Engineer of Record Declarations - 2880 Mesa Verde Drive East To: General Manager, Alternate District Engineer
From: District Engineer
Re: Declaration of Conflict of Interest, Recusal and Referral to Alternate District
Engineer: [Description of Property/Project/Clients]
Please be advised that I have been retained to do private engineering work for the property at 2880
Mesa Verde Drive East, CM, which is owned / developed by Pinnacle Real Estate. I have reason
to believe that this project or those persons involved in that project may have the need for District
engineering approvals in the future. I have been retained by Pinnacle Real Estate and will be
reporting this relationship as a source of income on my FPPC Statement of Economic Interests
Form 700 next year.
Pursuant to state law,District Operations Code Section 3.01.045,and my contract with the District:
1. I hereby notify you of this source of income or other relationship that causes me a conflict
in approving any matters in my official capacity pertaining to this property and these
2. I request that the General Manager alert the Alternate District Engineer that he is to provide
all engineering approvals on behalf of the District with respect to these persons or that
3. That the Alternate District Engineer shall report directly to the General Manager and
submit his bills for services directly to the General Manager.
4. That if any plans are required to be approved, that those shall show my seal and signature
as private engineer of record, and the Alternate District Engineer shall provide his approval
by signing as Alternate District Engineer. That these separate approvals shall be given on
the same page and in a manner that clearly shows the separate capacities of each engineer
in providing their respective approvals.
5. I request that the District Clerk maintain a copy of this Declaration of Conflict of Interest,
Recusal and Referral to Alternate District Engineer as a permanent record of the District
or for as long as required under the District's record retention schedule.
I understand that this procedure does not allow me to enter into or influence the awarding of
contracts in my official capacity in which I have a financial interest,which is a separate prohibition.
(Gov. Code § 1090.)
If I can provide further information about the identity of my source of income or about the scope
of my assignment, please advise, and I will elaborate as necessary.
Ro in Hamers
District Engineer