Change Order - Houston Harris PCS, Inc. - 2020-08-06REQUEST FOR CHANGE, ORT)ER
(Payment or Time)
RC0 No. I
NOT[CF.: Cof`dir.ioiis ai.jsiiig tl`a[ ur{]ultl silpport a request for paym€n( for additional work or time cx[c.nsjon must
be brought to Lhc DisLricL.s atLiiiLion within Len I.10) days, and a Request i.oi. Change Order for additioiraL work,'time
exl€nsions must be filed withiii fiftcen { 15`) days. THIS FORM ML.ST 8[`, l;SED. (See Contract Section 5.)
Gil.cunistances supportiiig payment for additit``tlial wol.k,.'.[imc:
I. Dcscribc w.hy paymcnl should be gi-dLnled. A[1ach any irore delailed discussioli9 wilh backup documcnLs as
an exhibit. luL` S Zb20 •*~\erp a ±±±eJtl_>_ P154.¢VeGL®____ ,^^^ulY
ap~I+Oi€! itoLp_i~b L,A~aaiL. out rapo_ran__`|4¢±_______g_4_€peGO u?
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2. Desonibe the delay and why a time extension is appropriate. Provide any bach.up documents as may be
necessary to support the request. You must demonstrate how the critical path was impacted.
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Submitted bv
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Consrfuction Manager's Approval:Engineer's Approval:
EiQ|E: Approval of this request for change order is onl.v €frcotivc upon District approv'al of lhc change order.
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