Warrant Reso 1999-05COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Warrant Resolution No. CMSD 99 -05 A RESOLUTION OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS, AND SPECIFYING THE FUNDS OUT OF WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT DOES HEREBY ORDER AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the attached claims and demands have been audited as required by law and that the same are hereby allowed in the amounts and ordered paid out of the respective fund, as hereinafter set forth. Section 2. That the Clerk of the District shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall deliver a certified copy to the Finance Department and shall retain a Certified copy thereof in her own records. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of November, 1998. ATTEST: Secretary'."' STATE OF ChLfFf;FltiiA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT) Presid I, JOAN REVAK, Clerk of the District of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District, hereby certify that the foregoing Warrant Resolution No. CMSD 99 -05 was duly adopted by the Costa Mesa Sanitary District at a regular meeting held on the 12th day of November, 1998. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District on this 12th day of November, 1998. '.I rk of the District df'he. Costa ivlesa Smilary D'A -ict Report ID: CCM2001 City of Costa Mesa Accounts Payable Page No. 1 SUMMARY CHECK REGISTER Run Date Nov 04,1998 Bank: CMSD Run Time 3:08:26 PM C Payment Re Date Status Remit To 0324 10/19/98 P County of Orange Auditor Controller Remit ID 0000003472 0000006473 0000005162 0000003472 Payment Amt 45.00 1,638.75 30.00 30.00 0000000330 159,301.78 TOTAL $161,045.53 0.0.0 *G 1 6,1-,l),0.4 5. 5 3 + 5,9'; -31 1 • 3 3 + 535 •00 rtizl��: 2 j 48 4 • 30 + 220,306.16 * End of Report Line Description: Cancelation Fee .�u atl;lstt F 0325 10 /,la/68 1 ' l',' ' �?{ , �+ % Lange Contractors 'Line Eescription: Sewer Rcnstrctn 1621 Mesa Dr 0326 "90!2,1/98 F' :' :: ISDOC Line Description: Quarterly Meeting on 10/29/98 0327 10/27/98 P County of Orange Auditor Controller Line Description: Correction on Tax Bill Correction on Tax Bill 0328 11/02/98 P Costa Mesa Disposal Line Description: Trash Collection Srvc Oct 98 Remit ID 0000003472 0000006473 0000005162 0000003472 Payment Amt 45.00 1,638.75 30.00 30.00 0000000330 159,301.78 TOTAL $161,045.53 0.0.0 *G 1 6,1-,l),0.4 5. 5 3 + 5,9'; -31 1 • 3 3 + 535 •00 rtizl��: 2 j 48 4 • 30 + 220,306.16 * End of Report Report ID: CCM2001 City of Costa Mesa Accounts Payable Page No. -1 SUMMARY CHECK REGISTER Run Date Nov 04,1998 Bank: CMSD Run Time 3:03:20 PM Payment Re Date Status Remit To Remit ID Payment Amt 0329 11/12/98 P Arlene Schafer 0000005152 614.38 Line Description: Attendance October 1998 Mtgs 0330 11/12/98 P Art Perry 0000005153 100.00 Line Description: Attend October Meetings 0331 11/12/98 P Chom Mob Investors 0000006660 1,662.24 Line Description: Refund 0332 11/12/98 P City of Costa Mesa 0000005160 32,075.49 Line Description: Operational Costs for October 0333 11/12/98 P County Sanitation Districts of Orange Co 0000005164 3,684.95 Line Description: Connection Fees 0994 11/12/98 P Curbside Inc 0000006461 2 -63590 A #9 Line Description: HHW Door to Door Collection 0335 11/12/98 P Dan Worthington 0000005158 200.00 Line Description: Attendance October 1998 Mtgs 0336 11/12/98 P Harper & Burns LLP 0000005161 3,612.50 Line Description: Legal Services- October 1998 0337 11/12/98 P James Ferryman 0000005156 300.00 Line Description: Attend October 98 Meetings Report ID: CCM2001 City of Costa Mesa Accounts Payable Page No. 2 SUMMARY CHECK REGISTER Run Date Nov 04,1998 Bank: CMSD Run Time 3:03:20 PM Payment Re Date Status Remit To 0338 11/12/98 P Nate Reade Line Description: Attend 1 Mtg & Study Session 0339 11/12/98 P Peggy Preston Line Description: Minutes- October 1998 0340 11/12/98 P Robin B Harriers & Associates Inc Line Description: Engineering Svcs - Mnthly Retain Enginerring Svcs -Plan checking Engineering Svcs- Inspection Engineeringlnsp Svcs -Proj #150 District Mgmt Services 0341 11/12/98 P Ronald Shef Line Description: Contract Code Enforcement 0342 11/12/98 P Stericycle Inc Line Description: Sharp's Container - Ramsay Rexal Setup Fee - Ramsay Rexall 0343 11/12/98 P William Lyon Homes Inc Line Description: Refund End of Report Remit ID 0000005157 0000003680 0000003842 0000005511 0000005564 Payment Amt 200.00 338.33 12,083.00 1,387.50 352.94 0000005644 165.00 TOTAL $59,311.33 Detail of Directors' Meetings - Month of October, 1998 James Ferryman 10/06/98 Recycling Committee Meeting 10/08/98 Regular Board Meeting 10/29/98 ISDOC Workshop and Quarterly Meeting Art Perry 10/08/98 Regular Board Meeting Nate Reade 09/29/98 10/08/98 Arlene Schafer 10/06/98 10/08/98 10/14/98 10/14/98 10/21/98 10/28/98 10/29/98 CMSD Study Session Regular Board Meeting ISDOC Executive Board Meeting Regular Board Meeting LAFCO Public Hearing Mileage and Parking Legislation Committee, Chamber of Commerce OCSD Meeting ° ISDOC Workshop and Quarterly Meeting Dan Worthington 10/06/98 Recycling Committee Meeting 10/08/98 Regular Board Meeting 100.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 14.38 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 614.38 100.00 100.00 200.00