Minutes - Board - 2004-12-06 Sir COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 6, 2004 The Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District attended a duly noticed Special Meeting on Monday, December 6, 2004 at 11:30 a.m., at District Headquarters at 628 W. 19th Street, Costa Mesa. Directors Present: Arlene Schafer, Greg Woodside, Jim Ferryman, Arthur Perry, Dan Worthington Staff Present: Robin B. Hamers, Manager/District Engineer; Thomas A. Fauth, Assistant Manager; Joan Revak, Board Secretary/Program Manager; Alan Burns, Legal Counsel; Wendy Davis, District Treasurer; Debbie Bjornson, Permit Processing Specialist; Denise Gilbert, Permit Processing Specialist Others Present: John Shaffer, Representing Environmental Engineering & 9 9 Contracting, Inc., 501 Parkcenter Drive, Santa Ana, CA 92706 I. Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) Mr. Hamers provided a review of the Regional Water Quality Control Board's Waste Discharge Requirements, including the requirement for the adoption of a grease control program by the Sanitary District and other agencies tributary to the Orange County Sanitation District by December 30, 2004. Mr. Shaffer of Environmental Engineering and Contracting (EEC) gave a presentation recommending the parameters of the District's fats, oils, and grease (FOG) Control Program and Implementation. Mr. Shaffer distributed a draft FOG Control Program Manual and other materials dated November 30, 2004 for consideration by the Board. The proposed parameters were based on EEC's discussions with the CMSD Manager/District Engineer and Assistant Manager as well as EEC's work with other agencies in Orange County subject to the Waste Discharge Requirements. After the presentation was made, discussion was held. C Protecting our community's health by providing solid waste and sewer collection services. costamesasani tarydistrict.org Costa Mesa Sanitary District Page 2 Minutes of Special Meeting Held December 6. 2004 IDDirector Woodside motioned to establish the parameters of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District's fats, oils, and grease (FOG) control program and adopt the program documents in accordance with presentation materials dated November 30, 2004 from EEC; including directing District Staff to bring back appropriate revisions to the existing CMSD grease control ordinance; directing District Staff to make recommendations whether food service establishments should be registered or under a permit; directing District Staff to make recommendations on a method for billing individual food service establishments to support the cost of the program; and to acknowledge that EEC has made the presentation as required in the agreement with the District and is directed to proceed with the remaining items in the agreement and that the adoption of the program parameters as presented should not change the scope of work or contract costs as shown in the agreement. Motion seconded by Director Perry and carried 5-0. II. Public Comments There were no members of the general public in attendance. President Schafer adjourned the meeting at 1:20 p.m. C Secretary 1:?"APr ident C Protecting our community's health by providing solid waste and sewer collection services. costamesasanitarydistrict.org