Contract Amendment - Tripepi Smith - 2024-07-011 FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT AND TRIPEPI SMITH & ASSOCIATES, INC. This FIRST AMENDMENT to the Agreement between the Costa Mesa Sanitary District and Tripepi Smith & Associates, Inc. (“AGREEMENT”) is made and entered into this 1st day of July 2024, by and between the Costa Mesa Sanitary District, hereinafter referred to as DISTRICT, and Tripepi Smith and Associates, Inc., hereinafter referred to as CONSULTANT. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on July 1, 2023, the DISTRICT and CONSULTANT entered into an AGREEMENT for targeted communication support services by the CONSULTANT; WHEREAS, the AGREEMENT will expire on June 30, 2024, but the DISTRICT wishes to extend the AGREEMENT term to March 31, 2025, as provided hereinafter. NOW, THEREFORE, the AGREEMENT is amended as of July 1, 2024, as follows: 1. The AGREEMENT is extended to and shall remain and continue in effect until the tasks described therein and herein are completed and shall terminate on March 31, 2025, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of the AGREEMENT. 2. Exhibit B to the Agreement and this First Amendment is hereby adopted and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. CONSULTANT shall perform the services described in Exhibit A to the Agreement for the price set forth therein and shall provide the following additional services described in Exhibit B: Any new project management, videography, photography, or graphic design work requested by the District will be billed on an ad hoc basis, utilizing the Consultant’s hourly rates provided on page 10 of Exhibit B. The ad hoc work shall not exceed $15,000. All payments shall identify the tasks performed and deliverables shall correspond to the scope of work. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 2 4. The other provisions of the AGREEMENT are reaffirmed as originally stated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this First Amendment to be executed this day and year first above written. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT General Manager ATTEST: District Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: District Counsel TRIPEPI SMITH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Signature Typed Name Title DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Ryder Todd Smith Ryder Todd Smith / President 5/28/2024 5/28/2024 Alan Burns 5/28/2024 Scott Carroll Noelani Middenway 5/28/2024 RFP response submitted for: COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Three-Cart System Education and Outreach Submitted: February 3, 2023, revised February 10, 2023 By: Ryder Todd Smith, Tripepi Smith President Jennifer Nentwig, Tripepi Smith Principal DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4Exhibit A Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 3 DECLARATIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 4 RELATED FIRM EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................................................ 5 COMPANY OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................... 6 APPROACH TO SCOPE OF ENGAGEMENT ..................................................................................................... 10 ESTIMATED COST OF ENGAGEMENT ............................................................................................................ 12 PROJECT TEAM STAFFING ............................................................................................................................. 18 APPENDIX: WORK SAMPLES ....................................................................................................................... 202 APPENDIX: RESUMES .................................................................................................................................... 36 DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 3 INTRODUCTION Thank you for the opportunity to present Tripepi Smith services in response to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District’s need for education and outreach on SB 1383 and the District’s introduction of a new three-cart system. The new system will be a significant behavior change for residents, and the District is wise to line up support to ensure residents are informed and engaged during the transition. This document outlines our approach to the scope of work requested, as well as our cost proposal. We include a menu of options to maximize flexibility for the District. Tripepi Smith is a team of more than 40 communications experts—robust enough to offer experienced and effective professionals for the job, yet small enough to be nimble and responsive. Tripepi Smith offers a spectrum of skills that allows us to match the appropriate resource to the task at hand, letting us execute faster and reduce engagement costs. These resources vary by both years of experience and core hard skills (graphic design versus videography versus writing versus social media, for example). The result: we have an ability to conduct outreach to the public across a range of platforms. Tripepi Smith is a force multiplier for the communication operations of agencies across California. We gain insights from the breadth of our client work and apply that knowledge to our work with other clients. Tripepi Smith looks forward to continuing our partnership with the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. Regards, Ryder Todd Smith Co-Founder & President Tripepi Smith ryder@tripepismith.com • (626) 536-2173 • Fax: (949) 679-8371 PO Box 52152, Irvine, CA 92619 DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 4 DECLARATIONS Authorization As co-founder and president of Tripepi Smith, I am qualified to enter into agreements with the Costa Mesa Sanitary District and to make the statements on behalf of the firm. This proposal is valid for ninety (90) days from February 3, 2023. Insurance Insurance certificates will be provided prior to contract execution. Tripepi Smith routinely provides insurance certificates to prove we meet the contracting requirements of public agencies throughout California. We are willing and able to comply with the insurance requirements. Tripepi Smith states that: ¨ It can legally conduct business in the state of California and the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. ¨ It has not colluded with other respondents in any fashion which would restrict or eliminate competition. ¨ No employee or official of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District has a material or monetary interest in this contract. ¨ It is not aware of any other actual or potential conflict of interest related to this proposal and the projects being implemented. Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Ethics Tripepi Smith operates in a complex marketplace that is more political than most industries. As a result, conflicts of interest (real or perceived) can arise. The first and foremost obligation of Tripepi Smith is to outline all existing client relationships to prospects so as to let the prospect determine if a conflict exists. At this time, Tripepi Smith does not see any conflicts with our client work and the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. Learn more about Tripepi Smith’s commitment to ethics: https://www.tripepismith.com/about- us/#ethics Tripepi Smith & Associates, Inc. Founded: 2000 / California S Corporation: 2002 PO Box 52152, Irvine, CA 92619 (626) 536-2173 www.TripepiSmith.com DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 5 RELATED FIRM EXPERIENCE Tripepi Smith has worked in local government communications for over ten years and has a strong track record of success on a range of projects, including: public education and outreach related to air and water quality, revenue measure education, COVID-19 crisis communications, economic development advertising campaigns, branding projects, community choice aggregation launch efforts and district formation/redistricting programs. 1. The City of Orange hired Tripepi Smith to conduct education and outreach regarding SB 1383 for residents and businesses. The work has included and will include: content development for social media, web, and print materials; design and creation of collateral including a postcard, vertical banner, and stickers; and three in-person workshops for targeted stakeholder groups. ● Project Team: Principal Jennifer Nentwig, Senior Business Analyst Sara Madsen, Junior Business Analyst Kylie Benzing, Subcontractor Michael Balliet Consulting ● Date of Engagement: May 2022 - Ongoing 2. The City of South Gate hired Tripepi Smith to conduct SB 1383 education and outreach, particularly related to their transition to a new hauler and launch of their new organics recycling program. The work has included/will include: a dedicated SB 1383 website, social media support, campaign branding/logo, an animated explainer video, print collateral, e-newsletter content, and press releases. ● Project Team: Principal Jennifer Nentwig, Senior Business Analyst Kaitlyn Wu, Junior Business Analyst Luis Verdin, Subcontractor Michael Balliet Consulting ● Date of Engagement: November 2022 - Ongoing 3. Tripepi Smith is engaged by the City of Lomita to aid in communication and public outreach for Lomita Water and other general City communications. The work has included: SB 1383 public education and outreach, public tours of the water facility, development of Lomita’s Consumer Confidence Report, billing inserts, news article development, social media management related to Lomita Water and COVID-19, e-news alerts, Lomita Water website management, development of a stand-alone COVID-19 information portal website, City of Lomita website redesign and a stock photoshoot. ● Project Team: Principal Ryder Todd Smith, Principal Jennifer Nentwig, Senior Business Analyst Sara Madsen, Business Analyst Kylie Sun, Junior Business Analyst Kayla Cao ● Date of Engagement: August 2016 - Ongoing DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 6 COMPANY OVERVIEW A Public Affairs Firm that Understands Local Government Tripepi Smith excels at public affairs. We work in a complex environment where successful communications go hand-in-hand with marketing and technical expertise. As a full-service marketing and creative services firm, Tripepi Smith delivers content and design tailored for local government, public agencies, nonprofits and private companies—each strongly represented in our client list. Grounded in Civic Affairs Co-Founder and CFO Nicole Tripepi Smith is a second-generation civic affairs professional (her father was a city manager for 28 years), and Co-Founder and President Ryder Todd Smith brings over a decade of public agency marketing and communications experience to the table. Implementing Strategy and Engaging Audiences Tripepi Smith recognizes the important interplay of public affairs and design. It’s about presenting ideas that advance communities and public institutions. An important corollary to this is providing the creative services that can build materials to engage audiences and make ideas resonate. Tripepi Smith’s multi-faceted design team enables us to reach these goals and lead effective creative strategy. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 7 Strategic Tripepi Smith is a provider of technology, communications and public affairs services. We leverage our skills and experiences in each of these areas to deliver efficient, technologically driven communication solutions that reflect our deep understanding of local government. Our team has a strong record of working with public agencies, joint powers authorities and not-for-profit organizations throughout California to better engage and connect with their stakeholders and community. Creative Tripepi Smith’s creative professionals have worked with public and private clients on imagery, colors and graphic design across a wide array of projects. Our firm offers creative services that address not only traditional media such as print, websites, logo design and advertising but also non-traditional marketing services around email campaigns, social media, blogging, SEO, video production and more. This integrated approach to content development makes the process more efficient and more effective for clients. Content x Distribution = IMPACT Tripepi Smith was born in the digital era and brings significant technical skills to the table. Members of our team carry technical certifications in Hootsuite Social Media Marketing, Facebook Blueprint, Google Advertising, Google Analytics and Twitter Flight School, among others. We take digital seriously and recognize how critical it is to not only develop great visuals and messaging, but to ensure the audiences we want to reach actually see that content. Without content distribution there is no IMPACT. “…solutions that reflect our deep understanding of local government.” DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 8 Team Tripepi Smith DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 9 Services Offered Strategy, Marketing, Communications ¨ Strategic development, research, surveys, messaging ¨ Social media management ¨ Web and social media strategy, optimization (SEO), metrics ¨ Web hosting and support ¨ Email campaigns ¨ Relations (media, stakeholders, public, government) ¨ Support and training for events, presentations and virtual gatherings ¨ Google AdWords, LinkedIn and Facebook advertising Creative Services ¨ Full-service graphic design for digital, print and outdoor ¨ Brand and logo development ¨ Content generation, writing and editorial ¨ Output services (digital distribution, print management, mail management) ¨ Photography, illustration and information graphics ¨ Video and animation ¨ Web design and implementation DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 10 APPROACH TO SCOPE OF ENGAGEMENT The following scope of work is being quoted by Tripepi Smith for communications and outreach work. Please note that we have Spanish translators on staff and all communication materials noted below can be produced in both English and Spanish. Print Collateral Tripepi Smith will design print collateral materials (in English, Spanish and other languages upon request), to provide necessary information to all stakeholders including hard-to-reach communities. The projected scope of print collateral includes seven print mailings—four postcards, one double-sided flyer, one double-sided letter, and one Mesa Water bill insert. Proposed print collateral also includes two enforcement tags/cart hangers that will be used to reinforce good behavior and identify behaviors to correct. Townhall Meetings Tripepi Smith will coordinate with District staff to identify venues and dates to host in-person Townhall Meetings on SB 1383 and the three-cart system. These meetings will be structured like a stakeholder workshop and will be held at four locations within the CMSD service area. Tripepi Smith will devise an agenda, develop leadership talking points, facilitate discussions, document community feedback, and promote positive engagement around the process. In addition, Tripepi Smith will provide onsite video production/AV services at each Townhall Meeting. Our team will handle audio setup, including providing necessary equipment such as lapel and wireless microphones. Public Service Announcement Video Series Tripepi Smith will develop a package of four 30-second PSA-style videos publicizing the new three-cart system. These videos would be available for use on social media, local public access channels, and other media outlets. Stock Photography Tripepi Smith will conduct a photo shoot dedicated to the new three-cart system, capturing professional imagery of the three new carts, the cart sizes, and common materials placed in each cart. This imagery would be available for use on the CMSD website, social media, print collateral, and other materials Social Media Support Tripepi Smith would create 20 bilingual posts (including copy and graphics) about the new three- cart system. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 11 Press Releases Tripepi Smith proposes to draft four bilingual press releases throughout the project to ensure local media aids our efforts to reach District stakeholders. Tripepi Smith will identify media contacts, collaborate with District staff to further expand the media list and ensure we reach diverse media. For key media, Tripepi Smith will follow up with phone calls. Creation and Updates to Three-Cart System Webpage Tripepi Smith would create a new webpage about the new three-cart system, including easy-to- understand information for residents and answers to frequently asked questions. Tripepi Smith would update the webpage as needed over the course of our engagement. Consulting – Project Management Tripepi Smith will continue to conduct regular, biweekly check-in calls with the CMSD communication team to efficiently manage projects and deliver communication products. Consulting – Quarterly Communications Planning Meetings Tripepi Smith will host a 2-hour virtual meeting with staff each quarter to identify communication opportunities and guide upcoming communication strategies and tactics. Additional Options Billboard Design/Coordination Tripepi Smith is available to develop a billboard and coordinate to have it on display at a location of the District’s choosing. Team Tripepi Smith would design the billboard and serve as the liaison between the District and the billboard advertising company. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 12 ESTIMATED COST OF ENGAGEMENT Fixed-Price Education and Outreach Package Tripepi Smith proposes a 12-month fixed-price package for this work to bring more certainty to the cost of the outreach for the District. Work that evolves beyond the defined scope is addressed on either an incremental noted fee basis or through time and material work. Such incremental work would be clearly noted and authorized by the District in writing prior to proceeding. The Fixed-Price Education and Outreach Package is a 12-month engagement that includes the following: • Seven (7) print mailings including four (4) bilingual, double-sided postcards; one (1) bilingual, double-sided flyer; one (1) bilingual, double-sided letter on CMSD letterhead; and one (1) bilingual, double-sided Mesa Water bill insert (excludes costs of printing/mailing) • Two (2) enforcement tags/cart hangers (excludes costs of printing/mailing) • Four (4) Townhall Meetings, including planning/event support, leadership talking points, onsite video production/AV services (up to 4.5 hours) and video production/AV equipment (includes Team Tripepi Smith travel) • Package of four (4) PSA videos (each 30 seconds in length) • Stock photography, including a stock photo shoot of approximately four (4) hours and the delivery of professionally edited photos • Development of 20 bilingual social media graphics/posts • Four (4) bilingual press releases and corresponding media outreach • Development of webpage content • Biweekly check-in calls to manage action items and deliverables • Quarterly communications planning meetings Fixed-Price Package Price Fixed-Price Education and Outreach Package $74,976 Add-On Options Price Estimate Billboard Design/Coordination $3,970 (ad hoc) DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 13 AD HOC WORK Should the District require/request work outside the scope of the Fixed-Price Education and Outreach Package, the following rates and related fees would apply. 2022-23 Hourly Rates Hourly Rates Principal $330.00 Director $220.00 Creative Director $220.00 Senior Business Analyst $175.00 Business Analyst $120.00 Junior Business Analyst $95.00 Senior Videographer/Animator $175.00 Senior Photographer $160.00 Photographer/Videographer $120.00 Senior Graphic Designer $160.00 Graphic Designer $120.00 Junior Graphic Designer $95.00 Web Developer $175.00 Drone Operator $175.00 Council Chamber A/V Operator $95.00 OTHER FEES Because Tripepi Smith offers a broad set of services, including extensive content production, we have some other content production-related fees that may come up during the course of our engagement. (Note that the fixed-price package above already includes equipment fees and video voiceovers/translations.) Equipment Fees Tripepi Smith offers some services that require equipment, such as drone operations and video production. All such expenses will be authorized by the client prior to fee being assessed. As such, in those cases, the following rates apply: DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 14 Five-hundred-fifty dollars ($550) for a full day of video equipment use (includes full set of video equipment). “Full day” is defined as a shoot lasting four (4) or more hours. Three-hundred-fifty dollars ($350) for a half day of video equipment use. “Half day” is defined as anything under four (4) hours of video production. Three-hundred-fifty dollars ($350) per day for full video equipment related to Facebook Live stream support (Mevo camera, microphones and iPad/iPhone) and is not inclusive of the operator’s time (depends on the resource). Three-hundred-fifty dollars ($350) per day drone fee applies and is not inclusive of the drone operator time (Drone Operator hourly rate). Printing Fees Tripepi Smith is happy to use a printer of the client’s choosing for print production work, or to recommend a local printer with whom we have experience. Tripepi Smith typically has the printer bill the client directly for work. Tripepi Smith makes no money on print services and has no economic interest in the selected print vendor other than ensuring quality and fair pricing for our clients. If Tripepi Smith is asked to pay the bill for the client, we will apply a ten percent (10%) agency fee to the reimbursement expense. Digital Advertising Fees Tripepi Smith is a Google Partner and Constant Contact Solution Provider and has Facebook Certified staff. We consider digital platforms to be a cornerstone element of any outreach strategy; often this comes with digital advertising fees. If a Tripepi Smith credit card is used to run the advertising campaign, then we will charge an additional ten percent (10%) agency fee on all advertising charges to compensate for the administrative overhead. Voiceover, Translation and Closed Caption Fees Tripepi Smith occasionally uses third-party resources to record voiceovers for videos, generate closed captions for videos, and for non-English language translations. Tripepi Smith will discuss with the client whether to bill the client directly or have Tripepi Smith pay and seek reimbursement. If a Tripepi Smith credit card is used for these services, then we will charge an additional ten percent (10%) agency fee on all charges to compensate for the administrative overhead. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 15 Media Placement Fees Purchase fees for advertising media space is not included on Tripepi Smith advertising proposals. Usually, clients contract directly with media, but in the event Tripepi Smith covers these fees, then we will charge an additional ten percent (10%) agency fee on all advertising charges to compensate for the administrative overhead. PAYMENT SCHEDULE AND TERMS For fixed price project work that spans the 12-month projected duration of this engagement, we will take the total and divide it into 12 equal increments to be invoiced each month during the year-long engagement. In this case, the $74,976 Fixed-Price Education and Outreach Package would be divided into 12 equal payments of $6,248 to be invoiced monthly. For any District-authorized ad hoc work, we will invoice at the end of each month for that month’s services. Terms are NET 30 days. Any expenses we incur or one-off additional projects will invoice upon delivery. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 16 References Contact Description City of Orange Josh Soliz Public Works Admin Manager 714.744.5525 jsoliz@cityoforange.org SB 1383 education and outreach including social media content, webpage content development, design and creation of print collateral, press releases, and in-person stakeholder workshops. City of Lomita Ryan Smoot City Manager 310.325.7110 r.smoot@lomitacity.com General communications support, water quality/water conservation communications, SB 1383 education and outreach, graphic design, media relations, social media management City of Paramount John Moreno City Manager 562.220.2222 jmoreno@paramountcity.com Full Communications Assessment, crisis communications related to hexavalent chromium and PFAS, SB 1383 education and outreach, video production, graphic design, website development and social media DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 17 Clients Tripepi Smith has been selected to work with over 180 local government agencies to help with their communications. We can provide you with contacts at any of these clients if desired and are confident you will find them to be quite happy with our services. City or city-related clients we are actively supporting are bolded. California City Management Foundation City of Aliso Viejo City of American Canyon City of Azusa City of Baldwin Park City of Bellflower City of Benicia City of Burlingame City of Claremont City of Coronado (City of) Culver City City of Cupertino (City of) Daly City City of Danville City of Duarte City of El Cerrito City of Fountain Valley City of Foster City City of Fullerton City of Gilroy City of Grover Beach City of Hawaiian Gardens City of Huntington Beach City of Hercules City of Indian Wells City of Industry City of Irvine City of La Cañada Flintridge City of La Palma City of La Puente City of La Verne City of Lake Forest City of Laguna Hills City of Laguna Niguel City of Lancaster City of Livermore City of Lomita City of Lynwood City of Manhattan Beach City of Manteca City of Martinez City of Millbrae City of Morgan Hill City of Murrieta City of Napa City of Norwalk City of Orange City of Orinda City of Palm Desert City of Palmdale City of Paramount City of Pismo Beach City of Placentia City of Pomona City of Rancho Palos Verdes City of Rancho Mirage City of Riverbank City of Rolling Hills Estates City of San Clemente City of Santa Ana City of Santa Clarita City of Santa Cruz City of Santa Paula City of Saratoga City of South Gate City of Tracy City of Vallejo City of Vista City of Walnut City of Westlake Village Town of Windsor County of Merced County of Fresno County of Sonoma County of Santa Barbara County of Kings California Contract Cities Association CalChoice Energy CCA California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Claremont McKenna College Scripps College Costa Mesa Sanitary District El Toro Water District Independent Cities Association Independent Cities Finance Authority Institute for Local Government League of California Cities Municipal Management Association of Northern California Municipal Management Association of Southern California Pivot Charter Schools Rowland Water District San Gabriel Valley City Managers’ Association DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 18 PROJECT TEAM STAFFING Proposed Team Ryder Todd Smith Co-founder President Jen Nentwig Principal APR Kaitlyn Wu Sr. Business Analyst Brooke Hager Jr. Business Analyst Kjerstin Wingert Sr. Graphic Designer Nolan Voge Jr. Business Analyst It is anticipated that Principal Jen Nentwig will be the account manager for the proposed engagement, with Senior Business Analyst Kaitlyn Wu serving as the day-to-day project manager. Kaitlyn will handle project management, logistics, coordination and creative direction for writing and design. Junior Business Analyst Brooke Hager will provide content development support, Senior Graphic Designer Kjerstin Wingert will provide graphic design expertise, and Junior Business Analyst Nolan Voge will provide video and A/V support. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 19 Bios See resumes in the appendix to learn more about the proposed team. Ryder Todd Smith – President Ryder has over 20 years of experience in government relations, technology and marketing. As president, he leads Tripepi Smith and is the ultimate project owner of its clients, which span over 90 public, private and non-profit agencies. Ryder is also the creator of the City Internet Strategies Study, publisher of the Civic Business Journal and a frequent speaker on the local government circuit. Additionally, his insights have been published by industry-leading publications, such as Western City Magazine and Public Management Magazine, and local government professional organizations, such as the California City Management Foundation and Municipal Management Association of Northern California have recognized and awarded his support as a longtime partner. Before Tripepi Smith, Ryder served as a senior vice president of operations and chief information officer for a software-as-a-service startup in the financial services sector. Prior to that, he was the technology manager for a regional staffing firm. Ryder is a former planning commissioner for the City of Tustin. He resides in Ladera Ranch with his wife, daughter (who is currently away at college) and dog. Fun fact: Ryder is the son of a commercial fisherman and spent several summers in Alaska working on the boat with his father. Thousands of halibut gave their lives to pay for a collection of Legos, Ryder’s first car and his college education. Jennifer Nentwig, APR – Principal Jennifer Nentwig is a talented, well-rounded communications professional and project manager with more than 14 years of experience serving government organizations. She has built and implemented programs in strategic communications, media relations, internal communication, community relations and social media. Her skills include website and social media management, development of content including articles, speeches, talking points and FAQs, as well as event planning and implementation. Jen’s clients include the City of Vallejo, City of Lomita, Pivot Charter School, Costa Mesa Sanitary District and City of Lancaster. She is a Hootsuite Social Marketing Professional, is Facebook Blueprint certified, and has her Accreditation in Public Relations from the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). Kaitlyn Wu – Senior Business Analyst Kaitlyn Wu is a seasoned outreach professional with more than seven years of experience in public sector communications and higher education outreach. Throughout her career, Kaitlyn has spearheaded content strategy and copywriting for newsletters, annual reports, websites, social media, op eds and more. In addition, she has managed water education programs and workforce DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 20 development initiatives for K-12 students and beyond. Through strategic communication efforts, Kaitlyn helps organizations educate stakeholders and produce positive change within their communities. Kaitlyn is a certified Hootsuite Social Marketing Professional and holds the J. Lindsey Wolf Certificate in Communications from the California Association of Public Information Officials (CAPIO). In addition, she has completed CAPIO’s Emergency Communications Academy, hosted in partnership with CalOES. Her clients include the City of American Canyon, City of Costa Mesa, City of Fontana, City of Jurupa Valley, City of Napa, City of Orinda, City of South Gate, Costa Mesa Sanitary District and Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency. Brooke Hager – Junior Business Analyst Brooke Hager brings a diverse background in graphic design, media management and business analytics. She graduated from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo with a Master of Science in Business Analytics and a Bachelor of Science in Graphic Communication. Brooke’s undergraduate degree gives her a wide range of expertise in graphic design using the Adobe Creative Suite, print and digital media production, social media management and UX/UI design. In her master’s program, Brooke developed her technical skills in machine learning, data management and data storytelling while working on sales optimization and marketing projects for Informatica and the New York Jets. Professionally, Brooke developed a passion for community and local government while working for the City of San Luis Obispo, the City of Burlingame and the Highlands District in the City of San Mateo. Brooke is a certified Hootsuite Social Marketing Professional. Her client work includes the City of Arroyo Grande, City of Pismo Beach, City of Grover Beach, City of San Luis Obispo and City of Downey. Kjerstin Wingert – Senior Graphic Artist / Photographer Kjerstin is a Senior Graphic Designer with Tripepi Smith. After studying Business Administration at both the Ecole Supérieure Libre Des Sciences Commerciales Appliquéesis in Paris and Concordia University in Irvine, Kjerstin went on to receive her Advanced Production Certificate in Graphic Design from Golden West College in Huntington Beach. She began working as a freelance graphic designer in 2012 and joined the Tripepi Smith staff in 2015. Kjerstin has advanced knowledge of various creative platforms including Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign. Kjerstin has experience leading an array of creative projects including layout, graphic design, illustration and creative concept development. Her client work includes: City of La Cañada Flintridge, City of Culver City, City of Duarte, City of Cupertino, City of Saratoga, City of Livermore, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority and Costa Mesa Sanitary District. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 21 Kjerstin is a certified Hootsuite Social Marketing Professional. She also completed the University of Southern California Executive Education Forum for Local Leaders and the University of California, Irvine Public Policy Making Academy. Nolan Voge – Junior Business Analyst / Videographer / Photographer Nolan Voge offers creative insight and technical solutions to the Tripepi Smith team with extensive knowledge in video systems, creative media projects and venue production. As a graduate of San Diego State University (SDSU), he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Television, Film and New Media with an emphasis in Production and a minor in Theatre Arts. He displayed his strong work ethic outside of the classroom by participating in nearly sixty projects relating to production. He further enhanced his experience as a content creator for the College of Education at SDSU, followed by employment in the government space. He previously practiced event videography, project management and his knowledge of video systems, computer systems and software with Empire Media Productions. Nolan is Hootsuite Social Marketing and Sprout Social certified, holds a certification in Dante for audio solutions in production work and is a certified drone pilot with a Part 107-enabled license. His client work includes: City of Bellflower, City of Fullerton, City of Huntington Beach, City of Menifee, the California JPIA, Town of Yucca Valley, Water Replenishment District (WRD) and City of Villa Park. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 22 APPENDIX: WORK SAMPLES The following examples highlight work that speaks to the breadth of Tripepi Smith’s communication skills. We encourage you to see all the work we have done for clients through our online portfolio at: www.tripepismith.com/work. City of Lomita – SB 1383 Webpage Description: The Tripepi Smith team developed an SB 1383 webpage for the City of Lomita to inform residents of the upcoming changes to their waste collection. The page features visually appealing graphics and easily digestible content for residents and businesses including background information and FAQs . Districting Websites/Subpages Description: The districting website in Lake Forest and districting subpages in Palm Desert are representative of our work creating districting-related websites for public agencies. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 23 City of Palm Desert – Bilingual Community Meeting Materials Description: Tripepi Smith provided PowerPoints presentations (sample English slide below) and flyers (sample flyer in Spanish below) for distribution at Palm Desert’s districting workshops. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 24 DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 25 City of La Cañada Flintridge Description: The City of La Cañada Flintridge (LCF) engaged Tripepi Smith in 2014 to perform a communications assessment and provide recommendations for expanding City communications. Our firm was subsequently engaged to perform part time PIO services. Over the years we have delivered revised logos for the City and consistently delivered a sophisticated, quarterly community newsletter, the LCF Vista. City of La Cañada Flintridge - Website Description: Tripepi Smith delivered a new website for LCF at the end of 2019. The site is built in WordPress and followed our standard development process: Website Specification, Website Design, Programming, Quality Assurance Testing, and Training and Launch. We have done this process dozens of times, and the results have been successful. LCF included a requirement in their RFP for an opensource solution for the website, as they wanted to avoid proprietary lock-in. This result was achieved with the Tripepi Smith-developed website, which also included important features like ADA compliance, proper embedding of third- party city tools, website security, pop-up alerts and a dead simple content management system that various staff feel DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 26 comfortable editing. The process took about eight months to complete. www.cityoflcf.org City of La Cañada Flintridge – Flyer/Mailer Description: The City of La Cañada Flintridge tapped Tripepi Smith to create a flyer with tips for preventing the spread of COVID-19 that was mailed to all residents. City of Murrieta State of the City – Video Description: Tripepi Smith delivered the first-ever State of the City Video for the City of Murrieta. The video debuted on July 24, 2019 at Mayor Jonathan Ingram’s State of the City address. The 19-minute video features more than a dozen interviews of City employees and Murrieta community members to give the viewers a taste of the good life in Murrieta. “Murrieta has a lot of progress to report, from new infrastructure investments to innovative public safety and a growing healthcare sector. Our community has seen a lot of growth, yet maintains a commitment to providing high-quality, economical, DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 27 responsive services to our residents,” said Kim Summers, City Manager of the City of Murrieta. “Tripepi Smith guided our team through the storytelling process, capturing the high quality of life we have here in Murrieta, and the resulting video is a product that our whole community can be proud of. The Tripepi team was an excellent partner with the City in executing this projet.” The project, led by Tripepi Smith President Ryder Todd Smith and Business Analyst Melanie James, involved a detailed script process, interviews with 20 people over two days and additional b-roll shoots to capture a variety of locations in Murrieta, including parks, healthcare centers, schools, businesses and public safety buildings. Videographers Eric Lowy and Angel Ruiz were key in capturing the City’s esteemed quality of life. The video was also supplemented by Murrieta’s large photo library and engaged staff. Access the video: https://vimeo.com/286035591 DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 28 City of Indian Wells – Infographics Description: Tripepi Smith used engaging information graphics to translate Indian Wells’ budget data into an engaging “Budget-at-a- Glance” mailer that successfully put the information in front of the community in a digestible way. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 29 City of Duarte - Engagement Report Description: Tripepi Smith has been providing communication support on a retainer basis for the City of Duarte since June 2020. As part of our engagement, Tripepi Smith provides a monthly dashboard report to City Staff for them to review progress and distribution impacts of their communication efforts. Social media is a major component of the engagement, and Tripepi Smith provides metrics related to social media work to the City Staff each month. This metrics report, which is ultimately delivered to City Council, provides critical insights into the City’s outreach efforts and has helped advance a culture of communication at the City. Tripepi Smith strongly encourages our clients to generate monthly dashboard reports on communication efforts to ensure progress is being measured or shortcoming are being identified. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 30 SOCWA – Website & Brochure Description: In addition to designing the SOCWA website, Tripepi Smith created their overview brochure to highlight the role they and their member agencies play, as well as to educate ratepayers on the subject of wastewater treatment. www.socwa.com City of Lomita - Website Description: Tripepi Smith built a new user-friendly website for the City of Lomita Water Division. www.lomitawater.com DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 31 Inland Empire Utilities Agency - Logo Description: The Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) engaged Tripepi Smith to refresh and rebuild their website. We created a new website for the client and continued maintenance support for them. In addition, Tripepi Smith has handled creative and marketing support surrounding the drought. www.ieua.org California JPIA - Brochure Description: California JPIA needed a marketing brochure that reflected their commitment to remain the absolute best in their field. Tripepi Smith created a rich, custom cut piece. The logo showed through a small window and special textural varnishes created tactile effects and made the key elements really pop. Tripepi Smith serves JPIA’s overall graphic needs. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 32 City Stock Photography Description: Tripepi Smith provides a wide array of event, architectural portrait and street photography services. Our team uses high resolution professional DSLR equipment – primarily Sony A7III cameras with premium lens options. This professional equipment is matched with the talent of our team members and their post-production Photoshop and Lightroom skills to generate great results for our clients. Social Media for City Brands Tripepi Smith manages social media channels for several government agencies. The following are examples to review: https://www.facebook.com/CityOfCulverCity/ https://twitter.com/culvercitygov?lang=en https://www.instagram.com/culvercitygov/?hl=en https://www.facebook.com/CityofSantaPaula/ https://twitter.com/santapaulacity https://www.facebook.com/CityOfLaCanadaFlintri dge/ https://twitter.com/TheCityofLCF/ https://www.facebook.com/HawaiianGardens1/ https://twitter.com/hawaiiangardens https://www.instagram.com/hgcityca/ DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 33 MuniTech Academy - Flyer Description: Tripepi Smith created promotional flyers for the education branch of the Municipal Information Systems Association of California, MuniTech Academy. Livermore - Banners Description: The City of Livermore engaged Tripepi Smith to promote temporary parking at a garage in its downtown. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 34 Content Development The following are sample press releases and stories that Tripepi Smith drafted or helped develop: City of Manhattan Beach City Terminates Employment Agreement with Fire Chief https://www.citymb.info/Home/Components/News/News/4803/43 City Council Expands and Clarifies LA County Public Health Orders Closures and Operational Requirements of Numerous Business Types https://www.citymb.info/Home/Components/News/News/4701/4811?npage=1&arch=1 City of Grover Beach Help Shape Grover Beach by Pursuing a Position on the City Council or Planning Commission http://www.groverbeach.org/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/1808 City of Santa Paula Santa Paula adopts balanced budget for Fiscal Year 2020/21 https://spcity.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=31 Santa Paula's Local Sales Tax Dollars at Work https://spcity.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=26 City of Santa Ana Santa Ana Establishes 200-Bed Interim Homeless Shelter in 28 Days https://www.westerncity.com/article/santa-ana-establishes-200-bed-interim-homeless-shelter-28-days **Ghost wrote article for City of Santa Ana Staff. Ran in Western City Magazine City of Indian Wells Mayor’s Letter to Community – July 2020 https://conta.cc/2VDR9ri Indian Wells Celebrates Change and What Remains the Same https://www.palmspringslife.com/indian-wells-ca/ Indian Wells Budget-at-a-Glance DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 35 https://www.cityofindianwells.org/home/showdocument?id=4661 California Joint Powers Insurance Authority City of Monrovia Engages Community in Prevention–Based Approach to Homelessness https://cjpia.org/newsletter/issue-97/article-8 City of La Cañada Flintridge Leverages Trail Immunity https://cjpia.org/newsletters/issue-91/article-6 DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 36 APPENDIX: RESUMES RYDER TODD SMITH TRIPEPI SMITH – PRESIDENT 11/00 – PRESENT ● Provide communications advice, strategy and execution services to a range of small to mid-sized public and private sector clients spanning local government, real estate, finance, technology and healthcare verticals MAVENT INC – SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS 5/05 – 11/09 ● Responsible for quality assurance, technology operations and internal infrastructure organizations ● Built team of technology professionals to manage multi-site production environment at co-location facilities. ● Managed vendor relationships and reviewed all invoices ● Brought focus to key areas, including: system documentation, knowledge sharing with other employees, schedule management for finite resources and enhanced security ● Developed and managed the departmental budgets for three groups MAVENT INC – VICE PRESIDENT, MARKETING 08/04 – 05/05 ● Managed the Company’s outside PR firm relationship, creative firm relationship, corporate website, ad campaigns, conference schedule, conference logistics and internal employee communications ● Developed and managed the marketing budget MAVENT INC – VICE PRESIDENT, GOVERNMENT RELATIONS 02/03 – 08/04 ● Monitored nationwide political activities that were pertinent to Mavent’s interests ● Developed relationships with third-party interest groups that impacted the Company’s product ● Participated in industry conferences and represented the Company at industry events OLYMPIC STAFFING SERVICES – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER 01/98 – 11/00 ● Managed and controlled all aspects of the technology environment at this five-location, 35- employee company NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORPORATION – GOV’T REPRESENTATIVE 07/97 – 12/97 ● Worked directly with the Director of State and Local Government Relations to research issues of concern to Northrop Grumman ● Developed agendas to target upcoming legislative issues ● Assisted in lobbying work and development of testimony EDUCATION CLAREMONT MCKENNA COLLEGE – CLAREMONT, CA ● Bachelor of Arts in Politics – Philosophy – Economics with Dual in Economics Cum Laude Honors DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 37 JENNIFER NENTWIG, APR TRIPEPI SMITH – PRINCIPAL 03/22 - PRESENT ● Strategic advice and project leadership across an array of clients TRIPEPI SMITH – DIRECTOR 01/21 – 03/22 ● Redistricting subject matter expertise, business development and project management ● Internal leadership on policy areas like water quality, major infrastructure projects TRIPEPI SMITH – SENIOR BUSINESS ANALYST 08/19 – 12/20 ● Provides project management and account support for numerous clients ● Develops content including strategic messaging, leadership talking points, speeches and articles COUNTY OF ORANGE – COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER 11/16 – 8/19 ● Managed County website and social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Nextdoor ● Developed and implemented communication plans, including talking points, key messages and FAQs BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON – COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT/ASSOCIATE 09/11 – 11/16 ● Led communications support of several U.S. military clients such as the Naval Aviation Enterprise (NAE) ● Developed and published high-visibility products including vision documents and strategic plans U.S. AIR FORCE RESERVES – PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER/MAJOR 09/11 – PRESENT ● Provides once-a-year Public Affairs support to active-duty U.S. Air Force units U.S. AIR FORCE – PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER/CAPTAIN 05/07 – 08/11 ● Served as Director of Public Affairs for U.S. military joint task force providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief ; Led media relations program and community relations events for Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada including support for a visit and speech by President Barack Obama EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO – SAN DIEGO, CA ● Master of Science in Global Leadership UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME – NOTRE DAME, IN ● Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Minor in Hesburgh Program of Public Service – Magna Cum Laude Honors PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ● Accreditation in Public Relations, Public Relations Society of America 2015 ● Public Affairs Qualification Course, Defense Information School 2007 CERTIFICATIONS ● Facebook Blueprint Digital Marketing Associate 07/20 ● Hootsuite Social Marketing 09/19 DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 38 KAITLYN WU TRIPEPI SMITH – SENIOR BUSINESS ANALYST 06/22 – PRESENT ● Serve as account manager across numerous clients overseeing strategy, budget and execution of communication initiatives ● Function as leader project manager ensuring timely completion of deliverables and upholding quality assurance processes ● Produce client newsletters, press releases, web content, articles and thought leadership pieces ● Conduct market research and offer strategic insights ELSINORE VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT – COMMUNITY AFFAIRS SPECIALIST 12/19 – 06/22 ● Wrote, edited and publish content for District publications including newsletters, eblasts, press releases, Water Quality Reports, articles and more – reaching 159,000 customers annually ● Partnered with subject matter experts to synthesize information and produce clear copy that increased public engagement with District programs ● Managed the District’s water education programs, engaging over 10,000 students each year through tours, career prep, teacher training, classroom presentations, field trips and contests ● Collaborated with leadership to asses District needs, create strategic communications goals and implement new programs CALIFORNIA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY – INTERNATIONAL ADMISSIONS SPECIALIST 05/16 – 12/19 ● Developed copy for webpages, eblasts and online applications, driving conversion of initial leads to applicants and enrolled students ● Oversaw the Visits and Events program for prospective international students, contributing to enrollment goals and building CBU’s global reputation ● Utilized Salesforce to increase efficiency, analyze data and provide quality customer service to prospective students CALIFORNIA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY – FOCUS COORDINATOR 12/14 – 12/15 ● Recruited and interviewed first-year orientation leaders ● Organized and implemented training programs, equipping student leaders in public speaking, teaching and academic advising ● Assisted in university retention efforts, serving as a liaison between staff and incoming students EDUCATION ● Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations and Psychology – California Baptist University – Riverside, CA CERTIFICATIONS ● Hootsuite Social Marketing 06/22 ● J. Lindsey Wolf Certificate in Communications (CAPIO) 04/22 SOFTWARE ● Hootsuite ● Canva ● Google Suite ● Microsoft Office Suite DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 39 BROOKE HAGER TRIPEPI SMITH – JUNIOR BUSINESS ANALYST 07/22 – PRESENT ● Conduct market research to provide client insights ● Manage social media platforms and respond to public questions ● Write stories and press releases for the firm’s website and city clients CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO – COMMUNITY SERVICES EVENTS SPECIALIST 06/21 – 08/21 ● Planned, organized and directed 8 community events in 2 months ● Acted as a liaison between 30 clients, vendors and all City departments to coordinate external events ● Maintained records on event documents, progress and status for permitting for 30 events ● Booked venues, food vendors, performers and musicians CAL POLY GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT – STUDENT ASSISTANT 09/20 – 06/21 ● Developed social media content and strategy to market department events ● Prepared presentations with weekly department updates in InDesign ● Brainstormed effective ways to execute virtual events during the pandemic GROUP 4 ARCHITECTURE + RESEARCH – GRAPHICS INTERN 07/20 – 09/20 ● Effectively conveyed complex architectural concepts by redesigning master PowerPoint template ● Developed concept for wall and window graphics for building signage ● Prepared materials for presentations and organized files for marketing use ● Organized spreadsheets and process financial documents HIGHLANDS RECREATION DISTRICT – RECREATION SPECIALIST 06/15 – 09/19 ● Developed flyers, signage, videos and other marketing content using the Adobe Creative Suite ● Collaborated with multiple departments to improve their efficiency and customer relations ● Worked on a wide variety of administrative and marketing projects EDUCATION ● Master of Science, Business Analytics (MSBA) – California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo – San Luis Obispo, CA o Academic Excellence Honors ● Bachelor of Science, Graphic Communication – California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo – San Luis Obispo, CA o Summa Cum Laude Honors o Concentration: User Experience/User Interface CERTIFICATIONS ● Hootsuite Social Marketing 07/22 SOFTWARE ● Microsoft Office ● Adobe Creative Suite ● Google Suite ● R, Python ● Canva ● Squarespace DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 40 KJERSTIN WINGERT TRIPEPI SMITH – SENIOR GRAPHIC ARTIST 03/15 – PRESENT ● Lead graphic artist on layout, graphic design, illustrations and creative concepts ● Photography for events, professional portraits, journal publications and branded stock imagery KIRKWOOD EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM – GRAPHIC DESIGNER 05/13 – 02/15 ● Design and layout of educational materials ● Created animated educational videos that provide a fun and interactive learning experience ● Edited audio and video clips to convey clear and concise information FREELANCE GRAPHIC DESIGN 12/12 – 02/15 ● Design and layout of newsletters, flyers, websites and ads ● Creation of new and updated logo designs SAVINGS IN OC – GRAPHIC DESIGN INTERN 08/12 – 11/12 ● Created, updated, and maintained advertisements and promotions for existing clientele ● Proofread monthly publications for any spelling errors, misprints and distorted images EDUCATION ● Graphic Design Advanced Production Certificate – Golden West College – Huntington Beach, CA ● Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, Marketing – Concordia University – Irvine, CA o Dean’s List Recipient ● Bachelor of Business Administration, Management – Ecole Supérieure Libre des Sciences Commerciales Appliquéesis – Paris, France o Graduated Magna Cum Laude PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ● UCI Public Policy Making Academy I 03/19 ● USC Executive Education Forum for Policy and Administration 03/17 CERTIFICATIONS ● Hootsuite Social Marketing 02/19 SOFTWARE ● Adobe Illustrator ● Adobe Photoshop ● Adobe InDesign ● Adobe Acrobat ● Adobe Lightroom ● Constant Contact ● Adobe Premiere ● Adobe After Effects ● Microsoft Office DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 41 NOLAN VOGE TRIPEPI SMITH – JUNIOR BUSINESS ANALYST 1/22 – PRESENT ● Conduct photography and videography work ● Manage video systems for broadcast television and various venues ● Collaborate on content creation for numerous platforms EMPIRE MEDIA PRODUCTIONS – PROJECT MANAGER, VIDEOGRAPHER, PHOTOGRAPHER6/20 – 12/21 ● Obtained a diverse understanding of video systems in varied environments ● Trained and assisted employees throughout scenarios prominent in video production ● Directed employees to jobsites and events for best outcome of media ● Participated in the production process, including setup and breakdown of equipment PLACENTIA YORBA LINDA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT – COMPUTER INSTRUCTIONAL SPECIALIST 09/20 – 06/21 ● Taught primary-level students on the importance of proper computer use ● Assisted faculty and staff with their technology services and internal systems on campus ● Maintained computer labs and server rooms and kept track of routine software and hardware updates ● Supervised students in assorted environments, including computer labs COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, SDSU – VIDEOGRAPHER, PHOTOGRAPHER, SOCIAL MEDIA TECHNICIAN 08/17 – 08/20 ● Created promotional pieces, interactive virtual reality video and commercial content for the program ● Photographed staff, faculty, alumni and students of high achievement, as well as campus events and seminars ● Interviewed associates of the program through written journalism and a video spotlight for each PLACENTIA YORBA LINDA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT – DISTRICT VIDEOGRAPHER 06/18 – 08/18 ● Directed content, advertisements and interviews of staff and faculty of the district ● Represented the school district at media events to encourage attendance of the schools alongside students of other programs EDUCATION ● Bachelor of Science in Television, Film and New Media (Production), Minor in Theatre Arts – San Diego State University – San Diego, CA CERTIFICATIONS ● Hootsuite Social Marketing 01/22 ● Dante Certification Program – Levels 1 and 2 10/20 ● Sprout Social 02/22 ● Drone Certification – Part 107 for Commercial Flying SOFTWARE ● Adobe Premiere Pro ● Adobe Photoshop ● Adobe Lightroom ● Microsoft Office and Google Suite ● Adobe Illustrator ● Adobe InDesign ● Adobe After Effects ● Final Cut Pro X ● ATEM Software Control ● ATEM Media Express ● Cablecast Systems ● Leightronix Systems DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 42 DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT Continued Three-Cart System Education and Outreach Submitted: May 10, 2024 By: Ryder Todd Smith, Tripepi Smith President Jennifer Nentwig, Tripepi Smith Principal DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4Exhibit B Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 3 DECLARATIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 4 RELATED FIRM EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................................................ 5 COMPANY OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................... 6 SCOPE AND PRICING ..................................................................................................................................... 10 PROJECT TEAM STAFFING ............................................................................................................................. 15 DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 3 INTRODUCTION Thank you for the opportunity to present Tripepi Smith services in response to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District’s need for continued education and outreach on SB 1383 and the District’s new three-cart system. Tripepi Smith is a team of nearly 60 communications experts—robust enough to offer experienced and effective professionals for the job, yet small enough to be nimble and responsive. Tripepi Smith offers a spectrum of skills that allows us to match the appropriate resource to the task at hand, letting us execute faster and reduce engagement costs. These resources vary by both years of experience and core hard skills (graphic design versus videography versus writing versus social media, for example). The result: we have an ability to conduct outreach to the public across a range of platforms. Tripepi Smith is a force multiplier for the communication operations of agencies across California. We gain insights from the breadth of our client work and apply that knowledge to our work with other clients. Tripepi Smith looks forward to continuing our partnership with the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. Regards, Ryder Todd Smith Co-Founder & President Tripepi Smith ryder@tripepismith.com • (626) 536-2173 • Fax: (949) 679-8371 PO Box 52152, Irvine, CA 92619 DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 4 DECLARATIONS Authorization As co-founder and president of Tripepi Smith, I am qualified to enter into agreements with the Costa Mesa Sanitary District and to make the statements on behalf of the firm. This proposal is valid for ninety (90) days from May 10, 2024. Insurance Insurance certificates will be provided prior to contract execution. Tripepi Smith routinely provides insurance certificates to prove we meet the contracting requirements of public agencies throughout California. We are willing and able to comply with the insurance requirements. Tripepi Smith states that: ¨ It can legally conduct business in the state of California and the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. ¨ It has not colluded with other respondents in any fashion which would restrict or eliminate competition. ¨ No employee or official of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District has a material or monetary interest in this contract. ¨ It is not aware of any other actual or potential conflict of interest related to this proposal and the projects being implemented. Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Ethics Tripepi Smith operates in a complex marketplace that is more political than most industries. As a result, conflicts of interest (real or perceived) can arise. The first and foremost obligation of Tripepi Smith is to outline all existing client relationships to prospects so as to let the prospect determine if a conflict exists. At this time, Tripepi Smith does not see any conflicts with our client work and the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. Learn more about Tripepi Smith’s commitment to ethics: https://www.tripepismith.com/about- us/#ethics Tripepi Smith & Associates, Inc. Founded: 2000 / California S Corporation: 2002 PO Box 52152, Irvine, CA 92619 (626) 536-2173 www.TripepiSmith.com DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 5 RELATED FIRM EXPERIENCE Tripepi Smith has worked in local government communications for over ten years and has a strong track record of success on a range of projects, including: public education and outreach related to air and water quality, revenue measure education, COVID-19 crisis communications, economic development advertising campaigns, branding projects, community choice aggregation launch efforts and district formation/redistricting programs. 1. The City of Orange hired Tripepi Smith to conduct education and outreach regarding SB 1383 for residents and businesses. The work has included and will include: content development for social media, web, and print materials; design and creation of collateral including a postcard, vertical banner, and stickers; a PSA video series; and in-person and virtual workshops for targeted stakeholder groups. ● Project Team: Principal Jennifer Nentwig, Senior Business Analyst Sara Madsen, Business Analyst Kylie Sun, Subcontractor CityGreen Consulting ● Date of Engagement: May 2022 - Ongoing 2. The City of South Gate hired Tripepi Smith to conduct SB 1383 education and outreach, particularly related to their transition to a new hauler and launch of their new organics recycling program. The work has included/will include: a dedicated SB 1383 website, social media support, campaign branding/logo, an animated explainer video, a PSA video series, print collateral, e-newsletter content, and press releases. ● Project Team: Principal Jennifer Nentwig, Senior Business Analyst Kaitlyn Wu, Junior Business Analyst Morgan Mock, Subcontractor CityGreen Consulting ● Date of Engagement: November 2022 - Ongoing 3. Tripepi Smith is engaged by the City of Lomita to aid in communication and public outreach for Lomita Water and other general City communications. The work has included: SB 1383 public education and outreach, public tours of the water facility, development of Lomita’s Consumer Confidence Report, billing inserts, news article development, social media management related to Lomita Water and COVID-19, e-news alerts, Lomita Water website management, development of a stand-alone COVID-19 information portal website, City of Lomita website redesign and a stock photoshoot. ● Project Team: Senior Business Analyst Sara Madsen, Junior Business Analyst Morgan Mock, Junior Business Analyst Devin Antonio ● Date of Engagement: August 2016 - Ongoing DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 6 COMPANY OVERVIEW A Public Affairs Firm that Understands Local Government Tripepi Smith excels at public affairs. We work in a complex environment where successful communications go hand-in-hand with marketing and technical expertise. As a full-service marketing and creative services firm, Tripepi Smith delivers content and design tailored for local government, public agencies, nonprofits and private companies—each strongly represented in our client list. Grounded in Civic Affairs Co-Founder and CFO Nicole Tripepi Smith is a second-generation civic affairs professional (her father was a city manager for 28 years), and Co-Founder and President Ryder Todd Smith brings over a decade of public agency marketing and communications experience to the table. Implementing Strategy and Engaging Audiences Tripepi Smith recognizes the important interplay of public affairs and design. It’s about presenting ideas that advance communities and public institutions. An important corollary to this is providing the creative services that can build materials to engage audiences and make ideas resonate. Tripepi Smith’s multi-faceted design team enables us to reach these goals and lead effective creative strategy. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 7 Strategic Tripepi Smith is a provider of technology, communications and public affairs services. We leverage our skills and experiences in each of these areas to deliver efficient, technologically driven communication solutions that reflect our deep understanding of local government. Our team has a strong record of working with public agencies, joint powers authorities and not-for-profit organizations throughout California to better engage and connect with their stakeholders and community. Creative Tripepi Smith’s creative professionals have worked with public and private clients on imagery, colors and graphic design across a wide array of projects. Our firm offers creative services that address not only traditional media such as print, websites, logo design and advertising but also non-traditional marketing services around email campaigns, social media, blogging, SEO, video production and more. This integrated approach to content development makes the process more efficient and more effective for clients. Content x Distribution = IMPACT Tripepi Smith was born in the digital era and brings significant technical skills to the table. Members of our team carry technical certifications in Hootsuite Social Media Marketing, Facebook Blueprint, Google Advertising, Google Analytics and Twitter Flight School, among others. We take digital seriously and recognize how critical it is to not only develop great visuals and messaging, but to ensure the audiences we want to reach actually see that content. Without content distribution there is no IMPACT. “…solutions that reflect our deep understanding of local government.” DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 8 Team Tripepi Smith DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 9 Services Offered Strategy, Marketing, Communications ¨ Strategic development, research, surveys, messaging ¨ Social media management ¨ Web and social media strategy, optimization (SEO), metrics ¨ Web hosting and support ¨ Email campaigns ¨ Relations (media, stakeholders, public, government) ¨ Support and training for events, presentations and virtual gatherings ¨ Google AdWords, LinkedIn and Facebook advertising Creative Services ¨ Full-service graphic design for digital, print and outdoor ¨ Brand and logo development ¨ Content generation, writing and editorial ¨ Output services (digital distribution, print management, mail management) ¨ Photography, illustration and information graphics ¨ Video and animation ¨ Web design and implementation DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 10 SCOPE AND PRICING AD HOC WORK To maximize flexibility for the District, Tripepi Smith is offering our Ad Hoc hourly pricing for new work. Such work may include, but is not limited to: • Monthly check-in calls and project management • Videography • Photography • Graphic design (in addition to the mailings/cart tags/social media noted above) For Ad Hoc work that the District may require/request, the following rates and related fees would apply. 2023-24 Hourly Rates Hourly Rates Principal $350.00 Director $240.00 Creative Director $240.00 Senior Business Analyst $190.00 Business Analyst $130.00 Junior Business Analyst $105.00 Senior Videographer/Animator $190.00 Senior Photographer $160.00 Photographer/Videographer $120.00 Senior Graphic Designer $175.00 Graphic Designer $120.00 Junior Graphic Designer $105.00 Web Developer $195.00 Drone Operator $195.00 Council Chamber A/V Operator $105.00 DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 11 OTHER FEES Tripepi Smith has related service fees that may come up during our engagement that we want to tell you about. Travel Costs Our team will seek client authorization and reimbursement for travel necessary to complete a requested scope of work. Travel costs may include airfare, lodging, car rentals and gas. Additionally, when client work requires that we be onsite, Tripepi Smith invoices for travel time at half the resource’s hourly rate. Equipment Costs Tripepi Smith applies the following equipment fees, as applicable, when providing video services. We will seek client authorization prior to assessing any such expenses. Equipment fees are not inclusive of operator (staff) time, which is billed on an hourly basis. Title Half Day Full Day Video Equipment $400 $600 Drone Equipment $500 – Flat Fee MEVO Equipment $400 – Flat Fee Definitions • Half Day: Anything under four hours of video production • Full Day: A shoot lasting four or more hours Service Fees Tripepi Smith prefers that clients pay service providers directly to avoid unnecessary administrative costs. You should also know, however, that we have no economic interest in service providers, unless otherwise specified in this proposal. If a client asks Tripepi Smith to pay for a service provider bill, we will apply a 10% agency fee to the reimbursement expense. Typical service fees include, but are not limited to: print, mailing, digital advertising, media placements, voiceovers, translations and closed captions. Partner Access Tripepi Smith has access to entities that may be relevant to our engagement. These partnerships allow Tripepi Smith to offer clients extra media reach or additional services at partner pricing. Partnerships include: DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 12 • PublicCEO: www.PublicCEO.com – Digital news about public affairs, reaching over 17,000 California government executives through a daily podcast, job board, video podcast and more. • Civic Business Journal: www.CivicBusinessJournal.com – Digital interest stories on the people, companies and solutions that make local government in California more effective. • FlashVote: www.FlashVote.com – Statistically valid surveying that helps leaders make decisions. o Disclaimer: Tripepi Smith President Ryder Todd Smith is an investor in FlashVote. • Tripepi Smith Talent Solutions: www.TSTalentSolutions.com – A multifaceted recruitment consultancy service, combining local government access with communications to advance talent quests and build culture warriors. • Meltwater: www.TripepiSmith.com/Media-Intelligence – An enterprise-class, comprehensive media monitoring solution that is best combined with Tripepi Smith’s analytics team. PAYMENT SCHEDULE AND TERMS Beginning in July 2024, check-in calls, project management, and any new/additional work requested by the District will be billed on an ad hoc basis, utilizing the hourly rates provided on page 10. Time at Tripepi Smith is billed in 15-minute increments (i.e., we invoice our time in the following examples: 1.25, 0.75 or 6.5 hours). Terms are net 30 days. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 13 References Contact Description City of Orange Josh Soliz Public Works Admin Manager 714.744.5525 jsoliz@cityoforange.org SB 1383 education and outreach including social media content, webpage content development, design and creation of print collateral, press releases, and in-person stakeholder workshops. City of Lomita Ryan Smoot City Manager 310.325.7110 r.smoot@lomitacity.com General communications support, water quality/water conservation communications, SB 1383 education and outreach, graphic design, media relations, social media management City of Paramount John Moreno City Manager 562.220.2222 jmoreno@paramountcity.com Full Communications Assessment, crisis communications related to hexavalent chromium and PFAS, SB 1383 education and outreach, video production, graphic design, website development and social media DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 14 Some of Our Clients Tripepi Smith has been selected to work with over 200 local government agencies to help with their communications. We can provide you with contacts at any of these clients if desired and are confident you will find them to be quite happy with our services. California City Management Foundation City of Aliso Viejo City of American Canyon City of Azusa City of Baldwin Park City of Bellflower City of Benicia City of Burlingame City of Claremont City of Coronado (City of) Culver City City of Cupertino (City of) Daly City City of Danville City of Duarte City of El Cerrito City of Fountain Valley City of Foster City City of Fullerton City of Gilroy City of Grover Beach City of Hawaiian Gardens City of Huntington Beach City of Hercules City of Indian Wells City of Industry City of Irvine City of La Cañada Flintridge City of La Palma City of La Puente City of La Verne City of Lake Forest City of Laguna Hills City of Laguna Niguel City of Lancaster City of Livermore City of Lomita City of Lynwood City of Manhattan Beach City of Manteca City of Martinez City of Millbrae City of Morgan Hill City of Murrieta City of Napa City of Norwalk City of Orange City of Orinda City of Palm Desert City of Palmdale City of Paramount City of Pismo Beach City of Placentia City of Pomona City of Rancho Palos Verdes City of Rancho Mirage City of Riverbank City of Rolling Hills Estates City of San Clemente City of Santa Ana City of Santa Clarita City of Santa Cruz City of Santa Paula City of Saratoga City of South Gate City of Tracy City of Vallejo City of Vista City of Walnut City of Westlake Village Town of Windsor County of Merced County of Fresno County of Sonoma County of Santa Barbara County of Kings California Contract Cities Association CalChoice Energy CCA California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Claremont McKenna College Scripps College Costa Mesa Sanitary District El Toro Water District Independent Cities Association Independent Cities Finance Authority Institute for Local Government League of California Cities Municipal Management Association of Northern California Municipal Management Association of Southern California Pivot Charter Schools Rowland Water District San Gabriel Valley City Managers’ Association DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 15 PROJECT TEAM STAFFING Proposed Team Ryder Todd Smith Co-founder President Jen Nentwig Principal APR Sienna Boyd Sr. Business Analyst Madeline Wilson Jr. Business Analyst Kjerstin Wingert Sr. Graphic Designer Nolan Voge Business Analyst It is anticipated that Principal Jen Nentwig will be the account manager for the proposed engagement, with Senior Business Analyst Sienna Boyd serving as the day-to-day project manager. Sienna will handle project management, logistics, coordination and creative direction for writing and design. Junior Business Analyst Madeline Wilson will provide content development support, Senior Graphic Designer Kjerstin Wingert will provide graphic design expertise, and Business Analyst Nolan Voge will provide video and A/V support. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 16 Bios Ryder Todd Smith – President Ryder has over 20 years of experience in government relations, technology and marketing. As president, he leads Tripepi Smith and is the ultimate project owner of its clients, which span over 90 public, private and non-profit agencies. Ryder is also the creator of the City Internet Strategies Study, publisher of the Civic Business Journal and a frequent speaker on the local government circuit. Additionally, his insights have been published by industry-leading publications, such as Western City Magazine and Public Management Magazine, and local government professional organizations, such as the California City Management Foundation and Municipal Management Association of Northern California have recognized and awarded his support as a longtime partner. Before Tripepi Smith, Ryder served as a senior vice president of operations and chief information officer for a software-as-a-service startup in the financial services sector. Prior to that, he was the technology manager for a regional staffing firm. Ryder is a former planning commissioner for the City of Tustin. He resides in Ladera Ranch with his wife, daughter (who is currently away at college) and dog. Fun fact: Ryder is the son of a commercial fisherman and spent several summers in Alaska working on the boat with his father. Thousands of halibut gave their lives to pay for a collection of Legos, Ryder’s first car and his college education. Jennifer Nentwig, APR – Principal Jennifer Nentwig is a talented, well-rounded communications professional and project manager with more than 16 years of experience serving government organizations. She has built and implemented programs in strategic communications, media relations, internal communication, community relations and social media. Her skills include website and social media management, development of content including articles, speeches, talking points and FAQs, as well as event planning and implementation. Jen’s clients include the City of Vallejo, City of Lomita, Pivot Charter School, Costa Mesa Sanitary District and City of Lancaster. She is a Hootsuite Social Marketing Professional, is Facebook Blueprint certified, and has her Accreditation in Public Relations from the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). Sienna Boyd – Senior Business Analyst Sienna Boyd is a strong people and project manager with a background in sales and customer experience. After studying Political Science at California Baptist University, she went on to enter the marketing and sales space, constantly shattering sales and retention records. Sienna believes that solid storytelling is the key to an empathetic communication ethos. She has over a decade of team DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 17 building and interpersonal communication experience and is passionate about communication strategies individualized to context, need, and community. As a Senior Business Analyst for Tripepi Smith, Sienna manages a wide range of projects, continues to produce quality content, provide communication insights, and develop outreach strategies for clients. Madeline Wilson – Junior Business Analyst Madeline is a marketing professional with a versatile set of skills including social media management, marketing strategy, copywriting, and more. She graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in Marketing and is passionate about using her skills to educate. Madeline developed her skills in a variety of industries including non-profit, technology, and local government, and has been a key player in expanding the reach and effectiveness of communications for small businesses. Madeline is a certified Hootsuite Marketing Professional. Kjerstin Wingert – Senior Graphic Artist / Photographer Kjerstin is a Senior Graphic Designer with Tripepi Smith. After studying Business Administration at both the Ecole Supérieure Libre Des Sciences Commerciales Appliquéesis in Paris and Concordia University in Irvine, Kjerstin went on to receive her Advanced Production Certificate in Graphic Design from Golden West College in Huntington Beach. She began working as a freelance graphic designer in 2012 and joined the Tripepi Smith staff in 2015. Kjerstin has advanced knowledge of various creative platforms including Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign. Kjerstin has experience leading an array of creative projects including layout, graphic design, illustration and creative concept development. Her client work includes: City of La Cañada Flintridge, City of Culver City, City of Duarte, City of Cupertino, City of Saratoga, City of Livermore, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority and Costa Mesa Sanitary District. Kjerstin is a certified Hootsuite Social Marketing Professional. She also completed the University of Southern California Executive Education Forum for Local Leaders and the University of California, Irvine Public Policy Making Academy. Nolan Voge – Junior Business Analyst / Videographer / Photographer Nolan Voge offers creative insight and technical solutions to the Tripepi Smith team with extensive knowledge in video systems, creative media projects and venue production. As a graduate of San Diego State University (SDSU), he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Television, Film and New Media with an emphasis in Production and a minor in Theatre Arts. He displayed his strong work ethic outside of the classroom by participating in nearly sixty projects relating to production. He further enhanced his experience as a content creator for the College of Education at SDSU, followed by employment in the government space. He previously practiced DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4 Costa Mesa Sanitary District / Three-Cart System Education & Outreach 18 event videography, project management and his knowledge of video systems, computer systems and software with Empire Media Productions. Nolan is Hootsuite Social Marketing and Sprout Social certified, holds a certification in Dante for audio solutions in production work and is a certified drone pilot with a Part 107-enabled license. His client work includes: City of Bellflower, City of Fullerton, City of Huntington Beach, City of Menifee, the California JPIA, Town of Yucca Valley, Water Replenishment District (WRD) and City of Villa Park. DocuSign Envelope ID: C988D5B0-EFB1-4967-9D64-E9F408DF77A4