2024-03-18 Pricing Path Point Merchant Services - XBPMerchant: Authorization Fees Credit Debit Visa, MC, Discover Transaction Fee $0.00 AMEX Transaction Fee $0.00 Return Fee $0.30 Batch Header Fee $0.00 American Express 0.75% AVS Authorization $0.00 $0.00 Setup Fee Waived $7.00 Terminal Reprogram Fee Waived Varies Annual Fee (PCI Fee)$49.99 MC Merchant Location Fees 4 $1.25 Customer Initials X___________ Pin Debit and/or EBT Network Fees JCB (Japanese Credit Bureau) As set by each payment brand Monthly All Standard PIN Debit Network Fees will be assessed 1. Transaction Processing Fees (Card Not Present Rate) CNP Pricing Overview to Merchant Agreement Costa Mesa Sanitary District Transaction Fees One-Time Fees 3.20% Payment Brand Interchange: Visa, MasterCard and Discover assess an Interchange Rate, Assessment Fee & Network Fee on each transaction. These rates and fess will be passed through at cost. Payment Brand Interchange & any incremental discount % Visa, MasterCard & Discover Interchange Rates Billing Frequency 2. One Time Periodic Fees MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Amex per authorization $0.30 $0.30 Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX Discount Rate 0.45% 0.45% By intialing the page, the undersigned Authorized Representative hereby certifies, for itself and for and on behalf of the Merchant, that the fees, rates and other charges set forth on this page have been reviewed, accepted and constitute a part of this Schedule A. (Please initial here for page 1 and sign section 6 on page 3) Annual Fees Monthly Fees Visa Fixed Acquirer Network Fee* 1- Please be sure you have enough funds in your bank account to have these fees electronically debited. These fees will be electronically debited from your bank account at the time of setup. 2- Monthly service and minimum fees will be debited for the first time in the month after your account has been setup. These fees will be debited regardless of whether you are processing transactions through your account. 3- Visa Fixed Acquirer Network Fee is a monthly Fee assesed by Visa based on Merchant Category Code (MCC), dollar volume, number of merchant locations, number of Tax ID's and whether the physical Visa card is present or not present at the time of the transaction. This fee can vary monthly. 4- MasterCard merchant location Fee of $1.25 will be applicable for each month with $200.00 or more in MasterCard volume . This fee will be assessed quarterly based on the previous 3 months activity. Monthly Service Fee Version V2019-Q4 Printed: 3/12/2024 Page 1 of 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 819D2E7D-EA00-40CF-BFB5-A8CAB209B83B Chargeback Fee $15.00 Voice Authorization Fee $0.00 Batch Settlement Fee $0.25 ACH return Fee $25.00 Statement Fee (email)Waived Statement Fee (Mail)Waived Supplies By order Equipment Swap Fee By order Pass-Thru Charged on MC Gross Sales volume. See additional information under Payment Brand Charges in Section 5. Pass-Thru Charged on MC Card Not Present Gross Sales Volume. Pass-Thru Charged by Discover on all authorizations for card transactions that are settled through Discover Network. Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Charged by MC when an authorization is reversed or the authorization is provided by MC if the card issuer is not available. Pass-Thru Charged by MC when a merchant submits the Card Validation Code 2 (CVC2) in an authorization request. Pass-Thru Charged on MC SecureCode transactions that are sent for verification. Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Charged when a transaction is deposited but never authorized. Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Charged when fraud related Chargeback is blocked by MC. Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Pass-Thru Customer Initials X_______ MC Auth Access Fee MC Card Validation Code 2 Fee Charged when Bank is unable to debit fees from you account. 3. Per Incidence Fees 3A. Per Incidence Fees: Charged every time your account incurs one of the items below. Charged when a cardholder or card issuing bank formally protests a charge. Charged when you call the Voice Authorization phone number to authorize a credit card. Charged for each batch of transaction(s) submitted for settlement. MC Auth Access Fee - AVS Card Not Present 3B. Per Request Fees: Charged every time you request one of the following items. No charge for statements that are available via online portal. Charged each month PPMS mails a statement. Charges for supply orders vary based on the items ordered. Charged when you swap equipment. Fees for swapping equipment vary. 4. Payment Brand Fees - Per Incidence These fees are billed by MasterCard, Visa an Discover and passed through to your account. (Subject to Change by Card Brand) MC Acquiring License Fee * MC Digital Enablement / Card Not Present Fee DI/JCB Network Authorization Fee MC Auth Access Fee - AVS Card Present Charged by MC when a merchant uses the Address Verification Service to validate a cardholder address. MC SecureCode Transaction Fee MC Account Status Fee (Intra-Regional) MC Account Status Fee (Inter-Regional) * the minimum fee amount for a Final authorization is $0.04 Charged on Visa transactions that do NOT meet the qualification standards for US Custom Payment Service (CPS) categories. Charged by MC or Visa when a merchant uses this service to do an inquiry that a card number is valid. MC Processing Integrity Fee Pre authorization Final authorization* Visa Misuse of Authorization Fee Charged when a card is authorized but not deposited and the authorizatioin is not reversed in a timely manner. Visa Zero $ Account Verification Fee Charged by MC, Visa and Discover on foreign bank issued cards. By intialing the page, the undersigned Authorized Representative hereby certifies, for itself and for and on behalf of the Merchant, that the fees, rates and other charges set forth on this page have been reviewed, accepted and constitute a part of this Schedule A. Visa Zero Floor Limit Fee Visa Transaction Integrity Fee - Credit (Please initial here for page 2 and sign section 6 on page 3) Visa International Acquiring Fee Discover / JCB / Internatinal Processing Fee Additional fee charged by MC, Visa and Discover on foreign bank issued cards. Visa Transaction Integrity Fee - Debit/Prepaid MC Ineligible Chargeback Blocking Fee MC Cross Border Assessment Fee Visa International Service Assessment Fee Discover/JCB International Services Fee MC International Support Fee Version: V2019-Q4 Printed: 3/12/2024 Page 2 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 819D2E7D-EA00-40CF-BFB5-A8CAB209B83B _____________________________ ____________ Signature Print Name Date: 5. Payment Brand Charges & Termination Fees Part of the fees PPMS charge you for processing your transactions consist of fees we pay to the Payment Brands. Payment Brand Charges Please note that PathPoint Merchant Services, LLC (PPMS) may, from time to time, elect not to charge you for certain existing, new or increased Payment Brand Charges. If we elect not to charge you, we still reserve the right to begin charging you for existing, new or increased Payment Brand Charges at any time in the future, upon notice to you. No such Payment Brand Charges will be imposed retroactively. PPMS does not charge a fee for closing your merchant account; however, we may request that you reimburse us for value of any promotional consideration provided to you. Amount due upon Termination * MasterCard assesses the MasterCard Acquiring License Fee annually to each Acquirer based on the total annual volume of MasterCard-Branded sales (excluding Maestro PIN debit volume) of its U.S. domiciled merchants. To fairly distribute the fee across all PPMS MasterCard-accepting merchants, a rate of 0.004% will be applied to all of your MasterCard gross sales transactions. These charges, called "Payment Brand Charges", include, but are not limited to, interchange rates, assessments, file transmission fees, access fees, and international cross boarder fees. Therefore, in addition to the rates set forth above, you also will be charged Payment Brand Charges. Payment Brand Interchange rates can be accessed online by visiting the Learning & Resources section of PathPoint Merchant Services website, and selecting "Understanding Interchange". X____________________________________ By signing above, the Authorized Representative hereby certifies, for itself and for and on behalf of the Merchant, that the fees, rates and other charges set forth on each page of this Schedule A have been reviewed, accepted and constitute a part of this Schedule A. Please ensure that you have initialed Pages 1 & 2 6. Legal Name & Authorized Signature Legal Name must be the same as on the Merchant Application (Legal Information) X_________________________________________________________________ Legal Name of Business Authorized Representative Signature: Must appear on Merchant Application Version V2019-Q4 Printed 3/12/2024 Page 3 of 3 Costa Mesa Sanitary District Scott Carroll DocuSign Envelope ID: 819D2E7D-EA00-40CF-BFB5-A8CAB209B83B 3/18/2024