Minutes - Board - 2017-10-10 (4.1,SANIT44,fr 4' c: ;) ,t). COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS STUDY SESSION OCTOBER 10, 2017 Members present Arlene Schafer, Art Perry, Bob Ooten, Jim Ferryman, Mike Scheafer Members Absent None Staff Present Wendy Davis (Finance Manager), Noelani Middenway (District Clerk), Steve Cano (Wastewater Maintenance Superintendent), Brandon Hickman (Wastewater Maintenance Worker II), Robin Hamers (District Engineer), Ed Roberts (Code Enforcement Officer), Nabila Guzman (Management Analyst I), Gina Terraneo (Management Analyst I) Others Present Dean Ruffridge (CR&R) Meeting called to order at 9:28 A.M. A. OPENING ITEMS Procedural: 1. Roll Call District Clerk, Noelani Middenway, conducted roll call and all board members were present. Procedural: 2. Public Comments President Scheafer opened public comments. Seeing no one from the public wishing to speak, President Scheafer closed public comments. B. ITEMS OF STUDY Receive and File: 1. September 2017 Code Enforcement Officer report Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the report. 1 COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 2 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS STUDY SESSION HELD OCTOBER 10,2017 Code Enforcement Officer, Ed Roberts, presented report details. He noted that there were 6 proactive scavenging investigations conducted in September. Director Perry asked if Mr. Roberts encounters many of the same individuals scavenging each month. Mr. Roberts noted that he makes contact with repeat violators frequently and that they are often indigent in nature or appear to be afflicted with mental illness. Secretary Schafer asked if Mr. Roberts gives warnings before issuing notices of violation. Mr. Roberts explained the types of notices that he issues and the citation process. Director Perry asked if Mr. Roberts has noticed transients moving away from the Lions Park area. Mr. Roberts noted that there is a concentration of transients in parks and main streets within the city. He added that he has observed a disproportionate population of transients and scavenging activity on the west side of Costa Mesa. President Scheafer asked where the transients take the recyclable commodities that they scavenge. Mr. Roberts explained that they may be trading the recyclables instead of taking them to centers like the Orange Coast College Recycling Center. He went on to report that there were 97 cases of trash carts in public view in September. Lastly, he added that there was an incident involving the illegal dumping of motor oil in District trash carts and he made contact with the violating resident to educate them about proper household hazardous waste (HHW) disposal. Secretary Schafer suggested that the next newsletter feature a reminder about the proper disposal of HHW. Discussion followed regarding staffs progress toward implementing a door-to- door HHW collection program for all residents. There was no further discussion and the report was received. Receive and File: 2. Tri-State Seminar for Water and Wastewater Professionals - Oral Report Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the report. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 3 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS STUDY SESSION HELD OCTOBER 10, 2017 Wastewater Maintenance Superintendent, Steve Cano, presented an oral report about his recent attendance of the Tri-State Seminar in Las Vegas, NV with Wastewater Maintenance Worker II, Brandon Hickman. He noted that many topics were covered in the seminar, including wastewater maintenance, collection, safety, and security. Mr. Cano also noted that he and Mr. Hickman attended a tour of the Hoover Dam, but were unable to view its wastewater plant because the elevators were out of service. Mr. Hickman shared details about the classes they attended, covering topics such as the smart cover system, root control, and flushable wipes. Discussion followed regarding efforts to address issues with flushable wipes and the ways that other jurisdictions govern sewer laterals. Director Perry asked if the District is in need of additional smart covers. Mr. Cano noted that he will discuss problem areas with the Wastewater Maintenance Crew and determine if more smart covers are needed. Director Perry asked how often staff receives smart cover alerts. Mr. Cano explained that alerts are infrequent at about twice per month. He noted that when staff receives alerts, they clean the lines in the affected area. Finance Manager, Wendy Davis, noted that the smart covers are moveable and that their recurring maintenance costs are more significant than their purchase cost. There were no further questions or discussion and the report was received. Receive and File: 3. Organics Tonnage Report Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the report. Management Analyst I, Nabila Guzman, presented report details. She noted that a total of 840.86 tons of organic waste were collected and recycled in September. Assistant Secretary Ooten asked if there is significant contamination in the organics recycling carts. Ms. Guzman noted that the reported contamination level is minimal at about 2%. There were no further questions or discussion and the report was received. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 4 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS STUDY SESSION HELD OCTOBER 10, 2017 Receive and File: 4. Solid Waste Diversion Report Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the report. Management Analyst I, Nabila Guzman, presented report details. She noted that a total of 2,094.83 tons of solid waste were collected and recycled in September, bringing the District's diversion rate to 60.63%. Ms. Guzman also noted that Orange Coast College Recycling Center's data was not included in this month's report because it was not received in time for the Study Session. Discussion followed regarding the trading of recyclable commodities by transients and scavengers. There was no further discussion and the report was received. Receive and File: 5. Quarterly Legislative Update Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the report. Management Analyst I, Gina Terraneo, presented an overview of the legislative report, including bills have been approved by the governor, bills that are awaiting approval, and bills that will continue to be monitored by staff. Discussion followed regarding clarification of the provisions established by AB 1309, AB 1219, SB 80, and SB 229. President Scheafer requested that a future Study Session item be provided to brief the Board of Directors on California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements. Discussion followed regarding the potential impact of SB 80, if approved by Governor Brown. There were no further questions or discussion and the report was received. Discussion, Receive and File: 6. Solar Roof at Headquarters - Update Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the report. President Scheafer noted that the Board of Directors will continue this item to the November 14, 2017 Study Session, since General Manager, Scott Carroll, is not present to give the report. Ms. Davis noted that Mr. Carroll will be entering into an agreement with a consultant to help review utility billing information and determine the optimal solar panels for the District's headquarters. There were no questions or discussion and the report was received. � s COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 5 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS STUDY SESSION HELD OCTOBER 10, 2017 Receive and File: 7. 2017 Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) Wastecon - Oral Report Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the report. Ms. Guzman provided an oral report regarding her recent attendance of the SWANA Wastecon Conference in Baltimore, MD. She noted that many municipalities worldwide are still struggling to educate the public about recycling. Discussion followed regarding the City of Baltimore and the conference attendance. There was no further discussion and the report was received. Receive and File: 8. Update on Inflow & Infiltration (Ill) of Storm Water into the Sewer System -Oral Report Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the report. District Engineer, Robin Hamers, provided an oral report regarding the issues of inflow and infiltration (UI) in sewer systems. He noted that the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) conducted a study in 2005 and found that 2.2% of rainfall entered the Costa Mesa Sanitary District's system. He added that preliminary data from their current study shows that the rainfall inflow has decreased to 1.5%. There were no further questions or discussion and the report was received. C. CLOSING ITEMS Procedural: 1. Oral Communications & Director Comments President Scheafer provided an update regarding the upcoming State of the District event. Discussion followed regarding the logistics of the State of the District event. Director Perry asked if it would be appropriate to agendize the public restroom discussion at a future meeting. Vice President Ferryman provided an update regarding the discussions on public restrooms with the City of Costa Mesa. The Board of Directors requested that an update regarding the public restrooms be placed on the next Study Session agenda. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 6 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS STUDY SESSION HELD OCTOBER 10, 2017 Assistant Secretary Ooten suggested that the Orange County Public Health officials be included in the discussion about public restrooms due to the recent Hepatitis outbreak in San Diego. There was no further discussion. Procedural: 2. Adjournment President Scheafer adjourned the meeting at 10:50 A.M. 0 A 1 Arlene Schafer Michael Scheafer Secretary President i`�