Warrant Reso 2003-09COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Warrant Resolution No. CMSD 2003 -9 A RESOLUTION OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS, AND SPECIFYING THE FUNDS OUT OF WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT DOES HEREBY ORDER AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the attached claims and demands have been audited as required by law and that the same are hereby allowed in the amounts and ordered paid out of the respective fund, as hereinafter set forth. Section 2. That the Clerk of the District shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall deliver a certified copy to the Finance Department and shall retain a Certified copy thereof in her own records. is PASSED AND ADOPTED this'$-;�' day of March 2003. ATTEST: Secretary v. �t C, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ) I, JOAN REVAK, Clerk of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District, hereby certify that the foregoing Warrant Resolution No. CMSD 2003 -9 was duly adopted by the Costa Mesa Sanitary District at a regular meeting held on the "1'' day of March 2003. lz IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District on this 1`" day of March 2003. Cler_ the,Costa' Mesa Sanitary District Report ID: CCM2001 Bank: CMSD Payment Ref Date 1834 03/03/03 1835 03/03/03 1836 03/03/03 1837 03/03/03 1838 03/03/03 City of Costa Mesa Accounts Payable SUMMARY CHECK REGISTER Status Remit To P Bank of America Bankcard Center Line Description: Air Travel to Sacramento CSDA Governance Wrkshp Hotel Gift Certs /School Phone Bk Prg Office Supplies 4 Plan Wrkshp PreStrategic Plan Wrkshp Brkfs P City of Newport Beach Line Description: Water Svc to 23rd St Pump Stn P Costa Mesa Disposal Line Description: Trash Collection Chrgs Feb 03 P Irvine Ranch Water District Line Description: Water Srvc Mesa Pump Station Water Svc Santa Ana Pump Statn P Mesa Consolidated Water District Line Description: Water Svc to 21st St Pump Stn End of Report Page No. 1 Run Date Feb 27,2003 Run Time 1:32:16 PM Payment Amt 0000001174 1,183.96 0000003327 7.87 0000000330 177,965.15 0000005112 7.20 0000003144 12.00 TOTAL $179,176.18 1 79, f 76 � 1 2 + I l6, 162.58 + 35593-58-76 Report ID: CCM2001 City of Costa Mesa Accounts Payable Bank: CMSD SUMMARY CHECK REGISTER Payment Ref Date Status Remit To 1839 03/13/03 P Bank of America Line Description: #304 Fed Taxes - Feb 2003 1840 03/13/03 P CR Transfer Inc Line Description: Pickup Santa Ana Heights Trash Pickup of Trash for the City 1841 03/13/03 P City of Costa Mesa Line Description: Reimb City 4 Indirect Cost 1842 03/13/03 P Consolidated Reprographics Line Description: Xerox and Bindery Charges 1843 03/13/03 P Curbside Inc Line Description: HHW Pickup for January 2003 HHW Pickup for February 2003 1844 03/13/03 P Dan Worthington Line Description: Meals & Mileage Reimb 2/5 -3/1 1845 03/13/03 P Harper & Burns LLP Line Description: Legal Services 4 February 2003 1846 03/13/03 P ISDOC . Line Description: Mbrshp Dues for 2003 -2004 1847 03/13/03 P JJ Keller & Associates Inc Line Description: OSHA Compliance Manual Remit ID 0000001178 0000005159 .o 0000005160 0000001771 0000006461 0000005158 0000005161 0000005162 0000008351 Page No. 1 Run Date Mar 06,2003 Run Time 9:25:10 AM - Payment Amt 1,036.04 137,110.44 3,926.00 89.36 1,485.00 338.61 5,103.00 50.00 32.85 Report ID: CCM2001 City of Costa Mesa Accounts Payable Page No. 2 SUMMARY CHECK REGISTER Bank: CMSD Run Date Mar 06,2003 .Cycle! Q42D Run Time 9:25:10 AM Payment Ref Date Status Remit To Remit ID Payment Amt 1848 03/13/03 P James Ferryman 0000005156 7.98 Line Description: Mileage Reimb 2/1- 2/27/03 1849 03/13/03 P Joan Revak 0000005717 1,000.00 Line Description: Monthly Bonus for Feb 2003 1850 03/13/03 P Mesa Consolidated Water District 0000003144 24.00 Line Description: Water Srvc 4 Pump Station Water Srvc 4 Pump Station 1851 03/13/03 P Noor Electrical 0000003364 3,100.00 Line Description: Electrical Work: 1852 03/13/03 P Peggy Preston 0000003680 517.50 Line Description: Minutes - February 2003 1853 03/13/03 P Robin B Hamers & Associates Inc 0000003842 19,435.00 Line Description: Eng Srvcs Monthly Retnr 2/2003 Eng Srvcs Plan Checking Feb 03 Eng Srvcs Inspection Feb 2003 District Mgmt Srvcs Feb 2003 1854 03/13/03 P Ronald Shef 0000005511 2,549.75 Line Description: Code Enforcement Officer 1855 03/13/03 P Stericycle Inc 0000005564 44.59 Line Description: Sharps Program Stevens Pharm 1856 03/13/03 P The Bank of New York 0000005664 312.46 Line Description: Qrtly Safekeeping Fees 12/31/0 End of Report Report ID: CCM2001 City of Costa Mesa Accounts Payable Page No. 3 . Bank: CMSD SUMMARY CHECK REGISTER Run Date Mar 06,2003 Run Time 9:25:10 AM Payment Ref Date Status Remit To End of Report Remit ID Payment Amt TOTAL $176,162.58