Minutes - Board - 1957-03-07i� NUTES O:E' THE REO�J l� R I E7'ING
Plaarch 7., 1957
Roll Call Present: Directors Meyers., Norman., Nelson,, Porters Hollister
Absent: Directors -- none
Officials Presents City Manager Unger, Attorney Dungan,, Engineer
Southworth, Street Foreman Heller, Finance Director Hartzler
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Meyers.
Upon motion of Director Nelson., seconded by Director Norman and unani-
mously carried the minutes of the last meeting were approved as written
and mailed.
Norse Avenue
Property ousners on Norse Avenue were present requesting information on
the availability of sewers to their street. They were informed that in-
asmuch as this was a private road no sewers were planned for them. They
would have to be put in at a later date by the owers themselves. How-
ever, it was suggested by the attorney that Omar Wilson, right-of-way
agent contact them for the purpose of making this a city street. It
was discussed that perhaps this could be a hO' street inasmuch as one
side would be.the back yard of the adjacent tract and no parking facil-
ities would be required.
House Count
A communication was read from Ken Price asking an addition of 38 units
to the official house count. Upon motion of Director Norman., seconded
by Director Porter and unanimously carried that an addition of 38 units
be added making a total of 7,,868 units as of March 19 19570
(Director Hollister entered the meeting at this point.)
Trash & Garbage
After discussion on the number of complaints being received it was moved
by Director Nelson,, seconded by Director Porter and unanimously carried
that the City Attorney direct a letter to Mr. Price notifying him that
the board has had complaints that they feel are justified., and that if
within seven days the situation has not improved the City win hire a
person to take care of all complaints at Mr. Prices expense and deduct
it from the money owed per month.
A communication was read from W. D. Dunn to R. Unger on trash and gar-
bage collections and fees in adjacent cities for industrial and .c ommer_.
cial establishmentso After discussion it was moved bar Director Nelson,
seconded by Director Hollister and unanimously carried that a policy for
collections of industrial and commercial establishments be drawn up by
City Managers Attorney, and Street Foreman and be brought to the next
board meeting for consideration.
Mr. Price came to the meeting and was notified of the communication that
was to be written him. Discussion was held on the complaints that Mr.
Price had. It was su- gested by the City Attorney that any complaints be
investigated by Mr. Price who in turn would give them to Mr. Heller for
his investigation. If the complaint could not be solved in this manner
they would be turned over to the City Attorney and a letter written to
the party giving them a deadline for correction. If no correction is made
by this date no collection is to be given.
Fin- ancial Report Upon motion of Director Norman.9 seconded by Director Porter..and unani-
mously carried the Financial Report was ordered accepted.
#14 Upon motion of Director Hollister, seconded by Director Norman, Warrant
Resolution ##14 for payment of $13.,540.61 from the Running Expense Fund
and $74,129.79 from the Sewer Construction Fund was ordered paid by the
following roll call vote:
AYESs Directors Norman, Nelson, Porter9 Hollister,
NOES: Directors - None
ABSENT: Directors - None
Trash & Garbage Mr. Heller raised the question as to whether the board wished to continue
with collection of trash and garbage fee for all houses not on the tax
roll. The board agreed with April 1 as the starting date for the col -
lection of the full four quarters fee or $8.00.
Charle St.
Discussion was held on sewers to be installed on Charle St. Upon motion
of Director Hollister9 seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously car-
ried the engineer is to draw up the plans and specifications for the
sewer line and the Attorney to prepare the proposed agreement between the
board and the property owners for the next meeting.
Oil-well hook-
The Engineer notified the board that some operating oil.: wells in Annex -
up inspections
ation #27 would soon be requesting the use of sewer facilities of which
they are entitled. This would entail a monthly inspection and a ' special
charge would have to be' made. After discussion it teas `r6commended by the
board that the City Manager prepare a recommendation for the next meeting
on the rate to be established for the mon inspections: ..
00line W. Wilson
A communication was read from the Southern Courtier Gas Coo' concerning
west of Harbor
a gas line.on Wilson St. west of Harbor Blvd.,- "Shut.off..and relocate
2" gas main to clear manhole` on sewer pumping station.` °.:._.:.Time and material
cost plus basis, Estimated cost for deposit difference in cost to be
billed or refunded . $200000 ® Upon motion of Director Porter, seconded
by Director Hollister, and unanimously. carried that ..this. be approved,
Sewer cleaning
Mr.- :He3_Ier informed the board that the sewer.cleaA 0 is progressing
Upon motion of Director Porter, seconded by Director Nelson and unani -®
mously carried that the meeting be adjourned.at'9s45 p,m.
March 7
Mr. Price came to the meeting and was notified of the communication
that was to be written him. Discussion was held on the complaints
that Mr. Price had. It was suggested by the City Attorney that any
complaints be investigated by Mr. Price who in turn would give them
to Mr. Heller. If the complaint could not be solved in this manner
they would be turned over to the City Attorney and a letter 0H
written to the party given a deadline for correction. If correction
is not made by this date no collection is to be given.
Upon motion of Director Norman' seconded by Director Porter and unani-
6L �' mouslycarried the Financial Report was ordered accepted.
Present: Directors Meyers, Norman, Nelson, Porter' Hollister
Absent: Directors none
Officials Present - City Manager Unger, Attorney Dungan, Engineer
Southworth, Street Foreman Heller, Finance Director Hartzler
The meeting was called to order at 7 :30 p.m. by President Meyers.
Upon motion of Director Nelson, seconded by Director Norman and unani-
mously carried the minutes of the last meeting were approved as
written and mailed.
Property Owners
on 11or2ft Way were present reeuesting information on
the availability of sewers to their street. They were informed that
inasmuch as this was a private street no sewers were planned or them.
However, it was suggested by the Attorney that Omar Wilson, right -of-
way agent contact them for the purpose of making this a city street.
It was discussed that perhaps this could be a 40' street inasmuch
as the one side would be the back yard of the adjacent tract. He
is'also to secure information on securing 15' of the corner lot
A communication was read from Ken Price. asking an addition of 38
units to the official house count. Upon motion of Director Norman,
seconded by Director Porter and unanimously carried that an addition
of 38 units be added making a total of 7,868:units as of March 1, 1957.
(Director Hollister entered the meeting at this point)
After discussion on the number of complaints being received it was
moved by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Porter and unanimously
carried that the City Attorney direct a letter to Mr. Price notifying
him that the board has had complaints that they.feel are justified,
and that if within seven dates th &sit, n has' 3nproved the
City will hires at � ense` and from
A communication was read from W. L. Dunn to R• Unger on trash and
garbage collections adjacent cities for industrial and commercial
establishments. After discussion it was moved by Director Nelson,
seconded by Director Hollister and unanimously carried.that a policy
for collections of industrial and commercial establishmentsbe drawn
up by City Manager, Attorney, and Street Foreman and be brouglt to the
next board meeting for consideration.
Mr. Price came to the meeting and was notified of the communication
that was to be written him. Discussion was held on the complaints
that Mr. Price had. It was suggested by the City Attorney that any
complaints be investigated by Mr. Price who in turn would give them
to Mr. Heller. If the complaint could not be solved in this manner
they would be turned over to the City Attorney and a letter 0H
written to the party given a deadline for correction. If correction
is not made by this date no collection is to be given.
Upon motion of Director Norman' seconded by Director Porter and unani-
6L �' mouslycarried the Financial Report was ordered accepted.
�was�mo ed by- D-irecto'r<Holl'ii eex-�to pay- aW"rra.- t -eesol tion� #14
Upon motion of Director Hollister, seconded by Director Norman
Warrant Resolution #14 for payment of $13,540 ®61 from the Running
Expense Fund and $74,129.79 from the Sewer Construction Fund was
ordered paid by the following roll call vote:
All Ayes
Mrm Heller rasised the as to whether the board wished to
question con -
tinue with collection of trash and garbage fee for all houses not on
the tax roll. The board agreed with -April la as the starting date for
fhte collection of the full 4 quarters or $8,00,
Discussion was held on sewers be installed on Charle St. Upon
motion of Director Hollister, seconded by Director Nelson and unani-
mously carried the engineer is to draw up the plans and specifications
for thesswer and the Atto$ny to-prepare the proposed agreement between
the board and the property owners for the next meeting.
Engineer notified the board that some operating oil wells in Annexa.-
L1,�,a- ! /- `F`'�`'�'�
v� �'�'
ti on #27 would have to use the sewer facilities. After dis-
cussion it was recommended by the board that the City Manager prepare
a recommendation for the next meeting ((This would entail a monthly
inspectiona nd a special charge could have to be made)).on the rate
to be established for the monthly inspe6tion.
A Southern Counties Co.
communication was read from the Gas concerning
a gas line on Wilson St. west of Harbor Blvd. - "Shut off and relocate
2" gas main to clear manhole on sewer pumping station, Time and
material ply' cost plus basis. cost for deposit difference
in cost to be billed or refunded - $200.00) Upon motion of Director
Porter, seconded by Director Hollister, and unanimously carried that
this be approved,
- �-�-�J
Mr. Heller informed the board that thesswer cleaning is progressing
Upon motion of Director Porter, seconded by Director. Nelson and unani-
mously carried that the meeting be adjourned at 9:45 p.m,