Minutes - Board - 1959-05-21s MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING Aw BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD AT 695 W. 19TH STREET May 21, 1959 ROLL CALL Present: Directors Stephens, Norman, Hollister and Meyers. Absent: Directors - Porter. Officials Present: Assistant Secretary Swartz, Finance Director Hartzler, Engineer Southworth, Street Foreman Heller and Attorney Dungan. The meeting was called to order at 7 :30 p.m. by President Meyers. Minutes Upon motion of Director Stephens, seconded by Director Hollister and unanimously carried, the minutes of May 7, 1959 were approved. Presentation of At this time the 1959 -1960 City Contract Budget was presented by the 1959 -1960 city Director of Finance along with the 1958 -1959 Budget for comparison. Contract Budget After discussion, it was moved by Director Stephens, seconded by Director Norman and unanimously carried to adopt the City's Contract Budget for 1959 =1960 as written. Discussion on Discussion followed on future projects that might arise within the Sanitary Dist. Sanitary District in the next fiscal year. Budget - Capital • Outlay Budget -Whereupon, it was moved by Director Hollister, seconded by Director Stephens and unanimously carried to instruct the Administrative Staff to project the District's needs and prepare the Budget for the 1959 "1960,fiscal year. Installation of Street Foreman Heller reported back to the Board on the two bills Sewers - W. Olson received from W. Olson; one in the amount of $157.50 for 6" sewer Peach Tree Lane lateral on Peach Tree Lane, and one in the amount of $61.25 for extension of 6" sewer'pipe on Wilson Street. He reported to the board that he had gone out to check the location of sewer lines on Peach Tree Lane as shown on District Plans. The District map shows that the sewer line goes to the property line but the Street Foreman found that it runs to the inside of the curb. Therefore, it was moved by Director Stephens, seconded by Director Hollister and unanimously carried that the district pay for the footage from the curb to the property line on 338 Peach Tree Lane, vh+cft which would be 7 feet for a total amount of $2+.50 and reject the remainder of the claim. Also that a letter of explanation be sent to Mr. Olson. Installation of The Board felt that they could not pay the bill for $61.25 as the Sewers - Wilson St. ditch had,already been covered and there was no way to verify the claim. It was moved by Director Hollister, seconded by Director Stephens and unanimously carried to deny the request for $61.25 and write a letter of explanation to Mr. Olson. - 2 - Pump Plant at It was reported by Engineer Southworth that a trailer park is being Trailer Park established at the corner of Newport and Bristol and that a pump Newport & Bristol plant will be put in by the trailer park. The Engineer stated that the pump plant should be large enough to serve adjacent land. The trailer park is willing to pay for the cost of the pump plant and the District would take over the operation of the pump plant and reimburse the property owners connecting to said pump plant. It was moved by Director Hollister, seconded by Director Stephens and unanimously carried that the District maintain and operate the pump station to the Engineer's specifications. Written Communi- Assistant Secretary Swartz read a copy of a letter, for the Board's cation information, from the Santa Ana Commercial Comp -ny directed to the Regional Water Pollution Board, State of California regarding the hauling of mixed trash and garbage. It was stated that the Santa Ana Commercial Company would like to get a ruling from the Water Pollution Board that the disposal of mixed trash and garbage will not harm the underground water basin. Written Communi- Assistant Secretary Swartz read a notice from the California Sanitary cation Districts Association notifying the District of the Annual Convention Calif. Sanitary to be held at the Miramar Hotel in Santa Barbara, the 18th and 19th Dists. Assoc. of July. , It was moved by Director Hollister, seconded by Director Norman and is unanimously carried that the letter be received and filed. Adjournment Upon motion of Director Hollister, seconded by Director Stephens and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. to June 4, 1959 at 7:30 P.M. Secretary a