PLA Transmittal Letter - 2022-04-06 “Provide a safe and reliable transportation network that serves all people and respects the environment” STATE OF CALIFORNIA------- CALIFORNIA STATE TRANSPORTATION AGENCY Gavin Newsom, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 12 1750 EAST 4TH STREET, SUITE 100 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 PHONE (657) 328-6000 FAX (657) 328-6522 TTY 711 www.dot.ca.gov/d12 . Making Conservation a California Way of Life. April 6, 2022 Costa Mesa Sanitary District 290 Paularino Ave Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Attn: Mark Esquer RE: Execution of Agreement for Caltrans to Perform and Fund Positive Location (Test Holes) Dear Costa Mesa Sanitary District, Pursuant to State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) policy on positive location activities (potholes/test holes) found in Project Development Procedures Manual, Chapter 17, the horizontal and vertical location and/or apparent visual condition of underground utilities must periodically be confirmed. At present, as addressed in the "Recitals" section of the attached Positive Location Agreement, positive locating is generally performed by the Utility Owner with the cost determined either by real estate law, by transportation law (Streets & Highways Code) or by Departmental policy (usually encroachment permit provisions). Prompt scheduling and performance of this work has been a challenge for a number of Utility Owners/companies. Once your company executes the enclosed Positive Location Agreement, Caltrans will take on the responsibilities for performance and payment per the provisions in the agreement. We are happy to explain any provisions in the Positive Location Agreement, however, we are not anticipating any negotiation to the agreement language. We believe the agreement represents a benefit to both parties and addresses the needs of both parties. In addition, the agreement creates virtually no obligation on the part of the Utility Owner, makes the positive location process simpler, and is more economical for everyone. Furthermore, the current agreement has been agreed to by many stakeholders within the State and is meant to be versatile for various Utility Owners throughout the State. Among 12-ORA-55-PM 0.0/R17.9 EA: 0R320 Proj ID: 1218000078 Owner: Costa Mesa Sanitary District Mr. Mark Esquer 4-6-2022 Page 2 “Provide a safe and reliable transportation network that serves all people and respects the environment” other features of the agreement, the vacuum extraction or "non-destructive excavation" process is found to be an acceptably safe method. We are pleased to have an approach like this which will benefit both parties. However, before Caltrans can begin operation of this service, the Positive Location Agreement must be executed. Please have the appropriate officer of your company electronically sign the agreement and email it back to us before May 15, 2022. Caltrans will then execute the agreement and will return an electronic copy to you. Please find attached "Agreement for the Positive Location of Underground Utilities" that your company must execute in order for Caltrans to perform and pay for positive location services. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Tim Cheung at (657) 328-6410 or via email at Tim.Cheung@dot.ca.gov. Sincerely, Erika Irizarry District Utility Coordinator District 12