Project 182 -Proposal - Hamers, Robin - 2009-03-09 ROBIN B. HAMERS & ASSOC•, INC. 234 E. 17TH ST SUITE 205
y" since 1981 Phone 949/548-1192
Fax 949/548-6516
March 10. 2009
Costa Mesa Sanitary District
628 W 19th Street
Cost Mesa, CA 92627
RE. Proposal to Begin Project
Project #182 —Analysis of CCTV Results
Dear Board Members:
The televising of CMSD sewer lines under the OCSD Cooperative Projects Program is scheduled to be
completed by July 2009 at which time the results will be formulated into a long range repair plan. The
repair plan will be the foundation for insuring the sewer system reaches its maximum life expectancy
Attached is the project description as included in the 2006-2007 Capital Improvement Program.
The expected work under the repair plan includes joint reworking, stabilizing sections of pipe that have
cracks, reducing inflow and infiltration (I/I), and manhole rehabilitation. Being able to view the pipeline
problems on a computer screen will allow for effective repair work. Should time exist in the project, a list
of residences with roots protruding from their lateral will be formulated and the residents notified.
The project budget includes approximately $15,000 for the purchase of additional hardware and software
to manage the large data base. The data consists of 229 miles of District main lines and will exist on the
computer system of the headquarters building and the computer system at the Manager/District
Engineer s office. Viewing the video and preparation of the report will occur at the Manager/District
Engineers office.
Therefore, it is proposed to complete the project at the standard hourly rate as shown below
Engineer$85 00/hr Not to Exceed $125 000 (less any
hardware or software purchased by
the CMSD)
Registered Civil Engineer
RCE 31720
• Proeect#182 Analysis of CCTV Results $125,000
As of June 2007 the District-wide closed circuit televising (CCTV) project is 50%
complete with an expected completion date of June 2008. The CCTV project is
being completed under the Orange County Sanitation District's (OCSD)
Cooperative Projects Program and OCSD is funding 50% of the televising.
OCSD's goat is to identify sources and decrease the volume of inflow and
infiltration (I/I) at the treatment plants. The televising was originally scheduled for
completion in November 2006 but was extended with the approval of OCSD due
to finding significant amounts of debris in the system.
Inflow is surface water that finds its way into the sewer system through manhole
covers or illegal storm drain connections and infiltration is water that enters the
system underground through misaligned joints and cracks in the line. OCSD's
flow doubles from 240 million gallons per day (MGD) to 480 MGD during
significant storm events.
All 1.2 million feet of the CMSD sewer mains are being televised by National
Plant Services (NPS) and graded using the NAASCO PACP grading system.
This project proposes to analyze the results and formulate a rehabilitation
program. The grading system places a 5 on sewer lines that are in need of
• immediate repair and a 4 on lines that much be watched closely The analysis
may also include identifying sewer lateral connections to the main line that have
root masses and then notifying the corresponding property owner
The analysis of CCTV Results will begin with comparing all the 5 scores and then
ranking them for the forthcoming repair program. A yearly rehabilitation project is
included in the 5-year CIP beginning with the 2008-2009 fiscal year
Included in the proposed appropriation is the purchase of the specialized
software Wincam and extra hard drive space that is needed to manage the data
in the approximate amount of$15 000 The project is expected to last at least six
months and cannot be completed until after all the lines have been televised.
Proposed appropriation $125 000