Change Order - Project 328 Phase III - 2022-11-17REQUEST FOR CHANGE ORDER RCO No. 1 Project 328 DIP Rehab Phase 3 (Payment or Time) NOTICE: Conditions arising that would support a request for payment for additional work or time extension must be brought to the District’s attention within ten (10) days, and a Request for Change Order for additional work/time extensions must be filed within fifteen (15) days. THIS FORM MUST BE USED. (See Contract Section 5.) Circumstances supporting payment for additional work/time: 1. Describe why payment should be granted. Attach any more detailed discussion, with backup documents as an exhibit. (Remember: damages have been contractually limited on this job. See Section 28 of the Contract.) Robin B. Hamers & Associates are requesting a $15,000 increase in the administration budget to finish project 328 phase 3. The original contract administration budget was approved in September 2021 prior to the project being designed and bid. In an effort to complete the Ductile Iron Pipe rehabilitation project in 3 phases as opposed to four, the final project ended up including a lot more segments than initially anticipated. The anticipated construction cost in the September 2021 proposal was $307,000, the final project construction cost ended up being $543,000. The contractor on the project, Norcal, has also experienced a lot of scheduling, coordination, and encroachment permit issues which have increased the amount of management and inspections on the project. 2. Describe the delay and why a time extension is appropriate. Provide any backup documents as may be necessary to support the request. You must demonstrate how the critical path was impacted. N/A Submitted by: M. Esquer Construction Manager’s Approval: District Engineer’s Approval: By: Mike Benesh Date By: Mark Esquer Date NOTE: Approval of this request for change order is only effective upon District approval of the change order. Change Order approved/denied by: Scott Carroll, General Manager Date 11/17/22 Digitally signed by Mark Esquer, P.E. DN: C=US, E=mesquer@cmsdca.gov, O=Costa Mesa, OU=District Engineer, CN="Mark Esquer, P.E." Reason: I am approving this document Date: 2022.11.17 09:22:51-08'00' 11/17/2022