAIR COUPLING ALLOWED ,lli SEWER LINE 111.' 411 Min \--BAND SEAL I10' Water 101 REPAIR COUPLING Main I I CROSSING OVER WATER LINE(SEE NOTE 2) I Notes1 1 Perpendicular construction of Sewer Force Main in any zone requires approval by District Engineer I 2 The sewer construction requirements shall apply to house laterals that cross above Pressure Water Mains but not to house laterals that cross below Pressure Water Mains 3 Where a sewer must cross over a Water Main it should cross at a 900 I angle if possible and the length of sewer pipe shall be centered on the Water Main so that sewer joints are the ma..imum distance from the Water Main I 4 Standard Drawing No 109 (Case III ) may he used with the constructior of new water main with prior approval of District Engineer IDate �J�,� COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Approved 1,*p.k PERPENDICULAR SEWER CONSTRUCTION District Engineer R.C.E. 31720 . I IN VICINITY OF WATER MAIN Drawing No S- I I0-B 24 1 1 ? `�` SIGN 1 GEO-ETKA, INC Established 1965 1 Soil Engineering, Geology And Environmental Engineering 1 Material Testing And Inspections • I‘, (714) 771-6911 ORANGE-MAIN BUSINESS PARK 1 739 N. MAIN STREET ORANGE, CA 92868-1105 FAX (714)771-1278 GEO-ETKA, INC 1 Established 1965 ' Soil Engineering, Geology And Environmental Engineering • 1 i I' Material Testing And Inspections i ,-'. • � 739 N.MAIN STREET,ORANGE.CALIFORNIA 92868 PHONE:(714) 771 6911 FAX: (714) 771 1278 rr'7 ileti sz, 1 ' PRELIMINARY FOUNDATION SOILS EXPLORATION I ' AT 1 ' SWC of Mesa Drive, And Irvine Avenue, Costa Mesa, California 1 FOR Costa Mesa Sanitary District (CMSD) ' 628 West 19th Street, Costa Mesa, California, 92627 Date: May 111, 5007 Job No: F-1081747 1 GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No: F-10817-07 t 1 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS ' PLATES Site Location A 1 ' Plot Plan A 2' Boring Logs 13-1 and 13-2` Shear Curves `C 1 through `C 3' ' Consolidation Curves `D-1 through "D-3` Retaining Wall Backfill Criteria `E' ' Typical Temporary Excavation Detail `F' Construction Sequence `G' ' Lateral Pressure Design `H' Grain Size Distribution Curves `SA 1 through `SA 10' ' APPENDICES ' I Soil Classification and Sampler II Limitations I II 1 GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No: F-10817-07 ATTACHMENTS ' A-1 Review of Historic Seismicity at the site Earthquake Epicenter Map Estimation of Peak Horizontal Acceleration (from California Earthquake Catalogs), (pages 1 through 5) 1 A-2 Active Faults within a 60-miles radius of the site California Fault Map t Deterministic Estimation of Peak Horizontal Acceleration (from digitalized faults), (pages 1 and 2) A-3 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Parameters for the Site ' Predominant Earthquake(Figure 3.3) Liquefaction Opportunity (Figure 3.5) ' Highest Historic Groundwater level at the site(Plate 1.2) A-4 Liquefaction Analysis ' REFERENCE Plate"R" 1 IIl 1 ' GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No: F-10817-07 ' Scope ' This report presents the results of our Foundation Soils Exploration of the site of the proposed construction for the SWC of Mesa Drive, and Irvine Avenue, Costa Mesa, California. ' The physical location and approximate dimensions of the site are shown on the attached Plot Plan, Plate A-2' This plans accuracy is as good as was submitted to our office, for dimension of the property use plans by surveyors or civil engineers. ' An investigation was authorized to determine the existing soil conditions at the site and to provide data and specific recommendations relative to the foundation design for the proposed ' structure(s) in accordance with our proposal dated 04-09-07 and P 0. dated 5-02-07 Refer to Appendix II for an explanation of the limitations inherent in this field. ' Proposed Construction ' Proposed is a pump house, storage room and valve for sewage improvement system (CMSD #168). The equipment will be founded at about 30 feet below existing grade. The existing equipment in operation is located just north of proposed pump house. A retaining wall will also be constructed along the west side. Wall and Column loads of 2,000 to 4,000 p.l.f. and 50 to 120 kips, respectively have been ' assumed and utilized in the preparation of this report. This preliminary report is issued for the above design values. If the final project parameters, i.e. building size, building location, foundation loads etc. vary significantly from those noted above this office should be notified. At that time, this report will be revised to comply with the new design values. ' This report is prepared for the client/owner, the project engineers and the governing agencies. Use of its contents by third parties will be at their own risk. Chemical testing for detection of hydrocarbons or other potential contaminants is beyond the scope of this report. Environmental assessment is not a part of the work undertaken. ' Site Condition ' The site of the proposed construction has a level surface. It is bounded on the north by Mesa Drive, on the south as well as the east by Irvine Avenue, and on the west by Beach Bay Shopping Center ' With reference to the site investigated, 3 of the contiguous properties are at about the same elevation as the subject lot, whereas; the west is at a higher grade. ' Drainage will be via a sump and a pump. 1 1 GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No: F-10817-07 Soil Condition The on site soil is composed of layers of sandy clay clayey silt sand, extending to the depth of the borings, 50 feet. Note that soil variations in soil type may occur between the borings. ' For a detailed soil classification, refer to the logs of the borings,Plates B-1 and `B-2` Ground water was not noted in the 2 borings, however the soil is very moist, at approximate ' depth of excavation. Potential for seepage should be considered in the field during the construction phase. ' Man-placed fill was encountered during the course of the field investigation. All fill found irrespective of depth or lateral extent must be removed and replaced as compacted soil tested to 90% of its maximum dry density Most of the fill will be removed in the process of attaining ' the design grade. Exploration The subsurface was explored by drilling 2 borings, 8 inches in diameter, to a maximum depth of 50 feet below the existing ground surface using a hollow stem auger, The borings were placed in strategic locations where the major structure is to be constructed in a manner to determine the subsurface conditions. The boring locations were adjusted to avoid the live utilities marked by dig alert. Approximate locations of the borings are shown on the attached Plot Plan, Plate A-2' All of the borings were logged by our soils technician. Samples of both undisturbed and disturbed soils encountered were obtained for laboratory testing and observation. Logs of the borings are shown on Plates 13-1 and `B-2` The soils are classified in accordance with the ' Unified Soil Classification System described on an attached Plate. This Plate also shows the type of sampler used in obtaining undisturbed samples. ' Laboratory Testing The field moisture content and dry densities of the soils encountered were determined by performing tests on the undisturbed samples. The results of these tests are shown on the Logs of Borings, Plates `B-1 and 1B-2' Density and field moisture information is useful as indicators of the nature and quality of the material. ' Direct shear tests were performed on selected, undisturbed samples of the soils in order to determine the strengths and supporting capacities of the soils. The method of performing these ' tests is to saturate the sample, to extrude the sample into the test apparatus, to apply the normal load, and than to allow sufficient time to elapse to dissipate any excess hydrostatic pressure. The sample is then subjected to a strain-controlled single plane shear test. The method of ' applying the normal and shearing load is such as to allow the sample to change in volume without producing an associated change in the normal stress. The shearing stress is measured at a constant rate of strain of approximately 0.05 inches per minute. � 2 ' GEO-E T ICA,INC. Job No: F-10817-07 I Laboratory Testing (cont'd) ISelected samples of soil were tested at confining pressures similar to those of the materials in in-in-situ. Additional specimens from the same samples were also tested at increased normal I pressures in order to determine the increase in shear strengths associated with increased inter granular pressure. The test results are plotted graphically on Plates `C 1 through `C 3' The resulting values are as follows: I Angle of Internal Cohesion ILocation Friction (degrees) (n.s.f.) Boring 1 at 7' 23 1/z 165 I Boring 1 at 27' 17 150 Boring 1 at 42' 23 150 Boring 2 at 4 10 220 I Boring 2 at 29' 11 '/ 2200 Boring 2 at 34 17 '/z 175 Boring 2 at 49' 13 260 IConsolidation tests were performed on saturated specimens of the typical foundations soils. Consolidometers are designed to receive the undisturbed soil samples and brass rings in the ' field condition. Porous stones placed at the top and bottom of each specimen permit free flow of water into or Ifrom the specimen during the test. Successive load increments were applies to the top of the specimen and progressive and final Isettlements under each increment were recorded to an accuracy of 0.0001 inch. The final settlements so obtained are plotted to determine curves shown on Plates `D-1 through "D-3' Plasticity Index IThe 3 samples taken to the laboratory resulted in the following: Sample No. LL PL PI Represents IBoring 1 @ 15 26 20 6 10' 20' Boring 1 @ 25' 37 23 14 20' 30' IBoring 1 @ 35' 50 25 25 30' 35' UBC/CBC Section 1815 4.2 should be used when applicable in the footing/slab design along Iwith our minimum recommendations. The following parameters are recommended for the site. I 3 GEO-ETKA,INC. Job No: F-10817-07 Plasticity Index (cont'd) Weighted Plasticity Index Rating 15 Cs = 11 1.6 Effective Plasticity Index = 24x1.1 x 1.6 = 42.24 use 43 CONCLUSIONS ' Suitability of the Project The site is suitable for its intended use; namely a pump house structure and retaining wall. In ' designing the proposed structures, the criteria given in the design section should be adhered to. A) The construction of this project will not affect the stability of the surrounding ' structures, such as walls, electric poles, etc. provided all precautions needed are followed. ' B) The latest applicable unified building code is to be followed as required. C) This report is subject to approval by the governing agencies. ' Strength Characteristics The load bearing soils possess strength parameters adequate to support the proposed construction. ' Expansion Potential The on site surficial-soil is classified as slightly to moderately expansive with an expansion index of 34 and 66 as per U B. C. Standard 18-2. ' Chemical Test Data A sample was taken at a depth of 10 feet below grade. Cathodic protection is required. pH = 8.2 Sulphate = 80 ppm ' Resistivity = 759 ohm ems Based on the above test data, special cement concrete need not be utilized. See UBC 97 Table 19-A-4 for other applicable requirements. Special protection is not required for underground utility pipes. 4 GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No: F-10817-07 Seismic Parameters The seismic zone factors are as follows per the 1997 UBC. Source Type =B ' Soil Profile Type = SD Seismic Zone = 4 Zone Factors, Z = 0.40 ' Seismic Coefficient Ca = 0.44 Na Seismic Coefficient C = 0.70 N,, Na = 1.0 ' Nv = 1 1 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS ' General ' The subject site is located in Costa Mesa, California. The approximate location of the site is presented on Plate A-1 Plan view of the site with indicated boring locations is shown on ' Plate A-2' According to the State of California Seismic Hazard Zone Report (Newport Beach ' Quadrangles), the site is located on the edge of `areas where historic occurrence of liquefaction, or local geological, geotechnical and groundwater conditions indicate a potential for permanent ground displacement such that mitigation as defined in Public Resources Code Section 2693c would be required. ' According to the 2001 California Building Code (CBC 2001), the site is located within seismically active area (Seismic Zone 4) and is likely to be subjected to strong ground shaking due to earthquakes on nearby faults. ' We evaluated seismic parameters for the Geotechnical evaluations and for the Structural ' design. For the geotechnical evaluations, we established relevant ground motion parameters (Peak Horizontal Ground Acceleration, PGA, and earthquake Moment Magnitude, Mw) in accordance with California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG) Open-File Report 96-08 (CDMG, 1996) and evaluated ground (fault) rupture potential in accordance with the Alquist- Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Hazard Act. For the structural design, we assumed that the structures will be designed in accordance with CBC 2001, and provided relevant seismic ' design parameters accordingly As structural evaluations are beyond the scope of this report, the Structural Engineer should be retained for the project and provide relevant structural design for the proposed development. GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No: F-10817-07 Seismic Hazard Parameters for Geotechnical Analyses Review of historic seismicity within 60-mile radius of the site is provided in Attachment A-1 ' The review of historic seismicity indicates that the 1933 Long Beach earthquake (MN, 6.3) was the largest significant historic seismic event that affected the site. We note that the 1933 Long Beach earthquake ruptured the southern segment of NIFZ and induced free-field PHGA of ' approximately 0.43 g at the geometric center of the site. ' The fault map with indicated active faults within 60-mile radius of the site is shown in Attachment A 2. Attachment A 2 indicates that the Newport-Inglewood Fault is the closest fault to the site. The probabilistic seismic hazard analysis of the Anaheim/Newport Beach 7.5-minute Quadrangle is documented in CDMG (1997). Figures 3 4 and 3.5 reproduced from CDMG (1997) in Attachement A-3, indicate that seismic hazard at the site is governed by a free-field PHGA equal to 0.29 g (alluvium conditions) and Mw 6.9 Both PHGA and Mw values correspond to 10 percent probability of exceedence in 50 years (475 years return period). CDMG (1997) indicates that the highest historic groundwater level at the site was encountered ' at a depth of approximately 30 ft below present ground see Plate 1.2, Attachment A-3 Based upon the above, the following parameters should be used for geotechnical evaluations at the site: (i) free-field PHGA= 0.29 g and(ii)M,v 6.9 ' Summary of Geotechnical Investigations at the Site Geotechnical investigations at the site consisted of hollow stem borings, Standard Penetration ' Tests (SPT) soundings, and laboratory testing of samples recovered from boreholes. The location of a representative 50-ft deep borehole is indicated as B-1 on Plate A 2. The uncorrected SPT blow counts are presented in the representative borehole log B-1 on Plate B- 1 The laboratory testing results (grain size distribution and soil classification) are presented on Plates SA 1 through SA 10. The results of geotechnical investigations indicate that the site is underlain by very stiff to hard alluvial sediments. Groundwater was not encountered in our exploratory boring B-1 ' The results of geotechnical investigations further indicate that the on-site soil profile can be classified as CBC 2001 soil type SD. 1 ' 6 1 GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No: F-10817-07 1 1 Soil Liquefaction Potential Evaluation 1 Soil liquefaction is a phenomenon in which saturated cohesionless soils undergo a temporary loss of strength during severe ground shaking and acquire a degree of mobility sufficient to t permit ground deformation. In extreme cases, the soil particles can become suspended in groundwater, resulting in a soil deposit becoming mobile and fluid-like. Liquefaction is generally considered to occur primarily in loose to medium dense deposits of saturated soils. ' Two conditions are required for soil liquefaction to occur: (i) a saturated soil condition; and(ii) rapid large strain or cyclic loading which are typically generated by strong earthquake shaking. We evaluated soil liquefaction potential at the site in accordance with CDMG (1997) and accompanying guidelines for its implementation (SCEC, 1999). In particular, to evaluate soil ' liquefaction at the site we used: (i) probabilistically evaluated ground motion parameters (PHGA = 0.29g; Mw, 6.9 see Section 1.2); (ii) historic high groundwater level at 30 ft b.g.s. (iri) SPT blow counts and fines content as established in Section 1.3 (iv) the latest update of ' the well-known Seed et al. (1983) 'simplified procedure, as documented in guidance document for implementation of SP 117 (SCEC, 1999). ' Our soil liquefaction analysis is documented in Attachment A-4, along with relevant corrections and normalizations applied to the SPT blow counts recorded in the field. The ' results of our soil liquefaction analysis indicate that potential for soil liquefaction at the subject site is low when the site is subjected to the design earthquake(MPE Mw 6.9 with PHGA=0.29 g). ' Ground Rupture Hazard Assessment Our review of available literature indicates that there are no known faults crossing or projecting through the site. Our review further indicates that the site is not located within the Earthquake Fault Zoning Hazard Act special studies zone. Therefore, seismically-induced ' ground rupture is not likely to occur at the site. Seismic Parameters for Structural Design Seismic parameters for structural design have been evaluated based upon CBC 2001 and results of site-specific geotechnical investigations. The CBC 2001 Table 16-U indicates that the Newport-Inglewood Fault can be classified as a fault type `B. Maps that accompany CBC 2001 (Petersen et al. 1997) indicate that Newport-Inglewood Fault is approximately 7 km from the site. The results of site-specific geotechnical investigations (Plate B-1) indicate that 1 the on-site soil profile can be classified as CBC 2001 soil type SD. 1 7 1 GEO-ETKA,INC. ' Job No: F-10817-07 Seismic Parameters for Structural Design (cont'd) The CBC 2001 Figure 16-2 indicates that the site is located in seismic Zone 4. Therefore, a seismic zone factor Z = 0.4 can be applied. Based upon the site-to-source distance of 7 km the near-source factors Na and N are equal tol 0 and 1 1, respectively For development of site- specific design acceleration response spectra, seismic coefficients Ca and C„ of 0.44 and 0 7 respectively can be used. RECOMMENDATIONS ' Foundation Design Continuous footings, isolated pad footings or a combination of both may be utilized for the ' design of the foundation to support the proposed structures. Bearing Values A bearing value of(2,000 p.s.f.) may be used. The footings should be at least 18 inches wide and a minimum of 24 inches below the lowest adjacent finish grade. The footings must rest on ' properly re-compacted soil or firm in-situ soil. This value may be increased by 150 p.s.f. per foot width or depth to a maximum of 3,500 p.s.f. ' The above bearing values may be increased 1/3 when resisting loads caused by wind or seismic forces, provided that the resultant size is not less than that obtained with dead load and live load only Settlement—Total and Differential (Static) ' Based on the design criteria, settlement should not exceed 0.2 inch for the continuous footings and 0.5 inch for the isolated pad footings. The overall differential settlement is expected to be 0.3 inch. Approximately /2 of the settlement will occur during the construction period. Once constructed, the differential settlement will be '/4 inch or less. Earth Pressure Lateral loads will be resisted by the friction between the floor slab and sub-grade as well as the passive resistance of the soils against footings. A coefficient of friction of 0.4 inch may be ' used between slabs, footings and sub-grade. The passive resistance of the soil may be taken to be(250 p.c.f.) of E F D ' The active lateral soil pressure may be taken as (45 and 65 p.c.f.) of E. F D for cantilever and restrained conditions. Active pressure must be adjusted for all surcharge loads; see plate `F' for backfill criteria. 1 8 IGEO-FTKA, INC .lob No: F-1t1817-41' ' Slab on Grade It is recommended that all footings should be reinforced with at least 4 number s-hags. - at the top and 2 at the bottom. The slabs on grade should be at least 5 inches thick and he reinforced with Number 3 bars al I S ' inches on center or fiber mesh may he alibied if desired. This should he underlain by a moisture barrier ' The moisture harrier should consist of 1 inches of clean, medium to coarse sand placed above a In mil poly mmvl chloride sheet or comparable impervious material Excavation We understand that the excavation required to attain grades will he up to 30 reel deep- ' Most of the excavation can he made by sloping the cuts or by slot cut procedure detailed on Plates 'C; and 'H' however in areas where deep cuts an not allowed due to set hack ' requirements, shoring, may he needed, for this condition use the following design values for shoring design, Excavation Shoring ' In view of restrictions and existing easement structure. essentially vertical lateral support will he necessary for the proposed excavation. Underpinning and lateral support of the adjacent utility will require special considerations in shoring design and.or exeayattain plannim 4n ' unsupported sloping excavation may not be feasible. Following are more specific data. obsen ations,conclusions and recommendations. ' Ixcavation and Construction Feasibility Ti is understood that an excavation depth of about 10 feet \' ill hit required to accomplish the ' planned construction. It is anticipated that c.ccavatton of the existing earth material will be accomplished fairly readily with normal excavation equipment. ' Vertical excavanon cuts requiring shoring will be necessity\ in lieu of sloping excavations. Providing adequate lateral and vertical load support for the existing structures. It is ' recommended that a typical solider pile-earth anchor s 'stem he considered for support of the planned IS feet deep excavation. 1 O GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No: F-10817-07 Excavation Shoring (cont'd) The recommended earth pressure distribution for the design of the shoring is presented on Plate F' The recommended pressure distribution assumes level retained earth, which is consistent with present site conditions. As shown on Plate `H' the maximum lateral pressure in pounds per square foot is equal to 20 times the height of the excavation in feet. Surcharge loads associated with adjacent or nearby footings, floor slabs, and other structures should also be considered in the design of shonng. Their additional influence on design values will depend on the size of the various loads, as well ' as their locations and elevations relative to the excavation face and can be estimated when this data has been established. tSoldier piles typically consist of vertical steel `H' beams installed in borings drilled along the perimeter prior to major excavation. It should be noted that groundwater and associated caving difficulties might be experienced during drilling operation sand casing of the holes may be necessary The lower section of the soldier pile extending below the excavation bottom may be employed for lateral support by passive soil pressure and, where required, for vertical ' support underpinning of existing adjacent structures. The lower portion of the soldier pile shaft should, therefore, be filled with structural concrete back up to near the excavation bottom. Each pile hole should be cleared of all significant caving debris, mud, etc. prior to ' placing concrete. Concrete may be placed below water provided the top of the tremie hose is maintained below the surface of the rising concrete column during pumping. Concrete strength should be increased by (1,000 p.s.i.) above design strength when utilized below water table, if such conditions occur Soldier piles spaced at least two diameters on center may be designed for a minimum allowable lateral passive bearing value of 500 pounds per square foot of depth to a maximum ' of 7,500 pounds per square foot provided there is positive contact between the buried concrete shaft and the adjacent natural undisturbed soils. Recommended values for analysis of friction resistance to vertical loads by the concrete pile shaft circumference are as follows: I' 10 GEO-ETKA,INC. Job No: F-10817-07 Excavation Shoring(cont'd) Recommended values for analysis of friction resistance to vertical loads by the concrete pile shaft circumference are as follows: Depths Below Top Frictional Of Concrete Shaft (feet) Resistance (p s fl 0 5 300 5 10 570 1 10 15 990 15 20 1520 25 —30 2050 30—35 2600 The remaining upper portion of the soldier piles should be filled with a weak sand-cement mix. This will provide a firm positive contact between the steel `H' beam and the retained earth, and can be readily chipped away on the opposite open excavation side to allow for other construction installations. A coefficient of friction of 0.5 may be used between the retained earth and soldier pile for resistance of downward earth anchor load components. For temporary shoring, the active soil pressure should be taken as (20 and 28 p.c.f.) for ' cantilever and restrained conditions. Angle of slip plane should be taken as 55 from horizontal, friction of tie back as 500 p.s.f. ' It may be necessary to employ friction earth anchors in conjunction with the soldier piles for lateral support of the excavation sidewalls. Anchors are commonly installed at angles ranging ' from approximately 15 to 40 degrees below the horizontal. Caving difficulties associated with clean sand strata and/or groundwater seepage may be experienced during anchor drilling operations and the use of a hollow-stem auger may be necessary to allow for proper installation. The anchor shaft should be filled with pumped concrete from the tip out to active wedge line. The remaining section to the excavation face may be filled with pumped clean sand. The effective load bearing section of the anchor shaft should be assumed to begin at an `active ' plane defined as a 55 degree line (from horizontal) projected up from the base of the excavation; also, the tip of the anchor should extend at least 20 feet beyond this active wedge line. 11 GEn-FTI.N, 1NC Job No; F 10817-07 Excavation Shoring (cord dl A frictional resistance t clue of 500 pounds per square Fool is recommended for prelimman design purposes. Unit that portion of the anchor extending beyond the active wedge line should he considered in load capacity analysis. It is suggested that continuous lagging between soldier piles he employed where the excavation is located adjacent existing structures. i.c northeast property line I agging will also he necessary along potential caving anchor \\aner seepage arear I The predominant Jinn chives silty sand soils anticipated to be exposed along the excavation �3alls may effectively arch across closely spaced soldier piles (generally 5 feet or less) allowing For the omission of lagging. A final evaluation as to areas that do not require lagging, however should he made as excavation work proceeds downward. Due to complexity of soil conditions and subsurface stress relationships, attempts to predict lateral deflections at the top of the excavation could possibly be on the order of 1 0 inch. Potential deflections could he reduced by designing for higher active pressure values. IIt is recommended that a precise survey system to monitor both lateral and vertical deflections be employed with periodic readings made during excavation and subsequent subterranean operations, of particular concern would he to restrict movement adjacent existing building structures, sidewalks. utilities, etc. to tolerable amounts. It is also suggested that existing structures he carefitllw examined, surveyed and marked, photographed, and/or otherwise recorded with respect to existing cracks, apparent deflections. etc Sloped Excavation As previoush mentioned unsupported sloped excal anon is not planned, however it is recommended that the excavation site-slope he made no steeper than 1 I Ihoniontal to vertical). if needed Actual conditions encountered during excavation mat warrant modifications to the recommended excavation slope, with particular consideration given to avoiding possible undermining of existing nearby structures, buildings, etc. as well as the safety of the construction personnel workin< close to or inside the exca\ation. I Id2 I GEO-ETKA,INC. ' Job No: F-10817-07 1 Remarks These conditions may not necessarily represent other areas between or beyond the test boring. All shoring and bracing should be in accordance with current requirements of CAL-OSHA, the Industrial Accident Commission of the State of California, and all other public agencies having ' jurisdiction. A reasonable effort was made to restore drill hole sites to their original condition. This ' included backfilling and tamping of the test borings, and general surface cleanup. It should be noted that as with any backfill, residual consolidation and surface subsidence resulting in a possible hazardous condition could occur at the test borings. The client is cautioned to ' periodically examine the test boring site, and if necessary backfill any resulting depressions. Demolition Special note should be taken during the grading so as to locate all underground items, e.g.pipe, conduit, storage tanks, septic tanks, cesspools or leach lines, water wells, irrigation pipe, etc. ' Any septic tank found should be removed from the site. Any topsoil test data for seepage pit or cesspool found shall be pumped dry and filled with clean sand. The top and sides should be broken and removed if they are within 5 feet of finished grade. If a water well is found, it shall be cut off and capped, 5 feet below finished grade. ' Any metal pipe found shall be excavated and cleared from the site. Any vitrified clay leaching lines may be broken in place. ' Any tree, that has to be removed due to the construction, should be completely removed and the cavity backfilled as described in grading section. ' Any root found shall be excavated and cleared from the site or mulched for future landscaping use. All cavities should be cut in a `V' shape so that compaction equipment will not bridge during grading which should be conducted in the manner noted below ' It is recommended that the demolition be observed so as to prevent debris from remaining on or being buried on site. The demolition of the below grade items such as pipes and tree root systems must be checked by the soil engineer or his representative. 1 ' 13 GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No: F-10817-07 ' Grading (Building and Parking Areas) Prior to the controlled grading operations, the construction area should be stripped of all vegetation that is present and the debris removed from the site or stockpiled and mulched for later use in the planter areas. All uncertified fill found during grading must be removed to firm native soil and replaced as compacted soil at 90%. During the course of grading if pumping occurs it is advisable to bridge the bottom with a 1-inch self-compacting rock layer at least 2 feet thick. In such cases lightweight track equipment is recommended. An extensive amount of grading is anticipated in the development of this site. It is recommended that all surface which is loose that will support floor slabs or asphalt concrete paving and all surface which will receive fill or backfill, be scarified to a depth of 8 inches, watered or dried to near Optimum Moisture Content and re-compacted to a minimum of 90%. Where fill or backfill is required, it should be placed in a maximum of 6-inch loose layers and each layer compacted at near Optimum Moisture Content to at least 90% compaction. Clean on site soils may be utilized as fill material. Imported fill soil should be predominantly granular, non-expansive and capable of developing the bearing strength required for the project. This office prior to bringing to the site must approve all import soil. The base-rock should be per Green Book, Cal Trans Class II California Specifications or equivalent. Compaction Standard: A.S.T.M. D-1557-02. The water-soluble sulphate content will be determined at the conclusion of the grading if requested by the client or required by the approving agency ' If required by the approving agency Expansion Index Test (U.B.C. 18-2) will be run at the time of rough grading. A grading and a foundation plan should be submitted to this office prior to starting the grading. A pre-grade meeting is recommended in accordance with the City of Costa Mesa grading code. In order for us to provide better service, a minimum of 48 hours notice should be provided to schedule or cancel any geo-technical work. I 14 GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No: F-10817-07 Grading(cont'd) ' GEO-ETKA, INC. should be retained to observe all grading operations and the required testing for implementing the recommendations of this report. If a change in the consultants occur Geo-Etka, Inc. must be notified in writing and all liability will shift to the client and his consultants of record. ' If conditions are encountered during the design, approval by the governing agencies, and/or the construction period that appear to be contrary to the findings of this report, this office must be notified so that proper modifications maybe made. ' Respectfully submitted, RpFESSl0 GEO-ETKA, INC. p *4 N '' ' "�s C 038344 m Ghayas A.Khan;R CIVIC �Q Civil Engineer, 9TF OF Cpt\FC ' C- 8344, (Expires 3-3 -09) Ahmed Ali,President REA No 04808 t (Expires 6-30- 07) GAK/AA/mv 1 15 GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No: F-10817-07 1 PLATES Site Location A-1 1 Plot Plan A-2' Boring Logs B-1 and `B-2` 1 Shear Curves `C 1 through `C-3' 1 Consolidation Curves `D-1 through `D-3` Retaining Wall Backfill Criteria `E' Typical Temporary Excavation Detail `F' 1 Construction Sequence `G' Lateral Pressure Design `H' 1 Grain Size Distribution Curves `SA 1 through SA-l0' 1 APPENDICES I Soil Classification and Sampler II Limitations 1 1 1 1 1 1 IGEO-ETKA,INC. Job No. F-10817-07 I I I I PLATE A-1 - SITE LOCATION MAP I PLATE A-2 - PLOT PLAN OF THE SITE I I I I I I I I I I I I I tGEO-ETKA, INC Job No F-10817-07 ' SITE LOCATION MAP Plate "A-1 I-1179672273374]2751 „� i 1+'LI1 -hima1 E911•- ` i !rte!• 1=��� nn1�11� h ���_E��E7��'—��m■■n_�� : I— �, .� � J ? JLII�i �Is�ul` 111111616:111.11111111111111111:4114K ramnwn nitp rEil � 111 it r. �11E�1119, _____� i1�r'WEI 11MinlnnNL' NI 5 I nail r ■ 1 1 �1lr�- --L,=1_T::II111I..iir1111 . ow 1(3 mm�ir� ILA i _ I 1� ; ��I�,�=1111��I�I111I11111,III11I■�or E ■ a 11 1 I� IIIII pernin iIII�'I� �� it1 w ' .rli'' '`'%_ al�111 I r `,���k X20111111, ."inyamiet 19147111 ir stanni ,7.00L,....7.R. _ ___,--.1 -cos) ■ 1 tic:11w* stralrL_raeatm Igs•• 711,4A llama A ittb4--mni I 4.egji� •• 1i 3eWllh 1!� '� _ ��• .. v www� 1 , :.• all fl — `E.-Lt` - �II���i��" JANN WNNE N'P . Ali .:ice-�7, _ '�I ��•* �' ' del■ ►`'�: ..... ' , `► . .� :Iy.iba 1 - 1 III! - �t!� os � .�j s : �`jr,-/Liwv \ 1 it 1 as 1 I Alba 111...HraliTs- it't stAk a -- - ' II 's �VI iii �%/ie `� �1` r�i , /��� ® ��\ ��► `'�,r -iril/�;II 11111 rl". ` r `` 4- ii�I iii*▪ 1- } tia ?� '� • ^" ._ -i 1]834443,315]W23 M p aca1M wn9 P erdm Mapph9 3 p rig, C k Atip Corva;lime�21U5 Inc yy � IJ • ;y:i I II i II I •Hi II' - I� ! iyl I l ,I, N I 1\ m w yV ° I 1 O )Hr ' J i' m T_I u, ° °�0 F. 17 t"HtFE -=rte`=,-rl I ar --I 111 '' j T ,-�: �. �Al� - i \ -1 411111 lo ',j I 11 by ; it I I I OA Ii qi!'I''I 'l i; l Ii, = Q III W •Da. �II ' I , ) .a!--v.- y Z W i / 0 , II ; Iti ,a, W Q OC U 7 P �IWi�H I I �4' I —1 a^ 5_�—�� � . ���dll a� II Q g V2Fi E 8 `'- t91 ;N IB I ; ' I - I W ■ 2 W�" 2 � a 111�!i'I o l' I III Ill f Y,J W< Z p ■ O 141 I-.- l' 'I g won wn 41 _ ONO Z W U. I —J 2 L��f� V� illl j F ` 'ly 0oW1 <FW LL - / —�+- ,� I�i ;1 III I - . I up WX Q w ,G € } I OO Z Q N. �I � o W I `� _ 1,, -f 4 Y 1 1 F.; , I I --- W F W :� l \ wir 4 zQ. � U _ I ; I 225 I I. � � \_____ GJ wo._00 " N W n o Q c w m t? :I Ike"-!,----- 11 1 : J-__ _ --_r_ �J i -± on, NLW jil' ' I - ,°pN \,- '�I �I C'w s Iii pN I .. 1: II ir I �I- I IGEO-ETKA INC JOB NO F-10817-07 I PLATE 'B-1 I Boring One Percent Dry N IClassification Moisture Density 6"/6"/6" I0' r ± 9" asphalt paving (AC) r-• ± 18' aggregate base (AB) SM Brown, silty fine-coarse sand with I . gravel slightly moist medium 8 109 9!iill dense. SM Light brown, silty fine-coarse sand moist .6 I S, medium dense, 'native" 12.2 6 5 4 SM Light brown, silty sand, moist; loose. 13.5 114 4 I 10' lI SM Light brown, silty sand-sandy silt 25.0 2 3 8 I very moist medium dense, stiff 16 0 110.4 ' 15' CL/ Light brown, silty clay with sand, 23.2 5 9 15 ML very moist very stiff 1 20' 10 CL/ Brown, silty caly with sand very 31 6 7 15 18 ML moist very stiff I 25' II . Depth of bag sample IN Depth of undisturbed sample IO No recovery 0 Groundwater IVertical Scale 1 = 5 N Blow Count - using 140# hammer IGEO-ETRA INC JOB NO. F-10817-07 IPLATE 'B-2" IBoring Two I Percent Dry N Classification Moisture Density " 1 0' ' - _ ; ± 9' asphalt paving (AC) \ M ;` ' i 18" aggregate base (AB) �, SM Brown, silty fine-coarse sand with Igravel, slightly moist medium dense. 5, _ -::17� ML Gray silty very fine sand, slightly 22.2 81 7 22 24 25 ' moist-medium dense "native I 10' - 1 CL Light brown, silty clay with sand, 24 2 97 2 36 53 - moist, dense I I 26 3 96 7 59 - - 15' -/ CL Light brown, silty clay with sand, Ivery moist-medium dense 25 0 96.1 53 - ' 20' I I 25' I I ® Depth of bag sample ® Depth of undisturbed sample I0 No recovery Groundwater IVertical Scale 1 = 5 N Blow Count - using 140# hammer I IGEO-ETKA, INC I JOB NO F-10817-07 PLATE "B-1 (cont'd) IBoring One (cont'd) I Percent Dry N Classification Moisture Density iE c ' `c 25' CL/ Gray silty wet hard. 41 0 83.2 ML I / 33.0 17 35 4 30'- , LC/ Black, silty wet very stiff 39 5 87 1 ML / I 35'- iR CL/ Black silty sand with clay 30 9 22 12 1 I / ML wet hard. 11 29 7 22 25 I401'^/• CL/ Black silty clay with sand, wet 25 6 96.2 ML }tarsi. I29 8 26 39 4! I45"- CL/ Black, silty clay wet very stiff 22.4 103 5 ML I /1 32.5 10 10 ' 50' SM Black silty sand, wet very stiff 22.1 27 34 End of boring I I ® Depth of bag sample N Depth of undisturbed sample I ❑ No recovery — Groundwater IVertical Scale 1 = 5' N Blow Count - using 1401 hammer IGEO-ETKA INC JOB NO F-10817-07 PLATE 'B-2' (cont'd) ' Boring Two (cont'd) Percent Dry N ' Classification Moisture Density 6"/6"/6" I 25' / CL/ Light brown, gray silty caly very 34.8 93.6 59 - - ML moist dense 40 7 82.7 22 35 42 30'- CL Gray silty clay with sand, very ' / moist dense. I 11 39 3 83.3 56 - - 35 / CL Black-gray silty clay with sand, Ivery moist dense ///47/ 36.1 - 35 48 - 40'' CL Gray silty clay with sand, moist / dense. IK////e 27 6 94.8 36 53 I 45`- CL Gray silty clay with sand, moist dense I 27 9 90.7 42 65 - ' S0'-- ---. End of boring. I CO Depth of bag sample ' ® Depth of undisturbed sample ❑ No recovery Groundwater IVertical Scale 1 = 5 N Blow Count - using 140# hammer II GEO-ETKA Inc IJob Number F-10817-07 IPlate "C-1 IDIRECT SHEAR TEST ' 2000 I 1900 I 1 1800 1700 ■■■.■■ ■■■II ■■■■ H 1600 ■■ ABortng 1 @ 7' .■.■■■■■■ I c00 1500 ■■ N1111010.1111�� I 1400 II Boring 1 @ 27' ■ •■■ N' 1300 ■■ ■im1111111111a ' W 121IIIIIIIIIlIIlIlII p zAz k3q ' 1000 I a 900 ■■■■■IIIII1IU!1411■ .. 0 1 , i x soo nitik o r~ 17 600 ,■■■.... 1 ■■ ' YJjiJjII1IIIIII1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' N N n -7 ltd \p t co O. O N N e\ -7 In `O 1 CO 11 r-1 -1 ri 1-1 r-1 v 1 r-1 r-1 SURCHARGE PRESSURE POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT I UE0-ETKA Inc IJob Number F-10817-07 IPlate 'C-2" IDIRECT SHEAR TEST I 2000 _ 1900 I I 1800 f 4 I I1700 E+ 1600 0 Boring 1 @ 42' I 0 ) norin2@4' k0, 1500 ' 1400 / 0' 1300 \ 1 - - W 1200 A C, 1100 I zA _ , 0 1000 a I , 900 _ a3 x 800 •! I El I700 - �- I o0 EA 600 • z 500 H le400 ,,,�� Im 300 I200 ----- ' --era.---- 100 I J o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ri N C1 �' n CO ON 0 H N r-\ .-1 .1 H H .-1 H H H H SURCHARGE PRESSURE POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT GEO-ETKA Inc IJob Number F-10817-07 Plate "C-3" I IDIRECT SI-LEAP TEST 2000 1900 _ i I 1800 I1700 1(:::) 1600 I 0 QBoring2@29 1500 / \Boring 2 @ 34' 1400 Ic 1300 1 Boring 2 @ 49 I 0 1200 a c„ 1100 n — I 1000 �° a I f `] 900 f r a i ' Q I x 800. � /" I ti o ' 700 i��� It-�- H 600 � tl- a IH 500 ay W400 fra- I 300 / , I 200 "-- . 100 t O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I H iv n .7 ul VD co O. 0H o -in it \O EN- CO H H H H H H H H H SURCHARGE PRESSURE POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT I 1 IGEO-ETKA, Inc Job Number F-10817-07 IPlate 'D-1" Boring 1 @ 27' ' CONSOLIDATION TEST DATA 0.0000 , 17 7 1 , - r - , r I I I0.0200 . I I ^ 0.0400 oWATlat ADDED y I H IX W D, IN 0.0600 T.0 U H I H z \\\\ H 0.0800 - I z 0 H H I H 1 o 0.1000 I z 0 v I0.1200 *Bo 1 0.1400 , -+ In 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 .-1 CV CO 'Cl l LOAD (KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT) I IGEO-ETKA, Inc Job Number F-10817-07 IPlate 'D-2' Boring 2 @ 29' ICONSOLIDATION TEST DATA 0.0000 I I 1 „ , , - -r -, 1 1 I I I0.0080 I I0.0160 U I H H W W 0, IW 0.0240 TER ADDED o z I H I 0.0320 z o \\\ H F Q I H H a ai 0.0400 I ° i \\*\\ I 0.0480 I I0.0560 . H In o 0 0 0 0 I O O .-s N -7 W ‘0 i LOAD (KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT) I I ' GEO-ETKA, Inc Job Number F-10817-07 ' Plate 'D-3' Boring 2 @ 34' ' CONSOLIDATION TEST DATA 0 0000 I r I I T 0 0030 i WATER ADDED ' 0.0600 U z H a Wy 0 0090 U 0.0120 ' z z H H a [{L ° 0 0150 z 0 U 0.0180 k?? 0.0210 . W b LOAD (KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT) I IGEO-ETKA INC Job No F-10817-07 1 Plate. "F" I I I 1 LEVEL I 1 I-H VARIES 1 IV 1 , 1 i 1 1 5 MAX I I BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION I 1 TYDICAL TE- MPOARY I EXCAVATION DFTAIL I I I I n O I U zo I al w o I- o u1 up In t X 1 1Z ~ Ill J <- X 0 a r ) O I d s iii to y- X . C} 4 t X U 1 _`u t co to o) X O 1 W .°a to co x U Z m m o to n x I w � � co O O Q • m N in X . E.Q L. O) I N 'O N )n tn X UZ °' n F— I O E- o o x __Io -CU (n = mo =o to CO � 0 I m co 8 U in to N X Z ° a O n`*- o in c- x cco ..§- � v O 3 = = 1 Y L. I Y U LL d C I- O C � V I - t CC C O) C C G) C (0 J Q) I v J 7 U U C -0 o N Y w a) D) I N d ate+ _`_. Q (n !n (n (o I I I PERCENT RETAINED o o N R ? 8 8 S_ I -8- _ ,: > — ' V -i y O .0 Qci 9-4 I I- J N of s_ Z d c O 0 ' b U N I . C ro o C - � - N 0 co ) a o .- w 4) G1 W N S W e-I 41 i- ts! 'I ti Z Vl W in N ILL W p o— C 1 0 f J 1 Q W - 0 c) N o o g � z N _ o— A O Q f O W .-) I N y ? Z p 0 ly O Q m y / 0 N x b • 1 F LL N K_ o n w oo in o_ c _ a U o 0 ¢i _ J O W J CO 1 I IT. It f J l I Q_ 4. _ R_ H O b U Q ' - C7 w N U a '1 U N g O vl Z o W J _g_ a ,...1 I m a m m O m U -I o Q— R1 I S 8i 8 n S 8 °e 8i N o DNISSVd 1N3083d GEO—ETKA, INC Job No F-10817-07 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES PLATE 'SA-2' I 1 op PERCENT ppRETAIIpNED p p O O' N 8 ? 1[1 Sp O 8 8 8•- 1 6 - 5 I 6 _ A 0 U Z o a -d '0 I J y y o— O4 1 , 6 g_ LL >4 1 P Z O gb F- 3 �, d 44 1 0 w N O LL Z y N W j fA • W O~ u> > 8- - - J I a H J • - o ?- °A J Z Q o_ g- O N ? Z H 1 R Et o W �w N m N O. z IT a LL (4. Q 1 Z — O 0 — O tc a U D w m N Q Q .4 I U f .. - J O 0_ z O J 4' I 4 t'IT 1 J o _ ' 0 ebb W _ 1 R - U w cn V G , Q I U• N Si in O Z C N H W I J J a. m0 O g r1 0 8 — I O O pp� 8 P . p° p° C p° N O^ ONISSVd 1N3DH3d 1 GEO-ETKA, INC GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES Job No F-10817-07 PLATE "SA-4" I IPERCENT RETAINED o ° r A, ? ,2 ° $ & 8 8— 0 0 I 5 0 Z o_ Q N 0— Z o a ' - Q U Etc/ U_ 0 _ LL sa vs 0O g U v _ G� N .0 cc v F-' w N 8 " l- ei' LL = N H 47 W N a W r O- ri, � � 0 ° — o g z N J 0 Q o— A - N I N y ? Z F r I 1 W O Q f I k - N o (7),. - Z ,L tr •� ,�, LL vi Q et I Z _ D C O J C7 D W co d CC Q O J O I! io= J q 4 �_ ° 4 III J 0 ILL m I J N O L Ili 'Si V I Q g Q 0 W N Q I O N in O i N r W N J - y I m f om g IPil v _ I 8 $ .8 g $ ,$ °a 8 H o JNISSVd 1N3and ' GEO-ETKA, INC Job No F-10817-07 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVEp ATE "SA-5" I 1 PERCENT RETAINED '8- d Z I o_1 Q . _J y s_ d o 1 I 6_ U S LL I 0 '� _ g b U 0— N DY 1 C _LL = N 8 w q al V1 LL W 0— 1. V ir_ Pi J 0 I moo— Z Nq Z 0 W 3 1 co 0 z 2 alk _ N_ 0 W 14I y i% z CO LL N Q i o o— a cc _ D w t1 N Q U J ' J U i w WLL a No4] bb 1 ' -,w N Q Q I U N 2— 'II _ zz o fn W M 1 J 8 d @J co m 2 o m A CO _ V R- 1 8 8 8 8 8 °v 8 ONISSVd IN301:13d I GEO-ETKA INC Job No F'-10817-07 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES ELATE. "SA 6" .1 1 PERCENT RETAINED o O N op V pp D P. p � Q- II i // a I - - 6 - I g I A C U Z _ o_ I J qg vs _ g_ Z - 6 QO U g_ a 3 c P I Z g g A O U U Q cG C— N } it w N 8 IW- r� ' -I it Z y N W .'{ N LL W O d— N tD J Q y W - p I _1 _ 0r _ 3 J D c� ? k Z Q 9 - <n A -p Q o - t/) N W .0 - - .--. Z Q LL N �I Q CC I Z . • c N , 1� ^ a G - a I o __ J U OLL II�1 in i tc o w - N Q 11 0 V N 2 - M Z N o W j 8— d @J I m f U I 8 $ 2 P. S S, °v S N 9NISSVd 1N30113d I GEO-EKTA, INC Job No F-10817-07 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES Plate "SA-7" I IPERCENT RETAINED I 0 0 8 g 5i S n 8 ,a 8 ^o I c — o U Z °o'- .. Q Air 'ICI n ro - s— Z N ° 4 ' J 6 ro O _ 0 0 Q C— N _ cc 4J I V 2 N p 17. w 0 I W F- '- Pi I a d— W f N y W a 0 J y � J O _ r�I o_, z 0 Z Q � —_ N A ' co• N 7 Z \ - N ?� W W LT) �, O^� Z fC cc I Z a = D w n 0 0 -J ' a J- V O_ � _ 04Q4 I J III LL el o m I M J >_ ° R— NOb ' cc .- - � w N 1 2 - O - �� Z v y - W w 8= - m I J m m g CO Q I p $o n p p °o p 8 ° $ DNISSVd 1N33H3d GEO-ETKA, INC Job No F-10817-07 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES Plate. "SA-B" I PERCENT RETAINED 0 o n g S S 8 isi,- -, 8 8 8- ^8— 6 I _ �� Y - I g ,- - 0 J . N IA s O Z a J _ o u g— a a -< a I Z _ P ? _ _ = v v o m U w N :lb - - W •N (U rI LL Z N r W N u W o f N Q W 3i - • _ _ - J � / a ? N Z a Olk ° - w A 5 yr o - v, N W • y m Z a cli LL cii a I Z — 0 ° K•w m n— C7 0 N LC Q .. O J I _ U 0 = -J 0 � _ 044 tii J II - co LL e °— m 7 Y I Q— yob d o fV W N - K - I 8 N g— (J - 1) Z N W itti J ° S m I m m 0 IL 8 8 Si P. 8 S ° 8 N 0 ONISSVd 1N30143d I GEO-ETRA INC Job No F-10817-07 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES Plate "SA-9" I IPERCENT RETAINED o 2 N S ? pl $ O p p 8 I s- . I O } O - 1 ► ° _ 0 , - - o= IJ N N . o_ Z ° o _ I - Q 0 N S__.- a a ro I Z - j m O U to C to Q 1 wN0 w tu IL iii �' W o— •rl 7:1 W 1 Q Wg J U — og o J 0 It Np— ? N o I O yf0 / 0 — W A O Q �iI O N N W �� Z Q LL_ of I 2 w ' �� O_ cc n N R Q — 0 J I O - J O Q �_ 4 I - J I Z 2 LL CI J } I >_ -- yon b 1 Q - R- I o w U tr :c a .- 40 I " C.4 g _ o is) Z u.) Ui 8— J a cvi I 0 m f O ro ca m 0 p p p p p p . §__ 1 8 $ 3 , 8 8 c S N p �"i DNISSVd 1N3J83d I GEO-ETRA, INC Job No F-10817-07 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES Plate. "SA-',C - ' GEO-ETKA INC JOB NO F-10817-07 1 SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART IGRAPH LETTER TYPICAL MAJOR DIVISIONS SYM SYM. DESCRIPTION 1 • it i° WELL GRADED GRAVEL CLEAN _/ k GW GRAVEL AND SAND I AND GRAVELS . r ' COARSE GRAVELLY a' GP POORLY GRADED GRAINED SOILS I SOILS LESS THAN GRAVELS _. • GM SILTY GRAVELS 50% PASS WITH •• #4 FINES GC CLAYEY GRAVELS IMORE SAND CLEAN SW WELL GRADED SAND NO FINES THAN AND SAND POORLY GRADED I 50% SANDY LARGER SOILS SP SAND NO FINES THAN MORE THAN ' I #200 SIEVE 50% PASS #4 SAND • ; ' SM SILTY SANDS WITH , ' FINES SC CLAYEY SANDS FINE SILTS L L ML INORGANIC SILTS GRAINED AND LESS I SOILS CLAYS THAN //// CL INORGANIC CLAYS I 50 1 Ii I1 I OL ORGANIC SILTS I MH INORGANIC SILTS I MORE SILTS L L / �' THAN 50% AND GREATER // / PASSING CLAYS THAN CH INORGANIC CLAYS I # 200 50 ,' / SIEVE / / i / OH ORGANIC CLAYS I V_ / a 1/ HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS ~ - PT PEAT HUMUS SOIL SAMPLER IFOR UNDISTURBED SAMPLING CONNECTING BRASS TUBING CUTTING OUPLING SLEEVE 2 625 INCHES I D / EDGE .\1 Ik' . j t y .B i.L 'I, C V GEO-ETKA,INC. Job No F-10817-07 LIMITATIONS ' 1. This Geotechmcal Report is based upon data obtained by surface reconnaissance, limited soil test bonngs, laboratory test results, and preliminary engineering analysis. No ' inference should be drawn from the language of the report that the scope of the investigation was any wider. It must be understood that although the observed and reported conditions are considered representative, local variations of geologic and/or soil ' conditions may exist for which this fine cannot assume responsibility This report was prepared upon your request for our services, and in accordance with accepted standards of professional practice. The limitations of this report are also governed by the contract amount agreed to be paid by the client. t 2. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner or of his representatives to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are called to the attention of the developer, his architect, and engineers for this ' property so that necessary steps are taken to implement the recommendations of this report. Failure to do so relieves Geo-Etka,Inc, of all responsibility ' 3. The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural ' processes or to the works of man, on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards occur whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge, or present applicable UBC Code requirements. Accordingly the ' findings of this report may be invalidated, wholly or partially by changes outside of our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of one (1) year. Note that some local jurisdictions have less time for the reports validity and reports are required to be updated at the expiration of such predetermined limits. ' 4. Unless the recommendations of this report are completely incorporated into the design, and all phases of geoteclmical activity are checked, tested, and reported by this office, Geo-Etka, Inc. will not be held liable by others. APPENDIX II GEO-ETKA, INC Job No. F-10817-07 ATTACHMENTS A-1 Review of Historic Seismicity at the site ' Earthquake Epicenter Map Estimation of Peak Horizontal Acceleration (from California Earthquake Catalogs), (pages 1 through 5) A-2 Active Faults within a 60-miles radius of the site ' California Fault Map Deterministic Estimation of Peak Horizontal Acceleration (from digitalized faults), (pages 1 and 2) A-3 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Parameters for the Site Predominant Earthquake (Figure 3.3) Liquefaction Opportunity(Figure 3.5) Highest Historic Groundwater level at the site(Plate 1.2) A-4 Liquefaction Analysis REFERENCE ' Plate"R" GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No. F-10817-07 1 ATTACMENT A-1 Review of Historic Seismicity at the Site Earthquake Epicenter Map Estimation of Peak Acceleration from California Earthquake Catalogs, (pages 1 through 5) I I IGEO-ETKA INC Job NO F-10817-07 I I EARTHQUAKE EPICENTER MAP SWC Mesa Drive and 1 800 \ 1 700 1 I 600 \ , 500 I ∎ . \ \\ h it y /\ I V \\ 400 1 1 300 ) I200 LEGEND \k M _4 IPA• ?� r 1 M = 5 _ Vii..: ' `; 100 — _ i �� :e 1 ` J M =6 1.. ! w 1 — O M = 8 1 l \ I100 -1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 300 -200 100 0 100 200 300 400 1 I I GEO-EKTA INC Job No F-10817-07 * * E Q S E A R C H Version 3 00 .: .: * **** ' ESTIMATION OF PEAK ACCELERATION FROM CALIFORNIA EARTHQUAKE CATALOGS JOB NUMBER F-10817-07 DATE 05-12-2007 JOB NAME SWC Mesa Drive and EARTHQUAKE-CATALOG-FILE NAME ALLQUAKE DAT MAGNITUDE RANGE ' MINIMUM MAGNITUDE 5 00 MAXIMUM MAGNITUDE 9 00 ' SITE COORDINATES SITE LATITUDE 33 6587 SITE LONGITUDE 117 8848 t SEARCH DATES START DATE 1800 END DATE 2007 ' SEARCH RADIUS 100 0 mi 160 9 km ' ATTENUATION RELATION 23) Abrahamson & Silva (1995b/1997) Horiz - Soil UNCERTAINTY (M=Median, S=Sigma) M Number of Sigmas 0 0 ASSUMED SOURCE TYPE DS [SS=Strike-slip, DS=Reverse-slip, BT=Blind-thrust] ' SCOND 0 Depth Source A Basement Depth 5 00 km Campbell SSR Campbell SHR. COMPUTE PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION MINIMUM DEPTH VALUE (km) 0 0 1 1 Page l of 5 1 1_ -GEO-ETKA INC Job No 1-10817-07 1 SA8-T114GAfl t6ARCH RESULT' ' ! 1 ( 7IMF. I 1 sITF 'TTEI ^APPROX FTI.EI LAT 1 LONG 1 PATE I i ITC) 10EPTHIQUAKEi ACC 1 MM 1 DISTANCE CODEI NORTH I WEST i H M Sec) (kin) I MAG 1 g I1MT 1 ti [kmi 0MG 133 80001117 0000112/25/1899)1225 0 01 0 0 6 401 0 051 I V1 51 71 6 2' GSP 134 23101118 47501031 '0/199412212012 31 13 01 5 301 0 120 I 1 152 0{ 83 7 GSP 34 21301118 53701011 1/19941 2305 41 18 0 6 70 058 VI 5.. ( 66 I DMG 133 71001116 9250109/ 3/19631144152 61 16 5 5 001 0 013 1 1771 55.1t 86 9) DMG 133 00001117 3000111 / 2/1800 2130 0 01 0 0 6 501 0 049 VT i 56 6( 91 1) DMG 1)4 2000)117 1000109,1 '01100' 54 0 or 01 6 001 " 0 5 58 1 '4 I) 058 34 30101118 5650 01, 1 ) 419941204602 41 9 1 5 201 0 CI IV 159 Of 9` 0) II DMG 134 4 101118 4010102/09 971114 041 8! 8 4t 40 0 044 VI 1 19 7 96 2) DM'; 34 4110 1 d 4C10102/v"u/I97i 1 44 Cl' 6 0 901 10 V 59 7 96 ) 'ti+' 4 4 11 lib 4' 1010210' 1 v t41028 0 6 0 Oil IV 1 17 7( 96 2 DMG 134 41101118 4010 02/0911971 4 8 00 8 O 5 80 0 030 V 59 9F. 2' I GSP 134 30501118 5790101/29/19941112036 0 I Or 5 10 0 013 TI1! 59 8( 36 2) DM( 134 30001118 6000104/04/16931 940 0 0 0 01 6 00 -0 034 V 160 3( 97 0) DMG 134 51901110 1900108/23/1952110 9 1 1 13 11 5 00 0 011 IIII 62 01 99 8' I DWG 133 95001116 8500109/28/14461 719 9 0 0 01 5 00 0 01 II 1 62 7(100 9) DMG 132 81701110 3500112/26/19511 04654 0 0 0 5 90 0 030. V 64 0(103.0) GSP 134 37801118 6180101/19/19941211144 9 11 01 5.10 0 012 IIII 65.0(104 6) GSP 134 32601118 6980101/17/19941233330 7 9 01 5 60 0 022 IV 1 65.5(105 4) ' 0MG 134 13001116 9200101/16/19301 02433 9 0.01 5 20 !0 013 TIIl 66.04106 1) DMG 134 18001116 9200101/16/19301 034 3 6 0 01 5 10! 0 012 IIII 66 0(106 1) GSP 134 36901118 6720104/26/19971103''30 7 16.01 5 101 0 022 IIII 66.6(10' 2' DMG 134 26701116.9670108/29/19434 34513 0 0 01 5 501 0 018 TV i 67 34108 3) I GSP 134 39401118 6690106/26/19951084026 9 23 0! 5 001 0 010 1IT1 67 81109 0) GSP 134 3770111$ 6980101/18/19941004308 9 11 01 5 201 0 013 11I1 66 0(109 4) MGT 134 00001119 0000112/14/19121 0 0 0 0 0 Oi 5 701 0 021 TV 4 68.2(109 1) DMG 134 00001119 0000109/24/18271 4 0 0 0 0 01 001 0 054 VT 1 68.2(109 7) I MGI 133 00001117 0000109/21/ P56 710 0 0 0 0 5 001 010 i III I 68 4(110 01 GSP 134 16301116 8550106/28/19971144321 0 6 01 S 101 0 ^I4 ! IV 168 ( 1 1) 086 134 37901118 7110101/19/19941210928 6 1 01 5 501 0 018 IV 168 6(110 4) DMG 134 10001115.9000110/24 i935i,.44$ 7 6 0 0 5 101 n 011 I III( 69 2(112 4) I 08F 114 19501116 862010$/11/19921204152 1 11 0 5 301 0 014 1 TV 1 69 3(11 ) 'OM0 133 97601116 7210106/12/19444104534 1 10 01 5 101 0 011 1 IIII 70 31113 1) PAS 133 67101119.1210109/04/19811155050 3 DI 5 301 0 014 { II1 70 5(111 ) DMG 33 99401116 7120 06/1 '19441111636 0 10 01 5 301 0 014 I IIII 71 1(114 ) II GSM 134 20+01116 8270106128/19921 50` 10 7 5 0 6 701 0 044 i VT 17' 3(114 7 DMS 134 06501119 0350 02/21/1973114450 8 0 901 0 026 I V 171 7(1 11 GS? 134 23901116 8370107/09/19921014357 6 0 01 301 0 013 I II11 7' 2(116 11 I 08? 134 34001116 900011 /21/19921160057 5 1 01 5 301 0 013 I ITII 73 4 118 1) DMG 134 100011 6 7000 02/07/18891 520 0 0 0 0 5 301 0 013 1 1711 4 4 (119.6) MGI 132 8000111' 1000 05/21/18031 0 0 0 0 0 01 00 0 00" 1.111 74 6(12_ 11 GSP 134 36901116 8970112/04/19921020657 5 3 01 S 301 0 013 1 I111 7 8112.1 4) I DMG 133 20001116 1000101/01/192201 2'5 0 0 0 0 5 001 C 099 1 1111 7' 3(121 I PAS 133 99801116 6060107/08139881 92044 5 11 7 5 601 0 018 1 IV 7 0(123 9) DMG 132 '0001117 2000105/'7/16621"0 0 0 0 0 0 901 044 I if 44 1) DMG 3' '910 11'4 193' I 0 2 /190 1 t12, 1 is 1 '9 t IPAC 133 5010 110 513010 /7' 1989 2 4 't L i -;7-A 32 6700 11 ' 7C0 5 '4 O 1 E,{ I 0 •1 ACA 1 TI i ( ^? 4) ^-A 67001 7 1 1 0, M8cr r 1 'T' ,t 'r I T 2r IPage 3 of 5 I GEO-ETKA INC ' Job No F-10817-07 EARTHQUAKE SEARCH RESULTS I I I TIME I I SITE ISITEI APPROX ' FILEI LAT 1 LONG I DATE 1 (UTC) IDEPTHIQUAKEI ACC I MM 1 DISTANCE CODEI NORTH 1 WEST I I H M Sect (km) ] MAG 1 g 11NT I mi [km] DMG 133 61701117 9670103/11/19331 154 7 81 0 01 6 30 0 433 I X I 5 5 ( 8 9) DMG 133 57501117 9830103/11/19331 518 4 01 0 01 5 20 0 142 IVIIII 8 1 ( 13 0) DMG 133 61701118 0170103/14/1933119 150 01 0 01 5 10 0 130 IVIIII 8 1 ( 13 1) DMG 133 68301118 0500103/11/19331 658 3 01 0 01 5 50 0 153 IVIIII 9 6( 15 5) ' DMG 133 70001118 0670103/11/19331 85457 01 0 01 5 10 0 098 I VI1I 10 8 ( 17 5) DMG 133 70001118 0670103/11/19331 51022 01 0 01 5 10 0 098 I VI1I 10 8( 17 5) DMG 133 75001118 0830103/11/19331 2 9 0 01 0 01 5 00 0 074 1 VIII 13 0( 20 9) DMG 133 75001118 0830103/11/19331 230 0 01 0 01 5 10 0 081 I VIII 13 0( 20 9) ' DMG 133 75001118 0830103/11/19331 323 0 01 0 01 5 00 0 074 I VIII 13 0( 20 9) DMG 133 75001118 0830103/11/19331 910 0 01 0 01 5 10 0 081 I VIII 13 0( 20 9) DMG 133 75001118 0830103/13/19331131828 01 0 01 5 30 0 096 I VIII 13 0 ( 20 9) ' DMG 133 78301118 1330110/02/19331 91017 61 0 01 5 40 0 081 I VIII 16 6 ( 26 8) MGI 133 80001117 6000104/22/191812115 0 01 0 01 5 00 0 048 I VI 119 0( 30 6) DMG 133 69901117 5110105/31/19381 83455 41 10 01 5 50 0 067 I VI 121 7 ( 34 8) DMG 133 78301118 2500111/14/19411 84136 31 0 01 5 40 0 058 1 VI 122 7 ( 36 5) ' MGI 134 00001118 0000112/25/190311745 0 01 0 01 5 00 0 036 I V 1 24 5( 39 4) DMG 133 85001118 2670103/11/193311425 0 01 0 01 5 00 0 034 I V 1 25 6( 41 2) DMG 133 70001117 4000105/15/191011547 0 01 0 01 6 00 0 076 I VIII 28 0( 45 1) DMG 133 70001117 4000104/11/19101 757 0 01 0 01 5 00 0 031 I V 1 28 0( 45 1) ' DMG 133 70001117 4000105/13/19101 620 0 01 0 01 5 00 0 031 I V 28 0 ( 45 1) PAS 134 06101118 0790110/01/19871144220 01 9 51 5 90 0 067 I VI 129 9( 48 2) PAS 134 07301118 0980110/04/19871105938 21 8 21 5 30 0 037 I V 131 1 ( 50 1) t T-A 134 00001118 2500109/23/18271 0 0 0 01 0 01 5 00 0 026 I V 1 31 5 ( 50 7) T-A 134 00001118 2500101/10/18561 0 0 0 01 0 01 5 00 0 026 I V 131 5 ( 50 7) T-A 134 00001118 2500103/26/18601 0 0 0 01 0 01 5 00 0 026 I V 131 5( 50 7) MGI 134 00001117 5000112/16/1858110 0 0 01 0 01 7 00 0 104 I VIII 32 3( 52 0) ' MGI 134 10001118 1000107/11/18551 415 0 01 0 01 6 30 0 075 1 VIII 32 9( 52 9) MGI 134 00001118 3000109/03/19051 540 0 01 0 01 5 30 0 034 I V 1 33 5 ( 53 9) GSP 134 14001117 7000102/28/19901234336 61 5 01 5 20 0 029 1 V 1 34 9( 56 1) ' MGI 134 08001118 2600107/16/1920118 8 0 01 0 01 5 00 0 022 I IV 1 36 2 ( 58 2) DMG 134 20001117 9000108/28/18891 215 0 01 0 01 5 50 0 037 1 V 137 4 ( 60 2) GSP 134 26201118 0020106/28/19911144354 51 11 01 5 40 0 029 I V 142 2 ( 67 9) MGI 134 00001118 5000111/19/191812018 0 01 0 01 5 00 0 018 I IV 1 42 4 ( 68 3) ' DMG 134 00001118 5000108/04/192711224 0 01 0 01 5 00 0 018 1 IV 142 4 ( 68 3) DMG 133 90001117 2000112/19/18801 0 0 0 01 0 01 6 00 0 049 1 VI 142 7 ( 68 7) DMG 134 00001117 2500107/23/19231 73026 01 0 01 6 25 0 056 I VI 1 43 4 ( 69 8) MGI 134 10001117 3000107/15/190512041 0 01 0 01 5 30 0 024 I IV 145 3( 72 9) ' PAS 133 91901118 6270101/19/19891 65328 81 11 91 5 00 0 016 1 IV 1 46 2( 74 4) DMG 134 20001117 4000107/22/18991 046 0 01 0 01 5 50 0 029 I V 146 6( 74 9) DMG 134 27001117 5400109/12/19701143053 01 8 01 5 40 0 026 I V 146 6( 75 0) ' DMG 134 30001117 6000107/30/18941 512 0 01 0 01 6 00 0 044 I VI 147 2 ( 75 9) DMG 133 95001118 6320108/31/19301 04036 01 0 01 5 20 0 020 I IV 1 47 3 ( 76 2) PAS 132 97101117 8700107/13/198611347 8 21 6 01 5 30 0 022 1 IV 147 5 ( 76 4) DMG 134 30001117 5000107/22/189912032 0 01 0 01 6 50 0 056 1 VI 149 5 ( 79 6) ' PAS 133 94401118 6810101/01/19791231438 91 11 31 5 00 0 015 I IV 149 7 ( 80 1) DMG 134 37001117 6500112/08/1812115 0 0 01 0 01 7 00 0 071 I VI 150 9( 81 9) DMG 133 75001117 0000104/21/19181223225 01 0 01 6 80 0 063 1 VI 151 2 ( 82 4) DMG 133 75001117 0000106/06/191812232 0 01 0 01 5 00 0 014 1 IV 151 2 ( 82 4) Page 2 of 5 GEO-ETKA INC Job No F-10817-07 EARTHQUAKE SEARCH RESULTS I I TIME 1 1 I SITE 1SITE) APPROX FILE) LAT I LONG I DATE I (UTC) IDEPTHIQUAKE) ACC 1 MM I DISTANCE CODE) NORTH I WEST I I H M Sec' (km) I MAG I g TINT I mi [km] T-A 132 67001117 1700112/00/18561 0 0 0 01 0 01 5 001 0 008 I IIII 79 8 (128 4) ' DMG 133 50001116 5000109/30/19161 211 0 01 0 01 5 001 0 008 I II 180 4 (129 4) MGI 133 20001116 6000110/12/192011748 0 01 0 01 5 301 0 012 1 IIII 80 5 (129 6) DMG 134 01701116 5000107/26/19471 24941 01 0 01 5 101 0 009 I IIII 83 2(133 9) DMG 134 01701116 5000107/25/19471 61949 01 0 01 5 201 0 010 I IIII 83 2 (133 9) DMG 134 01701116 5000107/24/19471221046 01 0 01 5 501 0 014 I IV 183 2(133 9) DMG 134 01701116 5000107/25/19471 04631 01 0 01 5 001 0 008 1 II 83 2(133 9) DMG 132 80001116 8000110/23/1894123 3 0 01 0 01 5 701 0 018 I IV 86 3(138 8) DMG 133 93301116 3830112/04/19481234317 01 0 01 6 501 0 032 1 V 1 88 2(142 0) DMG 132 50001118 5500102/24/19481 81510 01 0 01 5 301 0 010 I III I 88 8 (142 9) GSP 134 13901116 4310106/28/19921123640 61 10 01 5 101 0 008 I II 89 7 (144 3) ' GSP 134 10801116 4040106/29/19921141338 81 9 01 5 401 0 011 I III I 90 4 (145 4) GSP 134 34101116 5290106/28/19921124053 51 6 01 5 201 0 009 I IIII 90 8 (146 1) GSN 134 20101116 4360106/28/19921115734 11 1 01 7 601 0 060 I VI 191 0(146 5) DMG 133 34301116 3460104/28/19691232042 91 20 01 5 801 0 019 I IV 191 2(146 8) ' GSP 134 06401116 3610109/15/1992' 084711 31 9 01 5 201 0 009 1 IIII 91 7 (147 6) DMG 134 10001119 4000105/19/18931 035 0 01 0 01 5 501 0 013 1 IIII 92 0 (148 1) GSP 133 96101116 3180104/23/19921045023 01 12 01 6 101 0 023 I IV 192 3(148 5) DMG 133 40001116 3000102/09/1890112 6 0 01 0 01 6 301 0 026 I V 192 9(149 6) GSP 134 02901116 3210108/21/19931014638 41 9 01 5 001 0 006 I II 193 2(150 1) DMG 134 06701116 3330105/18/19401 72132 71 0 01 5 001 0 006 I II 193 3(150 2) DMG 134 06701116 3330105/18/19401 55120 21 0 01 5 201 0 008 I IIII 93 3 (150 2) ' GSP 133 90201116 2840107/24/19921181436 21 9 01 5 001 0 006 1 II 193 4 (1J0 3) GSP 134 33201116 4620107/01/19921074029 91 9 01 5 401 0 011 I IIII 93 8 (150 9) DMG 133 98601119 4750108/06/19731232917 01 16 91 5 001 0 006 1 II 194 0 (151 2) GSP 133 87601116 2670106/29/19921160142 81 1 01 5 201 0 008 I IIII 94 1 (151 4) DMG 133 26701119 4500111/18/194712159 3 01 0 01 5 001 0 006 I II 194 1(151 5) PAS 134 32701116 4450103/15/1979121 716 51 2 51 5 201 0 008 I II11 94 5(152 0) T-A 134 83001118 7500111/27/18521 0 0 0 01 0 01 7 001 0 040 I V 194 8 (152 5) ' GSP 134 26801116 4020106/16/19941162427 51 3 01 5 001 0 006 4 II 94 8(1,2 5) DMG 133 40801116 2610103/25/193711649 1 81 10 01 6 001 0 021 I IV 1 95 0 (152 9) DMG 133 00001116 4330106/04/194011035 8 31 0 01 5 101 0 007 1 II 195 3(153 4) DMG 134 08301116 3000105/18/19401 5 358 51 0 01 5 401 0 011 1 III) 95 5 (153 6) ' DMG 134 00001119 5000102/]8/192611818 0 01 0 01 5 001 0 006 1 II 195 6(153 8) DMG 134 70001119 0000110/23/1916' 254 0 01 0 01 5 501 0 012 1 1+11 96 1 (154 6) PAS 134 51601116 4950106/01/19751 13849 21 4 51 5 201 0 008 I II 199 1 (159 5) ' T-A 132 25001117 5000101/13/1877120 0 0 01 0 01 5 001 0 006 I II 199 8 (160 6) * *** * * * * *** * ** * * **** + * *** -END OF SEARCH- 134 EARTHQUAKES FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SEARCH AREA TIME PERIOD OF SEARCH 1800 TO 2007 LENGTH OF SEARCH TIME 208 years ' THE EARTHQUAKE CLOSEST TO THE SITE IS ABOUT 5 5 MILES (8 9 km) AWAY LARGEST EARTHQUAKE MAGNITUDE FOUND IN THE SEARCH RADIUS 7 6 LARGEST EARTHQUAKE SITE ACCELERATION FROM THIS SEARCH 0 433 g ' Page 4 of 5 GEO-ETKA INC Job No F-10817-07 COEFFICIENTS FOR GUTENBERG & RICHTER RECURRENCE RELATION a-value= 1 533 ' b-value= 0 394 beta-value= 0 906 TABLE OF MAGNITUDES AND EXCEEDANCES Earthquake I Number of Times I Cumulative MagnitudeI Exceeded I No / Year + + 4 0 I 134 I 0 64423 9 5 134 I 0 64423 5 0 I 134 I 0 64423 5 5 I 45 I 0 21635 6 0 1 24 I 0 11538 6 5 I 11 I 0 05288 7 0 I 5 1 0 02404 7 5 I 1 I 0 00481 1 1 1 Page 5 of 5 ' GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No. F-10817-07 I I ' ATTACHMENT A-2 Active Faults Within 60-Miles Radius of the Site California Fault Map Deterministic Estimation of Peak Acceleration from Digitalized Faults (pages 1 of 2 ) I ' GEO—ETKA INC IJob No F-10817-07 ! CALIFORNIA FAULT MAP SWC Mesa Drive and Irvine Avenue,Costa Mesa, 400 — I 350 - ' 300 - - 250 — -- 200 ' I 150 — I 100 \ SITE _ 50 — \ ' _ ' 0 I 50 — 100 I I I I I i I 1 I 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 I I ' GEO-ETKA,INC Job No F-10817-07 ** ** * E Q F A U L T ' Version 3 00 ** ** * * * DETERMINISTIC ESTIMATION OF PEAK ACCELERATION FROM DIGITIZED FAULTS JOB NUMBER F-10817-07 DATE 05-12-2007 ' JOB NAME SWC Mesa Drive and Irvine Avenue Costa Mesa ' CALCULATION NAME Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis FAULT-DATA-FILE NAME CDMG-MCE DAT ' SITE COORDINATES SITE LATITUDE 33 6587 SITE LONGITUDE 117 8848 SEARCH RADIUS 60 mi ATTENUATION RELATION 23) Abrahamson & Silva (1995b11997) Horiz - Soil UNCERTAINTY (M=Median, S=Sigma) M Number of Sigmas 0 0 DISTANCE MEASURE clodis SCOND 0 Basement Depth 5 00 km Campbell SSR Campbell SHR COMPUTE PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION FAULT-DATA FILE USED CDMG-MCE DAT MINIMUM DEPTH VALUE (km) 0 0 Pagelof2 IGEO-EKTA INC Job No F-10817-07 EQFAULT SUMMARY 1 DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS I I (ESTIMATED MAX EARTHQUAKE EVENT APPROXIMATE I ABBREVIATED DISTANCE MAXIMUM I PEAK ZEST SITE FAULT NAME I mi (km) (EARTHQUAKE( SITE (INTENSITY I ----_ I I MAG (Mw) I ACCEL g IMOD MERC- 1 I I I NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (L A.Basin) I 4 2 ( 6 7) 1 6 9 I 0 371 I IX NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (Offshore) 5 0 ( 8 0) 1 6 9 0 338 I IX I COMPTON THRUST I 10 4 ( 16 8) 1 6 8 1 0 245 I IX ELYSIAN PARK THRUST I 14 5 ( 23 4) 1 6 7 I 0 183 I VIII PALOS VERDES I 15 7 ( 25 2) 1 7 1 I 0 159 I VIII WHITTIER I 18 0 ( 28 9) 1 6 8 I 0 128 VIII I CHINO-CENTRAL AVE (Elsinore) I 19 6( 31 5) 1 6 7 I 0 142 I VIII ELSINORE-GLEN IVY I 19 6( 31 6) 1 6 8 I 0 119 I VII SAN JOSE I 26 3 ( 42 3) 1 6 5 I 0 101 I VII I CORONADO BANK I 27 1 ( 43 6) 1 7 4 0 115 I VII ELSINORE-TEMECULA I 30 9( 49 7) 1 6 6 0 080 I VII SIERRA MADRE I 32 9( 53 0) I 7 0 1 0 103 I VII CUCAMONGA I 33 5 ( 53 9) 1 7 0 I 0 101 I VII I RAYMOND I 35 0 ( 56 3) I 6 5 I 0 078 VII VERDUGO 36 1 ( 58 1) 1 6 9 I 0 091 1 VII CLAMSHELL-SAWPIT 36 5 ( 58 7) 1 6 5 I 0 075 I VII HOLLYWOOD 37 5 ( 60 4) 1 6 5 I 0 073 I VII I SANTA MONICA 41 9( 67 5) 1 6 6 I 0 069 I VI SAN JACINTO-SAN BERNARDINO I 43 6 ( 70 1) 1 6 7 ( 0 056 VI SAN JACINTO-SAN JACINTO VALLEY I 44 7 ( 72 0) I 6 9 I 0 060 I VI I ROSE CANYON I 45 1 ( 72 6) 1 6 9 I 0 060 I VI MALIBU COAST 45 2 ( 72 8) 1 6 7 I 0 067 VI SIERRA MADRE (San Fernando) I 48 8 ( 78 6) 6 7 I 0 063 VI SAN ANDREAS - San Bernardino I 49 1 ( 79 0) 1 7 I I 0 068 I VI I SAN ANDREAS - Southern I 49 1 ( 79 0) I 7 4 0 072 VI SAN ANDREAS - Mojave 49 5 ( 79 6) 1 7 1 I 0 061 I VI SAN ANDREAS - 1857 Rupture I 49 5 ( 79 6) 1 7 8 I 0 087 I VII I NORTHRIDGE (E Oak Ridge) I 50 0 ( 80 5) 1 7 0 I 0 072 VI SAN GABRIEL 50 9( 81 9) 1 7 0 I 0 057 I VI CLEGHORN 51 1 ( 82 3) I 6 5 0 043 I VI ANACAPA-DUME I 51 8 ( 83 3) 1 7 3 I 0 081 I VII I ELSINORE-JULIAN 53 8 ( 86 6) 1 7 1 I 0 057 I VI SAN JACINTO-ANZA I 55 9 ( 90 0) 1 7 2 I 0 058 I VI NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (West) i 56 7 ( 91 ) I 7 0 I 0 064 I VI SANTA SUSANA I 57 8 ( 93 1) 1 6 6 I 0 051 I VI I *+{* * *** * * *** .* *.*.* * *. * -END OF SEARCH- 35 FAULTS FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SEARCH RADIUS I THE NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD(L A.Basin) FAULT IS CLOSEST TO THE SITE IT IS ABOUT 4 2 MILES (6 7 km) AWAY ILARGEST MAXIMUM-EARTHQUAKE SITE ACCELERATION 0 3708 g Page 2 of 2 GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No. F-10817-07 I ATTACHMENT A-3 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Parameters for the Site and The Highest Historic Ground Water Level at the Site Predominant Earthquake (figure 3 4) ' Liquefaction Opportunity (figure 3 5) ' Historically Highest Ground Water Contours and Borehole Location (plate 1 .2) IVLV-Linn 11'IU Job No F-10817-07 1998 SEISMIC HAZARD EVALUATION OF THE NEWPORT BEACH QUADRANGLE 45 NEWPORT BEACH 7.5 MINUTE QUADRANGLE AND PORTIONS OF ADJACENT QUADRANGLES ' 10%EXCEEDANCE IN 50 YEARS PEAK GROUND ACCELERATION 1998 PREDOMINANT EARTHQUAKE I Magnitude(Mw) (Distance(km)) •r 6,g ►a■■Ira 7.`'911 111110,121E1311! .. al.% ■.'IS;;Oty'��y v_ 6!8 jvcrce :- I is .� 1� n7=s'!Ye!?'11•••••• - ,A 1...011 .. � -IllI I =N_T. III mmJ. I (2) �9i v"Jell n�•°inn_ 'W II, ylnm – IL"z!(71 /,iC')♦JI. Pii■ ¶r r >< + 81_,1. 11, :r 4F•,9. .. y� L1 m mt I - i a ng 11 c l���n13'rl� � 1�- nJ 2iq till' JIirJilj✓� is..�iumrnnm 1. I I H( =1•811 11 r71isi r ak i9u5•�nem mummul11 hw VIII r_IntY rmm-1•8 31■i _ ally rmill A r�r�,, +e�unulnnnmannc. schwa"; t '.17�(1ifI51 l�_.In 'i—� L� a.or:vu.•::::irw 11 line, i, ^.. �� -- I la u,:17 ly ALE 1„, n1, lal-Y1nI'`: --t in■• nil mm r 1 740'ar k i .��i •/�" � �..� � •IIf �EI��►•e ta'i'i�_.iil7un s� s n{r•w`�� I�� I'-1 p y! x i!�IiRll rII!1 9-cly�ll�r YYYY'^"� '�' '^ � �-� t\"�.Sy��jr.IP�IR81'� 4 ..� Elllil� r JElpa:I iuiiil c\�' ruisf F 'r cA , 4dlha l t{ .`1.1 -�� \ 191.'+1 r 1�. III I/�aim, 411 ►�.ulrn�n Jn-7 i (!',yi!1111�11_ ,/IJIF�Ij� _m�E.!_�� � I �'I FL�Ln^JgLll!a`�W /J�4 S II,,..m._Ik Le3iI�firi:31i:Mt]�Y1':ar-,Y ',-031-11 mjnml°L`o4'11111�11 .d Il.11lllrl?Z'j(,�il �v".slnac. €j i7!> GLTI"Ili:4�un'"1Je� yrr_�na=^ 1'm'1' L�IIIIII IIW ����il.''!i=_iE1F' ''*�. 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GEO-EKTA INC Job No F-140817-07 ' 2005 SEISMIC HAZARD EVALUATION OF THE NEWPORT BEACH QUADRANGLE a7 NEWPORT BEACH 7.5-MINUTE QUADRANGLE AND PORTIONS OF ADJACENT QUADRANGLES I 10%EXCEEDANCE IN 50 YEARS MAGNITUDE-WEIGHTED PSEUDO-PEAK ACCELERATION(g) FOR ALLUVIUM 1998 LIQUEFACTION OPPORTUNITY �^'ate �-s�' wa"rA9t Mil; -till u"✓�mB gar • smtt �'Sl31tn�vi; ill -Z.._11-11111-4 M l ��P `tY SIP "ISVr �' ja Ik.� ~-11W �,°� .e - I vim.;Plm. i np z FRO;.. ]irnriio"144; s l t1j Want- a�.i. z 2--;31�"s s�� s 029 ts�Ilt Ww ''026 as tilt: 028 + 141! @- 012288F��tral Fr,"7,-.7 Mit Mm i ':?,: " it 4lHkWsi '- �` ' ➢Rliti—T14 '. I a ' Ol !._12 gq's't�gm�- I l7 .+'!L'I'B=7^rL$t reg f I II�Y err 1- n ;p:gr <t{s��,QSp 9 - �. F - ld LII I W-1 11 r' -+�0-gi!! . ., �Pt ,„%iti lit.,�i pst t g.. i t3 ! 2 It I.Ii -1..em 11'j M. ��� b��. ins a+ U r-ca, �t P�e '�(igit �j���{R�t�{7 i 11"liA Ihlll FihkPts.(§ {� 5 .. p e C I i� ,• �iITA`t1��Ey�l.Cj @�..".�IEI1TJ �'1ri�31F��R y,�r���f' {M� a�i�aay l�ilE •�'�,+IE�r tVA ��y� � y.�. m er. a I RI`' 'tl �rll4, 11:i'�ri-Wil`I ��l tiiaaL�ita ri a Q.i' Y. �2e �.� maF:l n er.r4 r` a to ZF!'icn� 6'14th^s�m sq iia': IJob No F 10817-07 Jpe,-F,I, 9eporl 9'-•,8 ' • � iijiv' li •'i ',=i ; ter" :1 - NIk,/m 1 4 i.1. i- i, • '1 • I I' .4 • j 1, 1 4 1'r E � • _ 19': Ali 1 ill i. .'f Irk ke. ;_? f^-I ell,,r- _--.r I �.1 • Iii4tr c k * 1:114 1_;Or'rid^.11111144 Ili 111J-- I r .4-1, 't I• ]. ^R ' 1 €% 1 II f I - • f s 11•I �'I.,,ai tIl.V. w •� Miib'? ,i r III' ; - -r.,911 1 l �'_.ri _`- J: • ital.! r �A ] l i aliH ra 'u 1 114.2 F k�uotl_ uxic �g r x.4Gum •a. r'. I�. 1 r YL" filly ds1 Cie V y1tI L�ll _x • E`• ` ja II i I 1 I L ii �` - I f L -_ „� �I'J I ,- 1 IF:I _ iI''1 rte,-p I�a '_ .IV"j .J.I�J ' :Gu1l�'I_ _� Il a i:;'i it 5' i .` "ice I t T'4 41111 T-- �JmkT _' .--.1 f_ _ ILL.u -1:1 �w r ..r; T(: t. �' ' _ _,= 1 Frr"'. r- = 'Ls fr 1 t ., _ i.• �.' f-�i. " ab• I iCIT.I=� i1i Lam,;: 2 1 Ili 1 Y +cf ', 4,-_-,,4_,I i I�r 3v 'G_' i1 1f' -IA ilk P1 �r 1. Tf'�.,r.. 31i ;_ 4e ,.it,C..mili it _, ar 'i I y 1 `4. _ r k .9 ` ill Jr I It .n-j - jr f • 1 Pk 14i.r,Ip,' .'i, @i,{ 'vii 4 ' -' ''{rr r [ �__ t. y Ti SITE ' • .,d 1 r 11 { _ E 1 r ra s 4 tit:Ci r i/r ,t ,mi�:lk ilTi a v'. d Y i f r 4. 1 � i^' , 111i;4 ti p; ' , UUN[7Mul,:TCVFd 434:AC;1� "� r i'� ,' roj" 1 V' "I4'44,{ STAR I_PARK "III4\ ell, o-- ;—'.-I i 11,11,1_,44; y _ e3 'I '' 'tom .•'- ." .Orli' ,^ 4a n1 V- /�I' ; ride po'� Beath ','' k 'C I „. I if �, �� m � I 1 I ' ,40,' 31. 1 } I'�Q'gs l''�Tn+YI-i,---....t�'� �1111L°Y I ��4ff'1111I, 4. Neuy'yr:Pr1'Math -if' y }L }pr I •Ir r 3o 4 T: "' -,CA IHa I HI welly Hg^ ad• • Contour 8o'eh•In Log LAC Mono N: :Fn ^h 0. ^.I. GEO-ETKA, INC. Job No. F-10817-07 t ' ATTACHMENT A-4 Evaluation of Soils Liquefaction Potential Liquefaction Analysis I 1 I I rm .--.. C m p Lit M N Q O 01 O C 0 t� ✓ _ )F K y' CO C 0 W N3 O N p • N c> m C rU W LL 0 LL y LL ... O N N 0 e- a Q C) .- (I O ° mn m O« m ¢ tCO �.O O. O - N 2 CO° j f U m 1= V' I co ri O > W Cr ¢ Z LL w U m >m m Z N » y r o .n CO .i ,7. O - ! y WE Wig- now W07Q o o 0 6 6 1'i � c m o m U m ' 'W I-- v ^ ori. -° '-' O- 0 0 W Fm •- ;do, m Q> Q Z LL ^ I F� :0 • -o e LL m - m u U _ W w oo °o °o CO °o 00 w CO 0 CO N (0 U W El• 0'T-i '1 a'-4 m° ry wof a m¢ >� K w J o 0 0 0 o E ' I .'�. . c o ¢ € o 0 J e" 0.6 W a U Ta e3 li fa O S] u Fa ,t w e EE w o C7• t-) ll�_LL�yy w a 'm c m ._o ¢ y 3 N v m �O vi°i 'W' m .. -)11411-5 o m w n a0 O ? 9 V Cif �! �O C a`- cm ' .'21 s m°� w = fY� aU' o mom¢ CO °� U�tO O K IS m c' m n ", .� jp a:; N 2 F a' N m n of O w n v O O u x a m S F $ w a a U O m v m n n n n F m " i i T L m o a V' O(0 C• LL LL W 0 0 0 0 0 * x W a I m m u u alt°3 p" m o > m as u 2 a Y ma c w`o`o J:Z O O Uo oa LL co o 0 0 0 &O O O O O W D Z m ' Q w 1 L U J c m o O LL > Q LL W CI ID CD CO 0 N Z ¢ d Pml LA n '.1. U ' m V a Z U' TD C) l7 C) m N cn ... y., ] t7w f om n Co P m W N D co O C O 0 ~ C N VI O 10 N m ¢ . E1 Q N W O p 0 2 p t.- N n N E m Z= - LL U' m C) C V N = ( m m m J N w N � � W o p O m a' LL y 1-: C W O o f, Q a a OF- �� w Z w c o m o w o ¢ ii ' U � C7 n m o°i v a vNi am ('1 ow o r ¢ hw .� v ID CD 0 0 N W 1- 000 m m a m N NO a m T > 1-11 ,2 LL m �. C 16 O W C--- x O n O N O U O 1:L to J~Y W v W C 2 d ET) C O 0 q L ' o E a m I. .. .-. u) Q m ^m° � vw J WPo 03 --� o 2al (. e ° a U�� w Q F ., 0 m CO CO n D m o ¢ v ' m b s m U t. - —_,w w 1, ¢ B U G � m m om n u O g m m v u 3^° Y E2 Q U co °W U. 0 0 0 0 0 m --m0 w ti j O ft y'� tr 2- 9. 7; E w O '.. IS m° E ° p _ m E W v m a¢ °' E 1- a' U L p p N C5 K CO v t ' CC In ¢¢ -- O m € omouo m J OLL U o o U x p (wJ ~Z wW (0 ° ` N CI N CD Nl7 9• € m cif 9a U ZU ¢O mm _Z • .33• 1) IA cU v in 0 ¢ LLU FF LL � w w m Z D y j m V o " 4 w 0 "' 2" W ° LL s I MCC UW FF F Z c _ - `F w O ¢¢ U Z new --`^ t F.zZ ti � ¢� 3� � I- o ^ w w 0 O ° O] x x O N 3 2 ry (o m° c`�i `� ° , y WW O¢`('m m w O U Q I-(- 0 o y o F d 8 m I KKK¢ p 0 D° 00 O m u u `a° m w a U o 7 K J3 FF li;-(_ -O y3 � O I- xx 2 � O °-�' I` m° wW U Qa} Z YGQ Z w F F o KU a> QW OF- ww w 0 cn in ovoi � oia 0c Udm�¢tt 2 a 2(p pp p �- U u 06- U in s GEO-ETKA,INC. Job No: F-10817-07 REFERENCES CDMG [1996], 'Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the State of California, California Division of Mines and Geology, DMG Open-File Report 96-08, Sacramento, California, 33 p (plus Appendices). CDMG [1997], 'Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California, California Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 117 Sacramento, California, 70 p. (plus Appendices). ' CDMG [1997], `Seismic Hazard Zone Report for the Anaheim and Newport Beach 7.5-Minute Quadrangles, Orange County California, California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology Seismic Hazard Zone Report 003 Seed, H.B. and Idriss, I.M. [1982], 'Ground motions and Soil Liquefaction During ' Earthquakes, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Monograph. SCEC [1999], `Recommended Procedures for Implementation of DMG Special Publication ' 117 Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California, Southern California Earthquake Center, 63 p. CBC [2001], 'California Building Code, Volume 2 Structural Engineering Design Provisions' PLATE. `R' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT ' THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT a district formed pursuant to the Sanitary DISTRICT Act of 1923 (hereinafter referred to as 'DISTRICT"), and CONTRACTOR NAME (hereinafter referred to as 'CONTRACTOR"). RECITALS WHEREAS DISTRICT has taken appropriate proceedings to authorize construction ' of the public work and improvements herein provided and execution of this contract; and WHEREAS on Month, Day 2007 after notice duly given, DISTRICT awarded the ' contract for the construction of improvements hereinafter described to CONTRACTOR, which CONTRACTOR said DISTRICT found to be the lowest responsible bidder for construction of said improvements. The Parties hereto agree as follows: 1 Scope of the Work CONTRACTOR shall perform the work described briefly as follows: CMSD Project #168 Irvine Pumping Station Relocation and Rehabilitation ' The aforesaid improvements are further described in the 'Contract Documents hereinafter referred to 2. Contract Documents The complete contract consists of the following documents. ' This AGREEMENT Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals, the Accepted Bid the complete plans, profiles, detailed drawings and specifications, (which include the Standard e Specifications for Public Works Construction as modified by these Contract Documents), Faithful Performance Bond, Labor and Material Bond, Insurance Documents, and all addenda setting forth any modifications or interpretations of said documents The terms of this AGREEMENT shall prevail over all written specifications except as provided for in any Addendum' attached hereto All of the above named documents are intended to complement one another so that any work called for in one and not mentioned in the other or vice versa, is to be executed the same as if mentioned in all said documents. The documents comprising the complete contract will hereinafter be referred to as the 'Contract Documents' 3 Schedule All work shall be performed in accordance with the schedule approved by DISTRICT's Engineer and under his direction. ' 4 Equipment Performance of Work CONTRACTOR shall furnish all tools, equipment, apparatus, facilities, labor and materials necessary to perform and complete in a good and workmanlike manner the work of general construction as called for and in the manner designated in, and in strict conformity with the plans and specifications for said work which said specifications are entitled. The equipment, apparatus, facilities, labor and material shall be furnished and said work performed and completed as required in said plans and specifications to the ' satisfaction of and subject to the acceptance of the DISTRICT's Engineer or his designated assistant. 5 Contract Price The contract price shall be XXX Thousand XXX Hundred XXX dollars ($XXX,XXX.00) with adjustments up or down in accordance with bid unit prices as finally calculated by DISTRICT and CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR agrees that the DISTRICT shall have the right to increase or decrease the quantity of any bid item or portion of the work or to omit portions of the work as may be deemed necessary or expedient, and that the payment for incidental items of work, not separately provided in the ' proposal shall be considered included in the price bid for other various items of work. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Construction Agreement— 2 of 29 6 Time of Performance The time fixed for the commencement of such work is within 10 days after receiving notice to proceed and to complete said work within 35 working days from the first day of ' contract. ' 7 Time of the Essence Time is of the essence in this contract. ' 7a.Job Progress CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain a critical path analysis throughout the project. CONTRACTOR agrees to meet with DISTRICT's project manager or designee on a weekly or other periodic basis, or as requested by DISTRICT to review job progress. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide DISTRICT with critical job path analysis documentation ' whenever job progress is impacted so that the completion date may be affected or whenever delays or other impacts may give rise to CONTRACTOR's claim for additional days or additional damages. 8 Extension of Time If such work is not completed within such time, the DISTRICT Board or its designee ' shall have the right to increase the number of working days in the amount it may determine will best serve the interests of DISTRICT and if it desires to increase said number of ' working days, it shall have the further right to charge to CONTRACTOR and deduct from the final payment for the work the actual cost of engineering, construction review and other ' overhead expenses which are directly chargeable to CONTRACTOR and which accrue during the period of such extension except that the cost of the final service and ' preparation of the final estimates shall not be included in such charges; provided, however that no extension of time for the completion of such work shall ever be allowed unless, at ' least twenty (20) days prior to the time herein fixed for the completion thereof or the time fixed by the DISTRICT Board or its designee for such completion as extended, CONTRACTOR shall have filed application for extension thereof in writing with the DISTRICT Manager/Engineer addressed to the DISTRICT Board and its designee Said ' application shall be made pursuant to the requirements of Sections 20104 through CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Construction Agreement— 3 of 29 20104 8, Public Contracts Code. ' In this connection, it is understood that the DISTRICT Manager/Engineer shall not transmit any such request to the DISTRICT Board if not filed within the time herein ' prescribed 9 Liquidated Damages In the event CONTRACTOR, for any reason, shall have failed to perform the work ' herein specified within the time herein required and to the satisfaction of DISTRICT Engineer DISTRICT may in lieu of any other of its rights authorized in this AGREEMENT deduct from payments or credits due CONTRACTOR after such breach a sum equal to Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) as liquidated damages for each day beyond the date ' herein provided for the completion of such work. This sum is established pursuant to Section 53069.85 of the Government Code and is deemed by the parties hereto to be a reasonable amount. 10 Performance of Sureties In the event of any termination as herein above provided the DISTRICT shall immediately give written notice thereof to CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR's sureties, ' and the sureties shall have the right to take over and perform the AGREEMENT provided, however that if the sureties, within five (5) days after giving them said notice of ' termination, do not give DISTRICT written notice of their intention to take over the ' performance of the AGREEMENT and do not commence performance thereof within five (5) days after notice to the DISTRICT of such election, DISTRICT may take over the work ' and prosecute the same to completion, by contract or by any other method it may deem advisable for the account, and at the expense of CONTRACTOR and the sureties shall be ' liable to DISTRICT for any excess cost or damages occasioned DISTRICT thereby. and in such event, DISTRICT may without liability for so doing, take possession of and utilize in ' completing the work, such materials, appliances, plant and other property belonging to CONTRACTOR as may be on the site of the work and necessary therefor 11 Disputes Pertaining to Payment for Work Should any dispute arise respecting the true value of the work done of any work ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Construction Agreement—4 of 29 omitted of any extra work which CONTRACTOR may be required to do, or respecting the size of any payment to CONTRACTOR during the performance of this Contract, such dispute shall be decided pursuant to Section 20104 through 20104.8 Public Contracts ' Code as the same is now in force and as the same may be amended from time to time provided that the dollar amount of the dispute is within the statutory limits set forth therein. 12. Permits Compliance With Law CONTRACTOR shall, at CONTRACTOR's expense obtain all necessary permits and licenses for the construction of each improvement, give all necessary notices and pay all fees and taxes required by law 13 Superintendence by CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR shall give personal superintendence to the work on said ' improvement or have a competent foreman or superintendent satisfactory to the DISTRICT Engineer on the work at all times during progress with authority to act for him. 1 14 Observance by DISTRICT CONTRACTOR shall at all times maintain proper facilities and provide safe access for observation by DISTRICT to all parts of the work and to the shops wherein the work is in preparation. 15 Extra and/or Additional Work or Changes Should DISTRICT at any time during the progress of said work request any alteration, deviations, additions, or omissions from said specifications or plans or other contract documents, it shall be at liberty to do so, and the same shall in no way affect or make void the Contract, but will be added to, or deducted from the amount of said contract price, as the case may be as provided in paragraph 36 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Construction Agreement— 5 of 29 16 Observation and Testing Materials CONTRACTOR shall notify DISTRICT a sufficient time in advance of the manufacture or production of materials to be supplied by CONTRACTOR under this ' Contract in order that DISTRICT may arrange for mill or factory observation and testing of same. ' Any materials shipped by CONTRACTOR from factory prior to having satisfactorily passed such testing and observation by DISTRICT's representative shall not be used on said improvement unless CONTRACTOR is previously notified by DISTRICT that such testing and observation will not be required CONTRACTOR shall also furnish DISTRICT in triplicate, certified copies of all required factory and mill test reports. 17 Permits and Care of the Work ' CONTRACTOR has examined the site of the work and is familiar with its topography and condition, location of property lines, easements, building lines and other physical factors and limitations affecting the performance of this AGREEMENT CONTRACTOR, at CONTRACTOR's expense shall obtain any permission necessary for any operations conducted off the property owned or controlled by DISTRICT CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the proper care and protection of all materials delivered and the work performed until completion and final observation and acceptance. ' 18. Other Contracts DISTRICT may award other contracts for additional work and CONTRACTOR shall ' fully cooperate with such other contractors and carefully fit CONTRACTOR's own work to that provided under other contracts as may be directed by DISTRICT Manager/Engineer ' CONTRACTOR shall not commit or permit any act which will interfere with the performance of work by any other contractor 19 Payments to CONTRACTOR (A) On or before the 25th day of each and every month during the performance of the work, CONTRACTOR shall submit to DISTRICT Manager/Engineer an CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Construction Agreement— 6 of 29 itemized statement of quantities with unit prices of materials incorporated into ' the improvement during the preceding month and the portion of the contract sum applicable thereto On approval in writing of said statement by DISTRICT Manager/Engineer it shall be submitted to the DISTRICT Finance Department and then to the DISTRICT Board. It is understood and agreed ' between the parties that lead time for processing invoices for inclusion on the warrant list of the DISTRICT has been established by the DISTRICT Finance Office and that invoices for payment will be processed and paid in accordance with any established rules and regulations of said DISTRICT Finance Officer Payment shall be ninety-five percent (95%) of the amount invoiced, the remaining five percent (5%) to be subject to the provisions in Paragraph (B). The payment as provided for herein [except for the retention provided for in Paragraph (B)] shall be made the day following its approval by ' the DISTRICT Board at its next regular meeting following the submittal of the invoice to the Board by the DISTRICT Manager/Engineer (B) DISTRICT reserves the right to retain five percent (5%) of the contract price for a period of thirty-five (35) days after the filing of the notice of completion of the contract. CONTRACTOR shall have the following options pursuant to Section 22300 Public Contracts Code. (I) To substitute securities for any money retained by DISTRICT (ii) To require DISTRICT to pay into an escrow created at the expense of CONTRACTOR. The substitute securities provided for herein may be held pursuant to Section ' 22300 and any escrow agreement entered into between the parties shall be in the statutory form set forth in Section 22300 ' (C) The DISTRICT shall observe the provisions of Government Code Section 7107 with respect to final payment and disputes relating thereto. 1 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Construction Agreement— 7 of 29 1 20 Contract Security Concurrently with the execution hereof CONTRACTOR shall furnish (1) A surety bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price as security for the Faithful Performance of this Contract to be held for 1 year after the Notice of Completion is recorded; (2) A separate surety bond in an amount equal to at least one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price as security for payment of all persons ' performing labor and furnishing materials in connection with this Contract. The bonds required hereunder shall be provided by an admitted carrier DISTRICT ' reserves the right to object to said surety in accordance with the procedure set forth in Code of Civil Procedure Sections 995.650 et seq. Bonds shall be accompanied with an ' appropriate power of attorney authorizing the execution of the bond 1 21 Indemnification CONTRACTOR and DISTRICT agree that DISTRICT should, to the extent ' permitted by law be fully protected from any loss, injury damage claim, lawsuit, cost, expense attorneys fees, litigation costs, defense costs, court costs or any other cost ' arising out of or in any way related to the performance of this Agreement. Accordingly the provisions of this indemnity provision are intended by the parties to be interpreted and ' construed to provide the fullest protection possible under the law to the DISTRICT except for liability attributable to the DISTRICT's active negligence. CONTRACTOR ' acknowledges that DISTRICT would not enter into this Agreement in the absence of this commitment from CONTRACTOR to indemnify and protect DISTRICT as set forth here To the full extent permitted by law and excepting only the active negligence of DISTRICT established by a court of competent jurisdiction or written agreement between the parties, CONTRACTOR shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless DISTRICT its employees, agents and officials, from any liability claims suits, actions, arbitration proceedings, regulatory proceedings, losses expenses or costs of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, actual attorney fees incurred by DISTRICT court costs, interest, defense costs including expert witness fees and any other costs or expenses of any kind whatsoever without restriction or limitation incurred in relation to as a ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Construction Agreement— 8 of 29 consequence of or arising out of or in any way attributable actually allegedly or impliedly ' in whole or in part to the performance of the Agreement. All obligations under this provision are to be paid by CONTRACTOR as incurred by the DISTRICT Without affecting the rights of the DISTRICT under any provision of this Agreement or this Section, CONTRACTOR shall not be required to indemnify and hold harmless ' DISTRICT as set forth above for liability attributable to the active negligence of DISTRICT provided such active negligence is determined by agreement between the parties or the ' findings of a court of competent jurisdiction. This exception will only apply in instances where the DISTRICT is shown to have been actively negligent and not in instances where ' CONTRACTOR is solely or partially at fault or in instances where DISTRICTs active negligence accounts for only a percentage of the liability involved. In those instances, the ' obligation of CONTRACTOR will be for that portion or percentage of liability not attributable to the active negligence of DISTRICT as determined by written agreement between the parties or the findings of a court of competent jurisdiction. The obligations on CONTRACTOR under this or any other provision of this ' Agreement will not be limited by the provisions of any workers' compensation act or similar act. CONTRACTOR expressly waives its statutory immunity under such statutes or laws ' as to DISTRICT its employees and officials. CONTRACTOR agrees to obtain executed indemnity agreements with provisions identical to those set forth here in this section from each and every sub contractor subtier contractor or any other person or entity involved by for with or on behalf of CONTRACTOR in the performance or subject matter of this Agreement. In the event CONTRACTOR fails to obtain such indemnity obligations form others as required here, CONTRACTOR agrees to be fully responsible according to the terms of this section. Failure of DISTRICT to monitor compliance with these requirements imposes no ' additional obligations on DISTRICT and will in no way act as a waiver of any rights hereunder This obligation to indemnify and defend DISTRICT as set forth herein is binding on the successors, assigns, or heirs of CONTRACTOR and shall survive the termination of this Agreement or this section. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Construction Agreement—9 of 29 ' 22 Insurance CONTRACTOR agrees to provide insurance in accordance with the requirements set forth herein. If CONTRACTOR uses existing coverage to comply with these ' requirements and that coverage does not meet the requirements set forth herein, CONTRACTOR agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing coverage to do so ' The following coverages will be provided by CONTRACTOR and maintained on behalf of the DISTRICT and in accordance with the requirements set forth herein. Commercial General Liability/Umbrella Insurance. Primary insurance shall be provided on ISO-CGL form No CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. Total limits shall be no less than five (5) million dollars per occurrence for all coverages. DISTRICT and its employees and agents shall be added as additional insureds using ISO additional insured endorsement ' form CG 20 10 11 85 On no event will DISTRICT accept an endorsement form with an edition date later than 1990). Coverage shall apply on a primary non-contributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self-insurance, primary or excess, available to DISTRICT or any employee or agent of DISTRICT Coverage shall not be limited to the vicarious liability or supervisory role of any additional insured. Umbrella Liability Insurance (over primary) shall apply to bodily injury/property damage personal injury/advertising injury at a minimum, and shall include a 'drop down provision providing primary coverage above a maximum $25 000.00 self-insured retention for liability not covered by primary policies but ' covered by the umbrella policy Coverage shall be following form to any underlying coverage Coverage shall be provided on a 'pay on behalf' basis, with defense costs ' payable in addition to policy limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion. Policies shall have concurrent starting and ending dates. ' Business Auto/Umbrella Liability Insurance Primary coverage shall be written on 'so Business Auto coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 including symbol 1 (Any Auto). Limits ' shall be no less than five (5) million dollars per accident. Starting and ending dates shall be concurrent. If CONTRACTOR owns no autos, a non-owned auto endorsement to the General liability policy described above is acceptable Workers' Compensation/Employers' Liability shall be written on a policy form providing workers' compensation statuary benefits as required by law Employers liability limits shall be no less than one (1) million dollars per accident or disease Employers' ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Construction Agreement— 10 of 29 1 liability coverage shall be scheduled under any umbrella policy described above Unless otherwise agreed, this policy shall be endorsed to waive any right of subrogation as respects the DISTRICT its employees or agents. CONTRACTOR and DISTRICT further agree as follows: ' 1 This Section supersedes all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this ' Section. 2. Nothing contained in this Section is to be construed as affecting or altering the legal status of the parties to this Agreement. The insurance requirements set forth in this Section are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this Agreement and shall be interpreted as such. 3 All insurance coverage and limits provided pursuant to this agreement shall apply to the full extent of the policies involved, available or applicable. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the DISTRICT or its operations limits ' the application of such insurance coverage 4 Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this Section are not intended as a limitation on coverage, limits or other requirements, or a waiver of any coverage normally provided by insurance. Specific reference to a given coverage ' feature is for purposes of clarification only and is not intended by any party to be all inclusive, or to the exclusion of other coverage, or a waiver of any type 5 For purposes of insurance coverage only this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be ' deemed to be in furtherance of or towards, performance of this Agreement. 6 All general or auto liability insurance coverage provided pursuant to this Agreement, or any other agreements pertaining to the performance of this Agreement, shall not prohibit CONTRACTOR, and CONTRACTOR's employees, or agents, from ' waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. CONTRACTOR hereby waives all rights of subrogation against DISTRICT 7 Unless otherwise approved by DISTRICT CONTRACTOR's insurance shall be written by insurers authorized to do business in the State of California and with a minimum ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Construction Agreement— 11 of 29 'Bests' Insurance Guide rating of A.VII' Self-insurance will not be considered to comply ' with these insurance specifications. 8. In the event any policy of insurance required under this Agreement does not ' comply with these requirements or is canceled and not replaced DISTRICT has the right but not the duty to obtain the insurance it deems necessary and any premium paid by district will be promptly reimbursed by CONTRACTOR. 9 CONTRACTOR agrees to provide notarized evidence of the insurance required herein satisfactory to district, consisting of certificate(s) of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to CONTRACTOR's general liability and umbrella liability policies (if any) using ISO form CG 20 10 11 85 Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide thirty (30) days notice of any cancellation of ' coverage. CONTRACTOR agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates of any cancellation of coverage. CONTRACTOR agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation and to delete the word 'endeavor' with regard to any notice provisions. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide complete copies of policies to DISTRICT upon request. 10 CONTRACTOR shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other ' policies providing at least the same coverages. 11 Any actual or alleged failure on the part of the DISTRICT or any additional insured under these requirements to obtain proof of insurance required under this Agreement in no way waives any right or remedy of DISTRICT or any additional insured in this or any other regard 12. CONTRACTOR agrees to require all subcontractors or other parties hired for ' this project to provide general liability insurance naming as additional insureds all parties to this Agreement. CONTRACTOR agrees to obtain certificates evidencing such coverage ' and make reasonable efforts to ensure that such coverage is provided as required here CONTRACTOR agrees to require that no contract used by any subcontractor or contracts ' CONTRACTOR enters into on behalf of DISTRICT will reserve the right to charge back to DISTRICT the cost of insurance required by this Agreement. CONTRACTOR agrees that ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Construction Agreement— 12 of 29 upon request, all agreements with subcontractors or others with whom CONTRACTOR contracts with on behalf of DISTRICT will be submitted to DISTRICT for review Failure of DISTRICT to request copies of such agreement will not impose any liability on DISTRICT ' or its employees. 13 If CONTRACTOR is a Limited Liability Company general liability coverage must be amended so that the Limited Liability Company and its managers, affiliates, employees, agents, and other persons necessary or incidental to its operation are insureds. 14 CONTRACTOR agrees to provide immediate notice to DISTRICT of any claim or loss against CONTRACTOR that includes DISTRICT as a defendant. DISTRICT assumes no obligation or liability for such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to ' monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve the DISTRICT ' 23. Legal Work Day Penalties for Violation Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work. CONTRACTOR shall not require more than eight (8) hours labor in a day from any person employed by CONTRACTOR in the performance of such work. CONTRACTOR shall forfeit as a ' penalty to DISTRICT the sum of Twenty Five ($25.00) Dollars for each laborer workman or mechanic employed in the execution of this Contract by CONTRACTOR, or by any ' subcontractor for each calendar day during which such laborer workman or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours per day in violation of the ' provisions of Section 1815 of the Labor Code of the State of California. t24 Prevailing Wage Scale The minimum compensation to be paid for labor upon all work performed under this ' Contract shall be the general prevailing wage scale established by the Department of Industrial Safety for the State of California and as adopted by DISTRICT CONTRACTOR shall forfeit the sum of$50 00 per day to DISTRICT for each day prevailing wages are not paid in accordance with Labor Code Section 1775. ' CONTRACTOR shall comply in all respects with Title 40 U S C Section 276a, also known as 'The Davis-Bacon Act' where federal funds are involved and CONTRACTOR ' shall also comply in all respects with California Labor Code Sections 1770 et seq. if CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Construction Agreement— 13 of 29 ' applicable. If CONTRACTOR is engaged in the construction prosecution, completion or repair of any public building or public work, or building or work financed in whole or in part by ' loans or grants from the United States, CONTRACTOR shall furnish each week to the DISTRICT Finance Officer a statement with respect to the wages paid each of its employees during the preceding weekly payroll period. ' 24a. Payroll Records The CONTRACTOR and all Subcontractors shall keep accurate payroll records on ' the job site in accordance with Labor Code Section 1776 and make those records available for inspection at all reasonable times. 25. Emergency Additional Time for Performance Procurement of Materials If because of war or other declared national emergency the Federal or State government restricts, regulates or controls the procurement and allocation of labor or materials, or both, and if solely because of said restrictions, regulations or controls, CONTRACTOR is, through no fault of CONTRACTOR, unable to perform this ' AGREEMENT or the work is thereby suspended or delayed, any of the following steps may be taken. A. DISTRICT may pursuant to resolution of the Board grant CONTRACTOR additional time for the performance of this AGREEMENT sufficient to compensate in time for said delay or suspension. To qualify for such extension of time CONTRACTOR, within three (3) days of CONTRACTOR's discovering such inability to perform, shall notify DISTRICT Manager/Engineer in writing thereof and give specific reasons therefor ' DISTRICT Manager/Engineer shall thereupon have sixty (60) days within which to procure such needed materials or labor as it is specified in this ' AGREEMENT or permit substitution or provide for changes in the work in accordance with other provisions of this AGREEMENT Substituted materials, or changes in the work, or both, shall be ordered in writing by DISTRICT Manager/Engineer and the concurrence of the DISTRICT Board ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Construction Agreement— 14 of 29 1 shall not be necessary All reasonable expenses of such procurement incurred by the DISTRICT Manager/Engineer shall be defrayed by CONTRACTOR; or ' B If such necessary materials or labor cannot be procured through legitimate tchannels within sixty (60) days after the filing of the aforesaid notice either party may upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other terminate this AGREEMENT In such event, CONTRACTOR shall be compensated for all work executed upon a unit basis in proportion to the amount of the work completed, or upon a cost plus ten percent (10%) basis, whichever is the lesser Materials on the ground, in process of fabrication or en route upon the date of notice of termination specially ordered for the project and which cannot be utilized by CONTRACTOR, shall be compensated for by DISTRICT at a cost, including freight, provided that CONTRACTOR shall take all steps possible to minimize this obligation; or ' C DISTRICT Board, by resolution, may suspend this AGREEMENT until the cause of inability to perform is removed but for a period of not to exceed ninety (90) days. If this AGREEMENT is not canceled and the inability of CONTRACTOR to perform continues, without fault on CONTRACTOR's part, beyond the time during which the AGREEMENT may have been suspended, as hereinabove provided, DISTRICT Board may further suspend this AGREEMENT or either party hereto may without incurring any liability elect to declare this AGREEMENT terminated upon the ground of impossibility of performance. In the event DISTRICT declares this AGREEMENT terminated, such declaration shall be authorized by the DISTRICT Board, by ' resolution, and CONTRACTOR shall be notified in writing thereof within five (5) days after the adoption of such resolution Upon such termination, CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to proportionate compensation at the agreement rate for such portion of the AGREEMENT as may have been ' performed; or D DISTRICT may terminate this AGREEMENT without cause, in which case ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Construction Agreement— 15 of 29 CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to proportionate compensation at the agreement rate for such portion of the AGREEMENT as may have been performed. Such termination shall be authorized by resolution of the ' DISTRICT Board. Notice thereof shall be forthwith given in writing to CONTRACTOR and this AGREEMENT shall be terminated upon receipt by CONTRACTOR of such notice. 26 Provisions Cumulative The provisions of this AGREEMENT are cumulative and in addition to and not in limitation of any other rights or remedies available to DISTRICT ' 27 Notices It shall be the duty and responsibility of CONTRACTOR to notify subcontractors and materialmen of the following special notice provision; namely all notices of intention to lien or stop notices shall be either personally delivered or transmitted by certified mail, but in 1 either event said notices shall be directed to the DISTRICT All notices shall be in writing and delivered in person or transmitted by certified mail, postage prepaid. Notices required to be given to DISTRICT shall be addressed as follows; ' COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT 628 W 19th Street ' Costa Mesa, California 92627 Notices required to be given to CONTRACTOR shall be addressed as follows. Contractor Name Street Address City State ZIP Notices required to be given to CONTRACTOR's sureties shall be addressed as follows. ' Company Name Street Address ' 28. Subcontracting City State ZIP CONTRACTOR acknowledges that he is aware of the provision of the 'Subletting CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Construction Agreement— 16 of 29 and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act' and that he agrees to comply with all applicable provisions thereof If any part of the work to be done under this Contract is subcontracted the subcontract shall be in writing and shall provide that all work to be ' performed thereunder shall be performed in accordance with this Contract. Upon request, ' certified copies of any or all subcontracts shall be furnished the DISTRICT The subcontracting of any or all of the work to be done will in no way relieve the CONTRACTOR of any part of his responsibility under the Contract. ' Breach of any of the above provisions will be considered a violation of the Contract, ' and the DISTRICT may cancel the Contract, assess the CONTRACTOR a penalty of not more than 10 percent (10%) of the subcontract involved, or cancel the Contract and assess the penalty ' All persons engaged in the work, including subcontractors, will be considered employees of the CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR will be held responsible for their work. The DISTRICT will deal directly with and make all payments to the CONTRACTOR. 29 CONTRACTOR's Affidavit After the completion of the work contemplated by this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall file with the DISTRICT's Manager/Engineer his affidavit stating that all workmen and persons employed and all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors upon the project have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the project for either labor or material except certain items, if any to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims, or items in connections with Notice to Withhold which have been filed under the provisions of the statutes of the State of California. CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Construction Agreement— 17 of 29 30 CONTRACTOR's Waiver 1 The acceptance of CONTRACTOR of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims against DISTRICT under or arising out of the Contract unless the disputed ' amounts are specifically set forth in the affidavit and release. I 31 Notice to Proceed No work, services, material or equipment shall be performed or furnished under this ' Contract unless and until a notice to proceed has been given to the CONTRACTOR by ' DISTRICT's Manager/Engineer and all bonds and certificates of insurance required pursuant hereto have been furnished to and approved by DISTRICT ' 32. Utility Location DISTRICT acknowledges its responsibilities with respect to the location of utility ' facilities pursuant to California Government Code Section 4215 33 Discrimination ' CONTRACTOR represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race creed, religion, national origin, color sex, age, or disability 34 Governing Law This Contract and any dispute arising hereunder shall be governed by the law of the State of California. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Construction Agreement — 18 of 29 ' 35 Integration The parties agree that this document represents their entire agreement and that this AGREEMENT may not be subsequently modified unless said modification is made in ' writing and is signed by both parties. ' 36. Changes DISTRICT may by written change notice, make changes in the work, changes in or ' addition to the specification, require additional work or services or direct the omission of work or services covered by this AGREEMENT If any such change or requirement causes any increase or decrease in the CONTRACTOR's cost of performance of this AGREEMENT an equitable adjustment shall be made and the AGREEMENT modified in writing accordingly No claim by CONTRACTOR for adjustment under this paragraph shall be valid unless asserted in writing by CONTRACTOR within thirty (30) days from the date ' of receipt of said written change notice signed by the DISTRICT's Manager/Engineer or ' the President and Secretary of the Board of Directors, as appropriate. CONTRACTOR shall make no additions, changes, alterations or omissions except upon the written change ' notice of the DISTRICT Manager/Engineer given before the work is to be done or before tservices are rendered. The DISTRICT Manager/Engineer shall only have authority to order changes when the work is of a value less than 2% of the contract amount or TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000 00) whichever is greater All other changes must be approved by the Board of Directors. A. Extra Work Damages. Should CONTRACTOR encounter extra work due to the discovery of unforeseen conditions that CONTRACTOR should not have anticipated based in its own independent investigation or due to changes in ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Construction Agreement— 19 of 29 the project made by DISTRICT CONTRACTOR shall immediately bring such condition to the attention of the DISTRICT's Manager/ Engineer and shall submit a Request for Change Order within thirty (30) days in the form set ' forth in the contract documents. All such requests for extra compensation ' shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors unless within the ' authority of the DISTRICT Manager/Engineer B. Limitation of Damages. CONTRACTOR shall be limited in the damages ' that it may recover under this contract. CONTRACTOR shall be limited to ' extra days for delay time and any direct costs related thereto and to the direct costs of completing extra work. 'Direct Costs' shall be those items ' defined in Section 3-3.2.2 Basis for Establishing Costs, Standard ' Specifications for Public Works Construction, 1997 edition. Excluded from direct costs shall be mark ups on materials, equipment rentals or other items ' or expenditures, so-called 'Eichleay damages' including but not limited to, home office overhead, lost bonding capacity lost profits, and lost interest. ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Construction Agreement — 20 of 29 37 Independent CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees that he is an independent CONTRACTOR who has been retained for the results of his work and not for the means by ' which it is accomplished It is specifically agreed that the DISTRICT does not have the ' right of control over the mode of doing the work contracted for and that neither the ' CONTRACTOR, his employees, nor his consulting Engineers are employees of the DISTRICT ' 38 Remedies The remedies provided DISTRICT herein shall be cumulative, and in addition to any ' other remedies provided by law or equity A waiver of a breach of any provision hereof shall not constitute a waiver of any other breach. ' 39 Books and Records CONTRACTOR's books, records and its plants or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Contract, shall at all reasonable times be subject to ' observation and audit by any authorized representative of DISTRICT 40 Notice to DISTRICT of Labor Disputes Whenever CONTRACTOR has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute ' is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall immediately give notice thereof including all relevant information with respect thereto, to DISTRICT ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Construction Agreement—21 of 29 1 41 As Built Drawings ' CONTRACTOR shall provide DISTRICT's Engineer with drawings of the Construction in its as built' condition. ' 42. Days and Hours of Work ' Should the CONTRACTOR desire to perform construction work on Saturday Sunday or on any day observed as a holiday by DISTRICT or prior to 8:00 a.m. or after ' 5:00 p.m. of any day he must submit his written request to DISTRICT's Manager/Engineer ' at least 24 hours prior to the proposed start of such work. No such work shall be commenced without the prior approval of the DISTRICT's Manager/Engineer The DISTRICT observes those holidays specified by Government Code Section 6700 ' The foregoing shall not apply in the case of an emergency necessitating immediate work. 1 ' 43 CONTRACTOR's Independent Investigation No plea of ignorance of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist, or of ' conditions or difficulties that may be encountered in the execution of the work under this ' Contract, as a result of failure to make the necessary independent examinations and investigations, and no plea of reliance on initial investigations or reports prepared by DISTRICT for purpose of letting this Contract out to bid will be accepted as an excuse for ' any failure or omission on the part of the CONTRACTOR to fulfill in every detail all requirements of said Contract, specifications, and plans. Nor will such reasons be ' accepted as a basis for any claims whatsoever for extra compensation or for an extension ' of time. In accordance with Public Contracts Code Section 7105, CONTRACTOR shall not CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Construction Agreement— 22 of 29 be liable for Acts of God 44 Interpretation ' In the event of any conflict, inconsistency or incongruity between the provision of this Contract and the provisions of Paragraph 2 hereof or amendments thereto, the provisions of this Contract shall control in all respects. ' 45. Attorney's Fees ' If any action at law or in equity is necessary to enforce or interpret the terms of this AGREEMENT the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, costs and necessary disbursements in addition to any other relief to which he may be entitled If ' any action is brought against the CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor to enforce a Stop Notice or Notice to Withhold, which names the DISTRICT as a party to said action, DISTRICT shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, costs and necessary disbursements. ' 46. Additional Costs ' CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to reimburse the DISTRICT a sum equal to the expenses of administration and legal services required to be expended by the DISTRICT ' in processing Notices to Withhold Stop Notices, or similar legal documents arising out of a ' failure of the CONTRACTOR to pay for labor or materials. Said obligation shall be provided for in the payment bond required by the CONTRACTOR. The DISTRICT shall further have the right to offset any such costs and expenses incurred by DISTRICT against ' any sums owing to CONTRACTOR under the AGREEMENT ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Construction Agreement — 23 of 29 47 Assignment No assignment by the CONTRACTOR of this Contract or any part hereof or of ' funds to be received hereunder will be recognized by the DISTRICT unless such ' assignment has had prior written approval and consent of the DISTRICT and the surety 48. Safety and Site Condition ' CONTRACTOR shall perform all operations with due regard for safety and in strict ' compliance with all applicable laws relating thereto It shall be CONTRACTOR's responsibility to keep the site in a clean, neat and orderly condition. It shall also be ' CONTRACTOR's duty to dust-palliate all working areas and access routes, if applicable. All operations shall be conducted by CONTRACTOR so that no fire hazards are created. 1 49 Observation ' Services shall be furnished by the DISTRICT on an eight (8) hour day and forty (40) hour week basis. Any additional observation that is required in excess of the foregoing ' shall be paid for by the CONTRACTOR at special hourly rates to be determined by ' DISTRICT 50 Workmanship and Materials ' Unless otherwise specifically provided for in the specifications, all workmanship equipment, materials and articles incorporated in the work covered by this Contract are to be new and of the most suitable grade of their respective kinds for the purpose intended. Where equipment, materials or articles are referred to in the specification as 'equal to any ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Construction Agreement— 24 of 29 particular standard, DISTRICT shall decide the question of equality In the manner and to the extent required by the specifications, CONTRACTOR shall furnish DISTRICT for approval full information concerning the equipment, materials or articles which he contemplates incorporating in the work. Samples of material shall be submitted for ' approval when required for specification In addition to furnishing a list of subcontractors, ' and prior to commencing the work covered by this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall furnish DISTRICT a list of the equipment, materials, or articles CONTRACTOR proposes to use in the performance of this Contract. Substitutions of equipment, materials or articles shall not be done unless approved by the DISTRICT's Manager/Engineer ' 51 Warranty ' Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties, CONTRACTOR warrants that the work shall be performed in the best and most workmanlike manner by qualified careful and efficient workers, in strict conformity with the best standard practices; shall be free from defect in workmanship and material. and shall conform with all provisions of this Contract, including, but not limited to, all specifications included in this Contract. The provisions of this warranty together with any applicable warranties and guarantees of CONTRACTOR's subcontractors and suppliers shall survive observation test and acceptance of any payment for the work performed hereunder and shall run to the DISTRICT its successors and assigns. Except for latent defects, fraud or such gross mistakes of CONTRACTOR as amount to fraud, notice of any defect or non-conformity may be given by DISTRICT to CONTRACTOR at any time prior to the expiration of ONE YEAR after the recording of the Notice of Completion by DISTRICT of such work. CONTRACTOR shall promptly perform all work required to correct such defects or non- ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Construction Agreement—25 of 29 i conformities by replacement or repair as DISTRICT may direct, all at CONTRACTOR's sole cost and expense All defective or non-conforming material which DISTRICT requires to be replaced shall be removed promptly from the site of the work by CONTRACTOR at ' its sole expense. If CONTRACTOR fails promptly to correct any non-conformity DISTRICT may do so and charge the cost thereof to CONTRACTOR. Work required to be corrected or replaced shall be subject to the provisions of this paragraph in the same manner and to the same extent as when such work was initially presented for final acceptance. ' DISTRICT's right to require CONTRACTOR to repair or replace any defective or non- tconforming work shall be in addition to any other rights DISTRICT may have for breach of warranty and shall not be considered as an exclusive remedy If the DISTRICT prefers to accept defective or non-conforming work, it may do so instead of requiring its removal or ' correction, in which case a Change Order will be issued to reflect a reduction in the Contract Sum where appropriate and equitable. Such adjustment shall be effected 1 whether or not final payment had been made. 1 52. Regional Notification Centers ' CONTRACTOR agrees to contact the appropriate regional notification center in accordance with Government Code Section 4216 before commencing any excavation. 1 53 Trench Protection CONTRACTOR shall submit its detailed plan for worker protection during the excavation of trenches required by the scope of the work in accordance with Labor Code 1 Section 6705 1 ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Construction Agreement—26 of 29 54 Trenching Conditions ' If this contract involves digging trenches or other excavations that extend deeper than four feet below the surface, CONTRACTOR shall promptly and before the following ' conditions are disturbed, notify the DISTRICT in writing, of any ' (A) Material that the CONTRACTOR believes may be material that is hazardous ' waste as defined in Section 25117 of the Health and Safety Code, that is required to be removed to a Class I or Class II disposal site in accordance with provisions of existing law ' (B) Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing from those ' indicated (C) Unknown physical conditions at the site of any unusual nature, different ' materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as ' inherent in work of the character provided for in the contract. (D) The DISTRICT shall promptly investigate the conditions, and if it finds that ' the conditions do materially so differ or do involve hazardous waste, and ' cause a decrease or increase in the CONTRACTOR's cost of or the time required for performance of any part of the work shall issue a change order ' the procedures described in the contract. ' (E) In the event that a dispute arises between the DISTRICT and the CONTRACTOR whether the conditions materially differ or involve hazardous waste, or cause a decrease or increase in the CONTRACTOR's cost of or ' time required for performance of an part of the work, the CONTRACTOR shall not be excused from any scheduled completion date provided for by the contract, but shall proceed with all work to be performed under the contract. The CONTRACTOR shall retain any and all rights provided either by contract ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Construction Agreement— 27 of 29 or by law which pertain to the resolution of disputes and protests between the contracting parties. 55. Assignment of Clayton Act and Cartwright Act Claims In entering into a public works contract or a subcontract to supply goods, services, ' or materials pursuant to a public works contract, the contractor of subcontractor offers and agrees to assign to the awarding body all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U S.C. Sec. 15) or under the ' Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arising from purchases of goods, services, or materials pursuant to the public works contract or the subcontract. This assignment shall be made ' and become effective at the time the awarding body tenders final payment to the CONTRACTOR, without further acknowledgement by the parties. t I ' CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No. 168 Construction Agreement—28 of 29 i Dated this day of 2007 COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT 1 By President i BY Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 BY General Counsel APPROVED AS TO CONTENT By Manager/District Engineer 1 CONTRACTOR 1 Contractor 1 By_ 1 Its: (MUST BE NOTARIZED) 1 1 1 1 1 CMSD Irvine Pumping Station Project No 168 Construction Agreement— 29 of 29