Minutes - CAC - 2024-05-08COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 8, 2024 CAC Members present Xerxez Calilung, Rosemarie Chora, Dickie Fernandez, Dean Fisher, Ben Glassman, Craig Holmes, Paul Lancaster, Sue Lester, Michael Tou CAC Members absent Jeff Arbour, Cindy Brenneman Board Members present Arlene Schafer Staff present Scott Carroll (General Manager), Gina Terraneo (Management Analyst II), Angela Colunga (Administrative Assistant I) Others present Julia Barreda, CR&R Meeting called to order. at 6:00 P.M. A. OPENING ITEMS Procedural: 1. Call to Order Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Chair Lester called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Procedural: 2. Roll Call COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 2 MINUTES OF THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD MAY 89 2024 Management Analyst II, Gina Terraneo, conducted roll call. She noted that CAC Members Calilung, Chora, Fernandez, Fisher, Glassman, Holmes, Lester, and Lancaster were present, while CAC Members Arbour, Brenneman, and Tou were not present at this time. Procedural: 3. Public Comments - Speakers will be limited to three minutes. The three minutes per speaker time allotted may be extended for good cause by a majority vote of the committee. CAC Chair Lester opened public comments. Hearing none, she closed public comments. B. ITEMS Action: 1. Appoint Chair and Vice Chair Recommendation: That the Citizens Advisory Committee appoint a Chair and Vice Chair to serve for a term of two years ending March 2026. General Manager, Scott Carroll, introduced the item and provided information regarding the positions of Chair and Vice Chair. Motion: To appoint Sue Lester as Chair. Motion by Rosemarie Chora, second by Paul Lancaster. Final Resolution: Motion carries 8-0-0-3 Ayes: Xerxez Calilung, Rosemarie Chora, Dean Fisher, Dickie Fernandez, Ben Glassman, Craig Holmes, Paul Lancaster, Sue Lester No: None Abstain: None Not Present: Jeff Arbour, Cindy Brenneman, Michael Tou Motion: To appoint Michael Tou as Vice Chair. Motion by Sue Lester, second by Dean Fisher. Final Resolution: Motion carries 8-0-0-3 Ayes: Xerxez Calilung, Rosemarie Chora, Dean Fisher, Dickie Fernandez, Ben Glassman, Craig Holmes, Paul Lancaster, Sue Lester No: None COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 3 MINUTES OF THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD MAY 8, 2024 Abstain: None Not Present: Jeff Arbour, Cindy Brenneman, Michael Tou There was no further discussion. Action: 3. Alkaline Battery Recycling Program - Final Report Recommendation: That the Citizens Advisory Committee receives and files this report. Mr. Carroll introduced the item. Administrative Assistant I, Angela Colunga, presented report details. CAC Chair Lester inquired about the total number of schools within the District's service area. Ms. Colunga shared that the District contacts about 25 schools to sign up for the program at the beginning of each school year. CAC Member Calilung asked about the educational outreach regarding the Alkaline Battery Recycling Program. Ms. Colunga stated that the program operates every September through March. She shared that the District promotes the program through Peachjar and on the District's social media platforms. CAC Member Calilung discussed educational programs to get more students involved in recycling. He asked if the program provides yard signs within the service area to encourage more participation. Ms. Colunga stated that the District will consider his suggestion regarding yard signage. She noted that the District primarily focuses on digital outreach for this program. CAC Chair Lester noted that signage at local schools would require approval from the Newport Mesa Unified School District (NMUSD). COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 4 MINUTES OF THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD MAY 8, 2024 CAC Member Chora also recommended educating the program participants about the District's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program. CAC Chair Lester discussed how the CAC can get involved with NMUSD regarding this program. Discussion followed regarding program performance and participation. Mr. Carroll shared that the Board meets with elected officials from the City of Costa Mesa, Mesa Water District, and NMUSD to discuss relative issues. He noted that he will be sharing the CAC's recommendations with NMUSD at the next City/District Liaison Committee meeting on May 17, 2024. There was no further discussion, and the report was received. Action: 4. Three -Cart Curbside Collection Program Rollout Plan Presented by CR&R Recommendation: That the Citizens Advisory Committee receives and files this report. Mr. Carroll introduced the item and Julie Barreda of CR&R. Ms. Barreda commented on battery recycling and shared that about 80% of trash truck fires are caused by batteries and electronic waste placed in trash carts. She presented CR&R's three -cart rollout plan which will start on October 7, 2024 and take about 12 weeks to complete. She shared that District trash customers will be receiving a cart survey postcard to indicate their cart size preferences. CAC Member Fisher inquired about cart sizes for organics recycling. Ms. Barreda stated that Organics Recycling Carts are available in three sizes: 35-gallon, 65-gallon, and 95-gallon. She confirmed that standard trash service includes up to two Organics Recycling Carts. CAC Member Holmes discussed cart sizes. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 5 MINUTES OF THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD MAY 812024 CAC Chair Lester inquired about the 95-gallon carts. Ms. Barreda stated that District trash customers who do not complete the cart survey will be receiving a 95-gallon Recycling Cart. She continued her presentation regarding the three -cart rollout plan. She discussed CR&R's and the District's education and outreach plan which includes four townhall meetings. She presented CR&R's "What Goes Where" infographic. She shared that CR&R is available to provide this presentation at school assemblies. CAC Vice Chair Tou entered the meeting at 6:26 p.m. CAC Chair Lester asked if outreach materials are mailed to service addresses or property owner addresses. Ms. Terraneo confirmed that education and outreach materials are mailed to service addresses. Discussion followed regarding cart exchanges. CAC Chair Lester inquired about cleaning out recyclables prior to placing them in the Recycling Cart. Ms. Barreda stated that recyclables do not have to be completely cleaned out. She noted that the technology at the processing facilities will ensure that such items get cleaned. CAC Member Lancaster inquired about kitchen pails. Ms. Barrera stated that District trash customers can request a free kitchen pail. CAC Member Glassman inquired about Senate Bill (SB) 1383. CAC Chair Lester discussed the District's service area and organics recycling. Ms. Barreda discussed Assembly Bill (AB) 1827, which requires fast food restaurants to provide a three -cart system for waste sorting. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 6 MINUTES OF THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD MAY 812024 Discussion followed regarding recyclable items and the recycling market. Ms. Barreda stated that CR&R recycles plastics #1-7. She noted that flexible packaging is not recyclable. CAC Member Chora inquired about cart lids. Ms. Barreda explained CR&R's cart lid and labeling process. Discussion followed regarding CR&R's cart survey postcard. CAC Member Chora recommended providing cart surveys at all public meetings. She inquired about CR&R's phone messaging capabilities. Ms. Barreda confirmed that CR&R does not have a significant number of customer phone numbers. She noted that CR&R collects phone numbers when they receive service requests. CAC Member Chora recommended utilizing the District and the City of Costa Mesa's social media platforms to advertise the three -cart system. She asked if CR&R will be updating their cart inventory records. Ms. Barreda confirmed that CR&R will be updating customers' accounts with their cart serial numbers. She shared that CR&R performed a cart audit in September 2023. Discussion followed regarding the town hall schedule and CR&R's "What Goes Where" infographic. CAC Member Calilung discussed trash cart space constraints within his homeowner's association (HOA). CAC Chair Lester discussed the City of Costa Mesa's trash carts in public view ordinance. She recommended sharing zoning concerns with the City's Planning Commission. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 7 MINUTES OF THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD MAY 8, 2024 Ms. Barreda confirmed that landfill waste will not be sorted for recycling. She discussed CR&R's route review process and contamination monitoring. Discussion followed regarding collecting customers' contact information on the cart survey postcard. CAC Member Calilung shared that he submitted a proposal to provide an education program for the three -cart system for elementary schools to District staff. There was no further discussion, and the report was received. Action: 2. Approve the Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of March 13, 2024 Recommendation: That the Citizens Advisory Committee approves the meeting minutes as presented. Item B2 was postponed until there were enough CAC members present to vote on the approval of the minutes. CAC Chair Lester introduced the item. Motion: To approve the meeting minutes as presented. Motion by Dean Fisher, second by Sue Lester. Final Resolution: Motion carries 5-0-4-2 Ayes: Rosemarie Chora, Dean Fisher, Dickie Fernandez, Sue Lester, Michael Tou No: None Abstain: Xerxez Calilung, Ben Glassman, Craig Holmes, Paul Lancaster Not Present: Jeff Arbour, Cindy Brenneman There was no further discussion. C. CLOSING ITEMS Procedural: 1. Committee Member Comments COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 8 MINUTES OF THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD MAY 89 2024 CAC Chair Lester commented on the City of Costa Mesa's Earth Day Event. She inquired about the Orange Coast College (OCC) Recycling Center. Mr. Carroll shared that the City of Costa Mesa is working on a home recycling program. Discussion followed regarding other recycling facilities. CAC Chair Lester asked the new CAC members to introduce themselves. CAC Members Lancaster, Holmes, Glassman, and Calilung introduced themselves to the committee. There was no further discussion. Procedural: 2. Board/Staff Comments Mr. Carroll shared that the District has 801h anniversary t-shirts for the CAC. He announced that the District's Shredding and Compost Event is taking place on June 8, 2024 at OCC and invited the CAC to participate. CAC Chair Lester mentioned that CAC members can request District staff to print agenda items. She reminded the CAC members to attend at least one Board meeting either in -person or remotely. She recommended asking the City of Costa Mesa to assist with advertising the District's three -cart system. Vice President Schafer congratulated the new CAC members and thanked everyone for attending the meeting. Procedural: 3. Adjournment CAC Chair Lester adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m. and stated that the next CAC meeting is scheduled for July 10, 2024. C� Sue Lester Citizens Advisory Committee Chair