Contract - CR&R - 2011-12-15 _AttachmentiA •0112501ViENRIViENtl'0a4GROEMEisp? BentucEN,tospyryisA setNErAFrotkircttarip 5.:18,,roNtotippater.p?, Firit:somitryAgrc ANI) RECie.ING SERVICFri FIRST• AMEillthylEhlittjto Agreement; betWeerr the 'Costa Mesa rsanliani. bIsitiet ,and :Clk&ii ilnedibtatedICREARKfor,collectiriresigential‘stilidiWaste;CIAGREEMENT:11s m ade'end',entered'ifit'ol.his .157b.iciiit•of Cipsta Mesa SanItary Diktriei,,hereiiiefter ;reférredtôá&DlSTRICT 4iiitcRetti 'hereinafter referredt6 as Cof■ITRACTOft. WITNESSETHi OnOUtsj 20; ibeirthe,Mgt RleT lad&CO(fiAtTeiik; entered,intiaJAGREEMENT'tfor. #11eatirig•reSidentialSOlidW4te:LwittiORISIIIICTiservide l'O'bocindaileS;:ind. WAOEM; the bisf filed 654-616.iiiieriiihelerviais'Firovided ti■ItaisifflAtfOrtcarid:aMelid Ilie,eliargg for coarftakiieN and WHERW,itioloiNtiiAttbRihas agreed IO.the athencirieltii:s Oroviciect ?eiriafter•and ',WHEREAS' 113 this First •Amengment ancl'05i4TRACt OR' h bramend the Rtreemetit,as provided;he reinbtter 't104V,`THEREfOfif.,the:Agreetnent is amended of;thttiatel hereof as follows riiteiAgreeinehi'ls-:•hereby,litiencled:tiVIOding,'SeeticinA.E.;',Ici•Said•P;gfeernent to read follOWS: ■ii&te-f-ttriat,caniiirt ancl/§r Om:Ai/001)V AI :accommodated;withirrEtra sh:containerriticrudingcspacifieally:furniture Aincluding chairs;sofas; ' t" • •••2-,fa!‘zi" - - Mattrelset, rant, rugs), alçanEeg (ielogingr;refrigereiters; rangek;wisheis, rdrVers; `vialer, heaters, arippirccesjnitiith'0,stintlatlitenicoriimiVil* ilmowmas, good?.s), yard debris, greermastp:•ape.small.weces:of..wood limited to one ,cubic yai'd Ot:contained Material;;serap MfaI iijélüdlhë but,dot,Ignited Ai) :itairileSs:rsteel-and COririeet and elo:tfririt., it'd*.00 not include ;Cif bodies, tires, tOristritction ancidernoliticinidebris or'item's regOiring rnoreihan•tvio,persons tolennoVe: Othei. litenis not<speeilicellje.included',or..eieludelPa imve will 1.4e•collecied=proVided That:the y,o re not.. more than eight feetiñ•length, "fOurifeetin width, or:mere•than 150 pourids, In the event[a • question t ever arises as to whether;a1SOecifieltenri:151-categOry•cif items meets.the•definition of 1• 11.äg 'iiéitfs, tge-,bltrRiti Shall.be ileierfnine 4rMiChleterrninationriball be flnaJ arid iiirli.111 011,01,Partiegf. $Ctibh.1.1..C.'bf.the Aireiment.11'h"efeby arharidedil.deletiiig this section TO'hi entirely replacingit with:the fol101king; C 'Ctirifaiftei7Charies. A,cóhtairièF containers (three 117/1";mOte) appirata'Of$ii-pr:contaircer:tcnmorttit; or thefoariiesifnay,tater. -airee; said "Charger:include...S:the cost,,EoffeCliOn, and deliCreijr.Of.the"Coritaiheri. CONTRACTOR $47- ` • ' " • • " 'deft- • s' -trth-,tbi■itiiKetbit ill not charge delivery,fee for !Jona con_ainers‘nor AvL ic orge a deItveryfee ta existing and/or new customers=Aifat:are',irequestineinS-a and/or replacement :co nt5iners. CONTRACTOR wiircomply witti'DISTRIciffS aperations dide,Sectio-n7;01:04. Biilingjfor;additionalfcck-nthifiefs shall be by,cONTRAçTOR4or an independent bonded billing serviee,:aa:6 -ftict-mayf dfreCt tOpifRACTSITsdantitlecileofourieerr percent (14%) 6f, •iiOrioney.ctiliectecnfttrithe addition-it container..Wait: kightVaixItietceht (86%):0f the'reilaripekgeriefateti'frOiti'ttiafaciditionalitiOritainei-Criaitatalici: ;said,revenuesrwili be used ar,iite,lil§TRIOstdiscretIOn. ptiorrto the end of2pacty'fiscalf.yeat thrtiu-gtibut d'acdpitAAtToWshaii.reviev■;:imigilbdtfiliii the status i Of the:additiciriall:tontainei-,,Charge.Potigrain. This ital'lirnIted,i0ftejollowing: •reCtehile•S..geheMied Jan& iffitritioteci' ;betWeeri ,paitiet telitivé. 'to. iStablishirigiaLtelatOilliatifikaiitittie Stated goactificharaingoti average rile for customers•Abay.a mcitarged.witiiin'inecoonty; • i'coNritticiitFficosts Of gdifit iniete/ing and opapting,the!FirOgrtirn;and • bisiOnier:OVeAli set:tioii:i rides entirely' sr ;and replacing it With thO1011Oiwirlig: :O. Lai-l&Item Pickup CONTRACTOR Ishall proVidejOnce'lltern Pitkowser■rice;Carall: iDASTRICriesidetitialjcustomersrisUpieribleigLty,service: EaCht custOrtier-Sball; tie; entitled to Larigtiliefrr pickups pep calendarryeari at no additional charge .0 istomers ,riliayput out up to tenj10).taree Items at each eivorktipt. coNTA:Acrort.nia-viiisiru'ct.custolifeArsio. PC9vilt CONTRACTOR with 9P! ?1§!.^9s 'C9i; '9_9 tict fg r.th-.• 11.„1m Wiictr.shP!!be• ' collectectonAtie,customer'S,reguiar collection'day• eif*inkoktiR.shail.coliSct all targe.liems as 'defined ihSetiàii;4.E Tb olloWingaviSieihi Shalfrapphi to tit _. * Single item that Cannot tie handled by two Workers Will be a&epted. The foHówiñgitëili ncit'be picked asPhalt, Car bodies, chernioli, 'hazardouswaste,concretei oil drums,paint cans, building materials or soil, II- the .DISTiiICT shall-receive an,atintial Paimeni Goth ebiNTRACTOR for the .remainder of the ter*of this Agreement and any extensions of said Agreement thereafter forthe average salvage.Yalue formetallic and'white goods collected 'in the summers of 2 2010(59,537)." 4: *Theterni of this First Amendment shall beep-me effective upon its adOotiOn. 5: Except specifiCally amended by thteiiidOf thiS First Arnindmehirall provisions of 'the ORIGINAL AGTEE'MENT Shall infull andeffect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF tliO.partiei heieto have caused this First Amendment to he executed thisday and year first above written: COSTA MESAA.170W oiSTRICT atalit INCORPORATED. (Lilt • • RObert.l.Ootenf President Dean ituffridge,Sem. c•-_ • President' • thotileScheafer,5! ! !W , , lc //- r") Di la Clerk- — APPROVED TO FOitvi: 9jitriet Wuniel 3'