Proof of Publication - Project 317 - 2017-07-07 itos AU Chs dimes MEDIA GROUP RECEIVED JUL 24 2017 Sold To: COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT-CU00069897 €smtt-t4esa Siary Oistrirt 290 Paularino Ave Costa Mesa,CA 92626 Bill To: COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT-CU00069897 290 Paularino Ave Costa Mesa,CA 92626 COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ORANGE COUNTY,CALIFORNIA NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS(FADS) MVO ISD 119 WENdialtteMardofNect sofsheCostaMem SwRarylsnu bulb and wM rcainsotkdprapass(Odd for fa nidi ngd labor,motefsk a mat.transportation,wets,and Ger hens ananseryihrthe cel r(OonofMelodoww9prokcs: PRESIDENT PUMP STATION SEWER FORCE MAIN REPT AQMBIT Project taw.317 ads w l mind***Costa Mea Sanitary District offbeat 290 Pat**Avenue,Carta Mesa,CaYbnna welde hour of TORO M.m tte 1st day of Augrtt 2017(Tuesday),al wit Moe they wA be open d psRbdyadreed aloud athe load Conference boom.Sealed proposal Mall bear theta,of thepralect and the arra tithe bidder.Any bid recalnd after the sd51duled lord ripening time shown More ad not be accepted and retweed to theta**unopened.k Meths he t e sok respomi6Rq othe IOM,ro seal and dabaer the bid proposal to to Wart(olceat cbeforethe tonespetlled a tlssodal plodded.A se dale approved mem dominoes includkg plans and spediwaons may beobtained atthe SAW depmgupkk 2372 l.lene Aims,.him,.. G 92414.(94R 1561001(e-maik wakardr;lsalp.mm). Thee k a mandatory pre-bid meets*at 5200 pre.(noon)on the 14th day of My 20t1(Frday).The mead meeting will be held at Me District EagYee's oPeal 234 fast SG Sweet,Suite 20$in Costa Mesa. The Contacts aka comply o4Mthe modem dee California labor Code.the peed*tate and scab Gump detanrnsd by the gator of the Department of k dusalai lelatims.Su,of California. Reed Bop nems del*paid teal verhrsearploy*inthe peefomwnce oeeordnct Suds mart damps avean*with Department of ade**ldadomaba**eke oldie District arid are mailable to any Mantel prgaporrro Iou.The mtarabrsreopenedlefaal whin maoMedfor nearte plaloeathesepart** fad bid*abbe rstallad eadmM Itrgod Faun lmddred impart of Memad awwwenK ad sbal beaomrprricdlay aedged doth a caberldsbsashiMer's)end loan amount oar less than 10 percem dthewawa dtlwbid.nude pepbleto the Corm Mea Sadtaey District The ded',bond droll begham astatine.that the bidder we enter 5510 a mrraaa with tM Dsrws ad furnish*enquired payeme and pahfmwGa bads end ateBota daerwa and endorsements Nava/did the wait.The dm*or bob will bededared krklu dethe sutnssfal bk0ar dots not seer hoose wean of (waists the implied beads and arwce Tome was do time frame sped**a deconstruction ar ee& bergwadre dud tee hidden came*wirer ddanotice end the Wales stabrd caseknasm Gamma and Murano fomn.The aatesd&Iaddere bestoweducaaplysrkhalrepkeoaetsinthe sward mmruNw wart*and wwwnm,nns.le the tont of falws easbdkyt mal nese reelreawae.ReThe swami of contract,the District shall hare the Nista rejent a bid ardtadedares *lotto*dale bd bond. Penman to Cabana CwlraaCede Seaton 22304 CaDRACTDI ell be ewkd to pest append sawn*with theOtnia ave approved Ana dal Mediation In wdoo haw Is.Dsrkt Memhods retaixd* the Dia*o Asan pstlormameoMe contract. No Warm subcontractor shell be listed in a bid propoal airless registered we the teener o Indwme Relations pursued or Labor Coda Section 1125.1. LiPadated daroges In de sous of S250 per dry shall be imposed for Bads weauad day beyond the mussel completion date. The board of Directors elthe O51tda reserves Me right k select the sdedulels)ode which thehids are to be compared and contra its) awarded,o sgea any and Y bids.and to wan any and al megWaiy Many bid Dated:Ary3.2017 BY 0f0H OF De WOOF MOWS OF THE COSTA MESA SANRARY MIRK! 5061482 -Orange Coast Daily Pilot Page 2 of 2 Itos AuQC1Cs Mimes MEDIA GROUP 1 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF ILLINOIS County of Cook I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the action for which the attached notice was published. I am a principal clerk of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on Jan 14, 1938,Cases A6214 for the City of Costa Mesa,County of Orange, and State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Jul 07,2017;Jul 19,2017 I certify(or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Chicago, Illinois on this day of ,20( . "Ignature] 435 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611 5061482-Orange Coast Daily Pilot Page 1 of 2 itos Atio,eks Mimes MEDIA GROUP Sold To: COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT-CU00069897 290 Paularino Ave Costa Mesa,CA 92626 Bill To: COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT-CU00069897 290 Paularino Ave Costa Mesa,CA 92626 COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ORANGE COUNTY,CALIFORNIA NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS(RIDS) NOTICE IS IEMEYGYT3 Matadad of bettors debt Colla Mesa Smeary Obeet Ores and veil Wen sealed moms*(beds)for hndddogall Labor,roaeriab,egairrrmd,011141thnithall,Fuad ether Nesoecesryhethe construction ofth b0owa%project: PRESIDENT PUMP STATION SEWER FORCE MAIN • REPLACEMENT Project No.317 Rdeo 1beweektd by de Carta Mee SaMry Dada tNkeat 290 Peewee Avenue,Costa Mesa,California eOE the hour d 1000 am on the 1st dry el'August 2017 t1asdal),awhidi brae they mil he opened pubbdy and red aloud n the Board Conference Noom.Sealed preposals shall bear retitle of the peed wed de name oft the bddw.Any bid received she the schduled MI quell%tone shown able wdl not be ample and mimed tote beds unopened.listed be the sole neponsib*Yty o(dwb rider tonal and deer the Ord moose(to the Death offices ccbeeelle tine speeded in this notice provided.A se of the approved Detract doe one including plias and specifications may be abtried MDm SAB?Neprogephks,2372 Mew Avenue,brine, CA 92614,(94917311001(e-mad:wMadsfsaepxon9. Mork eka madder/ps.bid meeting at 1200 pm.(moon)an the 14th day of ley 2017(Frideyi The peed meeting will be heel M the 00tnct Eagineers of ou at 234 East nth Street Sade 20S in Caste Mesa. Th Cantratas shall amply Mb the problem of dw Caldanua Labe Code.**psNib%tete adielesleeps deepened by die Ob ecer of the Deanne of Yrdtatiel Relabels,Stale of California. Pr eaMigmonA lbepaillollmen maple*athe erlonnance ofTMoutset.Sad ales dings an Wilma&0epsement of hidiotrd Ilalataesand le thecae dem Diaktand amavaiableto any tnereved nem Wel Roam Theanhamris weevil.Mall plait*prualbad lonampllarcaN Gast madam Each bid shall besnbndend endeNfepeal Fern hsdalted apart M drreelect documents,and shal beaccompanied byacertified died,a whet thedi or Abider's bend ei armee not lem then 1pyM/m nfthe wow ebbe be,Fred*pethidine dittoes Mee Smeltery District The cheat et bond shall Melee sgusraeedratdebsaer NW etas trip a come with the therm and furnish demented payment and pedemrstabonds andemblesofnsMnceand e erseras If awrded the wort the dyed Of boa rel be dedened belled sertesel bides dee net ever Into the contract a heenft die melee bceds and Murano form wider to Mar hame specified in de c eednocdonaereenea. NnerperMMtest IMNOMramf,N,versathenoticeadthe thenctsdrdseamoeba apeman,adImmoefoa The • manila(Wdor ed besOrred a comply with aNremiremens in the carded aasunott wawa ad a eteO ferns.In Moment of else or Mabee to mettles reeobereneaker the read of anbact h District Mall Matte right to reject the bid and*deduce *Mem o re bid bond Pwsanta Cadhera Comae Code Section 22300,COtIIRAC10e Mil be entitled to post append securities was de DiWkt man mewed fieandal aderten In mime hide the Dismal refesefends resaaied by t e Menthe ewe pedmnsace tide contract. No bedew ebearnsaeer stab be bled in a bid propmel unless re9aeM web the Director deterred MOM pursuant to elm Code Becton 17235. Lioddaeddames iedewwofS250perdryshallbenyosedla eat a eunard day beyond the contract completion date. The fiord of Penes elthe Met Weer the rant to select the sdedi t el ride wilds the bids are to be compared and cemacds) awarded,a urea any and al bide and D waive any adall irregularity OM aDastd: 3.2017 RY OROS OFF TLE BOARD OF I/RECTORS OF THE COSTA MESA SANITARYOISIRICT 5061482- Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot Page 2 of 2 EC'S Arta ele$ Ci111110 Printed: 7/5/2017 1:17:47 PM Page 2 of 3 MEDIA GROUP Order ID: 5061482 *Agency Commission not included GROSS PRICE* : $510.56 PACKAGE NAME: Legal-DP-Bids Wanted Product(s): Daily Pilot, dailypilot.com, CApublicnotice.com_DP AdSize(s): 2 Column, Run Date(s): Friday, July 07, 2017, Wednesday, July 19, 2017 Color Spec. B/W Preview COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ORANGE COMM,CALIFORNIA NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS(BIDS) NIKE ISIDIEBYWDIthothelloardofDirectors of dwCosta Mesa Sa rDigdati and 1imkt sealed (bids)for taburimateriadsrequipmentjauisputtutite,tall cher*ennnweStalyeon n tithe foRwring project SENT PUMP STATION SEWER FORCE MAIN REPLACEMENT Naiad No.317 ids beretetved byte Costa Mesa Wavy Ihstrict cam at 290 Faidelnoaneno4 Neap Caine wade hourct10110a .CO the 1st day of Aupst7D17 Augest 2017(Tuesday),at which time e*rwEbeopened pubbcty and teed aloud it ft kid .Sealed propos* sisA twartheildeofthe prcject tt emuneoft oft*bidder.Anybid inthedaftertbesebedukod W4410109 time shoneabotewSnotbe accepted and returned to the bidder unopened. it she be the sole responsaikethebimetto seafami delvirthe bid proposal tothe Detrictoifimaterb thttunespec edinthe woke prmvidedd..Aset of the approved contract domnetts Mckdbq plans and spedatiors troy be obtabiedattheSAP Reprogigibics,2372 Vase hem*keine, CA 12614,(14)756-1001(e watrpr sabp, . 'Mamba madatey re-Ind meeting at 12:M p.m.(noon)on the 14th day 2011(ilday).The pe-bid meeting will be heki at the( strict Eagineeescilket234FastilthSumS a 205 inCosta lea Theefm rshancorr wt*t>te prrMsions ofthetaBfon wa labor Code,the ratearoi scale of wages d temilned by the reeds of theDepartment of indedrial Relations,State of California. Prevalemi reisshall be pahl paid to all workers employed in do performance d contrac Such rates of wages are on Ilk he with Department of suit Realms mul in the office ofthethe Diglittt and are avalabir to efoktbrested party upon reguest,The contractor u respansft for all PeNitierealbedfornoncoOmMtbesep ons. bidati ,be onthelMPropa 4Fern finished apart of thebract and strati be Rummaged by a wtibedcheck,a check rebleenbani ban met notes than 1 thea ofebiat madeparkleto the Costa Mesa Sanitary Tiede&orborid..MA begivenaspen/nee that*tbidder vElleterbdoi=had with the District and the morbid pelmetand performance bonds and certificatesof banana and emiosemeMst awarded the wort The died or bond INN be dedared Emssucessid l er does extorterbmttbecontactor itO$ Printed: 7/5/2017 1:17:47 PM Page 3 of 3 MEDIA GROUP Order ID: 5061482 *Agency Commission not included GROSS PRICE * : $510.56 PACKAGE NAME: Legal-DP-Bids Wanted 1 bonds and Inseamforrrrs toiletteMethane spelled In the constr tionagreenrent. feel that the Widen tad*rev ew des trite and the disbar ssant/damnation agreement and i nce form The sawed bidder wlMbet ned%comply with allmo ntslathe steward anstrucdat weaned and 1nsuranat .br the event of ureor Malaitameet a repafter the award of cantraft,ttre t sbidl Maeda tiOttoneject the bid andiot dedarea Oda bid bond. fonuatatoCefomia ContractCOdeSedion22300,COMRACTOR veil be tattled to post approved sem nth the District man appy nae 1 n onletihaie the Obeid Mose t is reeked by the Oland teem*mrauceofthe woad. 14o bailer orsokantadtashilbetist+edbrabidproposal todess [dneed*Ohm c#inriostrialR prtrsuanttotabor Code Section tipitideddamags edema,-of$250 perdiyshaltbeimposed fix each une used day beyond the=bad mapletion The Board oto aft*Dist ect lessees the right to select the sthethie(s)ode'wtachthe lids aretobe emceed and cora a carded.to read any and al bidsoodmeahreany and all iregularity hrsty bid. x3,2017 0110131M DE MO OF OdIEGORS OFTiffCOSTA SAMMY DISTRICT