. .. . R
. ;,3Re�oCutiott ,�o: 95581
Of - 3&e9olution of ::the �13oarb of . Urectorg .of "the: C gta ,Mega §anitarp . ;Digtrict
conimenbing.: gatban "L. '3&eabe for .big pears of baluable gerbice., ag the gCoaa ',Mega
&anitarp Uarict'g repregentatibe .on tbe.- Inbepenbent 6pecial .Oidrictg of Orange
QCountp. ,
W AC261 gatban, K: 3Reabe the Cow •Mega ,*anitarp iztrict in 1990
anb, reelecteD in ;,1994 anD :.bag faitbf ullp gerbrb tbig commiihitp ' ag , a Director anb
�lI 3�t , 'Director . 0tabe bva,, .appointeD by , f fie, oarD of irectoi g to gerbe ag. this
-Migtricrg .repregentatibe on the ,�lnbepenbent ' �peciat ' �igtrictg of Orange` QCountp in .1990; 1990-, an
;erector Aeab ' W .2; electeD Vice Preg4Dent ,of tbaC organisation anb gerbeD
in that;: capacitp from gulp "2, 1992. tbrougb -;Becember of 1995; ,anb.
M 4QE , the, Inbepenbent .special , Oigtrictg of 'Orange QCountp' Waz f ormeb to binD
together be 3lnbepenbent special' Zigtrutg .Wilt in Orange.QCountp for political anb gerbice• efficiencp
purpogm; anb
=W� kt , Oirector3&eaae mabe zignificant contributions on.bebalf of tWoigtrict white .;
appointeb to the .InDepenbent 'l§peciat- 0gtrctg of,,, Orange `QCOuntp, to promote Or,, cage -of. efficient'
Ora[ gober'nmt' ht t(jrougfj the spec al igtr�ct form... of gobernment. :
the Noarb of .0irectorg. of tfje, QCogta Mega "�anitarp �igtrict
Does berebp-Lommenb anb recognig Orector ,trabe for 'big bebotl'on to urbice ,anb f Whi gr 2;ignificaht
contributions to efficient total.gobernment,'anD especial igtrictg in `partin�tar
or It 'furiber 3!5olbeb` Oat tbig.0egolution be mabe -part: of tbe. permanent recorbg of tbe• -
o trot; ana
A3e. aft $ nallp ' 3Regolbeb tbat a Copp of this 3ltegoCution , guitabCp . enboneb, bjitb the .zeal " of
the 05trict be, pregenteb'to bim az tribiite of big felloW AbarD "memberg' anb -tbr .district staff.
Vaggeb anb abopteb. tbig-14tb Dap. of December, 1995:
e ibent`of the 3oarb of . irecforg
QCogta ,Mega tan tarp - ;Digtrict
I, Florine T. Reichle, Assistant Manager /Clerk of the Costa
Mesa Sanitary District, hereby certify that the above and foregoing
Resolution No. `s =Sr/ , was duly and regularly passed and adopted
by said Board of Directors at a regular meeting thereof held on the
_day of ��� 19
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the seal of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District, this /day of
printed on recycled paper
Assistant M nager /Clerk
Costa Mesa Sanitary District