2024_05_08_cacWednesday, May 8, 2024 Citizens Advisory Committee Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Costa Mesa Sanitary District - 290 Paularino Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626 *** The livestream of the meeting can be viewed by clicking the "Video" icon on this page (which will be made available at the start of the meeting) or by visiting www.youtube.com/CostaMesaSanitary. *** To participate in the meeting by computer: 1. Copy and past the following into your browser - https://us02web.zoom.us/join 2. Enter the Meeting ID number - 885 8027 5211 3. Click "Join." *** To join the meeting with a mobile device: 1. Download the Zoom app at the Google Play Store (for Android devices) or the App Store (for Apple devices) 2. Open the Zoom app. Select "Join a Meeting." 3. Enter Zoom Meeting ID. Select "Join Meeting." *** To join the meeting by phone: 1. Call 1-669-900-6833. 2. You will be asked to enter the Meeting ID number. Dial 885 8027 5211# 3. Lastly, you will be asked to enter your Participant ID. Press the # symbol again to bypass this step. *** Public Comments: Members of the public can submit any comments in real time during the meeting or prior to the meeting in writing for the Board of Directors' consideration by sending them to the District Clerk, Noelani Middenway, at nmiddenway@cmsdca.gov. Those comments will be made part of the official public record of the meeting. *** Obtaining Agenda Materials: The public is entitled to copies of all documents that are made part of the agenda packet. If any document or other writing pertaining to an agenda item is distributed to all or a majority of the Board after the packet is prepared, a copy of that writing may be obtained from the District Clerk's Office. *** In Compliance with ADA: Contact District Clerk, Noelani Middenway, at (949) 645-8400, 48 hours prior to meeting if assistance is needed (28 CFR ADA Title II). A. OPENING ITEMS 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Public Comments - Speakers will be limited to three minutes. The three minutes per speaker time allotted may be extended for good cause by a majority vote of the committee). B. ITEM 1. Appoint Chair and Vice Chair 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#1/2 2. Approve the Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of March 13, 2024 3. Alkaline Battery Recycling Program - Final Report 4. Three-Cart Curbside Collection Program Rollout Plan Presented by CR&R C. CLOSING ITEMS 1. Committee Member Comments 2. Board/Staff Comments 3. Adjournment 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#2/2 Wednesday, May 8, 2024 Citizens Advisory Committee Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Costa Mesa Sanitary District - 290 Paularino Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626 *** The livestream of the meeting can be viewed by clicking the "Video" icon on this page (which will be made available at the start of the meeting) or by visiting www.youtube.com/CostaMesaSanitary. *** To participate in the meeting by computer: 1. Copy and past the following into your browser - https://us02web.zoom.us/join 2. Enter the Meeting ID number - 885 8027 5211 3. Click "Join." *** To join the meeting with a mobile device: 1. Download the Zoom app at the Google Play Store (for Android devices) or the App Store (for Apple devices) 2. Open the Zoom app. Select "Join a Meeting." 3. Enter Zoom Meeting ID. Select "Join Meeting." *** To join the meeting by phone: 1. Call 1-669-900-6833. 2. You will be asked to enter the Meeting ID number. Dial 885 8027 5211# 3. Lastly, you will be asked to enter your Participant ID. Press the # symbol again to bypass this step. *** Public Comments: Members of the public can submit any comments in real time during the meeting or prior to the meeting in writing for the Board of Directors' consideration by sending them to the District Clerk, Noelani Middenway, at nmiddenway@cmsdca.gov. Those comments will be made part of the official public record of the meeting. *** Obtaining Agenda Materials: The public is entitled to copies of all documents that are made part of the agenda packet. If any document or other writing pertaining to an agenda item is distributed to all or a majority of the Board after the packet is prepared, a copy of that writing may be obtained from the District Clerk's Office. *** In Compliance with ADA: Contact District Clerk, Noelani Middenway, at (949) 645-8400, 48 hours prior to meeting if assistance is needed (28 CFR ADA Title II). A. OPENING ITEMS Subject 1. Call to Order Meeting May 8, 2024 - Citizens Advisory Committee Access Public Type 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#1/14 A. OPENING ITEMS Member Position Voting Division Term Sue Lester Chair 5 2023-2025 Michael Tou Vice Chair 3 2024-2026 Jeff Arbour Member 1 2023-2025 Cindy Brenneman Member 3 2023-2025 Xerxez Calilung Member 5 2024-2026 Rosemarie Chora Member 4 2024-2026 Ben Glassman Member 1 2023-2025 Craig J. Holmes Member 1 2024-2026 Birger "Dickie" Fernández Member 2 2024-2026 Dean Fisher Member 1 2023-2025 Paul R. Lancaster Member 4 2024-2026 Subject 2. Roll Call Meeting May 8, 2024 - Citizens Advisory Committee Access Public Type Procedural 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#2/14 A. OPENING ITEMS Subject 3. Public Comments - Speakers will be limited to three minutes. The three minutes per speaker time allotted may be extended for good cause by a majority vote of the committee). Meeting May 8, 2024 - Citizens Advisory Committee Access Public Type Procedural 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#3/14 B. ITEM Subject 1. Appoint Chair and Vice Chair Meeting May 8, 2024 - Citizens Advisory Committee Access Public Type Action Recommended Action That the Citizens Advisory Committee appoint a Chair and Vice Chair to serve for a term of two years ending March 2026 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#4/14 B. ITEM To: Citizens Advisory Committee Via: Scott Carroll, General Manager From: Gina Terraneo, Management Analyst II Date: May 8, 2024 Subject: Approve the Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of March 13, 2024 Summary The recorded minutes of the March 13, 2024 Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting are hereby submitted to the Citizens Advisory Committee for review and approval. Staff Recommendation That the Citizens Advisory Committee approves the meeting minutes as presented. Analysis Attached to the staff report are the minutes for the Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting on March 13, 2024. Legal Review Not applicable. Environmental Review Consideration of public meeting minutes is an administrative matter and is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et. seq.). Section 15300.4 of CEQA allows an agency while establishing its own procedures “to list those specific activities which fall within each of the exempt classes”, and the District has adopted “CEQA Guidelines and Implementing Procedures” that state on page 6 ”Projects” does not include …. C. Continuing administrative or maintenance activities.” Financial Review Not applicable. Public Notice Process Copies of this report are on file and will be included in the complete agenda packet for the May 8, 2024 Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting at District Headquarters and posted on the District’s website. Alternative Actions 1. Do not approve the meeting minutes as presented. 2. Direct staff to report back with more information. Subject 2. Approve the Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of March 13, 2024 Meeting May 8, 2024 - Citizens Advisory Committee Access Public Type Action, Minutes Recommended Action That the Citizens Advisory Committee approves the meeting minutes as presented. Minutes View Minutes for Mar 13, 2024 - Citizens Advisory Committee 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#5/14 File Attachments minutes_2024_03_13_cac.pdf (79 KB) 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#6/14 B. ITEM To: Citizens Advisory Committee Via: Scott Carroll, General Manager From: Angela Colunga, Administrative Assistant I Date: May 8, 2024 Subject: Alkaline Battery Recycling Program - Final Report Summary In July 2013, the Board of Directors directed staff to implement a Battery Recycling Pilot Contest that focused on collecting used alkaline batteries from local schools. This year, 17 schools participated in the District's Alkaline Battery Recycling Program and collected a total of 11,972 pounds of used batteries. Staff is providing the Citizens Advisory Committee with a final report of this year's program, which took place from September 2023 to March 2024. On April 30, 2024, District staff presented the first-place prize to Paularino Elementary. This is the first time that Paularino Elementary has placed first in the program. Please see the attached photo. Recommendation That the Citizens Advisory Committee receives and files this report. Analysis A total of 17 schools within the District's service area participated in this year's program and collected a total of 11,972 pounds of used batteries. Below is a chart illustrating the participating schools ranked by the total weight (in pounds) collected: Ranking School Battery Totals (in lbs)Reward 1st Paularino Elementary 2,471 $1,200 2nd Sonora Elementary 1,292 $1,000 3rd David Magnet School 1,242 $800 4th Kaiser Elementary 891 $350 5th Estancia High School 869 $350 6th College Park Elementary 814 $350 7th Killybrooke Elementary 795 $350 8th Christ Lutheran School 774 $350 9th California Elementary 580 $350 10th Newport Heights Elementary 550 $350 11th Waldorf School 478 $300 12th Victoria Elementary School 271 $300 13th Harper Elementary School 238 $300 Subject 3. Alkaline Battery Recycling Program - Final Report Meeting May 8, 2024 - Citizens Advisory Committee Access Public Type Receive and File Goals 4.6 Partnerships - Educate students enrolled in learning institutions 2.3 Solid Waste - Provide a convenient method of disposing Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#7/14 14th St. John the Baptist School 237 $300 15th Early College High School 211 $300 16th TeWinkle Middle School 132 $300 17th Rea Elementary 127 $300 Total 11,972 $7,550 The program works as follows: 1. Schools within the District's service area are contacted in August to participate in the program. 2. Mercury Disposal Systems, Inc. (MDS) mails five battery recycling boxes to each participating school. Additional boxes are available upon request. 3. MDS staff collects the batteries on the first Thursday of every month during the contest period. 4. MDS tags the boxes with each school's name, weighs them, and sends District staff the total tonnage collected per school. 5. MDS bills the District for this service. Award Breakdown: 1st Place: $1,200 2nd Place: $1,000 3rd Place: $800 Over 1,000 lbs: $500 999 to 500 lbs: $350 499 to 100 lbs: $300 99 to 51 lbs: $200 50 lbs and under: $100 The Alkaline Battery Recycling Program promotes recycling and environmental stewardship among local schools. It is the District's hope that students will apply these principles at home, educate their families, and become good stewards of the environment. Additionally, the program benefits the District through increased visibility within the community, the development of partnerships with local schools, and credit towards the District's diversion rate. Past program data: Fiscal Year Number of Participating Schools Batteries Collected (in lbs)Top Winner 2013-14 5 4,153.9 Christ Lutheran 2014-15 8 5,345 Davis Magnet 2015-16 9 4,525 Davis Magnet 2016-17 13 6,973 Davis Magnet 2017-18 18 8,720 Davis Magnet 2018-19 20 12,662 Davis Magnet 2019-20 18 10,162 Sonora Elementary 2020-21 --- 2021-22 15 9,460 Killybrooke Elementary 2022-23 17 12,527 Davis Magnet 2023-24 17 11,972 Paularino Elementary Legal Review Not applicable. Environmental Review Not applicable. Financial Review The Alkaline Battery Recycling Program has a budget of $20,000 in Fiscal Year 2023-24. Below is the total cost breakdown for the current fiscal year. 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#8/14 Fundraiser Rewards (17 Schools)$7,550.00 Disposal Costs $11,501.02 Total Program Cost $19,051.02 For comparison, the Alkaline Battery Recycling Program had a budget of $20,000 in Fiscal Year 2022-23 with a total program cost of $19,153.14. Public Notice Process Copies of this report are on file and will be included with the complete agenda packet for the May 8, 2024 Citizens Advisory Committee meeting at District Headquarters and posted on the District's website at www.cmsdca.gov. Alternative Actions 1. Direct staff to report back with more information. File Attachments Paularino Elementary.jpg (3,053 KB) Progam Data - Total Batteries Collected.png (214 KB) Program Data - Participating Schools.png (192 KB) 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#9/14 B. ITEM To: Citizens Advisory Committee Via: Scott Carroll, General Manager From: Marissa Pereyda, Management Analyst II Date: May 8, 2024 Subject: Three-Cart Curbside Collection Program Rollout Plan Presented by CR&R Summary Julie Barreda, CR&R Regional Vice President, will present the proposed Three-Cart Curbside Collection Program Rollout Plan. Recommendation That the Citizens Advisory Committee receive and file this report. Analysis Senate Bill (SB) 1383 requires jurisdictions using a two-cart collection system to deliver waste to a "high-diversion" waste processing facility or implement a three-cart collection system. Currently, the District has a two-cart system where recyclables and landfill waste are collected in one container and separated at a local Materials Recovery Facility. The Board of Directors determined that upgrading the waste hauler’s facility to a "high-diversion" facility is cost-prohibitive and chose to move forward with a three-cart system. On January 23, 2023, Board of Directors approved an amendment to the solid waste agreement with CR&R Incorporated (CR&R), establishing a residential Three-Cart Curbside Collection Program. The Three-Cart Program will allow the District to remain in compliance with SB 1383 and ideally increase the District's diversion rate by reducing the amount of contaminated recyclables going to the landfill. CR&R has worked cooperatively with District staff to develop the Three-Cart Curbside Collection Rollout Plan presented today. Per the proposed plan, the Three-Cart Rollout will begin October 7, 2024. A presentation outlining the Three-Cart Rollout Plan is attached to this report and accompanied by a verbal presentation from Julie Barreda, CR&R Regional Vice President. The Three-Cart Rollout Plan was presented to the Board of Directors at the April 9, 2024, Study Session. Legal Review Not applicable. Environmental Review Presenting the Three-Cart Rollout Plan is an administrative matter and is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et. seq.). Section 15300.4 of CEQA allows an agency while establishing its own procedures "to list those specific activities which fall within each of the exempt classes," and the District has adopted "CEQA Guidelines and Implementing Procedures" that state on page 6 "Projects" does not include... C. Continuing administration or maintenance activities. Financial Review As a result of implementing the Three-Cart Curbside Collection Program, the District's annual total solid waste operating expenditures are projected to increase from $7.3 million in FY 2023/24 to $11 million in FY 2028/29, per the final solid waste rate study received and filed at the April 22, 2024, Board of Directors meeting. The rate recommendation accepted by the Board on April 22, 2024, is projected to generate enough revenue to cover the projected expenses and maintain the solid waste minimum operating reserve balance. Public Notice Process Copies of this report are on file and will be included with the complete agenda packet for the May 8, 2024, Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting held at 290 Paularino Avenue and posted on the District's website at www.cmsdca.gov. Alternative Actions Refer item back to staff with further instructions. Subject 4. Three-Cart Curbside Collection Program Rollout Plan Presented by CR&R Meeting May 8, 2024 - Citizens Advisory Committee Access Public Type Presentation, Receive and File 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#10/14 File Attachments CR&R_Three-Cart_Rollout_Presentation_CAC_05.08.2024.pdf (1,025 KB) 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#11/14 C. CLOSING ITEMS Subject 1. Committee Member Comments Meeting May 8, 2024 - Citizens Advisory Committee Access Public Type Presentation 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#12/14 C. CLOSING ITEMS Subject 2. Board/Staff Comments Meeting May 8, 2024 - Citizens Advisory Committee Access Public Type Presentation 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#13/14 C. CLOSING ITEMS The next Citizens Advisory Committee meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 in the District's Boardroom, located at 290 Paularino Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Subject 3. Adjournment Meeting May 8, 2024 - Citizens Advisory Committee Access Public Type Procedural 5/2/24, 1:57 PM BoardDocs® Pro https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/cmsdca/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#14/14