GO Transfer Memo - 2016-12-30
December 30, 2016
Re: Transfer of Government Outreach Products to GOGovApps
Dear Customers:
We have some important news about some of the products you use from Accela. Two years ago, Government
Outreach and the GORequest CRM and GOEnforce code enforcement software joined the Accela family. Since
that time, Accela has gone through some changes and has recently determined that the Government Outreach
products will be better served in the hands of their original founders, Kendall Smith and Steve Brozosky.
Effective December 31, 2016, Kendall and Steve will assume all Government Outreach products and contracts to
continue to grow them under the new banner - GOGovApps.
This is a positive move for the customers of GORequest and GOEnforce, and Kendall and Steve are excited to once
again have the opportunity to work directly with many of you. To preserve your investment, GOGovApps plans to
continue to invest in the GO products as well as maintain a partnership with Accela and support an integration
with the Civic Platform.
To receive support for the GORequest and GOEnforce products, you can immediately begin using the GOGovApps
http://GOGovApps.com | Support@GOGovApps.com | (925) 456-4468
If you have any immediate questions or would like additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact
Kendall Smith or Steve Brozosky.
Warm Regards,
Maximilian Schnoedl
Chief Operating Officer
Accela, Inc.
Kendall Smith
CEO and Founder
GOGovApps, Inc
(925) 456-4468
Steve Brozosky
President and Founder
GOGovApps, Inc.
(925) 456-4468