Minutes - Board - 1956-10-04tenta:l Refund Upon iuestim of qtr. Heller as to when the refund on rental fees charged for hooking an to Uhie'. ai,-,ier should be returned it was agreed that. Mr. ?Teller and- Mr. Hartiler Ito through the books and return to tie board at the next meeting with a list of the people entitled to refunds and the amount of each, in gjnney4tions 1-4 lag 17s. 21', 22& and 27. Tjroi�..,�p, -Annex. Street eet Foreman Heller asked whether the property owners' in A��nexa . an S 13, 13, 5,l7,21 o22s27/1.5,.l7$ 21L ., 229: and 27 can' hook up without charge,, The boarel agreed that nov that aeve.s are azai:iable there would be no abarge to. these people. J Nenchliffe A letter was reap? :frirm John Herchliffcs 1 -),40 -Mbr.rovia. Upon motion of ' 0 mo,"IrOvia x reclt rzz riiS S t seconded by Director vulsonp and ll',"a.."i- c]usly carried the letter was ­drdAxed-'a.cceptod and Filed, 11.41NtTTES OF TITIE IRTI GUTAR MIMIZI ING OF THEE f j COOSTA IMMA aSA.!.'ITAIRY US RIOT HELD AT 111 E. 20TY STREET x , October 4,, 1956 IM Call Present: Directors Hollis .ter, Hel.sort' Norman o Absent: Directors Meyers,, Porter Officials Present: City-:•anager Coffey,, Attorney Dungan, Engineer South- worth, Street Foreman Heller, Fiscal Officer Hartzler President upon motion of Director Nelsons seconded by Director Hollister and unani- Pro Tem mously carried.Director Norman m4s named President Pro -Tem in the absence of President Meyers. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the President Pro -Tem. Minutes upon motion of Director Nelson,seconded by Director Hollister and unani- mously carried the mutes of September 6, September 20, and September 21. were approved as..written. ' .Auditors Report Upon" ;notion' of 'Director..HoUister, .seconded by Director Nelsons and unani. mously carried the Auditors Report was ordered received with action to be taken at the next meeting. K. Price Bond 'Upon the recommendation of Attorney'Dungan-'it was moved by Director Nelson, 'seconded by Director Holiisters and u.nanimously carried that the bond for trash and garbage collection in the amount of $h,000 furnished by Kenneth Price.be accepted in lieu of the months payment held. F '"rice Paid Upon recommendation of Attorney Dungan, it'was moved by Director Nelsons date seconded' by Dfrector Hol.lister,' and unanimously carried that, the deposit of Vie. 559.00'referred to is the contract between the -district and Kenneth Price as the October 1955 deposit,, ' buts which through monthly payment is actnall the September 1956 payment„ and that.with the return of said SUM. qf v5,559.0o fhat' all money due under . the contract to Kenneth Price has _been paid -up to and including September 3.9560' House -Count A letter from Street Foreman ,Heller was read stating:. that. the semi- annual house count was made on October 2`and -3. - The official 'count was 7$,6$00 Upon notion of Director Hollister, seconded by Direc .ter „Nelson,.,and unani- i isly carried that. the . caft -t; gl 7 0 be ai eeptgd ae of 0�tober: 3 1956. Walter Albers A I:etter ' vas read tron'' Mr. Walter Albers, 165 E. Nilson, stating that he Refund had paid trice for. trash - and ,garbage collection, and. requested a $6.00 refund.' upon inoti.on' of Director' Nelson,:: seconded by Director Hollister.. and unanimously carried. A%. Alber. s' ifds grated the $6.o s refund: tenta:l Refund Upon iuestim of qtr. Heller as to when the refund on rental fees charged for hooking an to Uhie'. ai,-,ier should be returned it was agreed that. Mr. ?Teller and- Mr. Hartiler Ito through the books and return to tie board at the next meeting with a list of the people entitled to refunds and the amount of each, in gjnney4tions 1-4 lag 17s. 21', 22& and 27. Tjroi�..,�p, -Annex. Street eet Foreman Heller asked whether the property owners' in A��nexa . an S 13, 13, 5,l7,21 o22s27/1.5,.l7$ 21L ., 229: and 27 can' hook up without charge,, The boarel agreed that nov that aeve.s are azai:iable there would be no abarge to. these people. J Nenchliffe A letter was reap? :frirm John Herchliffcs 1 -),40 -Mbr.rovia. Upon motion of ' 0 mo,"IrOvia x reclt rzz riiS S t seconded by Director vulsonp and ll',"a.."i- c]usly carried the letter was ­drdAxed-'a.cceptod and Filed, Sunset St® The question was raised with rr-gard to connecting the Sunset St. property owners to the sewer line. After discussion the board agreed to ask Mr. Char Wilson Right-of-Way Agent to go out and talk to the property owners and give them an estimate of the cost. Annexation 219.22 Engineer Southworth informed the board that work in Annexations 21 and 22 by the Chorak Construction Co. would start the beginning of the week of October 8, Warsrants Upon motion of Director Nelson, seconded by Director. Hollister9 and unani� mously carried the following warrants were ordered paid: 1615. A. H. Meyers $ 15.00 1616 Claire M. Nelson 30.00 1617 2. Paul. Norman 30.00 1618 1 Hollister 30.00 1619 Ellis N. Porter 30.00 1620 Wm. MacKenzie Brown 1,899.62 1621 Globe Herald 17.69 1622 D. Southworth 13,030.32 1623 D. Southworth 961 ®82 1624 City of Costa Mesa 8,151.25 :1625 Kenneth C. Price .5a559.0o 1626 Pyle, Lance & Schlinger 410.00 Financial State- City-.Manager CorNy'presented the monthly financial statement for September sent 1956 as prepared by the Fiscal Officer. Upon motion of'Director Nelson, seconded b:� Directot- Hollister and unanimously carried the report was ordered accepted and, filed. Change of Upon motion of Director Nelson, seconded by Director' Hollistetp and unani- Meeting Place mously carried, the meeting place be changed from the City Hall to the City Hall Annex, 1985 Newport Avenue,, Costa Mesa. Adjournement Upon motion-of Director Nelson, seconded by Director. Hollister, and unani- mously carried the meeting was adjOurned at' 8:110 p mb to October 3$9 1956. ATTES . ecretary..